GAGEALOV Valeria 9. 12. 1931 -

She was in Galati, attended the Institute of Theatre and Film Art between 1950 and 1954. Between 1954 and 2004 she plays many characters at the National Theatre in Bucharest. Some of her memorable roles are in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, a play offered to the public for 13 years, as well as the role of Sonia in the play The next room by Paul Everac, for which she was awarded the Creativity Prize in 1983. Also, the voice of Valeria Gagealov was heard in dozens of radio plays. Among her films, we can mention the The Mill of Good Luck, The soirée, Prince Lapusneanu´s Return, The Loneliness of Flowers. She has been an Honorary Member of the National Theatre in Bucharest since 2001

RO - 6793

GAITE Martín Carmen 8. 12. 1925 - 22. 7. 2000
Španska pisateljica je napisala vrsto odmevnih romanov in zbirk novel: Zdravilišče (El balneario, 1955), Med zavesicami (Entre visillos, 1958), Vezi (Las ataduras, 1960), Počasni ritem (Ritmo lento, 1963), Nitje (Retahilas, 1974), Spremenljiva oblačnost (Nubosidad variable, 1992), Snežna kraljica (La Reina de las Nieves, 1994), Nenavadno je živeti (Lo raro es vivir, 1996). Je ena najbolj prevajanih in znanih španskih avtorjev, prejela pa je tudi številne ugledne nagrade, med drugim nagrado asturijskega princa za književnost (Premio Príncipe de Asturias de las Letras, 1988) in državno nagrado za špansko književnost (Premio Nacional de las Letras Españolas, 1994). Njena dela oblikovno družita dialog in izmenjava monologov, tematsko pa spomin, nezmožnost sporazumevanja in metafikcija. Teme v njenih delih vznikajo na podlagi brskanja po spominu in duševnosti.

She had a doctorate in Philosophy and Literature and published her first bestseller El Balneario (The Spa) when she was awarded the Café Gijón award. In 1957 she received the Nadal award for Entre Visillos with a straightforward and agile prose on the unexciting world of a provincial youth. She married writer Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio and wrote a large number of essays, poetry, press articles and literary critic. In 1988 she won the prestigious Principe de Asturias award and became the first woman to win the Premio Nacional de Las Letras in 1994.
                 E - 4325
Fotografinja z Mana: Niarbyl Cottages with Poppies.

Manx photographer: Niarbyl Cottages with Poppies.


Man - 993

GALLAGHER Bronagh 26. 4. 1972 -
Irska pevka in igralka, ki je začela svojo kariero v najstniških letih. Bila je spremljevalna pevka skupine The Listener. Igrala je v nekaj filmih kot so The Commitments, (film govori o glasbeni skupini, v njem sta igrali tudi Maria Doyle in Angeline Ball; vse tri igralke so na znamki IE-969), Divorcing Jack, Pulp Fiction in Star Wars Episode 1. Nastopala je tudi v gledališču. Kasneje je začela solistično pevsko kariero. Svoj prvi album
Precious Soul je izdala leta 2004. Večino glasbe z albuma v katerem igra tudi na bobne je napisala sama.

She is an Irish singer and actress from Derry City. During her teens she was involved in drama and music activities. At one time she was a backing singer in local Derry band, The Listener. She has appeared in such films as The Commitments (about a musical group, which also starred Maria Doyle and Angeline Ball; all three actresses are on stamp IE-969), Divorcing Jack, Pulp Fiction and Star Wars Episode 1 and has also appeared on stage in a Théâtre de Complicité production of The Street of Crocodiles. She has recently begun pursuing a singing career. Her first album Precious Soul was released in 2004. Bronagh wrote most of the music on the album, played the drums and sang lead vocals.

                   IE - 969

GALINDO Beatriz 1474 - 23. 11. 1534
Španska humanistka, znana po svoji učenosti. Špansko kraljico Isabelo je učila latinščino, verjetno ji je tudi svetovala pri državniških odločitvah. Pisala je pesmi v latinščini, razlage klasičnih pisateljev in komentarje na Aristotela.

Humanist, widely known for her scholarship, born in Salamanca, Spain. She married Francisco Ramírez (known as ‘el Artillero’ for his valour and skill as a soldier) who was secretary to Fernando V. Galindo taught Queen Isabella Latin, and is believed to have advised her on matters of state. She wrote good Latin verse, notes on classical writers, and a commentary on Aristotle. She was one of the most educated women of her time.

               E - 1750

GALLI Dina 6. 12. 1877- 4. 3. 1951
Italijanska filmska in gledališka igralka je začela kariero kot otrok s svojo materjo. Imela je svoj ansambel z najboljšimi italijanskimi igralci.

Comic actress of Italian theatre. She began career as a child on stage with her mother. She had her own company with some the best Italian actors of the time.

         I - 1595

GALLOWAY HUTTON EMSLIE Isabel 1887 - 11. 1. 1960
Škotska prostovoljka iz prve svetovne vojne je bila članica škotske ženske bolnišnice. Delovala je v zdravniški enoti v Solunu in v Srbiji v letih 1915 - 1918. Po vojni so jo prestavili v Vranje kjer je bila vodja bolnice. To je ostala do oktobra 1919. Pomagala je pri postavitvi lokalne civilne bolnice. Leta 1920 pa je bila premeščena v Beograd. Za svoje zasluge je odlikovana z redom belega orla. Po njej se imenuje  medicinsko srednjo šolo v Vranju.

She volunteered in The First World War as a member of Scottish Women`s Hospital. She was active in the medical corps at Salonika front and in Serbia from 1915 - 1918. After the war she was transferred to Vranje and was appointed shief officer of the hosptal. She remained  in Vranje until october 1919, and she was helped establishing the local civil hospital. Her war engagement ended at a command positon in a unit stationed in Belgrade in 1920. For her merits she was awared the Order of the White eagle, and medical high school in Vranje bears her name.


              RS- 644

GALVAO Ana 22. 6. 1974 -
Portugalska radijska in televizijska voditeljica je prvič nastopila pri 18 letih na radiu RCl, nato pa še na radijih Marginal Radio in Radio Expo. Na televiziji ja vodila oddaje v Riso, Mentiras e Vídeo. Leta 2010 je predstavila Portugalsko na Evrovizijski popevki.

A a Portuguese television broadcaster and presenter began hes career at the age of 18 in the world of radio, in RCL, and then in Marginal Radio and Radio Expo. In television she has performed in various programs such as Riso, Mentiras e Vídeo, She presented Portugal at the Eurovision Song Contest 2010.

                  P - 4182
GANDERSHEIM Roswitha von 930? - 973?
Štejejo jo za prvo žensko, ki je napisala književno besedilo v nemščini. Pesmi (dolge epske pesmi, kratke religiozne pesmi) je pisala v heksametrih v latinščini.  Najbolj je znana po svojih šestih igrah (Passio Gallicanus, Dulcitius, Callimachus, Sapientia, Abraham, in Paphnutius) napisanih v stilu Terenca, kjer je rimsko nemoralnost zamenjala s krščansko pobožnostjo.  

Roswitha von Gandersheim  is considered to be the first German woman to have composed literary texts. Her long epic poems one including a fragment on Emperor Otto I, one on the founding of the abbey of Gandersheim, and shorter poems on religious subjects were written in Latin hexameters. She is best known for six plays written in the style of Terence, with intent to supplant Roman immorality by Christian piety. They are Passio Gallicanus, Dulcitius, Callimachus, Sapientia, Abraham, and Paphnutius. Roswith’s plays show considerable power of characterization, a happy sense of humor, and deep piety.

