CABALLE Moserrat 12. 4. 1933 - 6. 10. 2018
Španska sopranistka je solo petje študirala v Barceloni. Prvi angažma je dobila 1956 v Baslu. Igrala je Mimi v La Boheme. Njen repertoar glavnih vlog je obsežen: Pamina v Čarobni piščali, Aida, Tosca, Violetta v La Traviati, Tatjana v Evgenij Onjegin. Zaslovela je 1964 z nastopom v Mehiki v vlogo Manon v istoimenski operi. Razpon njenega glasu ji je dovoljeval interpretacijo najrazličnejših vlog, od dramskih do liričnih in koloraturnih. Preizkusila se je tudi v pop glasbi: skupaj z Freddyjem Mercuryjem je leta 1988 posnela uspešnico Barcelona.

Spanish soprano Montserrat Caballe is noted for her appearances in the bel canto operas of Donizetti, Bellini, and Rossini. She studied voice in Barcelona and made her opera debut in Basel in 1956 as Mimi in La Boheme. Her repertoire includes the title roles in Aida, Der Rosenkavalier, Norma, Manon Lescaut, Adriana Lecouvreur, and Lucrezia Borgia. She made her New York debut in the last-named opera in 1965, and in 1989 she created the role of Queen Isabella in Leonardo Balada's Cristobal Colon. Caballe frequently has sung at the Metropolitan Opera and occasionally performs with her husband, tenor Bernabe Marti.
          E-5356                  Andorra-F - 549

CABALLERO Fernan 24. 12. 1796 - 7. 4. 1877
Španska pisateljica, rojena v Švici. Izobraževala se je v Nemčiji in se v Španijo preselila leta 1813. Tu je v Andaluziji živela vse do svoje smrti. V romanu The Sea Gull (1849), ki ga štejejo me prvi moderen španski roman, je opisala costumbrismo. To je literarno gibanje 19. stoletja v Španiji in Latinski Ameriki, ki poudarja značilnosti regije. Napisala je tudi več romanov z narodnimi povestmi.

Caballero, Fernán, pseudonym of CECILIA FRANCISCA JOSEFA DE ARROM, Spanish novelist, born in Morges, Switzerland, and educated in Germany. She moved to Spain about 1813 and spent the rest of her life in the Andalusia region, which was the setting for her works. In The Sea Gull (1849), a sentimental book that is often regarded as the first modern Spanish novel, she introduced costumbrismo, the 19th-century Spanish and Latin American literary movement that emphasized regional color. She also compiled several volumes of folktales.

          E - 2405

CABREJAS Guillermina Martínez - Mariemma 10. 1. 1917 - 10. 6. 2008

Mariemma is one of the great figures of 20th century dance: performer, choreographer, teacher, entrepreneur and researcher. When she was two, her family moved to Paris, where at the age of nine she began to study classical dance at Châtelet Theatre, forming part of the Petits Rats. During her career as a creator and performer in recitals, she was accompanied by great pianists, guitarists and singers, especially the master Enrique Luzuriaga after 1940.She formed her first company (Mariemma, Ballet de España) in 1955, with which she toured the best stages in the world and was a guest star and choreographer in prestigious theatres such as La Scala in Milan. Her legacy as a choreographer includes unique works for solo dancers and groups: Córdoba, Andaluza, Barcarola, Malagueña, Danza y Tronío, España e Ibérica…. In 1969 she was appointed Professor of Spanish Dance at the Royal School of Dramatic Arts and Dance of Madrid. The numerous awards she received attest to her international recognition: being named one of the Seven Divine Dancers, National Dance Prize, Silver Medal for Tourist Merit, Medal of Fine Arts, Lady’s Bow of the Royal Order of Isabella the Catholic and Chevalier de L'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres...

E- ?2018

CABETE Adelaide 25. 1. 1867 - 14. 9. 1935
Portugalska zdravnica, ginekologinja, učiteljica in velika feministka, se je borila proti širjenju umrljivost otrok, proti pitju alkohola za ženske in prostituciji. Ustanovila je Republikansko ligo portugalskih žensk in Narodni svet portugalskih žensk: Organizirala je prvi feministični in izobraževalni kongres.

Portuguese doctor, gynaecologist, teacher and a great feminist, she fought the scourges of child mortality, female alcohol abuse and prostitution. She founded the Republican League of Portuguese Women and the National Council of Portuguese Women and organised the First Feminist and Education Congress.

             P - 3459

CABRINI Francesca Saverio sv. (st.) 15. 7. 1850 - 22. 12.1917
Italijanska misionarka, naturalizirana Američanka ustanoviteljica Kongregacije misijonarjev iz Srca Jezusovega leta 1946 je  prvi ameriški državljan, ki so ga razglasili za svetnika. Leta 1946 jo je za svetnico proglasil papež Pij XII.

She was a religious and missionary Italian naturalized American, founder of the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 1946. She was the first US citizen to be proclaimed a saint. She was canonizated in 1946 by Pope Pius XII.


                        I - 3926                              VA - 1906

CAIRE TONOIR Marie 25. 8. 1864 - 12. 3. 1934
francoska slikarka: Portret žene iz Biskra.

french paimter: Portrait of woman from Biskra.

         F - 5288
CALLAS Maria 2. 12. 1923 - 16. 9. 1977
Petje se je začela učiti pri sopranistki Elviri de Hidalog na Atenskem konzervatoriju. Debitirala je 1944 v Atenah z vlogo Santuzze v operi Cavalleria rusticana. Na mednarodnem prizorišču se je uveljavila 1947 z nastopom v Veroni v operi La Gioconda. Poslej je pela v vseh velikih opernih hišah. Njen temperament in velika občutljivost sta ji povzročila mnogo težav in poskus njene vrnitve na oder v 70. letih 20.st. ni uspel. 
For well over a decade, soprano Maria Callas, b. Maria Kalogeropoulos, dominated the opera stage, setting new standards with the dramatic power of her voice, the force of her acting, and the intelligence and knowledge that fortified her musicianship. At age 14, Callas became a pupil of soprano Elvira de Hidalgo at the Athens Conservatory, and she made her Athens debut at age 18, as Tosca. Her triumphant performance (1947) in Ponchielli's La Gioconda at the Verona Arena led to appearances throughout Italy, where she sang an astounding range of roles--from Wagner's Isolde and Brunnhilde to Gluck and Haydn operas and more standard works by Verdi and Rossini. Callas won her greatest acclaim, however, for her revival of the extraordinarily difficult bel canto operas by Donizetti (Lucia di Lammermoor, Anna Bolena) and Bellini (Norma, I Puritani). Norma was her most impressive bel canto role; she sang it at her debuts at London's Covent Garden (1952), the Chicago Lyric Opera (1954), and the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City (1956). Her private life attracted constant attention--and this, as well as her voice's increasing deficiencies, may have persuaded her to retire early, in 1965.

           GR - 1412                        GR - 1958                        B - 3008                           I - 3208 

CALLE Sophie 9. 10. 1953 -
Francoska pisateljica, fotografinja, umetnica instalacij in konceptualna umetnica. Njeno delo pogosto prikazuje človekovo ranljivost ter preučuje identiteto in intimnost. Prepoznana je po detektivski zmožnosti sledenja tujcem in raziskovanja njihovega zasebnega življenja. Od leta 2005 je Calle poučevala kot profesorica filma in fotografije na Evropski podiplomski šoli v Saas-Feeju v Švici. Predavala je na kalifornijski univerzi v San Diegu na oddelku za vizualne umetnosti. Poučevala je tudi na Mills College v Oaklandu v Kaliforniji. Razstavljala je v Centru Georges Pompidou v Parizu, Hermitage muzeju v Sankt Peterburgu, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaïsme v Parizu, galeriji Paula Cooper v New Yorku ...
She is French writer, photographer, installation artist, and conceptual artist. Her work frequently depicts human vulnerability, and examines identity and intimacy. She is recognized for her detective-like ability to follow strangers and investigate their private lives. Since 2005 Calle has taught as a professor of film and photography at European Graduate School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland. She has lectured at the University of California, San Diego in the Visual Arts Department. She has also taught at Mills College in Oakland, California. She exhibited at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaïsme in Paris, Paula Cooper Gallery in New York....


                  F - 7272

CALLCOTT Maria 19. 7. 1785 - 21. 11. 1842
Angleška pisateljica potopisov in knjig za otroke, pa tudi ilustratorka svojih knjig. S svojim očetom in kasneje s svojim možem (oba sta bila pomorščaka) je prepotovala Indijo, Južno Afriko in Južno Ameriko. O teh potovanjih je pisala v svojih knjigah: Letters on India and Journal of a Residence in India, Memoirs of Poussin, The History of France, The History of Spain, Little Arthur's History of England.

