Perseids 2001
The Perseids again provided meteor watchers around the world with
a spectacular display. As in 2000, this year was plagued by the moon as
well, although by the time of the peak it was only Last Quarter phase. The
peaks were predicted for 14h and 17h UT on August 12, respectively, thus
out of view for European observers.
Preliminary IMO analysis show two probable peaks with ZHR 130 at
1400h UT and ZHR 105 at 2000h UT on August 12. These peaks are, however,
not definite since they were covered by mostly high perceptive observers.
Nonetheless, MBK Team observers noted high activity right after sunset on
August 12, with Perseid grazers appearing every two minutes. More about
MBK Team observations can be read in individual reports, in general the
night August 11/12 was characterised by around 60/h Perseid rates and high
proportions of bright meteors and fireballs, while August 12/13 had higher
rates, up to 100/h and fainter meteors.

A beautiful -5 magnitude Perseid shot through the camera's field of view at 020819 on August 12/13. Exposure was short at 64 seconds and proximity of the northern celestial pole (note Polaris in the upper center) caused only slight star trailnig in this picture.
Photo: Javor Kac

On this exposure from 011524 - 012622 UT on August 11/12 a -1 magnitude Perseid appeared at 011901. The brightest star to the upper left of the meteor is 50 Cassiopeiae.
If you click the picture, you will notice a sign of a strong wind push in brighter star trails. 30 minutes later an even stronger wind shock that just knocked a camera with tripod.
Photo: Javor Kac
ATAJU - July 19/20
Hi! I observed again last night. The sky cleared unexpectedly and LM
reached 6.7, not bad. Activity was somewhat slow, but there was another
fireball, a slow fragmenting -4m sporadic at 00:07:54 UTC. It was seen by
Jure Z. and some others. Javor and I, naturally, missed it. Tough luck!
The summary:
Period (UT) F teff LM PER CAP AQU Spor
20:59-21:46 1.21 0.24 6.38 0 0 0 4
22:32-00:01 1.00 1.50 6.74 4 2 0 24
00:12-01:24 1.03 0.98 6.58 1 1 0 26
Magnitude distribution:
Spor: -2(1.5) -1(2.5) 0(0) +1(1.5) +2(7.5) +3(12.5) +4(15) +5(10) +6(2.5)
CAP: 0(0.5) +1(0.5) +2(1) +3(1)
PER: -1(0.5) 0(0.5) +1(0) +2(2) +3(1.5) +4(0.5)
Clear skies!
Jure A.
KACJA - July 19/20
I made another meteor observation last night. Meteor activity was quite
slow, partly due to moderate LMs. There were no really bright meteors not
counting a -4 mag fireball that appeared just when I was taking a shot at
comet A2 LNEAR.
It is raining tonight and I think that was the last observation on the
Clear skies!
The summary:
Period (UT) F Teff LM PER CAP AQU Spor
20:59-21:46 1.27 0.22 6.49 0 0 0 4
22:34-00:01 1.00 1.40 6.36 3 2 0 15
00:34-01:22 1.02 0.53 6.30 3 0 0 7
Magnitude distrbution:
PER: -1(0.5) 0(1.5) +1(0.5) +2(1) +3(1.5) +4(1)
CAP: 0(0.5) +1(0.5) +2(1)
Spor: -1(2.5) 0(0.5) +1(1) +2(1) +3(9) +4(8) +5(4)
ATAJU - July 21/22
I observed yesterday with Javor and Jure from a new location, Jezerski
Vrh (Lake Peak). It is located at 1540m (5100ft) elevation and offers very
dark skies. So far it's the best location I've been to. Last night was
only slighly above average and LM reached +7.3. In spite of high summer
here and high temperatures during the day, it was bitterly cold and the
wind was blowing like a hurricane. I was chilled to the bone.
The sky started at LM +7.1 at 20:40 UTC with 20% cloud cover. I could
observe for one hour during which LM improved to +7.2, but unfortunately
cloud cover increased and I was forced to take a break, during which I
observed comet A2 LINEAR with 7x50B and the naked eye. There was a short
clearing around 23:00 UTC during which LM reached +7.3, but it lasted only
13 minutes. There was another similar clearing later in the morning, but
the sky was already becoming brighter and I was getting sleepy. All in
all, the sky was excellent; M33 was visible with direct vision.
Meteors are, however, a completely different story. Most were faint,
the peak in magnitude distribution is at +5m! The highlight was a -1m
yellow Perseid with a 2 second train. No fireballs this time. I hope we'll
be able to go to this location more frequently since it offers skies
almost half a magnitude darker than Mariboska Koca.
