RACHEL Elisa 21.2.1821 - 3.1.1858
Francoska klasična tragedinja je 17 let dominirala v gledališču Comedie-Francaise. Rachel, rodila se je v Švici kot Elisa Felix, je prepevala po ulicah Lyona in Pariza. Njeno nadarjenost je odkril igralec in dramatik Isidore Samson, ki jo je na konzervatoriju učil igralske tehnike. Rachel je svoje igralske drže naštudirala na klasičnih kipih, vokalne intonacije in geste pa je vadila na številnih akademskih predstavah. Pri sedemnajstih je v Camedie-Francaise debitirala kot Camille v Corneillovem Horacu. Javnost in tisk sta jo takoj povzdignila v novo zvezdnico. Čeprav je bila drobno in visoka manj kot 150 cm, je na odru prevladala s svojo aristokratsko držo, ognjevitimi pogledi in intenzivno koncentracijo. Rachel so občudovali zaradi njene pantonime, mrzličnega razburjenja, ki ga je vnesla v klimaktične scene. Počasi je začela narekovati strategijo in program gledališča ter njeno opremo in osebje podrejati svoji volji. Največkrat je nastopala v Cornellovih in Racinovih igrah. Največje zmagoslavje je dosegla v Racinovi Fedri. Gostovala je tudi v Angliji, Rusiji, Italiji, Nemčiji in Belgiji. Zaradi napornih turnej in nestanovitnega razvpitega privatnega življenja je zbolela za tuberkulozo in januarja 1858 umrla v Parizu, kjer je tudi pokopana. 

French classical tragedienne (original name  Élisa Félix)  who dominated the Comédie-Française for 17 years. Rachel sang on the streets of Lyon and Paris, where her acting ability was quickly discovered by Isidore Samson, who taught her the acting techniques that he had learned from François-Joseph Talma.

      F - 1357                  F - 7114

RADOJEVIĆ Jovanka 1922 - 1943
Partizanka, članica KPJ, v NOB od 1941. Nemci so jo ujeli in ustrelili. 6.7.1953 je bila proglašena za narodnega heroja. 

Member of Communist Party of Yugoslavia. In 1941 joined the partisan forces. She was captured by german enemy and shot. On July 6, 1953 she was proclaimed as National Hero.

 YU - 2041

RADVILAITE Barbora 6.12.1520 - 8.5.1551
Poljska kraljica, žena Sigmunda II. in litvanska vojvodinja. Bila je iz mogočna bogate družine Radzwill, njen oče je bil veliki litvanski vojvoda. poročena je bila z vojvodo Novogrodeskem, po njegovi smrti  pa se je leta 1547 poročila s poljskim  kraljem.  

Barbara Radziwiłł (Lithuanian: Barbora Radvilaitė, Polish: Barbara Radziwiłłówna) was Queen of Poland and the Grand Duchess of Lithuania. She was wife of King Sigismund II August. Barbara was the daughter of a powerful magnate of the Radziwiłł family, castellan, voivode and hetman of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Jerzy Radziwiłł, and Barbara Koła. She was well educated. She was married to Sanislaw Gassztold, voivode of Nowogrodek. When he died, she married polish king Sigismund II in 1547.

         LT - 608

RADZINA Elza 10.2.1917 - 18.8.2005
Latvijska igralka je z vlogo kraljice v filmu Hamlet (1964) sovjetskega režiserja Gregorija Kozinceva  postala svetovno znana (na znamki SU-3191 je prizor iz filma). Dobila v vzdevek Kraljica. Film je bil leta nominiran leta 1966 za zlati globus za najboljši tuji film.

Latvian actress has been called "The Queen" since 1964 when she played the role of the Queen in the famous Grigory Kozincev film Hamlet (on stamps SU-3191 is scene from film), but she is still mainly a theatre actress. She was awarded the highest possible accolade "The USSR People's Artist".

                  SU - 3191

RAEVA Iliana 15.3.1963 -
Bolgarska ritmična gimnastičarka. Je ena izmed trojice bolgarskih prvakinj zgodnjih 80. let.
Iliana Raeva, Lilija Ignatova  in Anelija Ralenkova so živele v isti ulici in so tekmovale za isti klub Levski. V svoji karieri, ki je trajala od 1978 do 1982, Raeva na pomembnih tekmovanjih ni nikoli osvojila manj kot šesto mesto. Na evropskem prvenstvu 1980 je bila prva v tekmovanju s kolebnico, obročem in kiji in druga s trakom. Leta 1980 je bila sicer v vseh finalih, vendar je dobila "samo" dve srebrni medalji (obroč in trak) in eno bronasto (kolebnica).

She is one of a trio of Bulgarian champions of the early 1980s, Iliana Raeva, Lilija Ignatova and Anelija Ralenkova were, coincidentally, raised on the same street in Sofia, and all competed for club Levski. In a career stretching from 1978 to 1982, Raeva never placed lower than 6th in a major competition. She dominated the apparatus finals at 1980 Europeans, coming in first with rope, hoop, and clubs, and second with ribbon. At the 1981 World Championships she made all four event finals, but she got a collection of silvers (hoop and ribbon) and bronze (rope).

  BG - 3589
Italijanska slikarka ilustratorka je bila rojena in živi v Veroni. Diplomirala ja v Milanu na Akademiji za umetnost. Na Mednarodni šoli za ilustracije za otroke v Samedi in Macerati se je specializirala za ilustracije. Za svojo prvo knjigo z ilustracijami l diario di Cappuccetto Rosso je leta 2008 prijela prvo nagrado med mladimi ilustratorji. Leta 2009 je ilustrirala knjigo Bibilija za otroke (na znamkah

Chiara Raineri was born and lives in Verona. She graduated in scenografy at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera (MI) and she specializes in the field of illustration attending the International School of Illustration for Children of Sarmede and the Fabbrica delle favole of Macerata. In 2008 she published the first illustrated book, The Diary of Little Red Riding Hood and awarded the 1st place in the beginner category at the 11th Illustration Contest for Children Sulle ali delle farfalle with the book Un ombrello per amico; she's the author of text and illustrations. In 2009 creates the illustrations (on stamps VA-1669/1670) for the book La Bibbia narrata ai bambini (The Bible Narrated for Children). 

VA - 1669/1670

RAJNAI Klara 2.11.1953 -
Madžarska športnica - veslačica, skupaj z Pfeffer Anna sta na OI 1976 v Montrealu v kajaku K-2 na 500 m osvojili srebrno medaljo. Sama pa je osvojila na teh OI še bronasto medaljo v kajaku K-1 na 500 m.

Hungarian canoeist won a bronze medal for kayak  singles 500m and a silver medal for kayak pairs 500 m with Pfeffer Anna in 1976 OG.

                     H - 3165
RALEA Catinca 5.10.1929 -19.1.1981
Izjemna osebnost romunskega radia, je diplomirala na fakulteti za romanski in klasični jezik, smer francoski jezik in literatura (Univerza v Bukarešti). Leta 1968 je postala vodja angleške službe v radijskih Novicah za tujino (trenutno Radio Romania International), kjer je delala do svoje prezgodnje smrti. Njeni radijski in televizijski intervjuji z Williamom Saroyanom, Yehudijem Menuhinom, Henryjem Mooreom, Paulom Scofieldom in drugimi velikimi sogovorniki so vzor žanra. Izjemna je tudi njena dejavnost prevajalke iz angloameriške literature. Romane The Mill on Floss (George Eliot), Tess of d'Urberville (Thomas Hardy) in The Catcher in the Rye (JD Salinger) je briljantno prevedla v romunščino.

A remarkable figure of the Romanian radio, graduated from the Faculty of Romanic and classical languages, majoring in French language and literature (University of Bucharest). In 1968 she became the head of the English service in the Foreign Transmission News Room (currently Radio Romania International), a position that she held until her premature death. Her radio and television interviews with William Saroyan, Yehudi Menuhin, Henry Moore, Paul Scofield and other great interlocutors remain models of the genre. Also remarkable is her activity as a translator from Anglo-American literature. The novels The Mill on the Floss (George Eliot), Tess of the d’Urberville (Thomas Hardy) and The Catcher in the Rye (J. D. Salinger) were brilliantly translated into Romanian due to the talent of Catinca Ralea.

                             RO - 7477

RALENKOVA Anelija 25.12.1963 -
Bolgarska ritmična gimnastičarka je bila dvakrat svetovna prvakinja in dvakrat evropska prvakinja mnogokrat z največjo možno oceno 10. Je ena izmed trojice bolgarskih prvakinj zgodnjih 80. let. Iliana Raeva, Lilija Ignatova in Anelija Ralenkova so živele v isti ulici in so tekmovale za isti klub Levski.

She is a two-time World Champion and two-time European Champion scoring perfect 10's on many World Class competitions of rhythmic gymnastics. She is one of a trio of Bulgarian champions of the early 1980s, Iliana Raeva, Lilija Ignatova and Anelija Ralenkova were, coincidentally, raised on the same street in Sofia, and all competed for club Levski.