Na znamki
Man-1317 je njen portret, ki ga je naslikal Lawrence Thomas (1769—1830).

She was a British writer of travel books and children's books and illustrator. She traveld with her father and later with her hausband to India, South Africa and South America. She published works of these travels like Letters on India and Journal of a Residence in India, Memoirs of Poussin, The History of France, The History of Spain, Little Arthur's History of England.
Her portrait on stamp
Man-1317 was painted by Lawrence Thomas (1769—1830).

          Man - 1317

CALVE Emma 15. 8. 1858 - 6. 1. 1942
Izjemna sopranistka je postala slavna z naslovno vlogo v bizetovi Carmen. V svoji karieri jo je odpela več kot tisoč krat. Kljub svoji svetovni slavi je večkrat pela tudi v operi v Monte-Carlu.

Emma Calvé, a tremendous soprano, was a star before the age of stardom. She won fame in particular through the title role in Georges Bizet’s Carmen, which she performed more than a thousand times during her career. Adored throughout the world, she sang on the stage of the Monte-Carlo Opera several times.

              MO -3355

CAMPANINI Barbarina 7. 6. 1721 - 7. 6. 1799
Italijanska plesalka z izredno tehniko se je učila pri napolitanskem učitelju Rinaldu Fossannu. Svojo plesno kariero je začela na Academie Royale de Musique v Parizu, kjer je s svojim prvim nastopom v Remeaujevemem baletu Les Fetes d'Hebe (1739) dosegla velik uspeh. Plesala je pred francoskim kraljem Ludvikom XV v Fontainebleau. S svojim talentom za različe vrste plesa je postal znana pod imenom "La Barbarina". Barbarina je kmalu postala ljubica princa Savoy-Carignano, princa de Conti, vojvode de Durfort in britanskega plemiča The Earl of Arundel. V Britaniji je nastopala v Covent Gardnu v Londonu pred princem Frederickom Walškim in njegovo ženo. Nastopala je v baletih Italian Peasants, Mars and Venus in Le Tirolesi. Plesala je v Parizu in Berlinu, kamor jo je povabil Friderik II.

Italian balet dancer trained as a dancer under the Neapolitan master Rinaldi Fossano. She began her dancing career at the Academie Royale de Musique in Paris where she made her stage debut with enormous success in Rameau’s ballet Les Fetes d’Hebe (1739). She then danced before Louis XV at Fontainebleau. Famous for her talent with various styles of dance she became popularly known as ‘La Barbarina’. Barbarina soon became the mistress of the Prince of Savoy-Carignano, the Prince de Conti, the Duc de Durfort and the British peer the Earl of Arundel. She performed in England at Covent Garden in London and appeared before Prince Frederick of Wales and his wife. She performed in such ballets as The Italian Peasants, Mars and Venus and Le Tirolesi. She also performed in Dublin, Paris and Berlin.

       Berlin - 700

CAMPBELL Naomi 22. 5. 1970 -
Angleška manekenka se je rodila v Londonu. Študirala je na londonski umetniški akademiji.  Pri 14 letih je začela obiskovati znano šolo "Italia Conti Akademiji dramskih umetnosti" v Londonu. Prvič je javno nastopila februarja 1978 v videospotu z znanim reggae pevcem Bobom Marleyjem. Konec leta 1985 jo je odkrila agencija ženske revije "Elle". S sklenitvijo pogodbe z agencijo "Synchro Modeli" se je začela ena izmed najbolj osupljivih karier med modeli. Preizkusila se je tudi kot igralka, pevka, avtorica in nazadnje kot avtorica lastne kozmetične linije, s čimer je dosegla veliko mednarodno slavo. Tako kot mnogi drugi zvezdniki Naomi podpira UNESCO.V svoji domovini Jamajki je tako postavila nekaj vrtcev in hiš.
She was born in London. She studied at the London Academy for Performing Arts, and at the age of 14 begin training at the highly reputed "Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts" in London. Her first public performance was in February in 1978 in a music video with famous reggae singer Bob Marley. Finally, in 1985 she was discovered by the agency of the women's magazine "Elle" in the London district of Covent Garden. Naomi Campbell was then contracted by the "Synchro Models" agency – beginning one of the most breathtaking careers in the international model business. She has also tried her hand as an actress, singer, author and, most recently, as the creator of her own cosmetic line, and has achieved considerable international acclaim. Like many other celebrities Naomi Campbell supports UNESCO, being particular committed to her home country Jamaica and having kindergartens and houses built in her name.

                     A - 2590

CAMPOAMOR Clara 12. 2. 1888 - 30. 4. 1972
Španska sufražetka je ustanovila večino feminističnih organizacij tistega časa v Španiji: Univerzitetno društvo mladih žensk, Mednarodno združenje žensk... Napisala je The Feminine Vote and I (1931).

Spanish suffragette. She founded most of the feminist organisations of the time: University Female Youth, National Association of Spanish Women, International Federation of Women... She wrote The Feminine Vote and I (1931).

             E - 2812

CAMPRUBI Zenobia 31. 8. 1887 - 25. 10. 1956
Španska pisateljica in pesnica je že zelo zgodaj pokazala svoj pisateljski talent z izdajo otroških knjig. Prevedla je veliko del iz angleščine v španščino, med drugim tudi dela Rabindranatha Tagoreaj. Poročena je bila s pesnikom Juanom Ramónom Jiménez. V času izgnanstva je učila v ZDA in na Univerzi v Puerto Ricu.

Spanish writer and poet was a cultivated and intelligent woman who at an early age showed her literary talent publishing children’s books. With a perfect command of English, she translated many English texts into Spanish, including the works of Rabindranath Tagore. She married poet Juan Ramón Jiménez whom she supported throughout his career, giving up her own literary aspirations. During her exile, she taught in the United States and at the University of Puerto Rico.


           E - 4327

Na znamki
YU-2133 je njena slika: Vrnitev z lova iz Galerije neuvrščenih v Titogradu.

on stamp YU-2133: Return from Hunting from Art Gallery of Nonaligned in Titograd.

         YU - 2133
CANTH Minna 19. 3. 1844 - 12. 5. 1897
Finska dramatičarka, pisateljica in esejistka je v svojih gledaliških delih A Workingman's Wife (1885), Sylvi (1893), Children of Misfortune (1888) in kratkih zgodbah kot je na primer  According to the Law (1889) prikazovala ideje o boju za pravice žensk in idealistinega socializma. Njena kasneje dela so bolj umirjena. Igra Anna-Liisa (1895) govori o individualnem grehu in spravi.

Minna Canth (nee Johnsson), was a Finnish playwright, fiction writer, and essayist. Her taste for polemics led her to fight for women's rights and idealistic socialism in plays such as A Workingman's Wife (1885), Sylvi (1893), and Children of Misfortune (1888) and in short stories such as According to the Law (1889). Her later works are more subdued; the play Anna-Liisa (1895) concerns individual sin and atonement.

        FI - 282

CARDINALE Claudia 15. 4. 1939 -
Italijanska igralka je tako kot večina italijanskih filmskih vstopila v filmski svet preko lepotnega tekmovanja. Bila je lepa, študirala je igro na Centro Sperimentale v Rimu. S 17 leti je igrala v manjših vlogah, kjer je že uspešno upodabljala sicilijansko žensko. Njena prepoznavnost so bili njen obraz, črni lasje, telo in značilen glas. Po nastopu  v Senilita (1961), je postala slavna. Med njenimi pomembnimi filmi je potrebno omeniti film 8 1/2 (1963) v režiji Frederica Felilinija in s soigralcem Marcellom Mastroianijem. Večkrat je natopila tudi s svojim možem P. Squitieri.

The doors of cinema opened for Claudia Cardinale like for most Italian divas due to a beauty contest: She was beautiful and studied interpretation at the Centro Sperimentale of Rome. With only 17 years she debuted in small roles but she was widely notified with her characterization of Sicilian women. Her marks were her face, her brunette hair, her body and her typical voice. After Senilita (1961) she was always in the first row. Among her important films is to be mentioned 8 1/2 (1963) of Frederico Felilini with her partner Marcello Mastroiani. She also worked a couple of times with her husband P. Squitieri.

