ZACHARIASSEN Frida 24.8.1912 - 1992
Slikarka s Ferskih otokov je razvila svoj osebni stil, ki ga označujejo geometrične oblike pokrajin, mest, vasi in ljudi. Okoli leta 1950 je začela slikati bolj abstraktno. Pokrajino in ljudi razdelila na kvadrate, trakove in trikotnike. Na znamkah Faroe-728-729 sta njeni sliki: Ženska in Vrt.

She was one of the most distinctive artists in the Faroe Islands during the 1950s. She developed her own personal style, characterised by geometric figures in compositions portraying landscapes, towns, villages and people. Around 1950, Frida Zachariassen began painting more abstractly. Landscapes and people were dissolved and reconstructed with squares, stripes and triangles. On stamps Faroe-728-729 are her paintings: Woman and The Garden.


                     Faroe -

Zambrano Maria 25.4.1907 - 6.2.1991
Španska pisateljica je študirala filozofijo v Madridu pri znanih profesorjih, kot sta Zubiri in Ortega. Med študijem je sodelovala v študentskih protestih, pisala je za različne časopise. Bila je profesorica na univerzah v Madridu, Mehiki in Kubi. Med njena najpomembnejša dela spadajo: Filosofía y Poesía (1939), La Agonía de Europa (1945) in El Sueño Creador (1965).

She studied philosophy in Madrid under such well-known and respected professors as Zubiri and Ortega. During her university years she also participated in student protests and wrote for various newspapers. She was professor in Madrid University, in Mexico and in Cuba. Her most important works are considered to be: Filosofía y Poesía (1939), La Agonía de Europa (1945) and El Sueño Creador (1965). 1981 she was awarded the Premio Príncipe de Asturias, followed, in 1988 by the Cervantes literature prize.

                 E - 3098

Zankovetska Maria 4.8.1854 - 4.10.1934
Ukrajinska dramska igralka je bila rojena v bogati družini. Šolala se je v privatni šoli v Černihivu, in na konzervatoriju v Helsinkih. Igrala je v poklicnem gledališču v Jelisavetgradu (sedaj Kirovograd). Je ena od ustanoviteljic Ukrajinskega narodnega gledališča v Kijevu (1918). Zadnjič je nastopila lata 1922. Je prva umetnica z nazivom Ljudski umetnik Ukrajine.

She was born in a wealthy family. Educated in a Chernihiv private school and later at the Conservatory in Helsinki. She played in Yelysavethrad (now Kirovohrad) in professional theater. In 1918 she founded the People's Theater in Kyiv. Her last performance on stage was in Kyiv in 1922, when the theater of her was founded in her name in Lviv. Maria Zankovetska was named the first People's Actress of the Ukrainian Republic for helping to bring Ukrainian theatre to maturity.

              UA -

Zapolska Gabriela 30.3.1857 - 17.2.1921
Poljska pisateljica s pravim imenom Maria Gabriela Korwin-Piotrowska je pisala romane in drame. V Parizu je začela svojo neuspešno kariero kot igralka. Začela je pisati cenene,  razburljive romane polne strogosti proti vrednotam srednjega razreda, njihovi moralnosti in hinavščini. Od vseh teh romanov napisanih v obdobju 20 let sta omembe vredna samodva: Zaszumi las (1899) in Sezonowa milosc (1905). Od njenih dram je omembe vredna Moralnosc pani Dulskiej (1906), komedija o matriarhatu v meščanski družini.

Is pseudonym of  Maria Gabriela Korwin-Piotrowska  Polish novelist and playwright of the Naturalist school. Having tried unsuccessfully to pursue an acting career in Paris, Zapolska started writing cheap, sensationalist novels full of bitterness toward middle-class values, morality, and hypocrisy. Of her several novels written over a period of 20 years, only two have survived in terms of modern readability. Zaszumi las (1899, The Forest Will Murmur) is a roman about Polish revolutionaries in Paris. Sezonowa milosc (1905, Love in the Season) is a novel about fashionable middle-class life in the resort town of Zakopane. She also wrote plays, mostly melodramas, that had the same ephemeral quality as most of her novels, but one is remembered: Moralnosc pani Dulskiej (1906, Mrs. Dulska's Morality), a comedy-farce about a dominating matriarch of a bourgeois family.