The summary:
Period (UT) F teff LM PER CAP AQU Spor
20:40-21:45 1.04 1.12 7.16 3 0 0 32
22:46-22:59 1.11 0.27 7.28 0 0 0 3
00:44-01:01 1.15 0.22 6.94 1 0 0 5
Magnitude distribution:
Spor: 0(1) +2(3.5) +3(7) +4(8.5) +5(12) +6(7)
PER: -1(1) 0(1) +2(1) +5(0.5) +6(0.5)
Clear skies!
Jure A.
P.S. - for my IMO report I'll dump the last two periods.
KACJA - July 21/22
I observed with both Jures from one of the best observing locations
nearby - Jezerski vrh. You can read the details in previous
messages, below is the summary report.
Clear skies!
Date: July 21/22, 2001
Begin 20h 47m. End: 01h 04m. UT
Location: l= 15° 16' 09" E, fi= 46° 29' 40" N, h= 1537m
Place: Jezerski vrh, Slovenia
Observer: Javor Kac (KACJA)
Period (UT) Teff F Lm PER AQU CAP Spor
20:47-21:48 1.00 1.07 6.71 3 1 0 12
22:48-23:01 0.20 1.33 6.70 0 0 0 0
00:44-01:04 0.33 1.08 6.54 2 0 0 1
Magnitude distribution:
PER: 0(0.5) +1(0.5) +2(1) +3(1) +4(1.5) +5(0.5)
AQU: +4(1)
Spor: +1(1) +2(0) +3(3.5) +4(3.5) +5(3.5) +6(1.5)
ZAKJU - July 21/22
Finaly found some time to observe the meteors again! On our astronomical
camp, there were 3 clear nights, but i spend them by our telescope
photographing some variable stars.
But the night affter the Camp, Jure A, Javor and my self drove to 1532m
high place on Pohorje mountain. The place is called Ribniska koca.
We were on allmost the highest peack off the Pohorje. And it was really
cold up there, becouse of the high winds blowing i guees between 40-50km/h.
The sky there is really clear. On the horizont were some clouds, and you
could see the reflection of the some bigger towns. This was not so nice :-(
But still LM was reachin 7.00. I managed to observe for 1h teff and than
some stupid clouds obscured half off the sky and so we had to break our
regular observation.
After one hour off the skies cleared again for some more 10minutes.
But the hol time there were some holes in the clouds, and so i made some
estimations of the RR Lyr and i also estimated the mag of the comet C/2001
A2 Linear wich i think saw whith naked eye (but im not sure), i estimated
his mag to 6.7
Here is my report:
Begin: 20:45 UT
End: 23:05 UT
Location: Ribniska koca (l=15° 16' 10"E fi=46° 29' 41"N)
Period (UT) Teff F Lm PER CAP Spor
20:45-23:05 1.08 1.13 6.92 5 0 26
Breaks: 21:46 - 22:58 UT
Magnitude distribution:
PER 0(0.5) +1(2.5) +3(2)
SPOR +2(2) +3(6.5) +4(9.5) +5(8.5) +6(0.5)
Average magnitude of the Spor was 4.0 and Per 1.7
Clear skies
Jure Z
ZAKJU & ATAJU - July 27/28
Jure Z. and I observed yesterday from a nearby hill. 13km out of
Velenje, the skies are usually surprisingly dark, given the distance
(Bortle class 3/4). But this night the air was very humid and we could see
light domes from small settlements that we had never seen before. Sky
started out at Class 5 before the Moon set and improved to Class 4 after
moonset. We had some luck with clouds, during the first hour the Moon was
behind a solid cloud deck in the southwest and the sky wasn't as bad as it
could have been.
The first hour was slow. Sporadic-wise anyway. Capricornids were good,
though. There were two interesting meteor-related (ignoring wildlife
encounters described by Jure) events. First was the impressive -5m
Capricornid fireball at 23:16 UTC, inside IMO Area 18. It had a green
double burst midway in its path, leaving a 7 sec train and producing
ground illumination. We were completely unprepared, it blew our socks off!
Then there were impressive Aquarid rates; they were doing a Geminid
simulation: 7 Aquarids in 5 minutes! Very impressive! They died off almost
completely thereafter, though.
The sky looks promising toinght, but there is still the high humidity.
We'll probably give it a shot anyway. After the Moon sets, of course. The
Period (UT) F teff LM PER CAP AQU Spor
20:55-21:55 1.09 0.99 6.34 3 4 1 6
21:55-22:55 1.00 0.96 6.50 4 2 8 14
22:55-23:55 1.00 0.99 6.66 5 4 3 15
23:55-00:55 1.00 0.97 6.63 0 1 13 14
00:55-01:36 1.00 0.67 6.54 4 0 3 15
Magnitude distribution:
Spor: -1(3) 0(2) +1(6) +2(13) +3(25) +4(12.5) +5(5.5)
PER: -2(0.5) -1(2) 0(2.5) +1(4) +2(2) +3(5) +5(1)
CAP: -5(1) 0(1.5) +1(1.5) +2(2.5) +3(3.5) +4(0.5) +5(0.5)
AQU: -1(1) 0(1.5) +1(2) +2(5.5) +3(12) +4(5) +5(1)
Clear skies!