 D - 770

GANDHI Indira 19. 11. 1917 - 31. 10. 1984
Hči indijskega politika J. Nehruja. Študirala je v Indiji in Oxfordu. Od 1938 je bila članica parlamenta, od 1942 so jo Britanci zaprli zaradi zavzemanja za indijsko neodvisnost. Leta 1966 je postala predsednica Kongresne stranke in prvič ministrska predsednica. Zagovarjala je zmerno različico socializma, v mednarodnih odnosih pa neblokovsko politiko. Leta 1980 je drugič postala ministrska predsednica. Junija 1984 je z vojsko zatrla upor radikalnih Sikhov, ki so zahtevali avtonomijo, v Zlatem templju v Punjabu. Umrla je pod streli dveh Sikhov, članov njenih varnostnikov.
Indira Gandhi, became India's first woman prime minister in 1966. The only child of Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first prime minister, she married Feroze Gandhi (no relation to Mahatma), a lawyer who died in 1960. She was made president of the ruling Indian National Congress party in 1959. After her father's death in 1964, Mrs. Gandhi became minister of information and broadcasting, and she succeeded Lal Bahadur Shastri as prime minister in 1966. After India's victory in the India-Pakistan War of 1971, she won an overwhelming electoral victory. In June 1984 she ordered the invasion of the Golden Temple at Amritsar by Indian troops to quell well-armed Sikh extremists in their heavily fortified headquarters there. Later that year she was assassinated by Sikh members of her own security force.

           GDR - 3056                    SU - 5771                SU - 5467                        BG - 3367

                                     SU - 5138                                        RU - 2479
Ruska šahistka je po zmagi nad Elisaveto Bikovo (zmagala je z rezultatom 9:2) leta 1962 postala svetovna šahovska prvakinja. Naslov je ohranila celih 16 let, do leta 1978, ko jo je premagala Maja Chiburdanidze z rezultatom 8,5 : 6,5. Gaprindashvili je ena redkih šahistk, ki bi lahko enakopravno tekmovale na najmočnejših moških turnirjih.

She became the Women's World Champion in 1962, when she won the title from Elisaveta Bikova by a score of 9-2. Gaprindashvili went on to dominate the women's international chess scene, and remained Women's World Champion for 16 years. She finally lost the title to another Georgian, Maja Chiburdanidze, in 1978, losing by the score 8-1/2 to 6-1/2 Nevertheless, in that same year, Gaprindashvili became the first woman to be awarded the unqualified Grandmaster title (which you might call a men's Grandmaster title), in addition to the title designated Women's Grandmaster. Gaprindashvili is one of only a few women who could compete realistically in top level tournaments dominated by male grandmasters.

       YU - 3021

GARBO Greta 18. 9. 1905 - 15. 4. 1990
Švedska igralka s pravim imenom Greta Lovisa Gustafsson je v letih 1922-24 študirala igralstvo. S pomočjo režiserja Mauritza Stillerja, ki  ji je dal umetniško ime, je dobila prvo večjo vlogo  v filmu Gosta Berlings Saga (1932). Leta 1926 se je preselila v ZDA in že s prvim filmom, The Torrent (1926), postala zvezda. Upodabljala je like iz zgodovine in književnosti in kmalu prerasla v mit. Leta 1941 je po neuspehu s filmom Ženska z dvema obrazoma prenehala z nastopanjem. Za življenjsko delo je 1954 prejela oskarja. Pomembnejši filmi: Mata Hari (1932), Grand hotel (1932), Kraljica Kristina (1933), Ana Karenina (1935), Dama s kamelijami (1936), Ninočka (1939).
Na znamki
BG-4185 sta še Marilyn Monroe in Marlene Dietrich (njeno ime je napisano na levi strani znamke), toda na znamki je v dejansko upodobljena Greta Garbo.

Greta Garbo (= Greta Lovisa Gustafsson) was brought to Hollywood in 1925. MGM turned her into a beautiful, queenly actress whose ambitious films always made headlines, even if they sometimes lost money. She was known for her shyness, and her sudden retirement in 1941 enhanced the air of mystery that surrounded her for most of her life. Flesh and the Devil (1927) is the best of her silent melodramas. Her first talkie was Anna Christie (1930). Other notable films include Mata Hari (1932), Grand Hotel (1932), As You Desire Me (1932), Queen Christina (1933), Anna Karenina (1935), Camille (1936), Conquest (S-2485)(1937), Ninotchka (1939), and Two-Faced Woman (1941).
On stamp BG-4185 are also Marilyn Monroe and Marlene Dietrich (her name is written on left side of stamp), but on stamp is depicted Greta Garbo.  

                S - 1169                           D - 2221                                    S - 2486/2485
           BG - 4185                       RO - 5901

GARDOS Mariska 1. 5. 1885 - 23. 1. 1973
Madžarska političarka, borka za ženske pravice, pisateljica. Bila je voditeljica socialno demokratskega ženskega gibanja pred prvo svetovno vojno na Madžarskem. Bila članica komunistične partije in stalna članica madžarskega ženskega sveta.

She was the leader of the social democratic women`s movement in Hungary before World War I; active in social democratic organisations as an emigre in Vienna (after 1919) and in Budapest (from 1945); member of the Communist Patry; women`s activist; appointed Permanent Member (1971) of the Hungarian Women`s National Council.

            H - 3077

GARDNER Ava 24. 12. 1922 - 25. 1. 1990

An American actress and singer appeared mainly in small roles until she drew attention with her performance in The Killers (1946). Few of her best films were made at MGM which, keeping her under contract for 17 years. That success led to the actress landing better parts in movies like The Hucksters (1947), Show Boat (1951) and The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1952). She also appeared in Mogambo (1953), a role that earned Gardner her only Academy Award nomination.
On stamp
MC-3321 is also Grace Kelly.

               MC - 3321
GARIBALDI Anita 30. 8. 1821 - 4. 8. 1849
Žena Giuseppa Garibaldija (od 1842), rodila mu je tri sinove. Rodila se je v Braziliji. Leta 1839 se je pridružila Garibaldiju v borbi za republiko Brazilijo. Anita je naučila Garibaldija gverilskih navad ameriških gavčov. Leta 1848 sta se vrnila v Italijo in se borila z njeno združitev.

Ana Maria de Jesus Ribeiro da Silva di Garibaldi (1821-1849) was born in Brazil. She is famous for her association with the revolutionary Italian hero Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882), who brought about the unification of Italy starting in the 1850's. The couple met in Brazil, after which Anita, in 1839, left her husband, Manuel Duarte Aguiar, to be with Giuseppe Garibaldi. Upon seeing her for the first time, Garibaldi is said to have muttered, "You must be mine." She took active part in the battles with him in the south of Brazil as well as in other South American countries. They were married in 1841. Anita Garibaldi was said to be a skilled horsewoman and could handle a sword. She gave birth to four children and died while sick and pregnant with her fifth child. She and her husband took part in the defence of Rome, which was under siege by French troops. Advancing French and Austrian troops pursued them following a retreat from Rome. She died in her husband's arms.

                           SM - 577,582                           
                      I -3455            
SM - 431,434   I - 404                                                                          SM -2493  
GASIOROWSKA-GABROWSKA Natalia 20. 5. 1880 - 30. 11. 1964
Poljska zgodovinarka in članica poljske komunistične partije. Bila je profesorica na Varšavski univerzi in od leta 1952 članica poljske akademije znanosti.

Polish historian, member of Polich Socialist Party nad Communist Party of Poland. She was professor of History of Economics at Universities of Warshaw and member of Polish Academy of science from 1952.

         PL - 3209

GASKELL Elizabeth 29. 9. 1810 - 12. 11. 1865
Angleška pisateljica Elizabeth Cleghorn Stevenson Gaskell v svojih delih opisuje socialne in ekonomske teme. Njen prvi roman Mary Barton napada brezčutnost lastnikov manufaktur. Njen najboljši roman Sever in jug  opisuje socialne in ekonomske razlike med urbanim severom in kmečkim jugom. Njeni kasnejši romani Silvijini ljubimci, Bratranec Filip in posthumno izdan nekompleten Žene in hčerke, kažejo na njeno stalno zanimanje za socialne probleme.