                 PL - 2596

ZAVALI Evdokia 1924 - 5.5.2010
UKrajinska vojakinja polkovnica se je v drugi svetovni vojni kot bolniška sestra vključila v borbe. Leta 1943 je postala poveljnica 83. mornariškega plotona, kot edina ženska v času 2. svetovne vojne. Njen ploton je postal legendaren. Med Nemci je vzbujal strah s svojimi drznimi napadi. V času vojne je bila 4 krat hudo ranjena.

Ukrainina colonel during WW II, who commanded a platoon of male marines (the only woman in WW II). She went of to war at the age of 15 as a war nurse. During 4 years of war she was severely wounded 4 times. In 1943 she got command on the 83rd marines platoon. Her platoon became a legend and scarified the Nazi Germans with their bold raids.

            UA - 1075

ZELENKO Ekaterina  14.9.1916 - 12.9.1941
Sovjetska vojna pilotka je edina ženska, ki se je namenoma zaletela v sovražno letalo. Med napadom sedmih nemških letal Bf-109s ji je zmanjkalo streliva. S propelerjem svojega SU-2 se je zaletela v rep sovražnika. Pri tem je tudi sama umrla. Posmrtno je bila leta 1990 odlikovana z nazivom Heroj Sovjetske zveze.

She was a Soviet war pilot. She is the only woman ever known to have performed an aerial ramming.
In 1990 she was awarded posthumously  the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

                                               RU - 2034

ZERNIKE Anne 30.4.1887 - 6.3.1972
Liberalna teologinja, prva ženska duhovnica na Nizozemskem. Leta 1911 je bila imenovana za duhovnika v bapristični cerkvi v Bovenknijpe (provinca Friesland). Poročila se je s slikarjem Janom Mankes in se odpovedala službi. Po moževi leta 1920 pa ni bila več postavljena za duhovnika predvsem zaradi svoje liberalanosti in leve usmerjenosti. Vse to je izražala izražala v svojih knjigah in člankih.

Liberal theologian, first female minister of the church in the Netherlands. In 1911, she was called as minister to the Baptist community of Bovenknijpe (province of Friesland). Anne Zernike married painter Jan Mankes in Schoterland in 1915. For reasons of her marriage, she had to resign her office. After her husband’s death in 1920, Anne Mankes-Zernike was not called as minister by the Baptist Brotherhood again, much to her sadness. The image of an outspoken, radically liberal, leftist modern minister and theologian emerges from her books and many articles. For many Baptists and Remonstrants she was too liberal, and sometimes she was even too leftist-modern for the liberals and the Dutch Protestant Union. The close relationship between theology and the arts was one of her articles of faith.


                   NL - 3093

Zetkin Clara 5.6.1857 - 20.6.1933
Nemška komunistka in ženska voditeljica. Po izobrazbi učiteljica in nadarjena govornica se je goreče posvetila marksizmu, postala pomembna osebnost, skupaj z Roso Luxemburg, v Socialno demokratski stranki. Ustanovila je strankarski ženski časopis Die Gleichheit, ki ga je urejala od 1892 do 1917. V času prve svetovne vojne je pomagala organizirati komunistično partijo Nemčije. Od 1920 do 1932 je bila poslanec komunistična stranke v nemškem parlamentu. Bila je zelo pro-sovjetsko usmerjena, veliko let je preživela v Rusiji, kjer je tudi umrla.
Na znamki Faroe - 712 je tudi Emmeline Pankhurst.

Was a German Communist and a feminist leader. A schoolteacher by training and a gifted orator, she became an avid devotee of Marxism and gained prominence, along with Rosa Luxemburg, in the Social Democratic party. Zetkin founded the party's newspaper for women, Die Gleichheit, which she edited from 1892 to 1917. At odds with the Social Democratic stance during World War I, Zetkin helped organize the German Communist party in 1919. She served (1920-32) as a Communist deputy to the Reichstag. Zetkin generally displayed a strong pro-Soviet stance and spent many years in the   USSR, where she died.
On stamp
Faroe-712 is also Emmeline Pankhurst.

