Tabakova Svetlana 27.1.1905 - 6.11.1936      
Bolgarska sopranistka je petje študirala na Državni glasbeni akademiji v Sofiji. Privatno je študirala tudi v Parizu. Med študijem je tudi igrala v Sofijski operi kjer je leta 1924 tudi debutirala. Med leti 1923 in 1936 je tu odpela več kot 20 vlog. Leta 1932 ja z velikim uspehom nastopila v Londonu v Borisu Godunovu skupaj s  Fedorom Chaliapinom. Tega leta je bila na Dunaju na mednarodnem pevskem tekmovanju druga.       

Bolgarian soprano started her vocal education in 1924 at the State Academy of Music in Sofia with Ivan Voulpe. During this time she also worked as an actress at the Sofia Opera. She also studied privately in Paris. Her debut was with the Sofia Opera in 1924. Between 1924 and 1936 she performed over 20 roles with the Sofia Opera. In 1932 she performed with great acclaim in Boris Godunov as a partner to Fedor Chaliapin in London with the Tzeretelli Russian Opera. In 1932 she was the Silver PrizeWinner in the International Singer Competition in Vienna. Major roles in her career included Tosca, Tatyana, Donna Anna, Elsa in Lohengrin and the soprano roles in many of the Bulgarian operas.

                BG - 2040

Taeuber-Arp Sophie 19.1.1889 - 13.1.1943
Švicarska slikarka in kiparka, snovala tudi stenske slikarije, mozaike in notranjo opremo, dadaitska, žena slikarja Jeana Hansa Arpa.

She attended the School of Applied Arts in St. Gallen from 1908 to 1910, then transferred to Wilhelm von Debschitz's Teaching and Experimental Studio for Applied and Liberal Arts in München. Broke off her studies there in 1912 to take up an apprenticeship at the School of Applied Arts in Hamburg. Became a member of the Swiss Werkbund in 1915. Taught textile design at the School of Applied Arts in Zürich from 1916-1929. Also started an independent artistic career in 1916, which leads her to contacts with the Dadaists in Zürich. Married Hans Arp in 1921. In 1926, she receives the assignment to design the interior of the Café Aubette in Straßburg - a task she eventually shares with Hans Arp and Theo van Doesburg. Of her art, she is best known for paintings, graphic designs and drafts in abstract, geometrical forms. Moved to Meudon with Hans Arp in 1926, but is forced to flee to southern France (due to German advances) in 1940.

             CH - 1509

Tailleferre Germanie 19.4.1892 - 17.11.1983
Francoska skladateljica kombinira v svojih delih inovativno glasbeno tehniko z občudovanjem francoskih mojstrov 18. stoletja in ustvarja glasbo, ki jo označuje nedolžnost, svežina in spontanost. Študirala je na Pariškem konservatoriju. Njeni sošolci so bili sijajni Darius Milhaud, George Auric in Arthur Honegger. Zadnji je skupaj z Louisom Dureyem, Francisom Poulenom in Tailleferrevo ustanovil skupino Les Six. Germanie je pisala inštrumentalna in vokalna dela ter scensko glasbo. Njena pomembnejša zgodnja dela so: Violinska Sonata št. 1 (1924), Koncert za klavir št. 2 (1924), in orkestralna Ouvertura (1932). Med njenimi kasnejšimi deli pa Four Pieces (1973) in Concerto de la fidélité (1982).

The French composer Germaine Tailleferre combined innovative musical technique with admiration of the 18th-century French masters to create music that is characterized by innocence, freshness, and spontaneity. Her brilliant studies at the Paris Conservatory surpassed those of such luminous classmates as Darius Milhaud, George Auric, and Arthur Honegger who, along with Louis Durey, Francis Poulenc, and Tailleferre, formed the group known as Les Six. Although bound together more by friendship than by musical activities, Les Six shared a rebellion against French Wagnerianism and impressionism. Notable among Tailleferre's oeuvre, which spanned more than 80 years and included instrumental, vocal, and stage music, are the early Violin Sonata no. 1 (1924), Piano Concerto no. 2 (1924), and the orchestral Ouverture (1932). Among her later works are Four Pieces (1973) and Concerto de la Fidelite (1982).


       F - 2897

TANASE Maria 25.9.1913 - 22.6.1963
Romunska gledališka in filmska igralka, pevka operet je bila predvsem pevka ljudskih pesmi. Tako v filmih kot predstaveh kjer je nastopala. Debitirala je leta 1937. Po vojni je nastopala v revizijskem amsamblu ter satiričnem in glasbenem gledališču Constantin Tănase. Leta 1945 je igrala v predstavi The Living Dead Leva Nikolajeviča Tolstoja, leta 1956 pa v Horia Mihaila Davidogluja. Pela je v operi Mascota Edmonda Audrana. V glasbeni komediji Hollywood sphinx leta 1946 je imela glavno vlogo. Pela je v filmih Romunija (1947), Clulinii Baraganulul  in v kratkem filmu Amintiri din Bucuresti (Spomini iz Bukarešte).

She was Romanian theatre and film actress, an operetta singer, a music hall star but mainly an interpreter of folk songs. She made her debut in Constantin Tanase’s Carabus Company in 1937. After the war she performed in the Review Ensemble and the Satirical and Musical Theatre Constantin Tanase. She had a part in the plays The Living Dead by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi in 1945 and Horia by Mihai Davidoglu in 1956. She sang in Edmond Audran’s operetta Mascota (The Mascot) in 1944, and she held the main part in the musical comedy The Hollywood Sphinx, by Ralph Benatzky in 1946. She sang in the movies Romania, 1947, Clulinii Baraganulul (The thistles of the Baragan) in 1958 and in the short-reel film Amintiri din Bucuresti (Memories from Bucharest) in 1958. In most music hall shows as well as in the movies, Maria interpreted folk songs or songs in this style composed by popular music composers.

                   MD - 622                                 RO - 6750, bl 572

TARABILDIENE Domicelė  9.5.1912 – 8.9.1985
Litvanska slikarka, grafičarka, ilustratorka, kiparka in fotografinja je skupaj z možem Petrasom Tarabilda zmagala na tekmovanju za oblikovanje znamke v počastitev prekoocenaskega poleta Steponasa Darija in Stasys Girenas leta 1933. Na svetovni razstavi leta 1937 v Parizu sta ona in njen mož prejela zlato medaljo za svoje knjižne ilustracije.

Lithuanian painter, graphic artist, book illustrator, sculptor, photographer. Together with her husband Petras Tarabilda she won the first places in the postage stamp contest arranged in 1933 to commemorate the transatlantic flight of Steponas Darius and Stasys Girenas. In the World Exhibition held in 1937 in Paris the both artists were awarded the golden medal for book illustrations.

