DABROWSKA Maria 6. 10. 1889 - 19. 5. 1965
Poljska pisateljica, avtorica romana Noči in dnevi (1932-34), ki je obsežna kronika družine v letih pred svetovno vojno.

Polish writer, author of the roman-fleuve Noce i dnie (Nights and Days, 1932-34), a vast family chronicle from the years preceding World War.

             PL - 1984

DADIANI Natalia 30. 6. 1865 - 18. 10. 1903
Pedagoginja, ustanoviteljica visoke šole za dekleta v Chisinau.

Moldavian princess, predagogue, founder of High Girls School in Chisinau.

MD - 685

DARIENCO Domnica 15. 1. 1919 - 6. 11. 2010
Rodia se je v regiji Odessa, danes v Ukrajini. Študij gledališke igre je obiskovala v gledališki šoli v  Odessi (1933-1937). Po končani gledališki šoli leta 1937 se je zaposlila kot igralka v dramskem gledališču "A.S.Pushkin" (danes Narodno gledališče "Mihai Eminescu") v Tiraspolu in leta 1944 v Kišinju. Na odru je debitirala z vlogo Krucinine v predstavi Kriv brez krivde (A. Ostrovski). Odigrala je več kot 100 vlog, predvsem močnih junakinj iz nacionalne in univerzalne dramaturgije. Leta 1955 je debitirala v filmu Andrieş, posnet v studiu "A.Dovjenko" v Kijevu. Njena najbolj znana vloga je bila Domnica v filmu Armageddon (1962). Prejela je nazive Umetnica ljudstva iz RSSM (1957) in Umetnica ljudstva iz ZSSR (1974), pa tudi Red republike.

Dominique Darienco was born in the Odessa region, today in Ukraine. She attended theater acting studies at the Odessa Theater School (1933-1937). After graduating from the Theater School in 1937, she was employed as an actress at the drama theater "A.S.Pushkin" (today the National Theater "Mihai Eminescu") in Tiraspol and in 1944 in Chisinau. She debuted on stage with the role of Krucinina in the show Guilty without guilt (A. Ostrovski). She has performed over 100 roles, especially strong heroines from national and universal dramaturgy. She made her film debut in 1955 in the film Andrieş, shot at the "A.Dovjenko" studio in Kiev. Her best-known role was Domnica in the film Armageddon (1962). She received the titles of Artist of the People from the RSSM (1957) and Artist of the People from the USSR (1974), as well as the Order of the Republic.

          MD - 1079

DAŠKOVA ROMANOVA Ekaterina 17. 3. 1744 – 4. 1. 1810
Ruska pisateljica je leta 1784 postala predsednica ruske akademije znanosti, ki je bila ustanovljena na njeno pobudo. Študirala je matematiko na univerzi v Moskvi. Bila je prijateljica ruske cesarice Katerine.

The Russina author, an outstanding philologist and organizer of the academic science in the 18th century. She received an exceptionally good education. She was well versed in mathematics, which she studied at the university of Moscow, and in general literature. She was the closest female friend of Empress Catherine the Great and a major figure of the Russian Enlightenment. In 1784 she was named the first president of the Russian Academy, which had been founded at her suggestion.

          RU - 499

DAFOVSKA Ekaterina 28. 11. 1975 -
Bolgarska biatlonka je na OI 1998 v Naganu v tekmni na 15 km osvojila zlato medaljo. 45 krat se je uvrstila med 25 najboljših v svetovnem pokalu.

She won gold medail on the women's 15 km individual race at the biathlon in OG 1998 Nagano. 45 times ranked among first 25 in World Cup.

              BG - 4334

DAHLGREN Eva 9. 6. 1960 -
Švedska pop glasbenica je začela igrati kitaro kot najstnica. Odkril jo je Bruno Glenmark, ko je igrala na televiziji v oddaji Sveriges Magasin. Pomagal ji je pri njenem prvem albumu Finns det någon som bryr sig om, leta 1978. Leta 1980 je izdala album Eva Dahlgren, kjer kritizira in razlaga ženska čustva in probleme, ki jih imajo s prikazovanjem teh čustev drugim.

She started to play the guitar when she was a teenager. Bruno Glenmark discovered her when she performed at the TV-program called Sveriges Magasin. The result was her debut album Finns det någon som bryr sig om, released in 1978 and produced by Bruno and Anders Glenmark. In 1980 she released the album Eva Dahlgren, an album where she critisises and explains women's feelings and the problem they have when wanting to show these feelings to another person.

S - 2428

DALIDA 17. 1. 1933 - 3. 5. 1987
Yolanda Christina Gigliotti, bolj znana pod umetniškim imenom Dalida, se je rodila italijanski staršem v Kairu. Njen oče je bil operni violinist in Dalida je že v zgodnji mladosti obiskovala pevske vaje, Leta 1954 se je po zmagi na tekmovanju za miss Egipta odpravila v Pariz, da bi uresničila otroške sanje in postala igralka. Toda namesto igralka je postala pevka. Sijajna pevska kariera pa ni bila brez senčnih plati. Dalida je v svojem življenju ljubila tri moške in vsi so naredili samomor. Tudi ona si je nazadnje sodila sama. V svoji karieri je posnela 500 francoskih pesmi, 200 je bilo prevedenih v italijanščino, 300 pa v druge jezike. Dobila je 55 zlatih plošč in kot prva pevka tudi diamantno ploščo.

Singer and actress Yolanda Christina Gigliotti was born in Egypt to Italian parents. In 1954 she was elected Miss Egypt, and in 1955 she played opposite Omar Sharif as a double for Joan Collins in a film that was released as The Land of the Pharaohs. In 1956 she moved to France and under the stage name "Dalida" she began performing in music halls and cabarets. In 1964 she received a platinum record for having sold over 10 million records becoming the first woman to accomplish this. In 1966 she fell in love with Italian singer Luigi Tenco, the couple were due to have been married in April 1967, but in January Tenco commited suicide. Unable to deal with grief, Dalida tried to kill herself, but was rescued. She had many more hits and toured the world, until in 1986 she played the leading part in the Frans-Egyptian movie Le Sixième Jour. In 1987 she died as a result of an overdose of sleeping pills leaving a suicide note that said: "Life has become unbearable ... forgive me."

  F - 3534

DAMI Elisabetta 1958 -
Italijanska pisateljica knjig za otroke. Je avtorica ena najbolj prodajanih otroških knjig o miški Geronimo Stilton.

She is an Italian author of children books. She is author of The Geronimo Stilton the most popular children’s books in Italy.

             I - 3377

DANIELSON-GAMBOGI Elin 3. 9. 1876 - 31. 12. 1919
Finska slikarka se je učila slikati v Helsinkih na Finski umetniški šoli. V letih 1878-80 je študirala privatno pri Adolfu von Beckerju, v letih 1883-85 pa v Parizu na Académie Colarossi. Ustvarjala je v Parizu, Italiji in Finski.      

Elin Kleopatra Danielson was born in Noormarkku. In 1876, she moved to Helsinki to enroll in the Finnish Art Society drawing school. From 1878-80 she studied in Adolf von Becker's private academy; from 1883-85 at the Académie Colarossi in Paris. In 1885, she returned to Finland for a year, but returned back to Paris in 1888. In 1895, she visited Italy, where she settled permanently in 1898. She participated in shows in both Finland and Italy until her death.

                               Aland 219-222

DARCLEE Hariclea 10. 6. 1860 - 12. 1. 1939
Slavna romunska sopranistka je debitirala leta 1888 v Parizu kot Marguerita v Goudonovem Faustu. Slavna pa je postala leta 1889, ko je namesto Adeline Patti, pela Julijo v Gounodovem Romeu in Juliji. Višek kariere je doživela v letih od 1890 do 1900 v Italiji.

Opera singer Hariclea Darclée was a celebrated Romanian soprano. She made her debut in Paris in 1888 as Marguerite in Gounod's Faust and shot to fame in 1889, when she replaced  Adelina Patti as Juliette in Gounod's Romeo at Juliette. The highlights of her career in Italy from 1890 on included Odalea in Gomes's Condor at La Scala in Milan in 1891, Catalani's La Wally at the same theater in 1892, and the title roles in Mascagni's Iris and Puccini's Tosca, both at Teatro Costanzi in Rome in 1899 and 1900, respectively.

