AALBERG Ida 3. 12. 1858 - 17. 1. 1915
Finsko igralko članico gledališča Suomalainen teatteri smatrajo za najboljšo igralko svojega časa v nordijskih državah. V letih1909-11 je bila prva igralka Finskega narodnega gledališča.

Ida Aalberg was a famed star of the Suomalainen teatteri theatre and was considered the best actress in the Nordic countries in her time. From 1909-11 was the leader of Finish National Theatre.

           FI - 485
ABELSEN Naja 1964 -
Slikarka iz Grenlanda se je šolala na slikarski šoli v Copenhagnu in na Danski šoli za oblikovanje. Slika živali in motive iz starih legend. Na znamki
Greenland-539 je njena slika: Ledenik.

Greenlandic artist made her debut in 1978. Educated at the Picture School in Copenhagen (1987-89) as well as the Danish Design School (1990-96). A recurrent theme in Naja's motifs is old legends and animals. On stamp
Greenland-539 is her picture: The Glacier.


               Greenland - 539

ABREU Margarida de 26. 11. 1915 - 29. 9. 2006
Portugalska koreografinja in baletka je študirala v Genovi, Berlinu na Dunaju. Leta 1939 se je vrnila na Portugalsko, kjer je poučevala ples na portugalskem narodnem konzervatoriju.

A Portuguese choreographer and dancer studied in Geneva, Berlin, and in Vienna. From 1939 she returned to Portugal to teach dance at the Portuguese National Conservatory.


              P - 4087

ACHLADIOTOU Despoinaoina 1890 - 1982
Grška rodoljubka ovčja pastirica je po osvoboditvi Dodekanezov izpod Turkov, kot patriotka na pustem otoku Rho vsako jutro povzdignila grško zastavo, kar je opazovala turška vojaška garnizija na sosednjem otoku Antiphilo. Leta 1975 je bila odlikovana za svoje dejanje. 
Greek nationalist, after the liberation of the Decodonese, took up residence on the desert island of Rho where she pastrured her sheep. Each morning, wached by the Turkish garrison on the nearby island of Antiphilo, she raised the Greek flag as a patriotic act. Honoured by the Academy of Athens and awared a medal in 1975. Called the "matron of Rho".

           GR - 1527
ACKTE Aino 23. 4. 1876 - 8. 8. 1944
Finska sopranistka Aino Ackte je debitirala kot Margerita leta 1897 v Parizu. Leta 1912 je ustanovila Savolinna festival, v letih 1938/39 je bila direktorica Finske narodne opere. Leta 1910 je kot prva je pela Salome v Britaniji v Convent Gardnu pod dirigentom Beechamom. Njena sestra je mezosopranistka Irma Tervani.

The Finnish soprano Aino Ackté made her debut as Marguerite in 1897, in Paris. She was the founder of the Savonlinna Festival in 1912, and was also director of the Finnish National Opera in 1938/39. She sang the first Salome in Britain, at Covent Garden under Beecham in 1910. Her sister was the mezzo Irma Tervani.

             FI - 786

ADAMS Nicola 26. 9. 1982 -
Britanska boksarka, članica kluba Haringey Police Community Club. V času olimpijskih iger v Londonu je bila v svoji mušji kategoriji postavljena na drugo mesto za Kitajko Ren Cancan. Na OI 2012 v Londonu je v svoji kategoriji osvojila zlato medaljo.

She is a British boxer Adams represented Haringey Police Community Club at boxing. As of July 2012 (and prior to the London Summer Olympic Games), she was rated World Number Two in the Flyweight (51kg) division, behind Chinese world champion Ren Cancan. On 9 August 2012, Adams became the first woman to win an Olympic boxing Gold medal, at the 2012 Summer Olympics.

                                       GB - 3317

ADDAMS Jane 6. 9. 1860 - 21. 5. 1935
Ameriška socialna reformatorka, mirovnica, zagovornica sufražetk. Pod angleškim vplivom je ustanovila Hull House, organizacijo v Chicagu, kjer so ona in ostali socialni reformatorji živeli in delali za izboljšanje pogojev v mestnih slumih. Leta 1919 je postala predsednica mednarodne ženske zveze za mir in svobodo. Leta 1931 je skupaj z Nicholasom Murray Butlerjem dobila Nobelovo nagrado za mir. Njena dela: Democracy and Social Ethics (1902) in Twenty Years at Hull House (1910).