  BG - 3590

RASKOVA Marina Mihajlovna 28.3.1912 - 4.1.1943
Ruska pilotka, skupaj s Pauline Osipenko in Valentino Grizodubovo so  leta 1938 dosegle ženski rekord o daljinskem neprekinjenem poletu. V letalu ANT-37 so preletele 5900 km od Moskve do daljnega ruskega vzhoda. V času druge svetovne vojna je kot majorka poveljevala oddelku bombnikov. leta 1938 je prejela odlikovanje narodnega heroja Sovjetske zveze. 

On September 24-25, 1938, Marina Raskova with Paulina Ossipenko and Valentina Grizodubova set world record with their a non-stop flight of 5,900 km from Moscow to Siberia in an ANT-37. During WW II she was a major of Soviet army and commanding officer of the 587th Dive Bomber Regiment, subsequently renamed the 125th "M.M. Raskova" Borisov Guards Dive Bomber Regiment (Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov III Class). She was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on 2 November 1938.

       SU - 691                                      RU - 1799

RANEVSKAJA GEORGIEVNA Faina 27.8.1896 - 19.7.1984
Ruska gledališka in filmska igralka. Igrala je znanih sovjetskih filmih Človek v školjki, Vesna, Mechta, ...
She was one of the most popular Soviet Russian actresses both tragical and comic. She played in famous soviet films like The Man in a Shell, Mechta (Dream), Vesna (Spring), Zolushka (Cinderella), Elephant and String and many more.

RU - 934

RASMUSSEN Anna-Suffia 1876 - 1932
Žena Rasmusa Rasmussena (1871-1962) ustanovitelja Ferske visoke ljudske šole.
Na znamki Faroe-372 je tudi Skardi Sanna av.

She was a wife of  Rasmus Rasmussen (1871-1962) the founder of Faroe folk high school.
On stamp
Faroe-372 is also Skardi Sanna av.

Faroe - 372

RAŠKAJ Slava 2.1.1877 - 29.3.1906
Hrvaška slikarka je bila gluhonema od rojstva. Že zelo zgodaj je pokazala nadarjenost za risanje. Skrbno opazuje naravo in otroke, ki postanejo najljubši motiv na njenih slikah.in jih dobro razume in občuti. Njene akvarele in pastele odlikuje lahkotnost,  značilna za ljudi neobremenjene akademskim naukom in togim  pravilom.

Slava Raškaj has stood up bravely against her fate. Born deaf-mute, it was very early in her life when she first began showing her drawing talent. She kept closely watching both the nature and children, later to become her favorite motifs in her painting, those that she deeply felt and understood. Her water-colours and pastels are characterized by a true lightness, features that belong to those spirits unburdened by academic tuition and rigid rules.

HR - 440
RATHBONE Eleanor Florence 12.5.1872 - 2.1.1946
Neodvisna članica angleškega parlamenta in dolgoletna borka za ženske pravice. Izhajala je iz znane liverpoolske družine Rathbone.

She was an Independent British Member of Parliament and long-term campaigner for women's rights. She was a member of the noted Rathbone family of Liverpool.

           GB - 2677
RECAMIER Juliette 4.12.1777 - 11.5.1849
Hči bankirja iz Lyona je obiskovala je samostansko šolo. Leta 1792 se je pridružila očetu v Parizu in se kmalu poročila z uglednim bankirjem. Njen salon je hitro postal priljubljeno zbirališče imenitnih in manj imenitnih politikov in umetnikov. Leta 1805 je zaradi Napoleonove politike njen mož finančno propadel. Napoleon pa je ukazal naj Madame de Recamier izženejo iz Pariza. Najprej je stanovala pri dobri prijateljici Madame de Stael v Ženevi, potem je odšla v Rim in Neapelj. Njen literarni portret najdemo v romanu Corinnem, ki ga je Madame de Stael napisala v tistem času. Po Napoleonovem porazu se je leta 1815 vrnila v Pariz, vendar je spet doživela finančni polom, vendar je kljub temu vzdrževala svoj salon. V poznejših letih je njen stalni spremljevalec postal pisatelj in politik Francois Chateaubriand, ki je v njenem salonu tudi bral svoja dela.

She was celebrated French beauty and social figure, née Jeanne Françoise Julie Adelaďde Bernard. At 15 she married Jacques Récamier, a wealthy, middle-aged banker; their marriage was a mere formality. Her fashionable salon was, from the Consulate to the end of the July Monarchy, a gathering place for some of the most influential political and literary figures. Although many men fell in love with her, Mme Récamier, whose nature was ineffably gentle and unpassionate, probably never had any but platonic attachments. The most celebrated of her liaisons was that with Chateaubriand, to whom she devoted the later part of her life. Among her friends were Mme de Staël, Sainte-Beuve, and Benjamin Constant. The famous portrait of her by Jacques Louis David hangs in the Louvre. Her memoirs and correspondence have been published.

       F - 893

Irska oblikovalka nakita ustvarja že od poznih 70 let prejšnjega stoletja. Uporablja klasične zlatarske tehnike, povezuje plemenite kovine in poldrage kamne.

Inga Reed has been making jewellery since the late 1970s, recently in County Kilkenny, where she makes her distinctive pieces in her rural studio. She uses classic goldsmithing techniques, combining precious metals and precious and semi-precious stones. It is the intricate organic engineering that underpins the structure of collected items like seed pods and leaves and the patterns and textures they create. Her work is featured in many private and public collections including the National Museum of Ireland, Dublin.

IE - 1971

REED Sally
Slikarka iz Guernseya je štiudirala psihologijo, sociologijo in umetnost. Najprej je bila svobodna umetnica, kasneje je postala učiteljica na univerzi v Brightonu. Na znamki Guernsey-609: Ribja tržnica.

She is artist from Gurnsey. She studied psychology, sociology and art. First she worked as freelance artist, leter she became a teacher at Brighton  University.
On stamp 
Guernsey-609 is her aquatint: The Fish Market.

Guernsey - 609

REGO Paula 26..1.1935 -
Portugalska slikarka se je šolala v Angliji, kjer je obiskovala umetniško šolo Slade in kjer je srečala svoje moža slikarja Victorja Willinga. Umetniški par je do leta 1963 živel na Portugalskem, nato sta se preselila v London. Na Paolina dela je močno vplival Dubuffet. leta 1990 je postala prva izredna članica Nacionalne galerije v Londonu.

Portuguese Painter was educated in English schools while growing up and attended the Slade School of Art. There, she studied under Coldstream and also met and married fellow painter, Victor Willing. The couple lived in Portugal for some time before moving to London in 1963. Rego’s early work was strongly influenced by Dubuffet and she made abstract collages sometimes with political themes. However, her later work became figurative and she began creating compositions influenced by childhood stories and memories. A successful artist in the United Kingdom and Portugal, Rego became the first Associate Artist of the National Gallery in London in 1990. She also produced a mural in the Sainsbury Wing of the gallery in 1991.

             P - 1832

REHOR Grete 30.6.1910 - 28.1.1987
Avstrijska političarka, članica Avstrijske ljudske stranke. V letih 1966 - 1970 je bila ministrica za socialo in sploh prva avstrijska ženska ministrica.

She was an Austrian politician belonging to the Austrian People's Party. She was Minister of Social Affairs from 1966 to 1970, and was the first female government minister in Austria.


                   A - 2880

REICHMAN Jelka 23.8.1939 -
Slovenska slikarka. Podobo Mačjega mesta, kjer je vse do najmanjše podrobnosti ukrojeno po mačjem okusu, je likovno domislila in zaokrožila akademska slikarka Jelka Reichman, že vrsto let ena najbolj priljubljenih slovenskih ilustratork, ki je z likom mačka Murija ustvarila pop junaka v najboljšem pomenu te besede, tako rekoč ikono, ki se je tako tesno sprijela z besedilom, da sta postala nerazdružljiva. O tem pričajo tudi mnogi ponatisi - dosedanja skupna naklada je že presegla za slovenske razmere skoraj neverjetnih 100.000 izvodov!

Maček Muri (Tom-cat Muri), created in 1975 by the poet Kajetan Kovic and illustrator Jelka Reichman, is undoubtedly one of such timeless characters. With more than 100,000 copies published so far - an incredibly high number for such a small nation as Slovenia - the book is one of the children's best-sellers.

    SI -
288,291          YU - 123-134
REID Nano 1900 - 1981
Irska slikarka je leta 1920 dobila štipendijo za študij umetnosti v Dublinu. Tu je študirala za učitelja umetnosti. Leta 1925 prvič razstavljala na Royal Hibernian Academy, kjer je potem še večkrat redno vse do leta 1968. Potovala in študirala je umetnost v Londonu in Parizu. Po v vrnitvi v Dublin se je pridružila Dublinskim slikarjem. Samostojno  je razstavljala v galeriji Victorja Waddingtona v Dublinu in galeriji St George v Londonu. Leta 1950 je skupaj z Norah McGuinness predstavljala Irsko na Beneškem bienalu.   
Slika na znamki IE-1631: Seabird and Landmarks.

