HAAPSALO Kreeta 26. 6. 1815 - 22. 2. 1893
Finska ljudska pevka je igrala ja na kantele (citre), pela ljudske pesmi. Skladala je tudi svoje ljudske pesmi. Smisel za glasbo je podedovala po svojem dedu. Glasbe se je začela učiti že pri šestih letih starosti pri svojem stricu. Igrala sta na s 6-strunsko kantelo. Nastopala ke v bljižnem mestu Gamlakarleby kejr je leta 1853, dobila svoj prvi honorar - 10 rubljev. Tam so jo spodbudila de ja začela nastopati po domovih, šolah, na koncertih in različnih festivalih.

Kreeta Haapasalo's extensive repertory was mostly spiritual songs, folk dances, ballads as well as her own songs, which often emphasized sorrow. Her feeling for music was inherited from her mother's father, a soldier with a talent for music. Kreeta's musical training began at six years of age with a 6-stringed kantele under the guidance of her uncle. With her sister and husband she helped as a girl with the farm work  The young Kreeta's musical interest was concentrated on practicing on the kantele. She began her appearances in the nearest city of Gamlakarleby in 1853, where she received her first money - 10 rubles. At one house they encouraged her to give a concert in Helsingfors and gave her a letter of recommendation. Kantele Kreeta's songs, which she always sang, accompanied her for 40 years in the homes, in schools, at large and small festivals, at concerts, at agricultural shows, at restaurants and at markets.

               FI - 1186

HAASE Hella 2. 2. 1918 - 29. 9. 2011
Nizozemska pisateljica, ki ji je s svojimi deli uspelo pospeševati branje del nizozemskih pisateljev po celem svetu.   

She was a Dutch writer and one of the first Dutch writers who work abroad actively promoted and brought one of the most widely read abroad Dutch writers.


        NL - 3016

HAAVIO-MANNILA Elina 3. 8. 1933 -
Finska sociologinja in doktorica političnih znanosti. Je profesorica sociologije na univerzi v Helsinkih. Poznana je po knjigah o seksualnem življenju: Sexual Lifestyles in the Twentieth Century, Sexual Pleasures: Changes in Sex Life in Finland.
She is a Finnish sociologist and doctor of political science. She is Professor Emerita of Sociology at the University of Helsinki. Her famous works: Sexual Pleasures: Changes in Sex Life in Finland; Sexual Lifestyles in the Twentieth Century.


                       FI - 2015

HACIBULGUR Kadriye Hulusi 30. 11. 1905 - 13. 8. 1988
Ciprska kulturno politična delavka, direktorica šole. Bila je prva ženska v turškem parlamentu (1960-1970).

Turkish educator, She taught with her three sisters in elementary schools. She was selected as first woman member of Turkish Communal Chamber. She was also active in teacher`s rights. 

            CY (tur) - 429

d`HAEN Christine  25. 10. 1923 - 3. 9. 2009
Flamska pisateljica in pesnica je leta 1992 prejela iz rok kraljice Beatrix veliko nagrado Nizozemske za literaturo. Napisala je biografijo o flamskem pisatelju Guidu Gazelle, prevajala je dela belgijskega pisatelja Huga Clausa v angleščino.

She is a Flemish writer. She studied Germanic philology and became a teacher at the high school in Bruges. She made an inventory of the handwritings of Guido Gezelle while working at the Gezelle archive. She wrote a biography of Guido Gezelle and also translated work of Hugo Claus into English. In 1992 she got Netherlandish Literature Award.

          B - 3666

HAGEN Else 21. 9. 1914 - 21. 8. 2010
Norveška slikarka je znana po svojih velikih mozaikih v norveških cerkvah, univerzah in drugih javnih stavbah.
Na znamki N-1458: Modri konj.

Norvegian painter is especially know on her  mosaics in Norwegian churches, universities and other public buildings.
On stamp
N-1458: Blue Horse.

               N - 1458

HÄGGMAN Pirjo 8. 6. 1951 -
Finska atletinja - tekačica na srednje proge je nastopala na OG 1972, 1976 in 1980, bila je 11-krat finska prvakinja v teku na   100 in 400 metrov. Leta 1981 sta bili skupaj z Venezuelko Flor Isava - Fonseca kot prvi ženski izvoljeni v mednarodni olimpijski komite.
Na znamki FI-1251 je tudi Salin Riitta.

A middle-distance runner in the 1972, '76 and '80 Olympics, 12-time Finnish champion at 100 and 400 meters. In 1981 Haggman Pirjo and Flor Isava-Fonseca of Venezuela were elected as the first women members of the International Olympic Committee.
On stamp
FI-1251 is also Salin Riitta.

          FI - 1251

HAINISCH Mariane 25. 3. 1839 - 5. 5. 1936
Marianne Hainisch  spada med velike ženske osebnosti druge polovice 19. in prve polovice 20. stoletja. Na njeno pobudo je bilo ustanovljeno Avstrijsko žensko gibanje, ki je neločljivo povezano s osebnim življenjem te nadarjene ženske, ki je bila tudi mati prvega avstrijskega predsednika dr. Michaela Hainischa. Borila se je proti starim socialnim silam, njen cilj je bil zmanjšanje ženske diskriminacije. 5. maja 1902 je bila iz 13. ženskih organizacij ustanovljena Generalna skupščina avstrijskih ženskih organizacij. Njen prvi predsednik je bila Marianne Hainisch.

Marianne Hainisch  ranks among the great female figures of the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries. The Austrian Women's Movement was founded on her initiative and is inseparably bound to the personal life of this remarkable and highly-gifted woman, who is also the mother of the first Austrian National President (1920-1928) Dr. Michael Hainisch. She struggle against old societal structures with the goal of transforming those which discriminated against women into those more favorable to women. The founding General Assembly of Austrian National Women's Organizations took place on May 5, 1902, and was attended by 13 women's organizations. Its first president was Marianne Hainisch. 

            A -
HAJNAL Gabriella 1. 5. 1928 -
Madžarska slikarka je leta 1957 diplomirala na budimpeštanski šoli za umetnost. Že leta 1958 pa je zmagala z eno svojih tapiserij. V svojih tapiserijah uporablja po njenem najlepše naravne materiale: volno, konopljo in lan.

Hajnal graduated from the Budapest Art School in 1957 and already by 1958 she had won a competition with one of her Gobelin tapestries. "I designed my first wall tapestry, which was woven by the State Gobelin-weavers Workshop. In this way I learned the Gobelin technique and fell in love with the style," said Hajnal. Hajnal uses what she considers the most beautiful materials - those from nature, such as wool, hemp and flax - and blends them in the style she finds the most attractive, which is weaving and sometimes embroidering.

                              H - 4135

HAKALA Lea 15. 3. 1960 -
Finska košarkarica, profesionalno je pet let igrala košarko v Španiji. Leta 1984 je bila članica finske ženske olimpijske košarkarske ekipe. Leta 1981 je bila izbrana v evropsko ekipo. Košarko je igrala aktivno med leti 1975 in 2001. 

Member of the 1984 Finnish Olympic women's basketball team. Playing professional basketball in Spain for five years. Being chosen for the European Selection in 1981. She was active basketball player from 1975 to 2001.

            FI - 1287

HALAMA Loda 20. 7. 1911 - 13. 7. 1996
Poljska plesalka in igralka, glavna plesalka Velikega gledališča iz Varšave je v letih 1927 in 1950 igrala v 11 filmih:  Prokurator Alicja Horn. Love, Cherish, Respect, A Diplomatic Wife...

A Polish dancer and actress and principal dancer of Grand Theatre of Warsaw played in eleven films between 1927 and 1950: Prokurator Alicja Horn. Love, Cherish, Respect, A Diplomatic Wife...

            PL - 4743
HALAMOVA Maša 28. 8. 1908 - 17. 7. 1995
Najpomembnejša slovaška pesnica prve polovice 20. stoletja. Pisala je tudi knjige za otroke in  prevajala. Diplomirala ja na poslovni akademiji v Bratislavi. Med okrevanjem po bolezni v Visokih Tatrah je spoznala češkega pesnika J.Wolkerja, ki je močno vplival na njeno poezijo. V gorah je srečala tudi svojega bodočega moža Dr. Pullman. Bila je dobra smučarka, leta 1935 je sodelovala na svetovnem prvenstvu v Strbske Pleso kot sodnica. Delala je kot urednica v založbi Mlade Leta v Bratislavi. Njena poezija je polna nežnosti, krhkosti in motivi ljubezni. Njena prva zbirka pesmi je Dar iz leta 1928. Leta 1932 je izdala drugo Červený mak, tretja Smrt tvoju žijem pa je izšla 1966. Njene pesmi so prevedene v devet jezikov, več so jih tudi uglasbili.

Maša Haľamová was the most notable Slovak poet of the first half of the 20th century, author of books for children, and translator. She graduated from the Business Academy in Bratislava. While recovering from a bronchial illness in the High Tatras, she met the charismatic Czech poet J. Wolker (1900–1924) whose life and work influenced her poetry from the outset. It was in the mountains that she also met her future husband, Dr. Pullman, whom she later married and lived with in Štrbské Pleso until his death in 1956. In addition, she was a great skier and in 1935 took part in the World Championships in Štrbské Pleso as a referee. From her husband’s death until her retirement, she worked as an editor in Martin and than in Mladé letá publishing house in Bratislava. Her poetry abounds with gentleness, fragility, and tenderness blended with the motifs of love and balladry which draw upon natural imagery, especially the High Tatras. Her first collection of poems Dar (The Gift, 1928) takes love as its theme, and her second work, Červený mak (Red Poppy, 1932) features the heart. The third collection of poems was published after a long period of struggling with widowhood: Smrť tvoju žijem (Living Your Death, 1966). Her poems have been translated into nine languages, and several set to music by Slovak composers.
             SK - 578

HALE Kathleen 24. 5. 1898 - 26. 1. 2000
Britanska umetnica, ilustratorka in pisateljica otroških del. Najbolj je znana po knjigah o Orlandu marmaladnem mačku (na znamki

She was a British artist, illustrator, and children's author. She is best remembered for her series of books about Orlando the Marmalade Cat (on stamp GB-1500).