       RO - 2233

Latvijska dobitnica zlate medalje na paraolimpijskih igrah v košarki.

Diana Datzite gold medalist at the Paralympic Games in basketball.
LV - 998

DAVID Elizabeth 26. 12. 1913 -22. 5. 1992
Britanska pisateljica kuharskih knjig je leta 1950 sredi bombardiranih mest v povojni Veliki Britaniji s svojo prvo kuharsko knjigo Sredozemska hrana, odprla vrata svojim sodržavljanom v "svet dežel sonca, morja in oljk".  S to knjigo je postala prva pisateljica o hrani in kulturi hrane v angleškem jeziku. Kmalu so sledile še Francoska podeželska kuhinja (1951), Italjanska hrana (1954), Poletno kuhanje (1955) in Francoska provincionalna kuhinja (1960). Močno je spremenila način nakupovanja pripravljanja in razumevanja hrane. 

Writer on food and drink. In 1950, amidst bomb sites and grey shades of austere, post-war Great Britain, Elizabeth David cast open the doors for her fellow citizens on the "blessed lands of sun and sea and olives trees" with the publlication of A book of Mediterranean Food. It vas the first volume in a series that established David as the first English-language writer on cooking and the culture of food. French Country Cooking followed a year later, than Italian Food (1954), Summer Cooking (1955) and French Provincial Cooking (1960). Born near Polegate in Sussex, she revolutionised the way that the British shopped, prepared and conceived of food. David`s adventures during the Second World War in France, Italy, Greece and Egypt., provided experience and inspiration for her earlier works while, leter in life, she turned her attention to English food.
            GB - 3445

DAVID-NEEL Alexandra 24. 10. 1868 - 8. 9. 1969
Francoska popotnica in raziskovalka je bila prva Evropejka, ki je obiskala prepovedano mesto Lhasa v Tibetu. Bila je študentka vzhodnjaške filozofije in religij. Leta 1891 je prvič obiskala Azijo (Indija, Indokina), leta 1911 pa drugič (Indija, Sikim).  Od novembra 1914 do avgusta 1916 je živela kot puščavnik v Himalaji. Študirala je tibetanski jezik in religijo. Leta 1923 se je preoblečena v beračico peš odpravila v Lasho, kjer je ostala dva meseca. Nato se je vrnila v Pariz. O svojih potovanjih je napisala številne knjige med njimi My Journey to Lhasa (1927) in Magic and Mystery in Tibet (1938).

French traveler and explorer Alexandra David-Neel, was the first European woman to enter the forbidden city of Lhasa in Tibet. A student of Eastern philosophy and religions, she made her first visit to Asia (India and Indochina) in 1891 and in 1911 embarked on a second, extended sojourn in Asia, starting in India and Sikkim. From November 1914 to August 1916 she lived as a hermit in the Himalayas, studying the Tibetan language and religion. After a tour of Japan and Korea she continued her studies at the remote Tibetan monastery of Kum Bum. In 1923, David-Neel set out on her expedition to Lhasa; she made the four-month journey on foot, disguised as an old Tibetan beggar woman, and remained there two months. After her return to France in 1925, she recounted her travels in a number of books, including My Journey to Lhasa (1927) and Magic and Mystery in Tibet (1938).

       F - 3484

DEKEN Aagje 10. 12. 1741 - 14. 11. 1804
Nizozemska pisateljica je v sodelovanju z Betje Wolff leta 1782 napisala prvi nizozemski roman Zgodovina gospodične Sare Burgerhart.

Agatha Deken writer and collaborator with Betje Wolff on the first Dutch novel, De historie van mejuffrouw Sara Burgerhart, (1782; The History of Miss Sara Burgerhart).

       NL - 394

DELAUNAY Sonia 14. 11. 1885 - 5. 12. 1979
Francoska slikarka se je rodila v Ukrajini kot Sarah Stern. Študirala je v Karlsruhe in Parizu. Leta 1905 se je poročila s francoskim slikarjem Robertom Delaunayem. Je prva slikarka, ki še za časa svojega življenja razstavljala leta 1964 v Louvru. Leta 1975 je bila odlikovana s francosko legijo časti. Oblikovala je tudi tekstil.
Na znamki je njena slika: Coccinelle.

She was born in Ukraine as Sarah Stern (nicknamed Sonia). She studied art in Karlsruhe and Paris in 1905 and married French painter Robert Delaunay. She was the first living female artist to have a retrospective exhibition at the Louvre in 1964 and in 1975 was named an officer of the French Legion of Honor. Sonia Delaunay was also interested in Art Deco textile designing.

             GB - 2209                 F - 3801

DELAVRANCEA Cella 1887 - 1991
Romunska pianistka, pisateljica in publicistka, pomembna osebnost romunske kulture v 20. stoletju. Je hči pisatelja Barbu Stefanescu Delavrancea. Po njenih pričevanjih, »je odraščala v družini, kjer so bili pogovori predvsem o književnosti, umetnosti in glasbi«. Klavir je študirala na pariškem konservatoriju. Ion Luca Caragiale jo je po predstavi na Dunaju označil kot »čudovitega otroka, ki je ukrotil divjo pošast: umetnost«. Z velikimi umetniki je koncertirala po vsej Evropi, pogosto v duetu z Georgeom Enescujem. Leta 1950 je začela poučevati klavir na Visoki šoli za glasbo v Bukarešti in leta 1954 postala profesorica na konservatoriju. Poučevala je več znanih pianistov, kot so Nicolae Licaret, Dan Grigore in Radu Lupu. Svojo literarno dejavnost je začela leta 1929, ko je debitirala v reviji Bilete de papagal. Kasneje je pisala za vse pomembne kulturne revije tistega časa. Leta 1987 je bila prva romunska umetnica, ki se je na gala koncertu v romunskem Athenaeumu udeležila obletnice lastne stoletnice.

She was a pianist, writer and publicist, a personality of Romanian culture in the 20th century. Daughter of the writer Barbu Stefanescu Delavrancea, according to her own testimonies, “grew up in a family where the conversations were mainly about literature, art and music”. She studied piano at the Conservatoire de Paris. After a performance in Vienna, Ion Luca Caragiale characterized her as “a wonder child, who tames a wild monster: the Art”. She has performed concerts throughout Europe, alongside great artists, often in duet with George Enescu. In 1950 she began teaching piano at the Music High School in Bucharest, and since 1954, she had been a professor at the Conservatoire. The artist launched several famous pianists such as Nicolae Licaret, Dan Grigore or Radu Lupu. She began her literary activity in 1929, when she debuted in the Bilete de papagal magazine, edited by Tudor Arghezi. Later she will write for all the important cultural magazines of the time. In 1987, she was the first Romanian artist to attend the anniversary of her own Centenary, by a gala concert, at the Romanian Athenaeum.


                  RO - 7413

DELEDDA Grazia 27. 9. 1871 - 15. 8. 1936
Italijanska pisateljica s pravim imenom Grazia Madesani. Čeprav je bila skoraj brez formalne izobrazbe je začela pisati že s 15 leti. V svojih skoraj 50 romanih je opisovala predvsem pokrajino in življenje ljudi iz rodne Sardinije. Njena najboljša dela: Elias Portolu (1903), Trsi v vetru (1913), Mati (1920) in avtobiografsko delo Cosima (1937). Leta 1926 je prejela Nobelovo nagrado za literaturo.

Grazia Deledda (pen-name of Grazia Madesani) was an Italian novelist who received the 1926 Nobel Prize for literature "for her idealistically inspired writings which with plastic clarity picture the life on her native island and with depth and sympathy deal with human problems in general". She set many of her nearly 50 novels - psychological and moral tales usually written in a lyrical and realistic mode - in her native Sardinia. Deledda's best works are Elias Portolu (1903), Canne al vento (Reeds in the Wind, 1913); La Madre (1920; The Mother); and her autobiography Cosima, published posthumously in 1937.

        I - 1346               TR - 994

DELIEGE Christel 6. 7. 1972 -
Belgijska judoistka in belgijska prvakinja leta 2006 v kategoriji do 52 kg, evropska in mladinska svetovna prvakinja.

