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BOBIĆ Ljubinka 21. 1. 1897 - 3. 12. 1978
Srbska gledališka in filmska igralka. Kot igralka Narodnega gledališča v Beogradu je bila aktivna več kot 50 let. Bila je zelo popularna, s svojim nekonformističnim stilom je dala svoj pečat vsakemu svojemu nastopu.

Serbian stage and film actress with acting experience of over 50 years in the National Theatre in Belgrade. Very popular, with a non-conformist style who gave her own special stamp to each of her performances.

YU - 3123

BOCH Anna 10. 2. 1848 - 25. 2. 1936
Belgijska slikarka, ki je delovala tudi na področju glasbe, kiparstva  in intelektualnih dejavnostih, s čimer imela dostop do številnih umetniških krogov. Bila je aktivna članica Skupine XX in skupine Libre Esthetique. Tu se je seznanila z Jamesom Ensorjem in Paulom Gauguinom, ki sta vplivala na njen po-impresionistični stil. Sama ni preveč znana kot slikarka. Se je pa danes spominjamo po tem, da je bila edina oseba, ki ji je Van Gogh še v času, ko je bil živ, prodal sliko.

Anna Boch’s many talents spanned the plastic arts, music and intellectual activities and this brought her into contact with many artistic circles. She was an active member of the Group of XX and the Libre Esthetique (Free Aesthetics) Group and was closely acquainted with James Ensor and Paul Gauguin who influenced her in her own post-impressionist artistic style. Though Anna Boch never achieved great fame for her own paintings, she is remembered today as the only person to purchase a painting from Vincent Van Gogh during his lifetime.

B - 3112

BOEHM Elisabet 27. 9. 1859 - 30. 5. 1943
Ustanoviteljica nemškega ženskega kmečkega gibanja, ki naj bi pomagal kmeticam pri socialni in izobraževalni enakosti.

German founder of German Women`s Movement. In 1908 she founded Agricultural Housewives Union to help farm women in social and educational freedom.

 D - 1489

BOËL Marthe 3. 7. 1877 - 18. 1. 1956
Belgijska dobrodelka, plemkinja poročena z bogastim industrialcem. Med prvo svetovno vojno so jo Nemci zaradi podtalnega dopisovanja zaprli za dve leti. Po vojni je bila izvoljena v parlament. Delovala je na področju ženskih volilnih pravic. Bila je predsednica belgijskega Narodnega sveta žensk in predsednica mednarodnega sveta žensk.

She was of noble birth. She enjoyed an excellent upbringing – which did not go without saying for a girl in her era – and in 1898 married industrialist Pol Boël (1868-1941). In her new home La Louvière she devoted herself to works of charity. The First World War stopped all that. When the Germans dismantled the clandestine postal network she had set up, she served two years in prison. After the war, as an ex-political prisoner Boël was one of the few Belgian women with a vote for parliament. She worked for universal female suffrage through her engagement in the liberal party between the wars . Marthe Boël chaired Belgium’s National Women’s Council (NVB / CNF) from 1934 to 1952, in which capacity she recruited talented young women. Her presidency of the International Council of Women (1936-1947) was dominated by the Second World War. In addition to these commitments Boël was the driving force behind the Belgian branch of the YWCA (Young Women’s Christian Association) and the Girl Guides.

                   B - 3928
BOER van RIJK Ester de 1853 - 1939
Nizozemska gledališka in filmska igralka, ki je debitirala leta 1873 v Rotterdamu. Najbolj znana je po vlogi Kniertje iz Op hoop van zegen (1900).

Dutch actress, nade her debut in Rotterdam in 1873. She played in plays of Herman Heijermans. Her most famous role was Kniertje from Op hoop van zegen from 1900. She also played in movie.

         NL - 1029

BOEYKENS Lily 21. 3. 1930 -22. 11. 2005
Belgijska pravnica je delala kot neodvisna novinarka. Leta 1964 je postala članica belgijskega narodnega sveta žensk. 

She was a trained lawyer. She married Constant (Stan) Huygelen, who grew famous through the development of vaccines. After a few years in Zaire, she worked in freelance journalism and public relations. In 1964 she became a member of Belgium’s National Women’s Council (NVB / CNF). Chair Maya (Marie-Anne) Janssen – the daughter of Marthe Boël – wished to recruit more Dutchspeaking members and felt that Lily Boeykens was up to the task. She would chair the autonomous NVB (later the Dutch-speaking Women’s Council) she shaped. She also played an important role in the organisation of the first National Women’s Day (11/11/1972), in the early years of the Women’s Consultation Committee and the organisation of the International Tribunal on Crimes Against Women, which led to the establishment of the first women’s shelter in Belgium. Lily Boeykens was also active in the International Council of Women, first on the Mass Media Committee, then as member of the board. Between 1988 and 1994 she was its chair, striving to improve the Council’s professionalism and dynamism. The Belgian government also called on her expertise: Lily Boeykens had a seat on such national advisory bodies as the Women’s Employment Committee and the Consultative Committee on the Status of Women, and was Belgium’s representative to the UN Commission on the Status of Women between 1995 and 1999.

                    B - 3929
BOHANEC Mirjana 2. 10. 1930 -
Hrvaška sopranistka in filmska igralka.
Film Kdor poje ne misli slabo so filmski kritiki proglasili za najboljši hrvaški film vseh časov. Film ima lastnosti operete, vendar istočasno zaradi številnih glasbenih točk izpade kot mjuzikl. Na znamki HR-409 je prizor iz filma na katerem sta igralca Mirjana Bohanec in Relja Bašić. Režiser filma je Krešo Golik. 

Croatian soprano and film actress. The film Tko pjeva, zlo ne misli (Who Sings Means No Harm) was declared the best Croatian film of all times by the film critics. The film has partly operetta characteristics but at the same time it looks like a musical due to the existence of numerous musical numbers. Motif on stamp HR-409: Mirjana Bohanec and Relja Bašić in a scene from the film. Director of film was Krešo Golik.

                     HR -
BÖHM Almaz 1964 -
Etiopska agronomka, žena avstrijskega igralca (1991), ki je leta 1981 ustanovil dobrodelno organizacijo Ljudje za ljudi (Menschen für Menschen).

Ethiopian agronomist, wife of Austrian actor Karlheinza Böhma founder of charity Menschen für Menschen. It works exclusively in Ethiopia and carries out long-term, sustainable projects for the rural population there. Following the principle of “support for self-development”, millions of Ethiopians have been given a secure future from the time it was founded to date.

                 A - 2576

BOHR Margareta
Žena danskega znanstvenika Nielsa Bohra.

Wife of Danish scientist Niels Bohr.

                    DK - 848

BOINE Mari 8. 11. 1956 -
Norveška glasbenica iz manjšinskega ljudstva Sami. Njihovo tradicionalno glasbo yoiks združuje z modernimi instrumenti, jazzom in rocom. Leta 1989 je postala slavna s svojim albumom Gula Gula. Leta 2008 je bila imenovana za prfesorico muzikologije na Univerzi Nesna.

She is a Norwegian Sami musician known for having added jazz and rock to the yoiks of her native people. Gula Gula (first released by Iđut, 1989, later re-released by Real World) was her breakthrough release, and she continued to record popular albums throughout the 1990s. In 2008, she was appointed Professor of musicology at Nesna University College.