               GB - 1500

HALEP Simona 27. 9. 1991 -
Romunska teniška igralka je bila med leti 2017 in 2019 dvakrat proglašena za najboljšo teniško igralko, prvič 9. oktobra 2017. Drugič je ostala na prvem mestu 48 tednov zapored. Skupaj je bila kar 64 tednov številka 1.

A Romanian professional tennis player has been ranked world No. 1 in singles on two separate occasions between 2017 and 2019. She reached the No. 1 ranking for the first time on 9 October 2017. On her second occasion, she held the ranking for 48 consecutive weeks. In total, she has been No. 1 for 64 weeks.

                                                 RO - 7444,7445

HALKIA Fani 2. 2. 1979 -
Grška atletinja je na OI 2004 v Atenah osvojila zlato medaljo v teku na 400 m z ovirami. V polfinalu je postavila s 52,77 s nov olimpijski rekord. Najprej je trenirala skok v višino. Študirala je novinarstvo.

Won gold medal OG 2004 Athene: 400m hurdles Women. Former high jumper, she studied to become a TV journalist in 2000/2001 when injured. In the semi-final on the 22nd August Halkia had set a new Olympic record of 52.77 s. 

        GR - 2252

HALLOWES Odette Sansom 28. 4. 1912 - 13. 3. 1995
Angleška heroina iz druge svetovne vojne se je rodila v Franciji, vendar je spoznala Angleža, se z njim poročila in preselila v Anglijo. Bila je članica specialnih enot medicinske pomoči. Izurili so jo za delo v okupirani Franciji. Tja so jo skupaj z Petrom Churchillom poslali aprila 1943. Vendar sta bila izdana. Nemci so ju ujeli in zaprli. Poslali so jo v koncentracijsko taborišče Ravensbrück, ki pa ga je preživela.
She was an Allied heroine of the Second World War. She was born in France, but she met an Englishman, married him in 1931, moving with him to England. Durring WW2 she was enrolled in Special Forces of the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY) and trained by Colonel Maurice Buckmaster's Special Operations Executive to be sent into Nazi-occupied France to work with the French underground. She made a landing near Cannes in 1942. On 16 April 1943 she and her fellow-fighter Peter Churchill. were betrayed by a double agent, and Odette and Churchill were arrested and imprisoned. She was sent to Ravensbrück concentration camp and survived.
             GB - 3214

HANA Hyrije 1929 - 2004
Albanska igralka.

Albanian actress.

              KO - 259

HALONEN Majja 1873 - 1944
Žena znanega finskega slikarja Pekka Halonen. Poročila sta se leta 1895. Imela sta osem otrok. Majja je skrbela za gospodinjstvo. Prevajala je knjige iz italijanščine, švedščine in nemščine v finščino.
Wife of Pekka Halonen famous finish painter (married in 1895). They had eight children, four sons and four daughters. Maija was a very hard working and skilled woman. She sew clothes, tended vegetable garden and translated literature from Italian, Norwegian, Swedish and German into Finnish.

FI  - 1915

HALONEN Tarja  24. 12. 1943 -
Predsednica Finske je po izobrazbi magister prava in sindikalna odvetnica. Je znana politična oseba na Finskem. V letih 1979 - 2000 je bila članica parlamenta, v letih 1995 - 2000 zunanja ministrica. njena politična pot se je začela 1974, ko je postala tajnica predsednika vlade.  Leta 2000 je bila izvoljena za predsednico Finske.

Ms. Halonen holds a Master of Laws degree and is a trade union lawyer by profession. She has long been a prominent figure in the political life of Finland and was a Member of Parliament from 1979 to 2000, as well as Minister for Foreign Affairs from 1995 to 2000. President Halonen’s political career started in 1974 when she served as the Prime Minister’s parliamentary secretary through 1975. After being elected to Parliament, she was Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee (1984-1987), Vice-Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee (1991-1995) and Chairman of the Grand Committee of Parliament in 1995. In February 2000 she was elected President of the Republic of Finland.

        FI - 1679

HAMAN Kato 2. 12. 1884 - 31. 8. 1936
Madžarska delavska voditeljica je bila delavka na železnici. Komunistični partiji se je pridružila v času prve sovjetske republike. Ubili so jo v zaporu v času Miklosa Hortya.

An eminent figure in the workers' movement Kato was hungarian communist and was murdered in a fascist prison of Horthy. Haman was a railroad worker and  joined the Communist Party at the time of the first Soviet Republic.


     H - 3715                  H - 1676

HAMILTON Emma 26. 4. 1765 - 15. 1.  1815
Ljubica lorda Nelsona in muza angleškega slikarja Georga Romneya.

Emma, Lady Hamilton is best remembered as the mistress of Lord Nelson and as the muse of George Romney. As child  she worked as a maid. Later she worked as a model and dancer at the "Goddess of Health".

                Man - 1185

HAMMERSENG Gro 10. 4. 1980 -
Norveška rokometašica članica norveškega kluba Larvik HK in norveške državne reprezentance, kjer je bila kar nekajkrat kapetanka ekipe. Leta 2007 je bila proglašena za rokometašico leta.

She s a Norwegian handballer playing for the Norwegian national team and Norwegian club Larvik HK. She has been the captain of the national team for several years, and in 2007 she was voted female World Handball Player of the Year.

                  N - 1663

HANDEL-MAZZETTI Enrica 10. 1. 1871 - 8. 4. 1955
Avstrijska pisateljica je začetnica modernega zgodovinskega romana na katoliških principih. Z romanom Meinrad Helmperger's Memorable Year, ki ga je napisala pri 29. letih, je postala uveljavljena pisateljica. Od takrat pa vse do smrti, je redno objavljala številne romane in trilogije.

Handel-Mazzetti Enrica  is considered the founder of the modern historical novel on fundamental Catholic principles. The novel Meinrad Helmperger's Memorable Year lead to her breakthrough as an established writer at the age of 29. From then until her death, numerous individual novels and trilogies emerged on a regular basis.

         A -
HANIM Zübeyde 1857 - 14. 1. 1923
Mati Mustafa Kemala Ataturka, ustanovitelja in predsednika republike Turčije. Rodila se je v Saloniki, ki je tedaj še pripadala otomanskemu imperiju. Imela je velik vpliv na njega, saj je Kemalov oče je umrl, ko je bil le-ta star šest let.

She was the mother of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey. Her name is Zübeyde but Hanim which is a respectful way of saying Mrs. is almost always added after her name. Kemal's father, Ali Riza, died when Mustafa Kemal was six years old, making her parental influence dominant. Zübeyde Hanim was born in Salonika, then part of the Ottoman Empire.

                      TR - 1477-1478      

HÄNSEL Marion 12. 2. 1949 -
Belgijska filmske režiserka, je nastopala v cirkusu s hojo po vrvi. V tem času je napisala je scenarij za kratek film, ki pa zanimal nobenega režiserja ali producenta. Zato je sama ustanovila leta 1977 svojo producentsko hišo. Za svoj prvi film Le Lit (1982) ni dobila producenta. Od takrat je producentka svojih filmov in tudi filmov mlajših režiserjev. Leta 2001 je bila producentka filma No Man’s Land Danisa Tanovica, ki je dobil oskarja za najboljši tujejezični film. Leta 1987 je bila proglašena za belgijko leta.  
Na znamki B-3730 je scena iz njenega filma Dust (1985).

Marion Hansel, born in Marseille and grew up in Antwerp, Belgium. She took acting lessons with Lee Strasberg in New York and learned in a circus in Belgium to walk on a tightrope. In a time when they no commitment to Equilibre wrote the short film screenplay, and neither was a director or a producer for the realization, she made it herself, and for this purpose founded in 1977 with Man’s its own film production company. For her first feature film Le Lit (1982) found no producers. Since then she has produced not only their own movies, but also of other, mostly younger directors. They produced 2001 No Man’s Land by Danis Tanovic, who won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. 1987 Marion Hansel was in Belgium named “Woman of the Year”.
On stamp
B-3730 is scene from her film Dust (1985).

                 B - 3730

HARDENBERG Julie Edel 1971 -
Grenlandska slikarka in pisateljica je diplomirala leta 1999 na Akademiji za likovno umetnost v Trondheim, Norveša in leta 2005 magistrirala iz umetnosti na Kraljevi akademiji za likovno umetnost, na Danskem.. Živi in dela v Nuuku. Je vsestranska in produktivna umetnica napisala je tudi 5 knjig.

She holds a BA in Art from the Art Academy of Trondheim, Norge, 1999 and a MA in Art - Theory and Communication from The Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Denmark, 2005. Julie Edel Hardenberg lives and work in Nuuk. She is a versatile and productive artist, which beside international exhibitions, recognitions, and public tasks, has produced 5 books. Her works are characterized by being conscious implemented, quirky, poetic with a humorous approach to concepts such as ethnic and cultural identity.


                 Greenland - 590
HARLEV Lise 3. 6. 1973 -
Danska slikarka.

Danish painter.

