SABLIKOVA Martina 27. 5. 1987 -
Češka hitrostna drsalka je na OI v Vancouvru 2010 osvojila dve zlati medalji (3000 in 5000 m) ter bronasto na 1500 m.  

Czech speed-skater Martina Sáblíková is the first sportswomen in the history of the Czech Republic, to win two gold (3000 and 5000 metres) and one bronze medal (1500 metres) at
the Winter Olympic games in Vancouver.


           CZ - 625

SACHS Nelly 10. 12. 1891 - 12. 5. 1970
Nemška pisateljica s pravim imenom Leone Sachs je pred nacisti 1940 zbežala na Švedsko, kjer je živela in delala do svoje smrti. Bila je usodno čustveno prizadeta zaradi nacističnega preganjanja Judov in vsa njena poezija je s tem povezana. Pomembnejša dela: pesniške zbirke: V bivališčih smrti (1947), In nihče ne ve naprej (1957), Beg in preobrazba (1959), Razdeli se, noč (1971), zbirka povesti Legende in pripovedke (1929), ter drama Eli: Misterij o Izraelovem trpljenju (1951). Leta 1966 je skupaj z J. Agnonom prejela Nobelovo nagrado.

The poetic voice of Leonie Nelly Sachs,  developed when the rise of Nazism and the Holocaust forced her to find a means of expression that would "make the unspeakable bearable." In 1940 she escaped to Sweden from her native Germany with the help of the writer Selma Lagerlof. Awarded the Peace Prize of German Publishers in 1965, she accepted it in the spirit of loving forgiveness that underlies her poetry. In 1966 she shared the Nobel Prize for literature with S. Y. Agnon. The basic theme of her unrhymed poetry is the annihilation of European Jewry during World War II. Her often quoted poem, O the Chimneys, in which the smoke from the chimneys of Nazi extermination camps symbolizes Israel's body, provided the title for the first selection of her poems in English (1967). A second volume, A Seeker and Other Poems, was published in 1970.

              S - 2201                     D - 1575                  D - 2159                D - 3230

SAINT PHALLE Niki de 29. 10. 1930 - 21. 5. 2002
Francoska kiparka, slikarka in filmska režiserka je bila v mladih letih manekenka. Poročila se jz pisateljem Harryem Mathewsom. Študirala sta glasbo na univerzi na Havardu. Pod vplivom španskega slikarja Gaudija je začela eksperimentalno slikati z različnimi mediji in v različnih slogih. Svojo prvo razstavo je imela v Švici leta 1956. Predstavila je olja v stilu naivcev. Leta 1961 je postala znana po svojih "strelskih" slikah. Na leseno osnovo je postavila posode z barvami v katere je streljala s pištolo. Razstavljala je v Parizu, Stockholmu, ZDA in Južni Ameriki.

She was French sculptor, painter and film maker. She lived in USA. During her teens, she was a fashion model. She married author Harry Mathews. They studied music at Harvard University. De Saint Phalle began to paint, experimenting with different media and style. She was influenced by Spanich painter Gaudi. Her first art exhibition was held in 1956 in Switzerland where she displayed naïve style oil paintings. In 1961, she became known around the world for her Shooting paintings. A shooting painting consisted of a wooden base board on which containers of paint were laid, then covered with plaster. The painting was then raised and de Saint Phalle would shoot at it with a .22 caliber rifle. She exhibited in Paris, Stocholm, USA, South America countries....

P - 3201

Na 12. zimskih paraolimpijskih igrah v PyeongChangu leta 2018 je bila atletinja Svetlana Sakhonenko (z vodnikom Romanom Jaščenkom) najbolj odlikovana paraolimpijka v beloruski ekipi s tremi zlatimi odličji v teku na smučeh: ženske 15 km prosto, 1,5 km sprint klasično in 7,5 km klasično ter biatlonsko bronasto medaljo v tekni na 6 km (slabovidni). Na znamkio
BY-1255 je tudi Lidija Grafejeva.

On the 12th Winter Paralympics in PyeongChang in 2018 athlete Svetlana Sakhonenko (guide Roman Yashchenko) was the most decorated Paralympian in the Belarusian team with three gold medals in cross-country skiing: women’s 15 km free, 1.5 km sprint classic, and 7.5 km classic (isually impaired) and a biathlon bronze in a 6 km race. On stamp
BY-1255 is also Lidija Grafejeva.


                                    BY - 1255

SALAZAR Ana 1941 -
Portugalska modna oblikovalka pionirka mode na Portugalskem se je začela z modo ukvarjato v 70-tih letih.

She is women's clothes designer from Portugal. During 70`s, she started to work on the fashion scene, developing a new concept of clothing in Portugal, changing completely the way of presenting fashions shows in Portugal creating the first Fashion events, exhibits and expositions. Both national and international press considerer her "The pioneer of fashion in Portugal".  

                                        P - 2869

SALIN Riitta 16. 10. 1950 -
Finska atletinja tekačica na kratke proge je v teku na 400 m na evropskem prvenstvu leta 1974 v Rimu zmagala. Na znamki FI-1251 je tudi Häggman Pirjo.

Finish athlete, she won gold medal in 400 m in the European championships in Rome in 1974. She also finished 7th in the Montreal 1976 Olympic Games. On stamp FI-1251 is also Häggman Pirjo.

 FI - 1251

SALINS Guigone de 1403 - 1470
Francoska plemkinja je skupaj s svojim bogatim možem Nicolasom Rolinom leta 1443 ustanovila Hotel-God of Beaune za oskrbo revnih in bolnih.

Nicolas Rolin and Guigone the Saline founded Hotel-God of Beaune intended to the poor and for the patients, and whose construction starts in 1443.

               F - 596

SALMINEN Sally 25. 4. 1906 - 18. 7. 1976
Finska pisateljica z otoka Aland je najprej delala v trgovini. Ko se je preselila v Stockholm je tam delala kot služkinja in se med prostim časom izobraževala v dopisovanju in prebirala knjige. Leta 1930 se je s setrami presleila v New York. Tu je leta 1936 napisala svoj prvi in najbolj znani roman Katrina.  

She was born in Vardo, Aland and was the eighth child of twelve. Already as a child she entertained notions of becoming an author. She worked in the village grocery store, until she moved to Stockholm to work as a maid. During her tenure in Sweden she took correspondent courses and read books on her spare time. In 1930 Sally and her sister Aili moved to New York City in USA. There she wrote during her spare time, and it was here she started writing the manuscript for her first and most famous novel, Katrina. She sent her manuscript for writing contest, where she won, and her Katrina was published in the 1936. The novel depicts the life of an Ostrobothnian woman, Katrina, who moves to Åland following her marriage. Katrina became an international success, eventually being translated into more than twenty languages. She married Danish painter Johannes Dürhkopf in 1940, and relocated to Denmark. Salminen remained a prolific writer, but she was never able to replicate the success of her debut novel. Besides Katrina, Prins Efflam (1953) and Vid Havet (1963) are considered her most notable works.

           Aland - 113
SALOMON Alice 9. 4. 1872 - 30. 8. 1948
Je ena od začetnic poklicnega socialnega dela v Nemčiji. Kot mlada socialna reformatorka in feministična aktivistka je leta 1893 pomagala ustanoviti Dekliške in ženske skupine za socialno pomoč. Je soustanoviteljica prvih enoletnih poklicnih socialnih izobraževanj, ki so se leta 1908 podaljšali na dve leti.  Med drugo svetovno vojno je emigrirala pred nacisti.

One of the principal founders of professional social work in Germany and the creator of German social work education. As a young social reformer and feminist leader in 1893, she helped establish the Girls' and Women's Groups for Social Aid Work, and in 1899 she cofounded the first one-year course in vocational welfare training, which in 1908 became a two-year training program. She was a leader in the development of social work as a profession for women and for men before, during and after World War I. She led the efforts to restore the nation after the war and fought the Nazi movement until being forced to emigrate in 1937. A leading German school of social work in Berlin bears her name.

          D - 1397             Berlin - 830

SAMULIN Aira 27. 2. 1927 -
Finska učiteljica plesa.

Finish dance teacher.


                        FI - 2016

SAMUNDSSON Nína 1892 - 1965
Prva islandska kiparka.

Iceland`s first female sculptor. Nína Sæmundsson`s reaction to the cataclysm of World War I was to turn her back on avant-garde art and seek to create modern sculptures based on traditional premises.


            IS -1373

SAND George 1. 7. 1804 - 8. 7. 1876
Francoska pisateljica s pravim imenom Amandine-Lucie-Aurore Dupin) je pisala romane, zgodbe, igre, eseje in spomine. Imela je več razmerij: s pisateljem J. Sandeaujem, A. de Mussetom, od 1838-46 pa z Fredericom Chopinom. Čez noč je postla slavna s svojim prvim romanom Indiana (1832), ki govori o nesrečni ženi, ki se želi osvoboditi zapora nesrečnega zakona. S svojimi poznejšimi romani Valentine (1832) in Lelia (1833) je svoje bralce presenetila z odkritostjo opisovanja spolnih občutkov žensk.     
George Sand, pseudonym of Aurore Dudevant, was the most famous woman writer in 19th-century France. A prolific writer of novels, stories, plays, essays, and memoirs, she represented the epitome of French romantic idealism and unconventional iconoclasm to the whole of Europe, including Russia. She was married at 18 to Baron Casimir Dudevant and had two children. Profoundly unhappy in the marriage, she left her husband, established herself in Paris with another man in 1831, and out of financial necessity began writing. Her first independent novel, Indiana (1832), the story of an unhappy wife who struggles to free herself from the imprisonment of marriage, explicitly called a form of slavery, made her an overnight celebrity. Subsequent novels, such as Valentine (1832) and, most notably, Lelia (1833), astounded her readers with their frank exploration of women's sexual feelings and their passionate call for women's freedom to find emotional satisfaction. Sand never advocated "free love" but remained an idealist, exalting the idea of marriage between equals and condemning the social system of male dominance that made such marriages impossible. Legally separated from her husband in 1836, she kept up a furious pace of literary composition throughout her life to support herself and her children. Her reputation for iconoclasm grew not only from the themes of her novels but from exaggerated reports of her unconventional behavior: her occasionally masculine clothing, her habitual smoking, and her series of love affairs with such well-known artists as Alfred de Musset and Frederic Chopin.

        F - 1140                       F - 3789                             RO - 5832

SANDES Flora 22. 1. 1876 - 24. 11. 1956
Britanska medicinska sestra je prišla v času prve svetovne vojne leta 1914 v Srbijo kjer je postala edina britanka, ki je v času prve svetovne delovala kot aktivna vojakinja - kapitanka srbske vojske. Odlikovana je bila s sedmimi odlikovanji, med drugim tudi z najvičjim vojaškim odlikovanjem Karađorđevo zvezdo z meči. V Beogradu je živela do leta 1945.

British nurse was the only female officer in the Serbian army during the First World War and the only woman from the UK in active military service. She came to Serbia as a nurse and ended the war as capitain of the Serbian army. Together with Milinka Savić she was a member of the Iron Regiment. She was awarded the Karadorde Star with Swords. She lived in Blegrade until 1945.

            RS - 641

SANDY Isabelle 15. 6. 1884 - 7. 7. 1975
Andorska pisateljica in pesnica s pravim imenom Dieudonnée Marie Isabelle Fourcade.

Andorian author and poet. She published her first volume of poetry in 1914.

 Andorra-sp. - 248
SANKOVICH Ksenia 27. 7. 1990 -
Beloruska gimnastičarka je na OI 2008 v Pekingu osvojila bronasto medaljo v ekipi ritmične gimnastike.
Na znamki BY-819 je Aksana Miankova.
Na labelah
BY-blok-77 so ostale beloruske športnice, ki so na OI 2008 v Pekingu osvojile medalje: Jekaterina Karsten, Inna Zhukova, Julija Bičik, Natalija Helakh, Natallia Mikhnevich, Nadzeya Ostapchuk, Nastassia Novikava, Alina Tumilovich, Anastasia Ivankova, Glafira Martinovich, Olesya Babushkina, Zinaida Lunina.

Belarusian gymnast competed at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing where she received a bronze medal in the rhythmic team competition.
On stamp
BY-819 is Aksana Miankova.
On labels of sheet
BY-blok-77 are also other Belarus women winners of medals in OG Bejing: Jekaterina Karsten, Inna Zhukova, Julija Bičik, Natalija Helakh, Natallia Mikhnevich, Nadzeya Ostapchuk, Nastassia Novikava, Alina Tumilovich, Anastasia Ivankova, Glafira Martinovich, Olesya Babushkina, Zinaida Lunina.


BY - blok-77, BY - 819
Na Finskem rojena pariška modna oblikovalka je najprej študirala Parsons School za oblikovanje v New Yorku. Diplomirala je na šoli za likovno umetnost v Parizu, kjer poučuje že sedem let. Na bloku
FI-1970-1974 so tudi Lundsten Juliasten, Parika Minna, Katola Sanna, Santanen Jasmin in Laitinen Anna.  