                N - 1763

BOJANC Krizina 1885 - 15. 12. 1941
Družba sester Hčerke Božje ljubezni, ki jo je leta 1868 na Dunaju ustanovila Franciska Lechner, je začela 1882 delovati v Sarajevu. Samostan Marijin dom na Palah je bil odprt 1911. Vojnega leta 1941 se je tu znašlo pet sester: Jula Ivanišević, Berchmana Leidenix, Krizina Bojanc, Antonija Fabjan in Bernadeta Banja. 11 decembra so jih četniki nasilno odpeljali proti Goraždu, samostan pa oplenili in požgali. Po štirih dneh v mrazu in snegu so prišle v Goražde. Tam so četniki vdrli v njihovo sobo. Sestre so v obrambo svojega človeškega dostojanstva poskakale skozi okno. Četniki so poškodovane nune ubili in zmetali v Drino. Sestro Berchmana, ki so jo zaradi onemoglosti med potjo pustili v v Sjetlini, so ubili osem dni kasneje. 24.septembra 2011 so bile proglašene za blažene.

The sisters of the Daughters of Divine Charity, which were established in Vienna in 1868 by Franciska Lechner, began its work in 1882 in Sarajevo, where the nuns came at the invitation of Archbishop Josip Stadler. At the Convent of Saint Mary’s Home in Pale, opened in 1911, the 1941 war has caught five sisters: Jula Ivanišević, Berchmana Leidenix, Krizina Bojanc, Antonija Fabjan and Bernadeta Banja. On the 11 December Serbian fighters chetniks looted the house, burned it down and forced five sisters to walk in the direction of Goražde Their four-day way of the cross at freezing temperatures and snow, along with the interrogations, has led to Sjetline, where the 76-year old Berchmana, exhausted from the walk and all the events, was separated from the group and forced to remain behind. Other sisters reached Goražde on 15 December 1941 and were placed in the military barracks on the 2nd floor. On the same evening, the chetniks broke into the room with the impure intentions and assaulted them. In defense of their human dignity, sisters broke loose from hands of their attackers and one by one jumped out through the window. The cetnicks have killed injured nuns with knives and thrown their bodies into the River Drina. Sr. Berchmana was killed eight days later, on 23 December in Sjetlina.

           BA - 324

BOLLAIN Iciar 12. 6. 1967 -
Španska igralka, režiserka in scenaristka.

Icíar Bollaín Pérez-Mínguez  is a Spanish actress, director and screenwriter.

                                       E - 3798

BOLLAND Adrienne 25. 11. 1895 - 18. 3. 1975
Francoska pilotka  je bila testni pilot pri izdelovalcu letal Caudron, Leta 1921 je kot prva ženska preletela Ande. Vzletela je iz Mendoze v Argentini in čez 10 ur pritala v Santiagu de Chile. Letela je na višini do 4500 metrov v hudem mrazu. Morala se je tudi izogibati visokim goram, ki jih njeno letalo ni moglo preleteti.

Adrienne Bolland was a test pilot for Caudron, the French aircraft maker, which thought that having a young woman fly its new G3 would be a good way of showing how easy it was to handle the plane. In 1921 she became the first woman to fly over the Andes. She took off from Mendoza, Argentina, and landed 10 hours later in Santiago de Chile. She had flown at an altitude of 14,750 feet, braving the bitter cold and having to avoid mountain peaks that were higher than the altitude her airplane could fly.


                        F - 3997

BONET FITE Júlia 28. 7. 1922 - 3. 9. 2011
je bila andorska poslovna ženska, predsednica in ustanoviteljica podjetja Perfumeria Júlia. Začela je delati kot frizerka, v brivnici v spodnjih nadstropjih očetove hiše, kjer je imela majhen prostor, namenjen ženskim frizerjem. Ker Andorra ni imela potrebnih materialov, se je Bonetova preselila v Toulouse, kjer je kupovala surovine za prodajo in uporabo svojem lokalu. V drugi polovici 20. stoletja je Júlia Bonet zelo povečala prodajo svojih izdelkov. Zato je ustanovila so poseben oddelek, namenjen prodaji parfumov. Dobro delovanje podjetja je omogočilo odpiranje drugih trgovin v drugih delih države. Leta 1999 je razširila poslovanje zunaj andorskih meja. V Španiji je odprla več parfumov.

She was an Andorran businesswoman, president and founder of Perfumeria Júlia. She started working as a hairdresser, in a barber shop on the lower floors of her father house, which had a small space dedicated to ladies' hairdressers. Since Andorra did not have the necessary materials, Bonet moved to Toulouse to buy materials to use in their establishment, and also to sell them. During the second half of the 20th century Júlia Bonet increase the sale of products in a very significant way. They have set up a special section dedicated to the sale of perfumes. The good operation of the company made to open other stores in other parts of the country. In 1999, she expand business outside the Andorran borders. She opened several perfumes in Spain.

BOMBOVA Viera 14. 4. 1932 -
Slovaška grafičarka, ki je leta 1967 in 1969 prejela na mednarodnem bienalu ilustracij v Bratislavi nagrado Zlato jabolko. Na znamki CZ-2391 je njena ilustracija: Janko Gondašik in zlata žena.

Czech artist, illustrator of books, The Golden Apple winner of the book illustration competition BIB (International Biennial of Illustrations in Bratislava) ´67 and ´69.

                   CZ - 2391

BONTEA Elena 10. 11. 1933 -
Moldavijska slikarka je študirala na akademiji za likovno umetnost "Alexandru Plămădeală" v Moldaviji in na Inštitutu za umetnostno zgodovino in teorijo v Sankt Peterburgu. Živi in dela v Moldaviji.
Na znamki
MD-572 je njena slika: Malanca.

Moddovian painter studied at School of Fine Arts "Alexandru Plamadeala" in Moldova and at Institute of Art History and Theory in St. Petersburg. She lives and works in Moldova.
On stamp
 MD-572 is her picture: Malanca.


                      MD - 572

BOOTH Catherine 17. 1. 1829 - 4. 10. 1890
Žena Williama Bootha ustanovitelja mednarodne dobrodelne organizacije The Salvation Army. Zaradi njenega vpliva na oblikovanje Salvation Army je bila znana kot "mati vojske". Bila je članica lokalne skupine njihove organizacije Band of Hope in podpornica Nacionalnega zmernostnega društva.

Catherine Booth was the wife of the founder of The Salvation Army, William Booth. Because of her influence in the formation of The Salvation Army she was known as the 'Army Mother'. She was a member of the local Band of Hope and a supporter of the national Temperance Society. She met William Booth, when he came to preach at her church in 1852. They soon fell in love and became engaged.

 MC - 1350

BORA Katharina von 29. 1. 1499 - 20. 12. 1552
Rodila se je blizu Leipziga. Ko je bila stara 5 let, ji je umrla mati. Zanjo so najprej skrbeli v avguštinskem samostanu v Brehna, kasneje pa je živela v samostanu Nimbschen. Skupaj s petimi nunami je pobegnila v Wittenberg, središče reformacije. Zavetje je našla pri slikarju Lucasu Cranachu. Za begunko se je zavzel Martin Luther in se brez obotavljanja poročil z njo. Nemški volilni knez je Lutru dodelil avguštinski samostan, ki je postal prijeten dom mladih. Katharina pa ga je z vso zavzetostjo kmalu spremenila v zbirališče študentov, prijateljev, gostov, sosedov in vseh v stiski. Tu se je Katharina seznanjala z idejami reformacije, sodelovala v diskusijah in s tem dajala velik prispevek k propagandi reformacije. Svojega moža je preživela za skoraj 7 let. 

