FABJAN Antonija 23. 1. 1907 - 15. 12. 1941
Družba sester Hčerke Božje ljubezni, ki jo je leta 1868 na Dunaju ustanovila Franciska Lechner, je začela 1882 delovati v Sarajevu. Samostan Marijin dom na Palah je bil odprt 1911. Vojnega leta 1941 se je tu znašlo pet sester: Jula Ivanišević, Berchmana Leidenix, Krizina Bojanc, Antonija Fabjan in Bernadeta Banja. 11 decembra so jih četniki nasilno odpeljali proti Goraždu, samostan pa oplenili in požgali. Po štirih dneh v mrazu in snegu so prišle v Goražde. Tam so četniki vdrli v njihovo sobo. Sestre so v obrambo svojega človeškega dostojanstva poskakale skozi okno. Četniki so poškodovane nune ubili in zmetali v Drino. Sestro Berchmana, ki so jo zaradi onemoglosti med potjo pustili v v Sjetlini, so ubili osem dni kasneje. 24.septembra 2011 so bile proglašene za blažene.

The sisters of the Daughters of Divine Charity, which were established in Vienna in 1868 by Franciska Lechner, began its work in 1882 in Sarajevo, where the nuns came at the invitation of Archbishop Josip Stadler. At the Convent of Saint Mary’s Home in Pale, opened in 1911, the 1941 war has caught five sisters: Jula Ivanišević, Berchmana Leidenix, Krizina Bojanc, Antonija Fabjan and Bernadeta Banja. On the 11 December Serbian fighters chetniks looted the house, burned it down and forced five sisters to walk in the direction of Goražde Their four-day way of the cross at freezing temperatures and snow, along with the interrogations, has led to Sjetline, where the 76-year old Berchmana, exhausted from the walk and all the events, was separated from the group and forced to remain behind. Other sisters reached Goražde on 15 December 1941 and were placed in the military barracks on the 2nd floor. On the same evening, the chetniks broke into the room with the impure intentions and assaulted them. In defense of their human dignity, sisters broke loose from hands of their attackers and one by one jumped out through the window. The cetnicks have killed injured nuns with knives and thrown their bodies into the River Drina. Sr. Berchmana was killed eight days later, on 23 December in Sjetlina.

            BA - 324

FALTSKOG Agneta 5. 4. 1950 -
Članica glasbene skupina ABBA, prvo skladbo People Need Love so izdali leta 1972, ko so se tudi poimenovali po začetnicah imen članov skupine (Anni-Frid Lyngstad, Bjorn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson, Agneta Faltskog). S skladbo Waterloo so zmagali na evrovizijskem tekmovanju leta 1972 v Bringhtonu. S tem se je začelo njihovo obdobje velikih uspehov. V naslednjih letih so s skladbami Honey, Honey, Mamma Mia, Money, Money, Money, Take A chance On Me, Knowing Me, Dancing Queen in drugimi osvojili poslušalce po celem svetu. Za njihove skladbe so značilni prijetna melodija, preprosta besedila in poudarjen ritem. Skupina sodi med komercialno najuspešnejše v zgodovini zabavne glasbe.  

She is a Swedish recording artist and entertainer. She became a household name in Sweden after the release of her début album Agnetha Fältskog in 1969, and reached international stardom as a member of pop group ABBA, which sold nearly 370 million records worldwide, making them the second best–selling band in history and the second best–selling pop artists in history.

             S - 2163                          S - 1256 

FAWCETT GARRET Millicent  11. 6. 1847 - 5. 8. 1929
Angleška feministka in borka za ženska volilne pravice. Prizadevala se je predvsem za izboljšanje možnosti žensk do višjega solanja. Leta 1871 je soustanovila Newnham College, Cambridge. V letih med 1987 in 1919 je postala  predsednica Nacionalne volilne zveze žensk (NUWSS).

She was an English suffragist (as opposed to a suffragette) and an early feminist. As a suffragist, she took a moderate line, but was a tireless campaigner, concentrating much of her energy on the struggle to improve women's opportunities for higher education. In 1871, she co-founded Newnham College, Cambridge. She later became president of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (the NUWSS), a position she held from 1897 until 1919.

             GB - 2674
FAUSTINA sv. (st.) 25. 8. 1905 - 5. 10. 1938
Poljska svetnica Helena Kowalska je šolo obiskovala samo tri leta. Leta 1925 je vstopila v red sester Marije Pomočnice v Varšavi in si spremnila ime v Maria Faustina od Najsvetejšega. Red skrbi za varstvo in vzgojo mladih žensk v težavah. Začela je dobivati vizije, prejemati razodetja in stigme. Te mistične izkušnje je zapisovala v dnevnik. Ker pa je bila skoraj nepismena, jih je zapisovala fonetično. Njen dnevnih obsega okoli 700 strani. Umrla je zaradi tuberkuloze. Papež Janez Pavel II jo je 30.4.2000 proglasil za svetnico.

