WAAL Nic 1.1.1905 - 28.5.1960
Norveško otroško psihologinjo imenujejo mati norveške otroške in mladinske psihiatrije. Medicino je študirala v Oslu, psihoanalizo pa v Berlinu in Oslu. Od leta 1953 do svoje smrti je vodila svoj inštitut za otroško psihiatrijo. Med drugo svetovno vojno je bila članica odporniškega gibanja, predvsem je pomagala pri skrivanju judovskih otrok.

She is said to be the mother of Norwegian child and adolescent psychiatry. Her sensitivity caused her suffering but it was an asset in her work with patients. She qualified in medicine in Oslo in 1930 and received her psychoanalytic training in Berlin and Oslo. She was certified as a psychoanalyst in 1933, as a psychiatrist in 1951 and as a child psychiatrist in 1953. From 1953 till her untimely death in 1960 she was head of Nic Waal's Institute, a treatment centre and training institute for all child psychiatric professions. Through the training she provided and her published work she has had considerable influence on the development of child psychiatry in Norway and in Scandinavia. She also developed her own method of psychodiagnosis through the study of patients' pattern of muscular tensions. Her institute is still active and expanding, having included family therapy and neuropsychology and neuropsychiatry.

              N - 1525
WAGNER Elin 16.5.1882 - 7.1.1949
Švedska pisateljica in ena vodilnih feminist svojega časa. V zgodnjih delih kot je Pennskaftet (Peresnik, 1910)se je ukvarjala s socialnimi, gospodarskimi in političnimi vprašanji, s katerimi se srečujejo samostojne ženske. Ustanovila in urejala je tedenski feminističen časopis. V dveh pol avtobiografskih romanih je opisala zgodovino švedskega ženskega  gibanja. Njena najbolj znana romana sta Åsa-Hanna (1918), in družinska saga Silverforsen (1924) pa obranavata verska in moralna vprašanja. V Alarm Clock (Budilka, 1941) se zavzema za korenito spremembo patriarhata.

Swedish novelist was a leading feminist of her day. In early works such as Pennskaftet (The penholder) (1910), she deals with the social, economic, and political questions confronting self-supporting urban women. She also founded and edited a feminist weekly and later, in two semiautobiographical novels, recorded the history of the Swedish women's movement in terms of her own experience. Her later works, including her best-known novel, Åsa-Hanna (1918), and the family saga Silverforsen (The silver rapids) (1924), concentrate more heavily on religious and moral questions. In Alarm Clock (1941), she argued for radical change from a doomed patriarchy.

      S - 1195

WAITZ Grete 1.10.1953 - 19.4.2011
Norveška atletinja - maratonka je devetkratna zmagovalka newyorškega maratona. Je prva ženska, ki je maraton pretekla v manj kot dveh urah in pol. Na OI 1972 in 1976 je je tekla na 1500 m. Je petkratna zmagovalka svetovnega prvenstva v krosu. Na OI 1984 je osvojila srebrno medaljo v maratonu.

Waitz, a nine-time winner of the New York City Marathon, became the first women to break the 2 hour, 30 minute marathon mark when she won the event in 1979. She was a member of the Norwegian Olympic team in 1972 and 1976, running the longest distance available for women — the 1500m. Waitz is a five-time winner of the World Cross Country Championships. In 1978, she won the World Cross Country Championship and the New York City Marathon in a world-record time of 2:32:30. In 1979 and 1980, she ran to first-place finishes at the World Cross Country Championships. Waitz broke her world record in 1980 by winning the New York City Marathon in 2:25:42. Waitz won a silver medal in the inaugural women's Olympic marathon race in 1984. Later that year, she won her seventh New York City Marathon and became a two-time winner of the Pavo Nurmi Award (1978 and 1979) as the top female distance runner. Waitz established the Grete Waitz Run for women in Oslo in 1994.

             N - 1254

WALENTYNOWICZ Anna 15.8.1929 - 10.4.2010
Poljska članica svobodnih sindikatov in soustanoviteljica Solidarnosti, ki je bil prvi nekomunistični sindikat v vzhodnem bloku. Avgust 1980 so jo odpustili iz službe v ladjedelnici Lenin v Gdansku.Odpuščanje delavcev je sprožilo stavko v ladjedelnici in nato še val stavk po Poljski kar hitro ohromilo baltsko obalo. Aretacija Anne v zgodnjih dneh stavke v Gdańku je postala organizacijski slogan (Vrnite Anno Walentynowicz nazaj na delo!). Bila je med vplivneži ubitimi v strmoglavljenju poljskega leta Tu-154 leta 2010 v bližini Smolenska v Rusiji.Tam je umrl tudi predsednik Poljske, njegova žena in več višjih poveljnikov poljskih oboroženih sil. Leta 2006 je bila odlikovana z najvišjo poljskim odlikovanjem Redom belega orla. Leta 2020 jo je revija Time uvrstila na seznam 100 žensk, ki so v zadnjih 100 letih vplivale na svet.