DK -1639

HARNACK Mildred 16. 9. 1902 - 16. 2. 1943
Članica odporniškega gibanja, žrtev nacizma se je rodila v skromni trgovski družini v ZDA. Med študijem literature na univerzi Wisconsin v Madisonu je spoznala Nemca Arvida Harnacka. Leta 1929 sta se preselila v Nemčijo, kjer je v Berlinu predavala o ameriški literaturi. V času nacizma sta se z možem pridružila nemškemu odporniškemu gibanju. To odporniško skupino so Nemci imenovali "rdeči oktober". Na skrivaj sta pošiljala informacije ameriškim in sovjetskim oblastem. Nemci so jih ujeli in likvidirali. Mildred, ki so jo obglavili, je edina Američankam, ki so jo usmrtili na Hitlerjev ukaz.

Born to a modest merchant family in USA, Mildred Fish met German Arvid Harnack while studying literature at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Moving to his native Germany in 1929 and teaching American literature in Berlin, Mildred’s life became absorbed by wider events taking place around her. She and her housband joined to the German resistance movement, they spiriting information to the U.S. and Soviet governments. They were member of Red Orchestra resistance group. They were executed. Mildred was guillotined in February 1943 - the only American executed by Hitler’s command.

                GDR - 1019

HARPMAN Jacqueline  5. 7. 1929 - 24. 5. 2012
Belgijska psihologinja je članica belgijske zveze psihoanalitikov in mednarodne zveze psihoanalitikov. Za svoje romane je prejela številne nagrade: leta  1959 nagrado Victor Rossel za Brève Acadie, leta 1992 nagrado belgijske RTBF Point de Mire za La Plage d'Ostende,
leta 1996 nagrado Médicis za  Orlanda. Piše v francoščini.

Belgian author who writes in French. She also works as a psychoanalyst and lives in Brussels. Her novels, in particular L’orage rompu and Le bonheur dans le crime refer to the city.

        B - 3667

HARRIS Molly 1946 -
Slikarka iz Guernseya je študirala v Carlise in Edinburgu. Razstavljala je na Guernseyu, Jerseyu in Londonu.

She is artist from Guernsey. Studied in Carlise and Edinburg. Exhibited in Guernsey, Jersey and London.

Guernsey - 610

HARTMAN Marea 22. 6. 1920 - 29. 8. 1994
Britanska športna delavka je bila na kar sedmih olimpijskih igrah voditeljica ženske ekipe. Z njenim neumornim delom se je ugled ženske atletike v Britaniji povečal. Dosegla je, da so se dekleta vseh slojev začele zanimati za tekmovanja v atletiki.

Marea Hartman was a British sports administrator. She was team manager of British women`s teams at seven Olympic Games. Her tireless work raised the status of women`s athletic in Britain, enccuraging girls from all backgrounds to compete.

           GB -
HASDEU Iulia 2. 11. 1869 - 23. 9. 1888
Moldovka pisateljica in pesnica je pisala v francoščini. Je hčer znanega romunskega jezikoslovca Bogdana Hasdeua. Pisala je satire, komedije in drame. Ker je umrla mlada so njena dela objavili posmrtno.
Na bloku MD-212 sta tudi Marie Curie in Elena Alistar.

Moldovian writer and poet who wrote in french language. She is daughter oof famous Romanian linguist Bogdan Hasdeu. She wrote satires, comedies and dramas. She died young, so her works were published posthumnously.
On sheet MD-212 are also Marie Curie and Elena Alistar.


                            MD - 212                                      RO - 5043
HASTRUP Hanne 1940 -
Danska pisateljica.

Danish writer.

        DK - 1302

HATHAWAY Sibyl  13. 1. 1884 - 14. 7. 1974
Posestnica iz otoka Sark je v letih 1927 do 1940 in 1945 do svoje smrti 1974 nosila naziv »dame«. Naslov je podedovala po očetovi smrti, ime Hathaway pa po svoji drugi poroki. Njeno pravico do posesti je prekinila nemška okupacija otoka med drugo svetovno vojno. Znana je po tem da je pregovorila vseh 471 prebivalcev otoka Sark da so ostali na otoku. Leta 1938 je zasnovala zastavo otoka. Njena je tudi zamisel da na otoku ni dovoljen avtomobilski promet. Njeno življenje in izkušnje z nemško okupacijo so predstavljeni v gledališki igri The Dame of Sark.

Dame Sybil Mary Collings Beaumont Hathaway was Dame of Sark from 1927 to 1940 and again from 1945 to 1974 (Dame is the title of a female holder of a Seigneurie). She inherited title when her father died, and acquired the name Hathaway upon her second marriage in 1929. Her tenure as Seigneur was interrupted by German occupation of the island during WW II. Hathaway is noted for not evacuating during the German occupation, and prevailing upon all 471 Sark inhabitants to remain on the island as well. Hathaway commissioned the design of the flag of Sark in 1938. It was also her decision that no cars be allowed on Sark, a rule that continues to the present. She is the subject of a play based on the experience of the German occupation, called The Dame of Sark.


                                                           Guernsey -259/263

HATUN Nene 1857 - 22. 5. 1955
Turška narodna junakinja je leta 1877 skupaj z drugimi civilisti v glavnem ženskami in starejšimi moškimi napadla ruske vojake, ki so zavzeli trdnjavo Aziziye na začetku rusko-turške vojne (1877-1878). V boju je bila ranjena. Ostanek življenja je preživela v Aziziye kot zadnja udeleženka rusko-turške vojne.

She was a Turkish folk heroine, who became known for brutally massacring dying and wounded Russian soldiers left behing on the battlefield after the recapture of Fort Aziziye in Erzurum from Russian forces at the start of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878.

                   TR - 3074
HAVERFIELD Evelina 9. 8. 1867 - 21. 3. 1920
Britanska humanitarna delavka in ustanoviteljica Srbskega podpornega sklada je prispela leta 1915 v Srbijo. Po vojni je v Bajini Bašti odprla hišo za vojne sirote, pomagala je pri nastanitvi bolnikov s tuberkulozo. Pokopana ja na cerkvenem pokopališču v Bajini Bašti. Leta 1930 so v njen spomin v Bajini Bašti odprli Zdravstveni dom in cerkveno zavetišče z njenim imenom. Odlikovana je bila z najvišjim srbskim odlikovanjem ordenom svetega Save 5. in 4. reda, posmrtno pa še z redom Belega orla z meči.

She was a humanitarian worker and one of founders of Serbian Supporting Fund. She came to Serbia in 1915. After the war she she picked up the house for war orphans in Bajina Bašta and assisted accommodation for people with tuberculosis. She was buried in the churchyard in Bajina Bašta. In memory of her, in 1930 Health center Eveline Haverfield was opened in Bajina Bašta and the curch shelter a little later as the Eveline Haverfield Home. She was awared the highest Serbian decoration: the orden of St.Sava (V and IV degree) and posthumously the Order of White Eagle with Swords.


             RS - 645

Hauer Hanne

Greenland - 312

HAYES Gabriel 1909 - 1978
Irska kiparka je obiskovala Metropolitan School of Art v Dublinu in študirala v Franciji in Italiji..
Na znamki IE-1632 je njena skulptura: Tri gracije.

Gabriel Hayes was born in Monasterevin, Co. Kildare. She attended the Metropolitan School of Art, Dublin, and later studied in France and Italy. A sculptor of distinction, her most accomplished works are the boldly carved limestone panels on the Department of Industry and Commerce, Dublin (1942). Other major public commissions include The Three Graces (1941) on the College of Catering, Dublin, Stations of the Cross (1957-69), Galway Cathederal, and a monumental bronze figure of Luke Wadding (1958) in Waterford. She also designed the 1/2p, 1p and 2p coins introduced in 1971.
On stamp
IE-1632 is her sculpture: Three Graces.

          IE - 1632
HEATH Mary 10. 11. 9. 5. 1896 - 1939
Irska letalka s pravim imenom Sophie Catherine Pierce se je 1922 preselila v Anglijo. Je ena izmed ustanoviteljev amaterske ženske atletske zveze. Je prva angleška prvakinja v metu kopja. Bila je tudi delegat Mednarodnega olimpijskega komiteja leta 1925. Takrat se je tudi začela učiti leteti. Kot prva angležinja je dobila dovoljenje za komercialne polete v Veliki Britaniji. Kot prva ženska je s padalom skočila iz hidroplana. Z malim letalom z odprto kabino je v treh mesecih leta 1928 preletela iz Cape Towna do Londona. O svojih izkušnjah v letenju je napisala knjigo Ženska in letenje. Leta 1929 je bila hudo ranjena v nesreči in leta 1939 obubožana umrla v nesreči s tramvajem.

Irish aviator, was born as Sophie Catherine Pierce. She was one of the best known women in the world for a five year period from the mid-1920s. She was one of the founders of the Women's Amateur Athletic Association after her move from her native Ireland to London in 1922. She was Britain's first women's javelin champion and set a disputed world record for the high jump. She was also a delegate to the International Olympic Council in 1925, when she took her first flying lessons. She became the first women to hold a commercial flying licence in Britain and along the way, set records for altitude in a small plane and later a Shorts seaplane, was the first woman to parachute from an aeroplane (landing in the middle of a football match). She flied a small open cockpit airplane from Cape Town to London. It took her three months, from January to May 1928. She wrote about the experience in a book Woman and Flying. In 1929 she was badly injured in a crash. She died destitute in 1939 after a fall from a tram car in London.

