JABLONSKA Tetjana 11. 2. 1917 - 17. 6. 2006
Slavna sovjetska slikarka je za svoje delo dobila številna priznanja in nagrade: stalinovo nagrado (1949, 1951), naslov zaslužnega umetnika Ukrajine, Orden rdeče zastave za delo, državno nagrado Sovjetske zveze... Prvo Stalinovo nagrado je dobila za sliko Kruh, ki je na znamki SU-3448.

Famous soviet painter. She won two Stalin Prizes (1949, 1951), the title Distinguished Artist of the Ukrainian SSR, Order of the Red Banner of Labour, the State Prize of the USSR, 1979. In 1975 she is made a full member of the Academy of Fine Arts of the USSR. First Stalin prize she got in 1949 for her painting (on stamp SZ-3448): Bread.

                            SU - 3448                                                                        UA - 1601

JABURKOVA Jožka 6. 4. 1896 - 31. 7. 1942
Češka novinarka je bila v letih 1921 - 29 funkcionarka delavske stranke, v letih 1929 - 39 glavna urednica časopisa Rozsevačka. Leta 1939 so jo Nemci deportirali v koncentracijsko taborišče Ravensbrück, kjer je umrla.
Na znamki CZ-2130 je tu
di Kuderikova Marie.

Czech communist and journalist, she died in nazi concentration camp Ravensbruck.
On stamp CZ-2130 is also Kuderikova Marie.

               CZ - 2130

JACKEVIČIUTE Elena 18. 2. 1891 - 17. 10. 1977
Bila je prva ženska sodnica v neodvisni Litvi, javna osebnost in zagovornica ženskih pravic. Študirala je pravo v Petrapilisu na Švedskem. Študij je prekinila prva svetovna vojna. Leta 1915 se je z družino presela k sorodnikom v Moskvo. Tam je nadaljevala šolanje in leta 1918 diplomirala z diplomo prve stopnje. V Litvo se je vrnila leta 1919 in do leta 1922 delala kot učiteljica na ekonomski šoli Dotnuva. Svojo pravno kariero je začela postopoma dokler ni bila leta 1930 imenovana za člana okrožnega sodišča v Marijampolė. Bila je bila članica organizacijskega odbora Litovskega ženskega sveta.

The first female judge in independent Lithuania, a public figure and a defender of women's rights. She studied law in Petrapilis, Sweden. The study was interrupted by the First World War. In 1915 she moved with her family to relatives in Moscow. She continued her education there and graduated in 1918 with a first degree. She returned to Lithuania in 1919 and until 1922 worked as a teacher at the Dotnuva School of Economics. She began her legal career gradually until she was appointed a member of the Marijampolė District Court in 1930. She was a member of the organizing committee of the Lithuanian Women's Council.


               LV - 1294
JACOBSSON Ulla 23. 5. 1929 - 20. 8. 1982
Švedska filmska igralka je postala svetovno znana s filmoma Hon dansade en sommar (Plesala je eno samo poletje, 1951) in Sommarnattens leende (Smiles of a Summer Night, 1955). V Veliki Britaniji je postala znana z vlogo misijonarjeve hčerke v filmu Zulu (1964). Poročila se je z avstrijskim zdravnikom in živela na Dunaju do svoje smrti zaradi raka.
Ulla Jacobsson was an International Swedish Actress and became world-famous with the film Hon dansade en sommar (One Summer of Happiness, 1951) and Sommarnattens leende (Smiles of a Summer Night, 1955), which Zarah Leander made as a musical in Vienna and also the Swedish version in Stockholm. She became better known in the UK for her part of the daughter of a missionary (played by Jack Hawkins) in Zulu (1964). She married an Austrian doctor and lived in Vienna, where she died of cancer in 1982.

              S - 1904

JADWIGA sv. - Hedwig von Schlesien st.  1174 -15. 10. 1243
Hči Bertolda III grofa Tirolske in vojvoda Koroške in Istre in njegove žene Agnes. V starosti 12 se je poročila s Henryem I. iz Šlezije, ki je leta 1233 postal vojvoda Velike Poljske. Ko je leta 1238 Henry umrl se je Jadwiga preselila v samostana, ki ga je vodila ena njenih hčera. Jadwiga je vedno pomagala revnim, vse svoje bogastvo je podarila cerkvi in revnimi. Leta 1267 je bila razglašena za svetnico

She was daughter of Berthold III, Count of Tyrol and Duke of Carinthia and Istria (Andechs-Meran), and his wife Agnes. At age 12 she married Henry I the Bearded of Silesia. In 1233 Henry also became Duke of Greater Poland. In 1238 Henry died and the widow moved into the convent which was led by one of her daughters. Hedwig and Henry had lived a very pious life, and Hedwig had great zeal for religion. She always helped the poor, went barefoot even in winter, and donated all her fortune to the church and the poor. She was canonized in 1267.


           PL - 3470                  D -1701
JAHREN Anne 20. 6. 1963 -
Nekdanja norveška smučarska tekačica. Bila je ena od članic norveške tekaške ekipe v štafeti 4x km (na znamki
N-1030 so ostale članice ekipe: Berit Aunli, Britt Pettersen in Helene Inger Nybraten) ki so na OI 1984 v Sarajevu osvojile zlato medaljo. Na svetovnem prvenstvu v Obersdorfu je leta 1987 postala svetovna prvakinja v teku na 10 km. Ostali njeni dosežki so: srebro v štafeti na OI 1988 v Calgaryju, srebro v štafeti na Svetovnem prvenstvu 1985 v Seefeldu, bron v teku na 20 km na OI 1984 v Sarajevu in bron v štafeti na Svetovnem prvenstvu 1989 v Lahtiju.