 BG - 1158                   GDR - 476                        GDR - 592                       SZ - 1984

GDR - 1558                      GDR - 3085             H - 1675                 Faroe - 712     

ZETTERLUND Monica 20.9.1937 - 12.5.2005
Smatrajo jo za največjo švedsko pevko jazza svetovnega razreda. Prepevala je pesmi ameriškega in mednarodne jazza. Sodelovala je z nekaterimi največjimi zvezdami jazza: Louis Armstrong, Bill Evans, Stan Getz, Steve Kuhn in Quincy Jones. Igrala je tudi v več kot 20 filmih in televizijskih serijah.

She was a Swedish jazz singer and actress. She interpreted the works of international and American jazz musicians/song writers. She worked with some of the greatest international jazz names including Louis Armstrong, Bill Evans, Stan Getz, Steve Kuhn and Quincy Jones and is considered to be one of the greatest Swedish female vocalists ever and her jazz recordings world class. She appeared in more than 20 films and television series throughout her life.

                    S - 2169

ZHOLTOK Valeriana 13.12.1919 - 2000

She was born into the family of a railway employee in Zhlobin of Gomel region. In 1935—1939 she studied at Vitebsk Art School. Her diploma painting was called “In the Revolutionary War Council Headquarters at the Western Front. 1919”. In 1939—1941 and 1944—1951 she worked as the art stage designer in the State Opera and Ballet Theatre of the BSSR. From 1949 she was a member of the Union of Artists. She was an honoured worker of art of the Republic of Belarus (1999). She was awarded with the order of Badge of Honour (1955), and the medal of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR (1967). She worked in various genres, but her still-lives became especially famous. 


            BY - 1092

ZHUKOVA Inna  6.9.1986 -
Beloruska gimnastičarka je na OI 2008 v Pekingu osvojila srebrno medaljo v mnogoboju. Po teh igrah je zaključila svojo aktivno športno kariero (na privesku BY-blok-77).
Na znamki BY-819 je Aksana Miankova.
Na priveskih BY-blok-77 so še druge beloruske dobitnice medalj na OI 2008 v Pekingu: Jekaterina Karsten, Julija Bičik, Natalija Helakh, Natallia Mikhnevich, Nadzeya Ostapchuk , Nastassia Novikava, Alina Tumilovich, Anastasia Ivankova, Glafira Martinovich, Ksenia Sankovich, Olesya Babushkina, Zinaida Lunina.

She is Belarus gymnast. At the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games she won a silver medal in all-around competition. After Beijing 2008 she finished her active competitive career.
On stamp
BY-819 is Aksana Miankova.
On labels of sheet
BY-blok-77 are also other Belarus women winners of medals in OG Bejing: Jekaterina Karsten, Julija Bičik, Natalija Helakh, Natallia Mikhnevich, Nadzeya Ostapchuk, Nastassia Novikava, Alina Tumilovich, Anastasia Ivankova, Glafira Martinovich, Ksenia Sankovich, Olesya Babushkina, Zinaida Lunina.


BY - blok-77, BY - 819

ZIKINA Ljudmila 10.6.1929 – 1.7.2009
Ruska pevka narodnih pesmi je svojo kariero začela leta 1906. Bile je prijateljica Ekaterine Furtseve, ministrice za kulturo Sovjetske zveze. Bila naj bi najljubša pevka sovjetskega predsednika Leonida Brežnjeva. Šestkrat je pela tu v Severni Koreji pri predsedniku Kim Il-sungu. Je prejemnica številnih nagrad: Leninova nagrada, red Lenina, postala je Ljudski umetnik Sovjetske zveze in heroina socialističnega dela.

She was a national folk singer of Russia. Beginning in 1960 she performed solo. She befriended Ekaterina Furtseva, the powerful Minister of Culture of the Soviet Union, and was reputed to be a favourite singer of Leonid Brezhnev. It is known she was a particular favorite of both Kim Il-song and his son Kim Jong-il, performing in Pyongyang six times at the invitation of the Kims. It was also reported that Kim Jong-il was so fond of Zykina that he invited her to Pyongyang in 2008 in hopes that her performance would help him recover from illness.Among Zykina's many honours were the Lenin Prize (1970) and Order of Lenin (1979) as well as the titles of People's Artist of the USSR (1973) and Hero of Socialist Labour (1987). According to Dmitri Shostakovich, Zykina was "more than a brilliant interpreter, she was a coauthor, co-creator of composers".

