IBSEN Lillebil 6. 8. 1899 - 22. 8. 1989
Najbolj slavna norveška gledališka igralka s pravim imenom Sofie Parelius je svojo kariero začela kot mlada nadarjena plesalka v Norveškem narodnem gledališču. Igrala je v številnih delih Wilda, Shakespeara in Ibsna (bila je njegova vnukinja). Igrala je tudi v nekaj filmih. Najbolj znana je po vlogi v švedskem filmu Mannequin in Red (1958) kjer je igrala modno oblikovalko Mogul Thyra Lennberg.

Lillebil Ibsen (original name: Sofie Parelius) started her career as a young talanted dancer at the Norwegian National Theatre in many works by Wilde, Shakespeare and by her grandfather - Henrik Ibsen and later became one of Norway's most distinguished stage actresses ever. She succesfully played the part of Abby Brewster in Joseph Kesselring's comedy Arsenic and Old Lace (1968). Lillebil Ibsen was above all a leading stage actress in Norway and did very few movie parts. Ironically, her greatest movie achievement is in a style-forming classic Swedish movie called Mannekang i rott (1958), where she fabulously plays the role of stern fashion Mogul Thyra Lennberg (with perfect Swedish accent). The popular movie is part of the cultivated "Hillman-thriller" series which contains five movies, all with the name of a colour in the title.

            N - 1374

IGNATOVA Lilija 17. 5. 1965 -
Bolgarska gimnastičarka je leta 1980 na Evropskem prvenstvo osvojila drugo mesto v mnogoboju in obroču. Leta 1982 pa je na petem evropskem prvenstvu osvojila zlato medaljo v tekmovanju s trakom.

Bulgarian  gymnast. This fragile-looking, wonderfully adaptable gymnast made an impression at the 1980 European Championships, placing 2nd in the all-around and with hoop. In 5th European Championships 1982 she win only one medal in event finals, a gold with ribbon.


       BG -

IHRER Emma 3. 1. 1857 - 8. 1. 1911
Nemška revolucionarka je sodelovala je v delavskem gibanju za enakopravnost žena. Priključila se je nemškim socialdemokratom. Sodelovala pri ustanovitvi Društva za zaščito interesov delavcev 1885. 1891 je ustanovila prvi ženski politični in delavski časopis Arbeiterin, ki ga je od 1892 pod nazivom Die Gleichheit urejala Klara Zetkin. Od 1891 je članica Generalne komisije nemških sindikatov. 

German politician. Joined Social Democratic Party 1881 and active in labour union movement. Worked for emancipation of working women. During 1880s and early 1890s tried unseccessfully to organise women workers and formed many ocieties for promotion of their interests. In 1890 published The fenmale Worker later renamed Equality. One of the most significant socio-democratic labour union leaders of Germany pledging herself tirelessly fot the social, economic and political importance of female workers. 

         G - 1405             Berlin - 833

IKOLA Paivi 8. 5. 1965 -
Finska športnica, igra finski narodni šport "pesapallo".

Finish sportwoman, player of Finish national game "pesapallo".

FI - 1286

IKONEN Ansa 19. 12. 1913 - 23. 5. 1989
Finska igralka je bila rojena v Rusiji. Med leti 1935 in 1981 je bila članica Finskega narodnega gledališča. Leta 1935 je igrala v filmu Everyone`s in Love. Na znamki je prizor iz filma s soigralcem Tauno Palo.

Finish actor was born in Rusia. From 1935 to 1981 she was actor of Finish National Theatre. In year 1935 she played in film Everyone`s in Love. On stamp is with her film partner Tauno Palo. 

FI - 1343
IONESCU-OGREZEANU Sofia 25. 4. 1920 - 21. 3. 2008

She was the first woman neurosurgeon in the world. She started the Faculty of Medicine in Bucharest, in 1939, preparing for the medical profession in the years of the World War II. She performed her practical training under exceptional circumstances, in campaign hospitals where she cared for the wounded, or under the threat of bombing. In 1943 joined the team of Dr. Dimitrie Bagdasar, the founder of Romanian neurosurgery. In the context of the 1944 bombing of Bucharest, Sofia Ionescu-Ogrezeanu was forced, due to lack of staff, to perform a brain surgery on a little boy who had been trapped under debris. The patient survived, and his savior has become the world’s first woman neurosurgeon! Sofia Ionescu-Ogrezeanu graduated from Medicine in 1945, and in the following year she obtained her PhD in Neurosurgery. She dedicated her entire activity to brain and spine surgeries achieved in the Hospital no. 9 in Bucharest. She performed numerous world premiere surgeries using unique techniques, that have saved hundreds of lives. Sofia Ionescu-Ogrezeanu, an exceptional physician, was also a university professor and part of the Academy of Medical Sciences.