The Finnish born Parisian designer began her studies at Parsons School of Design in New York in 1989 and obtained her bachelors degree of Fine Arts in Paris, where she has now been teaching for seven years.
On sheet FI-1970-1974 are also Lundsten Juliasten, Parika Minna, Katola Sanna, Santanen Jasmin and Laitinen Anna.  


                                                                         FI - 1971(1970-1974)
SANTA ROSA Isabel 18. 2. 1931 - 17. 9. 2001
Portugalska balerina je svojo kariero začela v edini profesionalni portugalski plesni skupini Companhia Portuguesa de Bailado Verde Gaio. Kasneje pa se je pridružila portugalski eksperimentalni baletni skupini in portugalskem baletnem centru.

Potuguesse dancer began hers career at Companhia Portuguesa de Bailado Verde Gaio (at the time the only professional dance group in Portugal)..Later joined to the Portuguese Ballet Center and the Experimental Ballet Group.


             P - 4090

SANTOS Argentina 6. 2. 1924 - 18. 11. 2019
Portugalka ena najbolj nadarjenih in obetavnih fado pevcev svojega časa je začela svojo umetniško pot po odprtju restavracije Parreirinha de Alfama, kjer je ko je bila stara 24 let zaćela kot kuharica. PO delu v kuhinji je odšla med mize restavracije kjer so jo prosili naj poje. Njen odgovor je postal legenda: "Tukaj sem, da kuham svojim strankam".

She is one of the most gifted and promising Fado singers of her time, started her artistic career after the opening of  Parreirinha de Alfama restaurant, where she went to work as a cook, with 24 years old. After leaving the kitchen, she walked round the tables, always asked to sing a Fado. Her answer became a legend: “I’m here to cook for my costumers”.

           P - 3780

SANZ de FRANCK Agnes Ovando 21. 1. 1915 - 2. 2. 2013
Bolivijska slikarka je študirala na šoli za kiparstvo v Santiago de Chile. Bile je profesorica na univerzi v La Pazu in je rezstavljala v Južni Ameriki in Evropi.

Bolivian painter studied at School of Plastic Arts in Santiago de Chile. She was professor in University of La Paz. Exhibited in South America and Europa.


           YU - 2134
SAPHO 630 pr.n.št(BC)

The most famous woman poet of all time, known for her lyrics, Sappho was born at Eressos on the Greek island of Lesbos. About her life there is much anecdote, little fact. She was married and had a daughter and sometime between 604 and 595 suffered exile in Sicily. Of her nine books of poems only fragments remain, some recently discovered on Egyptian papyri. Celebrated for her marriage songs (epithalamia), she also wrote hymns, mythological poems, and personal poems of love. Of the last, most are addressed to women, possibly members of a literary circle with strong emotional attachments. Several poems invoking Aphrodite suggest that they may have shared some cult or ceremonial practices. Famous in ancient times for her depiction of passion, Sappho delights in sensuous images of flowers, the moon, the sea, and the night. Her style is straightforward, delicate, melodious, graceful, and witty. The Roman poet Catullus imitated her, and Ovid depicted her legendary love for Phaon in his Heroides.

       GR - 1908

SARI Ada 29. 6. 1886 - 12. 7. 1968
Sari Ada s pravim imenom Jadwiga Szayer je poljska pevka in glasbena pedagoginja.

She was one of the greatest artists in the history of Polish vocal art. Her real name was Jadwiga Szayer, but she assumed the artistic pseudonym Ada Sari when she started her vocal career in Italy. She mede her debut in 1909 as Margarita in Faust at Rome's Teatro Nazionale.  In 1923 Ada Sari was engaged by Milan's La Scala and began performing at what was Europe's prime opera house of the time. Ada Sara triumphed practically all over Europe, and overseas as well. She sang in Italy, Spain and Portugal, in France, England, Austria and Sweden, went on tour in Russia and Germany, performed in the theatres of South America, gave concerts in the United States, and quite often appeared in Poland as well. The late period of Ada Sari's life was filled with extremely intensive teaching work; she trained a whole pleiad of talented female singers.

      PL - 3254

SARTORIUS Auguste von 1. 3. 1831 - 8- 5- 1895

She was German humanitarian. She helped to establish in 1846 the German institution for children`s missionary The Society of Holy Childhood. One of the institution`s activites is organising epiphany carol singers.

 D - 1834

SASSE Marie 26. 1. 1834 - 8. 11. 1907
Belgijska operna pevka je študirala v Gentu, Parizu in Milanu. Debitirala je v Benetkah leta 1852 in v pariški operi leta 1860. Ko je leta 1877 izgubila glas, je postala učiteljica.

Sasse Marie  was Belgian singer. She studied at Ghent, Paris and Milan. She made her debut at Venice in 1852 and in Paris Opera in 1860. She singing to 1877 when she lost her voice and became a teacher.

                B -

SASVARINE Paulik Ilona 1954 - 1999
Madžarska invalidka, igralka namiznega tenisa. Na para OI leta 1992 v Barceloni je osvojila bronasto medaljo v ženskah posamezno.

She won silver and bronze medal on Barcelona 1992 Paralympic Games and gold on Atlanta 1996 Paralympic Games - table tennis women's singles in handicap class 3.

              H - 5075

SAUERBREIJ Nicolien 31. 7. 1979 -
Nizozemska poklicna snowborderka je v sezonah 2007-2008 (ko je zmagala na sedmih tekmah v paralelnem slalomu za svetovni pokal) in 2009-2010 zmagala v svetovnem pokalu. Nastopala je  zimskih OI 2002 in 2006. Na OI 2010 je v pararelnem slalomu dobila zlato medaljo.  

She is a Dutch professional snowboarder. She won seven World Cup races and ranked first in the parallel giant slalom standings of the 2007–2008 and the 2009–2010 World Cup. She competed in the Winter Olympic Games of 2002, 2006 and won the gold medal in the women's parallel giant slalom in the 2010 Winter Olympics.
                    NL - 2999

SAUNDERS Cicely 22. 6. 1918 - 14. 7. 2005
Njen portret na znamki GB-2428 je naslikala Catherine Goodman.

British physician and humanitarian founded St. Christopher's Hospice in London in 1967 and was responsible for establishing the modern hospice movement worldwide. Saunders became a Red Cross war nurse in 1944 and served as a medical social worker before graduating from medical school in 1957. Dame Cicely holds many honours including degrees and the Order of Merit and was made a Dame of the British Empire in 1980. In 2001 she received the Conrad N Hilton Humanitarian Prize - the world's largest humanitarian award.
Her portrait on stamp GB-2428 was painted by Catherine Goodman.

      GB - 2428

SAUNDERS Jennifer Jane 6. 7. 1958 -
Jennifer Jane Saunders je angleška komičarka, scenaristka, igralka in učiteljica. Napisala ke in igrala skupaj s svojo patnerico Dawn French v komični predstavi French and Saunders.

Jennifer Jane Saunders is an English comedienne, screenwriter, actress and teacher. With her comedy partner Dawn French, she wrote and starred in their eponymous sketch show, French and Saunders.

                 GB - 3731

SAVOIA Mafalda di 9. 11. 1092 - 28. 8. 1944

She is daughter of Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. In 1943 was captured by the Nazis occupying Rome. She was sent to camp Buchenwald where she died of an infection following amputation of her arm.

I - 2368

SAVICEVIC Radmila Rada

RS - 506

SAVICKAJA Svetlana 8. 8. 1948 -
Sovjetska pilotka in kozmonavtka. Leta 1975 postavila hitrostni letalski rekord 2683 km/h na letalu MIG. Službovala je kot testna pilotka sovjetskih letalskih sil. Trikrat je bila rekorderka v skupinskih padalskih skokih. Leta 1970  je osvojila prvo mesto na svetovnem prvenstvu v akrobatskem letenju. Od leta 1980 je kozmonavtka. V vesolje je poletela dvakrat in v vesolju preživela 20 dni. Prvič je kot druga ženska v vesolju poletela leta 1982 v Sojuzu T-7. V Sojuzu T-12 leta 1984 pa se je kot prva ženska sprehodila izven vesoljske ladje (3 ure, 35 minut).   

        BG - 3192                         SU - 5256                                  SU - 5534
SAVIĆ Sonja 15.9.1961 - 23.9.2008
je diplomirala je leta 1982, kot najbolj nadarjena igralka generacije 1977. Je ena najbolj nadarjenih, najlepših in najbolj posebnih igralk jugoslovanskega in srbskega filma. Njena senzibilnost je na poseben način blestela na filmskem traku. Sonja je bila zadnja generacija umetnikov, ki je živela in umirala za ideale. Klasičnih gledališč ni marala, privlačili so jo alternativa. V Ljubljani so bili nad njo navdušeni in so jo imenovali "ikona upora". Njeno kariero so zaznamovali tudi filmi Una, To Live Like Normal People, The Decline of Rock 'n' Roll, Sugar Water, Strangler vs. Strangler, Balkan Spy, We Are Not Angels ... Prejela je posebno nagrado v Benetkah za vlogo v filmu Življenje je lepo.

Sonja graduated in 1982, as the most talented actress of the generation 1977. She is one of the most talented, most beautiful and most special actresses of the Yugoslav and Serbian film. Her sensibility glittered in a special way on the movie tape. Sonja was the last generation of artists who lived and died for ideals. She did not like classical theatres, she was attracted to alternative scenes.  She was called the ’icon of rebellion’ in Ljubljana and she was impressed by it. Her career was also marked by the movies Una, To Live Like Normal People, The Decline of Rock ’n’ Roll, Sugar Water, Strangler vs. Strangler, Balkan Spy, We Are Not Angels... She received the Special Award in Venice for the role in the movie Life Is Beautiful.

            RS - 864

SAWICKA Stanislawa Maria 1895 - 1982
poljska umetnostna zgodovinarka

Polich historian of art and museologist, supervisor of the Print Room of Warsaw University Library. Prisoner in Ravensbrück, the largest camp for women (1944-1945).

             PL - 4411

SCALA Delia 25. 9. 1929 - 15. 1. 2004

She was an Italian ballerina and actress. As a young girl she studied ballet at La Scala Ballet School for seven years. She performed in numerous ballets until World War II, after which she began appearing in motion pictures using the stage name, Delia Scala. In 1956, she began a career in television. She starred in several variety shows during the 50s and 60s, and became one of her country's most beloved TV showgirls.

         SM - 2217

SCHAFT Johanna-Jannetje 16. 9. 1920 - 17. 4. 1945 

She was Dutch resistance fighter during World War II. During her law studies at the Universiteit van Amsterdam she became friends with the Jewish students Philine Polak and Sonja Frenk. This made her feel strongly about actions against Jews. She refused to sign the petition in support of the occupation forces. She could not continue her studies. She became more and more active in the resistance movement and helped people who were hiding from the Germans with stolen IDs and food-coupons. She joined the resistance movement. She was arrested by accident when she was distributing the illegal communist newspaper. Although at the end of the war there was an agreement between the occupier and the resistance movement not to execute women, she was shot dead three weeks before the end of the war.

 GDR - 883


          A - 3209

SCHINA Mary 1948 -

Greek artist studied printmaking and typography-graphic design at the Athens School of Fine Arts. Her work has been shown in over 100 group shows and international biennials in Greece and many countries all over the world.

GR - 2744

SCHJERFBECK Helene 10. 7. 1862 - 23. 1. 1946
Finsko slikarko (izg. šjorfbek) uvrščamo med največja imena evropskega slikarstva dvajsetega stoletja. Že zelo zgodaj je pokazala risarsko nadarjenost, tako da so jo starši z enajstimi leti vpisali v risarsko šolo. Z osemnajstimi leti je dobila štipendijo in odšla študirat v Pariz. kasneje se je vrnila na Finsko in tam ustvarjala. Znana je po svojih avtoportretih (več kot 40) in motivih vsakdanjega življenja. 
FI-1792: Vedeževalka, FI-1905: Učenka
FI-2144: Učenka, FI-2145: Zeleno jabolko s kozarcem za šampanjec, FI-2146: Avtoportret s črnim ozadjem, FI-2147: Svilene čevlji

She is Finish artist and is most commonly known for her realism and self-portraits, and lesser known for her landscapes, still-lifes and portraits. She showed talent at an early age. At eleven, she was enrolled at the Finnish Art Society drawing school. She continued her education at a private academy run by Adolf von Becker in the University of Helsinki drawing studio. In 1879 she won third prize in a competition put on by the Finnish Art Society. She also exhibited in an annual Finnish Art Society exhibition. She studied and worked in France and Britain.
On stamp
FI-1905 is also painting of Sussane Mukkala.
: Fortune-teller, FI-1905: Reading Girl.
: Schoolgirl, FI-2145: Green apple with champagne glass, FI-2146: Self portrait with black background  FI-2147: Silk shoes

 FI - 773                           FI - 1132-1133                                    FI - 1905

             FI - 1792            FI - 1986  

                                                               FI -
SCHLEGEL Eva 8. 3. 1960 -

The Austrian artist Eva Schlegel works with many different mediums: photography, objects, installations, glass and lead. Some of her most characteristic works are her black and white photographs which she transforms from negative and positive film and then transfers onto lead plates, in such a way that they almost seem varnished in blue and green nuances. Eva Schlegel was until recently professor at the Academy of Arts in Vienna. She has participated in several exhibitions and art fairs, such as the Venice Biennale (1995) and Session in Vienna (2005). She is the curator of the Austrian Pavillion in Venice 2011.