She is a former Norwegian Cross-country skier. She was a part of the norwegian winning team (on stamp N-1030 are also: Berit Aunli, Brit Pettersen and Helene Inger Nybraten) in the relay (4×5 km) at the 1984 Olympics in Sarajevo. She was world champion on the 10 km at the 1987 World Championships in Oberstdorf. Other achievements is silver in the relay at the 1988 Olympics in Calgary, silver in the relay at the World Ski Championships 1985 in Seefeld, bronze on the 20 km at the 1984 Olympics in Sarajevo and bronze relay 1989 World Championships in Lahti.

                N - 1030
JAMALADINOVA Susana Alimivna - Jamala 27. 8. 1983 -
Ukrajinska pevka, igralka in tekstopiska je leta 2016 kot predstavnica Ukrajine zmagala s pesmijo 1944 na tekmovanju Pesem Evrovizije.

An Ukrainian singer, actress and songwriter represented Ukraine and won the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 with her song 1944.

            UA - 1603
JAMROZ Kristina 29. 8. 1923 - 19. 7. 1986
Poljska sopranistka je študirala v Wroclawu. Tam je leta 1948 na odru opere svojo kariero tudi začela. Od leta 1957 je bila zaposlena v operi v Poznanju, od leta 1961 pa kot  solist v Grand Theatre v Varšavi. Ustvarila je številne čudovite vloge tudi na številnih opernih hišah po Evropi.

Polish singer - soprano, studied in Wroclaw, where she began her career in 1948 on the stage of the Opera House. In 1957 he was engaged at the opera in Poznań, and since 1961 has been a soloist with the Grand Theatre in Warsaw. She created many wonderful roles. She has performed at many opera houses in Europe.

           PL - 3255

JANINA Irina 27. 11. 1966 - 31. 8. 1999
Ruska bolničarka je delala kot medicinska sestra v bolnišnici za tuberkulozo v Kazahstanu. Od leta 1995 je delala na notranjem ministrstvu pri oskrbi vojakov. V letih 1995 - 1996 so jo dvakrat poslali na območje spopadov Čečeniji. Ubita je bila v Republiki Dagestan, ko je pomagala ranjenim vojakom. Posmrtno je 14.10.1999 prejela naziv junaka Ruske federacije.

She graduated from medical school and worked as a nurse, a nurse in a tuberculosis hospital in Kazakhstan. Since 1995, the service contract in the Interior Ministry troops Russia. She was sent twice to the area of hostilities in the Chechen Republic in 1995-1996. She was killed in Republic of Dagestan when she helped wounded soilders. She was posthumously awarded  The title of Hero of the Russian Federation, in October 14, 1999.

                   RU - 1822

JANKOVIĆ Jelena 28. 2. 1985 -
Nekdanja prva igralka sveta med posameznicami srbska teniška igralka je prvo mesto dosegla pred svojim finalnim nastopom na US Open turnirju leta 2008. Njeni najvećji uspehi so zmage: v Wimbledonu leta 2007 v mešanih dvojicah z Jamie Murrayem, leta 2010 na BNP Paribas Open, na INTERNAZIONALI BNL d'Italiatwice, v letih 2007 in 2008 in nastop v finalu US Open 2008. Treniraljo je njen brat Marko.

Serbian tenis player and former World No. 1 in singles, a ranking achieved preceding her finals appearance at the 2008 US Open. Janković's career highlights include winning the 2007 Wimbledon Mixed Doubles title with Jamie Murray, the 2010 BNP Paribas Open, the Internazionali BNL d'Italiatwice, in 2007 and 2008, and the aforementioned appearance in the finals of the 2008 US Open. She is coached by her brother Marko.


                RS - 242

JANOTA-BZOWSKI Elisabeth von 21. 11. 1912 - 15. 8. 2012
Nemška grafičarka "La Janota" je svojo prvo risbo prodala pri 17 letih. Od takrat je to ena najbolj plodovitih evropskih grafičnih umetnic in priljubljena med zbiralci umetnosti po vsem svetu. Znana je tudi kot oblikovalka znamk, saj je oblikovala več kot 25 poštnih znamk za Zvezno republiko Nemčijo. Znamka "100 let telefona v Nemčiji" je njena prva. Leta 1981 je njena znamka "Day of the Postal stamp" dobila naziv najboljši znamke leta. Znana je tudi po portretih uglednih osebnosti, ki so krasili naslovnice revij, od Time do Der Spiegel.

German graphic artist "La Janota" sold her first commercial drawing at age 17. Since then, she has become one of Europe's most prolific graphic artists and a perennial favorite among both philatelists and art collectors worldwide. The designer of well over 25 postage stamps for the former Federal Republic of Germany, she designed her first stamp to commemorate "100 Years of the Telephone in Germany." In 1981, her design for the "Day of the Postal Stamp" was chosen internationally as the best stamp of the year. In addition to her stunning stamp designs and her profound success in the field of commercial graphics, von Janota-Bzowski is an accomplished portrait artist whose portrayals of world leaders and other prominent figures have graced the covers of magazines from Time to Germany's Der Spiegel.

  UN-Vienna - 64

JANSSENS Veronica 1956 -
Belgijska umetnica.

Belgian artist.

B - 3489
JANSSON Tove 9. 8. 1914 - 27. 6. 2001
Zelo popularna finska pisateljica in slikarka otroških knjig je posebej znana po svojim Muminih. Od 1930 do 1938 je študirala slikarstvo v Stockholmu, v Helsinkih in Parizu. Med leti 1945 in 1977 je napisala in ilustrirala je 13 knjig o Muminih, ki so prevedene v več kot 35 tujih jezikov, tudi slovenščino. Za svoje delo je prejela Andersenovo nagrado in veliko nagrado švedske akademije.

She is a very popular author of children's books, especially the ones about the Moomin Trolls. She studied painting and drawing in Stockholm 1930-1933, Helsinki 1934-1936 and Paris 1938. She wrote 13 illustrated Moomin books, originally written in Swedish, between 1945 and 1977 and which have been translated into more than 30 language.