SM - 1620,1624,1628,1632
CARLSEN Lalla 17. 8. 1889 - 23. 3. 1967
Norveška pevka in filmska igralka velja za eno od legend ženskih revijskih umetnikov na Norveškem. Na glasbenem konservatoriju v Oslu je v letih 1909 – 1913 študirala sopran. Svoj profesionalni debi je leta 1914 doživela z nastopom v glasbeni komediji Høstmanøver. Od leta 1915 do 1947 je nastopala v kabaretu Chat Noir. Njen filmski prvenec je nemi film Den Proplanak Enke i Trangvik iz leta 1927. Med drugo svetovno vojno je nastopala v Carl Johan Teatret, njen mož pa je zanjo pisal pesmi. Po vojni je v letih 1947 in 1965 nastopila v dvajsetih manjših filmskih vlogah. Nastopala je na radiu, televiziji, v revijskih gledališčih Edderkoppen in Chat Noir ter in v tradicionalnih gledališčih.

She was a Norwegian singer and actress, and is regarded as one of the most legendary female revue artists in Norway. She studied at the music conservatory in Oslo from 1909 to 1913, as a soprano singer. She made her professional debut in the musical comedy Høstmanøver in 1914. She performed at the cabaret Chat Noir from 1915 to 1947. Her film début was in the silent film Den glade enke i Trangvik from 1927. During the Second World War Carlsen performed at the Carl Johan Teatret, and her husband composed melodies for several of her songs. After the war she played minor character roles in twenty films, between 1947 and 1965. She performed for radio, television, at the revue theatres Edderkoppen and Chat Noir, and at traditional theatres.

          N - 1394
CAROL Martine 16. 5. 1920 - 6. 2. 1967
Francoska filmska igralka s pravim imenom Maryse Mourer je umetniško ime uporabljala že od samega začetka svoje kariere. Po začetnih izkušnjah v gledališču debitirala na filmu leta 1943. Leta 1948 pa je že nastopila v zvezdniških vlogah. Seksapilna blondinka je bila največja Francoska blagajniška atrakcija v začetku petdesetih let, ko se občasno nastopala napol gola. Vzpon Brigitte Bardot pa jo je zasenčil kot seks simbol. Njena kariera se je poznih 50. Carol je brez uspeha skušala oživiti svojo popularnost v mednarodnih filmih saj je umrla zaradi srčne kapi.

Carol was born Maryse Mourer, the name she used early in her stage career. After some experience on the French stage she debuted onscreen in 1943, working her way up to starring roles by 1948. A voluptuous blonde, she was Frances`s biggest box-office attraction in the early fifties, occasionally appearing semi-nude on screen. With the rise of Brigitte Bardot she was overshadowed as a sex symbol and her career declined in late 50`s. Carol attemped without success to revive her popularity in international films, but died of a heart attack at 45.

           F - 2572

CARRIERA Rosalba 7. 10. 1675 - 15. 4. 1757
Beneška slikarka znana po pretanjenih portretnih miniaturah in zlasti v pastelni tehniki. Ta je z njo postala ena najbolj priljubljenih slikarskih tehnik v 18. stoletju. Bila je zelo znana že za časa življenja, saj je portretirala tudi francoskega kralja Ludvika XV. in cesarja Karla VI.

Rosalba Carriera was a Venetian painter known for her portraits and miniatures. Trained initially as a lacemaker, she turned to the study of painting sometime before 1700, working first as a miniaturist but from 1703 developing the genre of pastel portraiture, through which she would leave her mark. The immediacy and delicacy of the images she produced influenced an entire generation of portraitists. Immensely popular in her day among the aristocracy of Europe, Carriera painted many royal and ducal figures. Her most eminent subjects were Louis XV of France, whom she painted during a triumphal trip to Paris in 1720-21, and Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI, who sat for her in Vienna in 1730. Her most avid admirer was Augustus III, elector of Saxony, whose Dresden collection contained more than 150 of her pastels and miniatures. Her portraits display a technical virtuosity and masterly handling of color.  Carriera's career ended tragically with the loss of her sight after 1746.

          GDR - 587            GDR - 2193                 I -1443

CASANOVA Danielle 9. 1. 1909 - 9. 5. 1943
Članica francoskih komunistov, članica francoskega odporniškega gibanja, umrla je v nacističnem taborišču Auschwitz za tifusom.

She was a French militant communist and member of the French resistance. She was responsible for the French Communist Youth before founding the Union des jeunes filles de France ("French Girls' Union"). She died in Auschwitz.

            F - 2385                         GDR - 881

CASSATT Mary 22. 5. 1847 - 14. 6. 1926
Mary Cassatt  je začetnica impresionizma v Ameriki in edini ameriški umetnik, ki je razstavljal z njimi. Bila je prva, ki je promovirala impresionizem v ZDA,. Njena je zasluga, da je mnogo impresionističnih del v ameriških zbirkah. Bila je figuralna slikarka, od leta 1880 je bila njena glavna tema mater in otrok v različnih slikarskih tehnikah. Leta 1893 je dobila naročilo za izdelavo freske za Žensko stavbo na Svetovni razstavi v Chicagu.
Na znamki
YU-2508: Deklica z mačko.
Na znamkah F-4032 in
MC-1266: Materinstvo.
Na znamki 
 F-5287: Mademoiselle Lydia Cassatt.

Mary Cassatt  was the first American artist to associate with the impressionists and the only American ever to exhibit with them. She also was the first to promote the impressionists in the United States and she is responsible for the appearance of many impressionist paintings in American collections. Cassatt primarily was a figure painter.  From the late 1880's, she increasingly was devoted to the theme of mother and child in oil, pastel, etchings, and engravings. In 1893, she was commissioned to paint a mural for the Woman's Building of Chicago's World Columbian Exposition.

         YU-2508                        F - 4032                       MC - 1266              UN-Geneva - 180
          F - 5287            F - 6418

CASTELLBO Ermessenda de 1185 - 1230
Castellboška grofica, njeni starši so bili posestniki v Andori. Bila je močna ženska in je s pogodbami med Mavri in papežom vzdrževala mir v svoji pokrajini.

Ermessenda was Viscountess of Castellbò, her parents were owners of Andorra. She was a powerful woman, she made deals with Moors and the Pope, retaining peace in her region.

Andorra-F - 497
CASTLE Barbara 6. 10. 1910 - 3. 5. 2002
Britanska levičarska političarka, rojena v Chesterfield, Derbyshire se je v študentskih letih v Oxfordu pridružila delavski stranki. Leta 1945 je bila izvoljena v parlament in je ena najpomembnejših politikov delavske stranke dvajsetega stoletja.

She was a British left-wing politician, born in Chesterfield, Derbyshire.She joined the Labor Party while a student at Oxfords and was elected to Parliament in 1945. She became one of the most important Labour party politicians of the twentieth century.

             GB - 2679
CASTRO Rosalia de 21. 2. 1837 - 15. 6. 1885
Španska pesnica je bila ena prvih književnic, ki je pisala v kastiljskem in galicijskem jeziku. Z deli v drugem jeziku je postala pomembna osebnost galicijskega romantičnega gibanja, ki ga danes poznamo kot rexurdimento (renesansa). Za njeno poezijo je značilna saudade, skoraj neopisljiva kombinacija nostalgije, hrepenenja in otožnosti ter strahu pred smrtjo. 17.maj 1863, ko je izdala svojo zbirko pesmi v galicijskem jeziku z naslovom Cantares gallegos (Galicijske pesmi), vsako leto počastijo s praznikom Dia das Letras Gallegas (dan galacijske književnosti).
Spanish poet and novelist. Castro's book of verse Cantares gallegos (1863) was the first important poetry in Galician since the 13th cent.; it reflected the lyrical appeal of Galician folk songs. The melancholy Follas novas (1880) was followed by the despairing verse, in Castilian, of En las orillas del Sar (1884 Beside the River Sar), written while Castro was suffering with terminal cancer. Her sensitive and compassionate poetry with its metrical innovations has exerted considerable influence on modern poets. The date she published her first poetry book in Galician, Cantares gallegos, may 17, 1863, is remembered every year. It is the Dia das Letras Galegas (Galician Literature Day) and dedicated to an important writer in Galician language since 1963.

             E - 1753

CASTRO OSORIO Ana de 18. 6. 1872 - 23. 3. 1935
Portugalska pisateljica predvsem otroške literature, urednica, pedagoginja, publicistka, predavateljica, zagovornica republiških idealov je ustanovila republikansko ligo portugalskih žensk. Delovala ja tudi pri drugih feminističnih gibanjih.