              LT -1097

Tarve Tina
Estonska slikarka.

Estonian painter.

EE -

Taseva Kalina 2.6.1927 -
Bolgarska slikarka se je rodila v Sofiji. Leta 1952 je diplomirala iz slikarstva na National Academy v Sofij. Od leta 1953 je članica Zveze bolgarskih umetnikov, od leta 1984 pa dopisna članica Künstlerhaus Zveze avstrijskih umetnikov. Je nosilka številnih prestižnih nagrad, med drugimi:  nagrade Vladimirja Dimitrova-Maistora (1974), nagrade Zahari Zograf nagrade (1975), nagrade drugega trienala od realističnega slikarstva (1976) in nagrade Nikola Petrova (1999). Je tudi nosilka številnih odlikovanj:  Red Ljudske republike Bolgarije (1984), red Sv. apostolov Cirila in Metoda (2008). Njena dela se nahajajo v Narodni umetniški galeriji, v mestni umetniški galeriji v Sofiji, v številnih regionalnih in zasebnih galerijah v  državi in tujini.

Bulgarian painter, was born in Sofia in 1927. In 1952 she graduated in painting from the National Academy in Sofia under Prof. Dechko Uzunov and Prof. Ilia Petrov. Member of the Union of the Bulgarian Artists since 1953. Many times elected on the Executive Board of the Union of the Bulgarian Artists. Since 1984 she has been a corresponding member of the Kunstlerhaus Union of the Austrian Artists. Bearer of a number of prestigious awards among which Vladimir Dimitrov- Maistora Award, 1974, Zahari Zograf Award, 1975, the award of the Second Tri-annual of Realistic Painting, 1976, Nikola Petrov Award, 1999 as well as some orders – Order of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria, first class, 1984, Order of St. St. Apostles Cyril and Methodius, first class, 2008. Kalina Tasseva’s works are owned by the National Art Gallery, Sofia City Art Gallery, regional art galleries and private galleries in the country and abroad.

     BG - 2720

Tashko Koco Tefta 2.11.1910 - 30.12.1947
Lirična albanska pevka se je rodila v Fajumu, Egipt. Študirala je v Parizu na High Institute of Music. V letih 1931-1932 je sodelovala na številnih tekmovanjih v organizaciji pariškega konzervatorija. Svojo glasbeno kariero je začela leta 1935 v Albaniji.

Tefta Tashko Koco, well known artist, lyrical singer. She was born in Fajum, Egypt. She studied in Montpellier, France in 1927 and went on with her studies in Paris in 1930, where she attended the High Institute of Music. In the period 1931-1932 she participated in a number of competitions organized by Paris Conservative. She was distinguished and showed hervocal-interpretative skills in "Comic Opera", where she played the role of Butterfly. She started her musical activity in Albania in 1935, by giving concerts in all the town of the country.


                AL - 2900

Taylor-BRADFORD Barbara 5.5.1933 -
Angležinja je bila že pri dvajsetih letih urednica in kolumnistka na Fleet Streetu. Njen prvi roman A Woman of Substance je dogoletna uspešnica. Sledilo je še 18 romanov. Po nekaterih so posneli televizijske filme. Njen najnovejši roman Emma's Secret  je dosegel drugo mesto na lestvici  Sunday Timesovih uspešnic. Njene knjige so prodali več kot sedemdesetih milijonih izvodov po vsem svetu v več kot devetdesetih državah in štirideset jezikih. Po njenih desetih knjigah so posneli mini-serije in televizijske filme.

Barbara Taylor Bradford was born in England, and by the age of twenty she was an editor and columnist on Fleet Street. Her first novel, A Woman of Substance, became an enduring bestseller and was followed by 18 others as well as being made into a TV movie. Her most recent novel, Emma's Secret, reached No. 2 in the Sunday Times Bestseller list. Her books have sold more than seventy million copies worldwide in more than ninety countries and forty languages, and ten of her books have been made into mini-series and television movies

                 Man - 1067

TEBALDI Renata 1.2.1922 - 19.12.2004
Italijanska sopranistka z enim najbolj edinstvenim glasom 20. stoletja je bila priljubljena v letih po drugi svetovni vojni.

Renata Tebaldi was an Italian soprano popular in the post-war period and one of the most uniquely beautiful voices of the 20th century.

                                                 SM - 2606-2608

TEGNER Alice 12.3.1864 - 26.5.1943
Ena najbolj popularnih švedskih skladateljic otroških pesmi. Njene pesmi in pesmi drugih so zbrane v zbirki devetih pesmaric  Sjung med oss mamma, ki so izšle v letih 1892 – 1934. V njej so tudi pesmi Ba ba vita lamm  (na znamki S-3022) in Mors lilla Olle. Na mali poli so ilustracije, ki jih je narisala Elsa Beskow njena sodobnica.

Alice Tegner is one of the most prominent Swedish composers of shildren`s songs. The songs she created for her own texts and the texts of others were compiled in a series called Sjung med oss mamma, nine songbooks publised between 1892 and 1934. These books included Ba ba vita lamm (on stamp S-3022) and Mors lilla Olle. Elsa Beskow, a contemporary of Alice Tegner, ilustrated the pisctures that are depicted on the minisheet.

                                                S - 3021-3022

TELES Martha 19.8.1930 - 21.2.2001
Portugalska slikarka je študirala na višji šoli za umetnost v Portu, na Sorboni v Parizu pod mentorstvom Marie Helene Vieira da Silva in v Kanadi, Samostojno je razstavljala v Copenhagnu, Lizboni, Montrealu...

Portugal painter studied painting at the Superior School of Fine Arts of Porto, in Paris in Sorbone under the guidance of Maria Helena Vieira da Silva and in Canada. She exhibited individually in Copenhagen, in Lisbon, in Montreal....

Madeira - 226

TEMES Judit 10.10.1930 - 11.8.2013
Madžarska plavalka je na OI 1952 v Helsinkih dobila bronasto medaljo na 100 m prosto in zlato medaljo v štafeti 4 x 100 metrov prosto.
Na bloku H-5319 so tudi: Valéria Gyenge, Ágnes Keleti, Margit Korondi, Éva Székely, Ilona Novák, Éva Novák, Katalin Szőke in Mária Littomeritzky.

She is a Hungarian swimmer and olympic champion. She competed at the 1952 Olympic Games in Helsinki, where she received a bronze medal in 100 m freestyle, and a gold medal in 4 × 100 m freestyle relay.
On sheet
H-5319 are also: Valéria Gyenge, Ágnes Keleti, Margit Korondi, Éva Székely, Ilona Novák, Éva Novák, Katalin Szőke and Mária Littomeritzky.