Jane Laura Addams was an American social reformer, pacifist, and women's rights advocate. In 1889, influenced by British precedents, she founded Hull House, an institution in Chicago where she and other social reformers lived and worked to improve conditions in the city's slums.  Hull House became a model for many other settlement houses in the United States. Jane Addams became president of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom in 1919. Together with Nicholas Murray Butler, she received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931.  Her books include Democracy and Social Ethics (1902) and Twenty Years at Hull House (1910).

TR - 993

ADIVAR Halide Edip 1884 - 9. 1. 1964
Turška pisateljica in ena prvih žensk v Turčiji, ki se je pojavila v javnem življenju. Bila je aktivna v narodnem gibanju leta 1908. Med prvo svetovno vojno je delal na področju izobraževanja, služila je v vojski v času vojne med Turčijo in Grčijo. Vse to je vplivalo na njena dela. V romanih Hči Smirne (1922), Klovn in njegova hči (1935) ter Hayat Parcalari (1963) jo zanimajo problemi žensk v spreminjajoči družbi in vplivi velikih dogodkov na preproste ljudi. Zaradi nestrinjanja z Kemal Ataturkom sta bila z možem pregnana, živela sta v Franciji, Angliji in ZDA vse do smrti Ataturka leta 1938. Njena avtobiografija je Spomini Halide Edib (1926).

The Turkish novelist Halide Edib Adivar, was among the first women to take part in the public life of her country. Active in the nationalistic movement from 1908, she also did educational work in Syria during World War I and served in the army during Turkey's war against Greece. All of these experiences are reflected in her writing. In such novels as The Daughter of Smyrna (1922), The Clown and His Daughter (1935), and Hayat Parcalari (1963), she is concerned with the problems encountered by women in a changing society and with simple people affected by larger events. Because of political differences with Kemal Ataturk, she and her husband were banished in 1923 and lived in France, Britain, and the United States until Ataturk's death in 1938. The Memoirs of Halide Edib (1926) is her autobiography.

          TR - 1992                   TR - 3075

AFRICA de las Heras Gavilan 26.4.1909 - 8.3.1988
je bila španska komunistka, naturalizirana sovjetska državljanka in agentka tajne službe s kodnim imenom "Patria", uporabljala pa je tudi imena "María Luisa de las Heras de Darbat ", " María de la Sierra ", " Patricia ", " Ivonne ", " María de las Heras ", " Znoi " in " María Pavlovna ". Sodelovala je v različnih sovjetskih obveščevalnih operacijah med špansko državljansko vojno in po njej.

África de las Heras Gavilán was a Spanish Communist, naturalized Soviet citizen, and a secret service agent with the code name "Patria", but also used the names "María Luisa de las Heras de Darbat", "María de la Sierra", "Patricia", "Ivonne", "María de las Heras", "Znoi" and "María Pavlovna". She participated in various Soviet intelligence operations both during and after the Spanish Civil War.

                                                  RU - 2671
AGNES Češka sv. - Agnes of Bohemia st. 20. 6. 1211 - 6. 3. 1282
Sv. Agnes Češka je bila češka princesa, hči češkega kralja Otokarja I, ki je namesto razkošnega in udobnega življenja našla smisel svojega življenja v dobrodelnosti in pobožnosti. Častiti so  jo začeli že kmalu po njeni smrti, vendar je bila šele šele čez 700 let razglašena za svetnico.

Saint Agnes of Bohemia (Czech: Svatá Anežka Česká), or Agnes of Prague, was a medieval Bohemian princess a daughter of King Ottokar I of Bohemia. She opted for a life of charity and piety over a life of luxury and comfort. Although she was venerated soon after her death, Agnes was not beatified and canonized for over 700 years.

         CZ - 667

AGNESI Maria Geatana 6. 5. 1718 - 9. 1. 1799
Italijanska matematičarka, filozofinja, teologinja in humanitarka. Je prva ženska, ki je napisala matematični priročnik in prva ženska, imenovana za profesorja matematike na univerzi na univerzi v Bolobni. Pripisujejo ji prvo knjigo, ki razpravlja o diferencialnem in integralnem računu. Je prva ženska v zahodnem svetu, ki je dosegla ugled v matematika.

She was an Italian mathematician, philosopher, theologian, and humanitarian. She was the first woman to write a mathematics handbook and the first woman appointed as a mathematics professor at a university. She is credited with writing the first book discussing both differential and integral calculus and was a member of the faculty at the University of Bologna, although she never served. She is considered to be the first woman in the Western world to have achieved a reputation in mathematics.