Helena Kowalska as third of ten children, she attended only three years of school. She became a nun in the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Warsaw on 1925. The order is devoted to care and education of troubled young women. She changed her name to Sister Maria Faustina of the Most Blessed Sacrament. During her 13 years in various houses, she was a cook, gardener, and porter. She began to have visions, receive revelations, and experience hidden stigmata. She began recording these mystical experiences in a diary; being nearly illiterate, it was written phonetically, and runs to nearly 700 pages. Vatican proclaimed  the work God's love. In the 1930's, Sister Faustina received a message of mercy from Jesus that she was told to spread throughout the world, a message of God's mercy to each person individually,In 1938 she died of tuberculosis. She became a Saint on the 30th of April 2000 by pope John Paul II.


           PL - 4009

FE Maria da 25. 5. 1942 -
Portugalska pevka fada, znana po svojih pesmih kot sta Cantarei jedli que voz me doa in Valeu Pena je začela peti fado kot otrok stara 9 let na amaterskih prireditvah. Pri 13 je zmagala na tekmovanju, ki ga je organiziral časopis Jornal de Noticias. Pri 16 letih je zopet zmagala in bila proglašena za kraljico fada.

Interpreter of iconic themes such as "Cantarei até que a voz me doa"or "Valeu a Pena", Maria da Fé is an unavoidable figure in the fado universe since the 1960s. Maria da Fé started singing Fado as a child; old she performed at amateur events at only 9 years. At 13 she won a competition organized by "Jornal de Notícias" and the entrepreneur Domingos Parquer at Feira Popular do Porto. In 1959, at 16 years old, she won once again, being crowned Queen of Songstresses in the same competition.

            P - 3781

FEDOTOVA Glikerija Nikolajevna 22. 5. 1846 - 27. 2. 1925
Ruska gledališka igralka je debitirala leta 1862 kot Verochka v Child. Bila je igralka Malega gledališča v Moskvi 50 let in odigrla okrog 300 vlog. Dobila je naziv heroja dela in narodne igralke republike.

Russian actress made her debut in 1862 as Verochka in Child. She was the actress of Little Theatre in Moscow for 50 years and playing about 300 roles. She was awarded Distinguished Hero of Work and National Actress of Republic.


               SU - 1846

FERARI Rahaela 27. 8. 1911 - 12. 2. 1994
Srbska igralka (spravim imenom Bela Rohel Frajnd) je bila članica Srbskega narodnega gledališča v Novem Sadu in Art gledališča v Beogradu. Odigrala je številne vloge mednarodnega in nacionalnega repertoarja. Igrala je tudi v Tv serijah in filmih. Na znamki
RS-178 je njena podoba lady Markel iz predstave Idealni soprog v Narodnem gledališču Beograd 1961.

Serbian actress (born as Bela Rohel Frajnd) was unique, not even a little bit alike any other actress, she turned her small roles into great ones and she took the audience always in a new way. The secret of her performance was always part of her imagination that used to take the audience by surprise and thrill it, as well as her partners. She transformed herself in every role, and each transformation was enriched by her special talent: a sense for comedy.
On stamp RS-178 is shown from her role Lady Markel in An Ideal Husband, National Theatre, Belgrade, 1961. 


               RS - 178

FERREIRA Antonia 4. 7. 1811 - 26. 3. 1896
Portugalska poslovna ženska se je ukvarjala s pridelavo vina Port.

Adelaide Ferreira was a Portuguese business woman. She devoted herself to the cultivation of Port Wine in Portugal.

               P - 3605

FERRIER Kathleen 22. 4. 1912 - 8. 10. 1953
Angleška pevka kontraaltistka je dosegla mednarodni ugled kot igralka, koncertna pevka in po svojih posnetk na ploščah. Njen repertoar obsega narodne pesmi, popularne balada in klasična dela od Bacha, Bramhsa, Malnerja in Elgarja. Leta 1946 je debitirala na festivalu Glyndebourne v operi Benjamina Brittna Posilstvo Lukrecije. V Veliki Britaniji je še posebej znana po svoji ljudski pesmi Blow the Wind Southerly, ki se je redno predvajala igral na radiu BBC Radio še mnogo let po njeni smrti.

She was an English contralto singer who achieved an international reputation as a stage, concert and recording artist, with a repertoire extending from folksong and popular ballads to the classical works of Bach, Brahms, Mahler and Elgar. In 1946, Ferrier made her stage debut, in the Glyndebourne Festival premiere of Benjamin Britten's opera The Rape of Lucretia. She was especially known in Britain for her unaccompanied recording of the Northumbrian folk tune Blow the Wind Southerly, which was played regularly on BBC Radio for many years after her death.


             GB - 3216

FIBIGER Mathilde 13. 12. 1830 - 17. 6. 1871
Danska pisateljica, feministka, učiteljica. Njen roman Clara Raphael je povročil vihar polemik o političnih pravicah žensk. Napisala je še dva romana, ki pa nista dosegla uspeha tako kot prvi. Kot prva Danka se je zaposlila v državni službi kot telegrafistka. Bila je prva pomembna danska javna zagovornica za emancipacijo žensk.