Teodorini Elena 25.3.1857 - 27.2.1926
Romunsko operno pevko - sopranistko smatrajo za zadnjo veliko sopranistko 19. stoletja. Na znamki je prizor iz vloge v Carmen.

From Scala of Milano to all famous opreas on the old and new continents, Elena Teodorini was considered the last great soprano of XIXth century.

       RO - 2230

TEODOROVICI Doina Aldea  7.4.1954 - 30.10.1992
Moldavijska pevka.

Moldavian singer.


                                 MD - 787

Tereškova Valentina 6.3.1937 -
Prva ženska v vesolju je delavka v tekstilni tovarni in ljubiteljska padalka. Leta 1961 je bila kot ena izmed štirih žensk vključena v poseben astronavtski program pod vodstvom sovjetskega premiera Nikita Hruščova. Program pa je bil sicer razpuščen vendar so Valentino »povabili« v sovjetsko vojaško letalstvo. Po 18 mesecov trenigov je bila izbrana, da 16. 7. 1963 z raketo Vostok 6 poleti v vesolje. V vesolju je preživela skoraj 3 dni. Istočasno je bil v vesolju v raketi Vostok 5 tudi kozmonavt Valerij Fjodorovič Bikovski. Po tem poletu je Valentina postala ambasadorka dobre volje po celem svetu. Poročila se je s kozmonavtom Andrianom Nikolajevom od katerega pa se ja kasneje ločila. Tereškova je začela sodelovati v političnih organizacijah, nekaj časa je bila tudi v sovjetskem parlamentu.
Na bloku BG-5086 sta tudi Liu Yang in Sally Ride.

The Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Vladimirovna Nikolayeva Tereshkova,  was the first woman in space. She was a textile-factory assembly worker and amateur parachutist at the time she was recruited (1961) into a special cosmonaut program under the direction of Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev. Four women were trained to make a one-time woman-in-space flight, after which the program was to be disbanded. Tereshkova received a commission in the Soviet Air Force and took part in an 18-month orientation program before being selected as the prime pilot for the flight of Vostok 6. She was launched on June 16, 1963, and spent nearly three days in space at the same time as cosmonaut Valery Bykovsky in Vostok 5 (the spaceships were in separate orbits). Tereshkova, whose space radio call sign was Chaika (seagull), was an effective goodwill ambassador on the world tours that followed her flight. On Nov. 3, 1963, she married cosmonaut Andrian Nikolayev. Their first child, a daughter named Yelena Andrianovna Nikolayeva, b. June 8, 1964, was a subject of medical interest because of the exposure to space of both her parents. The couple later divorced. Tereshkova subsequently became involved in political organizations and for a while served in the Soviet parliament.
On small sheet
BG-5086 are also Liu Yang and Sally Ride.

  BG -
1395,1397                                                              BG - 1650,1653

                  BG -
1758                           BG - 3191                     BG - 3675                            PL - 1416
                       GDR - 970                                       CZ - 1414                        RO - 2561               GDR - 1021

               H - 2123                                                   SU - 5283                                              SU -2770  
                                SU - 2783/2784                                        RU - 1088 

                             AL - 762                                                              GDR -993-995

                                   SU - 4133/35                                                    BG - 1477

                RO - 2247                            RO - 2257                
     RU - 1949

BG - 5086                                                                       H - 1941

RO -
2172/2174            CZ - 1470                         

Tereza mati - Teresa mother  27.8.1910 - 5.9.1997
Katoliška redovnica in indijska dobrotnica albanskega rodu. Ustanovila je ženski redovniški red misijonark ljubezni, ki se posveča revnim, predvsem najrevnejšim v Indiji. Leta 1979 je prejela Nobelovo nagrado za mir. Kot Agnes Gonxa Bojaxhiu se je rodila albanskemu trgovcu z zelenjavo. Leta 1928 se je na Irskem pridružila redu Blažene device Marije. Vendar je že kmalu odpotovala v Indijo. Tu je v Kalkuti začele pomagati najrevnejšim. Lata 1948 je ustanovila svoj red, ki je kmalu pritegnil veliko sočutnih pomočnic, ki so delal v zdravniških ambulantah in šolah na prostem. Dobila je indijsko državljanstvo. Lata 1950 je papež Pij XII red uradno posvetil, leta 1965 pa ga je papež Pavel VI podredil neposredno svetemu sedežu. Red ima po vsem svetu več kot 200 središč (samo v Kalkuti 60)  v katerih pomagajo najsiromašnejšim.

Internationally respected for her work to relieve the sufferings of the poor and dying, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, was awarded the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize. An Albanian originally named Agnes Gonxha Bejaxhiu, she entered the order of the Sisters of Our Lady of Loreto at the age of 18. She taught in the order's school in Calcutta until 1946, when she experienced what she described as a "call within a call" to aid the desperately poor of India in a way that required she leave her convent. She received permission from Rome to do this and began her work by bringing dying persons from the streets into a home where they could die in peace and dignity. She also established an orphanage. Gradually other women joined her, and in 1950 she received official approval for a congregation of sisters, the Missionaries of Charity, whose members are dedicated to serving the poorest of the poor. The community at present includes about 3,000 sisters of various nationalities who work on five continents. In April 1990 she sent a letter of resignation to Pope John Paul II, saying that her health no longer allowed her to continue. She had had a heart attack in September 1989, and was no longer able to visit the order's homes, located in 87 countries.

               CY - 996                         MK - 74                                 MK - 203                               AL - 2661

                                AL -
2589/2590                                                             I - 2587/2588

                                 AL - sheet 107                                                               AL - 2662/2663


                               S - 1417                            IE - 1202                         MK - 391                     VA - 1467 

            AL - 2512/2521                   AL - 2636                      SM - 2290                            D -2813
              AL - 2535/37

                        A - 2886                                            AL - 3204-3205                                    MK - 558

                        IE - 1934                                     BA -295                         KO - 167                   AL - 3327

             RS - 362                 F - 4868,4869                 Jersey - 1542                      VA - 1876

          HR - 1250                          KO - 349

AL - 2542   AL - 2555   AL -2845   SM - 1650   AL - 2958-2960    F -  3327     BG - ?2013   

TesselSchade Marja 25.3.1594 - 20.6.1649
Nizozemska pesnica in graverka ter njena sestra Anna Visscher sta bila edini ženski članici  nizozemske skupine intelektualcev Muiderkring, ki so se sestajali na gradu Muiden. Pogosto jo označujejo kot muzo skupine katere člani so bili Hooft, Huygens, Barlaeus, Bredero, Heinsius, Vondel in Jacob Cats. V svojih pismih opisujejo njeno privlačnost, glasbeno nadarjenost, njeno znanje prevajanja iz latinščine, grščine in italijanščine. Hvalijo tudi njeno znanje na področju petja, slikarstva, rezbarstva, jedkanja na steklo in tapiserij.