A Polish free trade union activist and co-founder of Solidarity was the first non-communist trade union in the Eastern Bloc. Her firing from her job at the Lenin Shipyard in Gdańsk in August 1980 was the event that ignited the strike at the shipyard, set off a wave of strikes across Poland, and quickly paralyzed the Baltic coast. Walentynowicz's arrest became an organizing slogan (Bring Anna Walentynowicz Back to Work!) in the early days of the Gdańsk strike. She was among the dignitaries killed in the 2010 Polish Air Force Tu-154 crash near Smolensk in Russia, which also claimed the lives of the President of Poland and his wife, and the senior commanders of the Polish Armed Forces. In 2006, she was awarded Poland's highest honour, the Order of the White Eagle. In 2020, Time magazine included her on the list of 100 Women of the Year who influenced the world over the last 100 years.

        PL - 5130
WANG Xiao Hui 1957 -
Kitajska fotografinja je diplomirala arhitekturo na univerzi Tongji v Šanghaju v arhitekturi (1983) in notranji designe ter komunikacijske znanosti (1986). Leta 1986 je dobila štipendijo za študij v Münchnu. Tu se je začela ukvarjati s fotografijo in se zaposlila pri Bavarian State Broadcasting Corporation. Na znamkah iz cikla "24 ur Liechensteina" sta motiva: Alpski Ren in Odsev vode.

She was born in the port of Tianjin in the north of China. After graduating at Tongji University in Shanghai in Architecture (1983) and in Interior Design and Communication Science (1986), in 1986 she obtained a grant to study in Munich, which has since been her second home alongside Shanghai. In her early days in Munich she was able to exhibit her photographic work for the first time and received various commissions for German-language photographic volumes. In 1990 she accepted a guest studentship at the Academy for Television and Film and worked for the Bavarian State Broadcasting Corporation among others. The two stamps constituting the “24 Hours in Liechtenstein” issue are based on photographs taken by the artist during a stay in Liechtenstein in 2010: Alpine Rhine and Water reflections.

                                                        LI - 1606-1607
WARD Barbara 23.5.1914 -31.5. 1981
Britanska ekonomistka in komentatorka smatra, da je za preživetja in uspeh sveta obvezna poštena delitev naravnih virov. Z možem Robertom Jacksonom delavcem Združenih narodov je pri spremljanju velikih projektov v Indiji in Afriki spoznala kako pomembni so gospodarski odnosi med razvitimi in državami v razvoju. S svojim pisanjem in predavanji je neutrudno opominjala oblikovalce politike na njihove mednarodnih obveznosti.

Barbara Ward an british economist and broadcaster saw that for the world to survive and to thrive, fair sharing of resources and wealth was imperative. With her husband Robert Jackson, an administrator for the United Nations, she observed significant projects in India and Africa, where she realised the importance of economic relationships between established and emerging countries. A passionate and powerful intellectual, as well as a prolific writer and lecturer, Ward worked tirelessly to influence policy makers, persistently reminding them of their international responsibilities.


            GB - 3575

WARDEN May  9.5. 1891 - 5.10.1978
Angleška igralka in komičarka je v Nemčiji in Skandinaviji najbolj znana po vlogi gospodične Sophie v komičnem skeču iz leta 1963 Večerja za enega, kjer je nastopala skupaj s Freddiejem Frintonom.

She was an English actress and comedian. Although she played in other films and TV shows, in Germany and Scandinavia she is best known for her role as Miss Sophie in the comedy sketch Dinner for One, along with Freddie Frinton in a 1963 recording.


                         D - 3415

WASILEWSKA Wanda 25.1.1905 - 29.7.1964
Poljsko ruska pisateljica je študirala filozofijo in poljski jezik in književnost v Varšavi in delala kot učiteljica in novinarka za različne levičarske časopise. V času druge svetovne vojne je sprejela rusko državljanstvo. Ob nemški invaziji na Sovjetsko zvezo se je pridružila rdeči armadi kot vojni dopisnik. Napisal je več romanov in nekaj pesmi.