Belgian judo sportwoman, European champion and junior world champion, in category -52 kg.

                B -
DELVARD Marya 11. 9. 1874 - 25. 9. 1965
Nemška pevka in pripovedovalka v kabaretih s pravim imenom Marie Biller je ena najbolj znanih zabavljačič v Münchenskih kabaretih.

One of the most memorable entertainers at Munich's cabaret the Eleven Executioners was the legendary Marya Delvard. The French-born Delvard captivated cabaret audiences immediately, at her opening night appearance, with her deathly-pale skin, flaming-red hair, tall, thin figure, and clinging black dress. A violet light cast upon her while she performed only intensified the stark figure that she cut.

           HR -
DEMEULEMEESTER Ann 29. 12. 1959 -
Belgijska modna oblikovalka svoja mračna modna oblačila znamke »Ann Demeulemeester« pogosto prikazuje na pariškem tednu mode. Modno oblikovanje je študirala v letih 1978 – 1981 na Kraljevi akademiji za likovno umetnost v Antwerpnu. Prištevajo jo med "Antwerp Six" skupino belgijskih oblikovalcev iz let 1980. Med njimi je tudi Dries van Noten.

Belgian fashion designer whose label ('Ann Demeulemeester') gothic fashion clothing is usually displayed during Paris Fashion Week. She studied fashion design at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp from 1978 to 1981. As a result, she is often referred to as a member of the 'Antwerp Six', the radical - but all distinctive - Belgian designers of the 1980s (others in this group include Dries van Noten).

B - 4070

DENDOOVEN Gerda 10. 5. 1962 -
Belgijska ilustratorka in pisateljica.

She is a Belgian illustrator and author.

B - 4049

DENEUVE Catherine 22. 10. 1943 -
V francosko-ameriškem glasbenem filmu iz leta 1967 The Young Girls of Rochefort (na znamki F-6155) za katerega je scenarij napisal in ga režiral in režija Jacques Demy sta igrali Catherine Deneuve in Françoise Dorléac.

The Young Girls of Rochefort (on stamp F-6155) is a French-American musical film written and directed by Jacques Demy, released in 1967, and, starring Catherine Deneuve and Françoise Dorléac.


         F - 6155
DENGEL Ana 16. 3. 1892 - 17. 4. 1980
Ena prvih žensk zdravnic na Tirolskem. Jeseni 1913, ko je končala srednjo šolo v Innsbrucku, se je preselila na Irsko. Tam je študirala medicino na Cork univerzi. Po končanem študiju je leta 1919 odpotovala v Rawalpindi (Indija), kjer se ukvarjala predvsem z babištvom. Med počitnicami v Innsbrucku se je leta 1924 odločila, da ustanovi svoj zdravniško usmerjen red misijonark. 30 septembra leta 1925 je v majhni hiši na obrobju Washingtona ustanovila Družbo misijonark zdravnic. Ta red ima danes 700 članov 22 narodnosti. Med njimi je 70 zdravnic.

Dr. Anna Dengel  was one of the first female doctors in Tyrol. In autumn 1913 after completing her secondary education in Innsbruck, Dengel moved to Ireland. Here she studied medicine at the University of Cork. She finished her studies in 1919 and traveled to Rawalpindi in India where she served as an intern, engaging mainly in midwifery. In 1924 during a vacation in her native Innsbruck, Dengel decided to found her own medically-oriented missionary orde. On September 30, 1925, she established the Society of Missionary Medical Nuns in a small house located in the outskirts of Washington, D.C. Today this society is comprised of 700 members from 22 nations, among them roughly 70 female doctors. 

         A -
DERAISMES Maria 17. 8. 1828 - 6. 2. 1894
Francoska pisateljica in feministka je bila izobraćena in bogata ženska. V 1860 -1870 letih se je začela zanimati za politiko. Bila je ena od ustanoviteljev Združenja za pravice žensk. Leta 1883 je skupaj z Georgesom Martinom vodila boj za priznanje žensk v prostozidarstvu. Njena dela: Nos Principes et nos moeurs (1868), Eve contre M Dumas the Younger (1872) in Oeuvres Completes (1896).

French author and feminist was educated and wealthy woman. In 1860s and 1870s became interested in political activism. She was one of founder of Association pur les Droit des Femmes. In 1883 she led with Georges Martin the fight to admit women as masons. Her works: Nos principes et nos moeurs (1868), Eve contre M Dumas the Younger (1872) and Oeuvres Completes (1896).

           F - 2942
DEROCHE Élise 22. 8. 1882 - 18. 7. 1919
Francoska pilotka je prva ženska s dovoljenjem za letenje. Kot mlado dekle je bila igralka. Car Nikolaj II ji je podelil medaljo reda Saint Anne in naslov baronica. Bila je že izkušena balonarka, ko ji je oktobra 1909, letalec Charles Voisin predlagal da jo naučiti leteti z letali. 8. marca 1910 je tako de Laroche kot prva ženska na svetu prejela pilotsko dovoljenje s številko 36. Med prvo svetovno vojno, ko so smatrali da je letenje za ženske prenevarno je razvažala vojaške oficirje na fronto in iz nje. Junija 1919 je dosegla dva ženska rekorda, višinskega z 4800 metri in dolžinskega s 323 kilometri. 18. julija 1919 je bila na letališču v Le Crotoy ker je želela postati prva ženska poklicna testna pilotka. Poletela je na poskusnem letalu (ne ve se ali ga je pilotirala ali je bila samo potnica), ki je pri pristanku strmoglavilo. Oba potnika letalu sta se ubila.

She was a French aviatrix and the first woman in the world to receive an airplane pilot's licence. As a young woman she became an actress. The Tsar Nicolas II awarded her the medal of the order of Saint Anne and the title of Baroness. She was already an experienced balloonist when, in October 1909, aviator Charles Voisin suggested she could learn to fly a fixed-wing aircraft. On 8 March 1910, de Laroche became the first woman in the world to receive a pilot licence when the Aero-Club of France issued her license #36 of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (International Aeronautics Federation or F.A.I.). During World War I, as flying was considered too dangerous for women, she served as a military driver, chauffeuring officers from the rear zones to the front under fire. In June 1919 de Laroche set two women's altitude records, one at 15,700 feet (4,800 m); and also the women's distance record, at 201 miles (323 km). On 18 July 1919 de Laroche, who was a talented engineer, went to the airfield at Le Crotoy as part of her plan to become the first professional woman test pilot. She co-piloted an experimental aircraft (whether she flew this plane or was simply a passenger at the time is not known) but on its landing approach the aeroplane went into a dive and crashed killing both the pilot and de Laroche.

            GI - 1383                  F - 4977,4983
DERRI Qeriba 1905 - 4. 4. 1944
Albanska partizanka.
Na znamki
AL-2162 sta tudi Sokoli Qibra in Bilibashi Ylbere.

Albanian patriot.
On stamp AL-2162 are also Sokoli Qibra and Bilibashi Ylbere.

              AL - 2162
DERYNE SZEPPATAKI Roza 24. 12. 1793 - 29. 9. 1872
Prva madžarska sopranistka je znana po svojem dnevniku, pomembnem za madžarsko gledališko zgodovino.  
Na bloku H-3841 so tudi Lujza Blaha, Emilia Markus in Gizi Bajor.

First Hungarian opera singer (soprano). She played wide variety of parts in comedies, musical pieces and  tragedies. She sang at opening of National  Theatre in Budimpest. She wrote her diary, very important for Hungarian theatre history.
On sheet H-3841 are also Lujza Blaha, Emilia Markus and Gizi Bajor.

                                     H - 3841

DESBORDES-VALMORE Marceline 20. 6. 1786 - 23. 7. 1859
Francoska pesnica je po francoski revoluciji migrirala v Guadelupe. Tam ji je umrl pet letni otrok iz prvega zakona. Leta 1817 se je poročila z igralcem Prosper Lanchantin-Valmore. Leta 1819 pa izdala svojo prvo pesniško delo Élégies et Romances, leta 1825 pa še Élégies et poésie nouvelles. Pisala je predvsem elegije in idile v katerih je opevala materinska čustva.