Dutch poet and engraver. She and her sister Anna Visscher were the only two women members of the Muiderkring, the group of Dutch Golden Age intellectuals who met at Muiden Castle. She is often characterised as a muse of the group, and attracted the admiration of its members such as its organiser Hooft, Huygens, Barlaeus, Bredero, Heinsius, Vondel and Jacob Cats. In their correspondence, she is described as attractive, musically talented, and a skilled translator and commentator from Latin, Greek and Italian They also praised her skill at singing, painting, carving, etching on glass and tapestry work. 

       NL - 315

Teusch Christine 11.10.1888 -  24.10.1968
Nemška ministrica za izobraževanje in kulturo.

German minister of education and cultural affairs.

        D - 1304            Berlin - 770

Textorisova Izabela 16.3.1866 - 12.9.1949
Prva slovaška botaničarka je bila po poklicu poštna delavka. Sama se je naučila številnih jezikov, zanimala se je za rastline, minerale in jamarstvo. Bila je priznana botaničarka, posebno za  floro iz Turieca. Zbirala in klasificirala je rastline, zamenjavala primerke s številnimi strokovnjaki. Leta 1913 je objavila svoja raziskovanja v botaničnem časopisu. V njem je opisala več kot sto rastlin iz Turiec, ki do tedaj sploh niso bile znane.

Izabela Textorisová  a postal worker by profession, was Slovakia's first female botanist. Her formal education ended with the sixth class of elementary school in 1877, after which she was purely self-taught. In 1886 she passed an examination, in Revúca, for a position with the postal service and went to work at newly established offices in Blatnica, where she remained for the rest of her life. So profound was her thirst for education that, in addition to holding down a demanding job and looking after her parents and three sisters (and despite all the prejudices of the time against the work of women), she learned a number of languages and applied herself vigorously to the study of plants, minerals and speleology. In botany she became a renowned and acknowledged expert, particularly in the flora of Turiec. She collected and classified plants, and exchanged specimens with many leading authorities. Her copious herbarium, now deposited with the botany department of Comenius University in Bratislava, is still today, as in the past, a source for botanists of the highest rank. In 1913 she published the results of her work in the journal Botanikai Kozeményiek under the title Flora Data from the County of Turiec, setting out more than a hundred plants whose presence in Turiec had previously passed unrecorded. The distinguished Hungarian botanist Margittai named a new species of thistle, which she discovered in 1893, in her honour: Carduus textorisianus Marg.

                                 SK -

Thatcher Margaret 13.10.1925 - 11.8.2013
Prva ženska premierka Velike Britanije v letih 1979 in 1990. Študirala je kemijo na Somerville College v Oxfordu. Kot kandidatka konservativne stranke je bila leta 1959 izvoljena v spodnji dom britanskega parlamenta in leta 1975 predsednica konservativne stranke. Leta 1979 pa je postala predsednica britanske vlade.

Margaret Thatcher was Britain's first female prime minister. A graduate of Somerville College, Oxford, with a master of arts degree from the University of Oxford she worked as a research chemist and a barrister, concentrating on tax law, before being elected to the House of Commons in 1953. She held several ministerial appointments including education minister (1970-74). Elected leader of her Party (the Opposition) in 1975, she became prime minister in 1979. Known as a strong leader and an "astute Parliamentary tactician, she knew how to handle disagreement, no matter from which bench it issued. In 1982 she ordered British troops to the Falkland Islands to retake them from Argentina. She took a strong stand against the trade unions during the miner's strike (1984-85), and moved Britain toward privatization, selling minor interests in public utilities to the business interests. She also introduced "rate capping" which effectively took control of expenditures out of the hands of city councils, part of her policies aimed at reducing the influence of local governments. In 1989, she introduced a community poll tax. In 1990, her cabinet was divided over issues including the European Community which forced her resignation. In 1992, she entered the House of Lords, created Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven.

                                RO - 5227                                             GB - 3647

TEREZA Avilska sv. - Teresa of Avila st. 28.3.1515 - 4.10.1582
Španska karmeličanka in mističarka je bila leta razglašena za cerkveno učiteljico. Bila je hči plemiške španske družine. Njeno pravo ime je Teresa de Cespeda y Ahumada. Leta 1535 je vstopila v karmeličanski v Avili. Leta 1562 je odprla prvi po svojih pravilih prenovljen samostan krmeličank v Avili. Ustanovila je tudi red bosonogih krmeličank. Napisala veliko del, med njimi nekaj največjih klasičnih del mistične literature, ki jih še danes na veliko berejo in proučujejo. Njena najbolj znana dela so: The Way of Perfection (1583), The Interior Castle (1588), The Book of Foundations (1610) in Her Life (1611). God praznuje 15. oktobra.

Saint Teresa of Avila,  was a Spanish Carmelite and mystic who was declared a doctor of the church in 1970. The daughter of a noble Spanish family, she was originally named Teresa de Cespeda y Ahumada. In 1535 she entered the Carmelite monastery of the Incarnation at Avila. After a serious illness and a prolonged period of spiritual apathy Teresa experienced (1555) a spiritual reawakening that convinced her of the need for strict observance of the austere Carmelite rule. Despite strong opposition, she succeeded (1562) in opening the Convent of Saint Joseph in Avila, the first of the reformed Carmelite houses. Until her death she led the way in reforming both the male and female branches of the Carmelite order. Along with Saint John of the Cross, she is considered the founder of the Discalced ("shoeless") Carmelites. Teresa wrote many works, among which are some of the greatest classics of mystical literature. A mystic of great stature who achieved the rare state of union referred to as mystical marriage, she wrote advice and direction for others, especially her nuns, with unusual beauty and equally unusual practical wisdom. She is considered an authority on spirituality in the Western world, and her writings are read and studied today as much as ever. Teresa's best-known works are The Way of Perfection (1583), The Interior Castle (1588), The Book of Foundations (1610), and Her Life (1611). Feast day: Oct. 15.

                F - 2369                       L - 1054                                               VA - 808/810

                      E- 2560                              E- 1922                                          E - 1314/16

               A - 3206                             VA - 1852                                    E - 4937                          P - 4073
                                                                               P - 4074

TheresE iz Lisieux sv. - Teresa of Lisieux st. 2.1.1873 - 30.9.1897
Francoska karmeličanka je postala nuna pri 15 letih. Znana je po svoji avtobiografiji Zgodba duše. Pripisujejo ji veliko čudežev. Leta 1997 jo je papež Janez Pavel II prograsil za cerkveno učiteljico.