Her artistic career began with her winning a scholarship in 1920 to the Dublin Metropolitan School of Art. Here she trained to be an art teacher, studying under Harry Clarke. She first exhibited at the Royal Hibernian Academy in 1925 and continued to do so periodically until 1968, showing forty-two works in all. She travelled and studied art in Paris and London.  Upon returning to Dublin she was associated with the Dublin Painters and held her first solo show with them on St Stephen's Green in 1934. She exhibited at the Dawson Gallery in Dublin several times, had solo shows at the Victor Waddington Galleries in Dublin and St George's Gallery in London, In 1950 Reid - along with Norah McGuinness - represented Ireland at the Venice Biennale.
Painting on stamp
IE-1631: Seabird and Landmarks

               IE - 1631

RELPH Pamela 14.11.1989 -
Britanska veslačica je na paraolimpijskih igrah 2012 v Londonu skupaj z Naomi Riches, Davidom Smithom, Jamesom Roe in Lily van den Broecke (krmarka) osvojila zlato medaljo v mešanem četvercu.

She is a British adaptive rower who competed at the 2012 Summer Paralympics in London and won the gold medal in the Legs Trunk and Arms mixed Coxed Four (LTAMix4+) event alongside crewmates Naomi Riches, David Smith, James Roe and Lily van den Broecke, the cox.

                                      GB - 3336

RENARD Colette 1.11.1924 - 6.10.2010
Francoska igralka in pevka s pravim imenom Colette Raget. Poznana je po glavni vlogi v muzikalu Irma la Douce, ki so ga v gledališču Gramont v Parizu uprizarjali od 1956 do 1967. Kot pevka je objavila 52 glasbenih albumov.
Colette Renard born Colette Raget, was a French actress and singer. Renard is closely associated with the titular character from the musical Irma La Douce, a role she played for over a decade. Renard retired from theatre and film in the 1980s, returning in 2004 to play the role of Rachel Levy on Plus belle la vie. In addition to acting, Renard was a prolific singer, having released 52 albums during her career.

         F - 5196

RENAUD Madeleine 21.2.1900 - 23.9.1994
Francoske igralke  se najbolj spominjamo po njenih vlogah v gledališču. Nastopala pa je tudi v več filmih režiserja Jeana Grémillona: Remorques (Viharne vode, 1941) in Lumičre d'été (Poletna luč, 1943). Z drugim možem, igralcem in režiserjem Jean-Louisom Barraultom (1910 - 1994), sta skupaj nastopala. Ustanovila sta številne gledališke družbe, ki so veliko gostovale po Severni in Južni Ameriki.

A French actress best remembered for her work in the theatre. She did though appear in several films directed by Jean Grémillon including Remorques (Stormy Waters, 1941) and Lumičre d'été (Summer Light, 1943). With her second husband, actor and director Jean-Louis Barrault (1910–1994) they acted together and co-founded a number of theater companies, touring extensively throughout North and South America.

          F - 7504

RENGER Annamarie 7.10.1919 - 3.3.2008
Nemška političarka Socialdemokratske stranke Nemčije (SPD) je od leta 1972 do 1976 opravljala funkcijo petega predsednika Bundestaga. Bila je prva ženska na tej funkciji in prva ženska na enem najvišjih zveznih uradov Zvezne republike Nemčije. Leta 1979 je bila imenovana za predsedniško kandidatko SPD, prva ženska, ki jo je za predsednika imenovala večja stranka.

She was a German politician for the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). From 1972 until 1976 she served as the 5th President of the Bundestag. She was the first woman to hold this office and the first woman to hold one of the five highest federal offices of the Federal Republic of Germany. She was nominated as the presidential candidate of the SPD in 1979, the first woman to be nominated for President by a major party.


                 D- 3499

RESNIK Judith 5.4.1949 - 28.1.1986
Ameriška astronavtka ena od sedemčlanske posadke na krovu ameriškega raketoplana Challenger, ki je eksplodirala kmalu po vzletu iz Cape Canaveral. Ta misija je bila njena druga v shuttle programu.Od avgusta do septembra 1984 je bila na krstnem poletu raketoplana Discovery kot šele druga ameriška vesoljka (prva je bila Sally Ride K. junija 1983). Je univerzitetna diplomirana inženirka strojništva. Leta 1977 je doktorirala iz elektrotehnike na Univerzi v Marylandu. Delala je za Xerox Corporation v Kaliforniji, ko so jo v NASI izbrali za astronavtko. Na svoji prvi misiji, je izvajala poskuse z sončnimi instrumenti raketoplana.

Engineer and astronaut Judith Arlene Resnik, was part of the seven-member crew aboard the US space shuttle Challenger which exploded shortly after liftoff from Cape Canaveral. That mission was her second in the shuttle program. In August-September 1984, on the maiden flight of the space shuttle Discovery, she became only the second American woman to fly in space (the first was Sally K. Ride in June 1983). Resnik attended Firestone High School in Akron and earned her bachelor's degree in engineering from Carnegie Tech in 1970. She received her doctorate in electrical engineering from the University of Maryland in 1977. The following year, while working for the Xerox Corporation in California, Dr. Resnik and five others were selected by the Naional Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to become America's first women astronauts. On her first mission, she conducted experiments with the shuttle's solar energy instruments. Resnick was also an accomplished classical pianist.

                     H - 3812

RETTIGOVA Magdalena Dobromila 31.1.1785 - 5.8.1845
Češka pisateljica in dramatičarka je najbolj znana po svoji kuharski knjigi Domaci kuchařka (Domača kuharica). Prvi izdaji leta 1826 so sledile druge v obdobju skorej celega stoletja.

Czech writer of prose and drama. But today's best known work by her is her nationalist cookbook Domácí kuchařka (The Home Cook). The first edition of 1826 was followed by other editions published in the course of almost a century. The cookbook seems to have been so much popular mainly because her author targeted the right group of readers from the so-called small households, i.e. middle-class housewives that were very much active at that time, with a keen interest in the nationalist movement. She was therefore able to influence them not only by awakening their nationalistic feelings but also by improving their knowledge of the Czech language.

                   CZ -619

REY COLACO Amelia 2.3.1898 - 8.7.1990
Portugalska igralka.

Portuguese actress.


                   P - 3664

REZAN Maria 1921 - 2004
Ena najbolj pmebnih grških novinark.

She was one of the most significant women journalists of Greece.


                   GR - 2809
RHODES Zandra 19.9.1940 -
Angleško modno oblikovalko je v svet mode vpreljala njena mati, ki je delala pariški modni hiši in bila učiteljica na Medway College of Art. Tu je Zandra najprej študirala, nato pa še na Royal College of Art v Londonu. Njeno glavno področje študija je bilo oblikovanje tiskanja na tekstil.

She is an English fashion designer. She was introduced to the world of fashion by her mother, who was a fitter in a Paris fashion house and a teacher at Medway College of Art, now the University for the Creative Arts. Rhodes studied first at Medway and then at the Royal College of Art in London. Her major area of study was printed textile design.

                GB - 3259

RIBA Maria Lluisa de 1903 - 24.11.1993
Maria Lluďsa de Riba Cassany je bila zadnja preživela naslednica dinastije Rossell, ene izmed Andorrinih petih najpomembnejših družin. Znana je bila tudi kot "La Seńorita". Njena smrt je povzročila hudo pravdanje med številnimi kandidati za njeno veličastno zapuščino, ki jo je sodišče končno dodelilo državi. Med številnimi družinskimi posestmi in premoženjem je zanimiva Casa Rossell, velika graščina, zgrajena leta 1611 in v kateri je Maria Lluďsa živela vse do svojih zadnjih dni. Graščino je vlada Andore leta 2003 vključila v svoj seznam kulturnih znamenitosti. Rosellovi so bili ena najstarejših družin kneževine in ena najbogatejših in najbolj družbeno pomembnih v Andori. Zelo pomembna je njihova zapuščina dokumenttov in knjig, ki jo sestavlja arhiv več kot pet tisoč dokumentov, vključno s popisnimi knjigami, upravnimi dokumenti in drugimi pomembnimi deli.

Maria Lluďsa de Riba Cassany was the last surviving heir of the Rossell dynasty, one of Andorra's five most important families, also known as “La Seńorita”. Her death led to heavy litigation between the numerous contenders for her magnificent legacy, which the courts finally awarded to the State. Notable among the family's numerous properties and assets is the Casa Rossell, a large manor house built in 1611 and where Maria Lluďsa had lived right up to her final days and which the Andorra government included in 2003 in its Assets of Cultural Interest inventory. The Rossells were one of the Principality's oldest families and one of the richest and most socially important in Andorra. The documentary and bibliographical legacy left by the family is very important, consisting of an archive of over five thousand documents, including census books, administrative documents and notable works.