She was born in a place south of Leipzig. At the age of five, after the early death of her mother, she was taken care of first by the nuns of the Augustinian monastery in Brehna and later on lived at the monastery in Nimbschen near Grimma. Together with eight nuns she escaped from the monastery and arrived in Wittenberg, the centre of the Reformation. She found shelter in the home of the painter and mayor Lucas Cranach. Martin Luther took care of the escapee, and in 1525 decided without hesitation to marry Katharina von Bora. On that occasion, the prince elector gave Luther the Augustinian monastery in Wittenberg, which Katharina turned not only into a pleasant home but soon - thanks to her commitment and openmindedness - into a meeting place for students, guests, friends, relatives and persons in need as well. This open house made it possible to see, hear and discuss with the Reformer personally. Thus, Katharina von Bora made no minor contribution to the propagation of the Reformation. She outlived her husband by nearly seven years.

 D - 2029

BOSNIAKOVA Žofia 2. 6. 1609 - 28. 4. 1644
Žofia je bila  skromna, globoko verna in dobrosrčna ženska, vedno pripravljena pomagati. Ustanovila in vzdrževala je ubožnico. vzdrževati poorhouse. Po smrti je bila pokopana v grajski kapeli v gradu Strečno. Leta 1729 so našli njeno truplo nedotaknjeno in ga položili v stekleno krsto. v cerkevv Teplički. Tam je umsko moteni moški 2009 krsto zažgal.

Žofia Bosniaková was born in Šurany. She was the third of the seven children of Tomáš Bosniak and Mária Kenderessyová. At the time of her birth, her father was a captain at the Castle of Šurany. With his family, he later moved to Fiľakovo to become a captain of the Fiľakovo fortress. At the age of seventeen, Žofia married Baron Michal Serényi and left for Světlov Castle in Bojkovice, Moravia. Because of her husband’s death in the spring of 1626 following a sudden illness, however, their marriage was short. Žofia returned home and entered into her second marriage with František Wesselényi. Thus her new home became Teplička nad Váhom, where she gave birth to her two sons, Adam (1630) and Ladislav (1633). She was a modest, deeply religious and kind-hearted woman, always eager to help. Her deep sympathy for the poor and suffering led her to found and sustain a poorhouse. She died at Strečno Castle, where she and her family were then staying due to riots related to the uprising of Juraj Rákoczi. She was buried at Strečno under the castle chapel. In 1729, her body was found intact and deposited in a glass-lidded coffin in the church in Teplička, the Loretan Chapel of Virgin Mary, built for that purpose by Count Löwenburg. Her great popularity, which went beyond the area of Teplička, is one factor in her potential beatification. Remains of Žofia Bosniaková were burned by mentally unstable man on April 1st 2009.

SK - 616

BOSQUE Samantha 1973 -
Andorska umetnica je študirala oblikovalstvo v Elisavi. Od leta 1993 je sodelovala v samostojnih in skupinskih razstavah v Barceloni, Madridu, Castellonu in Andori. Na znamki je njen kip: Kolesar z zavezanimi očmi.
Andorian artist studied design at Elisava. Since 1993 participated in various solo and group exhibitions in Barcelona, Catalonia, Madrid, Castellon and Andorra. On stamp is her sculpture: The blindfolded cyclist.

 Andora-Spain - 414

BOSSE Harriet 19. 2. 1878 - 2. 11. 1961
Švedska igralka je študirala na kraljevi švedski akademiji za glasbo v Stockholmu. V letih 1896-1898 je igrala v gledališču v Oslu. Nastopila je tudi na odrih v Stockholmu, Gothengurgu in Helsinkih, nastopala je v številnih filmih.

Swedish actress studied at the Conservatory of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music in Stockholm. She worked at the Central Theatre of Christiania 1896-1898, studied in Copenhagen and Paris and made her debut in Stockholm, in 1899 as Loyse in Theodore de Banvile's Gringoire. She also performed on other stages in Stockholm, Gothengurg, and Helsinki and in several motion pictures. She was one of the most popular and critically acclaimed actresses on the Swedish stage at the beginning of the century, but with higher age she found it difficult to get interesting parts, and in 1943 she retired from the theatre.

            S - 1291

BOTTLE Brenda Anne 20. 2. 1946 -
Angleška filmska, gledališka in televizijska igralka je najbolj znana po vlogi v filmski drami Secrets & Lies iz leta 1996. Na znamki GB-3605 je tudi Marianne Jean-Baptiste.

Brenda Anne Bottle is an English actress who has worked in theatre, television and film, best known for her role in film drama Secrets & Lies in 1996. On stamp GB-3605 is also Marianne Jean-Baptiste.


                        GB - 3605

BOUBOULINA Lascarina 11. 5. 1771 - 22. 5. 1825
Grška patriotka, poveljnica ladjevja. Po obeh možeh je podedovala veliko ladjevje, zemljo in gotovino. Bila je članica organizacije Družba prijateljev, ki je hotela osvoboditi Grke izpod turške okupacije. Bila je edina ženska članica te organizacije. Zgradila je bojno ladjo Agamemnom, kupovala in skrivala je orožje, ki so ga Grki potrebovali za upor proti Turkom.

Greek patriot, naval commander. She married twice, both her husbands, captains of their own ships, died in sea battles. She was extremely rich from the fortunes of ships, land and cash inherited from her husbands. She was a member of the underground organization, which for a number of years had organized and prepared the Greeks for the revolution against the Turks. Bouboulina was the only woman who was allowed to join this organization. She helped with buying of arms and hiding them. She participated activity in the War of Independence.

           GR - 331

BOUCHER Helene 23. 5. 1908 - 30. 11. 1934
Francoska pilotka je začela leteti s 26 leti. Dosegla je nekaj rekordov v letalstvu: leta 1934 je postavila svetovni hitrostni rekord z 485 km/h, 1933 pa s 5900 m višinski rekord.
Na znamki F-1797 je tudi Maryse Hilsz.

French aviatrix. In 1931 she was the first woman student pilot of the Aeroclub of Landes at Mont-de-Marsan and she obtained the certificate of pilot of tourism. She studied acrobatics under Detroyat and she triumphed in her first air acrobatics match. In 1934, as a speed pilot for Caudron-Renault, she was second in the 12 hours of Angers beating the world record for all categories in the 1,000 kilometers range.
On stamp F-1797 is also Maryse Hilsz.

                       F - 1797

BOULANGER Lili 21. 8. 1893 - 15. 3. 1918
Francoska pevka in glasbenica je bila prva ženska, ki je zmagala na Prix de Rome leta 1913. Pri petnajstih je napisala eno svojih najbolj priljubljenih del nocturno za violino in klavir. Svoja najpomembnejša dela je napisal v letih 1916 in 1917: Psaume XXIV, Psaume CXXIX, Psaume CXXX, in Veille prière bouddhique. Njena sestra je bila Nadia Boulanger.

She was born in France. She began her music studies very early, and one of the highlights of her life was being able to sing songs by Gabriel Fauré. Lili Boulanger made a noted place in music history by being the first woman to win the Prix de Rome in 1913, and her piece was her cantata Faust et Hélène. At the age of fifteen, she wrote one of her more popular works, a nocturne for violin and piano, and in June of 1914 she wrote her Thème et Variations for piano. Her important works wrote in the years 1916 and 1917: Psaume XXIV (1916), Psaume CXXIX (1916), Psaume CXXX (1916), and Veille prière bouddhique (1917). Her sister was Nadia Boulanger.