The English author Elizabeth Cleghorn Stevenson Gaskell  was an influential novelist whose works focus upon social and economic themes. Mrs. Gaskell's first novel,  Mary Barton (1848), attacked the callousness of manufacturers. North and South (1855), often considered her finest novel,  contrasted the socioeconomic conditions then existing in the urban north and rural south of England. Her later novels, Sylvia's Lovers (1863), Cousin Phillis (1865), and the posthumously published and incomplete Wives and Daughters (1866), showed continuing concern with social problems. A meeting with Charlotte Bronte in 1850 led to friendship, and, on Miss Bronte's death, Mrs. Gaskell wrote The Life of Charlotte Bronte (1857), a then controversial, but sensitive, biography.

              GB -
GAUDASINSKA Elzbieta 27. 1. 1943 -
Poljska ilustratorka otroških knjig in je diplomirala na umetniški akademiji v Varšavi. Je dobitnica številnih nagrad za knjižne ilustracije med drugim je dobitnica Golden Apple na bienalu ilustracij v Bratislavi (BIB).
Na znamki CZ-2923 je njena ilustracija: Ptički v gnezdu.

Born in Poland in 1943 and a graduate of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, she has won high praise in Europe as an illustrator. Her numerous honors at illustrator exhibitions include a Golden Apple at the Biennial of Illustration Bratislava (BIB) and the annual Poznan Children’s Visual Art Award. Her work has also been exhibited at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, the Leipziger Buchmesse, the Internacional Catalonia d'illustracio, and the Exhibition of Publishers of Poland.
On stamp
CZ-2923 is her illustration: Birds in a Nest from her book Proverbs of Truth.

       CZ - 2923

GAULLE-ANTHONIOZ Genevieve de 25. 10. 1920 - 14. 2. 2002
Francoska pisateljica in borka za človekove pravice, nečakinja generala de Gaulla. Kot članico francoskega odporniškega gibanja so jo Nemci ujeli in zaprli v koncentracijsko taborišče Ravensbruck. Taborišče je sicer preživela, vendar se ni vedelo, kaj je tam doživela. Šele 50 let po  tem je napisala svoje spomine na dogodke v taborišču: Spomin na Ravensbruck (A Memoir of Ravensbruck).

Genevieve de Gaulle Anthonioz, niece of General de Gaulle, was a French Resistance fighter until captured and sent to Ravensbruck concentration camp. Although very active in public life, for fifty years she was unable to reveal what happened to her in the death camp, than she wrote her memories: The Dawn of Hope: A Memoir of Ravensbruck.

       F - 3683

GENNIP Yvonne van 1. 5. 1964 -
Nizozemslka hitrostna drsalka je na OI 1988 v Calgary osvojila tri zlate medalje, na 1500 m, 3000 m in 5000 m. Na svetovnem prvenstvu 1988 je dobila eno srebrno medaljo, na svetovnih prvenstvih 1987 in 1989 pa po eno bronasto.

She is was one of the most successful female Dutch all-round speed skaters. Her main success dates from the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, where she surprisingly won three gold medals: 1500 m, 3000 m and 5000 m. She also won a silver medal in the 1988 world championships, and bronze medals in the 1987 and 1989 world championships.

                        NL - 2393

GEORGIEVA Diljana 18. 2. 1965 -
Ena najuspešnejših bolgarskih gimnastičark je največje uspehe dosegla na svetovnih prvenstvih leta 1983 in 1985 in na evropskem prvenstvu leta 1984.

Diljana has one of the finest gymnasts in the Bulgarian. Her best results: World Championships 1985 - 1st AA, 1st Clubs, 1st Rope, 1st Ball, 3d Ribbon; European Championships 1984 - 3d AA, 1st Ribbon, 1st Clubs and   World Championships 1983 - 1st AA, 1st Ribbon, 1st Clubs, 3d Ball.

  BG - 3591
GERO Liri 1926 - 10. 1944
Albanska heroina in partizanka iz druge svetovne vojne je bila ubita v napadu na nemški vojaški konvoj.
Na znamki
AL-2121 je tudi Palikuqi Hibe.

Albanian heroine and partisan in WW II was killed while ambushing a German convoy.
On stamp AL-2121 is also Palikuqi Hibe.

           AL - 2121

GERMAIN Sophie 1. 4. 1776 - 27. 6. 1831
Francoska matematičarka, fizičarka in filozofinja je zaradi nasprotovanja staršev in težav ker je bila ženska znanje pridobivala iz knjig očetove knjižnice in z dopisovanjem s slavnimi matematiki kot so Lagrange, Legendre in Gauss. Pariška akademija za znanost jo je nagradila za razpravo o teoriji elastičnosti.
French mathematician, physicist, and philosopher. Despite initial opposition from her parents and difficulties presented by society, she gained education from books in her father's library including ones by Leonhard Euler and from correspondence with famous mathematicians such as Lagrange, Legendre, and Gauss. She won the grand prize from the Paris Academy of Sciences for her essay on the theme of elasticity theory.


                 F - 6408
Francoska medicinska sestra je delala v vojaški bolnici. Služila je za model na tej znamki, ki predstavlja francoske medicinske sestre.

French nurse served in the Military Hospital. She used as a model personifying all French nurses in this stamp.

        F - 440

GEVERS Marie 30. 12. 1883 - 9. 3. 1975
Belgijska pesnica in pisateljica. Velik uspeh je dosegla z romanom La Comtesse das Digues (1931). Bila članica Kraljevske akademije za jezik in francosko literaturo. Po vojni (med njo sta bila ubita njen mož in sin) je napisala romana Vie et Mort (1961) in Parabotanique (1964).
Gevers Marie  was Belgian poet and novelist. Her big success was her novel La Comtesse das Digues (1931). She was member of Academie Royale de Langue et de Literature francaises. After the war, during which her husband and son were killed, she wrote Vie et Mort (1961) and Parabotanique (1964). 

             B -
GHEORGHIU 29. 11. 1914 - 4. 2. 2001
Romunska zdravnica, profesorica na univerzi. Leta 1940 je diplomirala na medicinski fakulteti na bukareški univerzi. Ukvarjala se je s pediatrično kirurgijo. Bila je dopisni član Akademije znanosti ZSSR in avtor več kot 250 strkokovnih. Njena raziskovanja so pokrivala številna področa, vključno kirurške metode, kožno plastiko in uporabo slikovnih tehnik v pediatrični kirurgiji. Bila je članica Mednarodnega združenja za kirurgijo, predsednik moldavskega Kirurškega društva in častni član številnih tujih znanstvenih društev. Prejela je številne medalje in priznanja.

Romunian physician graduated ni 1940 from the Medical Faculty of Bucharest University. Shortly after graduation she moved to Chisinău (the capital of Moldova), where she worked in pediatric surgery. She was a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and authored more than 250 original papers. Her research focused on many fields including surgical methods, dermatoplasty, and application of imaging techniques in pediatric surgery. She was a member of the International Society of Surgery, president of the Moldovian Surgical Society, and honorary member of several foreign scientific societies. Gheorghiu received many medals and awards.

               MD - 486

GIBERT Caroline de Lametz 18. 7. 1793 - 25. 11. 1879
Francoska gledališka igralka se je poročila z monaškim princem Florestanom Monaškim. Njen sin Charles III je postal monaški princ.

She was a French stage actress and later Princess Consort and regent de facto of Monaco, the spouse of Florestan I, Prince of Monaco.


                 MC - 1357
GIEHSE Therese 6. 3. 1898 - 3. 3. 1975
Nemška igralka se je rodila v Munchnu v judovski družini. Prvič je nastopila leta 1920 in bila v letih do 1933 vodilna gledališka in filmska igralka ter igralka v političnih kabarejih. Pred nacisti je migrirala v Švico, kjer je nastopala v Zurichu. Po drugi svetovni vojni se je vrnila v Nemčijo, nastopala je na obeh straneh "železne zavese", najraje pa v rodni Bavarski.

She was a German actress. Born in Munich to German-Jewish parents, she first appeared on the stage in 1920. She became a major star on stage, in films, and in political cabaret. In the late 1920's through 1933, she was a leading actress at the famous Munich Kammerspiele. When the Nazis came to power in 1933, Giehse left Germany for Zürich, Switzerland, where she continued to act in exile, playing leading roles in Zürich, including in Erika Mann's acclaimed political cabaret, the Pfeffermühle. She returned to Germany after World War II, and performed in theatres on both sides of the Iron Curtain, but mostly in her native Bavaria. She also appeared in over 20 films and a number of television productions.