Jure A.
P.S. - I really need to get some sleep.
Again under the sky, last night me and ATAJU made some more teff hours.
The sky conditions were revolting. I must say it was a long time ago that
i observet under such sky the last time. I've become spoiled a little bit.
:-) But as ve say "mors bit zadovoln" (you have to be content), it was
worth of waiting! 23:16 a slow moving capricornid glided through the IMO
18 LM count area, and exploded two times. I estimated it to -5, becouse it
lite up the ground. Ofcourse we shouted so much that a farmer some 300m
away woke up and came to see what is happening. One more thing i wont
forget from that night was a crazy bat, which flew over a minute some 30cm
over our heads. It just found us so interesting.
Fore more details see the report:
22:22-23:30 1.10 1.00 6.46 4 4 2 17
00:07-01:15 1.10 1.00 6.43 3 6 0 20
Magnitude distribution:
PER -1(1) +1(2) +2(0.5) +3(1.5) +4(2) Total 7
AQU -1(1) +1(1) +2(1) +3(4) +4(2.5) +5(0.5) Total 10
CAP -5(1) +3(0.5) +4(0.5) Total 2
SPOR -2(0.5) -1(2.5) 0(1) +1(2) +2(4) +3(10) +4(15) +5(2) Total 37
Clear skies
Jure Z
ATAJU - July 28/29
I observed from the same location again with Jure Z. This was most
probably the final observation of this moon free window. The air here is
humid and the sky depressing. There is almost a complete washout of stars
below 10 degrees. Yuck. We could observe only after 1 am, since there was
a thunderstorm passing by earlier - loads of lightning, but not a single
drop of rain. At 1 am it suddenly cleared up and we were ready to go.
The activity was rather strong given the conditions. First period had
constant cloud factor, but the second was mostly clear. There was a surge
of activity after 1:15 UT, when Jure quit - no less than 35 meteors
appeared in 31 minutes. Not bad! There was lots of activity from the apex
source, especially during the second period with 6 members seen. The
highlight of the night was neither of the two -2m meteors, rather a -1.5m
Perseid about 10 degrees from the radiant. It was only 4 degrees long,
intense yellow with a terminal burst. It left a 'thick' 4 second train.
Another memorable meteor was a +1.5m blue sporadic grazer that covered 50
degrees in 2 seconds, leaving a 1 sec train. Yet another fine meteor was a
half a degree long +2.5m yellow sporadic just north of Deneb. No less than
22 Aquarids appeared in the second period.
I am planning my next watch no sooner than around August 9. I hope by
then the sky improves. The summary:
Period (UT) F teff LM PER AQU CAP PAU Spor
23:24-00:32 1.07 0.98 6.41 5 10 3 1 14
00:32-01:44 1.01 1.20 6.54 4 22 5 1 28
Magnitude distribution:
Spor: -2(1) -1(0.5) 0(3) +1(4.5) +2(5) +3(17) +4(8.5) +5(3) +6(0.5)
PER: -2(0.5) -1(0.5) 0(1) +1(2) +2(1.5) +3(4) +4(0.5) +5(1)
AQU: -2(1) +1(3.5) +2(5) +3(11.5) +4(5.5) +5(5.5)
CAP: -1(0.5) 0(2) +1(4) +2(0.5) +3(1) +4(1)
PAU: +1(1) +4(0.5) +5(0.5)
Bortle Class Estimate: 4/5 (Rural/Suburban transition-Semiurban sky)
Clear skies!
Jure A.
ZAKJU - July 28/29
Once again Jure A and my self went to Graska gora, a hill near Jure A home
town Velenje. The conditions were not so good as! But still i saw 42
meteors in less than 2 hours. The high light of the night was a -2
sporadic with some 4sec trail.