   IE - 1046

HEDVIG sv. (st.) 12. 1373 - 17. 7. 1399
Tretjo hči poljsko-madžarskega kralja Ludvika Velikega in njegove žene Elizabete so že s štirimi leti zaročili avstrijskim princem Wlliamom. Po smrti očeta so jo na zahtevo poljskega plemstva poslai na Poljsko kjer so jo leta 1384 v Krakovu okronali za poljsko kraljico. Otroška kraljica se je leta 1386 poročila z litovskim princem Laszlom Jagello. Ta zakon ji je omogočil pokrščevanja Litovcev, v Pragi je ustanovila šolo za poučevanje mladih Litovcev, v Krakovu pa teološko fakulteto. Ustanovila je tudi več bolnišnic in samostanov. Papež Janez Pavel II jo je leta 1969 proglasil za blaženo, 6.8.1997 pa za svetnico.

She was the third daughter of the Polish-Hungarina king Louis the Great and Bosnian Elizabeth. She was four years old, when she was engaged to William, the Austrian prince. After her father`s death, the widow Elizabeth, complying with the Polish nobles` request, sent her to Poland. The child Hedwig was was crowned queen of Poland in 1384 in Cracow. The childqueen`s hand was won by Laszlo Jagello, the Lithuanian Prince, whom she married in 1386. With this marriage she could realize her plans, baptizing the Lithuanians, she founded a college to teach the Lithuanian youngsters in Praque and she had established the theological faculty at the university of Cracow. During her lifetime she founded several hospitals and monasteries. In her lifetime the Polish people called her Jadwiga, Hedwig their mother. After her death she had been respected as a saint. in 1969 she was beatified at the request of Wojtyla Cracovian archbishop (pope John Paul II) and on 8.6.1997 she canonized.

          H - 4461
HEDWIG von (of ) Schlesien sv. (st.)
glej Jadwiga sv.

see Jadwiga sv. 

HEER Anna 22. 3. 1863 - 9. 12. 1918
Švicarska zdravnica je obiskovala višjo dekliško šolo. Leta 1881 se je vpisala na medicinsko fakulteto v Zürichu. Leta 1892 je diplomirala in leta 1889 odprla ginekološko ambulanto. Je prva Švicarka kirurginja. Na njeno pobudo je bila leta 1901 v Zürichu ustanovljena šola za medicinske strežnice. Anna je bila njena dosmrtna direktorica.

Swiss physician who played a decisive role in founding Switzerland's first professional nursing schoo

CH - 775

HEIBERG Johanne Luise 22. 11. 1812 – 21. 12. 1890
Ena največjih danskih igralk 19. stoletja je z velikim uspehom nastopala v Kraljevem gledališču v Kopenhagnu.

She was one of the greatest Danish actresses of the 19th century. She is most famous for her work at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen, where she achieved great success. Very early she showed artistic gifts and entered the ballet school 1820. By the help of patrons she was promoted to the rank of an actress and made a successful debut 1827. From then she for more than thirty years appeared the absolutely leading actress of Danish theatre.

                 DK - 1717

HEIM-VÖGTLIN Marie 7. 10. 1845 - 7. 11. 1916
Prva ženska zdravnica v Švici, pisateljica in soustanoviteljica prve švicarske ginekološke bolnišnice.

She was the first female Swiss physician, a writer and a co-founder of the first Swiss gynaecological hospital.

       CH - 2433

HELAKH Natalija 30. 5. 1978 -
Beloruska veslačica je na OI 2004 v Atenah in na OI 2008 v Pekingu skupaj z Bičik Julijo v dvojcu brez krmarja osvojila bronasto medaljo (na priveskih
BY-561 in BY-blok-77).
BY-561 so še ostale beloruske dobitnice olimpijskih medalj na OI v Atenah: Julija Nesterenko, Jekaterina Karsten, Bičik Julija, Natalija Cilinskaja.   
Na znamki
BY-819 je Aksana Miankova.
Na priveskih BY-blok-77 so ostale beloruske športnice, dobitnice medalj na OI 2008 v Pekingu:  Jekaterina Karsten, Inna Zhukova, Julija Bičik, Natallia Mikhnevich, Nadzeya Ostapchuk, Nastassia Novikava, Alina Tumilovich, Anastasia Ivankova, Glafira Martinovich, Ksenia Sankovich, Olesya Babushkina, Zinaida Lunina.  

Belarusian rower won bronze medal in OG 2004 in Athen and in OG 2008 in Bejing in coxless pair with Bičik Julija.(on labels BY-561 and BY-blok-77).
On labels of
BY-561 are Belarus women olympic medals in OG 2004 in Athen: Julija Nesterenko, Julija Bičik, Jekaterina Karsten, Natalija Cilinskaja.
On stamp BY-819 is Aksana Miankova.
On labels of sheet BY-blok-77 are also other Belrus women winners of medals in OG Bejing: Jekaterina Karsten, Inna Zhukova, Julija Bičik, Natallia Mikhnevich, Nadzeya Ostapchuk, Nastassia Novikava, Alina Tumilovich, Anastasia Ivankova, Glafira Martinovich, Ksenia Sankovich, Olesya Babushkina, Zinaida Lunina.   
                                 BY - 561                                                 BY - blok-77, BY - 819
HELENIUS Ester 1875 - 1955
Finska slikarka.

Finnish painter.

           FI - 1989
HELGADOTTIR Gerdur 1928 - 1975
Islandska likovna umetnica je študirala na islandski šoli za umetnost in v Franciji. Ustvarja vitraže in cerkvene ornamente.

Artist from Iceland studied at Icelandic School of Arts and in France. She works in stained glass and church ornaments.

IS - 495

HEMMINGSSON Nina 30. 11. 1971 -
Švedska umetnica, striparka.

She is Swedish artist and cartoonist.

S - 2662

HENIE Sonja 8. 4. 1912 - 12. 10. 1969
Norveška umetnostna drsalka je v letih 1927-36 desetkrat zapored osvojila naslov svetovne prvakinje. Na zimskih olimpijskih igrah 1928, 1932 in 1936 pa zlato medaljo. Kasneje je kot prva zvezdnica nastopala v drsalnih revijah Hollywood Ice Revues.  V letih 1937-45 je igrala v desetih filmih. Leta 1941 je dobila ameriško državljanstvo. Umrla je v letalski nesreči.

She was Norvegian figure skating. She won three gold medals at Olympic Games in 1928, 1932 and 1936. From 1936 she became profesional skating and played in films and ice shows.

            N - 1050                                      N - 1778,1779

HENIN-HARDENNE Justine 1. 6. 1982 - 
Belgijska teniška igralka je začela igrati tenis ko je bila stara komaj 5 let. Največji uspeh je kot mladinka dosegla z zmago na odprtem prvenstvu Francije leta 1999. Leta 1997, ko je bila stara 15 let, je z zmago na belgijskem prvenstvu postala najmlajša zmagovalka doslej. Tega leta je bila izbrana za najbolj popularno belgijsko teniško igralko.

She started playing tennis at a very young age (5 years old). Her biggest highlight as a junior was winning the junior French Open championships as a wild card in the 1999 event. In 1997, she became the youngest ever winner of the Belgium National Cahmpionships beating Dominique Van Roost who was in the top 40 at the time. Justine was only 15 years old at this time. That year, she was even named Belgium's most popular tennis personality.

B - 3274
HENSEL Fanny 14. 11. 1805 - 14. 5. 1847
Nemška pianistka, skladateljica samospevov in komorne glasbe je sestra Felixa Mendelssohna. Najprej jo je izobraževala kar mati, potem pa je kot njen brat študirala kompozicijo pri C.F. Zelterju. Njeno nadarjenost za glasbo so v družini močno spodbujali.

German pianist, composer of Lieder and chamber music. Sister of Felix Mendelssohn. She received early musical training from her mother, and like her younger brother studied composition with C. F. Zelter. From an early age, her musical gifts were evident, and she was strongly encouraged by her family. Her accomplishments were limited, however, by prevailing attitudes against women assuming professional roles in music. Our picture of Fanny Mendelssohn as a composer is based primarily on her songs. Even here, however, our knowledge is limited by the fact that most of the music is unpublished, while some is in family archives, unavailable to scholars.

D - 1433           Berlin - 849

HEPBURN Audrey 4. 5. 1929 - 20. 1. 1993
Ameriška filmska igralka (rojena kot Edda van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston) je bila ena največjih zvezd Hollyvooda v letih 1950 - 1960. Kot filmska igralka je debitirala 1948 z majhno vlogo stevardese v nizozemskem filmu Nizozemska v sedmih lekcijah. V začetku petdesetih let 20.stol. je odšla v Hollywood in že za prvo vlogo princese v filmu Rimske počitnice (1953) prejela oskarja za glavno žensko vlogo.  Po letu 1967 se je umaknila iz filmskega sveta, nastopala je še na TV in v gledališču. V filmih Sabrina (1954), Nunina zgodba (1959), Zajtrk pri Tiffany (1961) in Wait until dark (1967) je bila nominirana za oskarja.

Born Edda van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston in Brussels Audrey Hepburn was one of Hollywood's biggest stars for a decade and a half during the 1950s and '60s. Beautiful yet endearingly gaminelike, Hepburn went from playing small roles in British films (The Lavender Hill Mob, 1951) to starring in the Broadway adaptation of Colette's Gigi. With that success she embarked on her American film career opposite Gregory Peck in Roman Holiday (1953), for which she won the Academy Award as best actress. She would receive four other Oscar nominations: for Sabrina (1954), The Nun's Story (1959), Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961), and Wait Until Dark (1967). After the last, in which she played a besieged blind woman, Hepburn made only four films; Robin and Marian (1976) alone was noteworthy. Instead, she devoted herself to charitable causes, especially to UNICEF. Other highly praised portrayals were in War and Peace (1956), Funny Face (1957), Charade (1964), My Fair Lady (1964), and Two For the Road (1967).

                     GI - 742

HERRERO Nieves 23. 3. 1953 -
Španska novinarka,televizijska voditeljica in pisateljica.

She is Spanish journalist, television host, and writer.