RO - ?2018

IOTTI Nilde 10. 4. 1920 - 4. 12. 1999
Italijanska političarka je postala leta 1946 poslanka v italijanskem parlamentu. Kot članica komunistične stranke je leta 1962 postala članica predsedstva komunistične partije. 

Italian politician, born in Reggio Emilia, Italy. A member of the Italian Communist Party, she became a deputy in 1946. She became a member of the party's leadership in 1962, and was president of the chamber of deputies from 1979 to 1992.

           I - 3123

INGLIS Elsie 16. 8. 1864 - 26. 11. 1917
Škotska zdravnica je prva ženska, ki je bila odlikovana z najvišjim srbskim odlikovanjem: Ordenom Beli orel. Odlikovana je bila tudi z redom svetega Save. Ustanovila je škotsko žensko bolnico, ki je pomagala zavezniškim vojaškim enotam v prvi svetovni vojni. Leta 1915 je v Mladenovcu ustanovila prvo vojno bolnico v Srbiji. V Mladenovcu so ji postavili spominski vodnjak, v Beogradu pa na medicinski fakulteti spominsko plaketo.

She was Scottish doctor and first woman to receive the highest Serbian decoration - the order of the White Eagle. She was also awared the Order of St. Sava. She was founder of the organization Scottish Women`s Hospital for helping the military forces of the allies during World War One. She founded the first war hospital in Serbia in 1915 in Mladenovac. There is a menorial fountainin honor of Elsie. At the Medical Faculty in Belgrade is a memorial plague.


                   RS - 643

IPATESCU Ana 1805 - 1875
Romunska domoljubka, borka v revoluciji 1848 v uporu Romunov proti Rusom in Turkom.

Romanian patriot, heroine of the 1848 rising of Romania against Russian and Turkish domination.

         RO - 1132                   RO - 3266

IPSEN Bodil 30. 8. 1889 - 26. 11. 1964
Danska filmska in gledališka igralka se je rodila kot Bodil Luise Jensen in je s svojim stalnim igralskim partnerjem karakternim igralcem Poulom Reumertom ponovno osvetlila drame Henrika Ibsna in Augusta Strindberga. Leta 1909 je prvič nastopila na odru Kraljevega gledališča v Kobenhavnu. Zaradi velike igralske raznolikost je uspevala tako v komičnih kot resnih vlogah. V zrelem obdobju kariere se je osredotočila predvsem na dramatične portrete. Leta 1913 se je prvič pojavila v filmu. Njeni najbolj znani vlogi v še nemih filmih sta iz filmov David Copperfield in Dorritova najmlajša. Najbolj pa je zaslovela z vlogo v zvočnem filmu Pojdi z menoj domov, ki je bil posnet 1941. Znani sta njeni avtorski deli, filma Afsporet in Rdeči travniki, ki ju je sredi štiridesetih letih režirala v dodelovanju z danskim režiserjem Laujem Lauritzrnom mlajšim. 
Original name  Bodil Louise Jensen. Danish actress who, with her frequent stage partner, the character actor Poul Reumert, reilluminated the dramas of Henrik Ibsen and August Strindberg. Ipsen first appeared on the stage at the Royal Theatre, Copenhagen, in 1909. She showed wide versatility, achieving success in roles both comic (Rosalind in As You Like It) and serious (Nora in A Doll's House), although her mature career emphasized dramatic portrayals. Ipsen appeared in Danish films as early as 1913; her best-known performances in silent films were in the Dickens classics David Copperfield (1922) and Little Dorrit (1924); later, she received particular acclaim in Go Home With Me (1941). Two films codirected with Lau Lauritzen, Jr., are among Ipsen's best-known works—Afsporet (1942) and Red Meadows (1945).

         DK - 958                    DK - 1257

ISANOS Magda 17. 4. 1916 - 17. 11. 1944
Romunska pisateljica in pesnica je osnovno šolo obiskovala v Costiujeni višjo pa v Chisinau na Škofovski ženski šoli. Tu je študirala pravo in filozofijo. Kratek čas je tudi opravljala poklic advokata. Prve pesmi  je objavila leta 1932 v reviji Licurici.