Portuguese writer, in particular of child literature, editor, educator, publicist, lecturer, defender of republican ideals. She founded the Republican League of Portuguese Women and was connected to other feminist movements.

            P - 3461

CATHERINE of Siena st.
glej KATARINA Sienska sv.

see KATARINA Sienska sv.
CATT Chapman 9. 1. 1859 - 9. 3. 1947
Ameriška sufražetka in borka za mir je imela pomembno vlogo leta 1920 pri potrditvi 19. amandmaja, ki daje ženskam volilno pravico. Leta 1887 se je pridružila sufražetkam v Iowi. Kot predsednica ameriškega združenja sufražetk (1900-04, 1915-47), je preusmerila poudarek gibanja od propagande na politične akcije. Tu je prikazala izjemne organizacijske sposobnosti. Bila je tudi predsednica mednarodne zveze sufražetk (1904-23). Leta 1920 je ustanovila ligo volilk, leta 1925 pa narodno konferenco o vzrokih in odpravi vojne.

Carrie Clinton Lane Chapman Catt a U.S. women's suffrage and peace advocate, played a major role in the 1920 ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment giving women the vote. She joined the Iowa women's suffrage movement in 1887. As president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (1900-04, 1915-47), she shifted the movement's emphasis from propaganda to political action and displayed outstanding organizational ability. Catt was also president of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance (1904-23). She founded the League of Women Voters in 1920 and in 1925 established the National Conference on the Cause and Cure of War.

TR - 992
CAUCHI Carolina 25. 12. 1824 - 17. 7. 1907
Malteška redovnica ustanoviteljica in financerka dominikanskega reda na Malti.

Nun from Malta, founder of The Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of Maltain the year 1889. Since childhood, she nurtured a desire to go to Italy to dedicate her whole life to God as a Dominican Cloistered nun.  Her desire could not be realized so in 1889, she formed a group of nine women that started to live as contemplative nuns, following the spirit of St. Dominic, in the Annunciation Monastery at Victoria, Gozo which was financed by her.

MT - 1554

CEAUCESCU Elena 7. 1. 1916 - 25. 12. 1989
Žena romunskega predsednika, članica Centralnega komiteja komunistične partije Romunije. V uporu leta 1989 je bila skupaj z možem usmrčena.  

She was born Elena Petrescu into a peasant family. Elena's education ended at the fourth grade and she moved along with her brother to Bucharest, where she worked as a laboratory assistant before getting a job at a textile factory. She joined the Communist Party of Romania in 1937 and met Nicolae Ceauşescu in 1939. They married  in 1947. Under her husband's regime, she became a major Romanian political figure. After uprising of 1989 she was executed with her husband.

                               RO - 4545                                                           RO - 4148
CEBAN Tamara 22. 11. 1914 - 23. 10. 1990
Moldavska pevka narodnih pesmi je leta 1946 diplomirala na glasbeni akademiji. Bila je solistka znanega folkrolnega orkestra Flueras.Od leta 1973 je bila asistentka na umetniškem inštitutu G. Muzicescu.

Moldavian singer of folk songs. She graduated from Academy of Music in 1946 and was a solist with famous folklore orcestra Flueras. From 1973 was a assistant professor at Institute of Arts G  Muzicescu.

          MD - 168                    MD - 870

CERNEI Elena  1. 3. 1924- 27. 11. 2000
Romunska operna mezzosopranistka, muzikologinja in učiteljica petja je v svoji 25 letni karieri kot operna pevka pela na vodilnih opernih hišah v Evropi in Severni Ameriki.

Elena Cernei was a Romanian operatic mezzo-soprano, musicologist, and voice teacher. During her 25 year career as an opera singer, she sang in leading opera houses in both Europe and North America.

MD - 873
CHACEL Rosa 3. 6. 1898 - 27. 7. 1994
Španska kiparka in pisateljica je v letih 1915 do 1918 študirala kiparstvo na umetniški šoli San Fernando v Madridu, ki pa ga je kmalu opustila in se posvetila študiju literature. Pod vplivom Ortega y Gasseta je objavljala romane, kratke zgodbe, življenjepise, eseje in pesmi. Po poroki s slikarjem Timotejem Perez Rubio, se je preselila v Italijo, kjer je pisala za številne revije. Leta 1927 se je vrnila v Madrid vendar se je zaradi državljanske vojne izselila. Živela je v Parizu, Rio de Janeiru in Buenos Ariesu. V sedemdesetih končala svoj roman Barrio de Maravillas za katerega je leta 1976 prejela nagrado kritikov. Leta 1987 je prejela Nacionalno nagrado za literaturo, leta 1990 pa še Nagrado za literaturo pokrajine Castilla y Leon. Po njenem romanu Memorias de Laticia Valle so posneli film.

She was the daughter of a schoolteacher who instilled into her the values of culture and academic training. From 1915 to 1918 she studied sculpture in the San Fernando Art School in Madrid, giving up soon in order to study literature. Linked to the ideas of Ortega y Gasset, she published novels, short stories, biographies, essays and poetry although she really staood out as a novel writer. After getting married to painter Timoteo Pérez Rubio, she moved to Italy where she collaborates in various literary magazines. In 1927 she returns to Madrid and went into exile to Paris, Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires during the Civil War. In the 70’s she lived between Rio and Madrid where she finished her novel Barrio de Maravillas, for which she won the Premio de la Crítica (critic’s award) in 1976. She definitely moved to Madrid when he husband died. In 1987 she won the Premio Nacional de las Letras and in 1990 the Premio Castilla y León de la Letras. Her novel Memorias de Leticia Valle was turned into a film.


                     E - 4233

CHAMPMESLE Marie 18. 2. 1642 - 15. 5. 1698
Francoska igralka je ustvarila številne junakinje iz del Jeana Racina. Prvič je nastopila na odru v Rouenu s Charlesom Chevilletom (1645-1701), s katerim se je leta 1666 poročila. Velike tragične ljubezenske vloge je igrala več kot trideset let. Ob njeni smrti ji je La Fontaine posvetil svoj roman Belphégor in Boileau pa jo je ovekovečil verzih.

French tragedienne who created the heroines in many of  Jean Racine`s plays. She made her first appearance on the stage at Rouen with Charles Chevillet (1645-1701).They married in 1666. She played the great tragic love parts for more than thirty years. When she died, La Fontaine dedicated to her his novel Belphégor, and Boileau immortalized her in verse.

           F - 1355

CHATELET Emilie du 17. 12. 1706 - 10. 9. 1749
Gabrielle Émilie Marquise du Châtelet je bila francoska naravoslovna filozofinja, matematičarka, fizičarka in avtorica v zgodnjih 1730-ih, do njene prezgodnje smrti zaradi poroda leta 1749. Njen najbolj priznan dosežek je njen prevod in komentar o knjigi Principi Isaaca Newtona iz leta 1687, ki vsebuje osnovne zakone fizike. Prevod, objavljen posmrtno leta 1756, še danes velja za standardni francoski prevod. Njena filozofska mojstrovina Institutions de Physique (Pariz, 1740, prva izdaja), ali Temelji fizike, je široko poznana in je sprožila vroče razprave. V dveh letih po prvotni objavi je bilo delo ponovno objavljeno in prevedeno v več drugih jezikov.

Gabrielle Émilie Marquise du Châtelet was a French natural philosopher, mathematician, physicist, and author during the early 1730s until her untimely death due to childbirth in 1749. Her most recognized achievement is her translation of and commentary on Isaac Newton's 1687 book Principia containing basic laws of physics. The translation, published posthumously in 1756, is still considered the standard French translation today. Her philosophical masterpiece, Institutions de Physique (Paris, 1740, first edition), or Foundations of Physics, circulated widely, generated heated debates, and was republished and translated into several other languages within two years of its original publication.

             F - 7242

CHAWLA Kaplana 7. 1. 1961 - 2. 1. 2003
Ameriško astronavtko je njena ljubezen do letenja pripomogla, da je postala astronavtka v NASI. Leta 1982 je magistrirala na opodročju letalskega inženirstva na Punjab Engineering Collegu v Indiji. Preselila se je v ZDA kjer je nadaljevala študij vesoljskega inženiringa na Univerzi v Teksasu in doktorirala na Univerzi v Koloradu. Leta 1995 se je pridružila NASI in leta 1997 postala specialist na raketoplanu STS-87. Bila je prva Američanka indijskih korenin v vesolju. Bila je član posadke na Shuttlu Columbia, ko je razpadel pri povratku v Zemljino atmosfero februarja 2003.