                 MC - 2764

BOULANGER Nadia 16. 9. 1887 - 22. 10. 1979
Francoska dirigentka, skladateljica in glasbena pedagoginja. Študirala je kompozicijo na pariškem konzervatoriju (1897-1904). Leta 1921 se je začelo njeno dolgoletno sodelovanje z glasbeno institucijo Conservatoire Americain. Med drugo svetovno vojno je poučevala na različnih šolah v ZDA. Kot prva ženska je dirigirala bostonskemu, newyorškemu in philadelphijskemu simfoničnemu orkestru (1938) ter orkestru Londonske filharmonije (1936). Po smrti njene sestre Boulanger Lili leta 1918, ki je bila tudi glasbenica, je lastno skladateljstvo imenoval za neuporabno in je nehala pisati glasbo.

French musician and is better known as a teacher and conductor than as a composer. In the first capacity she was responsible for the musical training of a generation of distinguished composers from Europe and America. Her work as an interpreter influenced many, not least by the part she played in the revival of interest in Monteverdi. Nadia Boulanger's few compositions include Les heures claires, settings of poems by Verhaeren completed in 1912, after which she wrote little, although in 1908 she had won the second Prix de Rome. Her sister was musican Lili Boulanger.

                MC - 2764                   MC - 1693                    F - 6820

BOURDHOUXHE Madeleine 25. 9. 1906 - 16. 4. 1996
Belgijska pisateljica je med drugo svetovno vojno aktivno sodelovala v belgijskem odporniškem gibanju.

She was a Belgian author. During WWII was active in the Belgian Resistance.

            B - 3665

BOURGEOIS Louise 5. 12. 1911 - 31. 5. 2010
Francosko-ameriška umetnica je najbolj znana po svojih velikih kipih in umetniških instalacijah. Je tudi plodovita slikarka in grafičarka. V svoji dolgi karieri je raziskovala različne motive: domačnost in družino, spolnost in telesa pa tudi smrt in podzavest. Razstavljala je sicer z abstraktnimi ekspresionisti, vendar ima njeno delo veliko skupnega z nadrealizmom in feministično umetnostjo. Formalno ni bila povezana z nobenim določenim umetniškim gibanjem. Na znamki je njena skulptura: Maman

Louise Joséphine Bourgeois was a French-American artist. Best known for her large-scale sculpture and installation art, Bourgeois was also a prolific painter and printmaker. She explored a variety of themes over the course of her long career including domesticity and the family, sexuality and the body, as well as death and the subconscious. Although Bourgeois exhibited with the Abstract Expressionists and her work has much in common with Surrealism and Feminist art, she was not formally affiliated with a particular artistic movement.

                   F - 4946,4950

BOUWMAN Mies 31. 12. 1929 - 26. 2. 2018
Nizozemska televizijska voditeljica je začela svojo kariero 16. oktobra 1951 kot komentatorka v prvi radijski oddaji radia katoliške zveze. Slavna je postala kot voditeljica oddaje Open Het Dorp nizozemske televizije, kje so gledalci darovali denar v dobrodelne namene. S tem denarjem naj bi zgradili vasi za invalidne. Svojo kariero je leta 1993 zaradi bolezni končala.

She is a Dutch television presenter. She started her career on the very first broadcasting evening of the Dutch broadcasting association Catholic Radio Broadcaster on 16 October 1951. She made her name as the host of the first large fund-raising programm on Dutch TV, Open Het Dorp. In this show viewers were asked to donate money for charity, in order to open a special village for people with a handicap.She ended her career in 1993 due to an illness.

         NL - 2746
BOYARSKIH Klavdiya Sergeyevna 11. 11. 1939 - 12. 12. 2009
Sovjetska tekačica na smučeh je na OI 1964 osvojila 3 zlate medalje: na 5km, 10 km in v štafeti 3 x 5 km.

A Soviet cross country skier competed in the 1960s. She won 3 gold medals in Winter Olympic Games 1964: 5 km, 10 km and 3 x 5 km relay.

            RU - 2005

BOZNANSKA Olga 15. 4. 1865 - 26. 10. 1940
Poljska slikarka je pod vplivom francoskega impresionizma slikala predvsem portrete in tihožitja v nežnih zastrtih barvnih tonih. Študirala je v Krakovu, Parizu in Munchnu, kjer je dosegla prve uspehe in prejela številne nagrade.  
PL-1944: Mladenki
PL-2112: Dekle s krizantemo
PL-4220: Prodajalka cvetja

Polish impressionist, painting portrais by use vibrant colours seeming to be veiled with a delicate mist. She was born in Poland, but moved to Paris permanently in 1898. Nevertheless, she remained in contact with Poland and Polish artists, returning frequently to visit and paint. She studied in Crakow and  in Munich, where she had her first successes, winning many prizes and awards. In Paris she joined l’Association des Artistes Polonais "Sztuka."  Known mainly for her portraits and still lives, she ultimately received high awards from both France and Poland. She was most inspired by the impressionist style of painting.


    PL - 1944                               PL - 2112                           PL - 4220
BRACKENBURY Georgina Agnes 1866 - 27. 1. 1949
Angleška slikarka je študirala na Slade šoli lepih umetnosti v Londonu. Leta 1895 sta skupaj s setro migrirali v ZDA. Leta 1911 se je Georgina vrnila v Anglijo, kjer je postala iskana portretistka. V Narodni galeriji portretov v Londonu visita dva njena portreta, eden in sicer portret Emmeline Pankhurst je prikazan na znamki GB–2423.

English painter was born in London, England. She studied at the Slade School of Fine Art. She was a member of both the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies and the Women’s Social and Political Union. Georgina and her sister, Marie, immigrated to San Francisco in 1895. The sisters soon became pupils and close friends of Wm Keith. Georgina returned to London in 1911 and became sought after as a portraitist. Two of her paintings were purchased by the National Portrait Gallery before her death in London in January 1949.
On stamp
GB-2423 is her portrait of Emmeline Pankhurst from the National Portrait Gallery.


           GB - 2423

BRADLEY Margaret 1870 - 1948
Britanska slikarka, slika: La Targa Florio.

British painter, painting: La Targa Florio.

                       I - 3117

BRANDES Sonia 1946 -
Danska umetnica samouk je znana predvsem po svojih izrezkih iz papirja. Za ilustracijo Andersenovih pravljic ob njegovi 200 letnici rojstva je prejela nagrado Andersenovo nagrado mesta Odense.

Danish self-taught artist, particularly known for her papercuts - her decorative papercuts illustrates e.g. H. C. Andersen's fairytales. At H. C. Andersen's 200th birthday Brandes received the City of Odense's Hans Christian Andersen Prize, because she is a brilliant papercut artist, just like the fairytale writer was. Her papercuts has been exhibited in several countries. 

                       DK - 1207/1208

BRäNDSTRröM Elsa 26. 3. 1888 - 4. 3. 1948 
Humanistka, vojaška bolniška sestra. Ko je skozi okno švedske ambasade v St. Petersburgu v času prve svetovne vojne opazovala nemške vojne ujetnike, ki so jih vodili v Sibirijo, je sklenila, da opustila razkošno diplomatsko življenje in postala bolniška sestra. Pol privatno, pol kot delegatka švedskega rdečega križa je pod okriljem švedske in danske ambasade pomagala vojnim ujetnikom v Sibiriji. Ujetniki so jo imenovali Angel Sibirije. Po vojni je obiskovala vojne sirote in ruske vojne ujetnike. Z možem se je preselila v Nemčijo, kjer sta pomagala revnim. Ko se je na oblast povzpel Hitler, sta bila prisiljena zapustiti Nemčijo. Preselila sta se v ZDA, kjer sta pomagala evropskim beguncem. 