Polish and Rusian writer. She studied philosophy, Polish language and literature at the Warshaw University. She worked as a school teacher and a journalist for various left-wing newspapers. During the WW II she accepted Soviet citizenship and became a member of various communist organisations uniting local Polish and Ukrainian communists. After the German invasdion of the Soviet Union she joined the Red Army as a war correspondent. She was one of the first Polish writers to follow the rules of Socialist realism. She wrote several novels and a fistful of poems. Although they are nowadays mostly regarded as an example of poor literature she was one of the most notable figures in the communist pantheon.


          PL - 2884

WATKINS Anna 13.2.1983 -
Angleška veslačica je na olimpijskih igrah 2008 osvojila bronasto medaljo v dvojcu, ima tudi 4 medalje iz svetovnih prvenstev, zadnja iz leta 2011 iz Bleda skupaj z Katherine Grainger. Na olimpijskih igrah 2012 v Londonu je skupaj z njo osvojila zlato  medaljo v dvojnem dvojcu.

She is an English rower. She competed at the 2008 Summer Olympics, where she won a bronze medal in Double Sculls and has won 4 medals in the World Championships, most recently a successful defence of her world title with Katherine Grainger, in Bled, Slovenia in 2011. She and Katherine Grainger won a gold medal in the double sculls at the London 2012 Olympics.


                                         GB - 3299

WAWZYNSKA Ludwika 1908 - 18.2.1955
Poljska učiteljica, ki je februarja 1955 rešila tri otroke iz goreče hiše. Pri tem se je sama hudo opekla in 10 dni potem umrla.

She was a Polish teacher. On February 8, 1955 she rescued four children from a burning house where they had been locked by their parents as they were leaving for work. She died ten days later from severe burns.

PL - 979-980

WEBER Helene 17.3.1881 - 25.7.1962
Nemška vzgojiteljica, političarka in feministka je delala kot učiteljica v osnovni šoli. Leta 1905 se je vpisala na študij zgodovine, filozofije, romanskih jezikov in socialne zakonodaje. Leta 1916 je postala direktorica Ženske šole katoliške ženske lige v Kölnu in predsednica Združenja katoliških socialnih delavcev. Do leta 1933 je politično delovala na številnih področjih. Ob vzponu nacizma je postala politično nezanesljiva. Po vojni je postala članica deželnega zbora v Severnem Porenju-Vestfaliji. Leta 1950 je bila kandidatka CDU za izvolitev v Bundestag.

German educator, politician and feminist. She worked as a teacher in elementary schools. In 1905, she began her studies of History, Philosophy, Romance Languages, and Social Legislation, and, with that, received the qualification to teach at secondary schools. Starting 1916, she became the director of the Sozialen Frauenschule des katholischen Deutschen Frauenbundes in Cologne and chair of the Verein der katholischen Sozialbeamtinnen. In the following years, she was engaged in many political activities that were taken from her in 1933 due to "political untrustworthiness." In 1946, she started her political activities again and became a member of the Landtag in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Four years later, she was the CDU-candidate for the election into the Bundestag.

        D - 598

WEEL Liva 31.12.1897 - 22.5.1952
Danska pevka in igralka je igrala v filmih Livets Karneval (1923), Odds 777 (1932), Cocktail (1937), Under Byens Tage (1938), Ta'Briller Pa (1942) in Smedestraede 4 (1950).  

Danish singer and actress. On stage, she became a leading lady of danish scene. In motion pictures, she appeared in Livets Karneval (1923), Odds 777 (1932), Cocktail (1937), Under Byens Tage (1938), Ta'Briller Pa (1942) and Smedestraede 4 (1950). She was married with actor Arne Weel.

DK - 1218

WEIGEL Helene 12.5.1900 - 6.5.1971
Nemška igralka je bila žena Bertolta Brechta. Znana je po vlogah v njegovih delih Mati (1932) in Mati korajža in njeni otroci (1949). Po smrti Bertolta je bila direktorica berlinskega gledališča Berliner Ensemble, ki sta ga zakonca ustanovila 1949 v vzhodnem Berlinu.

The German actress Helene Weigel married Bertolt Brecht in 1928 and was his constant collaborator thereafter. Her portrayals of the mother figures in his The Mother (1932) and Mother Courage and Her Children (1949) were widely acclaimed. Following Brecht's death (1956) she directed the Berliner Ensemble.