             A - 2961

SCHLEIMER-KILL Catherine 1884 - 1973
borka za ženske pravice

Catherine Schleimer-Kill was one of the first Luxembourg women to be bold enough to enter the political arena. The right to vote, secured in 1919, was, for her, only the first step towards a co-administration of women. Starting with the first general elections in 1919, she participated in several district and national elections and even introduced in 1928 her own purely feminine party, Action féminine . Thanks to this association that she had created, she undertook for almost 15 years important activities to raise awareness of women’s and social issues. On the long path women have followed until today in their struggle for equal rights, her struggle for emancipation was a decisive first step : « It is the route within their own power, the path towards independence. United in their solidarity, women must carry out the work of women. »

                  L - 1599

SCHLESINGER Cornelia 27. 1. 1955 -
avstrijska slikarka: Youngboy Vienna Austria 2005.

She is a self-taught artist who has established her position on the art scene by means of the staging of her own self. Her education, grammar school in Vienna and civil engineering technical college in Innsbruck, is in apparent contradiction to her artistic talents. She loves to present cycles of pictures. For the year 2000, as a symbol of the millennium, she created 99 drawings with “lucky piglets” (a symbol from Austrian tradition) in different poses, published in a picture book dedicated to her family. In 2005 she painted 55 pictures on the topic of “Happy Birthday Mister President” which were lined up next to each other for the opening of the architecturally spectacular Paradiso Pannonia Sandhöhe wine cellar in Mönchhof.


                  A - 2619

SCHMIDT Annie Maria Geertruida 20. 5. 1911 - 31. 5. 1995

She was a prolific Dutch writer, especially cherished for her children's books—"the most versatile and most talented children's book author in the Netherlands." She is called the mother of the Dutch theatrical song and the queen of Dutch children's literature, praised for her "delicious Dutch idiom," and considered one of the greatest Dutch writers. Although Schmidt wrote poetry, songs, books, plays, musicals, and radio and television drama, she is known best for her children's literature. Perhaps her best-known work for children is the series Jip and Janneke, for which she received the Hans Christian Andersen Award in 1988.

        NL - 2749

SCHMIDT Hennelore 3. 3. 1919 - 21. 10. 2010
Nemška okoljevarstvenica je bila žena Helmuta Schmidta, ki je bil od 1974 do 1982 kancler Nemčije. Leta 1976 je ustanovila Stiftung zum Schutze gefährdeter Pflanzen (fundacija za zaščito ogroženih rastlin), ki je kasneje postala Stiftung Naturschutz Hamburg und Stiftung zum Schutze gefährdeter Pflanzen (Fundacija za varstvo narave Hamburg za zaščito ogroženih rastlin). Leta 1980 je ustanovila kampanjo Cvet leta o ozaveščanja javnosti o zaščiti ogroženih divjih rož v Nemčiji.

A German environmentalist and the wife of Helmut Schmidt, who was the Chancellor of Germany from 1974 to 1982. In 1976, She founded the Stiftung zum Schutze gefährdeter Pflanzen (Foundation for the protection of endangered plants), which later became the Stiftung Naturschutz Hamburg und Stiftung zum Schutze gefährdeter Pflanzen (Nature conservancy foundation Hamburg for the protection of endangered plants). In 1980, she established the Flower of the Year campaign, a public awareness campaign for the protection of endangered wildflowers in Germany.

               D - 3448

SCHMIT Christiane 27. 12. 1951 -

Christiane Schmit, is a member of the CAL (Cercle Artistique Luxembourg), studied art in Lausanne and Strasbourg before becoming a teacher of art education. Since 1975 she has participated in many exhibitions. Her preferred technique is pure or gouached watercolour.

 L - 1561

SCHNEIDER Romy 23. 10. 1938 - 29. 5. 1982
avstrijska filmska igralka.

A hugely popular Austrian star who emerged through a succession of kitsch romantic melodramas in German 50s cinema, Romy Schneider successfully reforged her image in the 1960s to become an actress of versatility and acclaim. Romy began her film career playing her mother's daughter in Wenn der weisse Flieder wieder blüht (1953). With the title role in Sissi (1955), a highly romanticised bio-pic of the Empress Elizabeth of Austro-Hungary and its two sequels  established Romy as one of the leading stars of German cinema.

A - 2775                        A - 3118
                          GI - 741                                         D - 2145                         F - 3331

SCHOOL Sophie 9. 5. 1921 - 22. 2. 1943
in njen brat Hans sta na munchenski  univerzi ustanovila odporniško skupino proti nacizmu Bela vrtnica. Skupina je delovala v letih 1941 - 42. Ko sta februarja 1943 trosila letake, kjer sta pozivala ljudi k uporu proti Hitlerju, ju je policija aretirala. Pet dni pozneje ju je ljudsko sodišče v Berlinu obsodilo na smrt in še isti dan sta bila obglavljena.

                  GDR - 852                             D - 431                    D -1497

SCHRODER Sophie 28. 2. 1781 - 25. 2. 1868

She was a German actress the daughter of an actor, Gottfried Burger. She made her first appearance in opera at St Petersburg, in 1793. On Kotzebue's recommendation she was engaged for the Vienna Court theatre in 1798, and here and in Munich and Hamburg she won great successes in tragic roles like Marie Stuart, Phèdre, Merope, Lady Macbeth, and Isabella in The Bride of Messina, which gave her the reputation of being "the German Siddons." She retired in 1840 and lived in Augsburg and Munich until her death in 1868. She had married, in 1795, an actor, Stollmers, from whom she separated in 1799. In 1804 she married the tenor Friedrich Schröder. Schröder's eldest daughter was the opera singer, Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient.

 D - 909

SCHROEDER Louise 2. 4. 1887 - 4. 6. 1957

She was a German politician of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) party. She was the first female member of the Weimar National Assembly during the Weimar Republic. An educator and activist central in the Arbeiterwohlfahrt (Workers Welfare Institution) movement, and she was under scrutiny of the Nazi Party during the 1930s and 1940s for her socialist positions. After the division of Germany following World War II, she served as mayor of West Berlin from 1948–1951. Louise Schroeder was awarded the Great Cross of Merit with Star and Shoulder Ribbon of the Bundesverdienstkreuz (Federal Cross of Merit). On 2 April 1957 she was named honorary mayor of Berlin. A square in the Wedding district of Berlin was named after her and later in 1998, the Louise Schroeder Medal was founded.

              Berlin - 198           Berlin - 779

SCHROEDER Binette 5. 12. 1939 -
nemška slikarka, na znamki CZ-3093 je njena ilustracija iz "Žabji kralj".

She is German illustrator and photographer, who has gained an international reputation, especially in Japan. In 1997 she won the German Literature Prize for her collected works. Her fantastic fairy tale world is strikingly stylized and filled with graceful dolls and artificial landscapes. She frequently depicts charming futuristic scenes on a well ordered but lifeless theatrical stage. Her first illustrated fairy tale book, Lupinchen (1977), was translated into 17 languages and established her international fame. She has also illustrated Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales (1974), Kinder und Hausmärchen (1986), The Frog King (1987/9) (on stamp  CZ-3093), and The Juniper Tree (1997), which she endowed with mythic proportions.

CZ - 3093

SCHROEDER-DEVRIENT Wilhelmine 6. 12. 1804 - 26. 1. 1860
Nemška sopranistka, članica dresdenske opere, zaradi udeležbe v majski vstaji 1849 izgnana iz Dresdena.

She was a German operatic soprano. Daughter of a baritone, she achieved international renown with her 1822 performance as Ludwig van Beethoven's Leonora. Though her voice showed signs of wear by her 30s, she was known for her dramatic prowess (she genuinely cried onstage and was called the “Queen of Tears”). She created three early Wagnerian roles: Adriano (Rienzi, 1842), Senta (The Flying Dutchman, 1843), and Venus (Tannhäuser, 1845).


GDR - 1290

SCHŰLLER Susanne - Soshana 1. 9. 1927 - 9. 12. 2019

Soshana was born as Susanne Schüller in Vienna. In 1938 she fled the city together with her parents and moved to England, where she learned fashion design. After two years she emigrated to America and began painting under the guidance of Beys Afroyim. Her first major exhibition was held in 1948 in the Circulo de Bellas Artes in Havana under the pseudonym “Soshana”. A year later she left America, travelled around Europe and eventually made Paris her artistic home for many years. Her restlessness and artistic curiosity made her create her own “image of the world”, leading her again and again on long journeys to all parts of the globe. Asia, India and Japan left a strong impression on her artistic development. She journeyed through Africa, spent a while in Mexico, but always returned to Paris to display the works she had created as a result of the encounters with the different cultures.

              A - 2721
SCHUMANN Clara 13. 9. 1819 - 20. 5. 1896
Nemška pianistka in skladateljica, žena skladatelja Roberta Schumanna. Rodila se je kot Clara Josephine Wieck in se od petega leta učila igrati na klavir, do 1835 pa so jo že v vsej Evropi poznali kot čudežnega otroka. Leta 1838 je dobila odlikovanje avstrijskega dvora, izvolili pa so jo tudi v članstvo prestižnega dunajskega Društva prijateljev glasbe (Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde). Kljub očetovem nasprotovanju se je leta 1840 poročila z Robertom Schumannom in rodila osem otrok. Čeprav so družinske obveznosti precej ovirale njeno kariero, je še naprej poučevala na konservatoriju v Leipzigu, koncertirala in skladala. Pisala je dela za orkester, med drugim koncerte za klavir, komorno glasbo, samospeve in solistične klavirske skladbe. Leta 1853 sta se Schumannova profesionalno in osebno spoprijateljila s skladateljem Johannesom Brahmsom. Clara je nadaljevala to prijateljstvo tudi po moževi smrti 1856.

Clara Josephine Schumann, was a celebrated pianist and the wife of Robert Schumann. Trained by her father, Friedrich Wieck, who also taught Schumann, she made her debut in 1828 and undertook several tours in the following years. Her marriage to Schumann (1840) was bitterly opposed by her father. While married she largely abandoned touring, except for the last two years of Schumann's life, although she made trips to Hamburg (1842) and Russia (1844). After her husband's death, however, she concertized extensively on the continent and in England, and she was an influential teacher. Johannes Brahms was a close friend from 1853. Clara Schumann's playing was characterized by seriousness and restraint; her repertoire emphasized Schumann, Beethoven, Chopin, Bach, and Mozart. She composed many piano works and edited her husband's compositions.

      D - 1305              B - 3949       Berlin - 771                  BG - 4955

                  D - 3493

SCHURMANN Anna Maria von 1607 - 1678

Anna Maria van Schurman, was a Flemish woman whose intellect and erudition were so remarkable that the leading European scholars of the day sought her advice. After learning Latin at the age of 7, she went on to master Dutch, German, Greek, French, English, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Hebrew, Chaldean, Syriac, Ethiopian, Turkish, and Persian. She was knowledgeable about geography, astronomy, and other sciences but chose to graduate from Utrecht University with a law degree and to teach philosophy and history. Her artistic and literary abilities were equally profound. She was a miniaturist, etching portraits on glass with a diamond, and she sculpted, painted, carved in wood and ivory, and modeled in wax. She wrote poetry and began to publish it in 1636. In the last years of her life she endeavored to improve the lives of the poor and to spread the ideas of Jean de Labadie, a Jesuit-turned-Protestant who had established his own religious sect.

       NL - 1115

SCHWARZ Liselotte 6. 10. 1930 - 12. 6. 2003
Nemška grafičarka in ilustratorka otroških knjig. Slikarstvo in grafiko je študirala na Visoki šoli za umetnost v Hamburgu. Leta 1973 je prejela Grand prix na Bratislavskem bienalu ilustracij za ilustracijo knjige Izdelovalec sanj.

       CZ - 2268

SCHWARZHAUPT Elisabeth 7. 1. 1901 - 30. 10. 1986

German politician, Minister for Health and member of Parliament. She studied law , graduating in 1930. After WW II she joined to Evangelical  church. From 1952-69 she was a delegate to  German parliament. She was the first woman to hold a Ministerial position in Germany.

 D - 1955


         P - 4009                                                    P - 4011
SEACOLE Mary 1805 - 14. 5. 1881
jamajška bolniška sestra, prostovoljka v krimski vojni.

She was born in Jamaica in 1805. Her father was a Scottish soldier, and her mother a Jamaican. Mary learned her nursing skills from her mother. She was an inveterate traveller, visited other parts of the Caribbean, including Cuba, Haiti and the Bahamas, as well as Central America and Britain. On these trips she complemented her knowledge of traditional medicine with European medical ideas. In 1854 Seacole travelled to England again, and approached the War Office, asking to be sent as an army nurse to the Crimea where there was known to be poor medical facilities for wounded soldiers. She was refused. But she funded her own trip to the Crimea where she established the British Hotel near Balaclava to provide 'a mess-table and comfortable quarters for sick and convalescent officers'. She also visited the battlefield, sometimes under fire, to nurse the wounded, and became known as 'Mother Seacole'. Her reputation rivalled that of Florence Nightingale. After the war she returned to England destitute and in ill health. The press highlighted her plight and in July 1857 a benefit festival was organised to raise money for her, attracting thousands of people. Later that year, Seacole published her memoirs, The Wonderful Adventures of Mrs Seacole in Many Lands.