                                    FI - 1189-1192                                         FI - 1520 -1523

                              FI - 1649-1654                                             FI -1240-1241
                                FI - 1416-1419                                            FI - 1975-1980

                                                             FI - 1854-1859
                                                         FI - 2241-2246     
                                                        FI - 2290-2291
 FI - 2111-2116  

JAREMA Maria 24. 11. 1908 - 1. 11. 1958
Poljska kiparka in slikarka je študirala na Akademiji za likovno umetnost v Krakovu. Bila je članica radikalne leve skupine Krakow. V letih pred vojno je v glavnem ustvarjala kipe, vendar so samo 4  njena zgodnja dela preživela drugo svetovno vojno. Med njimi je nagrobnik, spomenik Krakovskim delavcem ubitih v nemirih leta 1936. V njenih slikah se enostavnost oblik in motivov spremeni v bogastvu teksture in strukture sestave. Pred drugo svetovno vojno je Maria tudi igrala in oblikovala  kostume za slikarsko eksperimentalno gledališče Cricot.

Polish sculptor and painter. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Kraków. She was a member of the radical left-wing Krakow Group. Although during the 1930s sculpture was her main medium, only four early works survived World War II, among them a non-figurative, architectural tombstone, a monument to Kraków workers killed in riots in 1936. In Nude (1938) the forms are simple and almost abstract. In her paintings this same simplicity of forms and motifs turns into richness of texture and compositional structure. Until World War II Jarema also acted, and she designed costumes for the painters’ experimental theatre Cricot.

                         PL - 2037

JARICOT Paulina Maria 22. 7. 1799 - 9. 1. 1862
3. maja 1822 je ustanovila Društvo za širjenje vere in je bila 25.2.1964 razglašena za častitljivo.

She founded the Association for the Propagation of the Faith on 3rd May, 1822 and was declared Venerable on 25th February, 1963.

                              VA -405/407

JARNEVIĆ Dragojla 4. 1. 1812 - 12. 3. 1875
Najpomembnejša pesnica ilirskega gibanja. Pisala je novele (Domorodne povijesti), romane (Dva pira) in pedagoške članke. V obširnem dnevniku, ki je objavljen samo v delih (Život jedne žene) opisuje zanimiva opažanja o svojih sodobnikih. Njene drame (Veronika  Deseničeva, Marija, Ugarska  kraljica, Duvna) niso ohranjene. Literarno je najpomembnejši njen dnevnik, ki poleg avtobiografskih podatkov vsebuje tudi opažanja političnih dogodkov  njenega časa.

The most important female writer in Karlovac at the time of the Illyrian movement. She finished primary school in Karlovac. She worked as an educator in nobility houses in Graz, Trieste and Venice. She published her works in Danica, Kola, Pilgar, Neven, Glasonoša, Obzor, Smilje, Napredak...(Famous Croatian magazines from the 19th century). Besides poems, she published three stories entitled Domorodne poviesti (Homeland Histories). She is famous for her Diary written as an honest confession of a sensitive and a lonely woman in over 1000 pages.

          YU -
1612                      HR - 1031
JAROSLAVNA Ana 1024 - 1076
Ana Jaroslavna  je bila žena francoskega kralja Henrika I. Slika na znamki UA-
270 je narejena po kipu, ki so ga našli v cerkvi v Senlisu (Francija).

Anna Yaroslavna wife of France king Henrik I. This depiction on stamp UA-270 is based upon a statue found in a Church in Senlis, France.

          UA -
JASOVA Jana 1912 - 1974
Bolgarska pisateljica in pesnica je avtorica zgodovinske trilogije Balkani, ki je bila izdana šele po njeni skrivnostni smrti.  Študirala je slavistiko v Sofiji in začela pisati že v šoli. Svoje prvi pesmi je izdala leta 1931.

Bulgarian poet and novelist who wrote the historical trilogy Balkani, which was published after her mysterious death. She studied in Sofia, Bulgaria, reading Slavonic studies, and began writing while still in school. By the time she was 20, in 1931, she had published her first volume of poetry.

                 BG - 5030

JASNORZEWSKA-PAWLIOKOWSKA Maria 24. 11. 1891 - 9. 7. 1945
Poljska pesnica in pisateljica.

Polish writer and poet.

            PL - 2857

JASZAI Mari 24. 2. 1850 - 5. 10. 1926
Madžarska gledališka igralka, ena največjih madžarskih tragedinj. Poklicno pot je začela kot zborovska pevka v manjših zborih. Prvič je nastopila v Ljudskem gledališču v Budimu leta 1867-68. Nato se je pridružila gledališču v Kolozsváru (zdaj Cluj-Napoca, Romunija), kjer je odigrala številne vodilne vloge: Portio v Beneškem trgovcu Williama Shakespeara, Zrínyi Ilono v domoljubni igre Rákóczi Ferenc fogsága (ujetništva Francisa Rákócza II) in Gertrudis v Bank Ban Józsefa Katona . Leta 1872 se je pridružila narodnemu gledališču v Pest kjer je nekaj glavnih vlog: Eve na premieri Az ember tragédiája  Imre Madácha, Lady Macbeth, naslovno vlogo v Jean Racini Phèdri. Zadnjič je nastopila leta 1925. Igrala je tudi v nekaterih madžarskih nemih filmih: Bánk Ban (1914) in A tolonc (1914). Leta 1927 so objavili njeno avtobiografija Emlékiratai (Spomini).

Hungarian actress, one of the greatest Hungarian tragediennes. She started her career as a chorus singer with small companies, first in Székesfehérvár, then in Buda (now Budapest). She performed her first role at the People’s Theatre in Buda in 1867–68. She then joined the theatre in Kolozsvár (now Cluj-Napoca, Rom.), where she refined her talents in a number of leading roles, including that of Portia in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, Zrínyi Ilona in Ede Szigligeti’s patriotic play Rákóczi Ferenc fogsága (“The Captivity of Francis Rákóczi II”), and Gertrudis in József Katona’s Bánk bán (“Viceroy Bank”). In 1872 she was invited to join the National Theatre in Pest, where she soon took on lead roles. She played Éva in the premiere of Imre Madách’s Az ember tragédiája (“The Tragedy of Man”), Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, and the title role in Jean Racine’s Phèdre, along with Sophocles’ Antigone and Electra. Her performances were marked by passion, intellectual depth, and great power. Her last performance was in 1925. In the fledgling Hungarian film industry she appeared in the silent films Bánk bán (1914) and A tolonc (1914; “The Vagrant”). Her autobiography, Emlékiratai (“Memoirs”), was published in 1927.

