MBK Team meteors
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Video meteor observations

We operate two light-sensitive CCD video cameras at distant locations that point at the same volume of atmosphere at a height of about 90 km. Simultaneous meteor detections are thus possible, which enables us to compute the atmospheric path of the meteor as well as the orbital elements of the meteoroid.

Video meteor system setup for METKA:
  • Mintron 12V1 video camera
  • 8-mm f/0.8 lens
  • Celeron 700
  • Matrox Meteor II frame grabber

    First attempts in video recording the meteor activity was made on November 17/18, 2002 at our Leonid expedition in French Alps. METKA is regularly observing from Kostanjevec, Slovenia since August 12, 2003 and is operated by Javor Kac.
    >>> to observation statistics for METKA

  • Metka meteor camera
    Video meteor system setup for REZIKA:
  • Mintron 12V1-EX video camera
  • 6-mm f/0.8 lens
  • AMD K6-2 400
  • Matrox Meteor II frame grabber

    REZIKA achieved its first light on September 7, 2005. It started with regular observations on January 23, 2006. Until March 21, 2006 it operated with a Watec 120N video camera. It is permanently mounted at Rezman Observatory and is operated by Javor Kac.
    >>> to observation statistics for REZIKA

  • Rezika meteor camera

    Automatic meteor detection, position measurements and radiant associations are done with MetRec 3.6 software on both cameras. Additionally, we are testing UFOCapture V2 with REZIKA.

    Multi station observations are now possible between METKA (Kostanjevec) and REZIKA (Rezman Obs). Another video station SRAKA is stationed in Velenje and is operated by Mihaela Triglav.

    Stationary video meteor stations in Slovenia (from west): Rezika, Sraka, and Metka with their respective fields of view at the height of deep-penetrating fireballs (30 km). A separate map was prepared showing coverage at 90 km altitude.

    Video meteor observing stastistics for METKA (as of July 01, 2006):
    Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
    Nights 1 51 135 174 93
    Teff (h) 3.06 253.12 883.57 1427.21 713.44
    Total 157 519 1487 2047 433
    Spor 2 331 850 1258 372
    QUA 8
    DCA 2 24 8
    DLE 1 2
    VIR 4 10 16
    LYR 11 13 16
    ETA 4 4 6
    SAG 6 10 6
    JBO 1
    PAU 2 4
    SDA 8 27
    CAP 2 20 13
    SIA 5 10
    NDA 2 11 5
    PER 34 257 295
    KCG 2 10 11
    NIA 1 3 3
    AUR 3 1 8
    DAU 1 4 10
    SPI 3 10 14
    EGE 1 9 10
    ORI 5 30 106
    STA 7 30 37
    NTA 10 26 53
    LEO 155 15 5 31
    AMO 2 1 1
    XOR 32 13 10
    PHO 1
    PUP 1
    MON 1 5 9
    HYD 2 6 6
    GEM 59 140 32
    COM 5 8 13 6
    URS 5 11

    Video meteor observing stastistics for REZIKA (as of August 01, 2006):
    Year 2006
    Nights 73
    Teff (h) 393.41
    Total 1175
    Spor 915
    QUA 0
    DCA 3
    DLE 0
    VIR 14
    LYR 50
    PPU 0
    ETA 6
    SAG 19
    JBO 14
    JPE 10
    PAU 6
    SDA 32
    CAP 35
    SIA 10
    NDA 3
    PER 55
    COM 3

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    International Meteor Organization (IMO) - Video commission


    CCD Meteor Video Camera (Ilkka Yrjölä)

    Steve Quirk's observatory

    Hartwig Lüthen's Mintron page

    Armagh Observatory meteor camera


    Part of the video meteor project is sponsored by:

    Loop media group