Mathilde Fibiger devoted her life to the cause of women's emancipation and her novel Clara Raphael stirred a storm of controversy concerning the political rights of women. She wrote two other novels none of which reached the critical acclaim of the first. Later she became Denmark's first female civil servant as telegraphist but continued to write on the necessity of improving the condition of women in society. She was Denmark’s first significant public advocate for the emancipation of women.

      DK - 507

FIELDING Fenella 17. 11. 1934 - 11. 9. 2018
Angleška igralka s pravim imenom Fenella Feldman je znana svoji zapeljivi podobi in izrazito hripavim glasom. Popularna je postala v letih 1950 in 1960. Svojo igralsko kariero je začela leta 1954 v gledališču. Natopala je očasno tudi v televizijskih oddajah, kot so The Avengers in Danger Man. Nastopila je v dveh Carry On filmih (1966 - na znamki GB-2656).
Na znamki GB-2656 sta tudi Joana Sims in Angela Douglas.

She was born in London as Fenella Feldman of Romanian/Russian Jewish descent. She was an English actress popular in the 1950s and 1960s and known chiefly for her seductive image and distinctively husky voice. She began her acting career in 1954, concentrating on stage theatrical productions. She had occasional guest appearances in television programmes such as The Avengers and in Danger Man. She appeared in two of the Carry On films (1966 - on stamp GB-2656). It combines the humour of the Carry On series with the gothic feel of the Hammer horror films which were also popular at the time.
On stamp
GB-2656 are also Joan Sims and Angela Douglas.

             GB - 2656

FILIPPI Lucia sv.

I - 2212

FINNBOGADOTTIR Vigdis 15. 4. 1930 -
Islandska predsednica je postala leta 1980. Kot učiteljica in profesorica se zavzema za ohranjevanje in gojitev islandske kulture. Je dejansko nepolitična oseba in predstavlja simbol enotnosti naroda. Ima tudi vlogo narodne kulturne ambasadorke. Zelo jo zanima gledališče, v letih 1972 1980 je bila celo predsednica Islandskega narodnega gledališča.

Vigdis Finnbogadottir became president of Iceland in 1980. A teacher and lecturer deeply involved in the preservation and fostering of Icelandic culture, Finnbogadottir won reelection in 1984, 1988, and 1992 for the virtually non-political, largely ceremonial position that serves as a symbol of the nation's unity. As president she also serves as the nation's cultural ambassador. Always deeply interested in the theater, she served as director of Iceland's national theater from 1972 to 1980, and has been instrumental in both supporting the translation of contemporary plays and encouraging Icelandic playwrights.

IS - 811

FISCHER Annie 5. 7. 1914 - 10. 4. 1995
Madžarska pianistka je trikratna dobitnica nagrade Kossith. Svojo kariero je začela z zmago leta 1933 na prvem klavirskem Lizstovem tekmovanju v Budimpešti. Nastopala je v številnih koncertih po celi Evropi.

Hungarian pianist Annie Fischer, triple winner of the Kossuth Prize and Artist of Excellence was a legendary performer in Hungarian and international musical life. She began her career winning the first Liszt piano competition in Budapest in 1933. In the following years she played in the most famous concert halls in Europe’s major cities.

            H - 5687

FISHER Carrie 21. 10. 1956 - 27. 12. 2016
Ameriška igralka in pisateljica je najbolj znana po svoji vlogi princese Leio (na znamki je skupaj z robotoma R2D2 in C-3PO) v Star Wars trilogiji (1977-83) in v Star Wars: Force Awakenes (2015 ).

An American actress and writer is best known for her role as Princess Leia (on stamp, she is pictured with the droids R2D2 and C-3PO) in the original Star Wars trilogy (1977–83) and Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015).

             GB - 3801                          P -4300
FITZGERALD Ella 25. 4. 1918 - 15. 6. 1996
Ameriška pevka jazza je kariero začela z orkestrom Chicka Webba (1935-39) Prvi večji uspeh je dosegla 1938 z jazzovsko priredbo otroške pesmi A-Tisket, a-Tasket. Prodor pa ji je uspel po 1948, ko je začela peti pod vodstvom znanega jazzovskega organizatorja Normana Granza, ki ji je pripravil primerno spremljavo in prave skladbe. Kmalu je njen poseben slog petja, za katerega so bili značilni jasen glas velikega obsega, izjemen dar za improvizacijo in intonacijska natančnost, zaslovel po celem svetu. Nastopala je s številnimi velikimi jazzisti (Armstrong, Basie, Elington) po celem svetu, posnela je številne albume, med drugim tudi ontološko zbirko skoraj 250 najbolj značilnih jazzovskih skladb ameriških skladateljev. 
The singer Ella Fitzgerald is second only to Billie Holiday in the influence she has had over several generations of pop-music singers. Her career began (1934-39) with Chick Webb's band, which she led for a year after his death. After recording (1938) A-tisket, A-tasket, she had countless hits, sang with Duke Ellington, Count Basie, and other major bands, and appeared as a soloist with more than 40 symphony orchestras. A great scat singer and ballad interpreter, she consistently lifted often trivial material to the level of high jazz art.