       GB - 2426

SEDLAČKOVA Marie ? - 1945

CZ - 2191

SEGELCKE Tore 23. 4. 1901 - 22. 9. 1979

She was a Norwegian actress.She made her debut in 1921 touring with Det Norske Teatret where she was based until 1924. From then on she worked with Det Frie Teater, and then joined the Den Nationale Scene. In 1928 she went to Nationaltheatret, where she stayed until 1972, apart from two years (1933-35) at Det Nye Teater. In her time, she was one of Nationaltheatret's leading actresses in both classical and modern dramatics. She took a total of 104 roles at Nationaltheateret.

N - 1375

SEGUR Sophie de 1. 7. 1799 - 31. 1. 1874

She was a French writer of Russian birth. Her father was General Rostopchine who ordered the city of Moscow to be set on fire after the battle of Borodine (1812) and thus compelled Napoleon to begin his disastrous retreat from Russia. She married Eugène Comte de Ségur, grandson of Louis Philippe de Ségur, and nephew of Philippe Paul de Ségur, one of the most brilliant officers in the imperial army and author of "Histoire de Napoléon et de la grande armée pendant l'année 1812" which had more than fifteen editions and was translated into most of the European languages. Mme. de Ségur was a woman of culture and uncommon literary talent. She contributed a number of stories to the "Bibliothèque Rose", a collection of short novels for young people; among them are Les Petites Filles modèles (on stamp F-3395), Pauvre Blaise, Le Général Dourakine, Un bon petit diable, Les vacances, Le mauvais génie.

            F - 3395               MC  - 2462

SEIKKULA Irma 14. 5. 1914 - 8. 7. 2001
je bila finska filmska igralka.

Finish film actress, She worked also on television. On stamp FI-1337 is with Walle Saikko from film Juha (1937).

             FI -

SEKULIĆ Isidora 18.2.1877 - 5.4.1958
Srbska pisateljica je pisala eseje, potopise in novele, najvažnejši pa so njeni eseji (Analitični trenutki in teme, Zapisi). v njih je obdelovala teme iz književnosti, probleme življenja in zgodovine. Močno je vplivala na razvoj moderne srbske kritike in esejistike 20. stoletja

Serbian author. She worked as teacher, school prinicipal, nurse and travel writer. She wrote novels, travel stories, critical articles and short stories mainly describing life in Serbia.

YU - 2777

SELBERT Elisabeth 22.9.1896 - 9.6.1986
nemška pravnica

She was a German politician and lawyer. She was one of the four Mütter des Grundgesetzes ("Mothers of the Basic Law") - the inclusion of equality as a fundamental right in the German Constitution was largely her doing.

D -1338

SEMERENKO Valj 18.1.1986 -

An Ukrainian biathlete Together with Juliya Dzhyma, Vita Semerenko and Olena Pidhrushna she won the gold medal in the Women's relay 4 x 6 km at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.


                   UA - 1412
SEMERENKO Vita  18.1.1986 -

An Ukrainian biathlete Together with Juliya Dzhyma, Valj Semerenko, and Olena Pidhrushna she won the gold medal in the Women's relay 4 x 6 km at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.


                 UA - 1412
SEMOTAN Elfie 25. 6. 1941 -

She worked as a model before she started her career as photographer at the end of the 1960s. She became famous for her spectacular photo series from the world of fashion. She worked with Naomi Campbell and Claudia Schiffer for magazines such as Vogue, Elle, Die Zeit etc. Large fashion labels are often associated with the aesthetics of their pictorial language for many years. An excellent example for this is the Austrian lingerie brand Palmers, for which Elfie Semotan photographed a famous advertising campaign that created a scandal in Austria at the time of its publication. On stamp A-2983 is her photo of Claudia Stöckl.

                      A - 2983

SENA Agueda 16. 6. 1927 - 15. 12. 2019
Portugalska igralka, plesalka, učiteljica, koreografinja in umetniški vodja.

Portuguesse actress, dancer, teacher, choreographer, artistic director.

             P - 4089

SENDLEROWA Irena 15. 2. 1910 - 12. 5. 2008

She was the social worker since beginning of her adult life. During WW II activist in "Žegota" - the undergorund department of the relieve the Jews. The nurse in Warchaw uprising (1944. Retired in 1967. Thanks to her activity and co-workers about 2500 children were saved from the ghetto in Warshaw. She never said how many children she saved, she always repeted that it was too little. She was honoured with the highest polish orders. Israel honoured her with the tittle "Tha righteous among the nations", she has her own tree in Yad Vashem Garden. Polish Parliament declared the year 2018 as "The year of Irena Sendlerowa".


                PL - 4980

SERAO Matilde 7. 3. 1856 - 25. 7. 1927
Italijanska pisateljica.

She is Greek-born novelist and journalist. She studied and worked in Neaple and later in Rome. There she founded periodical  Corriere di Roma. After returning Neaples in 1904 she founded the influential Il giorno. She wrote about 40 popular novels and short stories. Her best novel was probably Il paese di cuccagna (The Land of Cockayne),a lively story of the Neapolitan passion for the lottery. Her other notable novels are Il romanzo della fanciulla (A Girl's Romance) and Suor Giovanna della Croce.

       I - 1613

SEREBRJAKOVA Zinaida 10. 12. 1884 - 19. 9. 1967

Russian painter was a daughter of E. Lansere, member of the union “World of Art” (“Mir iskusstva”). In her creative work (portraits, nude style, compositions devoted to life of Russian village, landscapes) Serebryakova trived at creating ideal, beautiful and harmonized images. The stamp SU-1567 represents one of the most famous paintings of Zynaida Serebryakova The toilet - Self-portrait (1909), The stamp SU-1566 represents Shoots of autumn crops (1908).

SU - 5861                                     SU-
SEVIGNE Marquise de 5. 2. 1626 - 17. 4. 1696
Francoska pisateljica Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, markiza de Sevigne se je rodila v burgundski plemiški družini in pri šestih letih osirotela. Vzgajal jo je stric, ki je poskrbel, da je imela srečno otroštvo in da se je izobraževala pri najboljših pedagogih tistega časa. Leta 1644 se je poročila s pripadnikom bretonske plemiške družine Henrijem de Sevignejem in ta jo je uvedel na francoski dvor. Leta 1651 je bil ubit v dvoboju in jo zapustil z dvema otrokoma, še prej pa zapravil ves njen denar. Kljub temu se je markiza de Sevigne še naprej gibala v visoki pariški družbi in se veliko ukvarjala s svojima otrokoma. Leta 1669 se je njena hči Francoise Marguerite poročila in se odselila v Provanso. Gospa de Sevigne jo je močno pogrešala, zato ji je pogosto pisala. Ta pisma so njen največji literarni dosežek. Nastalo jih je kar 1700, večinoma v prvih sedmih letih po hčerinem odhodu. V njih markiza sporoča novice iz mondene družbe. opisuje pomembne osebnosti in ljudi, ki so jo obiskovali, komentira tekoče zadeve in piše o podrobnostih iz vsakdanjega življenja. Razpravljala je tudi o svojem literarnem okusu. V pismih so sicer podatki, ki jih je mogoče najti še drugje, vendar je njen način pripovedovanja nepozaben. Domišljija, ki se je prebudila po naključju, je v njej predramila čutnost in moč literarne umetnice in se sprostila v duhovitih in očarljivih pripovedih. 

Marie de Rabutin Chantal, marquise de Sevigne became immortalized when her correspondence of more than 1,500 letters was published posthumously in 1725-26. Born into a distinguished family, she was orphaned early but given an excellent classical education by two uncles. She was married to Henri de Sevigne in 1644 and widowed in 1651. She had two children, one of whom was Francoise Marguerite. This daughter's marriage (1669) to the comte de Grignan separated her from her passionately devoted mother, and she became the recipient of most of her mother's correspondence. Delightfully anecdotal, sometimes containing serious reflection, the letters include portraits of Corneille, La Rochefoucauld, Racine, and Turenne, and they also afford an insight into Madame de Sevigne's own nature.

            F - 892                   F - 3148                   MC - 1240

SEY Seinabo 9. 10. 1990 -
Švedska pevka švedskega in gambijskega rodu je najbolj znana po svoji mednarodni debitantski uspešnici "Yunger".

A Swedish singer is best known for her international debut hit song "Younger". She is of both Swedish and Gambian ancestry.

              S - 3034
SHAFER Mary Ann 1. 1. 1934 - 1. 2. 2008

Mary Ann Shaffer worked as an editor, a librarian, and in bookshops. Her life-long dream was to someday write her own book and publish it. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society was her first novel. Unfortunately, she became very ill with cancer and so she asked her niece, Annie Barrows, the author of the children’s series Ivy and Bean, as well as The Magic Half, to help her finish the book. On stamps Guernsey - 1344-1349 are her ilistration from her book.

Guernsey - 1344-1349

SHAHBAZI Shirana 1974 -
Rojena je bila v Iranu. Leta 1985 se je preselila v Nemčijo. Tam je med leti 1995 in 1997 na Univerzi za uporabne umetnosti v Dortmundu študirala fotografijo. Od leta 1997 živi v Švici. Tam je med 1997 in 2000 na Umetniški akademiji v Zurichu študirala fotografijo. Svoja dela je razstavljala na številnih samostojni in skupinskih razstavah po vsem svetu. Za svoje delo je prejela številna priznanja in nagrade. Na znamkah
LI-1608, CH-2220 je njena fotografija Sadje iz serije Rože, sadje in portreti.

She was born in Tehran (Iran) and moved to Germany in 1985. From 1995 to 1997 she studied Photography and Design at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences, and from 1997 to 2000 Photography at the University of the Arts in Zurich, where she has since lived. Since 2001 her artworks have been on display at single and collective exhibitions all over the world. Her artistic output has earned her various grants and awards. On stamps FL-1608, CH-2220 is her photograph Fruit from the series Flowers, Fruit and Portraits.

              CH - 2220                     LI - 1608
SEVKI Ismet 1884 - 1957
žena Ahmeta Sevkija, pionirja fotografa iz Cipra.

She was Cypriot photographer, wife of Ahmet Sevki, pioneer of photography in Cyper.

              CY (tur) - 465

SHELLEy Mary 30. 8. 1797 - 1. 2. 1851
Angleška romanopiska je med popotovanjem po Evropi ob Ženevskem jezeru napisala svojega znamenitega  Frankensteina (1818). Do smrti svojega moža je živela v Italiji. Nato se je vrnila v Anglijo, kjer je nadaljevala s pisanjem romanov. Med drugim je napisala Valperga (1823), The Last Man (1826), Falkner (1837).

Daughter of political philosopher William Godwin and women's rights advocate Mary Wollstonecraft and second wife of the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley is famous as the author of Frankenstein (1818), a novel whose popularity as a horror tale has eclipsed its philosophical content. Having eloped (1814) with Shelley to Europe, she married him after the suicide (1816) of his first wife and bore him four children, of whom only one survived. The marriage brought Mary Shelley into contact with outstanding writers of the period, including Byron; during their conversation one evening, she conceived the idea that later developed into Frankenstein. Upon the death (1822) of her husband, Mary Shelley devoted herself to her child and to literary work. Returning (1823) to England, she edited Shelley's works and her own Journals and letters, which, with Shelley-related material in her other works, are an important source for later commentators. Often using views and characters derived from Shelley and his friends but uneven in quality, her works include History of a Six Weeks Tour (1817), The Last Man (1826), and the auto-biographical Lodore (1835).

                 GB - 1693                       CH - 2018

SHERRY Fionnuala 20. 9. 1962 -

She is an Irish violinist and vocalist. She makes up the female part ( and Norwegian composer/pianist Rolf Løvland ) of the New Instrumental duo Secret Garden, which won the Eurovision Song Contest 1995 with the predominantly instrumental piece "Nocturne" fro Norge.

               N - 1721
SIEDZIKOWNA Danuta 3. 9. 1928 - 28. 8. 1946

A Polish national heroine with underground name Inka. She was a medical orderly in the 4th Squadron (created in the Białystok area) of the 5th Wilno Brigade of the Polish Home Army.  In 1946 she served with the Brigade's 1st Squadron in Poland's Pomorze (Pomerania) region. At age 17, she was sentenced to death and executed by the Communist authorities.


                                      P - 4977

SIEVEKING Amalia 25. 7. 1794 -1. 4. 1859
nemška ustanoviteljica društva za pomoč ubogim in ranjenim.

She was the daughter of a senator and a deaconess who displayed exemplary courage in caring for victims of the cholera epidemic which swept the country in 1831. She thereafter devoted herself to the health and social care of deprived families and, having founded in 1832 the ‘Weiblicher Verein für Armen- und Krankenpflege’, established w help tehool fbenhort) and girls (Flickschule) to prepare them for working life. Other activities were devoted to the relief of unemployment and to visits to hospitals and homes. In the 1840s she created temporary homes offering accommodation for a nominal rent or rent free. Her untiring practical commitment enhanced her reputation as a pioneer, whose fight for the greater involvement of women in social welfare work.