I must saw that just when i stoped observing and took my binocular to look
at the A2 linear the meteors bursted out, chack Jure's A report :-))
Here is my report
23:25-00:25 0.82 1.09 6.39 2 5 3 12
00:25-01:15 0.78 1.01 6.32 2 4 2 12
Magnitude distribution:
Per -1(1) +3(2.5) +4(0.5) Total 4
AQU 0(1) +1(1) +2(2.5) +3(1.5) +4(2.5) +5(0.5) Total 9
CAP 0(1) +1(2) +2(0.5) +3(1.5) Total 5
Spor -2(1) 0(1) +1(3) +2(1) +3(8) +4(7) +5(3) Total 24
Clear skies
ATAJU - August 11/12
After a front passage during the day, the sky cleared nicely towards the
evening and when we got to our obseving location, the sky was already
crystal clear. After checking in at the mountain cottage we proceeded to
Jezerski vrh, which is some 700m away from the cottage. As usually, it was
bitterly cold and the wind was blowing like a hurricane. We also had
problems with orographic clouds forming on top of the hill, but they were
gone by midnight.
I started at 20:01UT, and only after 5 minutes I saw my first
fireball: a 40 degrees long -4m yellow Perseid with a 4 second train. LM
was very good at 6.8. At 20:58 a -4m orange Perseid fireball with train 2
seconds exploded in UMa. Then at 21:03:11 a -2m orange Kappa Cygnid glided
down Pegasus. I was still babbling excitedly onto my tape when at 21:03:37
a green -5m Kappa Cygnid exploded in Pisces. I nearly had a heart attack!
We had to make a break at 21:23 for some 32 minutes due to clouds,
just enough time to grab a bite and then proceede with observations.
During the second hour we saw LM drop quite dramatically as the last
quarter moon slowly rose. Mean LM this hour was 6.5. The best Perseid of
the hour was a -2m orange meteor at 22:29. Perseid rate increased to 32/h.
The third hour saw the moon rising still higher and LM drop
further. Mean LM was 6.2 (thanks to the extremely transparent sky this
night). Seven minutes into the period at 23:07:45 a -2m orange Perseid
appeared. At 23:22 a white -3m Perseid glided down Capricornus, leaving a
4 second train. Javor may have caught this one with his camera. Then, one
minute before the end of the period at 23:59 a -3m Perseid exploded in
Ursa Major, leaving a 5 second train. By the end of the period I'd seen 43
Fourth hour started with a bang, a -4m white Perseid with train 5
seconds at 00:06:48 UT. Only three minutes later at 00:08 a -3m Perseid
appeared in Aquila with train 8 seconds. The next half hour passed rather
uneventfully except the 1/min Perseid rate. Then at 00:48:56 a brilliant
orange -6m Perseid shot down into western sky leaving a 6 second train.
This was most definitely the highlight of the night.
The fifth hour started at 01:00UT, that's 03:00 local time. At
01:17 a -2m orange Perseid shot down Pegasus, leaving a 5 second train.
Then, at 01:23 a -3m Perseid fireball appeared, leaving a 4 second train,
this was also the last fireball during the regular time. The last, sixth
period was marked by 1/min PER rate and several -1m PER. Later, going down
the hill towards our cars a -4m PER shot past Lyra at 02:53, LM already
having dropped to around 3.0.
All in all, this was a great night! The rate during the last three
periods was around 1/m with many bright Perseids. This was definitely a
bright display, much brighter than last year's. There were also several
instances of dead on simultaneous meteors: 01:07 +3.5m and +1.5m PER,
02:08 +1m and +4m PER. Finally I need to make a remark about the weather
conditions this night: temperatures around zero, winds blowing 50-60 km/h.
I was dressed like a polar bear. This night the most common joke heard at
Jezerski vrh was taken out of the usual Perseid shower description: 'The
Perseid shower is favoured by warm august summer nights...'
Clear skies!
Jure A.
Date: 11/12. august 2001
Observer: Jure Atanackov (ATAJU)
Location: Jezerski vrh, Slovenia
Lat: 46 29' 40" N Long: 15 16' 09" Elev: 1537m
Period (UT) F teff LM PER KCG CAP AQU Spor
20:01-21:24 1.09 1.30 6.76 26 4 2 2 15
21:55-23:00 1.05 1.09 6.55 34 1 1 2 24
23:00-00:00 1.00 0.99 6.24 43 0 1 1 11
00:00-01:00 1.00 0.98 6.28 66 0 1 1 13
01:00-02:00 1.00 0.98 6.25 61 0 1 0 14
02:00-02:34 1.00 0.55 6.12 35 0 1 3 13
Magnitude distribution:
PER: -6(1) -4(3) -3(4) -2(14.5) -1(23.5) 0(35) +1(30) +2(44.5) +3(61)
+4(32.5) +5(16)
KCG: -5(1) -2(1) +1(1) +4(2) +5(1)
CAP: +2(1) +3(6) +4(1)
AQU: +2(1) +3(5) +4(3)
Spor: -2(1.5) -1(3) 0(2) +1(3) +2(8.5) +3(35) +4(27.5) +5(9.5) +6(1)
KACJA - August 11/12
This weekend I observed with other MBK Team members from
Ribniska koca.