Born to a middle-class French family. Her father, Louis, was a watchmaker, her mother, who died of cancer when Therese was 4, was a lace maker, and both have been declared Venerable by the Church. Cured from an illness at age eight when a statue of the Blessed Virgin smiled at her. Carmelite nun at age 15. Defined her path to God and holiness as "The Little Way," which consisted of love and trust in God. At the direction of her spiritual director, and against her wishes, she dictated her famed autobiography Story of a Soul. Many miracles attributed to her. Declared a Doctor of the Church in 1997 by Pope John Paul II.


                  F - 1817                             VA - 619                               MC - 1086

Thesleff Ellen 5.10.1869 - 12.1.1954
Finska slikarka je v letih od 1885 do 1894 študirala na privatni šoli Adolfa von Beckerja, šoli risanja na Finish Art Society , pri Gunnar Fredrik Berndtsonu in v Parizu na akademiji Colarossi. Bila je članica finske skupine umetnikov, ki so delali pod vplivom pariškega simbolizma. Pogosto je potovala in razstavljala po različnih državah: Švedski, Rusiji, Italiji in Norveški.

Finish painter studied from 1885 to 1894 at Adolf von Becker's private academy, the drawing school of the Finnish Art Society, Gunnar Fredrik Berndtson's school and in Paris at the Académie Colarossi. She became a member of a group of Finnish artists influenced by the Symbolist movement in Paris. She travelled widely and exhibited works in various countries, including Sweden, Russia, Italy and Norway.

FI -771

THIRY Lise 5.2.1921 -
Belgijska mikrobiologinja in virologinja na univerzi v Bruslju. Leta 1940 je kot ena izmed samo treh študentk študirala medicino na univerzi v Liegu in se leta 1946 zaposlila v Pasterjevem inštitutu v Bruslju. Tam je leta 1951 ustanovila oddelek za viruse. Razvila je metodo kontrole virusa AIDS. Leta 1990 je postala senatorka in bila proglašena za žensko leta v Belgiji.

Belgian biologist and a virologist at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles was one of three female students, in 1940, who studied medicine at the University of Liege. She graduated in 1946 and went on to research at the Pasteur Institute in Brussels. In 1951 she created a virology department. She developed a method of screening the AIDS virus. In 1990, she became a senator and was voted "Woman of the Year".


              B -

Thokolyy Zriny-Ilona
glej Zrinyi Ilona.

see Zrinyi Ilona

Thorsteinsdottir Bjorg 1940 -
Islandska slikarka in grafičarka.

Artist from Iceland.

                                IS - 661/662

TINNE Alexandrine 17.10.1835 - 1.8.1869
Nizozemska raziskovalka in pionirka v fotografiji. S svojo mamo in teto je raziskovala zahodnemu svetu neznana področja Egipta in Sudana. Ubili so jo Tuaregi v sumljivih okoliščinah. V svojem času je bila mednarodno znana in priznana raziskovalka. David Livingstone je njej zapisal, da ne občuduje nikogar tako kot nizozemsko gospo, ki kljub groznim nesrečam vztraja.

She was an explorer and pioneer in photography. Alexandrine Tinne had an upper-class The Hague background. With her mother and aunt she explored areas in Egypt and Sudan, which were then virgin territory to westerners. She was killed under mysterious circumstances in the Sahara by Tuaregs. In her day, Alexandrine Tinne was internationally famous and was acknowledged as an important explorer. David Livingstone wrote about her: “I admire nobody as much as the Dutch lady, Miss Tinne, who, after the most awful domestic disasters, persevered in spite of all the difficulties”.

                   NL - 3088

TIRTAU Constanta 14.9.1930 - 24.4.2014
Moldavijska igralka, napovedovalka na radiu in televiziji.

Moldavian actres, radia and tv speaker.


                MD - 9133

TIRUMA Eliza 21.8.1990 -
Latvijska sankačica je na svojih prvih olimpijski igrah leta 2014 v Sočiju osvojila bronasto medaljo v ekipni štafetni tekmi.

Latvian sledge won her first Olympic Games medal (bronze) at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi in the team relay event.

               LV - 912

Todi Luisa 9.1.1753 - 1.10.1833
Zelo priljubljen portugalska operna pevka (mezzosopranistka) je imela bogat močan glas in nadarjenost za igro. Svojo kariero je začela v Gledališču Bairro Alto v Lizboni kot igralka leta 1767 ali 1768 v Molièrovem Tartufu. Leta 1770 je začela svojo kariero kot pevka v gledališču Bairro Alto. Pela je v Angliji, Franciji, Nemčiji, Italiji in Avstriji. Leta 1784 je odpotovala na zahtevo Katarine II v Rusijo. Leta 1791 je pela v Benetkah. Tam je dosegla enega najbolj veličastnih trenutkih svoje kariere, saj je italijanska sezona 1790/91 znana kot "leto Todijeve«. 
Luísa Rosa de Aguiar Todi was a very popular Portuguese opera singer. Luísa Todi was a mezzo-soprano with a rich strong voice and great dramatic talent. In Theatre of Bairro Alto in Lisbon, Luísa began her career as an actress in 1767 or 1768 with Molière`s play Tartuf. In 1770, she began her career as a singer with Guiseppe Scolari`s opera Il Viaggiatore Ridicolo, in the Theatre of Bairro Alto. She sang in England, France, Germany, Italia and Austria. In 1784 Luísa travelled to Russia by exigence of Catherine II. In 1791 she sang in Venice, Luísa Todi reached one of the most glorious moments of her career, in such way that the Italian season of 1790/91 was known as the "Todi`s Year".

         P - 1254

TOLNAY Klari 17.7.1914 - 28.10.1998
Madžarska igralka s pravim imenom Rózsa Tolnay se je rodila v Budimpešti, vendar je odraščala v Mohori v pokrajini Nógrád. Mnogo je brala, študirala glasbo in pela ter izvaja komorno glasbo s svojo družino. Na oder jo je uvedel pisatelj in vplivni časopisni urednik János Bókay.  Vztrajala je in se prizadevala  za igralsko kariero pri Hunnia filmskem studiu. Tam jo je podprl direktorj Béla Gaál. Tu je dobivala manjše vloge, dokler ji niso ponudili vloge v filmu Meseautó. Zaposlila se je v gledališču komedij Vígszínház, kjer je odigrala vlog naivk. Od leta 1950 dalje je odigrala več vlog sodobnih junakinj v gledališču Madách. Preporod je v svoji gledališki karieri doživela med leti 1990 in 1998 ko je odigrala pet glavnih vlog.