         D - 222

SIFNIOS Dušanka 1933 - 14. 10. 2016
je bila prima balerina Narodnega gledališča v Beogradu, svetovno znana baletna zvezda, solistka v znameniti skupini Mauricea Béjarta - Balet XX stoletja. Po baletni šoli v Beogradu, ki jo je končala v razredu znane ruske balerine Nine Kirsanove, se je vključila v baletno skupino Narodnega gledališča v Beogradu, kjer je, še kot študentka, že igrala solo vloge v Labodjem Jezeru. Sodelovala je s svetovno priznanima koreografoma Léonide Massine in Miloradom Miškovićem v Italiji in Franciji, vendar bo vedno ostala v spominu po igranju v baletni skupini Mauricea Béharta. Slavni Béjart, ki ga je navdihnila, je ustvaril legendarni zgodovinski balet Bolero, na glasbo Mauricea Ravela. Za bavarsko televizijo posnela filmsko različico Bolero, pa tudi Fantastičn prodajalna igrač, Modra Donava itd. Leta 1998 ji je združenja baletnih umetnikov Srbije podelilo nagrado za življenjsko delo.

She was prima ballerina of the National Theatre in Belgrade, world-renowned ballet star, soloist in the famous troupe of Maurice Béjart – Ballet of the XX century. After the Ballet School in Belgrade, which she finished in the class of a famous Russian ballerina, Nina Kirsanova, she entered the Ballet Company of the National Theatre in Belgrade, where she had, while still a student, already played solo roles in the Swan Lake. She cooperated with world-renowned choreographers Léonide Massine and Milorad Mišković in Italy and France, but will always be remembered for playing in Maurice Béjart’s ballet troupe: Ballet of the XX Century. The famous Béjart, inspired by her, created the legendary historical ballet Bolero, to the music of Maurice Ravel. She also made a film version of Bolero for Bavarian television, as well as The Fantastic Toyshop, The Blue Danube, etc. She won the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Association of Ballet Artists of Serbia in 1998.

              RS - 876

SIGALDI Emma de 22. 12. 1910 - 23. 10. 2010

She is German sculptor and lives and works in Monaco since 1954. Her works primarily in terracotta and marble. Numerous exhibitions of his work have been held in Paris, Peru, America and Hong Kong. De Sigaldi has Monegasque nationality and has been honoured by the Principality in a series of stamps depicting a selection of her works.


               MC - 1775  
                       MC - 2121                   MC - 2495
SIGMUNDSDOTTIR Sesselja 5. 6. 1902 - 8. 11. 1974

Sesselja Hreindis Sigmundsdottir was a pioneer in matters concerning the mentally handicapped in Iceland, and established the first foster home for the mentally handicapped at Solheimar in Grimsnes. She studied padagogy and care of children and the handicapped in Denmark, Switzerland and Germany. She emphasized mixing the handicapped and non-handicapped long before these methods gained popularity abroad. Sesselja was ahead of her contemporaries and the first her views were met with suspicion and incomprehension by the authorities and the general public. Public authorities opposed allowing handicapped and non-handicapped children to live together at Solheimar "because the healthy children may suffer mental and physical damage from consorting with the handicapped ones". Sesselja was also a major proponent of organic farming and is often called the first Icelandic environmentalist.

           IS - 1011

SIGNORE Simone 5. 3. 1921 - 30. 9. 1985
Francoska filmska igralka se je rodila v Nemčiji francoskim staršem. Vzgajali so jo v Parizu, ob začetku druge svetovne vojne pa so se preselili v London. Bila je aktivna v svobodnih francoskih domoljubnih organizacijah. Začela je delati tudi v filmski britanski vojni produkciji. Po vojni ji je njen mož pomagal pri njeni filmski karieri. Leta 1952 je dobila britansko filmsko nagrado za vlogo v filmu Zlata čelada. Leta 1959 je dobila oskarja za vlogo nesrečne zavržene ljubice v filmu Soba na vrhu. V filmu je bila aktivna do 1982. Napisala je več knjig, najboljša je njena duhovita melanholična avtobiografija Nostalgija ni to kar bi morala biti.

Born in Gemany  to French parents, Simone Signoret was raised in Paris, moving to England with her family at the outset of World War 2. While working with the Free French patriotic organization, she entered films as an extra in wartime British productions. Through the auspices of her first husband, director Yves Allegret, Simone eas given the "star buildup" in the postwar years. One of the best of her unlucky-in-love characterizations was in Casgues D`or 1952, for which she won British film Industry award. Simone went on to win an Oscar for her portayal of Laurence Harvey`s tragic castaway mistress in Room at the top 1959. Her second husband was Yves Montand, whose many extramrital affairs (including one with Marilyn Monroe) were regarded with patience and discretion by the ever-forgiving Signoret. Maturing into a plump but still bewitching sharacter actress, Simone continued appearing in choice film roles until 1982. Simone was the author of several books, foremost among tjhem the witty, melamcholy autobiobraphy Nostalgia Isn`t What It used to be.


            B -
3217                      F - 2574                        F - 3332
SILIS-HOEGH Bolatta 1981 -

Greenlandic artist was educated at The Jutland Academy of Fine Arts, Aarhus. One of the young artist’s themes is identity confusion, the meeting between cultures, globalisation and global warming, torn between outside cultural influences (e.g. Americanisation) on the one hand and an almost a national romantic quest for the indigenous Greenlandic Culture on the other hand.


              Greenland - 553

SILLANPAA Miina 4. 6. 1866 - 3. 4. 1952

She was Finland`s first female minister and a key figure in the workers' movement. She worked in cotton factory, nail factory, as a caretaker, later as inspector of eateries and cafés. Sillanpää did not have much of a school education - she had only gone to a visiting school (kiertokoulu) and factory school. She was active in social democratic association activity. She especially campaigned for the rights of working and lonely women. She served as a member of parliament for a total of 38 years: 5 times in years 1907 - 1947.

              FI - 1184

SILVA Herminia 3. 10. 1907 - 13. 6. 1993

Herminia Silva, a popular fado singer and actress. Miss Silva began singing at the age of 10 when working as a seamstress. She specialized in her country's folk songs and was acclaimed for her haunting versions of Portugal's mournful songs about the sea, about love and the longing for distant shores.Famous for her poignant repartee with audiences in smoky Lisbon bars, Miss Silva also became a movie box-office hit in the 1940's in a series of films about everyday life in Portugal.


                 P - 3685

SIMONAITYTE Ieva 23. 1. 1897 -27. 8. 1978

Self educated, she earned her living as a secretary and translator, contributing poems and stories to periodicals of Lithuania Minor. She came to sudden prominence with her novel Aukstuju Simoniu likimas (The Fate of the Upper Simonys, 1935), awarded the first Lithuanian state literary prize. The novel earned her extraordinary critical and popular acclaim and appeared in numerous editions. A family chronicle, it traces the destinies of the Simonis clan between the 18th and 20th centuries, in a mosaic of colourful episodes. Similar in stature is her novel Vilius Karalius (Vilius the King), vol. 1 in 1939 and vol. 2 in 1956, awarded the 25,000-ruble Soviet state prize in 1958. Epic and monumental spanning the lives of several generations, the novel is also distinguished by its psychological insight and social observation.

LT - 627

SIMMONDS Ellie 11. 11. 1994 -

She s a British Paralympian swimmer competing in S6 events. She came to national attention when she competed in the 2008 Summer Paralympics in Beijing, winning two gold medals for Great Britain, despite being the youngest member of the team, at the age of 13. In 2012 she was again selected for the Great Britain squad, this time swimming at a home games in London. She won another two golds in London: in the Women's 400m Freestyle - S6 setting a World Record (GB-3335) and in Women's Individual Medley SM6 (GB-3343).


                                  GB - 3335                                                      GB - 3343
SIMS Joan 9. 5. 1930 - 28. 6. 2001

She made her first film appearance in Will Any Gentleman? with George Cole in 1953. But she is best remembered for her roles in the Carry On films, and latterly for playing Madge Hardcastle in As Time Goes By. She first starred in Carry On Nurse, then Carry On Teacher, followed by Carry On Constable and Carry On Regardless and this sealed her future as a regular Carry On performer. Following a bout of ill health, Dilys Laye had to be brought in to take her place in Carry On Cruising at very short notice; however, Sims rejoined the team with Carry On Cleo. Following the success of Carry On Cleo she stayed with the films all the way though to the final film in the original series, Carry On Emmannuelle, having appeared in twenty-four Carry On films.
On stamp GB-2656 are also Fenella Fielding and Angela Douglas.
On stamp GB-2654 is also Amanda Barrie

              GB - 2654                       GB - 2656

SINISALO Saana-Maria 29. 01. 1971 -

She is Finish paralympic athlete - archer.


                        FI -2182

SINTENIS Renee 20. 3. 1888 - 22. 4. 1965
nemška kiparka, grafičarka in ilustratorka

She began to study at the Berlin School for the Decorative and Applied Arts in 1908. By 1915 she was showing work with the Berlin Secession. She soon made influential friends and her work became popular. Sintenis' success grew during the 1920s, culminating in the 1926 bronze Der Läufer von Nurmi (The Runner from Nurmi), for which she was awarded the 1932 Olympia Prize. After the second world war Renée Sintenis was again permitted to teach art in 1947 at the Hochschule der Künste. Awarded the art prize of the city of Berlin a year later, she became a full professor at the Berlin Art Academy in 1955.

          Berlin - 805

SITTER Inger  18. 10. 1929 - 11. 3. 2015

Norwegian painter made her debut in 1948 with her own exhibition at the Oslo Art Society. In 1954 she moved to Paris, where she was drawn to abstract painting. Her work helped to create a debate on and acceptance of non-figurative art in Norway. Along with Carl Nesjar, Inger Sitter helped to decorate the stairwell in Sentrum Cinema in Oslo in 1956 and in 1957-58 participated in the embellishment of the new government buildings in sand-blasted concrete. Decorations in major educational institutions also bear Inger Sitter’s name.
On stamp is her painting: Komposisjon i rødt.

               N - 1667

Nina Skarra hit the headlines in autumn 2012 when, as the first Scandinavian designer, she was invited to show her collection during the New York Fashion Week, one of the biggest and most important fashion events in the world. Here she was in distinguished company, with such giants as Alexander Wang, Marc Jacobs and Ralph Lauren. Showing your collection to the entire fashion world in New York opens many doors. Today Nina Skarra creations are to be found in fashion shops in London, Paris and New York, not to mention in the wardrobes of actress Angelina Jolie and Crown Princess Mette-Marit. Nina Skarra studied at the University of Arts in London. She has given her designs an environmental profile, and she is collaborating with the UN on the development of sustainable textile production.


               N -1802

SKARD GRUDA Aase 2. 12. 1905 - 13. 8. 1985
norveška otroška psihologinja

She was a Norwegian psychologist, and a pioneer in the field of the bringing up of children. She lectured at the University of Oslo from 1947 to 1973. She edited the magazine Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift from 1936 to 1970. She wrote 24 books and almost 2,000 journal articles.

           N - 1526

SKARDI Sanna av 19. 4. 1876 - 12. 2. 1978

She was born on Faroe Islands and was the wife of Símun av Skarði. She was together with him and his friend Rasmus Rasmussen and his wife Rasmussen Anna-Suffia (also on stamp Faroe-372) the first teacher at the Faroese Folk High School.

Faroe - 372

SKARDINO Nadežda 27. 3. 1985 -
Beloruska biatlonka ne nastopa več. Nastopala je na zimskih olimpijskih igrah 2010 v Vancouvru, 2014 v Sočiju in 2018 v Pyeongchangu. Na zimskih olimpijskih igrah 2014 je osvojila bronasto medaljo v posamični konkurenci (BY-1013) in zlato medaljo v štafeti 4 × 6 km na olimpijskih igrah 2018 (BY-1253). V sezoni 2017–2018 je Skardino osvojila posamični svetovni pokal. Na znamki BY-1253 so še: Irina Krivko, Dzinara Alimbekava in Darja Domračeva.

She is a retired Belarusian biathlete. She represented Belarus at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi and the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. She won a bronze medal in the individual competition at the 2014 Winter Olympics (BY-1013) and a gold medal in the 4×6 km relay at the 2018 Olympics(BY-1253). In the 2017–2018 season Skardino won the Individual World Cup. On stamp BY-1253 are also Irina Krivko, Dzinara Alimbekava and Darja Domračeva.


                BY - 1013                                            BY - 1253

SKRAM Amalie 22. 8. 1846 - 15. 3. 1905
norveška pisateljica.

Norvegian autor. Her first work is Mme Hijer`s Tenants (1882). She is considered the first naturalistic writer in Norvay. Later she moved to Danmark. Her best work is The People of Hellmyr.