French poet born in Douai. Following the French Revolution and the ruin of her family, they emigrated to Guadelupe. She lost her five-year old child in 1816, born from her first marriage. She would remarry in 1817 with the actor Prosper Lanchantin-Valmore, and thence published her first poetic work in 1819 Élégies et Romances, and then in 1825, Élégies et poésie nouvelles.

           F - 1258

DESMAISIERES Maria Michaela sv. (st) 1. 1. 1809 - 24. 8. 1865
Španska nuna je že v otroških letih izgubila mater. Nise hotela poročiti. Nekaj časa je živela z bratom, ki je bil španski veleposlanik v Parizu in Bruslju. Posvečala se je poučevanju verouka in pomoči nezaščitenim in ljudem v stiski ter pomoči bolnim in revnim. Ustanovila je nunski red Služabnic svetega zakramenta in usmiljenja, ki ga je tudi vodila. Ko je leta 1865 izbruhnila epidemija kolere v Valenciji, je pomagala svojim sestram. Pri tem je tudi sama zbolela umrla. Leta 1934 je bila proglašena za svetnico. Njen god praznujemo 25.avgusta.

She was born in Madrid, lost her mother in childhood, and resisted all attempts to persuade her to marry; she lived with her brother for some years while he was Spanish ambassador at Paris and Brussels. All her interest was given to the religious instruction of the ignorant, the rescue of the unprotected and the fallen, and the relief of sickness and poverty. She founded the congregation of Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity, where she was mother General. In 1865 an epidemic of cholera broke out in Valencia. She helped there her religious daughters, but took the infection herself and died. She was canonized in 1934. Her feast day is August 25th.

       E - 1008
DESMOND Florence 31. 5. 1905 - 16. 1. 1993
Desmod Florence s pravim imenom Florence Dawson je angleška igralka, komičarka in imitatorka. Svojo dolgo in uspešno kariero je začela v gledališču, predvsem kot imitator znanih zvezd. Veliko je nastopala tudi na radiu, gledališču in občasno v filmu. Na znamkah Man-1132,1135 so prizori iz filmske komedije No Limit (1936), kjer sta igrala George Formby in Florence Desmond.

Desmod Florence was the stage name of Florence Dawson, an English actress, comedienne and impersonator. She embarked on a long and successful career in the theatre, especially as an impersonator of famous stars. She appeared extensively in radio, theatre and occasionally in the cinema. On stamps Man-1132,1135 are screnes from film comedy No Limit (1936) which was released by Associated Talking Pictures. It starred George Formby and Florence Desmond,

Man - 1132,1135

DESTINOVA Ema 26. 2. 1878 - 28. 1. 1930
oz. Emmy Destinn, kot je bila znana v tujini je bila češka sopranistka (pravo ime Emilie Pavlina Kittlova) ena največjih dramskih sopranov 20. stoletja. Zaradi svojega bogatega in močnega glasu je bila zelo iskana v času pred 2. svetovno vojno. Pela v najbolj znanih opernih hišah Evrope in ZDA z najbolj znanimi pevci, kot je na primer Enrico Caruso.

Ema Destinnova - or Emmy Destinn, as she became known abroad - was one of the greatest dramatic sopranos of the twentieth century and one of the most sought-after singers before WWI, thanks to her voice of exceptional richness, power, and control. She sang with the legendary Enrico Caruso and many other stars in the most prestigious opera houses in Europe and the United States, such as Bayreuth, Berlin's Hofoper, London's Covent Garden and New York's Metropolitan.

CZ - 114                  CZ - 833

DEVETZI Hrysopigi 2. 1. 1976 -
Grška atletinja je na OI 2004 v Atenah dobila srebrno medaljo v troskoku z osebnim rekordom 15,32 m.
She is a Greek athlete competing in triple jump and also long jump. She won the triple jump silver medal at the 2004 Summer Olympic Athene with a personal best of 15.32 m.

          GR -2251

DEVLIN Anne 1780 -1. 9. 1851
Irska republikanka je bila skupaj s svojima bratrancema Michael Dwyer in Arthur Devlin ter očetom zaprta za dve leti in pol zaradi udeležbe v uporu leta 1789. Skupaj z Arturjem Devlinom in Robertom Emmetom so načrtovali upor leta 1803. Po uporu so jo aretirali in mučili, da bi izdala udeležence upora. Tri leta je bila zaprta v samici v vlažni podzemni celici v Kilmainham Gaol, Dublin. Zaprli so celotno njeno družino, katere sedem članov je umrlo v zaporu še predno je bila izpuščena.

Anne Devlin was born in County Wicklow. Her cousins, Michael Dwyer and Arthur Devlin, partook in the 1789 Rising and were imprisoned for two and a half years with her father, Brian, who had not partaken in the Rising. Arthur Devlin introduced Anne Devlin to Robert Emmet and she helped plan the 1803 Rising while acting as 'housekeeper' in Emmet's house in Rathfarnham. After the 1803 Rising Devlin was arrested and tortured but she refused to identify any insurgents and was imprisoned in solitary confinement for three years in a damp, underground cell in Kilmainham Gaol, Dublin. Anne Devlin's entire family were also imprisoned and seven of them died in Kilmainham Gaol before her release.

IE - 1522

Devote sv.

DICESCU Anastasia 27. 2. 1887 - 1945
Moldovska operna pevka - sopranistka.

Moldovian opera soprano singer.

                   MD - 598

DIEBOLD-MUTSCHLER Laure 10. 1. 1915 - 17. 10. 1965
Članica francoskega uporniškega gibanja med drugo svetovno vojno. Bila je osebna tajnica Jeana Moulina, ko so aretirali Nemci. Od leta 1943 do leta 1945 je preživela v nacističnih taboriščih Auschwitzu, Ravensbrück in Buchenwald. Je ena od le šestih ženskih, ki so bile odlikovane z nazivom Compagnon de la Liberation.

She was a female member of the French Resistance during World War II. She was also the private secretary of Jean Moulin before being arrested then deported from 1943 to 1945 to the nazi camp of Auschwitz, Ravensbrück and finally Buchenwald. She is one of only six female resistants to be awarded the title Compagnon de la Libération.

F - 6280

DIESEN Kari 24. 6. 1914 - 18. 3. 1987
Zelo priljubljena norveška kabarejska pevka in filmska igralka je znana po svojih monologih, iskrenosti in toplih predstavah. Rodila se je v igralski družini. Prvič je v filmu zaigrala že pri šestih letih, na odru pa leta 1930. Zaposlena je bila gledališčih Chat Noir in Edderkoppen v Oslu. Ena njenih najboljših vlog je bila vloga potepuha v javnem parku. Gledalcem je najbolj znana voznice motorja v komediji : Støv på hjernen (1959) kjer je nastopala z znanim komikom  Willie HOEL. Bila je tudi znana pevka v revijah, njena znana pesem je Det hender så mangt på Hovedøen, ki so jo prodajali v več kot 50 000 izvodih.

Much loved Norwegian revue actress, many supporting roles in film-comedies. Best known for her outspoken monologues, but also for her sincerity and warm-hearted performances. Born into a family of actors as daughter of Signe Heide Steen and Harald Steen, she had her first film-part at the early age of 6, on the stage from 1930. For many years she was engaged at Chat Noir and Edderkoppen, both famous revue theaters in Oslo. Her heart-breaking performance in a revue-sketch about two vagrants in a public park, (together with an outstanding Arvid Nilssen) is probably one of the best performances ever done at a Norwegian revue theater. For moviegoers she is best known for her hilarious scooter-drive together with another well-known comedian Willie Hoel,in the comedy: Støv på hjernen 1959. She was also very popular as singer of revue-songs, her hit song: Det hender så mangt på Hovedøen, were selling more than 50 000 copies.

         N - 1396

DIETRICH Marlene 27. 12. 1901 - 6. 5. 1992
Nemška filmska igralka je leta 1925 vzbudila pozornost z vlogo v filmu Plavi angel režiserja Sternberga. Z njim je posnela še več filmov (Maroko, Plavolasa Venera, The devil is a woman), s katerimi je dosegla svetovno slavo kot usodna ženska. 1937 je dobila ameriško državljanstvo, javno je obsojala nacizem in med 2. svetovno vojno nastopala za ameriške vojake. Nemčijo je obiskala šele leta 1960. Po vojni je nastopala po kabaretih. Posnela je tudi svoje pesmi. Zadnjič je zaigrala 1978 v filmu Lepi, ubogi gigolo.  
Na znamki BG-4185 sta tudi
Marilyn Monroe in Greta Garbo. Na levi strani znamke je sicer napisano ime Marlene Dietrich, toda na sliki je prikazana Greta Garbo.