Kalpana Chawla's love of flying led to her career as a NASA astronaut. She started her higher education in India, earning a B.S. in aeronautical engineering from Punjab Engineering College in 1982. Moving to the U.S., she turned to aerospace engineering and received her M.S. from the University of Texas and her Ph.D. from the University of Colorado. Chawla joined NASA in 1995 and was assigned as mission specialist on the space shuttle STS-87 in 1997, becoming the first Indian-American woman to go into space. She was a crew member on the Shuttle Columbia when it broke up upon reentry to the Earth's atmosphere in February 2003.

                                 H - 4783
CHEMNITZ Kathrine 28. 6. 1894 - 1. 12. 1978
Grenlandska borka za ženske pravice.

Greenlandic advocate of women`s rights. With her husband they worked together to establish an atmosphere where all Greendlanders and Danes were welcome. From 1960 was a General Secretary of Woman`s Society of Greenland.

 Greenland - 322

Ruska šahistka je leta 1977 postala prvakinja Sovjetske zveze, 1978 pa svetovna prvakinja.

She is Soviet chess player (Georgia). She became the 6th Women's World Champion in 1978 by defeating Nona Gaprindashvili and held off challenges from Nana G Alexandria in 1981, Irina Levitina in 1984, Elena Donaldson-Akhmilovskaya in 1986 and Nana Ioseliani in 1988. She finally lost the title to China's Xie Jun in 1991. She was also USSR Women's Champion in 1977. She has successfully competed in Men's events, 1st at Banja Luka 1985, 3rd at Bilbao 1987 and 2nd at Brussels 1987.

        YU - 3022

CHISHOLM Mairi 26. 2. 1896 - 22. 8. 1981

Shortly after the outbreak of war, friends Elsie Knocker and Mairi Chisholm travelled to Belgium, joining a small ambulance corps where they worked transporting casualties to base hospitals. Realising that many men were dying from untreated wounds, they established a front-line first-aid post at Pervyse in Belgium where they would eventually treat 23,000 casualties. In 1917, they were awarded the Military Medal. The stamp image shows the Madonnas of Pervyse wearing the Order of Leopold II, a Belgian decoration that they received in 1915.


CHÖNZ Selina 4. 10. 1910 - 17. 2. 2000
Švicarska pisateljica: Schellen-Ursli.

Swiss writer author of childrens's book classic tells of Schellen-Ursli.


             CH - 2025

CHRISTIANSEN Sophie 14. 11. 1987 -
Britanska jahalka je nastopila že na treh paraolimpijskih igrah. Na paraolimpijskih igrah leta 2012 v Londonu je osvojila 3 zlate medalje: v tekmovanju posameznic v kategoriji Ia (GB-3340), skupaj z Deborah Criddle, Lee Pearsonom in Sophie Wells v odprtem ekipnem rezredu (GB-3351) in v posameznem prostem programu v kategoriji Ia (GB-3347).

She is a British equestrian who has competed in three successive Paralympic Games, winning several medals. In Paralympics 2012 in London she won three gold medals: in the individual championship test grade 1a (GB-3340), with Deborah Criddle, Lee Pearson and Sophie Wells in the team - open.(GB-3351) and in the individual freestyle test, grade Ia (GB-3347).

                                  GB - 3347                                                                GB - 3340


CHRISTIE Agatha 15. 9. 1890 - 12. 1. 1976
Britanska pisateljica kriminalnih romanov je študirala glasbo v Parizu. Med 1. svetovno vojno je bila sodelavka Rdečega križa. kasneje je s soprogom arheologom pogosto potovala na Bližnji vzhod. Detektivske in kriminalne zgodbe je začela pisati med 1. svetovno vojno. Uveljavila se je z zgodbo The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (1926). Napisal je skoraj sto krajših in daljših kriminalk, ki jih odlikujejo premišljen zaplet, napeta zgodba in dobra psihologija. Ustvarila je dva znana junaka, duhovitega belgijskega detektiva Hercula Poirota in bistro miss Jane Marple. Pisala je tudi gledališke igre. Med njimi je najbolj znana The Mousetrap (1952). Igra je dosegla svojevrsten rekord, saj so jo v Londonu uprizarjali vsak večer od 1952 do maja 2002. 

                  Man - 1062                    Man - 1314                             GB - 3943 - 3944

                GB - 3945 - 3946                                        GB - 3947 - 3948

CIBOTARI Maria 10. 2. 1910 - 9. 6. 1949
Romunska sopranistka in filmska igralka je debitirala leta 1931 v Dresdenski Državni operi  v Bohemii. Bila je primadona v Dresdnu, Berlinu in na Dunaju.

Romunian opera singer. She studied at private conservatorium in Chisinau in 1924. She made her debut at Dresden State Opera in Bohemia (1931). She was prima donna at Dresden, Berlin and Vienna State Opera.

               MD - 109                          MD - 687

CILINSKAJA (TSYLNSKAYA) Natalija 30. 8. 1975 -
Beloruska športnica je na OI 2004 v Atenah v kolesarjenju na 500 m osvojila bronasto medaljo.
Na bloku so še ostale beloruske dobitnice olimpijskih medalj na OI v Atenah: Julija Nesterenko Natalija Helah in Julija Bičik, ter Jekaterina Karsten.

She is Belarus track cyclist. She won bronze medal in the 500m track on Olympics in Athens in 2004. In the World Championships from 2000 to 2006 she won 8 gold medals in 500 m track and sprint.


 BY - 561 
CINI Adelaide
25. 10. 1838 - 28. 3. 1885
Malteška filantropinja je deklicam in ženam nudila pomoč in skrb v svojem domu v St. Veneri.
Papež Pij X jo je 15.2.1910 proglasil za "prečastito".

Maltese philantropist, she helped girls and women by giving them shelter and care in her own home at St Venera. She was declared "venerable" by Pope Pius X on februara 15, 1910.

MT - 572
1921 - 15. 7. 1944
Makedonka je bila članica komunistične partije Jugoslavija in organizatorka oboroženega boja v več krajih v Makedoniji. Bogarksi okupatorji so nanjo razpisali nagrado. Ko so jo odkrili je naredila samomor, da ni padla živa v njihove roke. 

She was a yung macedonian fighter from Prilep who fought during the  World War II for liberation of Macedonia from fascist occupiers and was killed by the occupiers in June 1944 in Stip  just a few days before her transfer in the armed partisan groups around the town.

MK - 75

CLAGUE Margaret
1810 - 1884

Man - 56

21. 2. 1899 - 16. 8. 1970
Clara Clairbert  je študirala petje na glasbeni akademiji v Anderlechtu, Le Havru in Parizu. Debitirala je leta 1992 v Bruslju. Bila je mednarodno priznana sopranistka.

Clara Clairbert (her born name Clara Pierre Impens) studied singing at Academy of Music at Anderlecht, Le Havre and Paris. Made her debut in 1922 in Brussels. She had an international reputation as an exceptional soprano. 

B - 2743
8. 12. 1864 - 19. 10. 1943
Francoska kiparka je ustvarjala pod vplivom svojega učitelja, mentorja, in ljubimca kiparja Augusta Rodina. Leta 1883 se je preselila v Italijo, kjer je prvič srečala Rodina. Leta 1898 sta svoje razmerje končala.  Velik del svojih del je leta 1906 uničila. Leta 1913 pa so jo poslali v psihiatrično bolnico, kjer je ostala do svoje smrti.

French sculptor. Camille Claudel was influenced by her teacher, mentor, and lover, nineteenth-century sculptor Auguste Rodin. Claudel moved to Italy in 1883 where she first met Rodin. Claudel and Rodin ended their relationship in 1898. In 1906 Claudel destroyed much of her own work. In 1913 she was committed to a mental institution where she remained until her death in 1943.

F - 3450
CLAUSEN Franciska
7. 1. 1899 - 5. 3. 1986
Danska umetnica je pionirka modernega slikarsta. Študirala je na umetniških šolah v Münchenu in Berlinu. V Parizu je študirala pri Fermandu Legerju. Proti koncu 20. let je poskusila z novim korakom v umetnosti, ki ga je imenovala "konkretizem". Na znamki je primer njenega dela iz tega obdobja: Composition. Ko se je vrnila leta 1931 na Dansko, tam ni bila dobro sprejeta. Ukvarjala se je s portretiranjem in oblikovanjem plakatov.

Danish artist, studied at art school in Munich and Berlin. In Paris she studied under Fermand Leger. Towards the end of 1920s she tried new approaches to what she called "concretism". The motif on stamp Composition (1929) is an example of this period. From 1931 she returned to Denmark, but until 1960s she was not well received. She was active as portrait painter and desgner of posters. She is pioneer of modern painting.