  N - 1226/1227

SLANČIKOVA Božena - Timrava 2. 10. 1867 - 27. 11. 1951

Timrava, born Božena Slančíková was a leading exponent of the late realism style in Slovak literature. Her stories typically feature rural workers, the rural intelligentsia and groups promoting Slovak national interests. She also introduced a type of character new in Slovak literature – a woman with a fully developed psychological profile who feels sorrow and disillusionment in relation to the fin de siècle social atmosphere. Her works display autobiographical elements, criticism, irony, and a focus on character psychology. In her later writings she concentrated on serious social issues. Among the best-known of her short stories and novels are: Za koho ísť?, Pomocník, Ťažké položenie, Tak je darmo, Pozde, Nemilí, Bál, Skúsenosť, Bez hrdosti, Veľké šťastie, Tá zem vábna, Márnosť všetko, Ťapákovci, Hrdinovia, Skon Paľa Ročku, Dve doby, and Záplava. She also wrote plays occasionally, but these did not reach the heights of her prose works.

         SK - 823

SMAJLI Tringe 1880 - 2. 11. 1917
Kosovska borka za svobodo.

Tringë Smajl Martini Ivezaj  was an Albanian guerrilla fighter who fought against the Ottoman Empire.

         KO - 296

SMITH Ruth 5. 4. 1913 - 26. 5. 1958
Slikarka in grafičarka Faroerskih otokov.

Färöer painter and grafiker.

             Faroe isl. - 19                 Faroe isl. - 119
SMITH Samantha 29. 6. 1972 - 25. 8. 1985
ameriška šolarka

She was an American schoolgirl from Manchester, Maine who became famous in the Cold War-era United States and Soviet Union. In 1982, Smith wrote a letter to the newly appointed Soviet Communist Party General Secretary Yuri Andropov, and received a personal reply which included a personal invitation to visit the Soviet Union, which she accepted.Smith attracted extensive media attention in both countries as a "Goodwill Ambassador", and became known as "America's Youngest Ambassador" participating in peacemaking activities in Japan. She wrote a book and co-starred in a television series, before her death at the age of 13 in the Bar Harbor Airlines Flight 1808 plane crash.


       SU - 5564

SMITHS Eli 1955 -
Slikarka iz ferskh otokov.

She is a Faroese painter.

                      Faroe - 702-703
SMOSARSKA Jadwiga 23. 9. 1898 - 1. 11. 1971

Star of prewar Polish cinema, as well as successful Warsaw theatrical actress, Smosarska was voted the most popular actress several times by film viewers in Poland. Smosarska became Sfinks's leading star in the 1920s after Pola Negri`s departure for Germany. She started her career by playing supporting roles in propagandist patriotic pictures dealing with the Polish-Soviet war, such as Miracle on the Vistula (1921). She achieved fame later, appearing in a number of melodramas produced by Sfinks, such as The Tram Stop Mystery (1922) and The Slave of Love (1923). The peak of her career was the box-office hit of the 1920s, an unsophisticated love story that goes beyond class borders, The Leper (1926). The war halted her career. In 1939 she managed to leave Poland and settle in the United States where she stayed until 1970. She returned to Poland one year before her death.


               PL - 4587

SNEŽINA Elena 1883 - 1944
bolgarska igralka.

Bulgarian actress.

BG - 622


  UA - 523-525

SODERBERG Johanna 31. 10. 1990 -  , SODERBERG Klara 8. 1. 1993 -
First Aid Kit je švedski duo, ki ga sestavljata sestri Klara in Johanna Söderberg. Ob nastopu v živo duet spremlja bobnar, kitarist na pedalni kitari in klaviaturist. Njuno pesem "Emmylou" je revija Rolling Stone leta 2012 izbrala za številko 10 v kategoriji "Single of the Year". Leta 2015 sta bili nominirani za britansko nagrado kot ena izmed petih najboljših mednarodnih skupin.

First Aid Kit is a Swedish folk duo that consists of the sisters Klara and Johanna Söderberg. When performing live, the duo is accompanied by a drummer, a pedal steel guitarist, and a keyboard player. Their song "Emmylou" was chosen by Rolling Stone magazine as the number 10 "Single of the Year" in 2012. In 2015, they were nominated for a Brit Award as one of the five best international groups.

             S- 3033
SODERGRAN Edith 4. 4. 1892 - 2. 6. 1923

Now credited with introducing modernism to Finland, the Swedish-language poet Edith Irene Sodergran, went virtually unrecognized during her lifetime. The extreme individualism and visionary aestheticism characteristic of her poetry reveal the influence of Nietzsche and Walt Whitman. Landet som icke ar (The Land That Is Not, 1925) contains some of her best work. She had little contact with other writers, but generations of Swedish and Finnish poets subsequently learned from her, and her fame has continued to grow.

             FI - 1185

SOFRONOVA Antonia Fedorovna 14. 3. 1892 - 14. 5. 1966
ruska slikarka
Na znamki
SU-6005 je njena slika: Portret igralke Bašrenove.

Born in the village of Droskovo in Orlov province and died in Moscow. From 1910 to 1917, Sofronova studied in Moscow at the art school of F.I. Rerberg and the studio of I.I. Mashkov. In 1914, she took part in “The Jack of Diamonds” exhibition. In 1920–1921, she taught at the State Art Shops in Tver, and at the same time became interested in Constructivism. Having returned to Moscow, she again began to create from life, at first graphic art, then paintings. Deserted city scenes were almost always her theme. Sofronova was one of “The Thirteen” group: she participated in its exhibitions, and after it was closed down in 1932, continued to work in the same style of dynamic pictorial pattern. The creative work of Sofronova became widely known only after her death.

 SU - 6005

SOKIĆ Ljubica 9. 12. 1914 - 8. 1. 2009
Srbska slikarka je umetniško šolo končala 1936 v Beogradu. 1936-39 je živela v Parizu, kjer je prvič razstavljala 1937 v skupini jugoslovanskih umetnikov. Je eden od ustanoviteljev skupine DESETERICA (1940) s katero razstavlja v Beogradu  in Zagrebu. Od 1962 je redni profesor  na Akademiji za likovno umetnost v Beogradu. Že od samega začetka jo kot slikarko zanima intimna atmosfera interiera, slika pa tudi mestne pejsaže in portrete.
Serbian painter finished Art school in Belgrade 1936. In years 1936-39 she lived in Paris, where she exhibited for first time. From 1962 she is profesor on Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade.

             YU - 2502                               RS - 587

SOKIĆ Ružica 14. 12. 1934 - 19. 12. 2013
Srbska filmska, gledališka in televizijska igralka je svojo kariero je začela leta 1957 v filmu Doktor. Nato je igrala v filmih: Ko sem mrtev in bel, Boksarji gredo v raj, Užiška republika, Savamala in drugih. Komedija Tesna koža ji je prinesla največjo priljubljenost, za film Žuta pa je bila nagrajena na filmskem festivalu v Puli. Nekatere njene poznejše pomembne vloge so Taske v veliki filmski hit Greh njene matere.

The Serbian film, theater and television actress began her career in 1957 in the film Doctor. She then played in films: When I'm dead and white, Boxers go to paradise, The Republic of Uzice, Savamala and others. Comedy Tight skin brought her the greatest popularity, and for the film Žuta she was rewarded at the film festival in Pula. Some of her later important roles are Taske in the great movie hit of Her mother's death.

                           RS -726
SOKOLI Qibra 1924 - 1944
albanska partizanka
Na znamki
AL-2162 sta tudi Derri Qeriba in Bilibashi Ylbere.

Albanian partisan.
On stamp AL-2162 are also  Derri Qeriba and Bilibashi Ylbere.

            AL - 2162

SOLER Inez 16. 10. 1910 - 31. 7. 1974

She is Maltese musician, write, painter and sculptor. She wrote plays, religious dramas, passion plays.

MT - 984
danska slikarka

Greenland - 491

SÖRENSTAM Annika 9. 10. 1970 -

She is a Swedish professional golfer whose achievements rank her as one of the most successful golfers in history. She has won 72 official LPGA (Ladies Professional Golf Association), tournaments including ten majors and 18 other tournaments internationally, and she tops the LPGA's career money list with earnings of over $22 million -- over $8 million ahead of her nearest rival. Her 90 international tournament wins as a professional make her the female golf player with the most wins to her name. The winner of a record eight Player of the Year awards, and six Vare Trophies given to the LPGA player with the lowest seasonal scoring average, she is the only female golfer to have shot a 59 in competition. She holds various all-time scoring records including the lowest season scoring average.

  S - 1963

SOTIRIOU Dide 18. 2. 1909 - 23. 9. 2004
Grška pisateljica in novinarka.

She was a Greek novelist, journalist, and playwright.
                GR - 2796

SOTLER Alenka 24. 10. 1958 -

Slovenian painter and ilustrator, creator of puppets.

                        S- 855

SOUBIROUS Bernadette 7. 1. 1844 - 16. 4. 1879

                                   SM - 2338/2340                                                     MC - 599   
                   MC - 591                MC - 592                   MC - 597                       MC - 600

MC - 2876
SOUSA COSTA Emilia de 15. 12. 1877 - 7. 6. 1959

Portuguese writer and defender of female education. She contributed to the creation of a welfare scheme for poor female students (Caixa de Auxílio a Raparigas Estudantes Pobres), she lectured at the Central Tutory of Lisbon (Tutoria Central de Lisboa), an institution for delinquent or abandoned children and she was a member of the Central Council of the National Federation of Friends of the Children.
On sheet P-3466 is also
Virginia Quaresma.

                                       P - 3466

SPASOJEVIĆ Neda 16. 4. 1941 – 16. 7. 1981

Serbian sctrees. Even nowadays, it can be heard in the theatres: This could be done just by Neda! She was classified among the most tender tragic actresses of the Serbian stage. Neda began with the tragedy, as Electra in Kis’s adaptation of Euripides. The main connecting factor between her private personality and great dramatic roles was her readiness and capability for sacrifice. That was the reason why she could, with such suggestive power, stand behind her noble, unfortunate, fragile or wild women, whatever was their crucial choice. She wasn’t showing off feelings, and she was unique among our actresses by the power to express the sensitive world of her personalities, as well on the screen as on the theatre stage. She was the wonderfully beautiful, touching, straight and tragic Simovic’s Hasanaginica.

             RS - 293

SPEYER Marie 13. 7. 1880 - 18. 6. 1914

Marie Speyer  was born in Vianden. At 25, she passed all the compulsory exams to become a primary school teacher. In 1905, she went to study at Fribourg University in Switzerland (it began admitting women in 1865) and presented her doctorate thesis in 1909. In 1911, she was off ered the position of assistant director at the Lycée de Jeunes Filles in Luxembourg.

            L- 2014

SPYRI Johanna 12. 6. 1827 - 7. 7. 1901
Švicarska pisateljica je z zgodbami za otroke, v katerih nastopa deklica Heidi, zaslovela po vsem svetu. S psihološkim vpogledom v otroški um, humorjem in sposobnostjo vživljanja v radosti in tegobe otrok, je tem zgodbam dala trajno vrednost. Johanna je študirala jezike in klavir v Zurichu. Leta 1852 se je poročila. Leta 1871 je napisala svoj prvi roman List z Vronijevega groba. Leta 1880 je izdala prvi zvezek zgodb o Heidi, s katerim je zares zaslovela, čeprav je že preje objavila precej zgodb za otroke in odrasle. Leta 1884 je doživela osebno tragedijo - umrla sta ji mož in sin. Po tem se je ukvarjala z vzgojo nečakinje in dobrodelnostjo, napisala pa je tudi precej knjig, ki so jih sicer objavili, vendar niso nikoli dosegle priljubljenosti Heidi.

Heidi (1880), by Johanna Spyri,  is a perennially popular children's classic centering on a young orphan girl named Heidi, who lives with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps. Originally written in German, the story has been translated into many languages, and has formed the basis of several motion pictures, the most notable of which (1937) starred Shirley Temple in the title role.

           CH - 561               CH - 1284                           D - 2192                     CH - 2157
                     D - 3506

ST HELIER Ivy 1886 - 8. 11. 1971

Was a British stage actress, composer and lyricist. On the stage, Ivy played Manon la Crevette in the original production of Noel Coward's operetta Bitter Sweet (1929), a role she reprised in the 1933 film version. As a lyricist, she wrote songs for The Street Singer to a score by Frederick Lonsdale, and wrote additional songs for The Blue Train, the London musical by Reginald Arkell, Dion Titheradge and Robert Stolz. She made just five films, including Laurence Olivier's Henry V (1944) and London Belongs to Me (1948).