E - 3598
HERRMANN Liselotte 23. 6. 1909 - 20. 6. 1938
Komunistka in borka proti nacizmu. Študirala je kemijo in biologijo. Bila je članica Komunistične zveze mladih Nemčije, v letih 1982 ali 1930 pa je postala članica komunistične partije Nemčije. Leta 1935 so jo ujeli in obsodili na smrt.

She was a German Communist resistance fighter during the Third Reich. She studied chemistry and later biology. She joined the Kommunistischer Jugendverband Deutschlands (Communist Youth Federation of Germany) in 1928 or 1930, she was a member of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD). On 1935 she was seized and later sentenced to death by the Second Senate of the Volksgerichtshof in Stuttgart.

GDR - 851

HERSCH Jeanne 13. 7. 1910 - 5. 6. 2000
Švicarska filozofinja poljskega izvora se je ukvarjala s pojmom svobode. Študirala je pri eksistencialistu Karlu Jaspersu v Nemčiji. Leta 1956 je bila kot ena prvih žensk v švicarskih univerzah imenovana za profesorja na Univerzi v Ženevi. V letih 1966-1968 je bila vodja oddelka za filozofijo pri Unescu, v letih 1970-1972 pa članica izvšnega sveta Unesca. Leta 1968 je urejala publikacijo Pravica biti človek, v letih 1984-1990 pa antologijo o človekovih pravicah.

Jeanne Hersch was a Swiss philosopher of Polish origin, whose works dealt with the concept of freedom. She studied under the existentialist Karl Jaspers in Germany in the early 1930s. In 1956, she was appointed to a professorship at the University of Geneva, one of the first women to hold such a post at a Swiss university, holding the post until 1977. From 1966 to 1968 she headed the philosophy division of UNESCO, and was a member of its executive commission from 1970 to 1972. In 1968 she edited Le droit d'être un homme, une anthologie mondiale de la liberté in French (translated in English in 1969 as Birthright of man) an anthology of writings on human rights, republished in French in 1984 and 1990.

           CH - 2173

HESKE Marianne 21. 2. 1946 -
Norveška slikarka.

Norvegian painter.

                           N - 1349/1350
HESSNER Isle 1962 -
Grenlandska umetnica je študirala umetnost v skandinavskih državah, v Kanadi v Nova Scotia na College of Art & design v Halifaxu in v ZDA na univerzi v Koloradu Springu. Razstavljala je na Grenlandu, Skandinavskih državah, Nizozemski, Alaski in Rusiji. Na znamki je njena prva skulptura.

She got her education in art from academy’s in the Nordic countries as well as at “Nova Scotia College of Art & design”, Halifax, Canada and the “University of Colorado Springs”, USA. Isle has participated in group exhibitions in Greenland, the Nordic countries, the Netherlands, Alaska and Russia. In addition she has had solo exhibitions in Greenland, Iceland and Denmark. Her works can also be found in  public and private collections around the world. The stamp featuring the sculpture is the first by Isle Hessner.

Greenland - 636

HESSELGREN Kerstin 14. 1. 1872 - 19. 8. 1962
Švedska političarka je med prvimi izkoristila priložnost izobraževanja žensk na Švedskem. Bila je prva ženska na vodilnih strokovnih mestih in voditeljica socialnih gibanj in ženskih organizacij. Bile je prva švedska ženska poslanka in prva ženska v švedski delegaciji v mednarodni organizaciji za delo (ILO) in v društvu narodov (sedanji OZN).

Na znamki
 S-2078 je tudi Key Ellen.

She was among the first in Sweden to benefit from new educational opportunities for girls, the first woman to assume certain professional jobs, a leader in social movements and women’s organizations, the first female Swedish parliamentarian and the first woman to join Swedish international delegations to the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the League of Nations.
On stamp S-2078 is also Key Ellen.

                             S - 702/3                                    S -
HEUSS-KNAPP Elly 25. 1. 1881 - 19. 7. 1952
Nemška političarka čalnica Svobodne demokratske stranke (FDP), socialna reformatorka, pisateljica in žena nemškega predsednika Theodorja Heussa. Ustanovila je dobrodelno organizacijo Müttergenesungswerk, ki se njej v čast imenuje fondacija Elly Heuss-Knapp.

She was a German politician of the Free Democratic Party (FDP), social reformer, author and wife of German president Theodor Heuss. She founded the Müttergenesungswerk charitable organisation officially called Elly Heuss-Knapp Foundation in her honour.

 D - 1082               Berlin - 178

HIGL Nadja 2. 1. 1987 -
Srbska plavalka mednarodnega razreda je od leta 2003 stalna članica srbske reprezentance. Na mladinskih olimpijskih igrah v Varni leta 2001 je osvojila bronasto medaljo na 200 metrov prosto, na olimpijskih igrah mladih v Makedoniji leta 2002 pa zlato medaljo. Je trenutna srbska rekorderka na 100 in 200 metrov prsno. Bila je član olimpijske reprezentance Srbije na olimpijskih igrah v Pekingu 2008. Na univerzitetnih igrah v Beograd leta 2009 je osvojila dve srebrni medalji na 100 in 200 metrov prsno, na svetovnem plavalnem prvenstvu v Rimu 2009 pa zlato medaljo in nov evropski rekord na 200 metrov prsno.

Since 2003, Nađa Higl is permanent member of the national team and international class swimmer. Nađa won bronze medal at 200 meters free style at the Youth Olympic Games in Varna, in 2001, and one golden medal at the Youth Olympic Games in Macedonia, in 2002. Actual Serbian recorder in 100 and 200-meter, breaststroke. She was member of the Olympic team of Serbia at the Olympic Games in Beijing, 2008. At the University Games - Belgrade 2009, Nađa Higl won two silver medals in 100 and 200-meter, breaststroke. At the World Swimming Championships - Rome 2009, she won golden medal and set a new European record in 200-meter, breaststroke.

                  RS - 325
HILDA iz (of) Whitby sv. (st.) 614 - 680
Hilda je krščanska svetnica, ustanoviteljica in opatinja samostana v Whitbyju, kjer se je odvijala sinoda Whitby leta 664. Je pomembna osebnost kristijanizacije anglosaksonske Anglije. Bila je opatinja v več samostanih in prepoznana po modrosti, ki so jo kralji naprošali za nasvet. Vir informacij o Hildi je Cerkvena zgodovina angleškega ljudstva, ki jo je napisal Beda leta 731.

Hilda is a Christian saint and the founding abbess of the monastery at Whitby, which was chosen as the venue for the Synod of Whitby (664). An important figure in the Christianisation of Anglo-Saxon England, she was abbess at several monasteries and recognised for the wisdom that drew kings to her for advice. The source of information about Hilda is the Ecclesiastical History of the English People by Bede in 731.

             BY - 1236

HILDEGARD iz (of) Bingen  1098 - 17. 9. 1179
Nemška opatinja, vizionarska mističarka, zdravnica. Že od otroških let je imela videnja, ki jih je v dramatičnem jeziku zapisala v več knjigah. Pisala je tudi hagiografije (življenje svetnikov), zgodovinske in medicinske razprave ter poglobljene spise o naravnem zdravilstvu. Bila je nadarjena pesnica in skladateljica. V delu Symphonia armonia celestium revalationum je zbrala 77 liričnih pesmi, ki jih je tudi uglasbila. Zapustila je obsežno korespondenco, v kateri je največ prerokb in alegoričnih pripovedi. Dopisovala se je z mnogimi osebnostmi svojega časa (Friderikom I Barbarosso, papežem Evgenom III, angleškim kraljem Henrikom II). Uradno ni bila nikoli proglašena za svetnico, god praznuje 17 septembra.

The German medieval abbess and mystic Hildegard, claimed to have experienced prophetic and mystical visions since infancy. Though she was never formally canonized, her followers consider her a saint, she is listed as one in the Roman Martyrology, and she has a feast day (September 17). Beginning her religious life as a child, she took the veil at the age of fifteen. In 1136 she became prioress of the Benedictine monastery Saint Didibod in Diessenberg. She founded a new convent at Rupertsberg, near Bingen, in about 1147, by which time she had begun dictating her visions to a monk. A trilogy of works (1152-70) recorded her prophetic and apocalyptic revelations. Hildegard also wrote lives of saints (hagiography) as well as treatises on medicine and natural history. Although she has remained known for these works, as well as for the extensive correspondence she conducted with the contemporary rulers of European nations and the church, Hildegard is best remembered today for her music. She wrote a large body of lyric and dramatic poetry for which she composed unusual monophonic, melismatic chants, in a range that , as she noted, was suited to the voices of women.

             LI - 817                  D - 1981                      D - 1018

HILSZ Maryse 7. 3. 1903 - 30. 1. 1946
Francoski pilotka je bila padalka. Izvajala je kaskaderske predstaveko je stala na krilih letal. Leta 1930 je dobila izpis za pilota. Izvedla je nekaj drznih poletov: iz Pariza v Saigon s posebnim letalom Moth-Morane; iz Pariza na Madagaskarju in v letih 1933 in 1934 iz Pariza v Tokio. Leta 1938 je bila odlikovana z legijo časti. Bila je voditeljica prve ženske eskadrilje v kateri je bila tudi Maryse Bastié. Med drugo svetovno vojno je sodelovala v odporniškem gibanju. Na znamki F-1797 je tudi Helene Boucher.

French aviatrix. She made parachute jumps and she performed stunts by standing on the wings of airplanes. After receiving her pilot's license in 1930, she undertook some daring endurance flights: Paris to Saigon in a Moth-Morane, a special kind of plane; Paris to Madagascar; then two Paris to Tokyo flights in 1933 and 1934. An officer in the Legion of Honor from 1938, her prestige permitted her to be the leader of the first women's aviation squadron which included another well-known female flier, Maryse Bastié. During World War II she served in the Resistance before heading a military formation.
On stamp F-1797 is also Helene Boucher.