DK - 1069
23. 6. 1940 -
Francoska grafičarka je študirala likovno umetnost v Saint-Etienne. Po študiju se je preselila v Pariz, kjer je začela risati stripe in ilustracije za Bayard-Presse. Njene prve stripe so objavili v Okapi. Leta 1976 je delovala pri feministični reviji Ah! Nana, kasneje pa pri Métal Hurlant. Z Elisabeth Salomon sta ustvarili La Main Verte in Morte-saison za Charlia Mensuela. Nicole je tudi ilustratorka otroških knjig. Na znamki je njena ilustracije za Alice v čudežni deželi.

Nicole Claveloux studied fine arts at Saint-Etienne. After her studies, she moved to Paris, where she started making comics and illustrations for Bayard-Presse. Her first comics were published in Okapi. In 1976, she contributed to the feminist magazine Ah! Nana. Later, she worked for Métal Hurlant. With Elisabeth Salomon she made La Main Verte and Morte-Saison for Charlie Mensuel. Nicole is also an illustrator of children's books.

CZ - 2394
6. 5. 1839 - 18. 8. 1884
Ameriška novinarka in pisateljica je pisala tako poezijo kot prozo, tudi romane. Vsa njena dela so bila objavljena v Bostonu (1885). Delala je v časopisih. Leta 1871 je za svoje delo prejela 5000 dolarjev, kar je največja plača, ki jo je do takrat časopis plačal ženski.

American author wrote both poetry and prose, including novels. Her complete works were published at Boston (1885). She worked at newspapers. In 1871 she received $5000 for her work, the largest salary ever paid a newspaper woman up to that time.

Man - 1304

8. 6. 1983 -
Belgijska teniška igralka.

She is Belgian tennis player and is a former World No.1 ranked player in singles and in doubles. As of September 28, 2009, she is ranked World No. 18. Clijsters has won 35 WTA singles titles and 11 WTA doubles titles. She won the US Open singles title in 2005 and 2009. She has also won the WTA Tour Championships singles title in 2002 and 2003. In doubles, she's won the French Open and Wimbledon titles in 2003.

  B - 3275
27. 11. 1912 - 28. 10. 2008
romunska igralka

She was a well-known Romanian stage actress and occasional movie star with a career that spanned 50 years. Among other activities, Cocea was an actor in residence at Bucharest's National Theatre for 17 years, was a university professor, writer and columnist, playwright, political activist and representative to UNESCO.

RO - 6144

COCHRANE Josephine
8. 3. 1839 - 3. 8. 1913

She was born in the USA and is was the inventor of the dishwasher. Concerned with solving a daily problem, namely, dish washing, she made multiple attempts to find a solution in order to mechanise this chore. She obtained the first patent for her invention in 1886 and, in 1893, she won a prize for design and durability at the Chicago World’s Fair. The company named after her became known on the dishwasher machine market, especially for hotels and restaurants, and also on the household electrical appliance market. The company changed its name into Kitchen Aid, subsequently becoming a part of the Whirlpool Corporation.

RO - 6703
30. 7. 1992 -

She is a British wheelchair athlete specialising in sprint distances in the T34 classification. She holds the Paralympic and world records for both the 100 metres T34 and 200 metres T34. Competing for Great Britain at the 2012 Summer Paralympics, she won two gold medals: in the Women's 100m - T34 (GB-3330) and in the women's 200m - T34 (GB-3355). She has cerebral palsy.


GB - 3330                                                               GB - 3355

COHEN Leontina 11. 1. 1913 - 23. 12. 1992
Ruska vohunka je delala skupaj s svojim možem. Leta 1961 so ju ujeli in zaprli v Angliji. 1969 pa so ju zamenjali z angleškimi vohuni in vrnili v Rusijo.

She was Russian spy and worked with her husband. They operated at the start of the 1940s in the USA and made enormous contributions to the Soviet efforts to obtain atomic secrets. In 1961 they were arested in Angland and imprisoned. In 1969 they were exchanged for British spies and sent back to Russia. There she was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and Order of Friendship of Nations.

RU -676

COLETTE Sidonie-Gabrielle
28. 1. 1873 - 3. 8. 1954
Francoska pisateljica je skupaj s prvim od treh soprogov pod njegovim psevdonimom Willy, napisala 4 avtobiografske romane (1900-03) - t.i. serija Claudine. Kasneje je objavljala pod imenom Colette. Kot radoživa in čutna ženska je v romanih opisovala spomine na otroštvo, predvsem pa ljubezen in razpetost ženske med neodvisnim svobodnim življenjem in potrebo po varnem zavetju in čustveni nevezanosti.

Sidonie Gabrielle Colette, one of the most famous French writers of her day, is known for her insight into human psychology and her ability to convey vivid sensory images. Noted for their style, Colette's novels are characterized by a representation of erotic instinct and sensuous experience and a sympathy with nature, especially flowers and animals. Her insight into character was enhanced by three marriages, numerous love affairs, and experience as a music-hall mime. Her first works, the Claudine novels, were written in collaboration with her first husband and published under his pen name, Willy. Colette established her reputation as a novelist with Cheri (1920), which traces the disintegration of an adolescent's affair with an aging courtesan. In its sequel, The Last of Cheri (1926), the youth commits suicide. Other works, such as Sido (1929), depart from this theme and recall Colette's childhood. Her later works include The Cat (1933); Gigi (1944-45), on which Vincente Minnelli based a musical film of the same name in 1958; and L'Etoile vesper (The Evening Star, 1947), a reminiscence.

F - 1837                     F - 3732                       MC - 1421                            MC - 1076    
                    MC - 1212

23. 1. 1813 - 6. 3. 1895
Norveška pisateljica in strastna zagovornica pravic žensk. Napisala je prvi norveški roman, ki je kritično obravnaval položaj žensk v družbi. Z njim je vplivala na poznejše norveške pisatelje, med katerimi so bili posebno pomembni Henrik Ibsen, Bjornstjerne Bjornson, Jonas Lie in Alexander Kielland. Bila je sestra priljubljenega narodnega pesnika Henrika Wergelanda. Še kot mlado dekle se je zaljubila v največjega bratovega tekmeca J. S. Welhavna, vendar se je njuno razmerje končalo nesrečno. Pozneje se je poročila s Petrom Jonasom Colletom, ki jo je močno podpiral pri literarnem ustvarjanju. Šele po njegovi smrti ter smrti svojih staršev in brata je napisala delo, s katerim je najbolj zaslovela. V romanu Amtmandens dottre (Guvernerjeva hči, 1854-55) je ostro obsodila neenakost spolov ter konvencionalni dom, ki je temeljil na patriarhalni nadvladi. V drugem romanu I de lange netter (V dolgih nočeh, 1862) je bila manj napadalna; v njem je opisala svoje otroštvo in mladost. preostala dela je posvetila socialni in čustveni emancipaciji žensk.

She was a Norwegian writer, often referred to as the first Norwegian feminist. She was also the younger sister of Norwegian poet Henrik Wergeland, and is recognized as being one of the first contributors to realism in Norwegian literature. Her most famous work is her only novel, Amtmandens Døttre (The District Governor's Daughters) which was published anonymously in two separate parts in 1854 and 1855. The book is considered one of the first political novels in Norway and deals with the difficulties of being a woman in a patriarchical society in general

N - 485-486                                    N - 1823
12. 11. 1961 - 
je romunska gimnastičarka. Bila je junakinja 1976 v Montrealu, saj je dobila 3 zlate medalje (na gredi, dvovišinski bradlji in mnogoboju), srebrno medaljo v ekipnem tekmovanju in bronasto medaljo v parterju.  Staro komaj 14 let so novinarji izbrali za športnico leta. Na OI 1980 v Moskvi je zmagala na gredi in parterju ter bila druga v mnogoboju. Leta 1989 je pobegnila iz Romunije na Madžarsko in od tam v ZDA.

Nadia Comaneci, is a Romanian gymnast who was the heroine of the 1976 Olympic Games at Montreal. She won gold medals for performances in the balance beam, uneven parallel bars, and the all-around event, plus a silver medal in the team event and a bronze medal in the floor exercises. Although she was only 14 years of age and a mere 39 kg (86 lb), her popularity was such that she was elected Female Athlete of the Year by the Associated Press. Comaneci also competed at the 1980 Olympics in Moscow, where she won 2 more gold medals (balance beam, floor exercises) and a silver (all-around). In 1989 she made a daring escape from Romania into Hungary and defected to the United States.

