MBK Team meteors
MBK Team home
Meteors are our most active field. Our experience dates back to 1993 and 1994 Perseid outbursts and we have seen most major shower peaks up until the 2005 Perseids, including the meteor storms of Leonids in 2001 and 2002.

Currently our greatest interest are major shower, with special emphasis on the current Leonid outbursts. We also monitor minor showers and sporadic activity - in March 2000 we observed a small ZHR 10 Virginid burst and participated in the Xi Bootid observing campaign.

Presented here are our results since the Team's formation and some of the most impressive showers before. The best shower yet seen by the team is the Leonid 2001 outburst, followed by the Leonid 2002 outburst, followed by Leonids of 1998, the Leonids of 2000, Geminids 2004 and Geminids 1999.


MBK Team visual results in 2005

MBK Team visual results in 2004
MBK Team visual results in 2003
MBK Team visual results in 2002
MBK Team visual results in 2001
MBK Team annual report for 2000
MBK Team annual report for 1999

Video meteor observations

Alpe-Adria All-sky Network

SLOvenian FIreball Database

Radio meteor observations

International Meteor Conferences:
Next: IMC 2006 Roden, The Netherlands (September 14-17, 2006)
IMC 2005 Oostmalle, Belgium
IMC 2004 Varna, Bulgaria - photo gallery
IMC 2003 Bollmannsruh, Germany - photo gallery
IMC 2002 Frombork, Poland - photo gallery
IMC 2001 Cerkno, Slovenia - photo gallery
IMC 2000 Pucioasa, Romania - photo gallery

Shower analyses:
PER 2005
GEM 2004 PER 2004
LEO 2002 LEO 2001
PER 2001 LEO 2000
PER 2000 LYR 2000
PER 1999 GEM 1999

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MBK Team homepage

Alpe-Adria All-sky Network

Perseids 2005 - results and analyses

Visual meteor observations in 2005 - final results

Second video camera installed at Rezman observatory

Video meteor observations page

Geminids 2004 - results

Perseids 2004 - results

Photos from the IMC 2004

Visual meteor observations in 2004 - update

Photos from the IMC 2003

Radio meteor observations

Leonids 2002 - preliminary storm observation results and a bright Leonid video clip

Photos from IMC 2002

Murphy's Laws of meteor astronomy

International Meteor Organization (IMO)

Arbeitskreis Meteore e.v. (AKM) (Germany)

British Astronomical Association Meteor Section (Great Britain)

Society for Popular Astronomy - Meteor Section (SPAMS) (Great Britain)

Unione Astrofili Italiani - sezione meteore (Italy)

Circolo Astrofili Talmassons - Sezione Meteore (Italy)

Dutch Meteor Society (DMS) (Netherlands)

Delphinus meteor observation team (Netherlands)

Comets and Meteors Workshop (Poland)

Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM) (Romania)

Sociedad de Observadores de Meteoros y Cometas de Espana (SOMYCE) (Spain)

Spanish Fireball Network (Spain)

North American Meteor Network (NAMN) (U.S.A.)

American Meteor Society (AMS) (U.S.A.)

Comets and meteor showers page (Gary W. Kronk) (U.S.A.)

Meteorobs (U.S.A.)

Asia and Australia
Astronomical Society of Victoria - Meteor Section (ASVMS) (Australia)

The Nippon Meteor Society (NMS) (Japan)

The Association of Meteor Observers in and Around Tokyo Area (AMOTA) (Japan)

Jordanian Astronomical Society (JAS) (Jordan)