RIBERAYGUA Pilar 1953 - 2002

She was artist and gallery owner. Her work has been essential to introducing and publicising contemporary art throughout the Principality of Andorra. She studied ceramics in the  Massana School of Art in Barcelona. After finishing her studies, she opened a ceramics workshop in Barcelona  with a classmate, where she made masks, decorative objects and ceramic murals. In 1985 she opened another artistic ceramics workshop, which would be the beginnings of her first art gallery, the Galería d’Art Era Bauró. 

RIBIERE Germaine 1917 - 20.11.1999
Francoska katoličanka članica francoskega odpora je med drugo svetovno vojno rešila številne jude. Zaradi tega so ji v Izraelu 18.6.1967 podelili naziv Pravični med narodi.

French Catholic the member of the Résistance saved numerous Jews during World War II. In 18.6.1967 she was recognized as a Righteous Among the Nations.

F - 6699

RICHIER Germanie 16.9.1904 - 31.7.1959
Francoska kiparka se je posvetila izražanju najbolj temačnih vidikov človeških čustev. Študirala je v Montpellieru in Parizu, nekaj časa z Emile Antoine Bourdelle.

The French sculptor Germaine Richier devoted herself to expressing the most somber aspects of human emotion in sculptural form. She studied in Montpellier and Paris, for a time with Emile Antoine Bourdelle. After a stay in Switzerland during World War II, she began to dwell on images of terror and the fear of death. Using open structural forms (such as the skeleton and the web) that suggest incompleteness, Richier conveyed the horrors of a ravaged, lacerated world. Continually decomposing the human figure into symbolic forms, she pushed her technique to the limits of fragility, creating an image of humanity torn by the mental and physical anguish of war.

              F - 2944

RICHES Naomi 15.6.1983 -
Britanska veslačica je je osvojil bronasto medaljo na poletnih paraolimpijskih igrah 2008. Na  poletnih paraolimpijskih igrah 2012 pa zlato medaljo v kategoriji LTAMix4+ skupaj z Pamelo Relph, Davidom Smith, Jamesom Roe in krmarko Lily van den Broecke
(na znamki).

She is a British adaptive rower who won a bronze medal at the 2008 Summer Paralympics and a gold medal at the 2012 Summer Paralympics in the Legs Trunk and Arms mixed Coxed Four (LTAMix4+) event alongside crewmates Pamela Relph, David Smith, James Roe and Lily van den Broecke, the cox (on stamp).


                                        GB - 3336

RIDE Sally 26.5.1951 - 23.6.2012
Ameriški fizičarka in astronavtka je kot prva Američanka leta 1983  vstopila v nizko zemljino orbito. Leta 1987 je zapustila NASO. Dela na Univerzi Stanford v centru za mednarodno varnost in nadzor nad oborožitvijo. Sodelovala je pri raziskavi nesreč obeh shuttlov (Challenger in Columbia). Je soavtorica petih otroških naravoslovnih knjig in številnih člankov o vesolju. Še vedno je najmlajša ameriška astronavtka, ki je poletela v vesolje.
Na bloku BG-5086 sta tudi Valentina Tereškova in Liu Yang.

Sally Kristen Ride was an American physicist and astronaut. Ride joined NASA in 1978 and at the age of 32, became the first American woman to enter into low Earth orbit in 1983. She left NASA in 1987 to work at Stanford University's Center for International Security and Arms Control and had served on the investigation panels for two space shuttle disasters (Challenger and Columbia) - the only person to serve on both. She co-authored five children's science books with her life partner of 27 years, Tam O'Shaughnessy, as well as another dozen or so space-related titles. Ride remains the youngest American astronaut to be launched into space.
On small sheet
BG-5086 are also Valentina Tereškova and Liu Yang.

                                    BG - 5086

RIDLEY Daisy 10.4.1992 -
Angleška igralka je začela svojo igralsko kariero z manjšimi televizijskimi vlogami. Znana pa je postala po vlogi Rey v filmu Vojna zvezd: Epizoda VII Sila se prebuja iz leta 2015 (na znamki). Na znamki je z robotom BB8.

an English actress began her acting career by appearing in minor television roles. She is best known for her breakthrough role as Rey (on stamp) in the 2015 film, Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens. She is pictured with the robot BB8.

           GB - 3800

RIKS Alli 1909 -
Finska igralka je bila rojena v Nemčiji. Leta 1927 se je preselila na Finsko. Na znamki FI-1338 je z Theodorjem Tugai v filmu Wide Road iz leta 1931.

Finnish actress was born in Germany. In 1927 she went to Finland. On stamp FI-1338 is with Theodor Tugai in film Wide Road from 1931.


           FI - 1338
RIMALA Annika 27.8.1936 - 14.9.2014
Finska modna oblikovalka v svetovno znani finski tekstilni in oblačilni družbi Marimekko Corporation. Tu je delala v letih 1959 - 1982. Leta 1967 so Aniko proglasili za eno izmed 10 oblikovalcev na svetu, ki imajo največji vpliv na modo. Annika je podpirala idejo o anonimnem oblikovanju: kupec naj kupi obleko, ker je lepa in udobna, ne pa zato ker je modna ali zaradi znanega oblikovalca. Njen cilj kot oblikovalca je ustvariti funkcionalen, praktičen brezčasen izdelek, izdelek za vse velikosti in starosti in ne preveč drag. Leta 1968  je ustvarila črtasto bombažno pletenino Tasaraita (na znamki FI-1453). Kasneja je zapustila Marimekko in odprla svojo trgovino "Santtu".

Designer of clothes in Marimekko Corporation 1959-82. Marimekko is a world famous Finnish textile and clothing company founded in 1951. In 1967 Annika was elected one of the 10 designers in the world who had influenced fashion most. In that time Marimekko was due to her on the top in the world of fashion. Annika supported ideas of anonymous design which means that you buy clothes because they are nice and comfortable, not because they are in fashion or because of the name of the designer. Her aim as a designer was to create a product which was highly functional and practical, timeless, long-lasting quality, fit for all sizes and ages and as a mass product not too expensive. In 1968 the striped, cotton "Tasaraita" knitwear (depicted on the stamp FI-1453) was born designed by Annika for Marimekko. After she left Marimekko she has run her own shop "Santtu".

          FI - 1453

RISTORI Adelaide 30.1.1822 - 9.10.1906
Italijanska gledališka igralka, tragedinja, vodilna italijanska igralka svojega časa.

As a child she appeared upon the stage, and at fourteen made her first success as Francesca da Rimini in Silvio Pellico's tragedy. She was eighteen when for the first time she played Mary Stuart in an Italian version of Schiller's play.

 I - 2433

RITA iz Cascia sv. - RITA of Cascia st. 1386 - 22.5.1457
Italijanska svetnica. Pri 12 letih se je poročila z Paolom Mancini in rodila dva sinova. Mancini je bil bogat in nemoralen človek z veliko sovražniki. Čeprav je poskušala vzgajati svoja sinova v katoliškh vrednotah, sta bila sinova podobna očetu. Po smrti moža in sinov je odšla v samostan, kjer je prebila 40 let v molitvi in delovanju za mir. Je zavetnica bolniških negovalk, vdov, starševstva, k njej se zatekajo v brezupnih zadevah, ob težavah pri izpitih. Za blaženo je bila razglašena 1.10.1627, 24.5.1900 pa za svetnico.

She is an Italian Augustinian saint. At age 12 she married to Paolo Mancini. and bore two sons. Mancini was rich and immoral man with many enemies. Although she tried to raise them with Catholic values, her sons grew to be like their father. After death of her husband and sons Rita felt the call to religious life. At the age of 36 was enterd the monastery. She lived 40 years in the convent, spending her time in prayer and charity, and working for peace in the region. She is a patron of desperate, seemingly impossible causes and situations. She was beatified on 1st october 1627 by Pope Urban VIII and vanonized on 24th may 1900.

I - 1750                                    VA - 256/258

RIVAZ Alice 14.8.1901 - 27.2.1998
Švicarska pisateljica je študirala glasbo in delala kot glasbeni učitelj in knjižničar Mednarodne organizacije dela. Leta 1940 je objavlia svoj prvi roman Nuages dans la main. Leta 1946 je izdala svoj drugi roman Comme le sable, 1947 pa tretjega La Paix v ruches, ki ga smatrajo za predhodnika feministične literature v poznih 60 letih.

Together with Corinne Bille, Catherine Colomb and Monique Saint-Hélier, Alice Rivaz  brought a bold new tone to the literature of French-speaking Switzerland in the late thirties, even making a name for herself in other countries and building a reputation as a pioneer of feminist literature in Switzerland.

         CH - 1746

RIVELLES Amparo 11.2.1925 - 7.11.2013
Španska igralka je nastopala v mehiških filmih in telenovelah.

A Spanish actress played in Mexican films and telenovelas.