              GDR - 2497
WEIL Simone 3.2.1909 - 24.8.1943
Francoska politična aktivistka in filozofinja po rodu judinja je poučevala filozofijo. Leta 1936 je sodelovala na stavki francoskih delavcev. Da bi spoznala vpliv industrije na delavce je kljub slabemu zdravju leto dni delala in živela z delavkami v tovarni avtomobilov. Politično je bila radikalna levičarska. Med špansko državljansko vojno se je pridružila in usposabljala v anarhistični enoti. Kot pacifistka pa je zavrnila uporabo orožja. Ker je želela osebno spoznati trpljenje žrtev nacizma, je zavračala, da bi jedla več toliko kot je bil dovoljen obrok v okupirani Franciji. Umrla je od lakote.

Simone Weil was a French social philosopher, religious thinker, mystic, and political activist. She taught philosophy at various lycees; in 1936 she was involved in the French worker strikes. She identified with all human suffering and often undertook physically demanding work, despite her poor health: she spent a year working in an auto factory and living with working women to learn the effect of industry on workers. Politically, she was a radical leftist. She worked for the Loyalists during the Spanish Civil War by joining and training with an anarchist unit; being a pacifist, however, she refused to use her rifle. Jewish by birth, Weil wanted to know the suffering of those who were victims of Nazism. Refusing to eat more than the ration allowed in German-occupied France, she died of hunger. Weil's writings show both wide learning and passionate concern for human dignity. They had a great effect on French - and English -speaking intellectuals after her death.

       F - 2177

WEISER Grethe 7.2.1903 - 2.10.1970
Nemška igralka in estradna umetnica se je uveljavila z nastopanji v kabaretih v Berlinu, še posebej po tem, ko je njen mož zakupil nočni klub. Umrla je v prometni nesreči. Od leta 1933 je nastopala v številnih nemških filmih - komedijah  Gretel Wins First Prize, Just Once a Great Lady, Bashful Felix in drugih vse do leta 1961.
German actress and entertainer spent her childhood in Dresden. She established herself in the cabaret scene in Berlin, especially after her husband became a leaseholder of a Night Club. Her film debut came soon after in 1927. She had a lifelong relationship with Hermann Schwerin, an UFA film producer began in 1934, but the couple were not married until 1958. Her previous marriage had been dissolved in 1934. She, unusually for an actress, avoided becoming a member of the Nazi Party. She managed to finance and arrange for her previous husband and her son to survive the Nazi years in Switzerland, as well as at the same time continue her career in Germany. She died after a road traffic accident.

         D - 2149

WEISS Louise 25.1.1893 - 26.5.1983
Francoska borka za ženske pravice, pisateljica in novinarka je diplomirala na Oxfordu. V času 1. svetovne vojne je delala kot medicinska sestra, ustanovila je bolnišnico v Côtes-du-Nord. Od leta 1918 do 1934, je bila založnica revije L'Europe nouvelle. Od leta 1935 do začetka druge svetovne vojne se je začela boriti za volilno pravico žensk. Med vojno je bil aktivna v francoskem odporu kot članica mreže Patriam Recuperare. Urejala je tajno revijo Nouvelle République. Skupaj z Gastonom Bouthoulom je po vojni v Londonu ustanovila Inštitut za raziskavo vojn in sporov. Potovala je po celem svetu po konfliktnih področjih in snemala dokumentarne filme in s tem seznanjala javnost. Leta 1979 je postala članica Evropskega parlamenta.

French suffragette, author and political activist was a teacher at a secondary school for arts and awarded a diploma from Oxford University. From 1914 to 1918, she worked as a war nurse and founded a hospital in the Côtes-du-Nord. From 1918 to 1934, she was the publisher of the magazine, L'Europe nouvelle. From 1935 to the beginning of World War II, she committed herself to women's suffrage. In 1936, she stood for French parliamentary elections, running in the Fifth arrondissement of Paris. During the War, she was active in the French Resistance. She was a member of the Patriam Recuperare network, and she was chief editor of the secret magazine, Nouvelle République from 1942 until 1944. In 1945, she founded the Institute for Polemology (research on war and conflict) together with Gaston Bouthoul in London. She travelled around the Middle East, Japan, China, Vietnam, Africa, Kenya, Madagascar, Alaska, India, etc., made documentary films and wrote accounts of her travels. In 1975, she unsuccessfully tried twice to be admitted to the Académie Française. In 1979, she became a Member of the European Parliament for the Gaullist Party (now Union for a Popular Movement).