                    F - 1797

HILTUNEN Eila 22. 11. 1922 - 10. 10. 2003
Vodilna moderna kiparka na Finskem in ena najbolj priznanih finskih umetnikov v tujini. Je ena od pionirjev modernega kiparstva na Finskem.
Na znamki
FI-1624: Spomenik Sibeliusu (1967).

Eila Hiltunen is one of the leading modern sculptors in Finland and internationally one of the most successful Finnish artists. She has significantly changed sculpting methods and been in the forefront of new welding techniques. She is also one of the pioneers of abstract sculpting in Finland. Examples of Eila Hiltunen´s outständing works can be seen world wide - in the United States, Germany, Canada, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Iran and France.
On stamp
FI-1624: Sibelius Monument (1967).

         FI - 1624
HINDSBO Sys 1944 -
Na znamki DK-1348 je njena slika:Carrying a person.

Hindsbo Sys is primarily a draughtsman, even when she works with graphics and paintings. Her works focus on the human body and its various positions and movement. She often fills the canvas with people interacting with other people, animals or implements. Sys Hindsbo mostly works with paper and canvas, but was recently commissioned to create a long marble frieze fo Tonder Secondary School.
On stamp DK-1348 is her painting: Carrying a person.

                  DK - 1348


            CH - 1859

HIRSCH Rahel 5. 9. 1870 - 6. 10. 1953

She was a German doctor and professor at the Charité medical school in Berlin. In 1913 she became the first woman in the Kingdom of Prussia to be appointed a professor in medicine.


                 D - 3038

HIRVISAARI Laila 7. 6. 1938 -
Finska pisateljica je napisala 34 romanov in mnogo kratkih zgodb in iger. Leta 2000 je bil po predlogi njenega romana Hylätyt talot, autiot pihat ( Zapuščene hiše, prazne postaje) posnet film. Prvi njen roman Lehmusten kaupunki (Mesto lip) je bil objavljena leta 1972. Pet njenih romanov je prevedenih tudi v druge jezike.

She is a Finnish author and writer. She has written 34 novels and lots of short stories and plays. A movie has been filmed based on Hirvisaari's novel Hylätyt talot, autiot pihat (Abandoned houses, empty yards) 2000. Five of her books have been translated into other languages. Her first novel Lehmusten kaupunki (City of the Lindens) was published in 1972.

                      FI - 2018

HJERTEN Sigrid 27. 10. 1885 - 24. 3. 1948
Švedska slikarka je najpomembnejši predstavnik švedske moderne. Ustvarjala je pod močnim vplivom  francoskih slikarjev Henrija Matissa in Marca Chagalla. Bila je zelo produktivna, sodelovala ja na 106 razstavah. Duševno je zbolela in umrla po lobotomiji.

Grünewald and Hjertén were leading figures in Swedish art at the beginning of the century - not least because they departed from the naturalist tradition and instead introduced an expressive, colourful and decorative style of painting. They were both heavily influenced by the French artist Henri Matisse with whom they studied in Paris around 1910-11. Inspiration from other great artists such as Marc Chagall is also evident in their works. Grünewald and Hjertén led dramatic lives. She became mentally ill and died after a lobotomy.

           S - 1336

HLOŽNIKOVA Viera 30. 5. 1920 -
Slovaška akademska slikarka je obiskovala šolo za uporabno umetnost v Brnu nato pa je študirala na Praški akademiji za uporabno umetnost (od 1937 do 1942) pri profesorjih Kysela in Novak. Po diplomi se je poročila z umetnikom Vincentom Hložnikom. Preselila sta se v Turčianski sveti Martin. Tu je začela ilustrirati knjige za kulturno ustanovo Matica slovenska. Toda njeno osnovno zanimanje  so bila večja dela: mozaiki in poslikana okna - vitraže. Z njimi je okrasila številne cerkve. Ta dela odlikujejo bogati barvni toni in uglajenost. Sedaj se ukvarja z grafiko - linorezi, na katerih prikazuje predvsem verske motive.
Na znamki SK-327: Poklonitev treh kraljev.

The painter Viera Hložníková was born Znojmo in 1920 and attended the school of applied art in Brno before studying, from 1937 to 1942, at Prague's academy of applied art under professors Kysela and Novák. Following graduation Viera Hložníková, now married to Slovak artist Vincent Hložník, moved with her husband to Turčiansky sv. Martin in Slovakia. Here she began her career by illustrating books for the Slovak cultural institution Matica slovenská. The focus of her work, however, was monumental work such as mosaics and, above all, stained-glass windows. The latter grace an impressive number of churches, including at Dolný Hričov and Horný Smokovec. These works are remarkable in their perfection of draughstmanship, tonal richness and refinement. In recent years the artist has been working in graphics - colour linocuts in particular - on sacred motifs, constantly adding to a series that already numbers more than two hundred prints.
On stamp
SK-327: Adoration of the Magiciens.

   SK -
HOCH Hannah 1. 11. 1889 - 31. 5. 1978
Nemška slikarka, dadaistka je v Berlinu študirala oblikovanje stekla. Leta 1917 se je vključila v berlinski umetniški krog Dada. Prvič je razstavljala leta 1920 na letni razstavi skupine Novembergruppe. Iz fotografij iz časopisov je ustvarila je številna pomembne fotomontaže v katerih je primerjala moderno in pred revolucijsko nemško žensko.

German dadaist painter. Enrolled in Kunst-gewerbeschule, Berlin Charlottenbourg studied glass design. In 1917 became involved in the Berlin Dada circle through Hausmann. She first exhibited in the Novembergruppe annual exhibitions in 1920. Hannah Hoch created a remarkable group of photomontages. Taking photographs from magazines such as Biz, form whom she worked, she juxtapositioned the modern German-woman with the colonial German woman. In doing so she challenged cultural representations of women raising questions regarding women's sexuality as well as their gender role in this new society.

             Berlin - 857 

HODKIN Dorothy 12. 5. 1910 - 29. 7. 1994 
Britanska znanstvenica je odkrila, da so atomi v kristalih urejeni v pravilnih in ponavljajočih se vzorcih. Leta 1934 je kristalizirala in z rentgenskimi žarki slikala inzulin. Njena odkritja so spremenila moderno biologijo. Leta 1958 je postala članica Ameriške akademije umetnosti in znanosti. Leta 1964 je Dr. Hodgkinova prejela Nobelovo nagrado za kemijo za njeno raziskovanje strukture vitamina B-12. Kraljica Elizabeta II. jo je leta 1965 odlikovala z najvišjim kraljevim odlikovanjem z Ordenom za zasluge. Odlikovanje je dobila šele kot druga ženska, prva je bila Florence Nightingale.

Dr. Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin discovered that crystals are a solid composed of atoms arranged in a regular and repeated pattern. In 1934 she crystallized and X-ray photographed insulin. Her results changed the face of modern biology. In 1956 she received the Royal Medal. In 1958 she became a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 1964 Dr. Hodgkin was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. This was awarded for her research on the structure of vitamin B-12. In 1965 she was named by Queen Elizabeth II as a member of the Order of Merit. This is the United Kingdom's highest rogal order. Dr. Hodgkin was the first woman to be bestowed this honor since Florence Nightingale.

          GB - 1647                   GB - 2896

HOEGH Aka 1947 -
Grenlandska likovna umetnica je študirala na Akademiji za likovno umetnost v Københavnu in na Visoki šoli za kiparstvo, prostor in stensko umetnost. Ustvarja v različnih materialih in tehnikah: slike, grafike, mozaik, lesorez in drugo. Sodelovala je na številnih razstavah doma in v tujini.in so imeli eno žensko razstave na Grenlandiji, na Danskem, Švedska, Norveška, Islandija, Nemčija in Aljaska.

Greenlandic artist studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen; The Graphic College; School of Sculpture, Room and Wall Art. She is instigator of and a participant in the Nordic Sculpture Project “Stone and Man” in Qaqortoq (Julianehåb), which POST Greenland depicted on a stamp in 2002. She uses many forms of media as a means of expression: Paintings, mosaic, woodcarving, stone masonry, graphic pictures etc. Since 1969 Aka Høegh has participated in several exhibitions both at home and abroad and had one-woman exhibitions in Greenland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Germany and Alaska.


              Greenland - 540

HOFFMANN Dolores 1. 9. 1937 -
Estonska likovna umetnica ustvarja vitraže. Diplomirala je leta 1962 na oddelku za slikarstvo z estonski umetniški akademiji v Talinu. Od leta 1973 se ukvarja z izdelavo in  restavriranjem vitražov. O vitražih je pripravila tudi praktične tečaje v Vilni (Litva) in Lionu (Francija). Razstavljala je v Estoniji, na Finskem, v Nemčiji, Franciji, na Danskem in v Rusiji. Leta 1993 je prejela nagrado Grand Prix na mednarodnem sejmu v Lionu, Francija. Leta 2002 je prejel častno medaljo Marije iz katedrale v Talinu.
Na znamki EE-475 je njena steklena vitraža: Rojstvo Jezusa

Dolores Hoffmann is an artist of stained glass, who graduated in 1962 from the Painting Department of the Estonian Art Institute in Tallinn. Since 1973 she has pursued the art and profession of stained glass making and restoration. She has taken practical courses in stained glass at Vilnius (Lithuania) and Lion (France). She has had one-artist expositions in Estonia, Finland, Germany, France, Denmark and Russia. In 1993 she was awarded the Grand Prix in the International contest exhibition held in Lion, France. In 2002 she received the Honour Medal of Mary from the Dome Cathedral in Tallinn, Estonia.