Humanitarian, army nurse. Gazing down from the window of the Embassy in St. Petersburg, Russia, onto German prisoners of war on their way to the frozen tundra of Siberia, Brändström was moved to leave the luxury of diplomatic life and became a nurse. She ministered to the prisoners of war in Siberia, in part privately and in part as a delegate of the Swedish Red Cross and with the protection of the Swedish and Danish embassy authorities. The prisoners of war benefited tremendously and named her The Angel of Siberia. After the war, she attended the orphans of the German soldiers who had been killed, and Russian prisoners of war. With her husband moved to Germany where she served among the destitute. When Hitler rose to power, Elsa and her husband were forced to flee from Germany and came to USA, where she and her husband offered care to European refuges.

              D - 145

BRANDT Marianne 1. 10. 1893 - 18. 6. 1983
Nemška oblikovalka je študirala slikarstvo in kiparstvo v "Hochschule für Malerei" v Weimaru. V času od 1924 do 1929, ko je diplomirala, je bila članica Bauhausa. Tu so jo poučevali Albers, Moholy, Klee, and Kandinsky. Po vojni je delal kot profesorica na "Hochschule für Bildende Künste" v Dresdenu. Nekateri njeni oblikovalski izdelki se še danes v uporabi  in se proizvajajo. Na znamki je njen čajnik iz Weimara iz leta 1924.

She was a German designer involved with the Bauhaus, where her designs formed an important part of the repertoire and remain in production today. She studied painting and sculpting at the "Hochschule für Malerei" in Weimar. She was at Bauhaus from 1924-1929 and took courses from Albers, Moholy, Klee, and Kandinsky. She lived in Paris from 1926-1927 and received her Bauhaus diploma in 1929. After the war, Brandt worked as an assistant professor at the "Hochschule für Bildende Künste" in Dresden.


  D -2002

BRANQUINHO Véronique 1973 -
Belgijska modna kreatorka je študirala na modnem inštitutu v Antwerpnu. Diplomirala je leta 1995. Poznana je po svoji pozornosti do podrobnosti in uporabi tkanin. Od leta 2003 kreira tudi za moške.

She is a Belgian born fashion designer who studied at the Flanders Fashion Institute in Antwerp. She is famous for her attention to detail and use of fabrics. She graduated 1995 and extended her brand with a 2003 fall men's collection. Veronique is based in Antwerp but shows in Paris.

B - 4068

BRAUNEROVA Zdenka 9. 4. 1858 - 23. 5. 1934
Češka slikarka je z Amálio Mánesovo, Pinkasom, Chittussem študirala v Parizu. Tam je srečala vodilne umetnike. Na njena dela je so vplivali impresionisti in simbolisti. Njen umetniški opus obsega tudi lesoreze, jedkanice, ex librise in dekorativna dela v steklu. Ukvarjala se je tudi z oblikovanjem knjig in črk. Aktivna je bila pri ohranjevanju starega mesta Prage.

Since her childhood the painter Z. Braunerová, daughter of the politician F. A. Brauner, was interested in painting. She studied with Amálie Mánesová, Pinkas, Chittussi and in Paris where she met with leading artists. Her works, influenced by impressionism and symbolism, were successfully exhibited. Braunerová belonged to the most comprehensive personalities of the Czech and European fine arts. In addition to drawing and painting she created wood engravings, etchings, ex libris and designed decorative glass inspired with Slavonic folk motifs. She greatly contributed to the restoration of Czech book design and typography. Her paintings and graphic works gently and with a special sensitivity for light and colours display the charm of nature. A leading activist for preservation of the old Prague, she was mainly fascinated with the Vltava river banks.

                          CZ - 577
BREMER Fredrika 17. 8. 1801 - 31. 12. 1865
Švedska pisateljica in zagovornica bork za pravice žensk. Napisala (1830) je prvi švedski realistični roman Družina M. Osebne krize ob spreobrnjenju v krščansko vero je opisala v romanu Nina (1835). Potem ko se opredelila proti poroki in opustila načrte, da bo postala medicinska sestra, je napisala zelo bran roman Sosedje (1837). Napisala je tudi avtobiografski roman Dom (1839) in roman Herta, kjer napada moško prevlado v švedski družbi.

Fredrika Bremer, was a Swedish author and women's rights advocate. She published Familjen H. (The Family H.), Sweden's first realistic novel, in 1830. After she was converted to Christianity, a new personal crisis inspired Nina (1835). Deciding against marriage and abandoning plans to devote herself to nursing, she then wrote her most widely read novel, The Neighbors (1837). Her other novels are Hemmet (The Home, 1839), which is autobiographical, and Hertha (1856), an attack on male-dominated Swedish society.

                         S - 540/41                                             S - 1298/1299

BRIGADERE Anna 1. 10. 1861 - 24. 6. 1933
Znamenita latvijska pisateljica Ana Brigadere  je pisala prozo, pesmi, dramska dela, ukvarjala se je tudi s publicistiko. Znana je po svoji trilogiji God Nature Work, kjer pripoveduje o svojih spominih na otroštvo. Pravljična igra Sprîdîtis je  prva svoje vrste v latvijski dramatiki. Je njeno najbolj popularno delo, prevedeno v osem jezikov.

Famous Latvian writer Anna Brigadere  has created permanent values in different genres of literature such as prose, lyrics, publicism and dramaturgy. In Europa was recognized trilogy of Anna Brigadere God Nature Work which tells in fine language about the deep ethical memories of her childhood. Anna Brigadere has founded a new genre in Latvian dramaturgy by writting a fary-tale play Sprîdîtis in 1903. This play is the most popular work of the writer which has been translated in eight languages as well as staged in Latvia, Finland and Great Britain.

       LV - 475
BRIGGS Niamh 1984 -
Kapitanka irske rugby reprezentance.

Captain of Irish rugby team.


           EI - 2227
BRLIĆ-MAŽURANIĆ Ivana 18. 6. 1874 - 21. 9. 1938
Ivana Brlić - Mažuranić  pripada samemu vrhu hrvaškega literarnega ustvarjanja. Knjige Ivane Brlić Mažuranić so pisane za otroke, najprej za svoje lastne  Najbolj znane so Pripovedke iz davnine, roman Vajenec Hlapić, Bajke in basni. Bila je prva žena akademik v Hrvaški. Njena dela so prevedena v skoraj vse evropske jezike. Bila je kandidat za Nobelovo nagrado. V čudoviti zbirki  Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić Pripovedke iz davnine so številne pravljice. Knjiga je bila prvič izdana leta 1916. Vsebino in like je avtorica črpala iz slovanske in hrvaške mitologije, na najboljši možni način je predstavila izgubljeni svet pred krščanskih hrvaških verovanj.
Na znamki HR-412 je motiv iz zgodbe Gozd Striborski, ilustratorka je Cvijeta Job (1965).
Na znamkah HR-
633/634 sta dva junaka iz njenih Pripovedke iz davnine: vila Kosjenka in eden izmed škratov ognjišča Malik Tintilinič (tudi na BA-153).

Ivana Brlić - Mažuranić  ranks among the top Croatian writers. Her books were written for children, primarily for her own children; the most famous are Stories from Ancient Times and the novel The wonderful Adventures of Apprentice Hlapić, and her Fairy Tailes and Fables are equally good. She was the first woman in Croatia to be elected member of the Academy of Arts and Sciences. Her books have been translated into nearly all European languages. She was a candidate for the Nobel Prize. A great number of legends can be found in the wonderful collection Stories from Ancient Times; the book was first published in 1916. She draw the contents and characters’ names from the Slavonic and Croatian mithology, and she brought to life, in the best possible way, the almost lost world of the pre-Christian Croatian beliefs.
Motif on the stamp
HR-412: an illustration from the story Stribor’s Forest by illustrator Cvijeta Job (1965).
On stamps
HR-633/634 are two attractive characters from her Stories from Ancient Times: the little fairy Kosjenka and the member of the company of little fireplace brownies, Malik Tintilinić.
On stamp
HR-?2013: Lapitch the Little Shoemaker.