               E - 5112

ROBEVA Neška 26.5.1946 -
Bolgarska ritmična gimnastičarka in trenerka je leta 1966 diplomirala na državni bolgarski šoli koreografije iz bolgarskih plesov. Od takrat je članica bolgarske ekipe ritmične gimnastike. Sodelovala je na štirih svetovnih prvenstvih (1967, 1969, 1971, 1973). Leta 1974 diplomirala na Visoki za šport in začel delati kot trener. Med leti 1993 in 1997 je bial član Evropskega odbora za gimnastiko.

She is a Bulgarian former rhythmic gymnast and coach. Robeva graduated from the Bulgarian State Choreography School in "Bulgarian Dances" in 1966 and since then had been a member of the Bulgarian national rhythmic gymnastics squad until 1973. She took part in four World Championships (1967, 1969, 1971, 1973). In 1974 Robeva graduated from the High Institute for Sports and started work as a coach. From 1993 until 1997 she was a member of the European Gymnastics Committee.

BG - 3594

ROCIO Jurado 18.9.1946 - 1.6.2006
Mednarodno znana španska pevka andaluzijske cople, flamenca, pa tudi popa, bolera in romantičbuh balad. Leta 2000 je bila nagrajena za najboljši ženski glas, ki jo podeljuje 20th Century. Prodala je preko 25 milijonov plošč za katere je bobila 150 zlatih in 63 platinastih plošč.
Spanish singer of international fame, specializing in musical genres such as the Andalusian copla, flamenco, as well as in the Spanish pop, bolero and the romantic ballad. In 2000 she won the Millennium Voice for Best Female Voice of the 20th Century prize. She sold over 25 million records and received 150 Gold Records and 63 Platinum Records.


                   E - 5063
RODOREDA Mercč 10.10.1908 - 13.4.1983
Španska romanopiska je pisala v katalonskem jeziku in je ena najpomembnejših katalonskih romanopiscev  povojnega obdobja. Njen roman La Plaça del Diamant (1962) je je eden najbolj pomembnih  katalonskih romanov vseh časov in je preveden v več kot 20 jezikov. Smatrajo ga tudi za enega najboljših romanov, ki opisujejo špansko državljansko vojno.

She was a Spanish Catalan novelist in the Catalan language. She is considered by many to be the most important Catalan novelist of the postwar period. Her novel La plaça del diamant ('The diamond square', translated as 'The Time of the Doves', 1962) has become the most acclaimed Catalan novel of all time and since the year it was published for the first time, it has been translated into over 20 languages. It is also considered by many to be the best novel dealing with the Spanish Civil War.

    Andorra-sp. - 359

RODRIGUES Amalia 23.7.1920 - 6.10.1999
Portugalska pevka in igralka je bila znana kot  Rainha do  Fado ("Kraljica fada") in je najbolj vplivala na popularizacijo fada po svetu. Imela je navečji vpliv na razvoj fada. Njena kariera je trajala celih 50 let. Napisala je pravila o tem kaj je fado in kako naj ga pevci izvajajo. Bila je glavni navdih za druge znane izvajalce fada kot so Madredeus, Dulce Pontes in Mariza.

She was a Portuguese singer and actress. She was known as the Rainha do Fado ("Queen of Fado") and was most influential in popularizing fado worldwide. She was one of the most important figures in the genre's development, and enjoyed a 50-year recording and stage career. Amália wrote the rulebook on what fado could be and on how a female fadista—or fado singer—should perform it, to the extent that she remains an unsurpassable model and an unending source of repertoire for all those who came afterwards. Amália enjoyed an extensive international career between the 1950s and the 1970s, although in an era where such efforts were not as easily quantified as today. She was the main inspiration to other well-known international fado and popular music artists such as Madredeus, Dulce Pontes, and Mariza.

                 P - 3687

ROECKLE Hanna 1950 -
V Liechensteinu rojena umetnica živi in ustvarja v Zurichu and Vaduzu kjer je tudi razstavljala. Na znamkah sta njena sitotiska: Crystal B (LI-1654) and Crystal G (LI-1655).

Roeckle Hanna born in Liechtenstein, lives and works in Zurich and Vaduz. She had solo exhibitions in Zurich, Kunsthalle Weimar and the Museum of Concrete Art, Ingolstadt.  On stamps are her works of art by the screen printing process: Crystal B (LI-1654) and Crystal G (LI-1655).


               LI - 1654                           LI - 1655

ROEF Sonja 12.5.1952 -
Luksemburška slikarka in kiparka.

The painter and sculptor from Luxemburg.

L - 1319

ROEPSTORFF Kirstine 1972 -
Danska umetnica živi in dela v Kopenhagnu in Berlinu. Od 1994 do 2001 je obiskovala je dansko kraljevo akademijo za umetnosti v Kopenhagnu.  Razstavljala je v Berlinu, Oslu, New Yorku in Kopenhagnu.

She is an artist based in Copenhagen and Berlin. Roepstorff attended the Royal Danish Academy of Art in Copenhagen from 1994–2001 and Rutgers University, Mason School of Fine Art, from 1999-2000. She has shown work in many exhibitions  in Berlin, Oslo, New York and Copenhagen.

                       DK - 1608

ROGERS Mary 1855 - 30.4.1899
Strežajka z ladje Stella, ki je leta 1899 potonila na poti med Southampton na Kanalske otoke. Pri nesreči je Mary nesebično pomagala potnicam. Svoj rešilni pas je dala potnici brez njega in ji pomagala v rešilni čoln. Mary se je skupaj s 105 potniki in člani posadke utopila.  Leta 1908 so v Liverpoolski katedrali  v barvni vitraži upodobili 12 znanih žensk, med njimi je tudi Mary. Na znamki Alderney-129 je ta njena podoba.

 Alderney - 129

ROGSTAD Anna 26.7.1854 - 8.11.1938
Norveška učiteljica, borka za žensko volilno pravico, članica politične stranke liberalne levice stranke je bila prva ženska članica parlamenta norveška (leta 1911).

She was a Norwegian educator, women's rights activist and politician for the Liberal Left Party. She was the country's first female Member of Parliament (in 1911).

                      N - 1824

ROJC Nasta 6.11.1883 - 6.11.1964
Ena prvih hrvaških akademsko izobraženih slikark se je šolala v Zagrebu, na Dunaju in Münchnu. Prvič je razstavljala leta 1904 v Zagrebu. Razstavljala je po vsej Evropi. Slikala pejsaže, mestne vedute, portrete, avtoportrete in akte v stilu realizma, naturalizma impresionizma in na koncu socrealizma.
Na HR-794 je njena slika: Avtoportret s puško.

She is one of the first academically educated Croatian women painters.Nasta started her education in painting in 1901, in the private painting school of Oton Iveković in Zagreb, and afterwards, with breaks, from 1902 to 1911 she received further education at the Kunstschule für Frauen und Mädchen in Vienna. She went on to the Frauen Akademie in Munich where she was introduced to the participants of the so called Munich Circle. She had her first public exhibition in 1909 when she exhibited at the collective exhibition of the Croatian Art Society in the Art Pavilion in Zagreb. Since that time, almost every year, she participated in exhibitions not only in Croatia but also all across Europe: in France, England, Scotland, Bohemia, Poland and Romania. her opus based on landscape motifs, countryside scenes and city panoramas, portraits and self-portraits, nudes and genre scenes and on the motifs of animals and flowers, all this passed through all the phases of academic realism and naturalism, symbolism, naturalist en plein air painting, impressionism and post-impressionism and, finally, she painted in the spirit of social realism.

               HR - 794

ROLAND de la Platiere, Jeanne-Marie 17.3.1754 - 8.11.1793
Francoska revolucionarka, uveljavila se je kot razgledana in privlačna žena francoskega vladnega uradnika. Njen pariški salon je od 1791 postal središče zmernih žirondincev. Bila je v dobrih odnosih z M. Robispierrom. Imela je velik vpliv na svojega soproga, ki je postal notranji minister Ludvika XVI. S svojo politiko je vplivala na dokončni razkol med jakobinci in žirondinci. Pred revolucionarnim sodiščem so jo zaradi simpatiziranja z rojalisti obsodili na smrt. Znan je njen vzklik pred usmrtitvijo z giljotino: "O, svoboda, kakšni zločini se dogajajo v tvojem imenu".

The French revolutionary was a reviewed and attractive wife of the French government official. Her salon in Paris became in 1791 the center of the temperate Girondists. She was on good terms with M. Robispierrom. She had a great influence on her husband, who became interior minister of Louis XVI. With her policy she impacted on the final rift between the Jacobins and Girondists and conveyed to the guillotine. Before placing her head on the block, she bowed before the clay statue of Liberty in the Place de la Révolution, uttering the famous remark for which she is remembered: Oh Liberty, what crimes are committed in thy name!