 Jersey - 348

STAEL Madame de 22. 4. 1766 - 14. 7. 1817
A Swiss-French writer famous for her literary criticism, novels, and flamboyant life, Madame de Stael, originally Anne Louise Germaine Necker,was one of the most important intellectuals of a changing Europe. The daughter of the politician Jacques Necker, she married the Swedish ambassador Baron de Stael-Holstein in 1786. She had numerous affairs, the most famous being with the novelist Benjamin Constant. Having grown up in the intellectual milieu of her mother's salon, she quickly established her own and made it a center of progressive discussion. Banned from Paris by Napoleon in 1803, she established a new salon at Coppet on Lake Geneva. Madame de Stael wrote voluminously De la litterature consideree dans ses rapports avec les institutions sociales (The Influence of Literature upon Society) was published in 1800 and established her reputation. Her two novels, Delphine (1802) and Corinne (1807), depict lonely and gifted women caught in a clash of cultures and codes. In 1810 she issued De l'Allemagne (On Germany), a major work that investigates German romantic literature and philosophy. Its praise of things German so incensed Napoleon, long her persecutor, that he destroyed the first edition and exiled its author. Madame de Stael played a primary role in the development of French romanticism and modern literary criticism. Her other literary works include a memoir of her father (1804), reflections on Rousseau (1788), and a discussion of the Revolution (1818).

          F -1322                     CH - 910

STANA IONESCU Ileana 14. 9. 1936 -

She was born in Brad. From 1959 to 1965 she will play various roles in the Youth Theatre in Piatra Neamt. She has been present on the stage of the National Theatre inBucharestfor nearly 50 years. Also, she has appeared in TV theatre plays and countless feature films. Of the many theatre roles that made her famous, we can mention The Boors by Carlo Goldoni, Titanic Waltz by Tudor Musatescu or The Jays by Alexander Kiritescu. She received in 1996 the ACIN Romania Award, in 1998 the UNITER Gala Excellence Award, and in 2002 she became a Corporate Member of the National Theatre in Bucharest.

RO - 6794
STANESCU Carmen 25. 7. 1925 - 11. 4. 2018
romunska igralka.

Romunian theatre and film actress.


               RU - 6143

STANJOTA Stefania 13. 5. 1905 - 6. 11. 2000
beloruska gledališka igralka.

She is an outstanding actress, the legend of the Belarus stage and motion pictures. She had the honorary title of the People's Actress of the former BSSR (1957) and USSR (1988). She was the State prize laureate of the BSSR (1982) and also got different prizes at film festivals. Stephaniya Stanyuta began her actress career in 1918 and worked as a supernumerary, a chorister, and a dancer. In 1926 she graduated from the Drama Studio attached to the Moscow Academic Art Theatre. She was an actress of the 2nd Belarusian Drama Theatre in Vitebsk. From 1932 and till the end of her life Stanyuta worked in Minsk as an actress of the National Academic Theatre named after Yanka Kupala. She went on stage until the end of life at 95 years of age. Stanyuta was equally persuasive playing an exhausted peasant woman or an elegant woman of a high society. She had many interesting roles in theatre and cinema but real fame came to her at late age when she played parts of elderly women and grandmothers. Stanyuta became popular outside Belarus after the film Farewell directed by Elem Klimov (1982) where she played the role of the old woman Dariya.

        BY - 595

STANNING Heather 26. 1. 1985 -
Britanska veslačica in oficirka pri kraljevem topništvu. Na olimpijskih igrah 2012 v Londonu je skupaj z Helen Glover osvojila zlato medaljo v enojnem dvojcu. To je bila prva zlata medalja za Veliko Britanijo na teh OI in prvo britansko zlato za britansko žensko veslanje.

She is a British rower and Royal Artillery officer. She is a Captain in the 32nd Regiment Royal Artillery, and was given leave from the army to pursue an Olympic career with the British team at the 2012 Summer Olympics. Paired with Helen Glover, the duo won a gold medal for the women's coxless pairs , the first for their country of the 2012 Games and the first ever British Olympic gold medal in women's rowing.


                                        GB - 3294

STARK Freya 31. 1. 1893 - 9. 5. 1993
Neukrotljiva angleška popotnica je o svojih potovanjih  po srednjem vzhodu, včasih tudi na oslu, pisala klasične potopise. Med prvo svetovno vojno je bila medicinska sestra v Italiji. Tam se je naučila arabščine. Odšla je v Irak in delala pri časopisu Bagdad Times. Ko je zapustila Bagdad, je potovala  po poteh križarjev. V jugozahodni Perziji je obiskala Asasinsko trdnjavo in o tej avanturi napisala leta 1934 potopis Valley of the Assassins. Med drugo svetovno vojno je delal na ministrstvu za informiranje v Adnu in Egiptu. Napisala je več kot 30 živahnih in lahko razumljivih knjig, med drugimi: The Southern Gates of Arabia (1938) in Beyond Euphrates (1951). Leta 1972 dobila plemiški naziv dame.

Dame Freya Madeline Stark was an indomitable English traveler who wrote classic accounts of her journeys through the Middle East, some of them on a donkey. After serving as a nurse in Italy during World War I, Stark learned Arabic and went to Iraq, where she worked on the Baghdad Times. Leaving Baghdad, she traced the routes of the Crusaders and ventured into the Assassin stronghold in southwestern Persia, an adventure written about in Valley of the Assassins (1934). During World War II, Stark worked for the British Ministry of Information in Aden, (in present-day Yemen) and in Egypt. Among her more than 30 other books, all lively, lucid, and elegantly written, are The Southern Gates of Arabia (1938) and Beyond Euphrates (1951). She was made a dame in 1972.

GB - 2106

STARKE Johanna

          GDR - 2479

STASOVA Helena 3. 10. 1873 - 31. 12. 1966
sovjetska političarka

SU - 4171

STEFANOVA Antoaneta 19. 4. 1979 -
šahovska svetovna prvakinja

She is a Bulgarian chess grandmaster, and a former Women's World Chess Champion. Her chess-bound passion was inflamed when she was just four years old and she received first classes on the black and white chessboard by her own father. With her elder sister, Liana, Antoaneta had made her best mating tandem. At the age of seven, Stefanova became a Sofia champion. In 1997 Stefanova's FIDE rating broke into the top ten of women worldwide. Also she earned the title of Grandmaster in June 2003, a title held by only ten other women. She has played for Bulgaria in five Chess Olympiads so far. Stefanova's FIDE rating of 2492 on the April 2007 list placed 9th in the world among active female players.

               BG - 4725

STEIL Marie-Henriette 3. 8. 1898 - 18. 12. 1930
luksemburška pisateljica

Born in Luxembourg, Marie-Henriette Steil was one of the few Luxembourg women of her times to make a name for herself as a writer. Even though she has been virtually forgotten today, this remarkable and engaging young woman deserves an important place in the pantheon of great national authors. Although Marie-Henriette Steil wrote serials for newspapers, it was above all with her work Tier und Mensch, harmlose Geschichten von Marie-Henriette Steil illustrated by Auguste Trémont that made her famous. Well constructed, her stories, sometimes ironic, sometimes full of humour as Das Lachen des Herzen, were always inspired by reality and were characterised by real compassion for the most disadvantaged as in Der Schandfleck. Unfortunately, she died at the young age of 32 years, before knowing the blossoming of her art and writing career.

          L - 1689

STEIN Edith 12. 10. 1891 - 9. 8. 1942
Nemška filozofinja, Židinja, leta 1922 prestopila v katoliško vero, umorjena v koncentracijskem taborišču Auschwitz.

Pope John Paul II beatified Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross on 1 May 1987, and canonizes her on 11 October 1998.

          VA - 1180                 D - 1162        
                  D -1352

STEIN Charlotte von 25. 12. 1742 - 6. 1. 1827
nemška dramatičarka, ljubezen Goetheja.

D - 1582

STEN-KNUDSEN Nina 2. 12. 1957 -
danska slikarka in grafičarka

DK - 1262

STOCKER Esther 1974 -
italijanska slikarka


                    A - 3256
STOCKUM Hilda van 9. 8. 1908- 1. 11. 2006

Born in Rotterdam, of Dutch-Irish parentage, Hilda van Stockum was one of the leading pupils of Patrick Tuohy and Seán Keating at the Dublin Metropolitan School of Art. She later emigrated to north America where she has since earned a reputation as a leading author and illustrator of children's books, whilst also maintaining a career as a painter. Her works can be found in many major collections including the National Gallery of Ireland.

               IE - 825

STÖCKL Claudia 3. 12. 1966 -

She is an Austrian television presenter and former fashion model. She was known among other things, the presentation of the weekly radio show running since 1997 Breakfast with me running on Ö3. Since 2006, she is honorary chairwoman of the association ZUKI - future for children. The photo of her on stamp A-2983 is  made by Elfie Semotan.


                      A - 2983

STODDART Laura 1971 -
Britanska ilustratorka svoja dela objavlja v časopisih, oblikuje darilni papir in voščilnice.

British illustrator whose work has appeared in magazines, greetings cards and giftwrap.


                                                  GB - 1662-66

STOJADINOVIĆ Milica-Srpkinja 1830 -25. 7. 1878
Ena prvih srbskih pesnic je prvo pesem napisala že kot 13 letnica. Svoja dela je objavljala v številnih časopisih vse do svoje smrti. Zaradi stalnega samoizobraževanja je postala ena najbolj izobraženih osebnosti svojega časa in zelo cenjena v političnih in literarnih krogih. Slavna je postala s pesniškimi zbirkami Pesme, ki so izšle v letih 1850, 1855 in 1869. Njen lirični dnevnik U Fruškoj gori v treh delih (1861, 1862, 1866) prikazuje običaje, razumevanja in razmere njenega časa.

   Srpska krajina - 59

STOKIĆ Živana-Žanka 1887 - 20. 8. 1947
Srbska gledališka igralka je bila od leta 1911 članica Narodnega gledališča v Beogradu. Tu je odigrala vse svoje vloge, zaradi katerih jo smatrajo za eno največjih igralk srbskega gledališča. Največji uspeh je dosegla z liki iz del Branislava Nušiča. 

 YU - 3122

STOPES Marie 15. 10. 1880 - 2. 10. 1958

She was a Scottish author, eugenicist, campaigner for women's rights and pioneer in the field of family planning. Stopes edited the journal Birth Control News which gave anatomically explicit advice, and in addition to her enthusiasm for protests at places of worship this provoked protest from both the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church. Her sex manual Married Love, which was written while she was still a virgin, was controversial and influential.

              GB - 2676
STOREY Sarah 26. 10. 1977 -

She is a British track and road cyclist and former swimmer, multiple gold medal winner at the Paralympic Games in both sports, and twice British (able bodied) national track champion. Storey was born without a functioning left hand after her arm became entangled in the umbilical cord in the womb. In Para
lympic Games 2012 in London she won 4 gold medals: in the track cycling, women's pursuit C5 (GB-3327), in track women’s 500m C4-5 time trial (GB-3334), road women's C5 time trial (GB- 3349) and in road - women's C4-5 road race (GB-3353).

                                  GB - 3327                                                       GB- 3349

                                 GB - 3353                                                    GB - 3334

STRIBLING Melissa 7. 11. 1929 - 22. 3. 1992

English actress played with Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee in Terence Fisher`s film Dracula (1958).

               GB - 2653

STRICKLAND Mabel 8. 1. 1899 - 29. 11. 1988

She is Maltese politician and journalist. She was elected to parliament in 1950s and 1960s as member of Constitutional Party and later as leader of Progressive Constutional party. She was editor to The Times of Malta and The Sunday Times of Malta.

MT - 983

STROBEL Kate 23. 7. 1907 - 26. 3. 1996

         D -2150

STRUB Margaret

CH - 1702

STUPICA Maria Lucija 13. 12. 1950 - 28. 5. 2002
slovenska slikarka in ilustratorka.

She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana. She began illustrating children's book already during her studies. Her first published work was Andersen's The Princess on The Pea in 1973. Over the last twenty-five years she has illustrated some thirty-five picture and story books. In 1998 and 2000 she was nominated for the Andersen Award. She won the Prešeren Prize (the national award for achievement in the area of Slovenian art), the Golden Apple BIB.

CZ - 2924

STUPICA Marlenka 17. 12. 1927 -
Slovenska akademska slikarka Marlenka Stupica  je leta 1950 diplomirala na Akademiji za likovno umetnost v Ljubljani. Znana je predvsem po ilustracijah knjig za otroke. S slikami jih je opremila že 80, predvsem pravljične vsebine. Za svoje delo je prejela dvajset visokih domačih in mednarodnih nagrad. Še posebej pomembna je nagrada IBBY, ki jo je leta 1994 prejela v Sevilli, kar pomeni, da je bila uvrščena na častni seznam najboljših svetovnih ustvarjalcev v mladinski literaturi. Motiv Zima na znamki
SI-126 je bil leta 1985 uporabljen za Unicefovo voščilnico.

The academic painter Marlenka Stupica  graduated from the Ljubljana Academy of Fine Arts in 1950. She is known above all for her illustrations of, mostly, fairy story books. She has received twenty local and international awards for her works. Especially valued is the IBBY (International board on books for young people), an award she received in 1994 in Seville. This meant that she was ranked on the list of the worlds' best artists in youth literature. Her picture Winter on the stamp SI-126 was used in 1985 as an illustration on a UNICEF greeting card.