        HR - 376                HR - 412                    YU - 1614                  BA - 153

                              HR - 633/634                                              HR - 1094 
BROECKE Lily van den 8. 1. 1992 -
britanska veslačica je skupaj z Pamelo Relph, Naomi Riches, Jamesom Roe and Davidom Smith v vlogi krmarke na paraolimpijski olimpijadi v Londonu 2012 osvojila zlato medaljo v kategoriji LTAMix4+.

She is a British rower who competed at the 2012 Summer Paralympics as the coxswain for the British four, and won the gold medal in the LTAMix4+ event coxing a crew of Pamela Relph, Naomi Riches, James Roe and David Smith.

      GB - 3336

BROECKHOVEN Christine van 9. 4. 1953 -
je belgijska mikrobiologinja in profesorica molekularne genetike na univerzi v Antwerpnu. Proučuje Alzheimerjovo bolezen in druge nevrološke bolezni. Od leta1983 ima na univerzi v Antwerpnu svoj laboratorij za proučevanje molekularne genetike. Za svoje dosežke v znanosti je prejela nagrado belgijske Narodne znanstvene fundacije, leta 1993 pa skupaj s še tremi znanstveniki ameriško nagrado Potamkin za proučevanje proteina, ki povzroča hude bolezni. Leta 2006 je kot Evropejka prejela Unescovo nagrado za ženske v znanosti za raziskovanje Alzheimerjeve in drugih nevrodegenerativnih bolezni.
Na znamki B-3288 je tudi  Catherine Verfaille

She is a Belgian molecular biologist and professor in Molecular genetics at the University of Antwerp (Belgium). She is also leading the Department of Molecular Genetics of the Flanders Institute of Biotechnology (VIB). Christine Van Broeckhoven does research on Alzheimer dementia, bipolar mental disorders and other neurological diseases. Since 1983 she has had her own laboratory for molecular genetics at the University of Antwerp, and since 2005 is focussing her research on neurodegenerative brain diseases. For her achievements as a scientist, she received the Belgian Quinquennial Prize of the Belgian National Science Foundation and in 1993 she and three other scientists were awarded the American Potamkin Prize for their work on the amyloid precursor protein (APP) which can cause severe, early Alzheimer’s disease. In 2006, she was awarded as laureate for Europe the international L'Oréal-UNESCO Award for Women in Science "for the genetic investigation of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases".
On stamp B-3288 is also Catherine Verfaille

           B - 3288
BRÖNTE Charlotte 21. 4. 1816 - 31. 3. 1855
Z željo, da bi učile tuje jezike je Charlotte B
rönte (psevdonim Currer Bell) s sestrama (Emily Bronte, Ann Brönte) študirala v Bruslju. Tam je tudi poučevala in delala kot guvernanta. Ko se je vrnila v Anglijo, je ostala sama, da skrbi za svojega očeta. Leta 1947 izdana novela Jane Eyre je dosegla takojšen uspeh. Leta 1849 je izdala novelo Shiley z močnimi avtobiografskimi elementi. V noveli Villette izdani 1853 opisuje Bruseljske izkušnje. Po njeni smrti pa sta bili izdani noveli Professor in Emma.

With sisters (Emily Bronte, Ann Brönte), Charlotte Brönte  studied at Brussels, to prepare themselves to teach foreign languages. Charlotte served in the school as a teacher and was governess to several famillies. In 1847 she published Jane Eyre. The book was an immediate success, arousing intense public curiosity concerning its author. Retuned to England, left alone to care for her father and writing in the intervals between domestic duties, completed a novel with strong autobiographical elements, Shirley (1849). In 1853 Villette was published, a novel in which Charlotte returned to the Brussels experience. The Professor was published posthumously in 1857; Emma, a fragment of a novel,   in 1860.  

               GB - 841                      B - 4044

                        GB - 2280/85
BRÖNTE Emily 30. 7. 1818 - 19. 12. 1848
Emely B
rönte  (psevdonim Ellis Bell) je mlajša sestra Charlote Brönte. Z njo je delila osamljeno življenje v Yorkshirskih resiščih. Za večino bralcev njena novela Wuthering Heights (izdana 1847) predstavlja simbol skupnih naporov Brönte sester za njihovo izpolnitev. Roman je močna zgodba o ljubezni in maščevanju v divjini Yorkshira.

Emily Brönte  was younger sister of Charlote Brönte, she shared her isolated life on the Yorkshire moors. For most readers of the Bröntes, her novel Wuthering Heights (published in 1847) will remain a symbol of  the sisters' cumulative struggle for fulfillment. It is a powerfull tale of love and revenge set in the remote wilds of Yorkshire.

              GB - 843                    B - 4044

BROWN Danielle 10. 4. 1988 -
Angleška lokostrelka je na paraolimpijskih igrah v Londonu 2012 osvojila zlato medaljo v lokostrelstvu posamično.

She is an English competitive archer. In Paralympics 2012 in London she won gold medal in women’s individual compound, open.

                               GB - 3345
Fotografinja z Mana: Laxey Wheel.

Manx photographer: Laxey Wheel.

          Man - 984

Norveška modna oblikovalka je znana po svoji modni liniji C / BRUERBERG za samozavestne moške, ki se ne bojijo biti drugačni. Uporablja veliko volne in svile. Všeč so ji pletena oblačila, pogosto ohlapna in prostorna. Za njo niso nič nenavadna prosojna oblačila, kjer moški kažejo golo kožo. Camilla Bruenberg je diplomirala na Academy za umetnost v Oslu. Veliko dela za norveške glasbenike, kot so Morten Harket in Røyksopp duo in za kulturne ustanove, kot je Det Norske Teatret
Camilla Bruerberg has achieved great recognition with her C/BRUERBERG line - designs for confident men, for men who are not afraid to be different, as she says herself. She uses a lot of wool and silk and has a preference for knitted garments, often loose-fitting and roomy. Nor is it unusual for her to let men show bare skin through transparent clothes. Camilla Bruenberg is a graduate of the Oslo National Academy of the Arts. She has drawn a great deal of inspiration from working with Norwegian musicians like Morten Harket and the Røyksopp duo and cultural institutions such as Det Norske Teatret.


                N - 1803

BRUN BARBANTINI Maria Domenica 17. 1. 1789 - 22. 5. 1868
Italijanska nuna je leta 1829 ustanovila red sester služabnic bolnih sv. Camillusa.

Italian nun who founded the Congregation of the Sister Servants of the Sick of St. Camillus in 1829.


                   I - 3379

BRUNFAUT Emilienne 1908 - 12. 12. 1986
Belgijska borka za pravice delavk v tekstilni industriji. Kot prva Belgijka je leta 1935 sodelovala v Ženevi na Mednarodni delavski konferenci. Aktivno in nepopustljivo se je borila proti fašizmu in nacizmu.

Brunfaut Emilliene  fought for the rights of female workers in the textile factories. She was first Belgian woman to attend the International Labour Conference in Geneve in 1935. She played an active part in the struggle for peace fighting relentessly against Fascism and Nazism.

  B - 2412
BRUNFAY Catherine de
Prva lastnica molitvenika,  ki je nastal v sredini 15. stoletja v Franciji.

First owner of the Hour Book, a prayer book made in France in mid 15th century and used for eight daily prayers times.

