Iris Schieferstein
Heute mache ich mir kein Abendbrot,
Heute mache ich mir Gedanken / Today I Will Make No Dinner,
Today I Will Think (detail), 2004 (preserved animal parts, formaldehyde,
As a demiurge, Schieferstein
uses parts of dead animals (abiding by the law!), which normally
are not included in tasteful and tempting buffet meals. Her
works problematise the morals of meat-eating human beings, open
up pro et contra polemics about the donation of (human) organs,
and also touch upon ethical and aesthetic issues regarding hunting
In her sculptural installation entitled Heute
mache ich mir kein Abendbrot, heute mache ich mir Gedanken (Today
I Will Make No Dinner, Today I Will Think), thread as
a material is used as an appliqué. The words sewn by the silver
thread convey a message reminding of an altarpiece. But this
is only partly true. Schieferstein's creative work to date,
famous for its Hirst-like aesthetic of the hideous and horrible,
which she has followed ever since the early 1990s, has often
contained letters as personified entities inscribing various
messages. In the present work, this mode of creation is only
evident in the central part of the installation showing the
word Abendbrot composed of various parts of dead animals. Besides
this central part of the installation there are two more sculptures,
which supplement the essence of the work. The artist's use of
thread as a supplemental material for her creation is not irrelevant
but, rather, highly meaningful, for it has characterised women's
creativity already for centuries. Within the plethora of messages
mediated by this artwork, among the basic ones is precisely
the message of woman's identity. A woman courageously fulfils
a number of social roles, so the question is, when could she
find time for herself and her own introspection? It might be
that evenings are the periods of the day when thinking may be
of utmost ease, when evaluation of oneself and one's own position
can be most successful and also pleasant. In the current quickly
spinning and changing world filled with antagonisms, the redefinition
of one's own self, or re-identification, is more than urgent.
One of the basic messages of the work Heute
mache ich mir kein Abendbrot, heute mache ich mir Gedanken
is that moments of introspection are not self-evident.
in 1966 in Lich (Germany). Between 1989 and 1996 she studied
at the Kunsthochschule in Kassel and at the sculpture department
of the Kunsthochschule Weissensee in Berlin.
razstave ( izbor) / Solo exhibitions (selection):
2005 She
Underfucked and Oversexed,
Galerie Bis Heute, Bern
2003 LIKE
HUMAN BEINGS, Die neue Aktionsgalerie (DNA), Berlin
2001 live
can be so nice, Die neue Aktionsgalerie (DNA), Berlin
Skupinske razstave (izbor)
/ Group exhibitions (selection):
Die Macht des Dinglichen
- Skulptur heute!, Georg Kolbe Museum, Berlin
Tier ARTen: Das Tier im
Fokus der Kunst, Stadtmuseum Oldenburg,
About Woman,
Galeria Metropolitana, Barcelona
Die obere Hälfte - Die Büste
von Rodin bis Weng Du, Museum
Liner Appenzell, Appenzell
2005 Die obere Hälfte -
Die Büste von Rodin bis Funakoshi,
Kunsthalle, Emden
219 km Berlin – Rostock,
Kunsthalle, Rostock
Deutsche Hygienemuseum, Dresden
Wächserne Identitäten,
Georg-Kolbe Museum, Berlin
5. Festival Neuer Kunst INSIDEOUT, Berlin
Ab die Post,
Postfuhramt, Berlin Mitte; Festival of Vision, Hongkong