            H - 4582

JAUNZEME Inese 21. 5. 1932 - 13. 2. 2011
Latvijska športnica - metalka kopja je prva Latvijka, ki je zmagala na olimpijskih igrah in sicer leta 1956 v Melbournu z olimpijskim rekordom 53,86 m. Takrat seveda še pod zastavo Sovjetske zveze. Ta rekord je leta 1960 na olimpijskih igrah v Rimu izboljšala Elvira Ozolina, ki je tudi na bloku LV-431.

The first Latvian to win gold was javelin thrower and track and field athlete Inese Jaunzeme as athlete from Soviet Union. She broke the Olympic record in javelin throwing (53,86 metres) at the Melbourne summer Olympics in 1956. This record was broken again at the 1960 Olympics in Rome by Elvira Ozolina (she is also on sheet LV-431).

                                    LV - 431

JAVOUHEY Anne-Marie 10. 11. 1779 - 15. 7. 1851
Francoska nuna je odraščala je v času terorja francoske revolucije, ko je bilo zaplenjeno vse premoženje cerkva. Že v zgodnjem otroštvu se je odločila, da bo svoje življenje posvetila revnim in izobraževanju otrok. Po preganjanju je vstopila med nune in živela v različnih samostanih. Leta 1805 je skupaj s še osmimi sestrami ustanovila Inštitut svetega Jožefa iz Cluny v Cabillonu, ki se zelo uspešno ukvarja s poučevanjem. Delujejo tudi v oddaljenih krajih kot so Francoska Gvajana, Tahiti in Madagaskar.

She grew up during the terror of the French Revolution when all Church property was confiscated. Practicing priests who refused to take the oath were considered to be criminals. At an early age, she decided that she wanted to devote her life to the poor and the education of children. When the persecution had ended, she took the veil. After failing to adjust to life in several convents, she and eight companions founded the Institute of Saint Joseph of Cluny at Cabillon in 1805. The Sisters of Saint Joseph gained renown for their successful teaching methods. Fired with apostolic zeal, she sent her nuns to work in far distant regions: French Guyana, Tahiti, Madagascar.

                F - 2247

JEBB Eglantyne 25. 8. 1876 – 17. 12. 1928
Britanska socialna reformatorka je leta 1919 ustanovila sklad za pomoč revnim otrokom Avstrije in Nemčije po prvi svetovni vojni in kasneje žrtvam ruske lakote. Pripravila je deklaracijo o otrokovih pravicah, ki jo je Društvo narodov leta 1924 sprejelo. Neutrudno je vodila borbo za dobrobit in vzgojo otrok.

A British social reformer founded the Save The Children Fund in 1919 to help relief work for German and Austrian children reduced to poverty by World War I, and later victims of the Russian famine. She drafted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which was adopted by the League of Nations in 1924, and campaigned tirelessly for the welfare and education of children.


            GB - 3858

JEAN-BAPTISTE Marianne 26. 4. 1967 -
Angleška igralka, pevka, skladateljica in režiserka je najbolj znana po vlogi Hortenzije Cumberbatch v filmu Secrets & Lies  iz leta 1996. Na znamki GB-3605 je tudi Brenda Anne Bottle.

Marianne Jean-Baptiste is an English actress, singer-songwriter, composer and director, best known for her roles as Hortense Cumberbatch in Secrets & Lies (1996). On stamp GB-3605 is also Brenda Anne Bottle.

                        GB - 3605

JEFFERS Susan 3. 3. 1938 - 7. 10. 2012
Ameriška slikarka je leta 1964 diplomirala na Pratt Institutu in tri leta delala na področju založništva. Leta 1968 je začela samostojno kariero. Leta 1970 so objavili prvo otroško knjigo z njenimi ilustracijami. V 30 letih je ilustrirala skoraj 50 knjig. Ilustrirala je knjige Ljubezenske pesmi malega medveda, zbirko pesmi Margaret Wise Brown. Skupaj s prijateljico in pisateljico Rosemary Wells sta ilustrirali več knjig Mcduff.

She graduate of Pratt Institute in 1964, worked in the publishing field for three years. In 1968 she began freelance career. Her first childrens book were published in 1970. She’s illustrated nearly 50 books in 30 years. Her books include Love Songs of the Little Bear, a collection of Margaret Wise Brown’s poems, and several McDuff books with friend and author Rosemary Wells. They both own West Highland terriers, McDuff’s breed. Susan has been awarded the Caldecott Honor, along with many other awards.

CZ - 2725

JEGER Irma Salo 13. 12. 1928 -
Rojena je na Finskem vendar je že od 60.let deluje na Norveškem. Diplomirala je iz umetnostne zgodovine v Helsinkih. Študirala je umetnost v Münchnu, Oslu in Firencah. Smatrajo jo za eno izmed največjih predstavnikov abstraktnega slikarstva na Norveškem. Njeni prvenci so nastali ravno v času preboja abstraktne umetnosti v 60. letih. Za njene slike so značilne jasno razmejena območja intenzivnih, svetlih barv, ki so pogosto modra, rdeče in oranžna. V letih 1986 do 1992 je bila profesorica na državni umetniški akademiji v Oslu.
Na znamki
N-1672 je del njene slike: Luč v binkoštnem času.