D - 1390            Berlin - 825
GIGOVA Marija 21. 4. 1947 -
Bolgarska gimnastičarka je bila trikratna svetovna prvakinja (1969, 12971, 1973), dobitnica štirih zlatih medalj v obroču.

She was the first gymnast to become a triple world champion in rhythmic gymnastics with her titles in 1969, 1971, and 1973. Gigova has a total of four gold medals in hoop (1967, 1969, 1971 and 1973), an achievement still unmatched by any other gymnast, as well as one title in ribbon (1971), rope (1969) and free exercise (1969). As a member of the Bulgarian Team, she also earned team titles at the rhythmic gymnastics world championships in 1969 and 1971.

     BG - 3588
glej D'Istria Dora.

see D'Istria Dora.
GIRARDOT Annie 25. 10. 1931 - 28. 2. 2011
Francoska filmska igralka je začela kariero v gledališču. Leta 1955 pa je debirala v filmu Treize à table.
Trikrat je bila nagrajena s nagrado Cezar (francoska filmska nagrada), prvič leta 1977 kot najboljša igralka za vlogo v filmu Docteur Françoise Gailland. Pogosto je igrala močne, samostojne in osamljena ženske.

French actress won three times the César Award (the national film award of France). S
he won her first in 1977 for best actress portraying the title character in the drama Docteur Françoise Gailland. She often played strong-willed, independent, hard-working, and often lonely women, imbuing her characters with an earthiness and reality that endeared her with women undergoing similar daily struggles. First she played in theatre. In 1955 she began her film career, making her film debut in Treize à table.


                  F - 5450

GIROUD Francoise 11. 9. 1916 - 19. 1. 2003
Francoska novinarka, pisateljica in političarka.

French journalist, writer and politician.

                 F - 6526

GLASER Denise 30. 11. 1920 - 7. 6. 1983
Francoska producentka in voditeljica nedeljske tv oddaje Discorama (1959-1975).

A French producer and presenter of television known for sunday television program Discorama (1959-1975).

         F - 5704

GLOVER Helen 17. 6. 1986 -
Britanska veslačica je prvega avgusta skupaj s Heather Stanning osvojili zlato medaljo v enojnem dvojcu na olimpijskih igrah v Londonu. To je bila prva zlata medalja za Veliko Britanijo na teh OI in prvo britansko zlato za britansko žensko veslanje. V posvetitev tega uspeha je britanska pošta v kraju Penzance, kjer Gloverja živi, v zlato barvo pobarvala poštni nabiralnik.

On 1 August 2012 she and
Heather Stanning won the gold medal for the women's coxless pairs at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. This was Team GB's first gold medal of London 2012, and a first ever Olympic gold medal for British women's rowing. In light of this success Royal Mail painted a post box in Glover's home town of Penzance gold to commemorate the event.

                                      GB - 3294

GODFRAY Mary 19. stol (19th cent.)
Poštarica na Jerseyu. Vodja pošte Le Geyt jo je leta 1798 zaposlil kot poštarico. Ni prejemala nobene plače, ampak je bila plačana pol penija za vsako dostavljeno pismo. Svoje delo je opravljala celih 45 let.

Postmistress in Jersey, employed by the British postmaster Le Geyt in 1798 to deliver letters to houses in the town area. She received no official pay but charged a halfpenny for every letter delivered. She worked for 45 years.

           Jersey - 306

GOTHEM Nicole van 31. 5. 1941 - 3. 3. 2000
Belgijska režiserka risanih filmov in ilustratorka. Svoj prvi kratki risani film Grška tragedija (Une tragédie grecque) je posnela leta 1985. Zanj je leta 1986 dobila veliko nagrado na festivalu animiranega filma v Annecyju in in leta 1987 oskarja za animirani film. Še vedno je edina Belgijka nagrajena z oskarjem. Njen zadnji film animiran z 3D efektih je bil Living apart together, posnet po njeni smrti.

She is Belgian graphic artist. In 1985, she made an animated short herself that became an unprecedented international success: A Greek Tragedy, a mythological story about three women who are burdened with the ask of propping up an ancient temple. Van Goethem’s highly original style and her superb sense of humour persuaded the Academy of Motion Arts and Pictures in 1987. Today, she is still the only Belgian to have won an Academy Award. Her last film, Living Apart Together, was released after her death in 2000.

       B - 3283

GOEVA Elza 27. 7. 1928 -
Bolgarska slikarka. Diplomirala je leta 1953 na umetniški akademiji v Sofiji.
Na znamki BG-
2723 je njena slika: Portret Kola Fitšeta.

Bulgarian painter graduated (1953) on Art Academy - Sofia.
On stamp is her paintg: Portrait of Kola Fitsheta.

    BG - 2723
GOLDIN Anna 1734 - 18. 6. 1782
Švicarka naj bi bila zadnja ženska obtožena in usmrčena - obglavljena kot čarovnica. Za šest lest so jo zaprli pod obtožbo, da muči hčerko svojega delodajalca.  
Na znamki je prizor iz filma Ana Goldin zadnja čarovnica, s Cornelio Kempers. Temelji na resnični zgodbi in je filmska priredba dobro znane knjige Eveline Hasler. 

Swiss woman the last to be executed as a witch. She was young servant and had illegitimate child. She was arrested for six years. She was accused of tormenting daughter of her employer. She was tried, sentenced to death and executed by decapitation.
On stamp is scene from the movie Ana Goldin the last witch, with Cornelia Kempers. It's based on a true story and is a movie adaptation of the well known book by Eveline Hasler.


            CH - 1561

GOLUBKINA Ana Semjonovna 16. 1. 1864 - 7. 9. 1927
Ruska kiparka se je učila pri Rodinu v Parizu, kjer je 1899 tudi razstavljala. Na impresionistični način je izdelovala portrete in študije glav v marmorju, bronu in lesu. Posebno prepričljiv izraz imajo njene glave žena in otrok.
Na znamki SU-2871 je njen kip: Tolstoj.

She was Russian impressionist sculptor. As the first Russian sculptor to receive the Paris Salon prize, she is regarded as the first female Russian sculptor of note. Golubkina also had an exhibition at the prestigious Alexander III Museum. A crater on Venus is named after her.
On stamp SU-2871: The Tolstoj.

                  SU - 2871

GOLZ Dorothee 1960 -
Nemško avstrijska kiparka.

German-Austrian sculptor.

            A- 3245
GOODMAN Catherine 1961 -
Angleška slikarka je študirala umetnost od 1979 do 1987 na Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts v Londonu in na Royal Academy Schools v Londonu. Živi in dela v Londonu.

Na znamki GB-2428 je njena upodobitev Saunders Cicely. Slika se nahaja v Nacionalni galeriji portretov v Londonu.

She was born in London. From 1979 to 84 she studied at Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts in London and from  1984 to 87 in Royal Academy Schools in London. In 2002 she won Royal Academy Gold Medal BP Portrait Award. Lives and works in London.
On stamp
GB-2428 is her portrait of Saunders Cicely from National Portrait Gallery, London.

      GB - 2428

GORDINER Nadine 20. 11. 1923 - 13. 7. 2014
Južnoafriška pisateljica je začela pisati dijaških letih. Osrednja tema njenega obsežnega opusa je vpliv politike apartheida na življenje in duha vseh prebivalcev Južne Afrike. Glavna dela: Dnevi laži (1953), Svet tujcev (1958), Priložnost za ljubezen (1963)... Leta 1991 je prejela Nobelovo nagrado.

Winner of the 1991 Nobel Prize for literature, South African author Nadine Gordimer, writes fiction concerned with the tensions of life in a society divided by racism. Among her novels are The Lying Days (1953), The Late Bourgeois World (1966), A Guest of Honor (1970), Burger's Daughter (1979) and My Son's Story (1990). None to Accompany Me (1994) examines the life of a white, female, antiapartheid activist in the early 1990s, when the grip of the apartheid laws is beginning to weaken. Gordimer's short story collections include Six Feet of the Country (1956), Something Out There (1984), and Jump and Other Stories (1991).