A front passed Slovenia during Saturday daytime hours (it was still
raining at 2pm!) so we hoped for the really crisp skies up in the
mountains. We arrived to Ribniska koca at 8pm and were
welcomed by an unbelievably kind staff at the cottage. The
weather, however was severe, it was cold and very windy.
We started observing at 22h local but 35 minutes went by before I
noticed that I was not recording any of the meteors and exposures
I was taking. About 20 meteors were thus wasted. The moonless
hours were far from perfect as there always clouds here and there.
We were also covered by fog for a few minutes every now an then.
But as the moon rose, the clouds just disappeared and fog was
also gone. The observing conditions were still cruel as the
temperature was around 0°C and there was a constant (and
strong!) wind blowing from the north. I even had to stop
photographing the sky because my tripod with the camera just
knocked down.
Nevertheless, it was still enjoyable night. In 5 hours of observing I
recorded 151 Perseids and 42 other meteors. During my official
observing I saw 5 Perseid fireballs and another sporadic one. The
brightest was a -5 Perseid low in the WNW at 00:48:56 UT.
I stopped observing at 04:34 local time when the LM was just
dipping below 5.5. I was chilled to the bone!
Clear skies!
The summary:
Date: August 11/12 2001
Begin 20h 37m. End: 02h 34m. UT
Location: l= 15° 16' 09" E, fi= 46° 29' 40" N, h= 1537m
Place: Jezerski vrh, Slovenia
Observer: Javor Kac (KACJA)
Period (UT) Teff F Lm PER KCG AQU CAP Spor
20:37-22:03 0.72 1.13 6.43 5 1 1 3 2
22:07-22:37 0.50 1.03 6.14 9 0 0 0 5
22:37-23:13 0.60 1.00 6.14 12 0 0 0 2
23:13-23:49 0.60 1.00 6.13 18 0 1 0 3
23:49-00:23 0.57 1.00 6.22 21 0 0 1 1
00:23-00:44 0.35 1.00 6.22 13 0 0 0 4
00:44-01:01 0.28 1.00 6.14 14 0 1 0 4
01:05-01:32 0.45 1.00 6.06 14 0 0 0 4
01:32-02:00 0.47 1.00 5.85 25 0 0 0 2
02:00-02:34 0.57 1.00 5.74 20 0 1 0 6
Magnitude distributions:
KCG: -2(1)
CAP: +2(2) +3(2)
AQU: +3(2.5) +4(1.5)
Spor: -4(1) -3(0) -2(0.5) -1(2.5) 0(2) +1(2) +2(6) +3(8.5) +4(7.5) +5(3)
PER (20:37-23:13): -4(1) -3(0) -2(2) -1(1.5) 0(3) +1(5.5) +2(3) +3(5) +4(4) +5(1)
PER (23:13-00:23): -4(1) -3(2) -2(3) -1(3) 0(1) +1(4) +2(7) +3(8) +4(8.5) +5(1.5)
PER (00:23-01:32): -5(1) -4(0) -3(0) -2(4) -1(5.5) 0(3.5) +1(9) +2(5) +3(6.5) +4(4) +5(2.5)
PER (01:32-02:34): -2(1) -1(3.5) 0(2) +1(7) +2(12) +3(11.5) +4(7.5) +5(0.5)
ATAJU - August 12/13
The second night of our campaing promised to be better than the first,
assuming the IMO predicted peak at 17h UT, which is 19h local time. We
slept till 11h in the morning, then hiked around the hills for a couple of
hours, had lunch and then decided to go to bed again. But then at around
5h in the afternoon Jure Z. came and woke us up. The rest of the afternoon
was spent worriedly watching the passing cirrus clouds.
At 21:15 local, we went to observing location. It was rather cold
again, but this time there was absolutely no wind at all. By the time I
reached the top of the hill I was sweating gallons. I started my
observations at 21:31 local and immediately found rather high Perseid
rates. During the first hour we were seeing 1 Perseid every two minues,
some of them really great grazers. The best was a -2m orange 50 degree
grazer at 20:00 UT. More may have been missed due to a rather constant 20%
obstruction by semi-transparent cirrus clouds.
The second hour started at 20:31 UT. LM was 6.5. Right at the
start of the period a -1m Kappa Cygnid appeared. Then, only 1 minute into
the period a brilliant -6m orange Kappa Cygnid fireball lit up the clouds
and the ground. Jure and I went screaming with excitement. Again, the
fireball appeared low in the east. The rest of the period saw the clouds
slowly recceding east.