              I - 4030                     VA - 1938
AHMATOVA Ana Andrejevna 23. 6. 1889 - 5. 3. 1966
Ana Andrejevna Ahmatova (psevdonim Ana Ahmatova), ruska pesnica, pisateljica, literarna zgodovinarka, literarna kritičarka in prevajalka je bila ena od najbolj priznanih ruskih modernističnih pesnic. Njena dela obsegajo različne vrste pesniških del, od kratkih pesmi do pesniških ciklov, kot je tragična mojstrovina o času stalinove vlade Rekvijem (1935-40). Njen pesniški slog je izviren in se močno razlikuje od njenih sodobnikov. Stalinistična oblast je njena dela obsodila. Za razliko od mnogih drugih ustvarjalcev tega obdobja se Ahmatova ni odločila za izselitev iz Rusije temveč je ostala in postala priča grozotam režima. Ahmatova je dolga leta preživela v nenaklonjenosti režima.

Anna Akhmatova  was a Russian modernist poet, one of the most acclaimed writers in the Russian canon. Akhmatova's work ranges from short lyric poems to intricately structured cycles, such as Requiem (1935–40), her tragic masterpiece about the Stalinist terror. Her style, characterised by its economy and emotional restraint, was strikingly original and distinctive to her contemporaries. The strong and clear leading female voice struck a new chord in Russian poetry. Her writing can be said to fall into two periods – the early work (1912–25) and her later work (from around 1936 until her death), divided by a decade of reduced literary output. Her work was condemned and censored by Stalinist authorities and she is notable for choosing not to emigrate, and remaining in Russia, acting as witness to the events around her. Her perennial themes include meditations on time and memory, and the difficulties of living and writing in the shadow of Stalinism.

               RU - 2185

AIGLE Caroline 12. 9. 1974 - 21. 8. 2007
S 25 leti je francoska pilotka postala prva bojna pilotka v fancoskih letalskih silah. Posmrtno so jo odlikovali z Médaille de l'Aéronautique za dosežke v letalstvu.

A French aviator became at age of 25 the first woman fighter pilot in the French Air Force. She was posthumously awarded the Médaille de l'Aéronautique (Aeronautics Medal).


                        F - 5818

AIKENHEAD Mary mati (mother) 19. 1. 1787 - 22. 7. 1858
Nuna ustanoviteljica irskega reda Usmiljenih sester. Vzgojena je bila v anglikanski veri, vendar se je verjetno pod očetovim vplivom spreobrnila v katolicizem. Mlada Mary je bila zelo aktivna v dobrodelnih ustanovah, želela je delati z revnimi. Nadškof Murray ji je naročil naj ustanovi red usmiljenih sester na Irski. Prevzela je ime sestra Mary Augustina, vendar je bila že znana pod imenom "mrs. Aikenhead". To ime jo je spremljalo celo življenje. Sestre so obiskovale in pomagale revnim ljudem v ustanovah in doma. Red se je hitro širil, s tem tudi število donacij. To je omogočilo redu odpreti bolnice in šole za uboge po Irskem pa tudi v Franciji in Avstraliji.

Mary Aikenhead was the founder of the Irish Sisters of Charity. She was raised in the Church of England. Possibly inspired by her father, she became a Catholic on June 2nd 1802. The young Mary Aikenhead was very active in chartitable works and wanted to work with the poor. In 1812 Archbishop Murray of Dublin chose her to form a Sisters of Charity in Ireland. She took the name Sister Mary Augustine. However she was already well-known as "Mrs Aikenhead" from her charity work and this name stuck with her for the rest of her life. The Sisters visited and assisted poor people in institutions and in homes. The Sisters grew rapidly and with their increased numbers and donations, she was able to open hospitals and schools for the poor across Ireland. Missions were established abroad including France and Australia.

                    IE - 138-139

AKKIJYRKKE Miina 2. 7. 1949 -
Finska umetnica je znana po svojih slikah, risbah in skulpturah.  Zana je tudi kot zaščitnik domače finske pridelave mleka.

She is a Finnish artist. She is known for her paintings, drawings and sculptures. She is also a protector of Finncattle, the native Finnish dairy breed. She is known for her disdain for mainstream culture, and her actions have aroused controversy.

                        FI - 2048

AKRAKA Maria 7. 7. 1966 -
Švedska atletinja - tekačica na srednje proge je bila devetkrat švedska prvakinja na 1500 in 3000 m. Nastopila je na štirih evropskih prvenstvih, treh svetovnih prvenstvih in na OI 1992.