       F - 2724

ROMANA Francesca sv. (st.) 1384 - 9.3.1440
Italjanska svetnica je odraščala v bogati rimski družini. Želela je postati nuna, toda starši so imeli drugačne načrte. S 13 leti se je srečno poročila z bogatim Lorenzom de’ Ponziani. Imela je tri otroke. Bila je velika dobrotnica, mističarka in ustanovila je žensko bratovščino Benediktantk, ki niso živeli v samostanih, da so lahko pomagale potrebnim. Za svetnico je bila razglašena leta 1608. Na znamkah sta dva prizora iz njenega življenja (freske iz 15. stoletja): Čudež z grozdjem in Zdravljenje reveža z poškodovano roko.     

She is an Italian saint who was a wife, mother, mystic, organizer of charitable services and a Benedictine oblate who founded a religious community of oblates, who share a common life without religious vows. On stamps are two moments in the life of the Saint: “The Miracle of the Grapes” and the “Healing of a Poor Man with an Injured Arm”. She was canonized in 1608.

VA - 1640-1641

Romanescu Eleonora 26.4.1926 -
Modavijska slikarka. Na znamki MD-426 je njena slika: Domovina.

Moldavina painter studied painting at Chisinau College of Arts (1949). The domain she prefers is landscape interpreted in an individual stylistic manner – contrast of warm and cold colours, which makes the pictures special.

MD - 426

Romanescu Aristita 1854 - 1918
Romunska gledališka igralka

Romanian actress.
             RO - 1417                     RO - 3943

Roosevelt Eleanor  11.10.1884 - 7.11.1962
Nečakinja predsednika ZDA T. Roosevelta in soproga predsednika F.D. Roosevelta. Dejavno je pomagala soprogu, ki je bil vse bolj prizadet zaradi bolezni. V času predsednikovanja je opravljala administrativne, organizacijske in propagandne naloge in je postala ena najbolj znanih žensk v ZDA. BIla je predsednica komisije OZN za človekove pravice. Napisala je več del, med drugim spomine Moja zgodba in Tega se spominjam.

The wife of a popular US president, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was a tireless worker for social causes. A niece of President Theodore Roosevelt, she was raised by her maternal grandmother after the premature death of her parents. In 1905 she married her cousin Franklin Delano Roosevelt; they had six children, one of whom died in infancy. Although extremely shy, she became active in politics after her husband was stricken with polio in 1921. When Franklin became president in 1933, Eleanor Roosevelt made herself a powerful voice on behalf of a wide range of social causes, including youth employment and civil rights for blacks and women. She conducted press conferences, had her own radio program, and wrote a daily newspaper column, "My Day," which was nationally syndicated. After her husband's death, she continued in public life. She served (1945-52, 1961-62) as a US delegate to the United Nations and helped draft the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Her books include The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt (1961) and This I Remember (1949).


H - 2017/2021                                                    F - 3352

          PL- 1532                                   UN-Geneva-1023   UN-Vienna-1008

Roques Jeanne 23.2.1889 - 11.12.1957
Francoska zvezda nemega filma z psevdonimom Musidora je bila prva francoska filmska zapeljivka. Bila je mnogostransko nadarjena, saj je tudi pisala, slikala, plesala, pisala drame, režirala filme. Slavo si je pridobila z vlogo v seriji filmov Les Vampires Louisa Feuillade (1915-1916). Kasneje je ustanovil lastno produkcijsko podjetje. Začela je s priredbami znanih iger Colette Sidonie-Gabrielle:  Minnie in potepuh, Skriti plamen. Prvi filmski festival žensk leta 1974 so poimenovali po njej.

Roques Jeanne (pseudonymous Musidora) was one of the greatest stars in French silent cinema. Not only did she create France's first big-screen vamp, the multi-talented actresss was also recognized as a writer, painter, dancer, playwright, and filmmaker. She gained national recognition for her role as the sexy, black leotard-clad Irma Vep in Louis Feuillade's adventure serial Les Vampires (1915-1916) "Irma Vep" is an anagram for vampire. She later founded her own production company. She began by adapting the Colette's popular plays, Minnie and La Vagabonde, La Flamme cachee. She then directed four films notable for her on-location settings, and experimental techniques. Her acting career ended with the advent of sound, but this did not stop her from writing. In 1974, the first women's film festival in Paris was named after her.

             F -2566

ROSER MALLOL Jordana 1942 - 2014

She was one of the people who has made the most efforts to promote tourism in the Principality of Andorra. She has even come to be regarded as an “institution for tourism in Andorra”. She began her career in 1965, when she was put in charge of the Casa d’Andorra in Paris. She was subsequently linked to the “Sindicat d’Iniciativa”, where she was dedicated to singing the Principality’s praises, since she felt a genuine passion for the country and never missed an opportunity to promote it with her characteristic natural and spontaneous qualities. After retiring and up until the time of her death, she was deputy chairperson of the “Fundació Clara Rabassa” and vice-chairperson of the Andorra-France “Aliança” .


ROSING Ina 1965 -
Grenlandska sikarka se je rodila na Danskem. Na kraljevi umetniški akademiji je študirala arhitekturo. Razstavljala je po celi Evropi. Ilustrira knjige, oblikuje znamke za Grenland.
Na znamki Greenland-506: Mladenka v grenlandski pokrajini.

Originally from Denmark, but with family ties to Greenland, Ina Rosing's development as an artist has been  greatly influenced by several years spent in Greenland as a child, including four months working for a gold exploration project on the deserted and rough eastern coastline. She studied architecture at the Royal Danish Academy of Arts and was invited to show her work in several prestigious exhibitions. Since leaving the Academy, Ina's work has been exhibited throughout mainland Europe and she has also undertaken commissions for SAS, the Greenland Home Rule Government (GHRG), as well as illustrating several books and designing 15 stamps for Post Greenland.

Greenland - 506

ROSING-ASVID Naja 1966 -
Grenlandska umetnica je študirala arhitekturo v Kopenhagnu in Kanadi. Danes živi v Nuuku, kot samostojni umetnik in arhitekt. Ustvarja vizualno umetnost, poslikano keramiko in kipari. Pogosto uporablja nekonvencionalne materiale kot je ovčja volna ali pesek.

She trained as an architect in Copenhagen and Canada. Today she lives in Nuuk, where she works as an independent artist and architect. Her art spans from visual art and illustrations for ceramics and sculpture. Often she uses unconventional materials such as sheep’s wool and sand instead of paint, and combines such natural materials with acrylic paintings.

                 Greenland - 591

ROSS Elizabeth 14.2.1878 - 14.2.1915
Britanska zdravnica je ena prvih diplomiranih britanskih zdravnic. Je ena izmed britanskih prostovoljk iz prve svetovne vojne. Leta 1915 je odšla v Srbijo kjer je vodila Prvo vojno bolnico v Kragujevcu. Tam je razsajal tifus. Po 13 dneh boja z vročico je umrla ravno na svoj rojstni dan. Pokopana je bila z vsemi vojaškimi častmi na pokopališču v Kragujevcu.

Dr. Elizabeth Ross was one of the first women to graduate Medicine in the UK,  and one of the British women volunteers in World War One. She came to  Serbia in  1915, whre she ran The first Reserve Military Hospital in Kragujevac in which they ware suffering from typhus. After 13 days of of fighting with typhoid fever, she died on der birthday. she was buried with full military honors in cemetery in Kragujevac.


                      RS -646

ROSSEELS Maria  23.10.1926 - 18.3.2005
Belgijska katoliška pisateljica s psevdonimom E. M. Vervliet. Delala je kot učiteljica, potem pa se zaposlila  na oddelku za notranje zadeve pri ministrstvu za delo v Bruslju. Leta 1945 je kot svobodna novinarka  začela delati  pri "De Courant". Leta 1947 je postala urednica  pri dnevniku "De Standaard", kjer je bila filmski kritik in avtor strani za ženske. Kot pisateljica je ustvarila nekaj pomembnih ženskih likov kot je Elizabeta iz Elizabetine trilogije (1953). Znana sta tudi njeni romani Ik was een christen (Bil sem kristjan, 1957), Dood van een non (Smrt nune, 1961), Wacht niet op de morgen (Ne čakaj na jutro, 1969)

Maria, Baroness Rosseels, also known with her pen name E. M. Vervliet, was a Belgian Catholic writer. After three years of technical education she went to the College for Women in Antwerp. She started her professional career as a teacher at a school in Gierle, but she left the school to work, from 1941 up to 1944, at the department of internal affairs of the Ministry of Labor in Brussels. In 1945 she made her first steps in journalism as freelance journalist for the "De Courant". In 1947 she became editor at the daily De Standaard where she would eventually become the movie critic and author of the woman page. After her retirement in 1977 she continued working as a movie critic. As a writer she created some important female characters. First of all Elisabeth from the Elisabeth trilogy, of which the first part appeared in 1953. As a Christian writer she drew attention with novels such as Ik was een christen (I was a Christian - 1957), Dood van een non (Dead of a nun - 1961; her most well-known book) -  and Wacht niet op de morgen (Don't wait for the morning - 1969).

