Lyrids 2000
The Lyrids were just one of many casualties of the Moon in 2000. Nevertheless, MBK Team monitored the shower, as it is known for occasional small outbursts and is known to have produced several intense outbursts with ZHRs 200+, the last of which occured in 1982. No significantly increased activity was seen.
Jure Atanackov first observed the Lyrids from his backyard in the morning of April 20/21 in intense moonlight, seeing only 3 faint Lyrids in 1 hour (LM +6.0). The following night was the peak night - first to be out was Jure Atanackov, who observed between 19:30 and 22:45 UT, seeing a top rate of 10 LYR/h (the radiant was still low!) under LMs of +6.2 to +6.0. A -3m LYR fireball with a 7 second train was seen, as well as a -4m sporadic fireball, only 8 minutes apart. Beginning at 23:00 UT and until 01:53 UT Javor Kac and Natasa Petelin observed from Glazuta under LM +5.9 with a rate of only 5 LYR/h (bad moonlight!).
The night after the peak, April 22/23 Jure Atanackov observed again from his backyard during 19:24-23:36 UT. The top Lyrid rate was 6/h, under +6.2 LM. Javor and Natasa observed from Glazuta during 21:09-23:41 UT, seeing a top rate of 4 LYR/h and a -3m Lyrid fireball.
Jure Atanackov observed again on April 23/24 between 19:47 and 21:56 UT, with average LM +6.3 and a top Lyrid rate of only 1 per hour.
Javor Kac observed on April 26/27 from Mariborska Koca with a group, and saw a top rate of 2 LYR/h during 22:14 and 02:02 UT (LM +6.8). Jure Atanackov observed on April 25/26 and 26/27 but saw no Lyrids.
The analysis include 63 Lyrids seen by MBK Team members in over 21 hrs teff and IMO calculated ZHRs from global analysis. The top ZHR of 16 was seen by MBK Team around l¤= 32.20, while a top ZHR of 20 was found in IMO analysis around l¤= 32.6.

Chart 1 - combined MBK Team and IMO ZHR chart. Adopted population index r=2.9.
Observer |
Teff (h) |
Tot |
Spor |
14.25 |
147 |
104 |
34 |
9 |
9.94 |
70 |
45 |
19 |
6 |
8.10 |
34 |
18 |
14 |
2 |
total |
32.29 |
251 |
167 |
67 |
17 |

Murphy's Laws of meteor astronomy
International Meteor Organization (IMO)
Unione Astrofili Italiani - sezione meteore (Italy)
Dutch Meteor Society (DMS) (Netherlands)
North American Meteor Network (NAMN) (U.S.A.)
American Meteor Society (AMS) (U.S.A.)
Comets and meteor showers page (Gary W. Kronk) (U.S.A.)
Meteorobs (U.S.A.)