Klári Tolnay (née Rózsa Tolnay) was born in Budapest but grew up in Mohora in Nógrád county. She read widely, studied music, and sang and performed chamber music with her family. She was introduced to the stage through the writer and influential newspaper editor János Bókay. She persisted in her endeavours at the Hunnia Film Studios, where she won the support of the director Béla Gaál. She worked as an extra and played small roles until she was offered a role in the film Meseautó. Afterwards, she was hired by the comedy theatre Vígszínház, where she acted many ingénue roles. From 1950 onwards she acted roles as the modern heroine at the Madách Theatre. Her theatrical career enjoyed a revival between 1990 and 1998, in some years playing five lead roles. (source: Hungary post).

            H - 5686

TOMA Sanda 27.10.1934 -

She graduated from the Institute of Theatre and Film Art in Bucharest with the famous show The Barber of Seville, staged by director Vlad Mugur. Her debut was on the stage of the National Theatre in Craiova, and then she played for 33 years on the stage of the Comedy Theatre in Bucharest, having countless roles. In the periods 1959-1961 and 2000-2009 was present on the stage of the National Theatre in Bucharest. Her film career was marked by one of the Romanian cinema masterpieces The Boors by Carlo Goldony, directed by Mircea Stefanescu and Sica Alexandrescu, where she played together with many great actors of the Romanian film and scene. In 2002 she received the UNITER Lifetime Achievement Award and the Excellence Prize for her entire career at the Romanian Festival Gala in 2010.

RO - 6799

Tonning Othilie 4.1.1865 - 6.2.1931
Norveška članica Salvation Army je več kot 30 let delovala v ubožnih četrtih.  S svojim delom z ženskami, otroki in revnimi je pomagala k ustanovitvi 70. socialnih institucij v upravljanju Salvation Army. Več let je bila tudi občinska svetnica v Oslu.

Othilie Tonning was a member of Salvation Army. She was the leader of the work in the slum areas for almost 30 years. Her work with women, children and poor homes contributed to the foundation of 70 social institutions under the management of the Salvation Army. She was also a town councillor in Oslo for many years.

- 989

Tordasi Ildiko 9.9.1951 - 
Madžarska mečevalka je prvič tekmovala v mečevanju že pri 13. letih. Leta 1971 je postala mladinska svetovna prvakinja v sabljanju. Šest krat je bila madžarska prvakinja, leta 1973 pa je postala svetovna prvakinja.  Zaradi hude poškodbe v nesreči je prenehala s tekmovanjem. Postala je trenerka bodočim madžarskim tekmovalcem v sabljanju. Je hčerka znanega madžarskega maserja.

Tordasi is the daughter of a well-known Hungarian Olympic masseur.  She made her club debut at the age of 13 and by 1971 became the youth world-champion in fencing.  She was six-time Hungarian champion and won team gold at the World Championships in 1973. She was seriously wounded in an accident and was forced to withdraw from competition. She became a certified trainer, and took on the responsibility of training future Hungarian champions.

                   H - 3167

TORUDD Cecilia 26.10.1942 -
Ena najuspešnejših švedskih stripovskih ustvarjalcev je ustvarila priljubljen strip Ensamma Mamman (Mati samohranilka), ki je delno avtobiografski strip o mati samohranilki, ki poskuša vzgojiti svoje otroke na Švedskem v 70 letih. Serija je bila objavljena v več švedskih časopisih in revijah. Je hči Alberta Levana (1905-1998) švedskega botanika in genetika.

Cecilia Torudd is one of the most successful female comics artists in Sweden. She created the popular strip Ensamma Mamman ('The Single Mother'), a semi-autobiographical comic about a single parent trying to raise her children in Sweden of the 1970s. The series is published in several Swedish newspapers and magazines. She is daughter of Albert Levan (1905 – 1998) was a Swedish botanist and geneticist.

S - 2659

TOURTEL Mary  28.1.1874 - 15.3.1948
Angleška alikarka je avtorica risanega junaka medveda Ruperta, ki ga je prvič objavila kot brezimenega junaka 8. novembra 1920. Odraščala je v umetniški družini. Študirala je umetnost, posebej še slikanje živali in postala ilustratorka otroških knjig. Prva knjiga o medvedu Rupertu je Dogodivščine malega izgubljenega medvedka.

She was an English artist and creator of Rupert Bear. Born as Mary Caldwell, Tourtel was raised in an artistic family and daughter of a stained glass artist and stone mason. She grew up studying art, in particular animal drawings, and became a children's book illustrator. The first book about Rupert Bear by Mary Tourtel was The Adventures of the little lost bear. Rupert Bear was first published as a nameless character in a strip titled Little Lost Bear on November 8, 1920.


                                                 Guernsey - 590-597

glej ČERMINOVA Marie.

see ČERMINOVA Marie.

TRAA Kari 28.1.1974 -
Norveška akrobatska smučarka je na OI 1998 v Naganu osvojila bronasto medaljo na grbinah, leta 2002 na OI v Salt Lake City zlato medaljo na grbinah, leta 2006 na OI v Torinu pa še srebrno. 

She is a Norwegian freestyle skier. She won the Olympic title in the moguls event at the 2002 Winter Olympics, finished second at the 2006 games, and finished third at the 1998 games. She is four times World Champion, from 2001 (moguls + parallel moguls) and 2003 (moguls + parallel moguls), and has also three silver medals (both moguls and parallel moguls in 1999, and moguls in 2005).

N - 1561

TRAILOVIĆ Mira 22.1.1924 - 7.8.1989
Srbska gledališka igralka in režiserka. Leta 1956 je ustanovila gledališče Atelje 212, kasneje BITEF (beograjski mednarodni gledališki festival, katerega umetniški direktor je bila od 1967 do smrti).

Serbian theatre actress and director, long term director of the theatre Atelier 212, initiator of the establishment of BITEF (international theatre festival) and a person who gave invaluable contribution to the theatre life after the Second World War.

YU - 3252                             RS - 158                            RS - 686

Tristan Flora 7.4.1803 - 14.11.1844
Francoska socialna pisateljica in aktivistka. Je ena od ustanoviteljev sodobnega feminizma in babica Paula Gauguina. Njeno polno ime je Flore Celestine Therese Henriette Tristan Moscoso. Je avtorica več del, med najbolj znanimi so Peregrinations of a Pariah (1838), Promenades in London (1840) in The Workers' Union (1843).

She was a socialist writer and activist. She was also one of the founders of modern feminism and Paul Gauguin's grandmother. Her complete name was Flore Celestine Therèse Henriette Tristan Moscoso. Flora Tristan herself authored several works, the best known of which are Peregrinations of a Pariah  (1838), Promenades in London (1840), and The Workers' Union (1843).