            EE - 475

HOFFSTEN Louise 6. 9. 1965 -
Švedska rock in pop glasbenica, skladateljica. Svoj prvi album Stygg je izdala leta 1988, leta 1991 pa prvi album Message of love v angleščini.

Swedish musician, composer. Her Swedish debut album, Stygg, was released in 1988. Her first English album, Message of Love, followed in 1991. 

S - 2433
HOGARTH Anne 19. 7. 1910 - 9. 4. 1993
Britansko lutkarico je nagrada za javno nastopanje v šoli spodbudila, da se je odločila postati igralka. Študirala je na Kraljevi akademiji dramskih umetnosti. Bila je režiserka v londonskem gledališču Players' Theatre. Z možem sta ustanovila luitkovno gledailišče Hogarth Puppets. V njem je leta 1930 oblikovala in igrala marioneto mulo. Z njo se je leta 1946 pojavila v otroški televizijski oddaji. Z njo je postala ena prvih zvezd britanske televizije.

British puppet-master, encouraged by winning prizes for public speaking at school, she resolved to become an actress and studied at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. She then became stage manager at the Players' Theatre, London. She and her husband Jan Bussell set up their own puppet company, the Hogarth Puppets. Since the 1930s, performances of the Hogarth Puppet Circus had featured a marionette of a mule and this was chosen by presenter Annette Mills to appear with her in a new children's television programme. On 4 August 1946 Muffin the Mule, as he was now known, debuted on For the Children and became one of the first stars created by British television.

              GB - 1652

HOLECZYOVA Elena 23. 1. 1906 - 5. 12. 1983
Čehoslovaška slikarka je znana predvsem po svojih stvaritvah v čipkah. Študirala je na industrijski šoli umetnosti v Pragi. Motive jemlje iz ljudske umetnosti. Napisala je več knjig o tekstilnih tehnikah.

She was Czechoslovakian textile designer. She studied at the Art Industrial School in Prague. Her works are concerned with motives of folk art, most of them are created  by leces. She wrote several books on textile techniques.  

                  CZ - 2825

HOLLAND Carola 1947 -
Avstrijska (v Nemčiji rojena) ilustratorka in izdajateljica otroških knjig je študirala v New Yorku  in na Akademiji za uporabno umetnost na Dunaju.  Za svoje delo je prejela že nekaj nagrad: dunajsko nagrado za ilustracijo, nagrado Till Eulenspiegel.
Na znamki A-2873 je njena ilustracija: Lisica Fridolin.

She is an Austrian (german born) published author and an illustrator of children's books. On stamp A-2873: Fox Fridolin.

                A - 2873
HOLM Thorfhildur 2. 2. 1845 - 14. 11. 1918
Islandska pisateljica je študirala v Reykjaviku in Kopenhagnu. Bila je časopisna urednica. Pisala je zgodbe o izseljenih Islandcih. Je prvi romanopisec zgodovinskih romanov v Islandiji in prva islandska ženska poklicna pisateljica.

She was Icelandic novelist and studied at Reykjavik and Copenhagen. She edited periodicals. She wrote stories about icelanders who had settled abroad. She was first historical novelist in iceland and the first icelandic woman to become a professional writer.

 IS - 542

HOLODNA Wira  30. 8. 1893 - 16. 2. 1919

Holodna Wira (Vera Vasilyevna Kholodnaya) was the first star of Russian silent cinema. Only five of her films still exist and the total number she acted in is unknown, with speculation ranging between fifty and one hundred.


                UA - 1365

HOLIDAY Billie 7. 4. 1915 - 17. 7. 1959

Billie Holiday (born Eleanora Fagan) an American jazz singer and songwriter. had a seminal influence on jazz and pop singing. Her vocal style, strongly inspired by jazz instrumentalists, pioneered a new way of manipulating phrasing and tempo.

         UN-Vienna - 809
HONGELL Hilda 16. 1. 1867 - 10. 6. 1952
Finska arhitektka je pustila svoj osebni pečat na starem delu mesta Mariehamn. Po mestnih arhivih naj bi Hilda oblikovala 98 stavb v Mariehamn, predvsem hiš in pomožnih stavb. Hiši na znamkah Aland -179/180 dobro prikazujeta Hildin arhitekturni stil. Obe hiši sta dobro ohranjeni in ležita ob ulici Södragatan, južno od mestnega centra. Hilda jih je oblikovala leta 1897. Zgrajeni sta bili verjetno naslednje leto.

Hilda Hongell was the first female architect in Finland. According to the town archives Hilda Hongell has designed 98 buildings in Mariehamn, mostly street houses and outhouses. The two houses depicted on the stamps Aland-179/180 are good represen-tatives of Hilda Hongell's architectural style. Both houses are in good condition and can be admired in the street Södragatan, south of the city centre. They were designed in 1897 and probably built the following year.

                                Aland -
HONE Evie 22. 4. 1894 - 13. 3. 1955
Irska slikarka je ustvarjala z barvnim steklom. Ona in njena družabnica Mainie Jellett  sta študirali na Westminstrskem tehničnem inštitutu v Londonu in ustvarjali v Parizu. Po vrnitvi na Irsko sta močno vplivali na moderno umetniško gibanje. Hone je ustanovila "Irish Exhibition of Living Art". Bila je zelo verna, leta 1925 se je spreobrnila v katoliško vero. To je vplivalo na njeno odločitev, da se posveti cerkvenim barvnim oknom, najprej samo kot  sodelavka v firmi An Túr Gloine. kasneje pa je odprla svoj samostojen studio.
Na znamki IE-1630 je slika: "Pokrajina".

She was an Irish painter and stain glass artist. Like her companion Mainie Jellett, Evie Hone studied at the Westminster Technical Institute in London and worked in Paris before returning to become influential in the modern movement in Ireland, she was, for example, a founder of the Irish Exhibition of Living Art. Evie Hone was extremely devote, she spent time in an Anglican Convent in 1925 and converted to Catholism in 1937. This may have influenced her in decision to begin working in stained glass. Initially she worked as a member of the stained glass co-operative An Túr Gloine before setting up a studio of her own in Rathfarnham.
On stamp
IE-1630 is her painting: Landscape.

               IE - 1630                          IE - 234

HORAKOVA Milada 25. 12. 1901 - 27. 6. 1950
Čehoslovaška patriotinja, je študirala pravo. Diplomirala je leta 1926 in se pridružila Čehoslovaški socialistični stranki. Med nemško okupacijo se je pridružila odporniškemu gibanju. Gestapo jo je ujel. Vso vojno je preživela v različnih zaporih. Po vojni je bila izvoljena v parlament. Leta 1949 so jo aretirali po obtožbo, da je pripravljala zaroto z namenom, da strmoglavi komunističen režim. Je edina ženska, ki so jo na Čehoslovaškem usmrtili zaradi političnih vzrokov. Zato predstavlja simbol proti-komunističnega boja.

She studied law and graduated in 1926. She entered the Czechoslovak National Socialist Party. After the occupation by Nazists, she joined the underground resistance movement, but was arrested by the gestapo in 1940. She spent all war time in various prisons in Germany. After the liberation she was elected a Member of Parliament. In 1949 she was arrested and eventually accused of being the leader of a supposed plot to overthrow the Communist regime. She was the only woman ever executed in Czechoslovakia for political reasons and is regarded as a symbol of anti-Communist resistance.

 CZ - 3054

HöRBIGER Christiane 13. 10. 1938 -
Avstrijska filmska igralka je prvič zaigrala v filmu pri 16 leti. Stalno se je izobraževala v igranju, plesu in petju. Z 19 leti je prvič nastopila nv dunajskem Burgtheatru. Celih 25 let je nastopala na znanih nemško govoreših odrih Avstrije, Nemčije in Švice. Leta 1980 pa je začela nastopati tudi na televiziji.

Christiane Hörbiger is one of the most successful actresses in the German-speaking world. Like her sisters Maresa Hörbiger and Elisabeth Orth, was sent to a convent school. Despite her immediate success in the film industry - she played her first film role at the age of sixteen - she worked her way up the profession, taking acting lessons at the Reinhard Seminar. Her training was frequently interrupted by film contracts, and she completed her acting, dance and singing education with private teachers, above all Alma Seidler. She was only 19 years old when she first performed on the stage of Vienna's Burgtheater. However, the Viennese public kept making comparisons with the great actors in her family, and for this reason she left the city to establish her career in Heidleberg, Munich and Zurich. For 25 years, Christiane Hörbiger played the great roles of theatre literature on the most famous stages in the German-speaking world. Her comedy, her charme and her incomparable style have made her the incarnation of the "Grande Dame". The precision of her acting brought her success in the world of film as well. In the 1980s, she was discovered by television, and her leading roles in many TV series won the hearts of millions.

                       A - 2690

HORUŽAJA Vera 1903 -1942
Ruska partizanka.

Russian partisan.

                SU - 2906

HORVAT Andela 18. 03. 1911 – 26. 09. 1985
Hrvatska umetnostna zgodovinarka in konzervatorka je leta 1935 diplomirala na Filozofski fakulteti v Zagrebu, kjer je leta 1956 doktorirala. Od leta 1983 je bila redna članica Jugoslavanske (Hrvaške) akademije znanosti in umetnosti. Raziskovala je kulturne in urbanistične spomenike Hrvatske od VII. stoletja do secesije. Objavila je številne študije o različnih področjih umetnosti in knjige o gotiki in baroku na Hrvaškem. Leta 1979 je dobila nagrado za življensko delo.