        F - 2956

WEISZ Rachel7.3.1970 -
Kot model je začela delovati že s 14 leti in v času študiranja na univerzi v Cambridgeu. Tam je ustanovila gledališko skupino Talking Tongues. Igrala je v številnih kot npr. The Mummy (1999), Enemy at the Gates (2001), Stealing Beauty (1996), The Shape of Things (2003), About a Boy (2002), Constantine (2005). Za vlogo v filmu The Constant Gardener (2005) je prejela oskarja. Na znamki E-4495: V filmu Agora je igrala grško filozofinjo in astronomko Hipatijo.

Rachel was a model when she was 14 and began acting during her studies at Cambridge University. While there, she formed a theater company named Talking Tongues. Rachel went on to star on stage in the lauded Sean Mathias revival of Noel Coward's "Design For Living." She has starred in many movies, including The Mummy (1999), Enemy at the Gates (2001), and Stealing Beauty (1996). Rachel can also be seen in the movies The Shape of Things (2003), About a Boy (2002), Constantine (2005), and The Constant Gardener (2005), for which she won the Oscar. On stamp E-4495: In film Agora she played the Greek philosopher and astronomer Hypatia.


                     E - 4495

WELLS Sophie 5.5.1990 -
Britanska paraolimpijska jahalka ja na paraolimpijskih igrah leta 2012 osvojila 3 medalje: srebrno prostem stilu  v razredu IV, srebrna za posameznike v razredu IV in zlato skupaj s Sophie Christiansen, Deborah Criddle in Lee Pearson v ekipnem tekmovanju.

She  is a British para-equestrian who won three medals at the 2012 Summer Paralympics: silver medal in the freestyle grade IV event, silver medal in the grade IV individual and a gold medal with Sophie Christiansen, Deborah Criddle and Lee Pearson in the team championship.

                                    GB - 3351

WELY Babs van 22.10.1924 - 14.3.2007
Nizozemska ilustratorka.

Dutch llustrator.

                                                                                   NL - 969/973 

WENDELIN Martta  23.11.1893 - 1.3.1986
Ilustracije finske slikarke in ilustratorke prikazujejo tradicionalni finski božič, vključno s sečnjo božičnega drevesa, z ingverjevimi piškoti, riževim pudingom, svečami, obdarovanjem Božička in družinami na poti v cerkev na zgodnje božično jutro.
Na znamkah FI-1218-1222 so njene ilustracije iz abecednika Linde Pylkkänen iz leta 1931

Wendelins Christmas art is redolent of leisure, domestic contentment and the world of children, with illustrations depicting the traditional Finnish Christmas, including felling a Christmas tree, baking ginger cookies, rice pudding, candles, Santa Claus giving presents, and families on their way to church early on Christmas morning.
On stamps
FI-1218-1222 are illustrations from the ABC-book from 1931 by Linda Pylkkänen.

FI - 1218-1222

WERBROUCK Ulla 24.1.1972 -
Belgijska judoistka je na OI 1996 osvojila zlato medaljo v poltežki kategoriji do 72 kg.

Belgian judoist, at the 1996 Summer Olympics she won the gold medal in the women's half-heavy weight category (72kg).

            B - 3457


              PL - 3737

WERMINSKA Wanda 18.11.1900 - 30.8.1988
Poljska operna pevka je bila solistka - mezosopranistka v varšavski operi. Znana je po nastopih v delih Wagnerja, Verdija in Puccinija. Natopala je Varšavi, Budimpešti, na Dunaju, v Italiji in Srednji Ameriki.

Wanda Werminska was a solist for Warsaw Opera for many years. She started her career as a mezzo, later turning to the dramatic soprano roles. She was known for her Wagner, Verdi and Puccini. She sang in Warsaw, Budapest, Vienna and in Italy and Central America.

       PL - 3256

WERY Marthe  6.4.1930 - 8.2.2005
Belgijska slikarka je znana po svojih enobarvnih slikah, predvsem pa po svojih radikalnih eksperimentih z barvo in po svojem raziskovanju povezav med arhitekturo in svojimi slikami. Slikarji, kot so Bernard Frize, Adrian Schiess ali Katharina Grosse so njene metode razvili še naprej. Kot učiteljica je navdihnila mlajšo generacijo slikarjev, vključno z Veronico Janssen in Joëlle Tuerlinckx.