       F - 3638                           D -2336

FJORTOFT Ragnhild Sælthun 9. 6. 1947 -
Norveška TV voditeljica.

Norwegian TV presenter.

         N - 1729

FLAGSTAD Kirsten 12. 7. 1895 - 7. 12. 1962
Norveška pevka z enim najlepših glasov stoletja svoj bogati in temni sopran uporablja z neusahljivo natančnostjo in muzikalnostjo. Študirala je v Oslu in debitirala leta 1913 v Eugen d'Albert's Tiefland. Specializirala se je za operete debitirala leta 1943 v Bayreuthu (operni festival). Njne senzacionalen nastop leta 1935 v New Yorku jo je uveljavil kot enega največjih wagnerjanskih sopranovih. Med drugo svetovno vojno je ostala na Norveškem in bila po krivici obtožena sodelovanja z nacisti. Vrnila se je v ZDA in se leta 1955 upokojila. V letih 1958 - 1960 je bila direktorica norveške opere.

Kirsten Flagstad a Norwegian singer, had one of the most beautiful voices of this century, a rich, dark soprano used with unfailing accuracy and musicianship. She studied in Oslo and made her debut there in 1913 in Eugen d'Albert's Tiefland. After having specialized in operetta, Flagstad made a successful Bayreuth debut (1934), but it was her sensational appearance (1935) in New York as Sieglinde that established her as one of the greatest Wagnerian sopranos. During World War II she chose to remain with her family in Norway, and was later unjustly accused of collaborating with the Nazis. She returned to the United States in 1947 and toured the country. Retiring in 1955, she continued to sing in Norway and to make recordings, and was named director (1958-60) of the Norwegian Opera. Flagstad was also a gifted interpreter of solo songs.

               N - 1183/1184

FLEISER Marieluise 23. 11. 1901 - 2. 2. 1974
Nemška pisateljica se je rodila v Ingolstadtu, ki igra osrednjo vlogo v njenem življenju in delu. Napisala igre (Fegefeuer in Ingolstadtu, 1926, Pioniere in Ingolstadtu, 1929), pripovedi in romana (Mehlreisende Frieda Geier, 1932). V zadnjem desetletju svojega življenja je pomagla mladim avtorjem političnih ljudskih iger pisanih v dialektu. Prejela je več literarnih nagrad.

Ingolstadt, the town in which the writer Marieluise Fleisser was born, played a central role in her life and works. She wrote plays (Fegefeuer in Ingolstadt, 1926, Pioniere in Ingolstadt, 1929), narratives and a novel (Mehlreisende Frieda Geier, 1932). The power of her language is rooted in her Bavarian background. In the last decade of her life she took on the unexpected role of literary foster mother of a young generation of authors of political folk plays written in dialect, gained recognition and was awarded literary prizes.

 D - 2158

FLEMING Amalia 28. 6. 1909 - 26. 2. 1986
Grška zdravnica in političarka je leta 1938 diplomirala iz medicine atenski univerzi. Med drugo svetovno vojno se je pridružila grškemu odproniškemu gibanju. Po vojni je odšla v London, kjer je delala s sirom Aleksandrom Flemingom, odkritelj penicilina in se leta 1953 z njim  poročila. Leta 1967 se je vrnila v Grčiji in pomagala političnim aktivistom in njihovim družinam proti vojaški hunti. Zaradi tega so jo tudi aretirali. Po padcu hunte je postala predsednica grškega odbora Amnesty Internacional in članica Evropske komisije za človekove pravice.

Dr. Amalia Fleming (born Voureka) was Greek physician and politician. In 1938 she graduated in medicine from Athens University. During WW II joined the Greek resistance. After war she went to London, where she worked with Sir Aleksander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin and in 1953 they married. She returned to Greece in 1967, there worked to aid political activists and their families against military junta. She was aressted by junta. When junta fell she became head of Greek committee of Amnesty Internacional  an d a member of European Human Rights Commission.

      GR - 1909

FLETCHER Kelly 1965 -
Umetnica iz Jerseya je znana po svojih ogromnih tapeserijah. Ena od njih  glevni pisarni Coca Cole v Londonu.

Jersey artist studied at Royal College of Art. She was awared an important Crafts Council award. She is famous of her huge tapestries. One of her apestrie is in the boardroom of Coca Cola Company in London. 

      Guernsey - 608

FLORES Lola 21. 1. 1923 -17. 5. 1995
Španska igralka in plesalka flamenka se je rodila v Cadizu. Pri že 15 letih je debitirala kot pevka in plesalka v Teatro Villamarta. Nastopila je tudi v nekaj manjših filmskih vlogah. Leta 1944 sta skupaj z Manolo Caracol ustanovili uspešno podjetje. Obe sta bili glavna igralki v filmu Embrujo (1946), ki ga je režiral Carlos de Osma Serrano. Kasneje je začela nastopati tudi  v Južni Ameriki. Postala je zvezda španske filmske industrije. Leta 1957 se je poročila s plesalcom flamenka Antoniom Gonzálesom Pescadilla.