Swedish athlete - middledistance runner. She has competed in four European Championships and three World Championships and in the 1992 Olympic games in the distance 1500 metres and in 800 metres running. She retired in 2000.

            S - 1898

ALBRECHT Berthie 15. 2. 1893 - 6. 6. 1943
Francoska medicinska sestra je med prvo svetovno vojno delala v vojaški bolnici. Med drugo svetovno vojno je pomagala nemškim beguncem pred nacisti z denarjem in namestitvijo. Zaradi tega jo je gestapo aretiral in ustrelil. Posthumno je bila odlikovana s Cross of Companion of the Release, Military decoration, Military Cross with palms in Medal of Resistance. 

French feminist. She was nurs and worked in a military hospital during the WW I. During the WW II she helped the German refugees of the Nazism in order to get money, housing and work to them. She was arrested by Gestapo and  shot. She received posthumous the Cross of Companion of the Release, the Military decoration, the Military Cross with palms and the Medal of Resistance.

                  F - 2417

ALDORINO Kaiane 8. 7. 1986 -
Gibraltarka je leta 2009 postala miss Gibraltar in kot prva Gibraltarka istega leta tudi miss sveta 2009 v Johanesburgu v Južni Afriki.

She is a Gibraltarian beauty titleholder who was crowned Miss Gibraltar 2009 and Miss World the same year in Johannesburg, South Africa. She was the first Miss Gibraltar ever to reach the semifinals of the Miss World beauty.

                                                                       GI - 1382
ALFELT Else 16. 9. 1910 - 9. 8. 1974
Danska slikarka, članica avantgardne skupine COBRA (1948-51). Else ni imela formalne slikarske izobrazbe. Slikati je začela že zelo zgodaj, saj je svoja dela začela pošiljati na dansko letno umetniško razstavo že leta 1929. Toda prva njena dela (dva naturalistična portreta) so razstavili šele leta 1936. Kmalu potem je začela ustvarjati v abstraktnem stilu. Pridružila se je COBRI. Ustvarjala je tudi mozaike. Leta 1961 je prejela nagrado Tagea Brandt Rejselegat.
Na znamki
DK-1447 je njena slika: Nočna Pokrajina.

She was Danish painter member of a European avant-garde movement COBRA active from 1949 to 1952. Alfelt begun her painting career early but never had any formal education in art. She sent art pieces to the yearly show of Danish artists Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling beginning in 1929, but was not accepted there until 1936 displaying two naturalistic portraits. Soon after this, her painting style switched over to abstract.  She joined COBRA. Alfelt's art often uses the shape of spirals, mountains and spheres as an expression of "inner space". Apart from paintings she produced several mosaic pieces. She was awarded the Tagea Brandt Rejselegat in 1961.

            DK - 1447

Albanska junakinja, ki je rešila utapljajočega otroka.

Albanian heroine, rescued a drowning child.

               AL - 1894
ALIEVA FAZU 5. 12. 1932 - 1. 1. 2016

Fazu Alijeva (1932-2016) is an outstanding poet, novelist, and journalist, a prominent public figure, a national poet of Dagestan, and a holder of the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called. She authored more than 80 books of poems and novels, many of which were translated into 68 languages. Fazu Alijeva was awarded with two Badge of Honor Orders, the Order of Peoples’ Friendship, Orders of Merit for the Motherland of 4 and 3 degrees, and the Order of Merit for the Republic of Dagestan, along with many foreign and civic awards and literary prizes. In 1969, she was awarded the title of the national poet of Dagestan. In 2002, she was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called, Russia’s highest decoration, for her special merits to Russia.


                  RU - 2471
ALIMBEKAVA Dzinara 5.1.1996 -
Beloruska biatlonka v Kazahstanu je na olimpijskih igrah 2018 osvojila zlato medaljo v štafeti 4 × 6 km. Rodila se je v Kazahstanu, očetu Kazahstancu in materi Rusinji. Dzinara je profesionalna pianistka, v prostem času drsa in trenira deskanje na snegu. Na znamki BY-1253 so še: Nadežda Skardino, Irina Krivko, in Darja Domračeva.

She is a Kazakhstan-born Belarusian biathlete won a gold medal in the 4×6 km relay at the 2018 Olympics. Alimbekava was born in Kazakhstan, to a Kazakh father and Russian mother. Dzinara is professionally trained in piano, she skates and practices snowboarding in free time. n stamp BY-1253 are also Nadežda Skardino, Irina Krivko and Darja Domračeva.