She was born in Finland has been a major figure in Norwegian art since the 1960s. She studied art in Munich, Oslo and Florence after taking a degree in art history in Helsinki. She is regarded as one of the greatest exponents of abstract painting in Norway, and her debut coincided with the breakthrough of this form of expression around 1960. Her paintings are characterised by clearly demarcated areas of intense, bright colour, often blues, reds and oranges. Irma Salo Jæger held a professorship at Statens Kunstakademi in Oslo from 1986 until 1992. Her work is presented in a book by art historian Erik Dæhlin, which was published in 2002.  On the stamp N-1672 is a section of: The Light at Pentecost Time.

                   N - 1672
JELLETT Maine 20. 4. 1897 - 16. 2. 1944
Ena najpomembnejših umetnic 20. stoletja na Irskem. Skupaj s prijateljico Evie Hone sta uvedli kubizem na Irsko. Študirali sta v Parizu pri Andreu Lhote priznanem učitelju in teoretiku kubizma, leta 1922 pa pri Alberu Gleizesu, članu ene originalnih skupin kubizma. Z njim sta sodelovali dolgih 10 let pri razvoju načel modernega slikarstva.

Mainie Jellett was one of the most important Irish artists of the twentieth century, who with her friend Evie Hone was responsible for introducing Cubism to Ireland. They travelled to Paris together and studied with Andre Lhote, who was a renowned teacher and theorist who practiced a modified version of Cubism. In 1922 Jellett and Hone both began studying with Albert Gleizes, one of the original Cubist group. They then went on to collaborate with him for the next ten years in his development of principles for abstract painting. In association with him she had developed the theory of 'translation and rotation', where the viewer was encouraged to see the logical progression of colours and forms within the painting.

       IE - 243

JEMEC BOŽIČ Marjanca 16. 9. 1928 -
Slovenska akademska slikarka Marjanca Jemec Božič  je študirala na Akademiji za likovno umetnost v Ljubljani in diplomirala pri prof. Maksimu Sedeju. Po diplomi je bila zaposlena nekaj časa pri časopisu Delavska enotnost, potem pa se je posvetila ilustraciji knjig in revialnega tiska za otroke in mladino ter TV slikanicam. Če povzamemo besede likovnih kritikov, je pri tem delu nadvse uspešna. Z risbo zmore poustvariti različna stanja, v katerih so literarni junaki.

The Academy painter Marjanca Jemec Bozic studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana and graduated under Prof. Maksim Sedej. After graduation, she worked for the Delavska enotnost newspaper for a while before dedicating herself to illustrating books and periodicals for children and young people as well as TV children shows. According to art critics she does her job highly successfully. She is capable of recapturing different states of literary heroes.

                 SI -
JENSEN Bjorg-Eva 15. 2. 1960 -
Norveška hitrostna drsalka je zmagala na olimpijskih igrah leta 1980 v Lake Placidu v hitrostnem drsanju na 3000 m.

Won gold medal on  OG 1980 Lake Placid in speed skating 3000 meters.

           N - 1027

ERMOLOVA Marija Nikolajevna 15. 7. 1853 - 12. 3. 1928
Ruska gledališka igralka je leta 1877 postala članica Malega gladališča Moskvi in je znana po vlogah iz del Ostrovskega. Odigrala je okoli 300 vlog: Devica orleanska, Sneguručka, Maria Stuart.....

Russian actress, in 1877 became actress of Little Theatre in Moscow and became famous in Ostrovsky's plays. She created about 300 roles: Joan of Arc, The Snow Maiden, Maria Stuart...

             SZ - 2038                      SZ -
JEVRIĆ Olga 29. 11. 1922 - 10. 2. 2014
Srbska kiparka je diplomirala na akademiji za likovno umetnost v Beogradu 1948 in končala specialni tečaj - kiparstvo. Izpopolnjevala se je v Franciji in ZDA. Razstavljala je samostojno v Londonu 1962, Torinu 1959, Beogradu 1957, 1965. Sodelovala je na razstavah jugoslovanske umetnosti po celi Evropi. V svojih delih išče izrazitost sestavljenih oblik: masa,  votline in jeklene palice kot kompozicijski in konstrukcijski elementi. Dela v jeklu in betonu. V prvi fazi dela pretežno portrete in reliefe. Pozneje preide v izrazito abstraktnost. 

Olga Jevric graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade on 1948, specialized sculpture. Exhibit on all over the Europe. Her abstract works are from steel and concrete.

           YU - 1752<

JIRINCOVA Ljudmila 9. 5. 1912 - 22. 1. 1994
Čehoslovaška slikarka,
Na znamki CZ-2917 je njena grafika iz leta 1945: Konec igre.

Czechoslovak painter. On stamp CZ-2917 is her graphic from 1945: The end of the game.

        CZ - 2917

JOAN of Arc (st.) - Ivana Orleanska sv.
glej Ivana Orleanska sv.

see Ivana Orleanska sv.
JOHANNESSEN Bergithe Christine 1905 - 1995
Je prva ferska slikarka sprejeta na Kraljevo akademijo za likovno umetnost v Kopenhagnu. Pri osemnajstih je odpotovala v London na študij slikarstva. Na Sidscup School of Art je študirala od leta 1923 do leta 1925. Specializirala se je za akvarel. Preselila se je v Kopenhagnu, kjer je obiskovala šolo za slikanje na Kraljevi danski akademiji za likovno umetnost. Po končanem študiju je v Kopenhagnu dlala kot slikarka porcelana v kraljevi tovarni porcelana. Pogosto je potovala na Ferske otoke kjer je slikala in sodelovala v letih 1956-1980 na številnih razstavah. Bila je zastopana tudi na velikih razstav Art Association Ferski otoki organiziranih leta 1950. Slikala je predvsem krajine. Na slikah so včasih upodobljene tudi hiše in ovce nikoli pa ljudje. Na znamkah sta njena akvarela: Skærfyldt strand iz leta 1964 in From Nolsø iz leta 1964.