Actress and flamenco dancer was born in Cádiz, Spain. She made her début as a ‘cantaora y bailaora’ at the age of 15 in the Teatro Villamarta, and also performed minor roles in films. In 1944 she formed her own company in association with Manolo Caracol, which was a huge success. Both were the principal characters in the film Embrujo (1946), directed by Carlos Serrano de Osma. Later she extended her field of professional activities independently to South America and became the star of the folkloric Spanish film industry. In 1957 she married the bailaor Antonio González Pescadilla by whom she had three children: the singer Lolita Flores, the actress Rosario Flores, and the singer and occasional actor Antonio Flores, who died tragically a few days after his mother's death.

                E - 3290

FLUCK Gabi 25. 9. 1952 -
Slikarka, grafičarka, ilustratorka otroških knjig je bila rojena v Nemčiji, sedaj pa živi in dela v Švici.

The painter, graphic artist, illustrator of children's books was born in Germany and now lives and works in Switzerland.

CH - 1772
FOBLETS Marie-Claire 4. 11. 1959 -
Belgijska antropologinja in profesorica na Katoliški Univerzi v Leuvnu, Belgija. Ukvarja se z medkulturnostjo, migracijo in manjšinami. Leta 2004 je prejela nagrado Francqui za svoje raziskave na področju antropologije.

Marie-Claire Foblets is a Belgian social scientist and professor at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Leuven, Belgium). Her research interests are interculturalism, migration and minorities. In 2004, she was awarded the Francqui Prize on Human Sciences for her research on antropology.

          B - 3755
FONSECA PIMENTEL Eleonora de 13. 1. 1752 - 20. 8. 1799
Italijanska pesnica se je rodila v Rimu v portugalski plemiški družini. Že kot otrok je kazala talent. Poučeval jo je učen stric. Pisala je pesmi, učila se je latinščine in grščine, spoznala je  spomenike večnega Rima. Okoli leta 1770 se je aktivno vključila v literarne krožke. Tam je razpravljala o literaturi, politiki in znanosti. Pisala je poezijo, dopisovala se je z intelektualci svojega časa.

She was born in Rome of  Portuguese nobility. As a child in Rome, she had already shown precocious talent, even brilliance. She enjoyed the tutelage of a scholarly uncle and wrote poetry, read Latin and Greek, and was well versed in the monuments of the Eternal City. In the 1770s, Eleonora became an important part of  literary circles of the day. She joined discussions of literature, politics and science. She wrote poetry and carried on the type of correspondence so popular among intellectuals of that period.

               I - 2643

FONTAIN Joan 22. 10. 1917 - 15. 12. 2013
Ameriška filmska igralka je leta 1940 prejela oskarja za najboljšo igralko za vlogo v filmu Rebecca režiserja Alfreda Hitchcocka, nasldnje leto pa za vlogo v filmu Suspicion, ki ga je prav tako režiral Alfred Hitchcock. Je starejša sestra Olivie de Havilland (igrala v filmu V vrtincu).

Joan Fontain is an Academy Award winning motion picture and television actress best known for her work in the film period of the early 40's. She has starres in such movies as: Rebecca, Suspicion (she won oscar), and The Constant Nymph. She is the older sister of Gone wit the Wind actress Olivia de Havilland although they have a long history of bitterness between them, and they haven't spoke to one another since 1975.

GI - 740

FONTEYN Margot 18. 5. 1919 - 21. 2. 1991
Angleška balerina je debitirala leta 1934 v baletni skupini Vic-Wells Ballet z glavno vlogo v Hrestaču. Plesala je v Evropi in Avstraliji. Njene slavne klasične vloge: Trnuljčica, Labodje jezero, Gizela in druge. Plesala je tudi moderen balet Ashtona in Helpmana. Njena kariera je bila nenavadno dolga, saj je od 1961 nastopala še z Nurejevom. Kariero je končala 1979. Takrat so ji na njen 60. rojstni dan v Ruskem kraljevem baletu podelili naziv "prima balerina assoluta". Ta naziv so uradno podelili le trem baletnikom. Bila je predsednica Kraljeve akademije za balet v Londonu. Občinstvo je navduševala z izrazno močjo in senzibilnim nastopom.

Margot Fonteyn  was an English ballet dancer whose career as a prima ballerina spanned several decades. She attended the Sadler's Wells Ballet School and made her debut as a snowflake in Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker at Sadler's Wells in 1934. Ninette de Valois picked her out to succeed Alicia Markova as the company's ballerina, and within five years she had danced Giselle, Swan Lake, and The Sleeping Beauty. Moreover, she became the chosen interpreter of the ballets of Frederick Ashton, who joined the Vic-Wells Ballet (later Royal Ballet) in 1935. Fonteyn's partnership with Rudolf Nureyev, beginning with Giselle in 1962, gave her a new lease on her career at an age when most dancers are contemplating retirement. In 1979, on her 60th birthday, she was named prima ballerina assolutta, a title officially given only three times in the history of the Imperial Russian Ballet and its Soviet successors.

