Polona Maher
Carciti, 2000 - 2003 (paper, textile)
In her work, Maher uses thread
– together with other materials known from sewing workshops
(textiles, felt, trimmings and buttons) and households (silky
paper from shoeboxes) – as autonomous materials of contemporary
art creation. On the one hand, thread has been used
as a pure means of finalising the artwork, while on the other
hand – which is even more important – thread glows in its absolute
aesthetic dimension, as it is sewn by means of a
sewing machine in various patterns on the bearer. In a certain
way, these exquisitely refined
and accomplished works pay tribute to cheap materials combined
by the artist according to purely modernistic principles in
her work entitled Šivanice/Carciti.
The main importance is
given to form, colour and spatial dimensions, which arouse in
the viewer a chain of subjective perceptions and associations
based primarily on sensations. Precisely the use of cheap
materials, which is clearly evident in these works, openly reflects
on and indirectly criticises contemporary society, brimming
with material goods and saturated with (superfluous) waste.
Born in 1971 in Maribor (Slovenia).
In 1999 she graduated in sculpture from the Academy of Fine
Arts in Bologna and in 2000 she completed her studies of fine
art education at the Faculty of Education in Maribor. She also
studied at the School of Art Media and Design in Bristol. Since
2001 she lives and works as a free-lance artist in Maribor.
Solo exhibitions (selection):
2007 Likovni
kritiki izbirajo, presentation M. G. Prosenc, 1. Preddverje
Cankarjevega doma, Ljubljana
2006 Kartoni, Bežigrajska
galerija 2, Mestna galerija, Ljubljana
2004 Polona Maher/Albano Morandi,
Razstavni salon Rotovž, Maribor
2001 Janko in Metka, Kibela
- MMC Kibla, Maribor
Carciti, Galleria Studio
G7 Ginevre Grigolo, Bologna
Group exhibitions (selection):
2007 Preisträger
der Stiftung Vordemberge-Gildewart,
Museum Wiesbaden
Galerie Cicognani, Cologne
2006 RUBIK,
curator A. Zanchetta, Galleria Studio G7 Ginevre Grigolo, Bologna
2005 Continental Breakfast
London, Seven Seven Contemporary
Art, London – in co-operation with Umetnostna galerija Maribor
Prostori prehoda, 7. mednarodni trienale Ekologija in umetnost,
Umetnostna galerija Maribor