She was the first Faroese to be admitted to the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. She was 18 years old when she travelled to London to study painting. She went to the Sidscup School of Art from 1923 until 1925 and specialised in watercolour painting. She then moved to Copenhagen, where she attended the School of Painting at Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts from 1925 until 1931. After completing her studies, she continued living in Copenhagen, where she worked as a porcelain painter at the Royal Danish Porcelain Factory. She travelled frequently to the Faroe Islands to paint and she participated in many Olaj Exhibitions from 1956 until 1980. Bergithe Johannessen primarily painted landscapes. Sometimes the paintings have houses and sheep, but never people. On stamps are her paintings: Skærfyldt strand (Glowing beach) a watercolour painted in 1964 and From Nolsø a watercolour from 1964.

Faroe -

JOHANNSDOTTIR Olafia 1863 - 1924
Ustanoviteljica in voditeljica ženskega združenja.

She was one of Iceland`s leaders fighting for the liberation of women and their political  rights. She was leader of White Ribbon Humanitarian Women`s Christian Temperance Union in Iceland.

                 IS - 845

JOHANSSON Erica 5. 2. 1974 -
Obetavna švedska skakalka v dolžino je pri petnajstih letih postavila švedski rekord z 6,50 m. Leta 1990 je osvojila srebrno medaljo na svetovnem mladinskem prvenstvu z skokom 6,5 m. 90, Na svetovnem mladinskem prvenstvu 1992 pa je osvojila zlato medaljo. Leta 2000 je dosegla edini uspeh v članski konkurenci: na evropskem dvoranskem prvenstvu je osvojila zlato medaljo s skokom 6,89 m.

She was very promising as a junior long jumper. At the age of 15 she equalled the Swedish record with 6.50. One year later she won the silver medal in the 1990 World Junior Championships, jumping 6.50 again. She won the gold medal at the 1992 World Junior Championships. Her only achievement at senior level came at the 2000 European Indoor Championships, where she won the gold medal in long jump with 6.89.

          S - 1882

JOHNSON Amy 1. 7. 1903 - 5. 1. 1941
Angleška pilotka pionirka je postala slavna s samostojnim  poletom iz Londona v Darwin - Avstralija. Diplomirala je na Univerzi v Sheffiledu in začela delati kot tajnica v Londonu. Pilotski izpit je dobila leta 1928. Je prva Angležinja z izpitom za letališko tehnično osebje. 5. maja 1930 se je odpravila na svoj samostojni let do Darwina. Čeprav je rekord zgrešila za tri dni, je zaradi svojega poguma in drznosti postala v angleško govorečih deželah slavna. Tisk jo je oklical za "Zračno kraljico". Kasneje je izvedla še številne dolge polete. Leta 1931 je izvedla rekordni polet preko Sibirije v Tokio, leta 1932 pa samostojni polet v Cape Town. Od leta 1939 je delala za Air Transport Auxiliary. Po izbruhu 2. svetovne vojne se je pridružila pomožnim transportnim enotam britanskega letalstva na enem od poletov izginila nekje na področju ustja Temze.

She is pioneering female aviator who first achieved fame as a result of her attempt to set a record for solo flight from London to Darwinn, Australia. Johnson graduated from the University of Sheffield and began work as a secretary in London. She gained her pilot`s licence in 1928, and she was also the first British woman granted a ground engineer`s licence. On 5.5.1930 she set off on her solo flight to Darwin. Eventually missing the record by three days, she nevertheless gained great popularity in the Englih- speaking world for her spirit and daring. She was dubbed "Queen of the Air" by the British press. Thereafter Johnson made a number of longdistance flights, in 1931 she set a record for her flight across Siberia to Tokyo, and in 1932 she broke the record for solo flight to Cape Town. Her later achievements were less remarkable. She joined the Air Transport Auxiliary in 1939. It was while on a flying mission for the Air Ministry that she disappeared over the Thames estuary.

               GB - 2104                                     H - 3279
JOLANDA sv. (st.) 1235 (1239) - 11. 6. 1298
Blažena Jolanda Poljska se je rodila na Madžarskem, umrla pa na Poljskem. Bila je hči kralja Bela IV. Poročila se je z Bojeslavom VI. Po njegovi smrti je vstopila v samostan klaris v Stary Sacz. Leta 1292 je postala opatinja.v Gnieznu, samostanu klaris, ki ga ustanovil njen mož.
Blessed Yolanda married Boleslaw the Pious, Prince of Kalisz and Gniezno, in 1256. After her husband’s death in 1279, she gave away her wealth to the Church and her relatives, and joined her widowed sister Kinga in the Poor Clares convent at Sandec. After her sister’s demise in 1292 she moved to the Gniezno monastery founded by her husband and became the abbess. Due to miraculous healings at her grave in the monastery’s chapel, she was beatified in 1827.

       H - 5920
JOLIOT-CURIE Irene 12. 9. 1897 - 17. 3. 1956
Francoska kemičarka hči Pierra Curie in Marie Curie je bila je sodelavka svoje matere in 1925 doktorirala z razpravo o alfa sevanju polonija. Od 1928 je skupaj z možem Jeanom Fredericom Joliotom proučevala atomska jedra. Z obstreljevanjem atomov sta dosegla spremembo atomskih jeder in tako odkrila možnost nastajanja novih umetnih elementov. S svojimi dognanji sta omogočila kasnejšo uporabo radioaktivnih izotopov v medicini. Za odkritje umetne radioaktivnosti je skupaj z možem 1935 prejela Nobelovo nagrado za kemijo. Umrla je za levkemijo, za katero je, tako kot mati, zbolela zaradi radioaktivnega sevanja.
Na znamki F-6478 sta tudi Cecile Brunschvicg in Suzanne Lacore.

