Analiza zatona in nove vrednosti vernakularne arhitekture | |
The Decline and Re-establishment of Vernacular Architecture – An Analysis |
Moč ustvarjalnosti / celoten referat | |
The Power of Imagination |
Pregled vsebine mednarodne konference ALPE ADRIA / celoten referat | |
A Survey of Topics Discussed at ALPS-ADRIA International Conferences |
Narava etnične tradicije in njihova vloga v arhitekturnem oblikovanju | |
Content and Role of National Traditions and Values in the Architectural Formation / complete paper |
Zamenjava vrednot in tehnologije v odnosu do domačije / celoten referat | |
The Changing Values and Technologies of a Home |
Mreže kot likovni element arhitekturnega in prostorskega oblikovanja | |
Networks – The Fine Arts of Architectural and Space Design |
Kamnita arhitektura srednjeveškega mesta Mdina na Malti | |
Stone Buildings in Medieval Mdina, Malta |
Izkušnje pri celostnem razvoju podeželja in pogled naprej | |
Sustainable Development of the Countryside – Experiences and Perspectives |
Vernakularne počitniške hišice: študija stešne konstrukcije v Združenih državah 1950 do 1970 | |
Vernacular Vacation Homes: A Study of A-frames in the United States, 1950-1970 |
Bivalno ugodje nekoč in danes / celoten referat | |
The Comfort of Living - Past and Present |
Razvoj obrti tesarskih lesenih zvez / celoten referat | |
The Development of Carpenter-Made Wooden Joints |
Zgodovinske ograje v ljudski arhitekturi | |
Historic Hedges in Vernacular Architecture |
Preureditev stiskalnice v Kürnbachu (Baden- Württemberg) v kulturni objekt | |
Reconstruction of a historic Kelter (Power-press) into a cultural Shed, in Kuernbach (Baden-Wuerttemberg) |
Kratke slike neke nove-stare kuće / celoten referat | |
Short Cuts of one new-old House / complete paper |
Tradicionalna opečna kritina | |
Traditional Clay Roof Covering |
Temeljni kamni, predavanja o Dartmooru | |
Foundation Stones, The Lessons of Dartmoor |
Objekti v kamnu: suhozid | |
Objects in stone: dry stone walling system / complete paper |
Današnja bivalna kultura kot rezultat podedovanih načel, navad in potreb / celoten referat | |
Today’s Dwelling Culture as Result of Inherited Principles, Customs and Needs / complete paper |
Kmetijska in pastirska območja severnovzhodne planine Majella | |
The agricultural and pastoral complexes of the north-eastern Majella |
Tragovima gradnje pretpovijesne kuće na Jadranu | |
Along the Traces of the Adriatic Prehistoric House |
Uporaba sklepnega oboka v zatočiščih iz suhega kamna v francoski vernakularni arhitekturi | |
The use of the keystone vault in drystone shelters in French vernacular architecture |
Zaščita in uporaba domačije, imenovane 'masseria' v Pugliji | |
Protection and Reuse of 'Masserie' and rural Dwellings in Puglia |
Izvor in uporaba gradnje v suhem zidu v Združenih državah Amerike | |
The Origins and Breadth of use of Dry Stone Masonry in the United States |
Bovško po naravnih ujmah | |
Bovec Area after Natural Catastrophes |