Marlene Dietrich, born as Maria Magdalene von Losch in Berlin  was transformed by director Josef von Sternberg into a cinema sex goddess with her role in the German-made The Blue Angel (1930). Their continued collaboration in Hollywood produced films as different as Morocco (1930), Blond Venus (1932), and The Devil Is a Woman (1935), their last film together. Dietrich's image changed often in later films: a saloon singer in the comedy Destry Rides Again (1939), an aristocrat fallen on hard times in A Foreign Affair (1948), an outlaw in Rancho Notorious (1952), a tough madam in Touch of Evil (1958). An outspoken anti-Nazi, Dietrich won new celebrity during World War II with front-line shows for U.S. troops. From the 1950s into the mid-70s, she toured with a popular cabaret act. Her reclusive last years, in Paris, were documented in the film Marlene (1986). She refused to appear on camera, but her voice tells all.
On stamp BG-4185 are also Marilyn Monroe and Greta Garbo. Name of Marlene Dietrich is written on left side of stamp, but on stamp is depicted Greta Garbo.  

          BG - 4185                     N -1217                               MD - 385                       BG - 4688 

                           GI - 739                        D - 1939

DIJKSTRA Sjoukje 28. 1. 1942 -
Nizozemska umetnostna drsalka je bila leta 1964 na OI olimpijska prvakinja v kategoriji ženskih posameznic. Na OI 1960 je pa osvojila srebrno medaljo. Bila je trikratni svetovni prvak (1962-1964), petkratni evropski prvak (1960-1964) in šest krat nizozemski državni prvak (1959 -1964).

She is a Dutch figure skater. She is the 1964 Olympic champion in Ladies' Singles, the 1960 Olympic silver medalist, a three-time World champion (1962–1964), five-time European champion (1960–1964), and the six-time Dutch national champion (1959–1964).
                         NL - 2990

DIMIĆ Nada 6. 9. 1923 - 17. 3. 1942
Delavka, članica SKOJ od 1938, v KPJ od 1940, v NOB od junija 1941. V Sisku so jo ujeli ustaši, vendar je pobegnila na osvobojeno ozemlje in postala članica OK SKOJ v Karlovcu. Novembra 1941 so jo zopet ujeli ustaši. Kljub mučenju ni izdala ničesar. Ustrelili so jo v taborišču Stara Gradiška. za narodnega heroja je bila proglašena 5.7.1951.

Worker, member of Federation of Communist youth since 1938 and member Communist Party of Yugoslavia since 1940. She joined partisan forces in 1941. She was captured by ustash, but she escaped. In November, 1941 was captured again, she was tortured and shot in camp Stara Gradiska. She was proclaimed as National hero on July 5, 1951.

         YU -
DIMITROVA Gena 6. 1. 1941 - 11. 6. 2005
Bolgarska sopranistka znana po močnem glasu je nastopala štiri desetletja. Peti je začela v šolskem zboru. Študirala je med leti 1959 in 1964 na sofijskem konservatoriju pri Cristovu Brambarovu. Debitirala je sredi 1960-tih kot Abigaille v verdijevi Nabucco v bolgarski narodni operi. Pela je tudi v Scali in v Dunajski državni operi. Leta 1988 je debitirala v Metropolitanski operi v New Yorku.

was Bulgarian operatic soprano. Her voice was known for its power and extension used in operatic roles such as Turandot in a career spanning four decades. She started singing in the school choir. She studied at the Sofia Conservatory studying under Cristo Brambarov between 1959 and 1964. Her debut came in the mid-1960's as Abigaille in a Bulgarian National Opera production of Verdi's Nabucco. She sang in La Scala and  in Vienna State Opera in 1983, in 1988, she made her debut at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. 

 BG - 4760
DIMITROVA Liljana 1918 - 17. 6. 1944
Bolgarska partizanka, žrtev fašizma v času 2. svetovne vojne.
Na znamki BG-776 je tudi Iordanka Čankova.

Bulgarian heroine, victom of fascism in WWII. From 1939 she was member of Communist party. In 1942 she was arested and sented to concentration camp in Plovdiv. She escaped but later was killed in battle with the german police.
On stamp BG-776 is also Iordanka Čankova.

BG - 776

DIRRANE Maggie 1899 - 1995
Irska filmska igralka je igrala ribičevo ženo v filmu Man of Aran (na znamki IE-9711) leta 1934. Film govori o borbi ribičev za preživetje v odmaknjeni obalni irski skupnosti.

Irish actress played a wife of fisherman in film from 1934: Man of Aran (on stamp IE-971) about the fisherman's fight for survival in a remote Irish coastal community.

IE - 971

D'ISTRIA Dora 22. 1. 1828 - 17. 11. 1888
Albansko romunska vojvodinja pisateljica in feministka s pravim imenom Helena Koltsova-Massalskaya.

Dora d'Istria is pen-name of duchess Helena Koltsova-Massalskaya, born Elena Ghica or Elena Gijka. She was a Romanian - Albanian romantic writer and feminist.


              Al - 1991-1992                     KO -186

DITLEVSEN Tove 14. 12. 1917 - 7. 3. 1976
Danska pesnica in pisateljica se je rodila v Københavnu in odraščala v delavskem bližini Vesterbro. Izkušnje iz otroštva so osrednje točke njenih del. Bila je štirikrat poročena in ločena. Objavila je 29 knjig med njim kratke zgodbe, pesmi in spomine. Leta 1953 je prejela dansko nagrado za ženske Tagea Brandt Rejselegat. Po njeni pesmi Blinkende Lygter, iz istoimenske knjige je bil leta 2000 posnet film Flickering Lights. Leta 1976 je storila samomor.

Tove Ditlevsen was a female Danish poet and author. She was born in Copenhagen and grew up in the working-class neighbourhood of Vesterbro. Her childhood experiences were the focal points of her work. Ditlevsen was married (and divorced) four times. She published 29 books including short stories, poetry and memoirs. She was awarded the Tagea Brandt Rejselegat in 1953. Her poem Blinkende Lygter, from the book of the same name, is featured in the 2000 film Flickering Lights, directed by Anders Thomas Jensen. She committed suicide in 1976.


               DK - 1604

DODU Juliette 15. 6. 1848 - 28. 10. 1909
Francoska vohunka, junakinja vojne leta 1870 je prva ženska ki je bila odlikovana z odlikovanjem Legija časti. Prestrezala je pruska vojaška telegrafska sporočila in jih posredovala Francozom. Tako naj bi rešila življenje 40.000 vojakom Loirske armade. Prusi so jo ujeli in obsodili na smrt, vendar kazni niso izvršili in so jo ob koncu vojne izpustili.

Hero of the Franco-Prussian War. She was the first woman to receive a military decoration and the Legion of Honor. Intercepting several dispatches from the Prussians in 1870, saving the First Army of the Loire (40,000 soldiers). She was captured by the Prussians and condemned to death, but saved by the end of the war.

             F - 4765,4766
DOLORES La 13. 5. 1819 -12. 8. 1894
(Maria de los Dolores Peinador Narvion)    

 E - 3750

DOLTO Francoise 6. 11. 1908 - 25. 8. 1988
Francoska pediatrinja in psihoanalitičarka je študirala na Lycée Molière v Parizu, kjer je v letih 1924–2525 diplomirala iz filozofije. Leta 1930 je pridobila diplomo zdravstvene nege. Leto pozneje sta z bratom Filipom u začela študij medicine, "študij je plačevala z denarjem, ki sta ga zaslužila". Leta 1932 so jo je predstavili psihoanalitiku Renéju Laforgueu. Začela je sodelovati pri začetkih francoskega freudovstva. Spoznala je Sophie Morgenstern, ki je prva v Franciji izvajala psihoanalizo z otroki. Dolto se je začel specializirati za otroško psihologijo kot psihoanalitični pediater. Nasprotovala je zakonu o splavu, čeprav je leta 1942 sodelovala z zagovornikom evgenike Alexisom Carrelom.