The French physicists Jean Frederic Joliot and Irene Curie are known for their pioneering work in radioactivity and nuclear science. They adopted the name Joliot-Curie when they were married in 1926. Irene was the daughter of Marie Curie and Pierre Curie, the discoverers of radium. She began her career as an assistant at the Radium Institute of the Sorbonne in Paris, where she studied the ejection of alpha rays from polonium. There she met and married Frederic, who later received (1930) his doctorate from the University of Paris. Working together, the two scientists obtained results that were instrumental in the discovery (1932) of the neutron by the English physicist James Chadwick. Continuing their work with the alpha particles emitted by plutonium, they discovered (1934) that the irradiation of aluminum by these particles produces a new, unstable isotope of phosphorus. For this first instance of artificial radioactivity, the Joliot-Curies were awarded the 1935 Nobel Prize for chemistry.
On stamp
F-6478 are also Cecile Brunschvicg and Suzanne Lacore.

           F - 2347                                            F - 6478

JONASDOTTIR Sigurlaug 1913- 2004
Islandska slikarka je slikala pripovedne podobe življenja iz domače zahodne obale otoka.

Painter from Iceland began to paint narrative pictures of life in the west coast islands, where she hails from.

IS -1293

JONES Claudia 15. 2. 1915 - 24. 12. 1964
Feministka, črnska aktivistka, politična aktivistka, novinarka in komunistka se je rodila na Trfinidadu. V Veliki Britaniji je znana pod imenom "mati Notting Hill karnevala". Ko so po vojni cene kakava na Trinidadu močno padle se je pri osmih letih preselila v Harlemu v New Yorku. Prejela je nagrado Theodore Roosevelt na svoji srednji šoli.

She was born in Belmont, Port of Spain, Trinidad. She was a feminist, Black Nationalist, political activist, community leader, journalist, and communist in the U.S.. She is also remembered in the UK as 'the mother of Notting Hill Carnival'. As a result of the post-war cocoa price crash in Trinidad, when she was eight years old, she moved to Harlem, New York. She went on to win the Theodore Roosevelt Award for Good Citizenship at her junior high school.

GB - 2678
JONSDOTTIR Kristin 1888 - 1959
Prva islandska poklicna slikarka ki je upodabljala vsakdanje pojave.
Na znamki IS-843: Pri izvirih za pranje.
Na znamki IS-1371: Tihožitje.

Kristín Jónsdóttir is the first Icelandic woman to turn professional painter created a concise pictorial world for herself out of everyday phenomena.

             IS - 843                                      IS - 1371

JORDANOVA Zdravka 9. 12. 1950 -
Bolgarska veslačica in olimpijska zmagovalka. Skupaj z Svetlano Otsetovo (tudi na znamki BG-4230) je osvojila zlato medaljjo na OI 1976 v dvojnem dvojcu.

She is a Bulgarian rower and Olympic champion. Together with Svetlana Otsetova (also on stamp BG-4230)she won gold medal in Olympic games in 1976 in the double sculls class.

            BG - 4230

JOSIPI Katarina 9. 11. 1923 - 29. 4. 1969
Katarina Josipi-Kati s pravim imenom Kata Dulaj je bila albanska gledališka in filmska igralka. Leta 1947 so jo zaprli kot članico Albanske narodne demokratske organizacije, vendar so jo oprosili. Prvič ja nastopila v amaterskem gledališču v Uroševcu potem pa je bila celih 21 let članica Narodnega gledališča v Prištini. Po njej se imenuje gledališko tekmovanje v Prištini.

Katarina Josipi-Kati is artistic name of Kata Dulaj and an Albanian actress. She performed on the professional theater, radio-plays, and also in film and television. In year 1947 she was arrested and accused to be member of Albania National Democratic Organization. But she was released. She started her career at the Amateur Theater in Uroševac. In spring 1948 she joined the Provincial People`s Theater of Pristina, whre she stayed 21 years. The Original Play Competition of the National Theater of Pristina was named after her.

             KO - 257

JOTUNI Maria 9. 4. 1880 - 30. 9. 1943
Finska romanopiska in dramatičarka je pogosto pisala kratke zgodbe in dialoge, v katerih je z ženskega zornega kota opisovala družbo, vsakodnevno življenje, ljubezni in tragedije. Za njena dela je značilno spretno opisovanje ljudi, napeti dialogi polni ostrega humorja. Nameravala je postati učiteljica. Študirala je zgodovino umetnosti, toda vedno več časa je začela posvečati pisanju. Njena dela: Mans`s Rib (1914), opis poroke in ločitve, Klaus, the Master of Louhikko, njeno zadnjo dramo,so proglasili 1941 za najboljšo finsko dramo.

She is appreciated as novelist and playwright and is one of the classic Finnish feminist writers. Her form was often short stories and dialogues in which she depicted the society, everyday life, love and tragedy from a woman's point of view. An apt description of people, intense dialogues without gestures together with pungent humour, characterize her works. First she intended to be a teacher and started to study art history at the university, but her writing took more and more of her time. She was married to a professor of literature. Her work: Man's Rib (1914), a depiction of marriage and divorce; Klaus, the Master of Louhikko is her last play and was honored as the best Finnish drama of 1941.

        FI - 863

JOUBERT Jacqueline 29. 3. 1921 - 8. 1. 2005
Francoska televizijska napovedovalka, producentka in direktorica je po drugi svetovni vojni kot prva nastopila v živo kot napovedovalka na televiziji. Leta 1959 in 1961 je vodila Evrosong v Cannesu. Leta 1966 je začela z vodenjem in producenstvom zabavnih oddaj.

She was a French television continuity announcer, producer and director and one of the first two in-vision continuity announcers (or speakerines) when television commenced in France after the Second World War. In  the 1959 and 1961 she presented Eurovision Song Contests from Cannes. She began to produce and direct entertainment shows in 1966.

               F - 5705

JOVANOVIC Ksenija 6. 6. 1928 - 1. 12. 2012
Srbska filmska, televizijska in gledališka igralka.

Serbian film, television and theater actress.

                                    RS - 509
JOVANOVIĆ Soja 1. 2. 1922 - 22. 4. 2002
Srbska gledališka režiserka, prva jugoslovanska režiserka, njen Pop Ćira i pop Spira je prvi jugosl
ovanski barvni dolgometražni film.