The third hour LM dropped to 6.8. Clouds were now only in the east
and low in the north, s other parts of the sky were dark. At 22:13 a -3m
PER fireball appeared Capricornus with train 4 seconds. There was a
spectacular burst of Perseid activity during 22:11-22:19 with 27 PER
occuring in 8 minutes! The activity quieted down somewhat during the
following minutes, but remained fairly high unitl the end of the period.
The fourth hour was marked by unusually dark skies. The moon had
risen at 22:07, but the cirrus clouds now formed a thick deck some 10-15
degrees up in the east, so the Moon was out of sight until 23:10! LM was
6.6. Perseids were appearing all over the sky, 101 in total during this
hour. Rates dropped somewhat during the fifth hour, probably due to LM
drop. Rates were still well above 1/m from Perseids alone. There was still
a lack of bright meteors compared with the night before. The hour had one
-2m PER and four -1m PER.
The fourth hour rates dropped somewhat more (still remaining above
1/min). The moon was now higher in the sky, but I was facing southwest so
it was out of my view. Ten minutes into the period at 00:41 a -4m
bluegreen Perseid appeared in Serpens, leaving a 5 second train. This was
the brightest Perseid of the night. Before hour's end two more -2m orange
and yellow Perseids appeared. The last period saw rates on the rise again,
especially during the last 15 minutes (and after the end of observations).
At 02:09:04 a great -3m yelowgreen Perseid fireball shot down Auriga,
leaving a 9 second train. The last great meteor was a -3m sporadic
fireball very low in the southwestern sky at 02:20.
We observed casually after 02:35 UT and saw several more
fireballs. I saw only a -3m PER at 02:49UT, but J&J saw a couple I
missed. They also made some photos of Jupiter and Venus and a beautiful
sunrise. Again, my last comment will be about the weather. There was no
wind tonight, but I found my sleeping bag glazed over with a 2mm thick ice
layer. Need I say more?
Clear skies!
Jure A.
Date: 12/13. august 2001
Observer: Jure Atanackov (ATAJU)
Location: Jezerski vrh, Slovenia
Lat: 46 29' 40" N Long: 15 16' 09" Elev: 1537m
Period (UT) F teff LM PER KCG CAP AQU Spor
19:31-20:31 1.15 0.98 6.33 49 0 0 1 17
20:31-21:31 1.15 0.98 6.52 41 4 1 1 17
21:31-22:31 1.02 0.93 6.78 74 0 3 4 18
22:31-23:31 1.00 0.98 6.59 101 1 4 4 23
23:31-00:31 1.00 0.99 6.28 84 0 0 3 11
00:31-01:31 1.00 0.99 6.14 79 0 0 1 12
01:31-02:35 1.00 1.07 6.15 94 1 0 1 15
Magnitude distribution:
PER: -4(1) -3(2) -2(11) -1(23) 0(51.5) +1(56.5) +2(86) +3(140.5) +4(93)
+5(50.5) +6(5)
KCG: -6(1) -1(1) +2(1) +3(1) +4(1) +5(1)
CAP: -2(1) +1(1) +2(1) +3(5) +4(1)
AQU: +3(8) +4(2)
Spor: -3(1) -1(1) 0(4) +1(3.5) +2(18) +3(47) +4(26) +5(6) +6(3.5)
KACJA - August 12/13
The second night was a real contrast to the first. There was no
wind at all and it felt like being somewhere in the tropics when
compared to the night before. The nighttime temperatures were still
well below 0°C as my sleeping bag was covered with frost in the
The weather again played some games with us. There were some
thin cirrus clouds present until the moonrise, occasionally allowing
us to see stars dimmer than +6.5 but sometimes also prevented
from viewing any deeper than +5.6. We were fortunate enough to
see the clouds rolling to the east thus covering the Moon for an
hour. The sky then remained clear until sunrise.
Perseid rates were a bit higher than yesterday but the meteors
were less bright. The fireballs came from Perseids (2), Kappa
Cygnids(1) and sporadics (1). There was an enhancement of bright
Perseids in the dawn hours - my last half-hor period had a -5 PER
and two -2 PER. We casually watched for some minutes after the
official observation and were greeted by a few more fireball class
Clear skies!