             F - 2429

TRIVULZIO Cristina Belgioioso 28.6.1808 - 5.7.1871
Italijanska plemkinja je igrala pomembno vlogo v boju Italije za neodvisnost. Je znana tudi kot pisateljica in novinarka. Povezana je bila z Mazzinijevimi revolucionarji. Zato so nanjo postale pozorne avstrijske oblasti. Pobegnila je v Francijo kjer je ustanovila salon. Ta je med leti 1830 in 1840 postal zbirališče italijanskih revolucionarjev, kot so Vincenzo Gioberti, Niccolò Tommaseo in Camillo Cavour. Bila je povezana tudi z evropsko umetniško inteligenco, vključno z Alexisom Tocquevillom, Honorejem Balzacom, Alfredom Mussetom, Victorjem Hugojem, Heinrichem Heine in Francom Lisztom. V času italijanske revolucije leta 1848 je organizirala in financirala čete vojakov, ki so se borili v milanskem uporu za neodvisnost Italije proti Avstrijcem. Po neuspeli vstaji se je vrnila v Pariz in objavljala članke o bojih v Italiji v vplivni reviji Revue des Deux Mondes. Leta 1849 se je vrnila v Italijo da podpre Rimsko republiko, ki so jo ustanovli Mazzini in drugi revolucionarji na ozemlju papeške države. V kratkem trajanju republike, dokler je niso zatrli francoski vojaki je bila direktorica bolnišnice. Potovala je po Siriji, Libanonu in Palestini.

She was an Italian noblewoman who played a prominent part in Italy's struggle for independence. She is also notable as a writer and journalist. She associated with Mazzinian revolutionaries. This brought her to the attention of the Austrian authorities and she fled penniless to France, where she set up a salon. During the 1830s and 1840s her salon became a meeting place for Italian revolutionaries such as Vincenzo Gioberti, Niccolò Tommaseo, and Camillo Cavour. She also associated with the European artistic intelligentsia, including Alexis de Tocqueville, Honoré de Balzac, Alfred de Musset, Victor Hugo, Heinrich Heine, and Franz Liszt. In the 1848 Italian revolutions, she organized and financed a troop of soldiers and fought in the Milanese uprising against the Austrians for Italy's independence. After the insurrection failed, she returned to Paris and published articles in the influential magazine Revue des Deux Mondes describing the struggle in Italy. In 1849 she returned to Italy to support the Roman Republic formed in the Papal States by Mazzini and others. She became a hospital director during the brief life of the republic until it was suppressed by French troops. She traveled to Syria, Lebanon and Palestine.

                                     I - 3451

TRNINA Milka 19.12.1863 - 18.5.1941
Hrvaška sopranistka je ena med največjimi pevci Hrvaške 19. in 20. stoletja. Poznana je kot ena največjih pevcev svojega časa z lepim in močnim glasom ter odlično pevsko tehniko. V zgodovini svetovne operne umetnosti je znana kot "legendarna Ternina", še vedno je omenjena v vseh enciklopedijah. Uživala je velik ugled v gblavnih ameriških in evropskih opernih hišah. Svojo kariero leta 1906 na svojem vrhuncu prekinila zaradi zdravstvih težav, ki ji je ohromila živec na obrazu. Pela je v vodilnih opernih hišah v Nemčiji in Avstriji: Leipzigu (1883 - 1884), Gradcu (1884 - 1886), Bremnu (1886 - 1889) in Münchnu (1889-1899). Tu so jo počastili z naslovom "kraljeva bavarska komorna pevka". Te besede so napisane tudi na njenem grobu na zagrebškem pokopališču Mirogoj. Pela je tudi v Bayreuthu, Pragi, Moskvi, Zürich, Zagrebu in ZDA in v najbolj spoštovani Kraljevi operni hiši Covent Garden v Londonu.

She was Croatian opera artist (soprano), the greatest among a number of distinguished singers whom Croatia gave to the world in the 19th and 20th century. She was celebrated as one of the greatest singers of her time, with beautiful, powerful and perfect singer's technique. In the history of world opera art, known as “legendary Ternina“, she is still referenced in all encyclopaedias. She enjoyed a high reputation in major American and European opera houses. Her career was curtailed at its peak in 1906 by a medical condition which paralyzed a nerve in her face. She sang in leading opera houses in Germany and in Austria: Leipzig (1883 – 1884), Graz (1884 – 1886), Bremen (1886 – 1889) and Munich (1889 – 1899). In Munich she was honoured with the title „Royal Bavarian chamber singer“, words that are written also on her tomb at the Zagreb cemetery Mirogoj. She sang also in Bayreuth, Prague, Moscow, Zürich, Zagreb and USA and was most admired in the Royal Opera Covent Garden in London.


               HR - 1079

TROTT Laura 24.4.1992 -
Britanska kolesarka specialistka za ekipne vožnje. Je evropska in svetovna prvakinja v ekipni zasledovalni vožnji (2011, 2012). Na olimpijskih igrah 2012 v Londonu je skupaj z Danielle King in Joanno Rowsell osvojila zlato medaljo v ekipni zasledovalni vožnji (na znamki GB-3304). Dosegle so tudi nov svetovni rekord 3:14.051. Trottova je dobila na teh olimpijskih igrah zlato medaljo tudi na velodromu.
She is an English track cyclist who specialises in team pursuit. Trott is a double world and European champion in team pursuit At the 2012 Summer Olympics, Trott won a gold m
edal for the team pursuit alongside Danielle King and Joanna Rowsell. The team (on stamp GB-3304) also set a new world record time of 3:14.051 in this event. Trott also won gold in the Women's Omnium making her a double Olympic Champion (on stamp GB-3314).


                                  GB - 3304                                                                           GB -3314

TRSTENJAK Tina 24.8.1990 -
Svoj prvi mednarodni uspeh je dosegla leta 2013 z osvojitvijo bronasto medaljo v kategoriji do 63 kg na evropskem prvenstvu. Leta 2014 je osvojila naslov evropske podprvakinje ter bronasto medaljo na svetovnem prvenstvu. Leta 2015 je postala kot prva slovenska judoistka svetovna prvakinja. Na OI 2016 v Rio de Janeiru je osvojila zlato olimpijsko medaljo.

Slovenian judoka won gold in the Women's 63 kg at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

                                 SI - 1219

TRUHELKA Jagoda   5.2.1864 - 17.12.1957
Hrvaška pisateljica se je uspešno posvetila pedagoškemu delu kjer je poudarjala neposredni, človeški odnos med učencem in učiteljem v čemer je bila podobna Mariji Montessori, ki je v tistem času revolucionarno spremenila evropski izobraževalni sistem. Poleg vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela se je posvečala tudi literaturi. Svoje zgodbe je objavljala v periodičnem tisku v Nada iz Sarajeva in v Venec v Zagrebu. Med njena najpomembnejša dela spadajo: Tugomila, U carstvu duše ter trilogija namenjena otrokom: Zlatni danci, Gospine trešnje in Crni i Bijeli Dani.