                       RU - 1740

Zildžić IBLIZOVIĆ Ševada 1903 - 1978
Prva zdravnica v Bosni. Leta 1918 se je z dovoljenjem verskih muslimanskih voditeljev vpisala na moško gimnazijo v Sarajevu nato pa na medicinsko fakulteto v Zagrebu kjer je leta 1931 diplomirala. Delala je v mestni bolnici Sarajevo. Specializirala je ginekologijo in pediatrijo.

She was first medical doctor in Bosnia.

           BA - 253

ZILLNER Veronika 1.12.1972 - 
Avstrijska slikarka je študirala v Milanu. Sedaj ima svoj oblikovalski studio na Dunaju in dela za domače in tuje stranke.

Austrian painter studied at the College of Applied Arts and at the Instituto Superiore di Comunicazione in Milan. In 2001 she established her own design studio and works on projects for national and international customers.


               A - 2559

ZLATEVA Stanka 1.3.1983 -
Bolgarska rokoborka prostega sloga je tekmovala na OI 2004 v Atenah in OI 2008 v Pekingu, kjer je osvojila srebrno medaljo. Leta 2006 in 2007 je bila proglašena za svetovno rokoborko leta.

She is a Bulgarian freestyle wrestler. She competed at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens and the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, where she won a silver medal. She was named World Female Wrestler of the Year in 2006 and 2007 and Bulgarian Sportsperson of the Year in 2007.

BG - 4831

ZMATLIKOVA Helena 19.11.1923 - 4.4.2005
Ena glavnih čeških ilustratork otroških knjig je začela sicer z ilustracijami knjig za odrasle, vendar se je čez čas posvetila samo otroškim knjigam. Ilustrirala je številne knjige kot so: Otroci iz Bullerbyna (Astrid Lindgren), Kljukec s strehe (Astrid Lindgren), Martínkova čítanka, Z deníku kocoura Modroočka, The television bedtime story, Domek treh majhnih muck (The Little House of Three Little Kittens). Knjige z njenimi ilustracijami so prevedene v številne jezike. Posebno popularne so postale na Japonskem. Ilustrirala je okoli tristo knjig.

Helena Zmatlíková is one of the leading Czech female illustrators of children's books. She started her profession as an illustrator by illustrating books for adults, but after some time she exchanged them for children's books. Later on she was only a children's books illustrators, one of the core staff of the children's book publishing house Albatros. The best known books, illustrated by Zmatlíková, include Children from Bullerbyne, Karkulín ze střechy, Martínkova čítanka, Z deníku kocoura Modroočka. The television bedtime story, Domeček u tří koťátek (The Little House of Three Little Kittens), illustrated by Zmatlíková, is also well remembered by the Czech population. Books with her illustrations were published in a number of countries and translated into dozens of languages. They have become hugely popular particularly in Japan, where new editions have been published on a regular basis. Helena Zmatlíková also created a large number of pop-up and colouring children's books. Her work includes illustrations for about three hundred books.


           CZ - 632

Zrinska Katarina 1625 - 16.11.1673
Žena bana Petra Zrinskega je imela zelo važno vlogo pri uporu proti Dunaju, posebno še, ko se je uporu priključil njen brat Fran Krsto Frankopan. Opravljala je važne zaupne diplomatske razgovore s predstavnikom francoskega kralja Ludvika XIV v Benetkah 1664. Govorila je namreč več jezikov: nemško, madžarsko, italijansko in latinsko. Ko sta bila leta 1671 mož in brat usmrčena kot upornika proti Habsbužanom, se je zatekla v dominikanski samostan na v Graz, kjer je znorela in umrla.

Katarina Zrinski  the wife of Petar Zrinski, she played a major role in organizing the uprising against Vienna and played a decisive part in her brother’s joining the uprising. She took an important part in the negotiations with Louis XVI’s envoys. After the husband’s and her brother’s death (1671) she was imprisoned in the Dominican nunnery in Graz, where she died, having lost her reason.