Romanian writer and poet. She attended the primary school in Costiujeni and the highschool at the Bishop women school in Chisinau. She studied Law and Phylosophy in Chsinau; she had a degree in Law and she was for a short time a lawyer in Iasi. She started as a writer in 1932 by poems in the „Licurici” review of the „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” boys highschool in Chisinau.

                   MD - 779

IVANIĆ Delfa 6. 3. 1881 - 14. 8. 1972
Srbska učiteljica dolgoletna predsednica humanitarnega in patriotskega ženskega društva "Kolo srpskih sestara" (ustanovljeno 1903), ki je imelo cilj moralno in materialno pomagati Srbom v Južni Srbiji in Makedoniji, ki so bili podvrženi turškemu terorju.
The group Serbian Sisters group was a humanitarian organization of Serbian women, who have been helping to all those who required help. One of presidents and visepresidents of this group was Ivanić Delfa, teacher.

          YU - 3139

IVANIŠEVIĆ Jula 25. 11.1893 - 15. 12. 1941
Družba sester Hčerke Božje ljubezni, ki jo je leta 1868 na Dunaju ustanovila Franciska Lechner, je začela 1882 delovati v Sarajevu. Samostan Marijin dom na Palah je bil odprt 1911. Vojnega leta 1941 se je tu znašlo pet sester: Jula Ivanišević, Berchmana Leidenix, Krizina Bojanc, Antonija Fabjan in Bernadeta Banja. 11 decembra so jih četniki nasilno odpeljali proti Goraždu, samostan pa oplenili in požgali. Po štirih dneh v mrazu in snegu so prišle v Goražde. Tam so četniki vdrli v njihovo sobo. Sestre so v obrambo svojega človeškega dostojanstva poskakale skozi okno. Četniki so poškodovane nune ubili in zmetali v Drino. Sestro Berchmana, ki so jo zaradi onemoglosti med potjo pustili v v Sjetlini, so ubili osem dni kasneje. 24.septembra 2011 so bile proglašene za blažene.

The sisters of the Daughters of Divine Charity, which were established in Vienna in 1868 by Franciska Lechner, began its work in 1882 in Sarajevo, where the nuns came at the invitation of Archbishop Josip Stadler. At the Convent of Saint Mary’s Home in Pale, opened in 1911, the 1941 war has caught five sisters: Jula Ivanišević, Berchmana Leidenix, Krizina Bojanc, Antonija Fabjan and Bernadeta Banja. On the 11 December Serbian fighters chetniks looted the house, burned it down and forced five sisters to walk in the direction of Goražde Their four-day way of the cross at freezing temperatures and snow, along with the interrogations, has led to Sjetline, where the 76-year old Berchmana, exhausted from the walk and all the events, was separated from the group and forced to remain behind. Other sisters reached Goražde on 15 December 1941 and were placed in the military barracks on the 2nd floor. On the same evening, the chetniks broke into the room with the impure intentions and assaulted them. In defense of their human dignity, sisters broke loose from hands of their attackers and one by one jumped out through the window. The cetnicks have killed injured nuns with knives and thrown their bodies into the River Drina. Sr. Berchmana was killed eight days later, on 23 December in Sjetlina.


         BA - 324

IVANKOVA Anastasia 22. 11. 1991 -
Beloruska gimnastičarka ja na OI 2008 v Pekingu osvojila bronasto medaljo v ekipi ritmične gimnastike.
Na znamki BY-819 je Aksana Miankova.
Na labelah BY-blok-77 so tudi ostale beloruske prejemnice medalj na OI 2008 v Pekingu: Jekaterina Karsten, Inna Zhukova, Julija Bičik, Natalija Helakh, Natallia Mikhnevich, Nadzeya Ostapchuk, Nastassia Novikava, Alina Tumilovich, Glafira Martinovich, Ksenia Sankovich, Olesya Babushkina, Zinaida Lunina.