Belgian painter became known for her monochromatic paintings, but her work has remained contemporary thanks to her radical experiments with paint and her exploration of new types of architecturally related installations of her paintings. Painters such as Bernard Frize, Adrian Schiess, or Katharina Grosse further developed her methods of working. As a teacher, she inspired a younger generation of painters, including
Veronica Janssen and Joëlle Tuerlinckx.

B - 3492

WESTIN Marie-Helene 14.5.1966 -
Švedska smučarska tekačica je leta 1987 na svetovnem prvenstvu dobila zlato medaljo v teku na 20 km.

Swedish skier, cross - country, on nordic skiing World championship 1987 she won gold medal on 20 km.

S - 1766

WESTWOOD Vivienne 8.4.1941 -
Angleška modna oblikovalka in podjetnica, je v modo uvedla novosti in punk. Prepoznavna je postala z izdelavo oblačil za  butik Malcolm McLaren, ko je povezala oblačila s punk glasbo 70-ih let.

She is an English fashion designer and businesswoman, largely responsible for bringing modern punk and new wave fashions into the mainstream. Westwood came to public notice when she made clothes for Malcolm McLaren's boutique in the King's Road, which became famous as 'SEX'. It was their ability to synthesise clothing and music that shaped the 70's punk scene, dominated by McLaren's band, the Sex Pistols. She was deeply inspired by the shock-value of punk - "seeing if one could put a spoke in the system".

            GB - 3260

WIBERG Pernilla 15.10.1970 -
Švedska smučarka - dosežki:  24 zmag v svetovnem pokalu v petih disciplinah, 2 olimpijski zlati medalji: 1992 Albertville - veleslalom, 1994 Lillehamer - kombinacija, 4 krat svetovna prvakinja, 1 krat zmagovalka v skupni razvrstitvi v svetovnem pokalu.

Svedish skier: 24 World Cup Victories in 5 disciplines, 2 Olympic gold medals (1992 Albertville - giant slalom, 1994 Lillehamer - combines), 4 World Champion titles and a World Cup Overall Victory.

               S - 2170

WIDBOM Mimmi 1876-1962
Poklicna mornarka je delala kot kuharica in glavni stevard na različnih ladjah alandskega ladjarja Gustafa Eriksona. Osemkrat je preplula rt Horn. Svoje zadnje potovanje kot poklini mornar je končala leta 1943.

Widbom was an extraordinary woman of her time being, as she was, a professional seafarer. She worked as cook and chief steward on several of Åland shipowner Gustaf Erikson's ships in the early 1900s. Mimmi Widbom rounded Cape Horn eight times and she made her last voyage as active sailor in 1943.

Aland - 408
WIGMAN Mary 13.11.1886 - 18.9.1973
Nemška plesalka in koreografinja sodobnega plesa je bila v letih 1920 - 1930 najbolj cenjena sodobna plesalka in koreografinja v Srednji Evropi. Študirala je z Emilom Jaques Dalcroze in potem z Rudolfom von Laban: kasneje je postala njegov pomočnik. Prvi solistični nastop je izvedla leta 1919. V naslednjem letu pa je odprla zelo uspešno šolo v Dresdnu. Po njenih besedah je bil njen slog plesanja "temen, težak in praktičen". Leta 1942 je prenehala nastopati. V ZDA je njene ideje in način poučevanja prenesel njen učenec Hanya Holm, ki je v New Yourku leta 1930 odprl plesno šolo Mary Wigman. Po drugi svetovni vojni je poučevala na glasbeni akademiji v Leipzigu, odprla je šolo v Zahodnem Berlinu.

Mary Wigman (Marie Wiegmann) was, during the 1920s and '30s, the most highly regarded modern dancer and choreographer in Central Europe and one of the principal reasons for the ascendancy there of modern dance over classical ballet until the end of World War II. Wigman studied first with Emile Jaques Dalcroze and then with Rudolf von Laban, whose assistant she later became. She gave her first solo recital in 1919 and in the following year opened a highly successful school in Dresden. The style of dancing Wigman evolved was, in her words, mostly "dark, heavy, and earthbound." It was an attempt, by means of personally conceived movement, to increase the emotional expressiveness, and therefore the relevance, of dance. Wigman retired as a performer in 1942. Her ideas and teaching methods were brought to the United States by her pupil Hanya Holm, who opened a Mary Wigman School of Dance in New York in 1931. After World War II, Wigman taught at the Music Academy in Leipzig and then opened a school in West Berlin, where she regained some of her old influence, although by then classical ballet had all but eclipsed modern dance in Germany.

