Among the rare celestial phenomena are also eclipses. Six eclipses have successfully been recorded by the Team since its formation, with two more eclipses before that.
Venus transit:
June 8, 2004
The Venus Transit of 2004 could be seen from Slovenia in whole duration.
Venus Transit page

Solar eclipses:
August 11, 1999
The August Total Solar eclipse of 1999 that could be seen from Slovenia prompted the interest of the team members into this phenomenon. Several groups traveled to Austria and Hungary to monitor the event and had large success.
Below are reports of Team members from various locations.
Janoshaza, Hungary (Javor Kac)
Szombathely, Hungary (Jure Atanackov)
Pinkafeld, Austria (Gregor Kladnik)
Partial Solar eclipses
May 31, 2003

Lunar eclipses

Venus transit observed from Slovenia
Total Lunar eclipse observed from Slovenia

Fred Espenak's Eclipse