  S - 1969-1971
BRUNSCHVICG Cecile 19. 7. 1877 - 5. 10. 1946
Ena od velikih francoskih žena feminizma v prve polovice 20. stoletja, posebno pa v času med obema vojnama.
Na znamki
F-6478 sta tudi Irene Joliot-Curie in Suzanne Lacore.

She was one of the grandes dames of French feminism during the first half of the twentieth century and especially during the interwar years.
On stamp
F-6478 are also Irene Joliot-Curie and Suzanne Lacore.

                            F - 6478
BRYAN Dora 7. 2. 1924 - 23. 6. 2014
Angleška gledališka, filmska in televizijska igralka. Najbolj je verjetno znana po vlogi Roz v televizijski seriji Last of the Summer Wine. Kasneje je redno nastopala na londonskem West Endu. Vmes je igrala tudi v številnih filmih, kjer je igrala stereotipne ženske vloge: The Cockleshell Heroes (1955), Carry On Sergeant (1958) and The Green Man (1956), Carry On Sergeant (1958, na znamki GB-2652).
Na znamki
GB-2652 je tudi Eaton Shirley.

She is an English actress of stage, film and television, possibly best-known for her role as Roz in the British television series Last of the Summer Wine. After the war she became a regular performer in the West End of London. She became a star of theatrical revues. She soon followed many of her theatre contemporaries by moving into film acting, generally playing supporting roles. She appeared in similarly stereotypical female roles in other films, for example The Cockleshell Heroes (1955), Carry On Sergeant (1958), The Green Man (1956), Carry On Sergeant (1958, on stamp GB-2652).
On stamp GB-2652 is also Eaton Shirley.

                GB - 2652

BUCIUCEANU-BOTEZ Tamara 10.8.1929 - 15. 10. 2019

She was  is born in Bessarabia, in the village of Tighina. Between 1948 and 1951 she attends the courses of the Theatre Institute in Iasi, but she concludes the 4th year of study (1952) at the Institute of Theatre and Film Art, in the class of Ion Baltateanu. She had roles in numerous theatre plays, television shows and radio theatre. She played in over 30 films, her emblematic character being Teacher Isosceles of the series The Graduates (Liceenii). Having a mezzo-soprano voice, she played numerous scores, together with Ion Dacian, for nine years in the Operetta Theatre. In 2004, she receives the UNITER Lifetime Achievement Award, in 2010 the UNITER Excellence Award and she has been an Honorary Member of the National Theatre in Bucharest since 2004.

RO - 6797
BUDEVSKA Adriana 1878 - 1955
Bolgarska igralka je debutirala leta 1899 v Sofiji. Nastopala je v Narodnem gledališču v Sofiji. Zaradi političnih razlogov je v letih 1925 - 48 živela v Argentini.

Bulgarian actress made her debut in Sofia in 1899. She performed in National Theatre in Sofia. From 1926 - 48 she lived in Argentina for political reasons.

 BG - 625
BUDISAVLJEVIĆ Diane 15. 1. 1891 - 20. 8. 1978
Humanitarka avstrijskega rodu je med  drugo svetovno vojno v Jugoslaviji v neodvisni državi Hrvaški iz koncentracijskih taborišč reševala Srbe in v manjšem številu tudi judovske otroke. Rešila je več kot 12.00 otrok.

Humanitarian of Austrian descent who led a major relief effort in Yugoslavia during World War II that rescued ethnic Serb and in smaller numbers, Jewish, children from the concentration camps operated in the Independent State of Croatia, saving more than 12,000 lives.


        BA - 673

BUITLEAR Roisin de
Najbolj znana Irska oblikovalka stekla. Steklo oblikuje že od leta 1983. Je avtorica številnih instalacij iz pihanega in litega stekla, ki se nahajajo v privatnih in javnih lokacijah v celi Irski.  

Róisín de Buitléar is Irelands best known glass artist and educator who has been working in the medium of glass as a primary material since 1983. She has completed many site-specific installations of blown and cast work, drawing her inspiration from her cultural heritage. These can be seen in public and private buildings throughout Ireland.

IE - 1970

BUKOVEC Brigita 21. 5. 1970 -
Brigita Bukovec - tekačica, je bila  četrta na evropskem prvenstvu v teku na 100 m z ovirami,  tretja na svetovnem dvoranskem prvenstvu v teku na 60 m z ovirami v Barceloni in osma v teku na 100 m z ovirami na  svetovnem prvenstvu v Göteborgu, 1995. Na olimpijadi v Atlanti je v teku na 100 m z ovirami osvojila srebrno medaljo.
Na znamki SI-
152 je tudi Britta Bilač.

Brigita Bukovec  the fourth place in 100m hurdles on European Championship, the third place in 60m hurdles on World Indoors Championship in Barcelona and the eighth place in 100m hurdles on World Championship in Göteborg, 1995, the 17th place in 100m hurdles in Olympic games Barcelona 1992, the silver medail in 100m hurdles in Olympic Games Atlanta 96. She was in years 93,95,96 proclamated as Slovenian the best sportwoman.
On stamp
SI-152 is also Britta Bilač.

           SI -
BULOW-HUBE Vivianna Torun 4. 12. 1927 - 3. 7. 2004
Švedska oblikovalka nakita in srebrarka. Delala je za znanega draguljarja Georga Jensen. Od 1950 je živela v Parizu, kjer je postala zelo uspešna s svojim ročno oblikovanim nakitom. Med njenimi strankami so bili Pablo Picaso, Brigitte Bardot, Ingrid Bergman, Bille Holiday… Vsi so bili navdušeni nad njenim izvirnim oblikovanjem. V času svojega več kot 50 letnega ustvarjanja je dobila številne oblikovalske nagrade.

She was a Swedish jewelry designer and silversmith. She is the designer behind some of the most famous Georg Jensen jewelry designs, including 'Mobius', 'The Vivianna / Open Watch', 'Beans', Forget me knot' and 'Hiddern Heart'. She is the second most famous Georg Jensen designer, behind Georg Jensen himself. Her early hand-made jewellery from the 1950’s became an instant success in Paris where she lived at the time. She earned clients such as Pablo Picasso, Brigitte Bardot, Ingrid Bergman and Billie Holiday, who all were fascinated by her innovative designs of sculptural forms tracing the contours of the wearer’s body. She received numerous design awards during her long career and exhibited all over the world for over 50 years.

S - 2451
BURE Ida de  1505 - 1549
Ida de Bure  je bila žena Johna Calvina. Kot vdova ga je srečala v Strassbourgu. Bila je šibkega zdravja. Ob smrti je zapustila dva sinova iz prvega zakona.

Ida de Bure  was wife of John Clavin. She was widow when met Calvin in Strassbourg. She was in poor health and died leaving two sons of her first marriage.

    B - 1348
BURGUND Maria von 1457 - 1482
Po smrti svojega očeta je leta 1477 postala Luxemburška vojvodinja. Še istega leta se je poročila z nadvojvodom Mksimiljanom avstrijskim. S tem je preprečila priključitev Luxemburga Franciji, ki je zahtevala lastnišvo na vojvodstvo od leta 1437, ko je izumrla moška linija v Luxemburgu.