Belarusian gymnast competed at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing where she received a bronze medal in the rhythmic team competition.
On stamp
BY-819 is Aksana Miankova.
On labels of sheet BY-blok-77 are also other Belarus women winners of medals in OG Bejing: Jekaterina Karsten, Inna Zhukova, Julija Bičik, Natalija Helakh, Natallia Mikhnevich, Nadzeya Ostapchuk, Nastassia Novikava, Alina Tumilovich, Glafira Martinovich, Ksenia Sankovich, Olesya Babushkina, Zinaida Lunina.

                      BY - blok - 77
IVANOVIĆ Ana 6. 11. 1987 -
Srbska tenisačica je največji uspeh kariere dosegla z zmago na Grand Slam turnirju za Odprto prvenstvo Francije, ko je leta 2008 v finalu premagala Dinaro Safino v treh nitih. Ob tem se je še dvakrat uvrstila v finale turnirjev za Grand Slam, leta 2007 na turnirju za Odprto prvenstvo Francije, ko jo je v finalu premagala Justine Henin v dveh nizih, in leta 2008 na turnirju za Odprto prvenstvo Avstralije, ko jo je v finalu premagala Marija Šarapova v dveh nizih. 9. junija 2008 je prvič postala vodilna na ženski teniški lestvici WTA. Leta 2007 je postala ambasadorka UNICEFa.

Serbian tenis player. Greatest achievements: Grand Slam finals – Australian Open 2008. and Grand Slam finals – French Open 2007; WTA Titles (5): 2007. – Berlin, Los Angeles, Luxembourg; 2006. – Montreal; 2005. – Kanberra; ITF Titles (5): Mallorca, Gifu, Fukuoka, Fano, Batumi. Finals: 2 Grand Slam finals and one WTA Tournament finals in Tokyo, 2007. Semi-finals (7): 2008. – Sidney; 2007. – Amelia Island, Wimbledon, Madrid Masters; 2006. – Warsaw, Zurich, Linz.
On September 2007 she became UNICEF national ambassador.

             RS - 244

IVANOVIĆ Katarina 15. 5. 1811 - 12. 9. 1882
Prva srbska slikarka je slikala je portrete, tihožitja, zgodovinske in nacionalne motive. Portret je v Narodnem muzeju v Beogradu.
Na znamki
RS-391: Avtoportret.

First female painter in Serbian art history. She studied in Pešta and Vienna and she lived in Belgrade and Paris. Her compositions were in the spirit of academic classicism and she was famous for her portraits and her still nature. She left a certain number of paintings as a legacy to the National Museum in Belgrade.
On stamp
RS-391: Selfportrait.

           YU - 1438                          RO - 2934                               YU - 1489

               RS -391

ITA Rina 7. 7. 1907 - 12. 5. 1979
Največja slovenska filmska zvezda svetovnih razsežnosti je ob koncu obdobja nemega filma in začetku ere zaslovela v nemškem in češkem filmu: postala je ena najbolj slavnih filmskih zvezd evropskega filma tridesetih let. Ida Kravanja, ki si je pozneje nadela umetniško ime Ita Rina, se je leta 1926 potegovala za naslov mis Jugoslavije v Zagrebu. Tam so jo opazili predstavniki berlinske družbe Ostermaver in jo povabili na poskusno snemanje v Nemčijo. Tako je že leta 1926 debitirala z vlogo sobarice v filmu Kaj otroci prikrivajo staršem, ki ga je režiral F.Osten. S tem filmom se je začela tudi njena izjemno uspešna filmska kariera, ki je dosegla vrhunec z mojstrsko melodramo Erotikon (1929) znamenitega češkega režiserja Gustava Machatyja. Zadnjič je nastopala leta 1960 v filmu Veljka Bulajića Vojna.

Ita Rina is the greatest Slovene film actress of world's rang. She was very famous in the period of silent films and the beginning of sound films in Germany and Czechoslovakia. She became one of the greatest European film stars in 30's. In that time the Slovenes have got neither cinematography nor films stars, but on the European film sky photogenic Ita Rina was a queen. Ida Kravanja, later having her artistic name Ita Rina, she became Miss of Yugoslavia in 1926. The representatives of Berlin company Ostermayer noticed her and invited Ita for the probation shooting to Germany. Her debut was the role of a maiden in the film Kaj otroci prikrivajo staršem (What kids hide from parents), produced by F. Osten. This film was the beginning of her successful film career, reaching its artistic peak with a monodrama Erotikon (1929), a work of famous Czech producer Gustav Machaty. Her last appearing in film was in Veljko Bulajic film War (1960).

              SI -

gor - up