         HR -
103              HR -380

Zrinyi Ilona 1643 - 18.2.1703
Madžarska patriotinja in političarka. Njen sin iz prvega zakona je postal vodja največjega madžarskega upora za neodvisnost Madžarov. Drugič se je poročila s princem Imre Thokoly vodjem boja za neodvisnost Madžarov ob koncu 17. stoletja. Pred Avstrijci je pobegnil v Turčijo, Ilona pa je 3 leta branila svojo trdnjavo Munkacs pred Avstrijci, nato so njo in otroka ujeli in zaprli na Dunaju. Svojo ženo je Thokoly odkupil, otroka pa sta ostala zaprta kot talca. Ilona je odšla z možen v pregnanstvo v Turčijo.

Hungarian patriot and politician. Her first husband was prince Ferenc Rakoczi. They have two children, son later became the leader of Hungary`s greatest freedom struggle. After the death of her first husband. Ilona married prince Imre Thokoly, the leader of the Hungarian freedom struggles at the end of 17th century. He escaped to Turkey, and Ilona defended their fort Munkacs for 3 years against german forces. She and her children were than taken to Vienna and prison. Thokoly managed to redeem his wife, but children were kept as  wards. Ilona rejoined her housband in exile in Turkey.

                  H - 1271                     H - 759

Zuylen Belle de 20.10.1740 - 27.12.1805
Nizozemska pisateljica je bila poročena s Švicarjem Charlesom Emmanuelom de Charriere, zato je v Švici in Franciji znana pod imenom Madame de Charriere. Bila je dobro izobražena in neodvisna ženska. V svojih delih opisuje ženske, njihova čustva in položaj v družbi. Na njena dela sta vplivala Benjamin Constant in Madame de Staël. Pisala je romane, igre in pisma.

French-Swiss known in French literature as Madame de Charrière, born in Zuilen in Netherlands. She married the Swiss Charles-Emmanuel de Charrière in 1771. Critical of the ideas of the Enlightenment, she was a well educated, independently thinking woman. In her work she wrote about women, their feelings, and their position in society, and influenced the work of Benjamin Constant and Madame de Staël. Her works  include novels, epistolary novels, plays, and letters.

      NL - 1116                      NL - 3089

Zuzorić Cvijeta 16. stol. (16.th cent.)
Cvijeta Zuzorić se je rodila v Dubrovniku. Bila je zelo izobražena, poročila se je z bogatim trgovcem iz Florence. Leta 1570 je bil njen mož imenovan za konzula v Dubrovniku in Cvijeta se je vrnila v rojstni kraj. Tako v Firencah kot Dubrovniku je pustila številne sledi v poeziji. Po izročilu naj bi pisala sonete, kar med izobraženimi ženami Dubrovnika ni bilo nenavadno. Povezovala je dve kulturi, hrvaško in italijansko.

Cvijeta Zuzorić was born in Dubrovnik. Extremely well educated, she married a rich merchant from Florence. In 1570 her husband was appointed a consul in Dubrovnik, and Cvijeta returned to her native town. Both in Florence and in Dubrovnik she left many traces in poetry. It is said that she wrote sonnets herself, which was not unusual in Dubrovnik where women were educated and appreciated. She was a link between the two cultures - Croatian and Italian.

       HR -

Zwerger Lisbeth 26.5.1954 -
Avstrijska slikarka, ilustratorka je študirala na umetnostni akademiji na Dunaju. Leta 1975 je začela ustvarjati kot slikarka. Mnogo razstavlja. Leta 1977 je ilustrirala prvo knjigo Hoffmanove pripovedke. Najraje ilustrira klasična dela bratov Grimm, Andersena in Dickensa. Za svoja dela je prejela številne nagrade, med njimi leta 1990 medaljo Hansa Cristiana Andersena.

She studied at Applied Arts Academy of Vienne. In 1975 she got her start as painter and exhibits quite a lot. Her first illustrated book is a tale written by Hoffman and published in 1977. She always feels fascinated by popular tales, and that's why her fauvourite authors are Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen and Charles Dickens. She has been given many awards, like the Hans Christian Andersen Medal in 1990.

                 CZ - 2725

gor - up