The summary:
Date: August 12/13 2001
Begin 19h 38m. End: 02h 32m. UT
Location: l= 15° 16' 09" E, fi= 46° 29' 40" N, h= 1537m
Place: Jezerski vrh, Slovenia
Observer: Javor Kac (KACJA)
Period (UT) Teff F Lm PER KCG AQU CAP Spor
19:38-20:08 0.50 1.00 6.24 12 1 0 0 4
20:08-20:38 0.50 1.06 6.29 16 1 0 0 1
20:38-21:08 0.50 1.10 6.22 16 1 0 0 3
21:11-21:44 0.55 1.11 5.98 15 1 0 0 4
21:44-22:07 0.38 1.00 6.42 22 0 0 0 9
22:10-22:34 0.40 1.00 6.44 20 1 0 1 2
22:34-23:00 0.43 1.00 6.14 23 0 0 0 4
23:00-23:27 0.40 1.00 6.26 20 0 1 0 5
23:27-23:53 0.43 1.00 6.21 27 0 1 0 2
23:53-00:22 0.48 1.00 6.25 27 0 1 0 3
00:22-00:49 0.45 1.00 6.14 29 0 1 0 5
00:49-01:16 0.45 1.00 5.96 21 0 0 0 4
01:16-01:41 0.42 1.00 5.95 24 0 0 0 4
01:41-02:04 0.33 1.00 6.01 18 0 0 0 4
02:04-02:32 0.47 1.00 5.85 27 0 0 0 3
Magnitude ditributions:
KCG: -4(1) -3(0) -2(0) -1(0) 0(0) +1(1) +2(1) +3(1) +4(0.5) +5(0.5)
AQU: +3(1.5) +4(2.5)
CAP: +1(0.5) +2(0.5)
PER (19:38-21:44): -2(1) -1(3) +(7) +1(12.5) +2(11) +3(13.5)+4(7) +5(4)
PER (21:44-23:00): -2(3) -1(5) 0(4) +1(9) +2(10) +3(14.5) +4(12.5) +5(5.5) +6(1.5)
PER (23:00-00:22): -1(1) 0(3.5) +1(7) +2(19.5) +3(25) +4(9.5) +5(7.5) +6(1)
PER (00:22-01:41): -3(1) -2(1) 0(1.5) +1(14) +2(16.5) +3(22) +4(11) +5(5)
PER (01:41-02:32): -5(1) -4(0) -3(0) -2(3) -1(2.5) 0(4.5) +1(6) +2(8) +3(14) +4(5.5) +5(0.5)
Spor: -3(1) -2(0.5) -1(0.5) 0(1) +1(2) +2(7.5) +3(10.5) +4(22) +5(12)
ZAKJU - August 12/13
Some members of the MBK Team incouding My self, Javor and
Jure A and some new observers, went to Ribniska koca (1537m),
our new observing place some 50km away from Maribor. Jure A,
Javor and the others went up ther night before, i joined them in the
night 12/13 (im bussy with studing for my exames). I must say the
perseids prepared a impressive show, eventhou Jure A told me
there were more bright meteors incouding fireballs the night before,
but perseid counts were much better that night. The best hour was
between 23:00 and 0:00 UT, with almost 100 PER counts.
Sporadic rates as usual around 15-25 per hour. Average sporadic
was around 4 mag.
I saw 7 fireballs, the best of them was a -6 KCG. The other were
PER -4 and 5 PER -3.
Here is my report:
Period (UT) Teff F Lm PER AQU CAP KCG Spor
20:05-20:38 0.53 1.09 6.46 21 0 0 2 10
20:38-21:02 0.39 1.10 6.39 19 0 0 1 1
21:02-21:40 0.62 1.00 6.29 19 1 0 2 10
21:40-22:12 0.50 1.00 6.54 41 4 1 1 14
22:12-22:48 0.54 1.00 6.53 39 0 0 3 14
22:48-23:24 0.56 1.00 6.40 50 3 1 0 15
23:24-23:59 0.55 1.00 6.28 47 3 0 0 6
23:59-00:35 0.57 1.00 6.26 41 2 0 0 6
00:39-01:12 0.53 1.00 6.32 33 1 0 0 8
01:12-01:45 0.53 1.00 6.10 29 0 0 0 13
01:45-02:20 0.56 1.00 6.16 31 1 0 0 15
Total 5.88 370 15 2 9 112
Magnitude distribution:
PER -4(1) -3(5) -2(18) -1(16) +0(29) +1(52) +2(46.5) +3(98) +4(84.5) +5(20) Total 370
AQU +2(1) +3(8.5) +4(5.5) Total 15
CAP -2(1) +4(1) Total 2
KCG -6(1) +2(2) +3(4) +4(2) Total 9
Spor -2(1) -1(1) +0(2) +1(5) +2(6.5) +3(26.5) +4(43.5) +5(25.5) +6(1) Total 112
I hope everything is OK in the report becouse im stiil a bit as we
say "KOMA" (out of sleep)!
Clear skies
Jure Z
KACJA - August 14/15
As the sky was still devoid of clouds, I decided to observe again.
Myself and a new observer observed from his home which has
reasonably dark skies.