              GB - 1648                   Jersey - 1539

FORNALSKA Malgorzata 10. 6. 1902 - 26. 7. 1944
Poljsko članico centralnega komiteja Delavske partije Poljske v letih 1942-44 so nacisti ujeli in ubili.

She was member of Central Committee of Polish Workers Party in 1942-44. She was tortured by Nazis and killed.
         PL - 2773                PL - 723

FORTNUM Peggy 23. 12. 1919 - 28. 3. 2016
Angleška ilustratorka je delala kot likovni pedagog, slikar in oblikovalec tekstila, preden je postala knjižna ilustratorka. Do danes je ilustrirala petinšestdeset knjig. Najbolj znane ilustracije junakov Michaela Bonda in medveda Paddingtona (na znamki GB-2369).

She is an English illustrator. She worked as an art teacher, painter, and textile designer before becoming a full-time book illustrator. She has illustrated nearly sixty-five books to date. Her most well-known illustrations are of Michael Bond's character, Paddington Bear (on stamp GB-2369).


              GB - 2369

FOSS Wenche 5. 12. 1917 - 28. 3. 2011
Noveška igralka je znana predvsem na Norveškem. Debitirala je leta 1935. S svojim talentom in znanjem je odigrala številne glavne vloge, tako v komedijah kot dramah (Lysistrata, Hedda Gabler, Mary Stewart...). Ukvarjala se je tudi z dobrodelnim delom, skrbela je za invalidne otroke. Na znamki je prizor iz filma Krane's Conditori, kjer je igrala glavno vlogo. Zgodba filma sloni na romanu norveške pisateljice Core Sandel.
Na znamki N-1216 je tudi Monroe Marilyn.

Norwegian actress not so well known abroad.  She  made her debut in 1935. With her talent and knowledge of human nature she has been able to give life to many kind of role figures both in tragedies and comedies. Leading roles in Lysistrata, Hedda Gabler and Mary Stewart are examples of the width of her repertory. She has also won great popularity and respect for her engagement with disabled children. On the stamp is picture from the film Krane's Conditori (1951) where she is playing the leading role. This film is based on a novel written by the female, Norwegian author Cora Sandel.
On stamp N-1216 is also Monroe Marilyn.

             N - 1216

FRANK Anne 12. 6. 1929 - 3. 1945
Rojena je bila v Frankfurtu. Njena družina se je pred nacisti umaknila na Nizozemsko, ko pa so jo Nemci okupirali, se je družina 1942 zatekla v skrivališče v neko hišo v Amsterdamu. Tam je Anne 12. 6. 1042 začela pisati dnevnik in vanj več kot dve leti zapisovala vtise, strahove, želje in sanje odraščajočega dekleta. 4. avgusta 1944 je gestapo odkril njihovo skrivališče in družino odvedel v koncentracijsko taborišče. Od vse družine je preživel le oče. Po vojni so v skrivališču našli njen dnevnik in ga 1947 objavili. Takoj je postal uspešnica, preveden je številne jezike, priredili so ga za gledališče, po njem so posneli film.

Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl who kept a diary while hiding from Nazi persecution in the Netherlands during World War II. She and her family lived in a secret apartment in Amsterdam for two years before being discovered. Anne died in a German concentration camp. An abridgment of her poignant diary was published in 1947.

             NL - 1159                   D - 1013

FREDERIKSON Heather 30. 12. 1985 -
Britanska paraolimpijska plavalka je na OI osvojila že osem medalj. Na paraolimpisjkih OI 2012 je osvojila zlato medaljo v kategoriji S8 na 100 m hrbtno in srebrni medalji v isti kategoriji na 400 in 100 m prosto.

She is a British paralympic swimmer. She is the current, and two time, Paralympic champion in the 100m backstroke S8 classification, and has won eight Paralympic medals in all. The 2012 Summer Paralympics in London saw Frederiksen claim another gold medal in the 100 m backstroke S8, along with silver medals in both the 400 m freestyle S8 and 100 m freestyle S8.


                                  GB - 3346

FREDRIKSSON Marie-Roxette 30. 5. 1958 - 9. 12. 2019
Avtorica besedil in pevka v švedskih ansamblih Strul, Mamas Barn in Roxette je kariero začela leta 1986 skupaj s Per Gessle v skupini Roxette. Nastopa pa tudi solistično. Poročena z Mikaelom Bolyosom in ima dva otroka.

She is the songwriter and female lead singer of the Swedish bands Strul, Mamas Barn and Roxette. She was born in Sweden. Together with a friend, singer Per Gessle, she started Roxette in 1986. She also has an extensive solo career. She is married to Mikael Bolyos and has two children.