A French pediatrician and psychoanalyst studied at the Lycée Molière in Paris where she graduated in philosophy in 1924–1925. In 1930 she obtained a nursing degree. A year later, she began her medical studies with her brother Philip, "paying for her studies with the money she earns". In 1932 she was introduced to psychoanalyst René Laforgue. She began to participate in the beginnings of French Freudianism. She met Sophie Morgenstern, who was the first to practice psychoanalysis with children in France. Dolto began to specialise in child psychology, as a psychoanalytic pediatrician. She was opposed to abortion law, although in 1942 she collaborated with eugenics proponent Alexis Carrel.


          F - 7268

DOMMANN Viviane 13. 12. 1963 -
Švicarska ilustratorka otroških knjig. Na znamki je njena ilustracija iz knjige: The Jimmy Flitz the Swissmouse.

Swiss ilustrator of children books. On stamp is her ilustration from The Jimmy Flitz the Swissmouse.


               CH - 2170

DOMRAČEVA Darja 3. 8. 1986 -
Beloruska biatlonka tekmuje v svetovnem biatlonskem pokalu od leta 2005 ko je postala mladinska svetovna prvakinja v sprintu in štafeti. V letih 2005 in 2007 je osvojila številne medalje.   Na zimskih OI 2010 je osvojila bronasto medaljo na 15 km. NA OI 2014 v Sočiju pa tri zlate medalje: 10 km, 12,5 km in 15km. Na znamki BY-1253 so še: Nadežda Skardino, Irina Krivko, Dzinara Alimbekava.

She is a Belarusian biathlete who has been competing in the Biathlon World Cup since 2005. She became Junior World Champion in sprint and pursuit in 2005, and received numerous medals between 2005 - 2007. Her definite breakthrough came during the 2008/2009 season where she has earned two third places and one second place. At the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada, she won the Bronze medal in the Women's 15 Kilometre Individual race.  At OG 2014 in Sochi she won 3 gold medals: 10 km, 12.5 km and 15 km. n stamp BY-1253 are also Nadežda Skardino, Irina Krivko, Dzinara Alimbekava.


                     BY - 815                                                         BY - 1016

         BY - 1254

DÖNHOFF Marion 2. 12. 1909 - 11. 3. 2002
Nemška novinarka starosta nemškega novinarstva je skoraj 60 let delala pri liberalnem tedniku Die Zeit kot ena od ustanovnih članov (1946-55), politična urednica (1955-68), urednica (1968-72) in sozaložnica (1972-2002) Napisala je več knjig. Podpirala je združitev z Vzhodno Nemčijo. Kritizirala je odpor zaveznikov do priznanja odporniškega gibanja v nacistični Nemčiji.

She was known as the doyenne of German journalism for her nearly 60-year association with the liberal weekly Die Zeit as a founding staff member (1946–55), political editor (1955–68), editor in chief (1968–72), and co-publisher (1972–2002). Dönhoff, who also wrote several books, supported reunification with East Germany and was highly critical of the Allied reluctance to recognize the resistance movement within Nazi Germany.

                      D -2766

ĐORĐEVIĆ Nevenka 20. 5. 1899 – 4. 7. 1975
Hrvaška slikarka je bila rojena v Banatu. S šestnajstimi leti je diplomirala na  višji ženski šoli in odšla v Zagreb na študij umetnosti. Po diplomi leta 1920 je odšla v Berlin kjer je obiskovala ateljeje in privatne šole. Posebej se je ukvarjala s portreti. Po vrnitvi v Zagreb se je začela ukvarjati s keramiko, ki se jo je učila pri kiparju Hinku Juhnu. Leta 1927 je razstavila sovja prva keramična dela. Njena prva slikarska dela sov glavnem portreti in tihožitja s cvetjem v vazi. Na znamki HR-885  je njena slika: Vrtiljak.

She was born in Rumanian Banat. She was only sixteen when in 1915 after graduating from the Girls’ Higher Learning Academy she departed to Zagreb to study fine arts. After graduation in 1921, she departed to Berlin where she visited numerous ateliers and private schools, and mostly was engaged in painting portraits. After she returned to Zagreb she was more engaged in executing works of art in ceramic, and learned about the technique from the sculptor Hinko Juhn. She first exhibited her works in ceramics in 1927. Her early painting works are mostly portraits and still life of flowers in a vase.
On stamp
HR-885 is her painting Carrousel.

                  HR - 885
DORLEAC Francoise 21. 3. 1942 - 26. 6. 1967
Francoska igralka je bila sestra Catherine Deneuve in je umrla v avtomobilski nesreči. Skupaj sta igrali v muzikalu The Young Girls of Rochefort. (na znamki
F-6155). Igrala je v filmih: Človek iz Ria, Mehka koža, Cul-de-sac in Kje so vohuni (Where the Spies Are).

She was a French actress, the elder sister of Catherine Deneuve. With her sister she played in 1967 in musical The Young Girls of Rochefort (on stamp F-6155). She played in Philippe de Broca's movie That man from Rio (L'Homme de Rio), François Truffaut's The soft skin (La Peau douce), Roman Polanski's Cul-de-sac and Val Guest's Where the Spies Are. She died in car accident.


F - 5445                  F - 6155
DORSCH Kathe 29. 12. 1890 - 25. 12. 1957
Nemško avstrijska gledališka in filmska igralka je bila znana v gledališčih Dunaja in Berlina. Posnela je tudi nekaj nemih in zvočnih filmov. Njena kariera se je začela leta 1908 z nastopom v opereti Wiener Blut v Mainzu. Leta 1911 se je preselila v Berlin kjer je nastopala v Neue Operettentheater. Leta 1927 je začela delati na Dunaju v Volkstheater. Od leta 1939 do smrti je bila stalni član Burgtheater. Leta 1913 je odigrala prvo filmsko vlogo v kratki nemi filmski komediji Wenn die Taxe springt. Igrala je še v filmih Der Blusenkönig (1917), Erborgtes Glück (1919) in Augusta Strindberga adaptaciji Fräulein Julie (1921) z Asta Nielsen. Med vojno je junaško reševala sodelavce v težavah za kar je izrabila svoje prijateljstvo z Hermannom Göringom, ki ga je poznala iz otroštva. Po vojni se nastopala samo še v Burgtheatru.

German actress was a famous stage actress in Vienna end Berlin. She also made several silent and sound films. Her career started in 1908 as an operetta soubrette with a performance in Wiener Blut/Vienna Blood in Mainz, and in 1911 she moved to Berlin for an engagement at the Neue Operettentheater. In 1927 she started to work in Vienna and appeared there at the Volkstheater. From 1939 till her death she was a permanent member of the Burgtheater. As early as 1913 Käthe Dorsch had her first film role in the short, silent comedy Wenn die Taxe springt. She played in several films, including Der Blusenkönig/The King of Blouses (1917), Erborgtes Glück/Hided Happiness (1919) with Alexander Moissi, and the August Strindberg adaptation Fräulein Julie/Miss Julie (1921) with Asta Nielsen. During the war she played a heroic role by saving colleagues in trouble. For this she used her friendship with Hermann Göring, whom she know from her childhood. After the war Käthe Dorsch devoted her self to the Burgtheater for which she played major parts in classic plays.

 D - 1483

DOUGLAS Mona 18. 9. 1898 - 8. 10. 1987
Je ena izmed najpomembnejših in najbolj kontroverznih osebnosti 20. stoletja kulturnega preporoda na otoku Man. Svoje pesmi je objavljala že kot najstnica. Zbirala in poučevala je glasbo, ples in folkloro z otoka Man. 

Mona Douglas is one of the most important and controversial figures in 20th century Manx cultural revival. If the briefest of sketches of her life is taken, it can be said that she was a published poet as a teenager, a natural collector and teacher of Manx music, dance and folklore, the leader behind a youth movement Aeglagh Vannin, and the force behind the revival of Yn Chruinnaght Inter-Celtic Festival in 1976. In her spare time, she worked a farm, was employed as rural librarian, collaborated with composers and artists, and wrote and performed plays.