She was the daughter of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy (and of Luxembourg); she became Duchess of Luxembourg upon her father's death in Nancy on January 5, 1477. Later in 1477, she married archduke Maximilian of Austria (the Holy Roman Emperor from 1493-1519), an act which effectively prevented Luxembourg from being annexed by French kings who had claimed ownership of the Duchy since the extinction in 1437 of the male line of the imperial branch of the House of Luxembourg. As Duchess of Luxembourg, Marie of Burgundy strengthened considerably the fortress of Luxembourg and equipped the ramparts with cannons. This was sufficient to withstand the assault in 1479 of the Duke of Amboise, the head of a French army. After this failure, serious opposition to the Burgundian rule of Luxembourg ceased. Marie's benevolent acts were instrumental in securing the loyalty of Luxembourg to Burgundy. She restored the granted privileges of many towns, monasteries, and corporations; restored the confiscated seal; and restored the city hall of Luxembourg City.

                       NL - 3092                       L - 1390

BURJAN Hildegard 30 .1. 1883 - 11. 6. 1933
Hildegard Burjan rojena Židinja je leta 1908 diplomirala na Zuriški univerzi in se skupaj z možem preselila v Berlin. Tu je z vedno večjim zanimanjem študirala versko literaturo. Jeseni 1908 je resno zbolela. ko se je opomogla je prestopila v katoliško cerkev in se posvetila dobrodelnosti. Leta 1909 sta se z možem preselila na Dunaj, kmalu sta postala avstrijska državljana. Leta 1912 je Dr. Burjanova ustanovila Caritas Socialis, zvezo krščanskih tujih delavcev.

Hildegard Burjan  graduated in 1908 from the University of Zurich and moved to Berlin together with her husband. During that time, she increasingly studied religious literature. In autumn 1908, she fell seriously ill. Her recovery made her convert to Roman Catholic faith in the same year, and she devoted the rest of her life to charity. In 1909, the young couple moved to Vienna and, little later, became naturalised Austrian citizens. In 1912, Dr. Burjan founded the Association of Christian Outworkers.

            A -
BURKE-SHERIDAN Margaret 15. 10. 1889 - 16. 4. 1958
Irska sopranistka je študirala v Dublinu in nato na Royal Academy of Music v Londonu in Rimu. Debitirala je v Rimu 1918 z vlogo Mimi v Boheme. Leta 1920 je prvič pela v Scali, Milano. Pri italijanski publiki je bila zelo popularna, posebej v Madema Butterfly. Pogosto je gostovala v Convert Gardnu v Londonu. Imela je bogat lirični sopran. Kljub številnim povabilom ni nikoli pela na Irskem in v ZDA. Na višku kariere se je leta 1936 nenadoma brez razlage upokojila in vrnila na Irsko.

Irish soprano. Educated at Dominican Convent, Eccles Street, Dublin. Prizewinner at Feis Cheoil 1908. The proceeds of a benefit concert enabled her to study at the Royal Academy of Music, London. Further study in Rome was arranged by Marconi. She made her debut there in 1918 as Mimi in La Bohème. Sang in La Scala, Milan, for the first time in 1920 and became extremely popular with Italian audiences, especially in Puccini’s Madame Butterfly. She made many guest appearances in Covent Garden, London. Audiences were captivated by her beauty, expressive characterisation, and rich lyric soprano voice. Despite repeated requests she would never sing in Ireland or the United States. In 1936 she retired suddenly, at the height of her career and without explanation, and returned to Ireland.

 IE - 688

BURSAĆ Marija 1921 - 1943
V dneh upora je zagnano delala za NOB. Članica SKOJ od 1941,KPJ od 1942. Bila je namestnica političnega komisarja Prve mladinske delovne brigade in članica okrajnega odbora AFŽ. Od 1943 je bila bolničarka v 10. Krajiški brigadi, v kateri se je izkazala kot borec - bombaš.  V jurišu na nemške bunkerje je bila težko ranjena, tako da je kasneje umrla. Je prva žena narodni heroj proglašena 15.10.1943.

Member of Federation of Communist youth since 1941 and Communist Party of Yugoslavia since 1942. In 1943 joined partisan forces as nurse. As a fighter - bomber she was mortally wounded in an attack on German enemy. As a first woman she was proclaimed as National hero in October 15, 1943.


             YU - 2035
BUSBACH Margareta von 1579 - 1651
Redovnica, ustanoviteljica dekliških šol za vse družbene sloje.

The nun of the Congregation of Notre-Dame and founder of schools for girls for all levels of society.

L - 949

BUTLER Josephine 13. 4. 1828 – 30. 12. 1906
Britanska feministka in socialna reformatorke iz viktorijanske dobe se je zavzemala za pravice žensk in možnost dostopa do višje izobrazbe. Bila je ključna pri uspešnem boju za razveljavitev zakona »Nalezljive bolezni«, ki so jih uporabljali za zavrnitev državljanskih pravic žensk, za katere se sumili, da so prostitutke. Borila se je proti otroški prostituciji in za žensko volilno pravico.

A Victorian era British feminist and social reformer campaigned for women’s rights and access to higher education. She was pivotal in the successful battle to repeal the Contagious Diseases Acts, which were used to deny civil rights to women suspected of being prostitutes, and later campaigned against child prostitution and for female suffrage.
GB - 3860

BUTLER Mildred Anne 11. 1. 1858 - 11. 10. 1941
Irska pokrajinska slikarka je večino preživela na domu svoje družine v Kilmurryu. S svojimi vrtovi rož, pokrajino in živalimi je bil ta kraj tudi njena glavna inspiracija. Pri Paulu Jacobu Naftelu v Londonu je študirala akvarel. Prvič je rastavljala leta 1890, tir leta kasneje je bil njen akvarel v albumu, ki so ga podadarili kraljici Mary. Leta 1937 je postala članica Kraljeve slikarske družbe za akvarele.
Na znamki IE-1633 je njeno delo: Gumno.

An Irish landscape painter, Mildred Anne Butler spent most of her life at the family home, Kilmurry in Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny. Kilmurry was her chief source of inspiration, flower gardens and landscapes featuring animals and birds being her forte. She studied under Paul Jacob Naftel in London, crediting him with her first real understanding of the art of watercolour. Exhibition with the Water Colour Society of Ireland began in 1890 and three years later her work was included in an album of watercolours presented to the future Queen Mary. A tiny watercolour of crows hangs in Queen MaryÍs dollÍs house at Windsor. She is associated with the Newlyn school, spending the summers of 1894 and 1895 studying under Norman Garstin, who, like Walter Osborne, had been a pupil of Charles Verlat in Antwerp. Mildred Anne showed only five works at the Royal Hibernian Academy. She exhibited at the first Belfast Art Society show and was one of the first nine academicians elected by the Ulster Academy of Arts in 1930. It wasn't until 1937 that she was granted full membership of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours, having become an associate as early as 1896.
On stamp IE-1633: Threshing

            IE - 1633

BYE Aase  4. 6. 1904 - 10. 7. 1991
Norveška sopranistka je debitirala leta 1923 v ibsenovem Peer Gynt. Pela je v muzikalih in operetah (Carusel, Netopir, Vesela vdova). Svojo kariero je končala 1974.

Norwegian soprano. She debuted on the stage in Ibsen's Peer Gynt, in 1923, and ended her career in 1974. She song in musical comedy as well as operetta taking roles in Carousel and Die Fledermaus as well as The Merry Widow.

                N - 1371

BYLAND Zoe 1975 -
V Švici rojena slikarka je študirala umetnost in medijsko oblikovanje v Zurichu in slikarstvo na Akademiji za umetnost na Dunaju. Na znamki A-2982 je osnutek za njen plakat za Opernball 2012 na Dunaju. 

Zoé Byland was born in Switzerland. She attended the F+F school for art and media design in Zurich and studied contextual painting at the academy of fine arts in Vienna. On stamp A-2982 is her work for the most famous ball of all. This stamp is also a nod to this world-famous Viennese tradition.

             A - 2982

gor - up