        S - 2082

GÖRGL Elisabeth 20. 2. 1981 -
Avstrijska alpska smučarka je osvojila stopničke svetovnega pokala v vseh disciplinah. Najboljše rezultate je dosegala v veleslalomu in super velesallomu. Prvo zmago na tekmi svetovnega pokala je dosegla v veleslalomu leta 2008 v Mariboru. Na svetovnem prvenstvu v Val d'Isère leta 2009 je osvojila bronasto medaljo v super kombinaciji. Leta 2011 je na svetovnem prvenstvu v Garmisch-Partenkirchnu osvojila svojo prvo zlato medaljo v superveleslalomu in nato še drugo v smuku. Je tretja smučarka, ki je je na svetovnem prvenstvu osvojila zlati medalji v super veleslalomu in smuku. Na zimskih olimpijskih igrah 2010 je osvojila bronasto medaljo v smuku, tako kot njena mati Traudl Hecher leta na zimskih olimpijskih igrah  1960 in 1964.

She is an Austrian professional alpine skier. She is an all-round skier who has reached World Cup podiums in all disciplines, with her best World Cup results in giant slalom and super G. In January 2008, she won her first world cup race in the Maribor, Slovenia giant slalom. In the 2009 World Championships at Val d'Isère, she won a bronze medal in super combined. In the 2011 World Championships at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, she won her first gold medal in the super-G and added a second gold medal in the downhill five days later. She is the third in a row to win both super-G and downhill World Championships gold medals - Lindsey Vonn made it 2009 at Val d'Isère and Anja Pärson made it 2007 at Åre. At the 2010 Winter Olympics, she won the bronze medal in the women's downhill event – the same medal in the same event that her mother Traudl Hecher at the 1960 and at the 1964 Winter Olympics.

                        A - 2958

GORE-BOOTH Eva 22. 5. 1870 - 30. 6. 1928
Irska pesnica in dramatičarka, suffražistka, socialna delavka in aktivistka za pravice delavcev (na privesku IE - 940). Bila je sestra Constance Gore-Booth, pozneje poznane kot Constance Markievicz. Obe sta se borili proti priviligiranim in pomagali revnim in zapostavljenim. Leta 1916 sta skupaj z Esther Roper ustanovili radikalni časopis Urania, kjer so izražali svoje  pionirske poglede na spole in spolnost.
Na privesku sta tudi: Ria Mooney in Siobhan McKenna. Na znamki IE-940 je Bennett Louie.

She was an Irish poet and dramatist, and a committed suffragist, social worker and labour activist (on label of sheet IE - 940). She was the sister of the Constance Gore-Booth, later known as the Constance Markievicz. Both she and Constance, who later became a prominent Irish revolutionary, reacted against their privileged background and devoted themselves to helping the poor and disadvantaged. In 1916 she and Esther Roper (her women friend) established a radical journal Urania, which expressed their pioneering views of gender and sexuality
On label of sheet are also:
Ria Mooney and Siobhan McKenna. On stamp IE-940 is Bennett Louie.

                       IE - 940

GORETTI Maria sv. (st.) 16. 10. 1890 - 5. 7. 1902
Marijo je smrtno ranil njen sosed Alessandro Serenelli, ki jo je napadel z namenom, da jo spolno zlorabi. 24.junija 1950 je bila proglašena za svetnico.

Maria was mortally wounded by her neighbor, Alessandro Serenelli, who attacked her with intent to sexually abuse her. On June 24, 1950 she was declared Saint in St. Peter's Square by Pope.

                          VA - 190/191                           I - 2856

GOULDEN Sophia Jane 1833 - 22. 4. 1910
Ena prvih sufražetk, mati Emmeline Pankhurst. je bila strastna sufražetka je ne srečanja sufražetk v zgodnjih 1970-tih vodila tudi svojo hči.

Pioneer of women's suffrage, mother of Emmeline Pankhurst. She was born in Man. Sophia was a passionate feminist and began taking her daughter to women's suffrage meetings in the early 1870s and reportedly chastised Emmeline for ‘throwing herself’ at her future husband Richard Pankhurst.

               Man - 193

GRABOVČEVA Diva okoli (around) 1680
Hrvaško mučenica, devico (katoličanka) je  turški beg Tahir hotel imeti za ženo vendar ga je zaradi vere zavrnila. On jo je napadel in ubil z nožem. Pokopana je na planini Vran blizu Prozora. Njen grob še danes obiskujejo številni romarji in ji izkazujejo čast.

BA - 341

Na 12. zimski paraolimpijadi v PyeongChang leta 2018 je beloruska atletinja Lidiya Grafeyeva osvojila dve bronasti medalji v biatlonu: ženske 6 km in 12,5 km, sedeče. Na znamki je tudi Svetlana Sakhonenko.

On the 12th Winter Paralympics in PyeongChang in 2018 Lidiya Grafeyeva Belarus athlete won two bronze medals in biathlon: women's 6km and 12.5km, sitting. On stamp is also Svetlana Sakhonenko.

                                    BY - 1255

GRAINGER Katherine  12. 11. 1975 -
Škotska veslačica je na olimpijskih igrah 2012 v Londonu skupaj z Anna Watkins osvojila zlato medaljo v dvojnem dvojcu. Je članica veslaškega kluba Edinburgh's St Andrew Boat Club. Je nosilka reda Order of the British Empire. Na olimpijskih igrah 2000 v Syneyu je osvojila srebrno medaljo v četvercu, na olimpijskih igrah 2004 v Atenah srebrno medaljo v dvojnem dvojcu in na olimpijskih igrah 2008 v Pekingu srebrno medaljo v četvercu.

She is a Scottish rower and a 2012 Olympic gold medalist. Grainger is also a three time Olympic silver medalist and six-time World Champion. She represents Edinburgh's St Andrew Boat Club in rowing events. She was created a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) on 17 June 2006. Grainger first won silver at the Sydney Olympics in 2000 in the woman's quadruple sculls. In Athens in 2004 she won silver in the coxless pairs. In Beijing 2008 she won her third silver. At the London Olympics 2012, she and Anna Watkins broke the Olympic record as they qualified for the Double Sculls final.

                                     GB - 3299

GRANDIN Lilian Mary 1876 - 1924
Prva diplomirana zdravnica na Jerseyu. Diplomirala je leta 1904. Leta 1906 je odšla kot zdravnica in misijonarka v odročne kraje Kitajske v provinco Yunnan. Tu je postala zelo priljubljena med prebivalci. Ko je leta 1924 umrla zaradi tifusa, so jo pokopali v označen grob, za katerega so še dolga leta lepo skrbeli.

She was the first Jersey woman to qualify as a Doctor of Medicine. She graduated in 1904 at Edinburg University. In the early years of the last century (1906) she went to work in a remote area of China. Her pioneering work as a missionary doctor in Yunnan Province, so endeared her to the Chinese people that when she died, in the typhus epidemic of 1924, she was buried in an elaborate tomb, which for many years was tended by the local people.
                                                           Jersey - 153-156

GRÅSTEN Viola 18. 11. 1910 - 10. 10. 1994
Švedska oblikovalka tekstila se je rodila na Finskem, kjer je bila članica Društva prijateljev tekstila (Friends of Art Association Textile). Leta 1945 se je preselila na Švedsko kjer je bila zaposlena v NK Textile Studio. Začela je oblikovati  vzorce za tekstil s katerimi je dosegla številne nacionalne in mednarodne uspehe. Njena sijoča paleta barv je postala znana kot "Grasten-barve". Na znamki je njen vzorec Oomph, ki je bil predstavljen leta 1952 in je postal velik hit med mladimi ženskami.