                 Man -1066

DOUGLAS Angela 29. 10. 1940 -
Britanska filmska igralka s pravim imenom Angela McDonagh je debitirala leta 1959 v filmu The Shakedown, kjer je igrala z Donaldom Pleasence. Nato je igrala s Tommy Steele v filmu It's All Happening.  Najbolj je poznana po svojih vlogah v več Carry On filmih iz 60-tih let 20.stoletja. Eden takih je Carry On Cowboy iz leta 1965, ki je sijajna, peta in vesela verzija zgodbe o Annie Oakley. Leta 1966 je igrala v Carry On Screaming (na znamki GB-2656), leta 1967 v Follow That Camel in leta 1968 v On Upthe Khyber.
Na znamki GB-2656 sta tudi Fenella Fielding in Joan Sims.

She made her film debut in 1959 with Donald Pleasence in The Shakedown, and then appeared with Tommy Steele in It's All Happening. She is best remembered for her roles in several Carry On Films in the 1960s, including Carry On Cowboy (1965) as a gorgeous, all-singing and trigger-happy version of Annie Oakley. She then appeared in Carry On Screaming (1966), Follow That Camel (1967) and Carry On Up the Khyber (1968).
On stamp GB-2656 are also Fenella Fielding and Joan Sims.

               GB  - 2656

Finska zlatarka, oblikovalka.

Finish jeweler, designer.

                  FI - 2012

DOWLING Doris 15. 5. 1923 - 18. 6. 2004
Ameriška filmska igralka je prvič nastopila leta 1945 v filmu The Lost Weekend v vlogi Glorije pivske prijateljice Raya Millanda. Sledil je njen najboljši film z oskarjem nagrajeni The Blue Dahlia, kjer sta igrala tudi Alan Ladd in Veronica Lake. Po vojni je emigriral v Italijo kjer je igrala v številnih odmevnih filmih, vključno v filmu Bitter Rice. Nastopila je tudi v filmu Othelo Orsona Wellesa leta 1952, kjer je igrala Bianco. Po vrnitvi v ZDA je veliko nastopala v gledališču in na televiziji. Leta 1973 je prejela nagrado kritikov za svoj nastop v The women on Broadway.
Na znamki I-2062 je tudi
Silvana Magnano.

She was an American film actress. Her first credited film role was that of Gloria, barfly and drinking companion to fellow alcoholic Ray Milland in the 1945 film The Lost Weekend. She followed up the Best Picture-winning film with the Oscar winning The Blue Dahlia, which starred Alan Ladd and Veronica Lake. However post-war work became more scarce and she emigrated to Italy to revive her career, as her sister had done. In Italy, Dowling starred in several acclaimed films including Bitter Rice. She also appeared in Orson Welles's European production of Othello in 1952, playing Bianca. Upon returning to the US, much of her work was in theatre and on television. In 1973, Dowling shared an Outer Critics Circle award for her performance in a revival of The Women on Broadway.
On stamp I-2062 is also Silvana Magnano.

                 I - 2062

DOYLE Anne 30. 1. 1952 -
Irsko novinarko, voditeljico in bralko poročil smatrajo za "najbolj priljubljeno televizijsko bralko poročil generacije". Nastopala je na številnih televizijskih in radijskih programih RTE. Trenutno nastopa za Nine O`Clock News

Anne Doyle is an Irish journalist, presenter and newsreader, regarded as "the most popular television newsreader for a generation". She has presented many television news and radio programmes for RTÉ and is currently the newsreader for the Nine O'Clock News.


                 IE -1998

DOYLE Maria 25. 9. 1964 -
Na irskem rojena igralka je po poroki z Kieran Kennedy znana tudi pod imenom Maria Doyle Kennedy. Igrala je v filmu The Commitments, ki govori o glasbeni skupini. V filmu sta igrali tudi
Bronagh Gallagher in Angeline Ball (vse tri igralke so na znamki IE-969). V filmu The General o razvpitem irskem gangsterju Martinu Cahilu, ki ga je ubila IRA je igrala skupaj z Brendanom Gleesonom.

Maria Doyle is an Irish-born actress (known as Maria Doyle Kennedy since her 1992 marriage to Kieran Kennedy) who appeared in Irish movies such as The Commitments, about a musical group, which also starred Bronagh Gallagher and Angeline Ball (all three actresses are on stamp IE-969); and The General, with Brendan Gleeson about the notorious Irish gangster Martin Cahill, who was killed by the IRA.

                 IE - 969

DRAGAN Maria 23. 8. 1947 - 6. 10. 1986
Moldovska pevka ljudskih pesmi je študirala na glasbeni šoli "Ste Fan skromna", nato pa pela glasbenem ansambel državne filharmonije.

Moldovan singer of folk music, studied at the Musical School "Ste Fan Meager", then sang in the light-music ensemble of the state Philharmonica.

               MD - 384

DRANSFELD Hedwig 24. 2. 1871 -13. 5. 1925
Nemška borka za pravice žensk je delala na spodbujanju izobraževanja ženske in odpiranju univerz ženskam. Bila je ena izmed voditeljev zveznega združenja nemških katoliških žensk.

She was German women`s rights activist and work to promote women`s education and to open universities to women. She was one of the leaders of Federal Association of German Catholic Women.

 D - 1393         Berlin - 828

DROOP Constanza 1966 -
Nemška pisateljica in ilustratorka knjig za otroke in mladoletnike, posebej je znana po knjigah o Zajcu Felixu.

She is German author and an illustrator of children's books and young adult books. Some of the published credits of Constanza Droop include stories of lettle rabit Felix.

CH - 1923-4

DROSTE-HULSHOFF Annette von 12. 1. 1797 - 24. 5. 1848
Ena največjih nemških pesnic 19. stoletja je živela navzven varno in idilično plemiško življenje, ki pa je skrivalo eksistencialne verske dvome in notranje strasti do svojega 17 let mlajšega varovanca Levina Schuckinga. Borbe in odpovedi so bile navdih za njene odlične pesmi objavljene v letih 1838, 1844, 1851 in 1860. V njih lirična moč, metrični svoboda, realizem in simbolika nakazujejo novejše trende. Die Judenbuche iz leta 1842, ki je njeno edino kompletno prozno delo, predstavlja mejnik v zgodovini novele, saj združuje skrivnost, simboliko, realizem, regionalizem in večkraten vidik pripovedi.

Annette von Droste-Hulshoff was one of the great German poets of her century. She lived an outwardly secure and idyllic, aristocratic life that concealed existential religious doubts and inner passion, especially for her protege, Levin Schucking, her first biographer (1862) and 17 years her junior. Struggling and renunciation inspired great poems (published in 1838, 1844, 1851, 1860) in which lyrical strength, metrical freedom, realism, bold imagery, and symbolism anticipate later trends. Die Judenbuche (1842; The Jews' Beech Tree), her only completed prose work, is a landmark in the history of the novella, combining mystery, symbolism, realism, regionalism, and multiple narrative perspectives.

D - 361             D - 2295          Berlin - 212
DUBAROVA Petja 25. 4. 1962 - 4. 12. 1979
Bolgarska pesnica se je rodila in živela v obmorskem mestu Burgas. Pesmi je objavljala v mladinskih časopisih in revijah kot so: Septemvriyche, Rodna Rech in Mladezh. Nekaj njenih pesmi so uglasbili in so je postale zelo priljubljena v Bolgariji: Zimske počitnice, Pomlad, Prijaznost, Sejem, Noč nad mestom. Naredila je samomor s pomočjo uspaval.

She was a Bulgarian poet. She was born and lived in the seaside town of Burgas. Dubarova published poems in youth newspapers and magazines such as: Septemvriyche, Rodna Rech, and Mladezh (Youth). Some of her poems became songs, very popular in Bulgaria since the 1980s: Зимна ваканция (Winter holidays), Пролет (Spring), Доброта (Kindness), Лунапарк (Fun-fair), Нощ над града (Night over the city). Dubarova committed suicide via sleeping pills.


                   BG - 5031

DUDUMI Fato 1927 - 1944
Albanska partizanka od 1943. Nemci so jo ujeli, mučili in obesili.
Na znamki
AL-2123 sta tudi Margarita Tutulani in Shejnaze Juka.

Albanian patriot - partisan from 1943. She was imprisoned and turtured by Germans and sentenced to death by hanging.
On stamp AL-2123 are also Margarita Tutulani and  Shejnaze Juka.