              RO - 5581                                              RO - 3380                                              RO - 3378   

                RO -7096

CONDE Carmen
15. 8. 1907 - 8. 1. 1996
Španska pesnica je poezijo vzljubila že v mladih letih. Po poklicu je bila učiteljica, vendar je že zgodaj začela pisati. Leta 1927 je spoznala pesnika Antonia Oliverja Belmasa, ki jo je poučeval o poeziji. Z njim se je leta 1931 poročila. Na ljudski univerzi v Cartageni sta izdajala revijo Presencia. Štirideset let se je njuno življenje vrtelo okoli študija, pisanja in poučevanja. 40 leta so  Carmenina najbolj plodovita saj je izdala številne pesmi, eseje in kratke zgodbe. Leta 1953 je prejela nagrado Elisenda de Montcada, leta 1961 nagrado Doncel, leta 1967 Nacionalno nagrado za poezijo in leta 1980 nagrado Ateneode Sevilla. Leta 1978 je bila kot prva ženska sprejeta na Špansko kraljevo akademijo. Pri svojih osemdesetih je zbolela za alzheimerjevo boleznijo.

Spanish poet was very fond of literature from her early days and although she studied to become a teacher, she soon began to write. In 1927 she met poet Antonio Oliver Belmás who guided her towards poetry and with whom she got married in 1931. Together they started the first Popular University of Cartagena and the magazine Presencia, the university’s publication. For forty years, their lives run parallel devoted to study, writing and teaching. The 40’s was the most fruitful decade for Carmen Conde with the publication of a number of short stories, essays and poems. In 1953 she won the Elisenda de Montcada award; in 1961 she was awarded with the Doncel price for Young Theatre; in 1967 she won the National Poetry Award for Obra Poética and in 1980 she obtained the Ateneo de Sevilla award. In 1978 she was elected member of the Spanish Royal Academy, being the first woman to become a member. From the eighties onwards, she began to suffer from Alzheimer though she continued to work and take part in talks and radio programmes.

   E - 4232
CONSUELO Alvarez Violeta
24. 7. 1867 - 19. 1. 1959
Izjemna novinarka se je pridružila Madridski tiskovni zvezi (APM) leta 1907, ko so bile tam zaposlene samo 3 ženske. Od leta 1904 do 1920 je bila urednica dnevnega časopisa El País in vodja tiskovnega urada Joséja Francosa Rodrígueza, generalnega direktorja urada Telegraph. Kot radijska novinarka in voditeljica je delala na Radiu España, kasneje pa tudi na Radiu Unión. Verjela je, da bo treba šole preurediti tako, da bodo tako fantje kot dekleta lahko dobili izobrazbo in da bodo z logiko in eksperimentiranjem dosegli osnovno enakost. Kot članica athenaeuma od leta 1907 do 1936 je sodelovala v pogovornih oddajah in organizirala številne konference, predvsem o literaturi, pedagogiki in politiki. V letih 1906 do 1931 je neumorno delovala kot zagovornica pravic žensk. Takrat je postala poslanka na sodiščih. Vodila je kampanjo za splošno volilno pravico žensk.
The outstanding journalist joined the Madrid Press Association (APM) in 1907 when there were just 3 women. She was the editor of the daily newspaper El País from 1904 to 1920 and Head of the Press Office of José Francos Rodríguez, Director General of the Telegraph office. As radio journalist and presenter, she worked at Radio España, and a few years later at Unión Radio. She believed schools would have to be rearranged so that both boys and girls could receive an education, and that with logic and experimentation as the basis, equality would be achieved. As an athenaeum member from 1907 to 1936, she took part in the institutions talk shows and gave numerous conferences, above all on Literature, Pedagogy and Politics. As a defender of women’s rights she worked tirelessly throughout her life from 1906 to 1931 when she became an MP in the Courts. She drove a campaign for universal women’s suffrage.

                E - 5347

1971 -

"The fall"

EI - 2049
COPELAND Katherine
1. 12. 1990 -
Angleška veslačica je na olimpijskih igrah skupaj s Sophie Hosking osvojila zlato medaljo med lahkimi dvojnimi dvojci. Veslati se je naučila že pri 14 letih. Je članica veslaškega kluba Stockon on Tees. Po poklicu je učiteljica, dela v šoli za avtistične otroke.

She is an English rower. In 2012, she was selected to represent Great Britain in the 2012 London Olympics in the Women's lightweight double sculls with Sophie Hosking, winning the gold medal. She was born in Ashington, and was 14 when she first learnt to row at Yarm School. She is a member of Tees Rowing Club, Stockton-on-Tees. As a teacher, she also runs an after school art club for autistic children in conjunction with the Three Wings Trust.

GB - 3303
1969 -

Artist from Ireland studied Fine Art Painting  at Limerick School of Art and Design and The National College of Art and Design, Dublin. She lives and works in Dublin.
IE - 2084

1909 - 20. 1. 1943
Ona in njen mož sta bila člana nemškega proti nacističnega odporniškega gibanja, nacisti so jo ujeli in obesili.

German resistance anti-nazi fighter. She and her housband were member of anti-nazi group Schulze-Boysen/Harnack. She was arested by the Nazis and hanged in Berlin Plotzensee.

GDR - 853
CORAZON de Jesus Maria Josefa del (st.)
7. 9. 1842 - 20. 3. 1912
je španska nuna, svetnica. Njen god praznujemo 20. marca.

Spanish nun, saint.
 E - 3648

1886 - 1964
slika: Grande Cantatrice Lilas Goergens

Swiss artist of religious, pacifistic and humanitarian motives. She was commited to Psyhiatric Hospital.

CH - 1507
CORKILL Stephanie

Manx photographer: Grandma.

Man - 987
CORNARO Piscopia Elena Lucrecia
5. 6. 1646 - 26. 6. 1684
Beneška filozofinja plemenitega rodu je bila ena prvih žensk, ki so prejele univerzitetno diplomo. Leta 1670 je postala predsednica beneške družbe Accademia dei Pacifici. Leta 1678 pa je postala prva ženska na svetu z doktoratom znanosti.

She was a Venetian philosopher of noble descent, who was one of the first women to receive an academic degree from a university and in 1678 she became the first woman in the world to receive a Ph.D. degree. In1670 she became president of the Venetian society Accademia dei Pacifici.

 I - 4031
21. 8. 1821 - 15. 1. 1911
je španska pesnica in pisateljica

She was a Spanish author considered the equivalent of contemporary romantic authors like Rosalía de Castro. She became so popular as to merit the title "the female Bécquer." She demonstrated at an early age an interest in literature, and she began to read works from widely varying genres. Thanks to this activity she gained a natural ability to compose verses. The main body of Coronado's work was lyric poetry. Her poems adopted diverse themes, including patriotic sentiment and especially romanticism. She wrote a total of fifteen novels and several plays.

   E - 2326
13. 9. 1923 - 16. 3. 1993
Portugalska pesnica, pisateljica in dramatičarka je svojo kariero začela s pesniško zbirko Rio de Nuvens (Reka oblakov, 1947). Njeno dramo O Encoberto (Zamolčan) so oblasti prepovedale. Bila je članica portugalskega surealističnega gibanja in odkrita nasprotnica Salazarjeve diktature.

Portugal poet, novelist and dramatist. She began her career with book of poems Rio de Nuvens (River of Clouds, 1947). She was a member of surrealistic movement in Portugal. Her play O Encoberto (The Concealed One) was benned by the goverment in 1969. She was an outspoken opponent of Salazar dictatorship.

Azores - 456

3. 8. 1954 -

Nina Corti, the world-famous flamenco dancer, was born in Zurich in 1954. Culture and the arts were decisive influences on her life from an early age. Her father – a musician with the Zurich Tonhalle Orchestra – took his daughter to the opera at the tender age of four, and Nina was having dancing and piano lessons even before she went to school. She discovered Spanish dance when she was sixteen.Flamenco”.  After studying dance in Madrid and Seville, she made a name for herself as a Spanish dance interpreter who delights in experimenting. Nina Corti has two grown-up sons and is a keen amateur gardener alongside her dancing.

CH - 2017
10. 2. 1926 - 15. 4. 2008

She was an English actress known for her roles in horror films during the 1950s and early 1960s. she studied drama at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre and the Alexander Theatre, also in Birmingham. Court won a British Critics Award for her role as a crippled girl in Carnival (1946). Hazel Court wanted to act in comedy films, and from 1957 to 1958 she was in the TV comedy series Dick and the Duchess. But she continued to appear in horror movies. In 1957 she had a part in the film The Curse of Frankenstein, where she gained the status of a "cult siren," partly due to her display of cleavage.