She was born in Finland and for some years she held a position at the ”Friends of Textile Art Association” (Handarbetets Vänner) in Helsinki, before she came to Sweden in 1945 to be employed at the NK Textile Studio. Towards the end of the 1940’ies she started to make patterns for textiles, which resulted in many national and international successes. Her glowing range of colours became known as ”Gråsten-colours”. On stamp is her Oomph pattern. It was introduced in 1952 and became a big hit among young women.

S - 2905

GRAY Nadia 27. 11. 1923 - 13. 6. 1994
Rodila se je v Romuniji Nadia Kujnir - Herescu in se po drugi svetovni vojni preselila v Pariz, kjer je postala mednarodno uspešna gledališka in filmska igralka. Njen filmski prvenec je glavna vloga natakarice v filmu  L' Inconnu d' un soir (1949). Igrala je s številnimi znanimi igralci kot so Marcello Mastroianni , Vittorio de Sica , Rossano Brazzi , Errol Flynn , Maurice Ronet in Gabriele Ferzetti. Igrala je tudi v filmu Federica Fellinija La Dolce Vita (1960).  Leta 1976 je prenehala snemati, začela se je ukvarjati petjem v kabaretih.
Ne znamki je plakat za film Hengst Maestoso Austria.

She was born In Romania as Nadia Kujnir-Herescu. Her first husband was Constantin Cantacuzino, a Romanian aviator and noted WWII fighter ace, while she was a passenger on one of his commercial air flights. After WWII they emigrated to Paris. There Nadia enjoyed a vast international career as a Cosmopolitan lead and second lead on stage and in films. She made her film debut in a leading role as a young waitress who yearns to be a star in the French-Austrian co-production of L'Inconnu d'un soir, (1949) and went on to essay a number of more mature, sophisticated, glamorous patricians in European films. She played with many famous male co-stars like Marcello Mastroianni, Vittorio de Sica, Rossano Brazzi, Errol Flynn, Maurice Ronet and Gabriele Ferzetti. Nadia is most famous, however, for her cameo role toward the end of Federico Fellini's masterpiece La Dolce vita, (1960) as a bored and wealthy socialite who celebrates her divorce by performing a memorable mink-coated striptease during a jaded party sequence in her home. She retired from films completely in 1976 and began headlining as a singing cabaret star.


             D - 2611

GREDENBERG Silvia 1948 -
Rodila se je na Dunaju in po končani srednji šoli  najprej študirala na Univerzi za uporabne umetnosti, grafiko in slikarstvo nato pa poslovno administracijo na dunajski Univerzi za ekonomijo, kjer je doktorirala leta 1975. Delala je na področju novinarstva, bančništva in kot davčna svetovalka. Kasneje je začela več posvečati svojemu umetniškemu delu. Njen najljubši predmet je človeško bitje. Njena strast je predvsem akvareli, vendar ustvarja tudi v olju in mešanih tehnikah.
Na znamki A-2500 je njena slika Die Wartende (Ćakajoča ženska).

Silvia Gredenberg was born in Vienna and after graduating from high school she initially studied at the University of Applied Art, Graphics and Painting. Three years later however, she turned to more pragmatic realms and began studies in business administration at the Vienna University of Economics where she completed her doctorate in 1975. She worked professionally in several sectors such as journalism, banking and as a tax consultant. Later she began to devote herself more and more to her artistic work. Her favourite subject is the human being. Her particular passion is watercolours, but oils too, and mixing techniques, fascinate this artist.
On stamp
A-2500 is her picture Die Wartende (Woman waiting).

A - 2500

GREGORY Isabela Augusta 5. 3. 1852 - 22. 5. 1932
Irska dramatičarka (na znamki IE - 941) in ustanoviteljica Abbey Theatre se je po smrti svojega moža začela ukvarjati z zbiranjem irskih ljudskih pripovedk  in gibanje. Skupaj z Williamom Yeatsom in drugimi je leta 1899 ustanovila irsko literarno gledališče, ki je pozneje postalo Abbey Theatre. Tu je Lady Gregory več kot 30 let pisala scenarije, vodila ansambel po ameriških turnejah, in napisala okoli 40 gledaliških iger. Med njena najboša dela spodajo komedije Spreading the News (1904), Hyacinth Halvey (1906), The Rising of the Moon (1907), and The Workhouse Ward (1908) in njena tragedija The Gaol Gate (1906). Prevajala je Moliera. Spodbujati je delo mlajši irskih pisateljev.
Na privesku sta še:
Sinead Bean de Valera, Constance Markiewicz in Maud Gonne McBride.

Lady Gregory (on stamp IE-941) was an Irish  playwright, folklorist, and a founder of the Abbey Theatre. In 1880 she married the elderly Sir William Gregory, a noted member of Parliament, and after his death, turned her abundant energies to the collection of Irish folktales and the movement called the Irish Literary Renaissance. In 1899 she helped with William Yeats and others develop the Irish Literary Theatre, which subsequently became the Abbey Theatre. For more than 30 years Lady Gregory directed the fortunes of the  Abbey: conducted rehearsals, wrote letters, read scripts, led the company on American tours, and, most importantly, wrote about 40 plays for it. Her best short comedies, however, Spreading the News (1904), Hyacinth Halvey (1906), The Rising of the Moon (1907), and The Workhouse Ward (1908), resemble the works of a miniature Moliere; and her short tragedy The Gaol Gate (1906) is comparable to John Millington Synge's masterly Riders to the Sea. She translated Moliere and encouraged the work of Synge and younger Irish writers.
On label of sheet are also:
Sinead Bean de Valera, Constance Markiewicz and Maud Gonne McBride.

                                   IE - 941

GRENFELL Joyce 10. 2. 1910- 30. 11. 1979
Angleška igralka, komičarka in kantavtorka je debitirala leta 1939 v The Little Revue. Med drugo svetovno vojno je nastopala  po bolnicah, pozneje pa kot komičarka po raznih predstavah. Kasneje je nastopa v mono komedijah kot je bila Joyce Grenfell Requests the Pleasure. V monologih se norčuje iz fobije in življenja srednjega razreda, učiteljic in starih devic. Napisala je avtobiografijo Joyce Grenfell Requests the Pleasure (1976) in knjigo George, Don't Do That (1977).

She was an English actress, comedienne and singer-songwriter. She made her debut in The Little Revue in 1939 and, after touring hospitals with concert parties during World War 2, appeared in revue until the early 1950s, delivering comic monologues. She later appeared in her own one-woman shows, such as Joyce Grenfell Requests the Pleasure. Her monologues exploited the foibles and manners of middle-class schoolmistresses and ageing spinsters. Her books include her autobiography, Joyce Grenfell Requests the Pleasure (1976) and George, Don't Do That (1977).

GB - 1751
GRGUROVA Aleksić Milka 14. 2. 1840 - 25. 3. 1924
Srbska igralka je svojo kariero začela v srbskem narodnem gledališču v Novem Sadu: Nato se je preselila v Beograd in tam nastopala v narodnem gledališču. Pripada prvi generaciji poklicnih igralcev v Srbiji. S svojo inteligeco, živahnostjo, lepim videzom in živahnim temperamentom je navduševala svoje občinstvo štiri desetletja. Je ena največjih tragedinj v zgodovini srbskega gledališča. Njeni sodobniki jo pogosto označuje kot "srbska Sara Bernard". Objavila je tudi knjigo kratkih zgodb.
Na znamki RS-176 sprikazana v vlogi iz "Deborah", iz narodnega gledališča Beograd, 1868.

She was born in Sombor. Her career began in Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad, but she moved to Belgrade and continued to perform in the National Theatre. She belonged to the first generation of professional actors in Serbia. Intelligent, lively, of beautiful appearance and buoyant temperament, she charmed her audience for four decades. She was one of the greatest tragedy actresses in the history of Serbian theatre, often referred as “Serbian Sara Bernard” by her contemporaries. She was also a writer; she published a book of short stories.
On stamp
RS-176 is shown as leading actress in “Deborah”, National Theatre, Belgrade, 1868.


                 RS - 176

Umetnica iz jerseya. Na znamki Jersey-581 je njen batik: Snežna leoparda.