Serbian theater director, first Yugoslav woman director. Her film Pop Cira i pop Spira is the first Yugoslav color film.

 YU - 3253 

JUCHACZ Marie 15. 3. 1879 - 28. 1. 1956
Nemška socialna reformatorka je leta 1908 vstopila v Demokratsko socialno stranko (SPD), več kot deset let preden so ženske dobile volilno pravico. Leta 1919 je postala prva ženska članica nemškega parlament Reichstaga.

Marie Juchacz was a German social reformer. She joined the Social Democratic Party (SPD) in 1908, more than ten years before women acquired the right to vote, and pursued a career that included politics, becoming, in 1919, the first female Reichstag member to address a German parliament.

             D - 596                    D - 2305

JUKA Shejnaze 1924 - 1944
Albanska partizanka.
Na znamki
AL-2123 sta tudi Fato Dudumi in Margarita Tutulani.

Albanian patriot and partisan.
On stamp
AL-2123 are also Fato Dudumi in Margarita Tutulani.


            AL - 2123

JULIN Magda 24. 7. 1894 - 21. 12. 1990
Švedska umetnostna drsalka je leta 1920 zmagala na olimpijskih igrah med ženskami posamezno. Bila je trikratna švedska prvakinja in dvakratna prvakinja nordijskih držav. Njen vidnejši rezultat je tudi 6. mesto  na svetovnem prvenstvu.

Magda Julin, born Mauroy was a Swedish figure skater and Olympic champion 1920 in the Ladies single event. Julin was a daughter of the French music producer Edouard Mauroy. She only participated once in World championships in figure skating and came in at 6th place. She was 3 months pregnant when she competed at the 1920 Olympics. She also won the Swedish championships three times and twice at the Nordic championships.

           S - 1674

JUN Xie 30. 10. 1970 -
Kitajska šahistka je bila trikrat svetovna ženska šahovska prvakinja. Njena prva zmaga je bila presenečenje in je povzročila hiter razvoj šaha v Aziji.

Xie Jun became World Women's Champion three times. When she won the title for the first time, it was a revolutionary news. That also started the Asian stride in the world of chess, later Vishwanathan Anand making it a double in 2000. She won back-to-back titles, but under different formats, as a Challenger in 1999 and in the knockout championship in 2000. In 1993, she defended the title, beating Nana Ioseliani.

         YU - 3024

JUNG Dora 16. 10. 1906 - 19. 12. 1980
Finska umetnica je v letih 1929 - 32 študirala oblikovanje tekstila na Šoli za umetnost in obrt v Helsinkih. Po diplomi je ustanovila svoje podjetje za tkanje. Bila je vsestransko nadarjena oblikovalka tekstila, ustvarjala je za dom, cerkve in javna mesta. Njena specialnost je bila tehnika damaska, ki jo je tudi izpopolnila.

Dora Jung studied at the textile design department of the Central School of Arts and Crafts from 1929 to 1932. After graduating, she established her own weaving firm in Helsinki, which she kept until the end of her life. Dora Jung was a versatile textile designer who created textiles for the home, churches and public display. She was an expert in damask technique, which she went on to develop, and she renew Tampella’s range of damask products.

         FI - 1540

JUNGWIRTH Martha 15. 1. 1940 -
Avstrijska slikarka. Na znamki je njeno delo brez naslova iz serije Fundraising.

Austrian painter. On stamp is her untitled work from the Fundraising series.

           A - 3255

JURADO Katy 16. 1. 1924 - 5. 7. 2002

A Mexican film, stage and television actress began her acting career in Mexico in 1943 where she played villainous "femme fatale" characters in Mexican films during the 1940s and early 1950s. She began her Hollywood career in the film The Bullfighter & the Lady in 1951. She acted in western films of the 1950s and 1960s, including High Noon (1952), Arrowhead (1953), Broken Lance (1954), One-Eyed Jacks (1960), and Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (1973). She was the first Latin American actress nominated for an Academy award, as best supporting actress for her work in Broken Lance, and was the first to win a Golden Globe Award for her performance in High Noon. Šhe played in seventy-one films.
On stamp MC-3322 is also Grace Kelly.

             MC - 3322

JURIĆ Marija Zagorka 1. 1. 1873 - 30. 11. 1957
Prva hrvaška poklicna novinarka in ena izmed najbolj branih hrvaških pisateljic. Njena dela izposojajo v enakem številu kot dela svetovno znane avtorice kriminalnih romanov Agathe Christie. Obiskovala je osnovno šolo v Varaždinu in Zagrebu, kjer se je izkazala kot izjemno nadarjen in inteligenten otrok. Svojo novinarsko kariero je začela leta 1896 v Zagrebu pri dnevniku Obzor kjer je bila članica uredniškega odbora. Pisala je pod psevdonimi Jurica Zagorski, Petrica Kerempuha, Iglica, .... Najbolj je znana pod psevdonimom Zagorka. Svoj prvi  roman Vojvodinja iz Petrinjske ulice je objavila leta 1910. Na znamki HR-828 je ilustracija iz njenega romana Grička vještica.

The first Croatian professional woman journalist and one of the most widely read Croatian women writers, whose works, even nowadays, are borrowed in equal numbers to those of the world-known mistress of crime novels, Agatha Christie. She attended the elementary school in Varaždin and Zagreb where she proved to be an exceptionally talented and intelligent child. She started her journalist career in 1896 in the Zagreb daily papers Obzor (Horizon). She became member of the editorial board of the aforementioned daily paper. She had to write under  pseudonym; she consequently published her texts as Jurica Zagorski, Petrica Kerempuh, Iglica,.... Her most favoured pseudonym was Zagorka. Her first novel Duchess from Petrinjska Street was published. in 1910. On stamp HR-828 is an illustration from her novel Grička vještica (The Witch of Grič).

HR - 828

gor - up