GB - 2655
18. 2. 1867 - 26. 11. 1950
Nemška pisateljica je napisala preko 200 knjig, ki pa nimajo visoke estetske vrednosti. Prvi uspeh je dosegla z delom Die wilde Usrsula (1912).

German writer wrote over 200 books. Her first big success was Die wilde Usrsula (1912). Her works are not recognised as literature of aesthetic value but are relevant to study of trivial literature.

 D - 1614
10. 2. 1964 -

English illustrator of children books did a BA Honours in Graphic Design, followed by a postgraduate degree at the Royal College of Art. Her first Maisy book was published soon after she left college. She won the Bologna Ragazzi Non-fiction Prize 1997 for Maisy's House and the Smarties Book Prize in 2002 for  Jazzy in the Jungle.
GB-2373:Maysy’s ABC


  GB - 2373

10. 5. 1966 -

She is a British para-equestrian who won three gold medals at the 2004 Summer Paralympics and three medals at the 2012 Summer Paralympic: a silver medal in the grade III individual, a silver medal in the freestyle grade III and a gold medal in the team championship with Sophie Christiansen, Lee Pearson and Sophie Wells.

  GB - 3351
1. 10. 1918 - 21. 10 . 2014

Croatian actress, known for Nevjera (1953), Prica o fabrici (1949) and Crni sneg (1966). She was married to Marko Fotez. On November 1992, she received Life Achievement Award Dobricin prsten for her roles in Yugoslav theaters.


  RS - 722

1968 -
Umetnica batika iz Jerseya.
Na znamki Jersey-583 je njen batik: Three men in a Boat.

Jersey artist of batik.
On  stamp
ersey-583 is her batik: Three men in a Boat.

Jersey - 583

Man - 417
CROSS Dorothy
1956 -

"Ghost ship"

EI - 2048
4. 4. 1970 -

She is a Belgian illustrator and author. She was born in Brussels to an English father and a Swedish mother. Kitty Crowther is the author of some 35 titles, most of which were first published in Belgium or France. Her works are fast being translated to other languages. Recipient of the 2010 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award. Her principal works are her own picture books, including L´enfant racine  (2003), La visite de Petite Mort (2004), Le grand désordre (2005) and the Poka & Mine series (2005, 2006, 2007, 2010), but she has also illustrated works by other authors such as Toon Tellegen, Carl Norac and André Nève.

B - 4048

They were Guide Commissioner from the Isle of Man.

  Man - 272
1920 - 1944
Albanska partizanska komandirka. Januarja 1944 se je pridružila enoti ostrostrelcev. Nemci so enoto obkolili in Zojo ustrelili.
Na znamki AL-2090 je tudi Peza Mine.

Albanian partisan leader. On january 20, 1944 joined the Brigade of Sharpshooters. The brigade was trapped by Germans and Zoja was shot.
On stamp
AL-2090 is also  Peza Mine.

       AL - 2090                        AL - 497
7. 11. 1867 - 4. 7. 1934

Na bloku MD-212 sta tudi Iulia Hasdeu in Elena Alistar..

Marie Curie, b. Maria Sklodowska in Warsaw, Poland, spent many impoverished years as a teacher and governess before she joined her sister Bronia in Paris in order to study mathematics and physics at the Sorbonne, earning degrees in both subjects in 1893 and 1894. In the spring of the latter year she met the physicist Pierre Curie. They married a year later, and Marie subsequently gave birth to two daughters, Irene (1897) and Eve (1904). Pierre and Marie Curie are best known for their pioneering work in the study of radioactivity, which led to their discovery in 1898 of the elements radium and polonium. Together with her husband, she was awarded half of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 for their study into the spontaneous radiation discovered by Becquerel, who was awarded the other half of the Prize. In 1911 she received a second Nobel Prize, this time in Chemistry, in recognition of her work in radioactivity. She also received, jointly with her husband, the Davy Medal of the Royal Society in 1903 and, in 1921, President Harding of the United States, on behalf of the women of America, presented her with one gram of radium in recognition of her service to science. The Curie's elder daughter Iréne Joliot - Curie and her housband Frédéric Joliot they were joint recipients of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1953.
On sheet
MD-212 are also Iulia Hasdeu and Elena Alistar.

   PL- 4088                         PL - 912                        PL - 3726                     PL - 695 
               PL - 3375                       PL - 2810                     SU -5759                     P - 2279   

                                     PL - 1777/1779                                                      SM - 1255

                   S - 736                      S - 514                       B - 3092                     IE - 1220
                       PL - 1413                                F - 433                                  F - 1600
                 AL - 2399                   GDR - 1294                    PL -460                    MD - 211

                          MD - 212                                RO - 2612                       MC - 2402

                            MC -874                                MC - 187                             MC - 2663

       F - 5039,5040                 BA -524                       E - 4588                          Jersey - 1541 
                PL - 4540,4541                        TR - 3017                       GI - 684

             RS - 731                 PL - 4955           TR - 998         F - 3353     E - 4588     S - 2847,2848

20. 2. 1857 - 16. 11. 1919
Prva romunska zdravnica je diplomirala leta 1884.

She was the first Romanian female physician, she received her medical degree in 1884.

RO - 6168

14.3.1879 - 29. 10. 1969
Po končani osnovni šoli v Bukarešti se je vpisala na likovno akademijo. Pri komaj 18 letih se je odpravila v München kjer je študirala slikarstvo. Od tam je odšla v Pariz kjer je študirala na Académie Julian. V glavnem mestu Francije se je udeležila tudi tečajev likovne šole École des Beaux Arts (School of Fine Arts). Na njene prve slikovne manifestacije je vplival nemški ekspresionizem, ki je prišel do izraza s temperamentnimi deli, polnimi moči. Leta 1902 je prvič razstavljala na Champs de Mars. Po prvi osebni razstavi v Parizu (1905) je podobno razstavo organizirala v romunskem Ateneju. Bila je članica društva Tinerimea Artistică (Umetniška mladina). Od leta 1922 so bila njena dela razstavljena na mnogih razstavah, ki so jih organizirali v Benetkah, Atenah, Barceloni, Amsterdamu, Milanu, Rimu, Varšavi, Parizu, Pragi, Oslu, Bernu, Budimpešti itd. Skupaj z dvema izjemnima ženskama, Olgo Greceanu in Nino je ustanovila Združenje romunskih slikark in kipark tako, ki je tvorilo tako imenovano Skupino treh dam, velikih mojstric nacionalne umetnosti. Leta 1937 je bila Cecilia Cutescu-Storck izvoljena za predsednika romunskih sindikatov.

After graduating from the primary school in Bucharest, she enrolled in the Academy of Fine Arts. At only 18 years of age, she left to Munich and studied the painting, from where her journey led to Paris, to become a student of the Académie Julian. In the capital of France, she also attended the courses of the École des Beaux Arts (School of Fine Arts). Her first pictorial manifestations were influenced by German expressionism, coming to the fore by temperamental works, full of force. In 1902, her works were exhibited at Champs de Mars. After organizing her first personal exhibition in Paris (1905), she organized a similar exhibition at the Romanian Athenaeum. She was a member of Tinerimea Artistică (Artistic Youth) Society. As of 1922, her works have been exhibited in many exhibitions organized in Venice, Athens, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Milan, Rome, Warsaw, Paris, Prague, Oslo, Bern, Budapest etc. Together with two other extraordinary female figures, Olga Greceanu and Nina Arbore, Cecilia Cutescu-Storck established the Association of Romanian Women Painters and Sculptors, forming the so-called Group of the Three Ladies, great masters of the national art. In 1937, Cecilia Cutescu-Storck has been elected president of the Romanian Trade Unions.

                    RO -7510

CUZA Eufrosinia - Valentina
1856 - 15. 5. 1910
Romunska operna pevka.

Romanian opera singer.

MD - 556

CWIKLINSKA Mieczyslawa
1. 1. 1879 - 28. 7. 1972
Poljska igralka in pevka je debitirala leta 1900 v ljudskem gledlišču v Varšavi v igri Grube Ryby.

She was a Polish  film actress, stage actor, and singer. She was often nicknamed Lińska or Amiette. She made her debut in 1900 at the Teatr Ludowy (The People's Theatre) in Warsaw in Michał Bałucki's play Grube Ryby.

PL - 4652

gor - up