         B - 3668

Roten-Meyer Iris von 2.4.1917- 11.9.1990
Švicarska pravnica in novinarka je pisala v nemškem jeziku. Pravo je študirala na univerze v Bernu potem pa se posvetila novinarstvu in založništvu. Leta 1944 postane urednica periodike Schweizer Frauenblatt. Začne se ukvarjati z emancipacijo žensk, predvsem s položajem žensk v družbi in gospodarstvu. Napiše feministično študijo Frauen im Laufgitter. Spodbuja ženska naj se same osvobodijo tradicionalnih pogledov na ženske. Knjiga povzroči polno negativnih kritik in je verjetno vzrok, da leta 1959 v Švici ni bila sprejeta volilna pravica za ženske.

She was a lawyer and Swiss journalist of German language. She studied the right to the Université of Bern. Young lawyer, it launches out in journalism and the edition. In 1944, it takes again the drafting of the periodical Schweizer Frauenblatt . It quickly finds its topic of predilection in the female emancipation, being interested more particularly in the place of the woman in the company and the economy. She wrote a great study on the female condition Femmes behind the grids. She encourages the women to release herself from the traditional and reducing female diagrams. These “free remarks on the situation of the woman” are inspired by the Second Sex of Simone de Beauvoir. The book started such a scandal that it also was proscribed by the feminist women and was made responsible in 1959 for the refusal by the Swiss people of the right to vote of the women.

CH -1582

ROUMPESI Antigoni 19.7.1983 -
Grška športnica - vaterpolistka je na OI 2004 osvojila srebrno medaljo.

She won silver medal OG 2004 Athene: greek water polo team.

GR - 2255

Roux Yvonne le 1882 - 28.4.1945
Članica francoskega odporniškega gibanja. Leta 1942 so jo Nemci aretirali in poslali v taborišče Ravensbrück. Sicer jo doživela osvoboditev, vendar je zaradi bolezni še istega leta umrla v Parizu.

Member of the French resistance movement. In 1942 was arrested by Germans and sented to Ravensbrück Concentration Camp.

  F - 1242

ROWLING Joanne 1965 -
Angleška pisateljica.

English author.

                                                              GB - 2535/2541

          F - 4226                F - 4227                 F - 4228

                                       F -block 68

ROWSELL Joanna 5.12.1988 -
Britanska kolesarka tekmuje na cestnih dirkah in dirkališčih. V sezoni 2005/2006 je postala državna mladinska kolesarska prvakinja, v letih 2008 in 2009 pa ekipna prvakinja v zasledovalni vožnji. Na olimpijskih igrah 2012 v Londonu je skupaj z Lauro Trott in Danielle King osvojila zlato medaljo v ekipni zasledovalni vožnji.

She is a cyclist on the Great Britain Cycling Team who competes on track and road. She first came to national prominence as a winner of junior national competitions in 2005/2006, while her biggest successes to date are the gold medals won in the women's team pursuit at the 2008, 2009.
At the 2012 Summer Olympics, she won a gold medal for the team pursuit alongside Laura Trott and Danielle King.


                                      GB - 3304

RubČova Nikolaevna Olga 20.8.1909 - 13.12.1994
Ruska šahistka je bila večkratna prvakinja Sovjetske zveze. Leta 1950 je bila druga na svetovnem prvenstvu
, za točko je zaostala za Lyudmilo Rudenko, leta 1956 pa je postala svetovna prvakinja pred Rudenkovo in Elisabeth Bykovo. Igrala je tudi dopisni šah in leta 1972 postala prva zmagovalka dopisnega prvenstva. 

She was a Soviet chess player. She won the USSR Women's Championship several times, and was second in the 1950 World Championship, a point behind Lyudmila Rudenko. She won the title in 1956, finishing ahead of Rudenko and Elisabeth Bykova in a match tournament, before losing it to Bikova in a match in 1958. Rubtsova also played correspondence chess, and became first Women's Correspondence Chess Champion in 1972 (she also finished second in the next championship, only losing the title to Lora Jakovleva on tie-break, and fifth in the one after that). She remains the only player, male or female, to become World Champion in both over-the-board and correspondence chess.

       YU - 3020

Rudenko Ludmila 27.7.1905 - 4.3.1986
Beloruska šahistka je prvič tekmovala v šahu leta 1925 na turnirju pod pokroviteljstvom časopisa, Komsomolskaya Pravda v Moskvi. Leta 1927 je zmagala na pripravljalnem turnirju za ženske v Moskvi in se leta 1927 uvrstila na prvo žensko prvenstvo Sovjetske zveze. Leta 1928 je postala moskovska prvakinja. Z doseženimi 11,5 točkami od 15 možnih je zmagala na svetovnem prvenstvu 1949-50. Naslov je zgubila leta 1953, ko jo je premagala Elizaveta Bykova.

Ludmila Rudenko was born in the Byelorussian town of Lubny. She made her debut in a chess tournament in Moscow in 1925, which was sponsored by the newspaper, Komsomolskaya Pravda. After mastering the basic problems of Strategy and tactics and master games, she won a  training  tournament  of  Moscow  Women  players  in  1927  and   qualified  for  the  first  USSR Women's Championship. In 1928, she became women's champion of Moscow. In the World Championship Tournament (1949 - 1950) she played brilliantly to win the title, scoring 11.5 points out of 15 and held it till she lost to Elizaveta Bykova in a hard - fought match in 1953.


       YU - 3018

RUEDA Belen 16.3.1965 -
Španska igralka je najbolj znana po vlogi Lucie v TV seriji Los Serrano in po vlogah Julie v The Ssea Inside ter Laure v The Orphanage, za kateri je prejela nagrado Goya.

María Belén Rueda García-Porrero a Spanish actress is best known for her roles as Lucía in the TV series Los Serrano, as Julia in The Sea Inside, for which she won a Goya Award and as Laura in The Orphanage for which she received another Goya Award nomination.

                                                    E - 4166

Rumbo Urani 1884 - 1936
Albanska publicistka, borka za ženske pravice se je rodila v času poskusov osvoboditve Albancev izpod Turkov kjer je tudi sama delovala. Borila se je tudi za napredek Albancev v kulturi in izobraževanju. Ustanovila je prvo žensko društvo Përparimi (Napredek) z namenom dviga izobrazbe in kulture žensk.    

Urani Rumbo, a teacher and proponent of education and culture all her life, was committed to the emancipation of the Albanian people and in particular of women. She was born at a time of great changes, when Albanian people were in the heat of their attempts for liberation from the Ottoman yoke.  From an early age, she aided the attempts of the Albanians for liberty and at the same time was directly engaged in the progress of Albanian culture and education. Urani’s unsparing commitment bore fruit in the foundation of the first association of women in the city of Gjirokastra.  This was the women’s club called Përparimi (Progress), which both had an impact on raising the educational and cultural level of women and gave them moral support for going further on the paths of emancipation that had been opened. Urani’s activity was also visible as a member of the progressive Gjirokastër association Drita (the Light).  With the help of this association, in her continuing attempts for gender equality and emancipation, Urani succeeded in having the high school of Gjirokastër attended both by boys and by girls.  This school thus became one of the first temples of common education without distinction of sex. Urani’s activity was also visible as a member of the progressive Gjirokastër association Drita (Light).  With the help of this association, in her continuing attempts for gender equality and emancipation, Urani succeeded in having the high school of Gjirokastra attended both by boys and by girls.  This school thus became one of the first temples of common education without distinction of gender. Urani also write articles in the city’s press organs, and her contribution to the development of culture was equally great.  She was the first organiser of theatrical performances in the ancient city of Gjirokastër, through the companies Drita and women’s association Përparimi.
(thanks to Edi Shukriu - Albania)

               AL - 2307

RUNG Marion 7.12.1945 -
Finska pop pevka je zastopala Finsko na Pesmi Evrovizije leta 1962 in 1973. Leta 1973 se je uvrstila na šesto mesto. Na podobnem tekmovanju na Interviziji je leta 1980 zmagala s pesmijo Where is the Love.
Na znamki FI-1844 sta tudi Katri Helena in Kinnunen Laila.

Marion Rung is a Finish pop singer. She is known to have represented Finland in the Eurovision Song Contest in 1962 and 1973, her two Eurovision songs were a big success and in 1973 she managed to bring Finland's second best result ever in this contest, placing 6th. She also won the Intervision Song Contest 1980 with Where is the love.
On stamp FI-1844 are also Katri Helena and Kinnunen Laila.

FI - 1844

Ruseva Liliana 6.4.1932 – 31.5.2009
Bolgarska slikarka je diplomiral na ljudski akademiji leta 1959 iz ilustracij.Od leta 1983 je poučevala poučuje na Akademiji. Bila je članica Zveze bolgarskih umetnikov. Ustvarjala je figuralne kompozicije, portrete, pejsaže . Sodelovala je na številnih razstavah doma in v tujini. Njena dela visijo v Narodni umetnostni galeriji v Sofiji in po galerijah po vsej državi. Leta 1979 je prejela naziv "Častni umetnik", leta 1982 pa je prejela nagrado "Sv Ciril in Metod "- I stopnja.