The Croatian art historian and conservationist graduated in 1935 from the Faculty of Arts in Zagreb, where she received her doctorate in 1956. Since 1983 she has been a full member of the Yugoslav (Croatian) Academy of Sciences and Arts. She has been researching cultural and urban monuments of Croatia since VII. centuries to secession. She has published numerous studies on various fields of art and books on Gothic and Baroque in Croatia. In 1979, she received the Lifetime Achievement Award.


                              HR - 3448

HOSKING Sophie 25. 1. 1986 -
Britanska veslačica je na olimpijskih igrah 2012 v Londonu skupaj z Catherine Copeland osvojila zlato medaljo v disciplini lahki dvojni dvojec. Študirala je Durhamski univerzi (kemija in fizika) in diplomirala 2007. Je članica Londonskega veslaškega v Putneyu.

She is a British rower. She won the gold medal for the 2012 Olympics lightweight double sculls, along with Catherine Copeland. She studied at Kingston Grammar School in London (until 2004), and Trevelyan College, Durham University (Chemistry and Physics), graduating in 2007. Sophie is a former Wimbledon FC and AFC Wimbledon footballer, and a member of the London Rowing Club in Putney.


                                        GB - 3303

HOUTEN Carice van 5. 9. 1976 -
Nizozemska gledališka in filmska igralka je osvojila 4 Zalata teleta (nagrada nizozemskega filmskega fetivala) za vloge v filmih Suzy Q (1999), Undercover Kitty (2001), Black Book (2006) in  De Gelukkige huisvrouw (2010). Igrala je tudi v ameriških filmih: Valkyrie (2008), Komt een vrouw bij de dokter (Love Life) (2009) and Repo Men (2010).

She is a Dutch stage and film actress. She won four Golden Calves for her roles in Suzy Q (1999), Undercover Kitty (2001), Black Book (2006) and most recently for De Gelukkige Huisvrouw (2010). Her role in Black Book launched her international career. She acted in the American films Valkyrie (2008), Komt een vrouw bij de dokter (Love Life) (2009) and Repo Men (2010).


                       NL - 2802

HOVE Anne-Birthe 1951 -
Danska slikarka.

Danish painter.

                Greenland - 490

HOYOS Cristina 13. 6. 1946 -

Cristina Hoyos Panadero is a Spanish flamenco dancer, choreographer and actress. After several successes throughout the world with several companies and movies, she created her own dancing company.

                                           E - 4169

HRIBAR Liza 21. 4. 1913 - 9. 4.  1996
Slovenska Kiparka je bila rojena v umetniški družini v Celovcu. Po študiju kiparstva je svoje znanje izpopolnjevala na študijskih potovanjih po Evropi, naposled pa si je dom ustvarila v Ljubljani, kjer se je sprva posvečala predvsem portretiranju otrok ljubljanskih meščanov. Prvo večje naročilo je prišlo iz Krope. Leta 1947 je Liza Hribar za podružnično cerkev Matere Božje v Kropi izdelala jaslice, katerih detajl je upodobljen na pričujoči božični znamki SI-212.
The sculptor Liza Hribar was born in Celovec into a family of artists. After studying sculpture, she spent her time travelling round Europe perfecting her knowledge, until she finally settled down in Ljubljana, where at first she devoted her time to making portraits of children of the Ljubljana bourgeois families. The first large order came from Kropa. In 1947 Liza Hribar made a crib for the succursal church of Mother of God in Kropa, the detail of which is also depicted on the present Christmas stamp SI-212.

                 SI -

HRISTOVA Ivanka 19. 11. 1941 -
Bolgarska športnica metalka krogle je na OI 1976 osvojila zlato medaljo, na OI 1972 pa bronasto medaljo. Leta 1976 je bila evropska dvoranska prvakinja.
She is a retired Bulgarian shot putter. She won the gold medal at the 1976 Summer Olympics, and the bronze in 1972. In addition she won the 1976 European Indoor Championships.

            BG - 4229

HROZOVA Erzsébet - Spotty 1938 - 2013
Madžarska tkalka, medicinska sestra in borka za svobodo se je skupaj z možem pridružila oboroženi skupini v ulici Víg v Budimpešti v revolucijji leta 1956. Zdravila je ranjene in po potrebi prevzela orožje. Kasneje so jo aretirali in hudo trpinčili. Obsojena je bila na smrt, vendar je bila njena kazen pozneje spremenjena v dosmrtni zapor iz katerega so jo leta 1970 izpustili.

A weaver, nurse and freedom fighter, who together with her husband joined the armed group in Víg Street in Budapest. She treated the wounded and, when need be, took up arms. Later she was arrested and severely mistreated. She was condemned to death but her sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment. She was released in 1970.

         H -  5956
HRSANOVSCHI Cleopatra 1861 - 1939
Moldavijska skladateljica in učiteljica.

Moldovian composer and pedagoge.

                   MD - 781

HUBLER-HORN Annie 2. 1. 1885 - 5. 7. 1976
Nemška športnica, prva Nemka, ki je dobila zlato olimpijsko medaljo. Leta 1908 je s partnerjem Heinrichom Burgerjem zmagala v drsanju v parih.

German sportswoman, skater. First woman to win the Olympic championship in pair skating with her partner Heinrich Burger, 1908.

 D - 1863

HUCH Ricarda 18. 7. 1864 - 17. 11. 1947
Nemška pesnica in pripovednica je najbolj znana po romantični povesti o Garibaldiju, Poraz in zmaga (1906-7), romanu Tridesetletna vojna (1912-14).

German novelist, historian, and poet. She is best known for her historical romances of Garibaldi, Defeat and Victory (1906–7) and of the Thirty Years War, Der grosse Krieg in Deutschland (1912–14). Other works include the novels Recollections of Ludolf Ursleu (1893) and The Deruga Trial (1918), two historical studies on romanticism (1899, 1902), and poems (1891, 1904, 1929, 1944).

 D - 827                     D - 3093
HUDIMA Olesja 1980 -
Leta 2003 je diplomirala iz novinarstva na univerzi Lviv. Nato je delala kot novinarka v tiskovnih medijih Ternopil. Od leta 2007 je redna slikarka. Njene umetnine so v zasebnih zbirkah v Ukrajini, ZDA, Kanadi, Armeniji, Angliji, Franciji, Nemčiji, Švici, Italiji, Španiji, na Poljskem. Na znamki: Nevesta.

In 2003 she graduated with a degree in journalism from the Lviv University. Afterwards she worked as a journalist in Ternopil print media. Since 2007 she has been a full-time painter. Her artworks are in private collections in Ukraine, United States, Canada, Armenia, England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Poland. On stamp: Bride.

             UA - 1708

HULDT Märit- Hiram 21. 1. 1912 - 13. 1. 2006
Švedska avtorica veliko kuharskih knjig v visokih nakladah. Knjige je pisala pod psevdonimom Hiram. Leta 1955 je začela pisati o hrani za švedski časopis Svenska Dagbladet. Leta 1983 je bila  kot prva ženska izvoljena v Gastronomsko Znanost.

She was a well known Swedish food writer and cookbook author, known under the pseudonym Hiram. She trained as an artist at the Art Academy in Stockholm. In 1955 she became food writer in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. Hiram has published many cookbooks printed in large editions. In 1983 she was elected as the first woman in Gastronomic Science.

 S - 2305

HULEVIČIVNA Halska 1575 - 1642
Halška Hulevičivna je leta 1615 dala zemljo in stavbo za ustanovitev samostana  Theophanskih menihov in šole. Ta šola je postala temelj kasnejše najbolj ugledne univerze v Ukrajini - Kijevsko Mohilske akademije.

In 1615 Hulevychivna Halshka gave land and a bulding for the construction of the Theophany Brotherhood Monastery and a school. This school eventually became the basis for the most prestigious University in Ukraine - the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

           UA -
HUNTER Kim 12. 11. 1922 - 11. 9. 2002
Kim Hunter ameriška filmska, gledališka in televizija igralka je leta 1951 dobila oskarja in zlatega globusa za stransko vlogo v filmu A Streetcar Named Desire. Leta 1946 je skupaj z Davidom Nivenom igrala v romantičnem fantazijskem filmu Matter of Life and Death.

Kim Hunter was an American film, theatre, and television actress. She won both an Academy Award and a Golden Globe Award, each as Best Supporting Actress, for her performance as Stella Kowalski in the 1951 film A Streetcar Named Desire. One of her major film roles is the love interest of David Niven's character in the film A Matter of Life and Death from 1946.

                               GB - 3601

HUSKOVA Hana 28. 8. 1992 -
Beloruska smučarka v prostem slogu je tekmovala je na FIS svetovnem prvenstvu v smučanju in deskanju na prostem 2015. Uvrstila se je v finale kjer je zasedla šesto mesto. Na olimpijskih igrah 2018 je osvojila zlato medaljo v akrobatskih skokih.

Hanna Huskova is a Belarusian freestyle skier. She competed at the FIS Freestyle Ski and Snowboarding World Championships 2015, where she qualified for the final, and placed sixth in the final. She won a gold medal in the aerials at the 2018 Olympics.

         BY - 1252

HVID-MOLLER Inge  6. 10. 1912 - 18. 2. 1970
Daska filmska igralka je leta 1934 končala Kraljevsko gledališko šolo in debirala. Igrala je po gledališčih v Kobenhavnu in okolici. Delala je tudi na radiu in TV. Igrala je v več filmih, med njimi v Cafe Paradis (1950, na znamki).

She was a Danish actress. Debut in 1934 after having gone through the Royal Theatre School. She played at various theaters in Copenhagen and in the province. She worked freelance and was a transitional stage director and directed also for radio and TV. She played in many films, oneof them is Cafe Paradis (1950, on stamp).

         DK - 1257

gor - up