In 2.6 hours teff I logged 63 meteors, 35 of them being Perseids. In
the whole session there was no meteor brighter than magnitude 0. I
hoped for a tronger activity from Kappa Cygnids but they appeared
with only 3 members.
Notable meteors of the night include a +1 PER that shot through
Hercules for his 30 deg path, a KCG, PER and sporadic all
appearing in 3 seconds and a nice short KCG near its radiant.
If weather permits, I will also observe on August 16/17 to see some
more from the Kappa Cygnids.
Clear skies!
The summary:
Date: August 14/15 2001
Begin 20h 59m. End: 23h 46m. UT
Location: l= 15° 33' E, fi= 46° 22' N, h= 273m
Place: Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenia (23108)
Observer: Javor Kac (KACJA)
Period (UT) Teff F Lm PER KCG AQU Spor
20:59-21:55 0.93 1.00 6.29 12 1 2 7
21:55-23:01 1.10 1.00 6.19 11 1 0 6
23:09-23:46 0.62 1.00 6.22 12 1 1 9
Magnitude distribution:
PER: 0(3.5), +1(6) +2(6.5) +3(7.5) +4(9) +5(2)
KCG: +1(0.5) +2(1) +3(0.5) +4(0) +5(0.5) +6(0.5)
AQU: +3(0.5) +4(2) +5(0.5)
Spor: +1(0.5) +2(3.5) +3(9.5) +4(5) +5(3) +6(0.5)
KACJA - August 16/17
I observed again for two hours from Pohorje Mountain.
The activity started really strong. Only four minutes into the
session appeared the highlight of the night - an orange -5 sporadic
fireball that I first noticed when it was just above the trees and then
continued flying for another 20 degrees during which it flashed three
times, each time giving off a few fragments (more like sparks),
about 10-15 in total. Only 30 seconds after a beautiful -1 Perseid
flashed between Cepheus and Cassiopeia making it the fourth
meteor in just under five minutes of observations!
Then the activity slowed and no more memorable meteors were
seen until just before the end of the session. The half-hour period
from 2244 to 2316 only had two meteors. Three minutes before I
stopped, there was a -2 Perseid low in southwestern skies.
Kappa Cygnids were almost nonexistent, only 2 were seen during
the fisrt perion and none in the second. This rates are even lower
than two night ago.
Have any of you witnessed any higher activity from KCGs?
Clear skies!
Date: August 16/17 2001
Begin 21h 52m. End: 00h 03m. UT
Location: l= 15° 27' 46" E, fi= 46° 26' 16" N, h= 1182m
Place: Trije kralji, Slovenia (23114)
Observer: Javor Kac (KACJA)
Period (UT) Teff F Lm PER NIA NDA KCG AQU Spor
21:52-22:53 1.02 1.05 6.27 2 1 3 2 1 10
22:53-00:03 1.17 1.05 6.43 7 1 0 0 1 7
Magnitude distribution:
PER: -2(1) -1(1) 0(1) +1(1) +2(0) +3(0) +4(4.5) +5(0.5)
NIA: +2(1) +3(0) +4(0.5) +5(0.5)
NDA: +2(0.5) +3(0.5) +4(0) +5(1.5) +6(0.5)
AQU: +3(1) +4(0.5) +5(0.5)
KCG: +2(0.5) +3(0.5) +4(0.5) +5(0.5)
Spor: -5(1) 0(1) +1(0) +2(4) +3(1.5) +4(5) +5(4.5)
KACJA - August 17/18
Yesterday I observed under awful conditions. In the last month
there was only one rainy day and the sky is really hazy and
washed out in the lowlands. My limiting magnitude was just under
6.0 and the meteors just wouldn't come. My first meteor was a +4
sporadic TWENTYEIGHT minutes into the session. The next 30
minutes were more productive, giving 8 meteors for the first period
in total. The second period was as slow as the first with 8 meteors.
Best meteor of the night was a beautiful orange sparkling +1 Kappa
Cygnid that went slowly through Camelopardalis.
Oh yeah, there were mosquitoes, too :(
Clear skies!
The summary:
Date: August 17/18 2001
Begin 21h 15m. End: 23h 19m. UT
Location: l= 15° 31' 30" E, fi= 46° 23' 30" N, h= 295m
Place: Kostanjevec, Slovenia (23108)
Observer: Javor Kac (KACJA)
Period (UT) Teff F Lm PER KCG AQU Spor
21:15-22:17 1.03 1.00 5.91 2 1 0 5
22:17-23:19 1.03 1.00 5.86 0 0 2 7
Magnitude distribution:
PER: +2(1) +3(1)
KCG: +1(1)
AQU: +3(2)
Spor: 0(1) +1(0.5) +2(1.5) +3(2.5) +4(6) +5(0.5)