Majored in Illustration at the National Academy of Professor Ilia Beshkov (1959). Since 1983 he has been teaching at the Academy. Member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists.Liliana Ruseva works in the field of figure composition, portrait, landscape. Participated in several exhibitions and exhibitions at home and abroad. Her works are in the National Art Gallery, Sofia City Art Gallery and the City Gallery in the country. In 1979 she was awarded the title “Honoured Artist” and in 1982 was awarded “St. Cyril and Methodius” – I degree.

    BG - 3062

Ruslanova Lidija 27.10.1900 - 21.9.1973
Bila je ena izmed največjih in najbolj priljubljenih izvajalcev ruskih ljudskih pesmi. Najprej je  pela za ruske vojake v času ruske državljanske vojne. Debitirala kot profesionalna pevka v Rostov-na-Donu leta 1923. Med drugo svetovno vojno je nenehno potovala od ene do druge fronte in pomagala krepiti pogum vojakov s svojimi domoljubnimi pesmimi, ki so jih pisali prav zanjo Znani sta njeni pesmi Valenki in Katjuša, ki jo je kot prva zapela leta 1938. V bitki za Berlin je nastopila na stopnicah požganega Reichstaga. Bila naj bi najbolj bogata ženska v Sovjetski zvezi, financirala je izdelavo dveh baterij raket Katjuša. Zaradi grobega vedenja in drznega jezika je postala potencialna grožnja za sovjetske oblasti. Tri leta po zmagi so Lidijo in njenega moža generala Vladimira Kryuchkova aretirali in obsodili na 10 let delovnega taborišča. Po Stalinovi smrti se je lahko vrnila v Moskvo.

She was one of the greatest and best-loved performers of Russian folk songs. She first started singing for Russian soldiers during the Russian Civil War. She debuted as a professional singer in Rostov-on-Don in 1923. During World War II she ceaselessly toured from one front to another, helping to boost the soldiers' courage with her patriotic songs. Her signature songs were Valenki and Katyusha, written specially for her. During the Battle of Berlin she performed on the doorsteps of the smouldering Reichstag. Ruslanova was reputedly the richest woman in Soviet Russia and even financed the construction of two Katyusha batteries, which she presented to the Red Army in 1942. Her rough manners and racy language appealed to the soldiers to such a point that she came to be regarded as a potential threat to the Soviet authorities. Three years after the victory, Lidiya and her husband, General Vladimir Kryuchkov, were arrested and sentenced to 10 years of camp labour for alleged anti-Soviet activities. After Stalin's death, she was permitted to return to Moscow.

             RU - 759

RUSSELL Catherine 1956 -
Sodobna jazz in blues pevka iz ZDA.

Catherine Russell  is a contemporary jazz and blues vocalist.

         UN-Geneva - 848

Rusu-Ciobanu Valentina 28.10.1920 -
Moldavska slikarka.
Na znamki MD-427 je njena slika: Ženska pri oknu.

Moldavian painter was born in Chisinau. She studied in Iasi (1940-1942) and Chisinau in the workshop of I.Hazov (1940-1942; 1944-1946). She carried out experiments in painting, promoting different styles and manners – from naive art – to photographic art, being a dynamic artist in the evolution of her creation.

            MD - 427

RutherForD Margaret 11.5.1892 - 22.5.1972
Priljubljena britanska gledališka in filmska igralka komičnih vlog. Njena osnovna izobrazba je učitelj govorništva, kar se je poznalo pri njenem nastopanju. Leta 1945 je dobila prvo veliko filmsko vlogo (odigrala jo je tudi v gledališču) kot jasnovidka Madame Arcati v filmu Blithe Spirit. Leta 1966 ja nastopila kot Mistress Quickly v filmu Orsona Wellsa Chimes at Midnight. Leta 1963 je prejela oskarja za najboljšo stransko igralko v filmu VIP.

Margaret Rutherford was a much-loved English comic character actress, her quiddity summed up in The Demi-Paradise (1943) where Penelope Dudley Ward tries to explain her to Olivier's Russian visitor and ends up just laughing helplessly "Well, you've seen her for yourself!". She was originally a teacher of elocution, which left its mark on the highly developed comic instrument of her voice. In 1945 she played the first of her great roles in film (which she had also performed on stage), the clairvoyant Madame Arcati in Blithe Spirit. Orson Welles made art-house tribute by casting her as Mistress Quickly in Chimes at Midnight (1966), the year she was made DBE, and after she had won the Best Supporting Actress Oscar in The VIPs (1963).

         Guernsey - 711

RuŽička-Strozzi Marija 3.8.1850 - 28.9.1937
Marija Ružička - Strozzi  je bila še za življenja spoštovana kot največja hrvaška dramska umetnica. Na oder je stopila že z 18 leti, umaknila pa se je z njih leto pred smrtjo. Igrala je v vseh zagrebških predstavah od Eshila, Euripida, Sofokleja do Schillerja, Shakespeara in Gundulića. Gostovala je v Sofiji, Pragi in  Brnu. V zgodovini hrvaškega gledališča je zapisana kot interpretorka likov tragičnih mater (Euripid, Ibsen, Zola, Vojnović).

Marija Ružička - Strozzi  had been admired even in her lifetime as the greatest Croatian dramatic actress. She trod the boards at the early age of 18, and withdrew from them only a year before she died. She acted in all the productions in the Zagreb theatre, in the plays of Aeschylus, Euripides, Sophocles, Shakespeare and Gundulić. She triumphed in her appearances in Sofia, Prague and Brno. She remained recorded in the history of the Croatian theatre as the interpreter of roles of tragic mothers (Euripides, Ibsen, Zola, Vojnović).

HR - 541

RYDER Sue 3.7.1924 – 2.11.2000
Britanska humanitarka je v GB in po Evropi ustanovila domove za ljudi v stiski. Med drugo svetovno vojno je bila prostovoljka v upravi za posebne operacije, po vojni pa je vodila številne dobrodelne organizacije. Leta 1953 je v domačem kraju Cavendish, Suffolk ustanovila fondacijo Sue Ryder za pomoč preživelim iz koncentracijskih taborišč, kasneje pa za zagotavljanje zdravstvene nege starejšim in invalidnim osebam. Fondacija upravlja z več kot 80 domovi po svetu, ima približno 500  dobrodelnih trgovin in več kot 8.000 prostovoljcev.

Sue Ryder founded homes in the UK and Europe for people in need.   Margaret Susan Ryder, was a British volunteer with Special Operations Executive in the Second World War, who afterwards led many charitable organisations.    In 1953 she established the Sue Ryder Foundation.  A home at Cavendish, Suffolk, was established by her as a home for concentration camp survivors and later to provide nursing care for the elderly and disabled.  The charity operates more than 80 homes worldwide, has about 500 high street charity shops and more than 8,000 volunteers.

              GB - 3856

RYKIEL Sonia 25.5.1930 - 25.8.2016
Francoska modna oblikovalka in pisateljica je ustvarila je praktičen in modern modni stil Poor Boy Sweater, ki je bil predstavljen na naslovnici francoske revije Elle. Njena trikotna oblačila in nove modne tehnike so jo pripeljala do naziva kraljica pletenin. Oznaka Sonia Rykiel je bila ustanovljena leta 1968 ob odprtju prve trgovine, izdelavi oblačil, dodatkov in dišav. Bila je tudi pisateljica. Prvo knjigo je objavila leta 1979. Leta 2012 je razkrila, da trpi za Parkinsonovo boleznijo.

A French fashion designer and writer created the practical and modern style Poor Boy Sweater, which was featured on the cover of French Elle magazine. Her knitwear designs and new fashion techniques led her to be dubbed the "Queen of Knits". The Sonia Rykiel label was founded in 1968 upon the opening of her first store, making clothing, accessories and fragrances. Rykiel was also a writer and her first book was published in 1979. In 2012, Rykiel revealed that she was suffering from Parkinson's.

                                  F - 6941/42

RYPDAL Inger Lise 14.12.1949 -
Norveška pevka je svojo kariero začela leta 1968 v klubu 7 v Oslu. Tega leta sta izšli njeni znani skladbi, Romeo og Julie in Fru Johnsen, ki sta se uvrstili v vrh norveških seznamov uspešnic. Predstavljata mejnik v norveški zgodovini popa. Leta 1974 je doživela uspeh s skladbo Bennya Borga En spennende dag za Josefine, ki je bila na vrhu lestvic več tednov. Nastopa tudi v gledališčih in showih ter igra v filmih.

She started her career at Club 7 in Oslo in 1968. Her two classic songs, Romeo og Julie and Fru Johnsen, were released the same year. Both reached the top of the Norwegian hit lists and are regarded today as milestones in Norwegian pop history. In 1974 she enjoyed success with Benny Borg’s En spennende dag for Josefine, which was top of the hits for many weeks. After that she released fewer records, but did not disappear from the limelight. She has been successful on the stage, in plays and shows, and as an actress in several films.

                N -1762

gor - up