  "Zima" - "Winter"
        SI -
STUPICA Mira 17. 8. 1923 - 16. 8. 2016
Po mnenju mnogih je Mira največja srbska igralka. Poleg Milene Dravić je bila razglašena za igralko 20. stoletja. Z možem in režiserjem, vodilnim likom Bojanom Stupico, je postavila tako temelje kot viške ne le v gledališkem življenju v regiji, temveč tudi kulture v najširšem in najbolj popolnem pomenu besede. Vesela, energična, predvsem očarljiva, karizmatična ... Med obiskom Pariza kjer je nastopala v Dundo Maroje in Jegorja Buličova so ji gostitelji, ko so videli, kakšna igralka je, dali obleko Sarah Bernhardt, do katere so dostopali le posebni. Igrala je Petrunjelo, Mirandolino, baronico Castelli, Glorijo, Nastasijo Filipovno, Sašo Negina, Grushenka, Madamme Saint Gene, princeso Xenia, največje like domače in svetovne klasične in moderne literature. Prejela je vse pomembne gledališke in filmske nagrade in priznanja. Leta 2000 je izdala knjigo spominov Peščica soli.

According to many, she is the greatest Serbian actress. Alongside Milena Dravić, she was declared the actress of the 20th century. With her husband and director, a leading figure Bojan Stupica, she built both the foundations and heights not only of the theatre life in the region, but also those of culture in the widest and most complete sense of the word. Cheerful, energetic, above all charming, charismatic... During her visit to Paris with the plays Dundo Maroje and Jegor Buličov, the hosts, seeing what kind of actress she was, gave her the clothes of Sarah Bernhardt, which were only accessed by the special ones. She played Petrunjela, Mirandolina, Baroness Castelli, Gloria, Nastasia Filipovna, Saša Negina, Grushenka, Madamme Saint Gene, Princess Xenia, the greatest characters of domestic and world classical and modern literature. She received all the significant theatre and movie awards and acknowledgements. She published the book of memoires A handful of salt, in 2000.
            RS - 861

STURDZA-BULANDRA Lucia 25. 8. 1873 - 19. 9. 1961
romunska igralka

Rumanian actress

RO - 5175

SUNDAL Heidi 1962 -
She is Norwegian handball top player. She won 2 Olympic silver medals in 1988 and 1992. In all she played 274 international matches for Norwegian handball team.

        N - 1129

SUNDSTROM Fanny 1883 - 1944
pedagoginja, političarka.
She was a teacher, politican and women's right activist on the Aland Islands. After becoming a primary school teacher, she took an active part in the "Martha Movement" (sv. Marthaföreningen) and worked for social improvements. The Martha Movement was established in 1899 by a group of women who established the Martha Organization to advance Finland's economic and cultural life. In 1922 Fanny Sundström was the only woman to be elected to the first Parliament of Aland. In 1929 she was elected to the municipal council. She remained politically active until her death.

          Aland - 114
SUNNIVA sv. (st.) 10. stoletje (10th. century)

N - 534-535

SUTTNER Bertha von  9. 6. 1843 - 21. 6. 1914
Avstrijska pisateljica številnih protivojnih novel in neumorna borka za svetovni mir Berta von Suttner je vplivala na odločitev Alfreda Nobela, da ustanovi tudi nagrado za mir. To nagrado je leta 1905, kot prva ženska tudi sama dobila. Njeno glavno delo je Dol z orožjem (1889), isto ime pa je imel tudi njen pacifistični časopis (1892-99). Von Suttnerjeva je organizirala in vodila Avstrijsko društvo prijateljev miru.  

An Austrian author of numerous antiwar novels and a tireless worker for world peace, Bertha von Suttner was influential in Alfred Nobel's decision to establish the celebrated Nobel Peace Prize, of which she was the    first female recipient (1905). The title of her major work, Die Waffen nieder (1889, Lay Down Your Arms), also became the name of her celebrated pacifist journal (1892-99). Von Suttner organized and headed the Austrian Society of Peace Lovers.

            A -1199                   GDR - 1050                D - 1498                        S - 1413

                   D - 2495                           A - 2827                CZ - 755             TR - 996 

SVEINSDOTTIR Juliana 1889 - 1966

Júlíana Sveinsdóttir’s started as a landscape painter, but in time she developed a personal view of nature, based on lyricism rather than austere formalism.

                         IS - 1372

IS - 587

SVENSSON Barbro Margareta 9. 3. 1938 - 3. 4. 2018

She (Lill-Babs) is a Swedish singer and actress. In 1954, she recorded her first record "Min mammas boogie" under the name "Lill-Babs.", a combination of the Swedish word 'little' and the Anglicized nickname for Barbro/Barbara. In 1958, she went on her first self-produced tour and was cast in the movie Fly mig en greve with comedian Carl-Gustaf Lindstedt. In the 1960s, Barbro's own fan-club Splorr was created and became the largest in Sweden with 17,000 members. The stamp depicts her on two separate occasions; the one on the right is a show arranged by Tage Danielsson at a people’s park. One of the songs Lill-Babs sang was There Once Was a Sailor.

S - 2863,2866

SVET Mateja 16. 8. 1968 -
Slovenska alpska smučarka je pripeljala slovensko žensko alpsko smučanje do najvišjih svetovnih lovorik. Na svetovnem smučarskem prvenstvu leta 1987 v Crans Montani je kar trikrat stala na zmagovalnih stopničkah: kot 2. v veleslalomu in 3. v slalomu in super vele-slalomu. Sodelovala je na dveh olimpijskih igrah, leta 1988 je v Calgariju osvojila srebrno medaljo v slalomu. Osvojila je 11 naslovov državne prvakinje, bila je najboljša športnica Slovenije v letih 1984 - 1989.
Mateja Svet brought Slovene Women`s Alpine skiing the highest international awards. In World Ski Championship in 1987 in Crans Montana she stood on the winning podium three time: second in giant slalom, and third in slalom and super giant slalom. She participated in two Winter Olympics and in 1988 in Calgary achieved second place in slalom. She was eleven times national champion and also received the sports-person of the year award from 1984 to 1989.

             YU  -
SZABO Gabriele 14. 11. 1975 -

She is a Romanian track and field athlete, winner of the gold medal in the 2000 Summer Olympics in 5000 m and winner of bronze and silver medals in 1996 Summer Olympics and 2000 Summer Olympics in 1500 m, respectively. Szabo is also a three-time world champion. She always had a single coach, Zsolt Gyöngyössy, whom she eventually married. In May 2005 she announced her withdrawal from professional sport. She remains the European record holder over 3000m.

                                 RO - 5518

SZABO Ilona 1939 - 29. 10. 1956
Madžarska borka za svobodo je bila po spominih stara komaj 17 let in štiri mesece noseča, ko se je s prijatelji zapletla v dogodke revolucije. Z orožjem se je borila skupaj s svojim zaročencem Gáborjem Dilinkójem v Corvin Passageu. 28. oktobra 1956 jo je v ulici Práter Street ustrelila politična policija in njeno truplo vrgla v jerek poln odpadkov.

She was a freedom fighter, who, according to recollections, was just 17 years old and four months pregnant when she became involved in the events of the revolution with her friends. She fought with arms alongside her fiancée Gábor Dilinkó in Corvin Passage. Eventually, she was shot in all probability by the political police in Práter Street on 28 October 1956 and her body thrown into a ditch full of waste.


          H - 5957
SZABO Magda 5. 10. 1917 - 19. 11. 2007
Rodila se je in študirala v Debrecenu. Leta 1940 je diplomirala iz latinščine in madžarščine na Univerzi v Debrecenu. Med letoma 1945 in 1949 je delala na Ministrstvu za verske zadeve in izobraževanje. Najprej je objavila nekaj pesniških del, kasneje pa je postala priznana s svojimi romani. Leta 1949 je objavila druga zbirko poezije (Back to the Human). Zanjo je prejela nagrado Baumgarten, vendar so ji nagrado takoj odvzeli in jo odpustili iz službe. Pristojni organi so jo utišali. Ni ji bilo dovoljeno objavljati še skoraj desetletje. Njeni romani Fresco in The Fawn, objavljeni leta 1958 in 1959 so jo pripeljali do širšega občinstva. Njena avtobiografska dela so The Ancient Well (1970) in Old-Fashioned Story (1971). Njeni otroški in mladinski romani, Tell Young Sophie (1958), Island Blue (1959) in Lara the Fairy (1965) so čudovito in miselno branje za vse starosti. Do danes ostaja ena najbolj prevajanih madžarskih avtorjev.

Magda Szabó was born and studied in Debrecen. She obtained a teaching and arts degree in Latin and Hungarian at the University of Debrecen in 1940. Between 1945 and 1949 she worked for the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Education. First she published volumes of poetry, later won a reputation with her novels and then reaped success with her works for stage. In 1949, the year her second volume of poetry (Back to the Human), was published, she won the Baumgarten Prize, but the award was immediately withdrawn and she was dismissed from her job. She was silenced by the authorities and not allowed to publish for almost a decade. Her novels Fresco and The Fawn, published in 1958 and 1959 respectively, brought her to the attention of a wider audience.Her autobiographically inspired works are The Ancient Well (1970) and Old-Fashioned Story (1971). Her children’s and youth novels, Tell Young Sophie (1958), Island Blue (1959), and Lara the Fairy (1965), are fascinating and thought-provoking reading for all ages. To this day she remains one of the most translated Hungarian authors.

H - 5931

SZAPOCNIKOW Alina 1926 - 1973
poljska kiparka

                      PL - 3445

SZEKELY Eva 3. 4. 1927 - 29. 2. 2020
Madžarska plavalka je osvojila zlato medaljo na OI 1952 in srebrno na OI 1956. Njena hči
Andrea Gyarmati je na OI 1972 osvojila dve medalji v hrbtnem plavanju in delfinu.
Na bloku
H-5319 so še: Valéria Gyenge, Ágnes Keleti, Margit Korondi, Ilona Novák, Judit Temes, Éva Novák, Katalin Szőke in Mária Littomeritzky.

She is a Hungarian retired female swimmer. She won the gold medal at the 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki and the silver medal at the 1956 Summer Olympics. Her daughter Andrea Gyarmati was a backstroke and butterfly swimmer who won two medals at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich.
On sheet
H-5319 are also: Valéria Gyenge, Ágnes Keleti, Margit Korondi, Ilona Novák, Judit Temes, Éva Novák, Katalin Szőke and Mária Littomeritzky.


SZELECZKY Zita 20. 4. 1915 - 12. 6. 1999

A Hungarian stage and film actresswas was discovered by the film studios in 1938 and soon she became one of the most popular screen stars, performing in about 30 films between 1938-1944, mostly musical comedies.

              H - 5768
SZELES Erika Kornélia 6. 1. 1941 - 7. 11. 1956

She was a 15 Year Old Hungarian Resistance member who fought against the Soviets during the 1956 revolution.. She joined the uprising with an older friend after Soviet forces invaded Hungary. Erika served as a nurse, treating wounded resistance fighters during the last days of the uprising. During a resistance operation, Erika was mortally wounded in a street fight with Soviet soldiers on November 8th 1956 and died on the spot.


                                          H - 5868



  A  - 2331
SZILAGYI Elizabeta ? - 1483
Žena madžarskega kralja Janosa Hunyadi, ki je v 15. stoletju vladal Madžarski.
H - 756

SZOKE Katalin 17. 8. 1935 - 27. 10. 2017
Madžarska plavalka je na OI 1952 v Helsinkih osvojila zlato medaljo na 100 m prosto in v štafeti 4 x 100 m prosto.
Na bloku
H-5319 so tudi: Valéria Gyenge, Ágnes Keleti, Margit Korondi, Éva Székely, Ilona Novák, Judit Temes, Éva Novák in Mária Littomeritzky.

She is a Hungarian swimmer and olympic champion. She competed at the 1952 Olympic Games in Helsinki, where she received a gold medal in 100 m freestyle, and a gold medal in 4 × 100 m freestyle relay.
On sheet
H-5319 are also: Valéria Gyenge, Ágnes Keleti, Margit Korondi, Éva Székely, Ilona Novák, Judit Temes, Éva Novák and Mária Littomeritzky.



SZYMBORSKA Wislawa 2.7.1923 - 1. 2. 2012
poljska pesnica, nobelova nagrajenka za literaturo 1996.

Polish poet studied Polish Literature and Sociology at the Jagiellonian University. Szymborska made her début in March 1945 with a poem Szukam slowa (I am Looking for a Word) in the daily "Dziennik Polski". Szymborska has published 16 collections of poetry: Dlatego zyjemy (1952), Pytania zadawane sobie (1954), Wolanie do Yeti (1957), Sól (1962), Wiersze wybrane (1964), Poezje wybrane (1967), Sto pociech (1967), Poezje (1970), Wszelki wypadek (1972), Wybór wierszy (1973), Tarsjusz i inne wiersze (1976), Wielka liczba (1976), Poezje wybrane II (1983), Ludzie na moscie (1986). Koniec i poczatek (1993, 1996), Widok z ziarnkiem piasku. 102 wiersze (1996). Her poems have been translated in many foreign landuages. She is the Goethe Prize winner (1991) and Herder Prize winner (1995). She has a degree of Honorary Doctor of Letters of Poznan University (1995). In 1996 she received the Polish PEN Club prize. She won The Nobel Prize for literature in 1996.

            PL - 4078                    PL - 3944                          PL - 3633                     S - 2200               

gor - up