          S - 1686

FREINET Elise 14. 08. 1898 - 30. 01. 1983
Célestin Baptistin Freinet in njegova žena Élise Freinet sta bila francoska učitelja, ki sta razvila vrsto učnih tehnik, ki temeljijo na prostem izražanju otrok.

Célestin Baptistin Freinet and his wife Élise Freinet were French teachers who developed a series of teaching techniques based on the free expression of children.

               F - 7269

FRICKER Brenda 17. 2. 1945 -
Irska filmska igralka je svojo kariero začela z majhno neugledno vlogo leta 1964 v filmu Of Human Bondage, ki temelji na istoimenskem romanu Somerseta Maughama iz leta 1915. Na začetku je bila bolj poznana v Veliki Britaniji predvsem po vlogi Megan Roach v BBC seriji Casualty. Leta 1989 je prejela oskarja za najboljšo stransko igralko za vlogo matere Christy Brown v filmu My Left Foot (na znamki IE-968). Igrala je tudi v filmu Field iz leta 1990.

Irish actress began her feature film career with a small uncredited part in the 1964 movie Of Human Bondage, based on the 1915 novel by William Somerset Maugham of the same name. Initially better known in the United Kingdom for her role as Megan Roach in the BBC One series Casualty, she won the 1989 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance as Christy Brown's mother in My Left Foot (on stamp IE-968). She then co-starred in the 1990 film The Field.

IE - 968

FREIN von le Fort Gertrud 11. 10. 1876 - 1. 11. 1971
Nemška pisateljica je študirala teologijo, zgodovino in filozofijo. Potem je več let preživela v Italiji in spreobrnila v katoliško vero. Na njeno poezijo je vplival Friedrich Nietzche. V poeziji kombinira globoko vero z občutkom za zgodovino. Izraža se z močnim jezikom in veliko tehnične spretmosti. Znane pesmi sta  Hymnen an die Kirche (1924) in Der Papst aus dem Ghetto (1930). Njen roman Das Schweißtuch der Veronika (1928-1946) opisuje vlogo katoliških žensk in njihovo pripravljenost na žrtvovanje.

Writer, born in Minden, Germany. From a family of French émigrés, she studied theology, history, and philosophy before spending several years in Italy, where she converted to Catholicism. Her poetry was influenced by Friedrich Nietzche, and combines a deep religious belief with a sense of history. It is expressed in powerful language with keen technical skill, and includes Hymnen an die Kirche (1924) and Der Papst aus dem Ghetto (1930). Her novel Das Schweißtuch der Veronika (1928–46) concerns the role of Catholic women and their readiness to make sacrifices and to turn the other cheek.

 D - 829

FRENCH Dawn Roma 11. 10. 1957 -
Dawn Roma French angleška igralka, pisateljica in komičarka je najbolj znana po nastopanju in pisanju za komične predstave French and Saunders kjer je nastopala skupaj s partnerico Jennifer Saunders.

Dawn Roma French is an English actress, writer, and comedian, best known for starring in and writing for the comedy sketch show French and Saunders with comedy partner Jennifer Saunders.


                 GB - 3731

FRINK Elisabeth 14. 11. 1930 - 18. 4. 1993
Britanska kiparka in grafičarka je študirala je na Guildfordski šoli za umetnost. Skupaj z Bernardom Meadowsom pa na Chelsea šoli za umetnost. Povezana je bila sicer z britanskimi kiparji povojnega obdobja (Reg Butler, Bernard Meadows and Eduardo Paolozzi), čeprav so se njena dela razlikovala zaradi obvezne naturalistična oblike. Rada je upodabljala ljudi, ptice, pse, konje in verske motive.
British sculptor and printmaker. She studied at the Guildford School of Art and with Bernard Meadows at the Chelsea School of Art. She was linked with the post-war school of British sculptors, including Reg Butler, Bernard Meadows and Eduardo Paolozzi, though her work is distinguished by her commitment to naturalistic forms and themes. Frink’s range of subjects included men, birds, dogs, horses and religious motifs. She concentrated on bronze outdoor sculpture with a scarred surface created by repeatedly coating an armature with wet plaster; each coating is distressed and broken, eliminating detail and generalizing form. In the 1960s Frink’s continuing fascination with flight was evident in a series of falling figures and winged men. While living in France from 1967 to 1970, she began a series of threatening, monumental, goggled male heads. On returning to England, she focused on the male nude, barrel-chested, with mask-like features, attenuated limbs and a pitted surface.

           GB -
FRO VODDER Anna 1974 -
Belgijska slikarka živi in dela v Copenhagnu. Na znamki je njeno delo: Telepatija.

Belgian painter with a keen sense of everyday, disparate elements in her surroundings, simple occurrences and observations are regularly unraveled or juxtaposed on her canvases, revealing their poetic potential in unexpected ways. Her recent work has been shown at the Centre d'Art Santa Mònica in Barcelona and the ARKEN Museum for Moderne Kunst. She is represented by Mikael Anderson in Copenhagen. Anna Fro Vodder lives and works in Copenhagen.

