Predmeti in predavanja

Študent opravlja svoje obveznosti glede na leto, v katerem je poslušal predmet. Izpitna literatura in pogoji se iz leta v leto spreminjajo. Vsa ta gradiva od leta 2000 naprej so dostopna pod povezavo Pretekla predavanja.


Analytic Philosophy Disciplined (*.doc)
Moral Phenomenological Reduction (*.doc)
The Guiding Light (*.doc)
Po poti vrnitve po poti bega (Andrej Medved: Neki tekst, prolegomena I Entracte, filozofski esej, Hyperion, Koper 2013, 425 str.) (*.doc)
Two Moral Levels (*.doc)
Revolutionary cognitivist expressivism (*.doc)
Agentive Phenomenology and the Space of Epistemic Reasons (*.doc)
Matjaž Potrč o svoji mami (*.doc)
Tractarian Monism (*.doc)
Ontological Vagueness: Why It’s Impossible, and Why the Ontological and Semantic Consequences are Severe (*.doc)
Moral Judgment (*.doc)
Just distribution of resources (*.doc)
Rational Disagreement and Normative Impossibility (*.doc)
Ethical Brain in a Vat (*.doc)
Morphological Rationalism and Morphological Pluralism (*.doc)
Bottleneck (*.doc)
The Paradox of Value? (*.doc)
Medvedovi vozli (*.doc)
How Do We Judge? Morphological Pluralist Approach to Moral Judgment (*.doc)
Morphological Pluralism (*.doc)
Unique Reasons (*.doc)
Blobjectivism and Art (*.doc)
Dummett's Truth (*.doc)
Morphological Content and Rational Disagreement (*.doc)
Nondescriptive Cognitivism and Error Theory 2 (*.doc)
Nondescriptive Cognitivism (*.doc)
Nondescriptive Cognitivism and Error Theory (*.doc)
Disciplining Strong Realism (*.doc)
Reply to the Case for Qualia and Qualia as Cement of the Experiential World criticism (*.doc)
Objectivity of Oughts (*.doc)
Phenomenology of Intentionality (*.doc)
Reasons and Generalities (*.doc)
Epistemic Relevance (*.doc)
Vebrovsko točkovanje (*.doc)
A Moment That Counts (*.doc)
Vebrovsko točkovanje (*.doc)
Epistemological Skepticism and Performance Errors (*.doc)
Veberian Scorekeeping (*.doc)
Emergence, Supervenience and Unique Identity (*.doc)
Vague Content in a Non-Vague World (*.doc)
Od kod prihajajo najstva kot predmeti? (*.doc)
Vebrova misel (*.doc)
Background knowledge (*.doc)
Identity (*.doc)
Convention (*.doc)
My teachers(*.doc)
Dealing With An Objection to the Neo-Meinongian Account of Moral Judgment (*.doc)
Judgmental Semantics (*.doc)
Listen to How I got Stuck(*.doc)
Morphological content, phenomenology and semantic holism (*.doc)
Transvaluating Frankfurt (*.doc)
The Epistemic Relevance of Morphological Content (*.doc)
Naturalizing the Mind (*.doc)
Bogati svet tubiti v kadi: enakost možganov v kadi vašemu izkustvenemu svetu (*.doc)
Vague Content in a Non-Vague World - 2 (*.doc)
Many-Valued Logic and Philosophy
Transglobal Virtue Epistemology (*.doc)
Blobjectivism and Pragmatism (*.doc)
Virtue Epistemology (*.doc)
Cognitive Phenomenology Semantics (*.doc)
Externalist Meaning Without the World (*.doc)
Communication-Intention (*.doc)
Democracy (*.doc)
Cognitive Phenomenology Identity (*.doc)
Wimpy Vagueness Objection (*.doc)
Cognitive Phenomenology (*.doc)
Vague Content In a Non-Vague World (*.doc)
Compatibilist Freedom (*.doc)
Intentionality and Consciousness (*.doc)
Pure Intentional Content (*.doc)
Consciousness and Thought (*.doc)
Intentionality in the World (*.doc)
Phenomenology of Dance (*.doc)
Supervenience and Truth (Abridged) (*.doc)
Transglobal Ontological-Normative Mental Causation (*.doc)
Kaj je filozofija? (*.doc)
Poetic Touch With the World (*.doc)
Properties and Normativity (*.doc)
No Parts (*.doc)
Supervenience and Truth (*.doc)
Viable Pragmatist Cognitivism (*.doc)
Commentary of a paper on Global Supervenience on Microphysics(*.doc)
Transglobal Blobjectivist Reism (*.doc)
Blobjectivist Reism (*.doc)
Meinongian Theory of Moral Judgments (*.doc)(z Vojko Strahovnik)
Transglobal Phenomenology (*.doc)
Simple Inclusivism (*.doc)
On What There Is (*.doc)
Intuitionist Particularism (*.doc)
What is Philosophy (*.doc)
Zen Politics (*.doc)
The rich World of Dasein in a Vat: Brain in a vat’s equivalence to your experiential world (*.doc)
The Universe of Mind - discussion (*.doc)
The Background and the Morphological Content (*.doc)
Things Proceed from Two (*.doc)
Transglobal Evidentialism-Reliabilism and Particularist Epistemic Normativity (*.doc)
Healthy Life (*.html)
A Phenomenological Argument for Objectivity of Knowledge (*.doc)
Realist Phenomenal Epistemology (*.doc)
Phenomenological Basis of Epistemology (*.doc)
Intentional Knowledge (*.doc)
What Brentano Knew (*.doc)
Contextual Qualia (*.doc)
Particularism and Resultance (*.pdf)
Particularist Compositionality (z Vojko Strahovnik)
Meinongian Scorekeeping (z Vojko Strahovnik)
Metaphysics: Ultimate and Regional Ontology (z Vojko Strahovnik)
Rorty's Holism (z Vojko Strahovnik)
Davidson's Truth (z Vojko Strahovnik)
Justification and Context (z Vojko Strahovnik)
Resultance Identity
Kako se znebiti bitnosti?
O resnici in obstoju
O resnici in obstoju-2 - nekaj dodatnih pojasnil
Dinamična filozofija
Extending our View of Cognition
Dominating the High Grade Requirements - Bled 2000 paper
Actualism and Blob's Timely Aspects or Metaphors
Thing vs. Blob
Trije vplivi profesorja Majerja na moje delo
Vebrov kongres Celje
Quine - memory
Vague 2
Ekologija brez organizmov
Weak Supervenience
The Last Judgment
Particularism and Productivity Argument
Actualism and Blob's Timely Aspects or Metaphors

Ostali članki

Seppo Sajama in Matjaž Potrč: razprava

Mark Povich  Blobjectivism as Pragmatism (*.doc)
Transglobal Knowledge (*.doc)
Mark Povich: "Prospects for Transglobal Blobjectivist Reism"
Nicole Speletic: "Phenomenology and Dance"
Mark - Matjaz Blob Discussion