On stamp Jersey-581 is her batik: Snow Leopards.

         Jersey - 581

GRIZODUBOVA Valentina 18. 1. 1910 - 28. 4. 1993
Ruska pilotka, skupaj s Paulino Osipenko in Marino Raskovo so leta 1938 dosegle ženski rekord o daljinskem neprekinjenem poletu od Moskve do daljnega ruskega vzhoda. Med drugo svetovno vojno je poveljevala bombniški eskadrilji. Bila je predsednica antifašističnega odbora žensk. Nagrajena je bila z redom Zvezde heroja sovjetske zveze, s sovjetska rdečo zvezdo, z redom rdečega traku in ordenom Lenina.

On October 28, 1937 she flew non-stop with Marina Raskova on an AIR-12 for a world record for women's long distance non-stop flight. On September 24-25, 1938, Grizodubova with Marina Raskova and Paulina Ossipenko set another world record with their a non-stop flight of 5,900 km from Moscow to Siberia in an ANT-37. During World War II, Grizodubova commanded a bomber squadron. She also served as Chairman of the Women's Anti-Fascist Committee. She was awarded the Soviet Hero star, Soviet Red Star, the Order of the Red Banner, the Order of Lenin, and wore the medal of a member of the Supreme Soviet.

          SU - 692                     RU - 1618

GROEFSEMA Maureen 1991 -
Nizozemska judoistka je leta 2005 postala državna prvakinja v kategoriji do 48 kg.

Netherlands judoka became in 2005 national champion in the category up to 48 kg


                       NL - 2683

GROLLMUSS Maria 24. 4. 1896 - 6. 8. 1944
Rodila se je v Leipzigu in je delala kot učiteljica v osnovni šoli. Leta 1920 se je vpisala na Univerzo v Leipzigu kjer je študirala zgodovino in sociologijo. Postala je članica Socialistične zveze študentov. Leta 1925 v doktorirala na temo Joseph Görres in mlada demokracija in začela učiti na visoki šoli za dekleta v Offenburgu. Leta 1927 je postala članica Socialne demokrate stranke (SPD)  in leta 1929 članica Komunistične partije (KPD ). Ko je Hitler leta 1933 prišel na oblast je podprla ilegalno politično dejavnost Seydewitza in njegovega kroga revolucionarnih socialistov. Tihotapila je ilegalne publikacije iz Češkoslovaške v Nemčijo in zbirala denar za podporo političnih zapornikov v Nemčiji. Gestapo jo je leta 1934 aretiral. Leta 1940 so jo poslali  v koncentracijsko taborišče Ravensbrück, kjer je umrla.

Maria Grollmuss was born in Leipzig where her father was headmaster of the catholic citizen's school. Maria Grollmuss attended a female teachers' college, then worked shortly as a primary school teacher. In 1920 she enrolled at University of Leipzig and started studying history and sociology. At the same time she became a member of the socialist students' league. In 1925 Grollmuss handed in her Ph.D. thesis on Joseph Görres and the young democracy and became a teacher at a girl's highschool in Offenburg. In 1927 she joined the Social Democrats (SPD) but in 1929 changed over to the Communist Party (KPD). After Hitler had come to power in 1933 Grollmuss supported the underground political activities of Seydewitz and his Circle of Revolutionary Socialists. Grollmuss herself smuggled illegal publications from Czechoslovakia into Germany. She also gathered money from a variety of sources she knew through her widespread contacts to support political prisoners in Germany. She was arrested by the Gestapo in 1934 and in 1940 was transferred to Ravensbrück concentration camp where she died after belated and exhausting tumor surgery.

     GDR - 719
GROMOVA Uljana 3. 1. 1924 - 16. 1. 1943
Ukrajinska komunistka in domoljubka je bila članica ilegalne konsomolske organizacije Mlada garda. Delovala je v diverzantskih akcijah proti Nemcem. Ti so jo pri eni od akcij ujeli, mučili in ubili.

Ukrainian communist and patriot.

                  SU - 864
GRÖNLOH Anneke 7. 6. 1942 - 14. 9. 2018
Nizozemska pevka je svojo uspešno kariero začela leta 1959 in je trajala v vseh 60.letih. Svoj največji uspeh je dosegla s pesmijo Brandend Zand, eno izmed najbolj prodajanih nizozemskih pesmi vseh časov.

A Dutch singer had a successful career starting in 1959 that lasted throughout the 1960s, and scored a hit with Brandend Zand, one of the best-selling Dutch songs of all time.

      NL - 3020

GROSSOWNA Helena 25. 11. 1904 - 1. 7. 1994
Poljska igralka in pevka.

She was a Polish actress and dancer.

             PL - 4650

GROSVOLD Anne 7. 9. 1950 -
Norveška novinarka dela za Norveško radiodifuzijsko korporacijo (NRK). Je bila dopisnica je za NRK v Pekingu in voditeljica pogovornih oddaj. V javnosti je zelo priljubljena in jo tako kolegi in gostje zelo spoštujejo, saj je ena najbolj znanih TV osebnosti na Norveškem: leta 1996 je prejela naslov Ime leta TV, ime leta 1996 in 1997, veliko nagrado v novinarstvu (Den Store Journalistprisen) leta 1998 in norveško literarno nagrado Brageprisen leta 1998.

A Norwegian journalist, working for the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK). She has been correspondent for NRK in Beijing, been talk show hostess. Very popular with the public and highly respected by her colleagues and guests alike, she is one of the best known TV personalities in Norway: awarded the title TV Name of the Year in 1996, Name of the Year in 1996 and 1997, The Great Award in Journalism (Den Store Journalistprisen) in 1998 and the Norwegian literature award Brageprisen in 1998.

                N - 1728

GRUNSVEN Anky van 2. 2. 1968 -
Nizozemska prvakinja v dresuri je na olimpisjkih igrah osvojila tri zlate medalje v dresuri: leta 2000 in 2004 s konjem Bonifiro in leta 2008 s konjem Salinero. Osemkrat je bila tudi svetovna prvakinja v dresurnem jahanju: 1995 (Los Anngeles, s konjem Cameleon Bonfire), 1996 (Göteborg, s konjem Cameleon Bonfire), 1997 (Hertogenbosch, s konjem Cameleon Bonfire ), 1999 (Dortmund, s konjem Gestion Bonfire), 2000 (Hertogenbosch, s konjem Gestion Bonfire), 2004 (London, s konjem Gestion Salinero), 2005 (Las Vegas, s konjem Keltec Salinero) in 2006 (Amsterdam, s konjem  Keltec Salinero ), 2008 (Brabant, s konjem IPS Salinero).

She is a Dutch dressage champion who won the gold medal in the 2000 Olympics with her horse Bonfire and gold in the 2004 Olympics and in the 2008 Olympics with Salinero. Van Grunsven has also dominated World Cup Dressage competition, being named the World Cup Dressage Champion eight times, in 1995 (Los Angeles, riding Cameleon Bonfire), 1996 (Gothenburg, riding Cameleon Bonfire), 1997 (Hertogenbosch, riding Cameleon Bonfire), 1999 (Dortmund, riding Gestion Bonfire), 2000 (Hertogenbosch, riding Gestion Bonfire), 2004 (London, riding Gestion Salinero), 2005 (Las Vegas, riding Keltec Salinero), and 2006 (Amsterdam, riding Keltec Salinero), 2008 (Brabant, riding IPS Salinero).


                         NL - 2998

GRZNAROVA Marianna 1. 12. 1941 -
Slovaška pisateljica je znana po zgodbah o pastirčkih Matko in Kubko (na znamki SK-457). Za prodajo več kot 212.000 svojih knjig je od združenja založnikov Slovaške prejela nagrado Zlata knjiga.

She is Slovakian author of the book Matko and Kubko (Mathew and Jacob) (on stamp SK-457). It consists of several tales about amusing happenings of Matko and Kubko - shepherds living in a shepherds cottage. The Editorial Association of the Slovak Republic conceded the "Golden Book Reward" for the sales of more than 212.000 books.