           D - 1301

Žena ladjarja in industrialca Antta Wihure. Leta 1942 sta ustanovila Finsko kulturno fondacijo z namenom pospeševanja in podpore kulturnega in gospodarskega razvoja Finske. V ta namen letno na dan Anttijevega rojstnega dneva (9. okotober) podeljuje štipendije in nagrade.

A shipowner and an industrialist Antti Wihuri (1883–1962) and his wife Jenny established in 1942 Finnish cultural foundation. The purpose of the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation is to promote and support cultural and economic development in Finland. The Foundation's grants and awards are distributed annually on Mr. Antti Wihuri's birthday, October 9th.

          FI - 1667

WIIK Maria 3.8.1853 - 19.6.1928
Finska slikarka je bila dobra prijateljica Helene Schjerfbeck še v času njenega študija pa tudi kasneje. Skupaj sta slikali v Franciji. Znana je predvsem po svojih portretih in slikah otrok.
Na znamki FI-772: Wiik Hilda (slikarkina sestra).

Maria Wiik  was Helene Schjerfbeck's close friend during her student years and early career. Together they painted in France, as well as for long stretches of time in St. Ives, Cornwall. Maria Wiik's art comprises small genre paintings, figure compositions and portraits, still-lifes and numerous pictures of children. She attracted attention from the start as a portraitist.
On stamp
FI-772: Wiik Hilda (sister of the artist).

           FI - 772

WILSON Rita 26.10.1956 -
Ameriška igralka, pevka, aktivistka in producentka grških staršev. Nastopila je v filmih Sleepless in Seattle (1993), Now and Then (1995), Jingle All the Way (1996), The Story of Us (1999) in Runaway Bride (1999). Nastopa tudi na Broadwayu in na televiziji Je producentka več filmov med njimi sta tudi Moja obilna grška poroka (2002) in Njeni starši so Grki.

American actress, singer, activist, and producer. She appeared in films Sleepless in Seattle (1993), Now and Then (1995), Jingle All the Way (1996),The Story of Us (1999) and Runaway Bride (1999). Wilson has also performed on Broadway and on television, and she has produced several films, including My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) and Her parents are Greek.

         GR - 2914

WINSNES Hanna 23.8.1789 - 19.10.1872
Norveška pisateljica ni preveč znana v tujini. Znana je po svojih kuharskih knjigah in knjigah za otroke. Pod psevdonimom Hugo Schwarz je pisala zabavne romane.
Na ozadju znamke N-1032 je izvleček iz njenih kuharskih receptov in ugank v verzih.

Norwegian author, not so well known abroad. She was the mother of seven, married to a vicar. According to the behaviour suitable for women of her time she chose the more traditional way of writing. She became known for her cookery books and a children book, both still familiar to most Norwegians. She also wrote entertainment novels, but secretly, under the pseudonym Hugo Schwarz.
On background on the stamp
N-1032 is extract from her food recipes and poetic riddles.

            N - 1032

WINTERSTEIN-KAMBERSKY Helene 13.3.1900 - 6.12.1966
Mascaro je izumil ameriški kemik T. L. Williams, da bi pomagal sestri pri iskanju moža. Leta 1935 pa je Helena dobila patent za vodoodporno maskaro.

Mascara was invented in 1913 by an American chemist T.L.Williams, who wished to give his sister an extra advantage in findig a husband. In 1935 Helene invented waterproof mascara and got patent.

                       A - 3099

WITTGENS Fernanda 3.4.1903 - 12.7.1957
Fernanda Wittgens je bila učiteljica, uradnica, likovna kritičarka in zgodovinarka italijanske umetnosti. Leta 1940 je postala vodja muzeja Pinacoteca di Brera kot prva Italijanka direktorica pomembnega muzeja ali galerije. Od leta 2014 so ji zaradi pomoči Judom v drugi svetovni vojni podelili naziv "prvičnik med narodi".

Fernanda Wittgens was a teacher, official, art critic and historian of Italian art. In 1940 she became the manager of the Pinacoteca di Brera Museum as the first Italian woman director of an important museum or gallery. Since 2014, she was awarded the The righteous among the nations for helping Jews in World War II.

I -?2019
WLODARCZYK Anita 8.8.1985 -
Poljska metalka kladiva je zmagala na OI leta 2012 in 2016. Je prva ženska, ki je vrgla kladivo preko 80 m. Njen je trenutno svetovni rekord z 82,98 m.