Croat writer dedicated herself very successfully to educational work. Her focus was on direct, human relationship between pupil and teacher and that is the reason why in this aspect she was often compared to Maria Montessori, who at that time revolutionised European educational system. Parallelly with her educational work she was also interested in literature. She published her stories in periodicals Nada, Sarajevo and in Vijenac, Zagreb. The most important in her rich bibliography are considered her following works: Tugomila, U carstvu duše (In the Realm of Soul) and the trilogy aimed at children, Zlatni danci (Golden Days) Gospine trešnje (Our Lady’s Cherries) and Crni i bijeli dani (Dark and Bright Days).

               HR - 994                         BA - 381

TRUJA Jorgija 1909 - 1994
Albanska pevka.

Albanian singer.

                     AL - 2992

Tryggvadottir Nina 16.3.1913 - 18.6.1968
Ena najpomembnejših islandskih abstraktnih umetnic. Od leta 1942 je študirala v New Yorku, kjer je v letih 1945 in 1948 prvič razstavljala. Najbolj je znana po svojih abstraktnih prikazih narave iz let 1957 - 1967. V letih 1955 - 1968 sta bili z najpomembnejši islandski umetnici v oblikovanju stekla.

She was one of Iceland's most prominent abstract artists. She studied in New York from 1942 with the premier painters of the period, Hans Hoffman and Fernand Leger. There she had two major shows in 1945 and 1948. She is best known for the nature abstractions she produced between 1957 and 1967. She and Gerdur Helgadottir dominated Iceland's glass art scene from 1955 to 1968 when Nina died.

IS - 487                   IS - 510

Tserbe Valentina 8.1.1969 -
Ukrajinska športnica je na OI 1994 v Lillehammerju osvojila bronasto medaljo v biatlonu.

Na bloku UA-159/160 je tudi Bajul Oksana.

Ukrainian sportwoman Valentina Tserbe won the bronze medal in biathlon in Winter Olympics - Lillehammer 1994. 
On sheet
UA-159/160 is also Bajul Oksana.


                           UA -

TSOULFA Aimilia 15.5.1973 -
Grška športnica, na OI 2004 v Atenah je skupaj s
Sofio Bekatorou osvojila zlato medaljo veslanju dvojcu.

Greek sportwoman won gold medal OG 2004 Athene: 470 - Two Person Dinghy Women with Sofia Bekatorou.

          GR -2245

TSOUMELEKA Athanasia 2.1.1982 -
Grška atletinja je na OI 2004 v Atenah osvojila zlato medaljo v hoji na 20 km.

She is Greek athlete and won gold medal OG 2004 Athene in 20 km race walk.

GR - 2250

TSUPER Alla 16.4.1979 -
Beloruska smučarka prostega stila je na OI 2014 v Sočiju prejela zlato medaljo.
An Belarus aerial skier won gold medal in OG 2014 in Sochi in women's aerials (freestyle skiing).

              BY - 1014

Glej Cilinskaja Natalija.

See Cilinskaja Natalija.

Tucholla Kate 10.1.1910 - 28.9.1943
Nemška športnica igralka hokeja, žrtev nacizma.

German hockey player, hero and victim of nazi.

                      GDR - 984

TUDORACHE Olga 11.10.1929 -

She graduated from the Institute of Theatre and Film Art in Bucharest in 1951. From 1951 to 1966 she played at the Youth Theatre in Bucharest, and after at the Little Theatre until 1978. Starting with 1976 she was a lecturer at the Institute of Theatre and Film Art, in the drama department, and in 1990 she became a university professor, coaching six promotions of actors until 1997, when she retired. She received numerous awards among which we can mention the UNITER Awards - Lifetime Achievement, Best actress and Popularity - in 1995, 1999 and 2002, and the Trophy of the "I.L. Caragiale" Theatre Festival in 2004. Monumental and unforgettable, Olga Tudorache´s roles remain a landmark in the historiography of Romanian theatre and film.

RO - 6798

TUERLINCKX Joelle 1958 -
Belgijska vizualna umetnica.

Belgian visual artist.

B - 3488

TULKENS Julia 5.10.1902 - 12.3.1995
Flamska pesnica.

Flemish poet.

         B - 3664

TUMILOVICH Alina 21.4.1990 -
Beloruska gimnastičarka je na OI 2008 v Pekingu osvojila bronasto medaljo v ekipi ritmične gimnastike.
Na znamki BY-819 je Aksana Miankova.
Na priveskih
BY-blok-77 so ostale beloruske športnice prejemnice medalj na OI 2008 v Pekingu: Jekaterina Karsten, Inna Zhukova, Julija Bičik, Natalija Helakh, Natallia Mikhnevich, Nadzeya Ostapchuk, Nastassia Novikava, Anastasia Ivankova, Glafira Martinovich, Ksenia Sankovich, Olesya Babushkina, Zinaida Lunina.

Belarusian gymnast competed at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing and received a bronze medal in the rhythmic team competition.
On stamp
BY-819 is Aksana Miankova.
On labels of sheet
BY-blok-77 are also other Belarus women winners of medals in OG Bejing: Jekaterina Karsten, Inna Zhukova, Julija Bičik, Natalija Helakh, Natallia Mikhnevich, Nadzeya Ostapchuk, Nastassia Novikava, Anastasia Ivankova, Glafira Martinovich, Ksenia Sankovich, Olesya Babushkina, Zinaida Lunina.


BY - blok-77, BY - 819

Tutulani Margarita 1924 - 1943
Albanska partizanka. Skupaj z bratom novinarjem in članom KP Albanije so ju Nemci ujeli in obesili.
Na znamki
AL-2123 sta tudi Fato Dudumi in Shejnaze Juka.

Margarita Tutulani was a member of the anti-nazi resistance during WWII was captured together with her brother Kristaq, a journalist, member of PKSH, and both were hanged by the nazis.
On stamp
AL-2123 are also Fato Dudumi and Shejnaze Juka.

            AL - 2123

TYLER Letitia 12.11.1790 - 10.9.1842
Žena desetega ameriškega predsednika Johna Tylerja. Spoznala sta se leta 1808, ko je Tyler študiral pravo in leta 1813 poročila. Čeprav brez izobrazbe se je naučila voditi plantažo, vzgajala otroke in vodila dom, ko je mož vodil aktivno politično življenje. 

American first lady, the first wife of John Tyler, 10th president of the United States. She met John Tyler, then a law student, in 1808. Formal education was no part of this pattern of life, but Letitia learned all the skills of managing a plantation, rearing a family, and presiding over a home that would be John Tyler's refuge during an active political life. They were married on 1813.

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