            SK - 457

GUARDIA Helena 1966 -
Andorska slikarka je študirala likovno umetnost na Univerzi v Barceloni in na šoli za umetnosti in obrt v Barceloni. Študij je nadaljevala na pariški akademiji za likovno umetnost. Diplomirala je na Bezalel na akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje v Jeruzalemu. Živela je v Barceloni (1985-1990), v Parizu (1990-1993) in Jeruzalem (tri mesece 1993). Trenutno živi in dela v Andori.

She was born in Andorre. She studied Fine Arts at the Barcelona University and in parallel at the Barcelona school of arts and crafts.She continued her training in the Paris School of Fine Arts. She completed her studies with a grant in Bezalel, the School of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Helena has lived in Barcelona (1985-1990), Paris (1990-1993) i Jerusalem (three months 1993). Currently works and lives in Andorra.

Andora-sp. - 382

GUDMUNDSDOTTIR Stefania 29. 6. 1876 - 16. 1. 1926
Islandska gledališka igralka, ustanoviteljica gledališkega društva.

Islandic actress.

          IS - 875

GUDZINEVIČIUTE Daina 23. 12. 1965 -
Litvanska športnica - strelka je na OI 2000 v Sydneyu osvojila prvo litvansko medaljo - zlato v streljanju.
Na bloku LT-749 so imena tudi ostalih dveh litvanskih dobitnic medalj na OI 2000:
Diana Žiliute in Poplavskaja Kristina.

She won Lithuania's first medal at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games in Women's Shooting Trap.
On sheet LT-749 are also names of other two lithuanian medals winners at OG 2000: Diana Žiliute and Poplavskaja Kristina.

LT - 749

GUERRA Isabel 1947 -
Španska slikarka je cistercijanska nuna iz samostana Santa Lucia v Zaragozi. Je članica dveh akademij za likovno umetnost v San Luisu in v Toledu. Za slikanje ne uporablja čopiča ampak nož.

Spanish painter was born in Madrid in 1947 and lives in Saragossa since she was 23 years old. She is a Cistercian nun of the Monastery of Santa Lucia in Saragossa, she has been named Member of two Real Academies of Fine Arts: Academic of Honor of the Real Academy of Fine Arts of San Luis and Academic Corresponding of the Real Academy of Fine Arts and Historical Sciences of Toledo. She does`nt use brushes for painting, only knife.

                E - 3519

GUERRERO Maria 1867 - 28. 2. 1928
Španska igralka je igro študirala v Madridu in v Parizu pri Bernhardt Sarah. Debitirala je v leta 1885 v madridskem gledališču Teatro Princesa. Nastopala je v Španiji in Južni Ameriki.

Spanish actress studied dramatic art in Madrid and Paris under Bernhardt Sarah. She debuted at Madrid`s Teatro Princesa in 1885. She played in Spain and South America.

              E - 3426

GUIOMAR Vilhena 1705 - 1789
Bogata lastnica mlina za sladkor in velike kmetije iz Madeire je imela v lasti tudi dve ladji s katerima je izvažala vino v Ev ropo in Ameriko.

She was wealthy woman from Madeira. She was owner of last sugar mill on Madeira and owner of huge farm. With her two ships she exported vine to Europa and America. 

Madeira - 182
GULDBERG Cathinka 3. 1. 1840 - 22. 10. 1919
Prva norveška diakonesa in poklicna medicinska sestra. je leta 1868 v Oslu začela samostojno opravljati delo diakonese.   Postala je pionirka na področju sodobne zdravstvene nege in krščanskega dobrodelnega dela na Norveškem.  Izobraževala se je v Nemčiji  v  Kaisewerthu v protestantski šoli. Leta 1915 je bila kot  prva ženska na Norveškem odlikovana z redom sv Olava. Znamki N-574-575 sta bili izdani leta 1968 ob stoletnici Hiše diakonov in prikazujeta njen kip pred to hišo.

The first Norwegian deaconess and professional nurse. As a result of being challenged during a spiritual and social awakening in Norway, Guldberg became first deaconess. She started single-handedly the profession in 1868 as a leader of the Deaconess House in Oslo which became a pioneer in the field of modern nursing and christian welfare work in Norway. The deaconesses were the only  professional nurses in Norway in that time. She took parts of her education in Kaiserwerth in Germany where Protestant deaconal nursing ministries began. In 1915 she was the first woman in Norway to be decorated with the distinction of "Order of St. Olav". Stamps N-574-575 were issued in 1968 on the centennial of the Deaconess House, where also her statue is standing.

- 574-575

GULLACE Teresa 8. 9. 1907 - 3. 3. 1944
Italijanka je med drugo svetovno vojno mužu v zapor nosila hrano. Nemški vojaki so jo ustrelili. Posmrtno je bila odlikovana.

Italian victim of WW II. When she visited her husband in german prison carriyng him food she was shot by german soldier. Posthumly was awared a valour medal.

  I - 2370

GUSHTEROVA Vangelia 31. 1. 1911 - 11. 8. 1996
Slepa bolgarska mističarka, jasnovidka in zeliščarka je večino svojega življenja preživel Rupiti v Kozhuhških gorah. Njeni privrženci so bili prepričani, da je imel paranormalne sposobnosti.

She was a blind Bulgarian mystic, clairvoyant and herbalist who spent most of her life in the Rupite area in the Kozhuh mountains, Bulgaria. Her followers were convinced that she possessed paranormal abilities.


             BG - 4984

GUSTAFSSON Toini 17. 1. 1938 -
Švedska smučarska tekačica je na OI 1964 osvojila srebrno medaljo v štafeti 3 x 5km, na OI 1968 pa zlati medalji na 10km in 5km ter srebrno v štafeti na 3 x 5km.

Swedish skiing champion who competed in two Olympics, winning two gold and two silver medals in Nordic competition: at the 1964 Winter Games, she got a silver medal in the 3x5km relay. Four years later, Gustafsson, by now a 30-year-old physical education teacher, was the best in the world. She won the 10km and 5km race. She completed her Olympic career by leading Sweden to second place in the 3x5km relay.

            S - 1675

GUTTCHEN-LIPPS Margarethe 1903 - 1981
Švicarska ilustratorka: Igranje otrok.

Swiss ilustrator: Playing children.
            CH - 2274

GYARMATI Andrea 15. 5. 1954 -
Madžarska plavalka je hčerka dveh madžarskih olimpijskih legend Eve Szekely in Dezsa Gyarmatija. Že pri 14 letih je nastopila na OI 1968 v Mexico City. Nastopila je v treh disciplinah: 100 m hrbtno, 100 m metulj in v štafeti 4 x 100 m prosto. Na OI 1972 v Minchnu je tekmovala v štirih disciplinah in osvojila dve medalji: bronasto na 100 m metulj in srebrno na 100 m hrbtno.

The daughter of Olympic legends Eva Szekely and Dezso Gyarmati. Andrea competed for Hungary in two Olympiads. At the 1968 Mexico City Games, when she was only 14 years old, Andrea swam in three events (100 m backstroke, 100 m butterfly, 4x100 m freestyle). At the 1972 Munich Games, she competed in four events and got two medals: in the 100 m butterfly she won bronze medal and in the 100 m backstroke she won silver medal.

             H - 2850

GYENGE Valeria 3. 4. 1933 -
Madžarska plavalka je na OI 1952 v Helsinkih osvojila zlato medaljo na 400 m prosto. Postavila je tudi tri svetovne rekorde.
Na bloku H-5319 so tudi:  Ágnes Keleti, Margit Korondi, Éva Székely, Ilona Novák, Judit Temes, Éva Novák, Katalin Szőke in Mária Littomeritzky.

She is a Hungarian Olympic swimming champion who competed at the 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki, where she received a gold medal in 400 m freestyle. A native of Budapest, Valéria Gyenge set three world records during her career.
On sheet H-5319 are also: Ágnes Keleti, Margit Korondi, Éva Székely, Ilona Novák, Judit Temes, Éva Novák, Katalin Szőke and Mária Littomeritzky.


                                                 H - 5319

gor - up