                   DK - 1408
FRY Elizabeth 21. 5. 1780 - 12. 10. 1845
Angleška reformatorka zaporov in filantropinja je leta 1798 postala kvekerka, da bi služila ubogim. Leta 1813 je začela proučevati pogoje v zaporih, obiskovala je ječe, prebirala Biblijo in pridigala jetnikom. Ravnanje z zapornicami je bilo strašno, zato je zahtevala ločitev zapornikov po spolu, več hrane in oblačil za zapornike, boljši nadzor. Organizirala je društvo za versko pomoč jetnikom in za oskrbo jetnikov z obleko in ostalimi potrebščinami.

Elizabeth Fry was an English  prison reformer and philanthropist. She became a Quaker in 1798;  devoted to serving the poor, she was recognized as a minister. In 1813 she started investigating prison conditions and began visiting jails to read the Bible and preach to the inmates. Appalled at the treatment of female prisoners in Newgate prison,  London, she publicized abuses - asking for separation of the sexes, classification of prisoners, more food and clothing, and  better supervision. She organized an association that supported  religious and secular instruction for the inmates and provided  clothing and other necessities for prisoners.

              GB - 709                     D - 156
FRY Joan Mary 27. 7. 1862 - 25. 11. 1955
Angleška kvekerka borka za mir in socialne reforme. Med prvo svetovno vojno je služila kot kvekerska zaporniška duhovnica in pomagala moškim, ki so bili zaprti in obsojeni zaradi ugovora vesti. Po koncu vojne je leta 1919 s somišljeniki odpotovala v Nemčijo in organizirala razdeljevanje hrane. Leta 1926 se je vrnila v VB in še naprej delovala pri zmanjševanju revščine in brezposelnosti.

She was an English Quaker campaigner for peace and social reform. During the First World War, she served as a Quaker Prison Chaplain and helped men who had a conscientious objection to war at their tribunal and in prison. In 1919, she and other Friends travelled to the now-defeated Germany and organised food distribution networks as famine relief there. Seven years later, Fry returned to the United Kingdom in 1926 where she further worked to relieve poverty and unemployment.

             GB - 3220

FRYD Judy 31. 10. 1909 - 20. 10. 2000
Britanska borka za duševno prizadete otroke in ustanoviteljica Nacionalnega združenja staršev zaostalih otrok - Mencap. Obiskovala je Minchenden šolo, študirala ekonomijo in politične vede na Ruskin College v Oxfordu. Poročena je bila z Johnom Frydom, njuna hči Felicity se je rodial z motnjami pri učenju. Njune izkušnje so jo vodile v kampanjo za boljšo podporo takih otrok in njihovih družin.

She was a British campaigner for mentally handicapped children and the founder of The National Association of Parents of Backward Children, now Mencap. She was born Caroline Joyce Manning near London. After attending Minchenden School, she studied economics and political science at Ruskin College, Oxford. She married John Fryd and their daughter Felicity was born with a learning disability. Their experiences led her to campaign for better support for such children and their families.

              GB - 2812
FUERTES Gloria 28. 7. 1917 - 27. 11. 1998

A Spanish poet and author of children's literature, linked to the first Spanish literary movement after the Civil War, 50’s Generation or postism. She became particularly well-known in Spain in the 70’s, after her collaborations on children’s television shows. Her first book was Isla Ignorada (Ignored Island), published in the Musa Nueva Collection, in 1950.

       E - 5263
FULARCZYK-KOZLOWSKA Magdalena 16. 9. 1986 -
Poljska veslačica je na OI 2016 skupaj z Natalio Madaj (je tudi na znamki PL-4888) osvojila zlato medaljo v dvojnem dvojcu. Na OI 2012 v Londonu je osvojila bronasto medaljo v dvojcu.

Polish rower won  gold medal in women's double sculls competing in partnership with Natalia Madaj (also on stamp PL-4888) at 2016 Summer Olympics. At the London Summer Olympics 2012 she won bronze medal in doubles.

              PL - 4888
FURNEAUX Yvonne 11. 5. 1928 -
Francoska filmska igralka s pravim imenom Elisabeth Yvonne Scarcherd je leta 1953 nastopala v filmu Mumija (na znamki GB-2657).

French leading lady Yvonne Furneaux (born as Elisabeth Yvonne Scarcherd ) inaugurated her screen career in England in 1952. A few minor productions aside, Furneaux was well-served in a great many international productions of the 1950s and 1960s. She co-starred with Errol Flynn twice, in the British swashbucklers Master of Ballantrae (1953) and The Warriors (1955). She played Jenny Diver opposite Laurence Olivier's MacHeath in The Beggar's Opera (1953). And she was featured prominently in Fellini's La Dolce Vita (1961), Polanski's Repulsion (1964) and Chabrol's The Champagne Murders (1966). With so illustrious a list of film credits, it is a puzzlement that Yvonne Furneaux agreed to appear in 1983's Frankenstein's Great Aunt Tillie. In 1959 she played with Christopher Lee in The Mummy (on stamp GB-2657).

GB - 2657

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