           AL - 2123

DUJARDIN Charlotte 13. 7. 1985 -
Britanska dresurna jahalka je na olimpijskih igrah 2012 v Londonu osvojila dve zlati medalji: posamično (
GB-3316) in ekipnem dresurnem jahanju skupaj z Carlom Hester in Lauro Bechtolsheimer (GB-3313).

She is a British dressage rider and winner of two gold medals individual (GB-3316) and team with Carl Hester and Lauro Bechtolsheimer (GB-3313) at the 2012 Summer Olympics.

                                GB - 3313                                                            GB - 3316
DUJOURIE Lili  1941 -
Belgijska slikarka je najbolj znana po svojih video delih in fotografskih serijah iz 1970-ih in zgodnjih 80. letih pa tudi po delih na papirju iz istega obdobja in tridimenzionalnih delih iz kasnejših desetletij. Ta so narejena v tehnikah in materialih, ki izžarevajo stoletno tradicijo, kot so žametne zavese, intarzije iz marmorja, svinec ali keramika.
Belgian painter is known for her video works and photographic series from the 1970s and early 80s, but also for her works on paper from the same period and her three-dimensional works from later decades. These are often executed in techniques and materials that resonate with many centuries of tradition, such as draped velvet, marble intarsia, lead or ceramics.

B - 3491

DUMAS Marlene 3. 8. 1953 -
Južnoafriška slikarka dela in živi na Nizozemskem. V preteklosti je ustvarjala slike, kolaže, risbe, tiskovine in instalacije. Sedaj pa v glavnem slika v olju na platnu in s črnilom na papirju. Človeško telo uporablja za kritiko sodobnih rasnih, spolnih in družbenih pojavov. Na znamki
NL-3041: Barbie.

She is a South African born artist and painter who lives and works in The Netherlands. In the past Dumas produced paintings, collages, drawings, prints and installations. She now works mainly with oil on canvas and ink on paper. Dumas uses the human figure as a means to critique contemporary ideas of racial, sexual, and social identity.
On stamp NL-3041: Barbie.

      NL - 3041
DUMEA Mihaela 8. 11. 1977 - 2. 6. 2016
2. junija 2016 je na jugozahodu Moldavije, blizu romunske meje, strmoglavil helikopter SMURD (Serviciul Mobil de Urgenta, Reanimare si Descarcerare). Umrli so vsi štirje člani posadke: pilot Doru Gavril, kopilot Voicu Socae, zdravnica Mihaela Dumea in medicinec Gabriel Sandu. SMURD je bil ustanovljen leta 1990 kot reševalna služba za nujne primere s sedežem v Romuniji, vendar redno izvajajo operacije tudi v sosednji Moldaviji.

On June 2, 2016, an helicopter of the SMURD (Serviciul Mobil de Urgenta, Reanimare si Descarcerare), crashed in the south-west of Moldova, near the Romanian border. All four crew members died:
pilot Doru Gavril, co-pilot Voicu Socae, doctor Mihaela Dumea (39 years old) and nurse Gabriel Sandu. SMURD was established in 1990 and is an emergency rescue service based in Romania but they regularly carry out operations in neighboring Moldova.

                         MD - 1009

DUMI Inajete 1924 - 1944
lbanska partizanka.

Albanian patriot partisan.


           AL - 2296

DUMONT Louise 22. 2. 1862 - 16. 5. 1932
Nemška igralka in gledališka direktorica.

German actress and theater manager.

 D - 910
DUPIN Lucie-Aurore
glej George Sand.

see George Sand.
DURAS Marguerite 4. 4. 1914 - 3. 3. 1996
Francoska pisateljica in režiserka je avtorica številnih romanov, iger, filmov in kratkih pripovedi. Njeno najbolj znano delo je avtobiografski roman L`amant (1984).

A French writer and film director is the author of a many novels, plays, films and short narratives. Her her best know is an autobiographical work L'Amant (1984).

           F - 5816

DURHAM Edit 8. 12. 1863 - 15. 11. 1944
Britanska popotnica, umetnica in pisateljica je znana po svojih antropoloških opisih življenja v Albaniji v zgodnjem 20. stoletju.
Mary Edith Durham was a British traveller, artist and writer who became famous for her anthropological accounts of life in Albania in the early 20th century.

KO -127

DUSE Eleonora 3. 10. 1858 - 21. 4. 1924
Italijanska igralka je na odrske deske stopila s štirimi leti, s 14 je že nastopila kot Julija v tragediji Romeo in Julija. Zaslovela je leta 1878 z vlogo Terese Raquin v Neaplju. Nastopala je po celi Evropi, kasneje pa tudi v ZDA. Zavzemala se je za uveljavitev dramskih del D`Annunzia s katerim je nekaj let živela. V nasprotju z večkrat izumetničeno in pretirano čustvenostjo Sarah Bernhardt je bila njena igra naravna pa vendar polna energije in zanosa. Leta 1909 je prenehala nastopati, vendar se je 1921 vrnila na oder. Zadnjič je nastopila malo pred smrtjo na gostovanju v Pittsburgu (ZDA).

The Italian tragedienne Eleonora Duse was known internationally as one of the greatest actresses of her time. Born into a theatrical family, Duse had her first popular success in Emile Augier's The House of Fourchambault (1878). In 1878 she joined a touring company and became a star. Duse's outstanding roles included performances in plays by Victorien Sardou, Henrik Ibsen, and Alexandre Dumas fils. In 1893 she scored notable successes in Carlo Goldoni's La Locandiera and as Magda in Hermann Sudermann's Heimatt. Her role as Magda, performed in London in 1895 at the same time as Sarah Bernhardt's performance, prompted comparisons of the two actresses. She supported and acted in the dramas La Gioconda (1898) and Francesca da Rimini (1902) of Gabriele D'Annunzio, with whom she had a long and tempestuous love affair, recounted in his novel The Flame of Life (1900). She retired in 1909, returned to the stage in 1921, and died while on a tour of the United States.

      SU - 2186             I -1026

DYBWARD Johanne 2. 8. 1867 - 4. 3. 1950
Norveška gledališka igralka in producentka. Kar pol stoletja je bila najpomembnejša norveška gledališka igralka. Bebirala je 1887 v Bergnu v komediji Gertrude eller den lille skat. Nato je vse življenje igrala v Narodnem gledališču v Oslu.

On stamps N-557/558 is portrait of the actress from a bust made by Per Ung. The bust is located at the front of The National Theatre in Oslo. Dybwad was attached to this theatre almost her whole life as artist. In 1947 she retired after 60 years on the stage, admired at home and in Europe as  the most outstanding theatre actress in Scandinavia. She was specially known for her strong portrayal of women characters in the plays by Ibsen and Shakespeare. She managed to give life to these figures with her soul, strong fantasy and passion in a way she always will be remembered in the history of theatre.

                           N - 557/558

DZHYMA Juliya 19. 9. 1990 -
Ukrajinska biatlonka je skupaj z Valj Semerenko, Vita Semerenko in Olena Pidhrushna osvojila zlato medaljo v štafeti 4 x 6 km na OI 2014 v Sočiju.

An Ukrainian biathlete Together with Valj Semerenko, Vita Semerenko and Olena Pidhrushna she won the gold medal in the Women's relay 4 x 6 km at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.


                  UA - 1412

DZIKOWSKA Elzbieta 19. 3. 1937 -
Poljska zgodovinarka, raziskovalka, avtorica dokumentarnih filmov, knjig, televizijskih in radijskih oddaj, moderna umetnica. Skupaj z možem Tonyem Halikom sta posnela okoli 300 dokumentarnih filmov po celem svetu za poljsko televizijo. Veliko sta gostovala na popotniškem televizijskem programu Pieprz i wanilia  Na znamkah PL - 4514/4519 so njene fotografije.    

She is a Polish art historian, sinologist, explorer, director and operator of documentary films, the author of many books, television programs, radio broadcasts, articles and exhibitions of contemporary art. Along with her husband, Tony Halik, has made about 300 documentary films all over the world for the Polish Television and hosted a popular travel television programme Pieprz i wanilia (Pepper and vanilla). On stamps PL - 4514/4519 are her photographs.


PL - 4514/4519

gor - up