Polish hammer thrower won two gold medaljs at OG 2012 and 2016. She is first woman in history to throw the hammer over 80 m. Her current women's world record is 82.98 m.

PL - 4887

WOJNAROWSKA Wanda Cezaryna 1.5.1861 - 15.4.1911
Poljska socialna aktivistka, novinarka in soustanoviteljica Socialno demokratske stranke Poljske in Litve.

She was a polish socialist activist and journalist and co-founder of The Social-Democratic Party of Poland and Lithuania.

       PL - 2825

WOLLSTONECRAFT Mary 27.4.1759 - 10.9.1797
Britanska pisateljica, filozofinja in feministka je avtorica več romanov, razprav, potopisa, zgodovinske knjige, bontona in knjige za otroke je znana predvsem po svojem Zagovoru pravic ženske (1792). V Zagovoru je utemeljevala tezo, da je narava ženske pravzaprav posledica napačne vzgoje, ki so jo ženskam naložili moški. Zavzemala se je tudi za družbeno ureditev na temelju razuma in brez predsodkov. Wollstonecraftova se je poročila s filozofom Williamom Godwinom, enim izmed očetov anarhističnega gibanja, in je bila mati Mary Shelley, avtorice Frankensteina.

Wollstonecraft was the author of A Vindication of the Rights of Women, one of the earliest works to argue that women were not inferior to men, only appeared so due to lack of educational opportunities. She is regarded as one of the founders of feminist philosophy. Her daughter was Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein.

             GB - 2809
WOOD Mary Louisa 1839 - 1925
Glasbena zgodovinarka z otoka Man, kjer so jo imenovali mati glasbe. Poučevala je glasbo, bila je organistka.

Miss Wood has been called the mother of music in the Isle of Man. She is affectionately known by every Manxman and woman. She was born in London, and went to school there, but learnt very little music. Her parents  migrated from London to the Isle of Man. She teached music, she was organist. 


         Man - 1458

WOOD Victoria 19.5.1953 - 20.4.2016
Angleška komičarka, igralka, pevka, tekstopiska, scenaristka in režiserka.

Victoria Wood is an English comedienne, actress, singer-songwriter, screenwriter and director.


GB - 3732

WOOLF Adeline Virginia 25.1.1882 - 28.3.1941
Angleška pisateljica in feministka je znana po svojih modernističnih romanih v katerih notranje življenje in razmišljanje svojih junakov postavlja pred samo zgodbo. Hiša v Gordon Square (Bloomsbury) kjer je stanovala skupaj z brati in sestrami  je postala zbirališče pisateljev, umetnikov in intelektualcev. Skupina je bila znana imenom "Bloomsbury Group". Leta 1912 se je poročila s pisateljem Leonardom Woolf, ustanovila sta majhno tiskarno Hogarth Press. Njeno prvo večje objavljeno delo je Voyage Out (1915), sledile so Jakoba soba (1922), Dalloway (1925), K svetilniku (1927), Orlando (1928). Znani so tudi njeni dnevniki, ki so jih večkrat ponatisnili. Velik del življenja je trpela je zaradi depresije, na koncu je naredila samomor.

Virginia Woolf is british novelist and essayist and is remembered as both a feminist and a modernist whose novels often ignored traditional plots to follow the inner lives and musings of her characters. As a young woman Woolf moved with her siblings to Gordon Square, Bloomsbury. The house became a gathering place for writers, artists and intellectuals and this "Bloomsbury Group" is remembered as an incubator of modern artistic thought. She married writer and fellow Bloomsbury member Leonard Woolf in 1912, and they founded the small Hogarth Press. Her first major published work was The Voyage Out (1915); other books included Jacob's Room (1922), Mrs. Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927), and Orlando (1928). Her 1929 book A Room of One's Own collected her lectures and meditations on the place of women in literature. Her diaries also have been widely reprinted. Woolf suffered from depression and fits of mental illness for much of her life, and finally committed suicide by drowning herself in the river Ouse near Sussex, England. Woolf was immortalized in the title of Edward Albee's 1962 play Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf.

         GB - 2424                          RO - 6169

WYNGAERT Chris van den  2.3.1952 -
Belgijska pravnica je študirala pravo na Vrije univerzi v Bruslju. Od leta 2003 je sodnica pri mednarodnem sodišču za vojne zločine v bivši Jugoslaviji.

She is a belgian criminal law expert. She studied law in Vrije Universiteit Brussel. From 2003 she is a judge at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.

            B - 3752 

gor - up