Alen Ožbolt
Sleep-walker (The Third Man) I,
1996, stairs installation (sewn pillows)
Sleeping/Dreaming, 1996 (sewn pillows)
Sewing, I.-II., 2001 (thread, felt, frames)
The selected works by Alen Ožbolt shown at
this exhibition feature thread as a means of drawing and painting;
but it is also present only as a means of the realisation of
a visual position characterised by the element of active inclusion
of the viewer into the work. Ožbolt normally uses a number of
different substances in his artistic work, and precisely their
material properties make up the artist's statement touching
on entirely immaterial phenomena. His works are artistic messages
that reflect human sensations with the utmost sensitivity and
subtlety. The selection for the Thread
exhibition in Slovenj Gradec includes Sleepwalker
(The Third Man), which deals with sensations related
to the unconscious uncertainty, which we frequently encounter
in the relationship between reality and our phantasms of the
dream-world. This work speaks about doubts experienced by an
individual while learning about the world and the self. It is
about questioning that leads from sensation through thinking
to the establishment of criteria, on the basis of which we evaluate
and make decisions to reach more or less firm statements and
positions. In Alen Ožbolt's work, the questioning and uncertainty
relate to two spheres: one of them belongs primarily to the
artist, while the other is established with the installation
of the artwork into the gallery space. Ožbolt's installation
and the manner of its emplacement fundamentally provoke feelings
of unease and uncertainty, but they aim at inducing the visitor
to re-evaluate his/her own assessment of the seen and the experienced,
and to establish a solid position understood as a precondition
for a successful further step.
Born in 1966 in Ptuj. He studied at the Academies
of Fine Arts in Zagreb and in Ljubljana, and also as a visiting
artist at the San Francisco Art Institute. Between 1984 in 1995
he worked within the Veš slikar svoj dolg/Painter, do you know
your dues (VSSD) art group. Since 1996 he works independently.
He created numerous projects and exhibitions at home and abroad,
won several scholarships (e.g., Fulbright and SCCA) and attended
several “Artist in Residence” programmes (e.g., StudioProgram
and ArtsLink). He lives and works in Ljubljana.
Solo exhibitions (selection):
2003 Odprto
zaprto/Open and Closed, Galerija Miklova hiša, Ribnica
2002 Rob,
Igra solz, Dvoje, Še /Edge, Crying Game, Double, Encore,
Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana
2001 Sejalec/1.000.000.
/The Sower/1.000.000., Galerija Kapelica, Ljubljana
2000 Rob/Edge,
Galerija Miroslav Kraljevič, Zagreb
1999 Introspektiva/Introspective,
Galerija sodobne umetnosti, Celje
1998 Prej
in potem/Before and After (liquid paintings/breathing emplacement),
Galerija Equrna, Ljubljana
1996 Mesečnik.Tretji
človek. (mehka postavitev)/Sleep-walker. The Third Person. (soft
emplacement), Informacijsko središče, Moderna galerija,
1995 XLVI. Beneški bienale, Slovenski
paviljon; Slika Slike II./The Painting of a Painting II, Venice
1994 V.S.S.D. (pet prostorskih slik/five
space paintings), Chapter Gallery, Cardiff
Group exhibitions (selection):
2004 Umetnost
85/95 / Art 85/95, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana
Revizije. Slika 70 + 90/Revision. Painting 70 + 90, Galerija
P74, Ljubljana
Aspekte/Positionen. 50 Jahre Kunst aus Mitteleuropa 1949-1999,
Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna
6. Trienale der Klein Plastik, Stuttgart
P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Collection (October, November), Museum Mucharnoc,
Das Urwortmuseum, ACC-Gallery, Weimar
Pogled v oči/Look into the Eyes, Aperto, Beneški bienale, Venice