                       BY - 1253
ALISTAR Elena 1. 6. 1873 - 1955
Moldovska učiteljica, predsednica ženske zveze Romunije.
Na znamki MD-212 sta tudi
Iulia Hasdeu in Marie Curie.

Moldovian teacher, president of women's league.
On stamp MD-212 are also Iulia Hasdeu and Marie Curie.

          MD - 210                        MD - 212

ALVER Betti 23. 11. 1906 - 19. 6. 1989
Estonska pisateljica je v letih 1924-27 študirala filozofijo na univerzi v Tartuju. Njeno prvo pomembno delo je roman Vetrovi Paramourja (Tuulearmuke, 1927). Svoje pesmi, ki jih je pisala že od leta 1930 je objavljala v književnih revijah. Aktivna je bila tudi kot prevajalka, znan je njen prevod puškinovega Evgenija Onjegina.

She studied at the Faculty of Philosophy of Tartu University in 1924–27. Her first major work was a novel, Tuulearmuke (The Wind’s Paramour, 1927). Writing verse since the early 1930s, she published a number of narrative poems in literary journals and a retrospective collection of lyrics Tolm ja tuli (Dust and Fire, 1936). It stood out for artistic maturity, being a hymn to the truthfulness and beauty of art. Other major collections include Tähetund (Starry Hour, 1966), Eluhelbed (Flakes of Life, 1971) and Korallid Emajões (Corals in the Emajõgi, 1986). Alver has also worked as a translator, producing wonderful Estonian versions of poems by Pushkin. Her translation of Eugene Onegine (1964) is regarded as the summit of translated literature in Estonian. Betti Alver’s verses are strictly classical in form, naturally worded and technically superb. The have had a major impact on the development of Estonian poetry.

EE - 567

ALVES Laura 8. 9. 1922 - 6. 5. 1986
Portugalska gledališka in filmska igralka.

She was a Portuguese actress and film star.

See in
Wikipedia (in portuguese).

                  P - 2136                           P - 3663

AMAYA Carmen 2. 11. 1913 - 19. 11. 1963
Špansko plesalko smatrajo za eno največjih plesalk flamenka. Na višku njene kariere v 50. in 60. letih je bila mednarodna ikona. Bila je divja, eksotična, strastna ženska, ponosna Španka polna ciganskega duha.

Carmen Amaya is considered by many to be one of the greatest flamenco dancers who ever lived. During the peak of her career in the 40's and 50's, she was an international cultural icon who combined fury with tenderness wild, exotic woman with the fierce pride of Spain and the uncontrolled vagrancy of the Gypsy spirit.

        E - 3281

ANDESON GARRETT Elizabeth 9. 6. 1836 - 17. 12. 1917
Prva angleška ženska zdravnica se je rodila v Londonu. Leta 1860 je začela študirati medicino, čeprav ženskam ni bil študij dovoljen. Leta 1865 je diplomirala. Ustanovila je dispanzer za ženske v Londonu, kjer je izvajala medicinske tečaje za ženske. Dispanzer so kasneje preimenovali po njej. Leta 1890 je diplomirala na univerzi v Parizu in postala zdravnica. Leta 1908 je bila izvoljena kot prva ženska županja v Angliji za županjo Aldeburgha. Njena hčerka Louisa Anderson je med prvo svetovno vojno v Franciji organizirala bolnice. Napisala je tudi biografijo svoje matere.

Physician, the first English woman doctor, born in London. In 1860 she began studying medicine, in the face of opposition to the admission of women, and eventually (1865) qualified as a medical practitioner by passing the Apothecaries' Hall examination. In 1866 she established a dispensary for women in London (later renamed the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital), where she instituted medical courses for women. In 1870 she was given the degree of MD by the University of Paris. She married J.Anderson in 1871, and in 1908 she was elected Mayor of Aldeburgh, the first woman mayor in England. Her daughter Louisa Anderson (1878–1943) organized hospitals in France in World War I, and wrote her mother's biography.

          Jersey - 735                    GB - 2675

ANDERSON Lena 27. 5. 1939 -
Švedska pisateljica in ilustratorka otroških in mladinskih knjig.
Na znamki S-2734 je njena ilustracija: Majina abeceda.

She is a published author and an illustrator of children's books and young adult books. Some of the published credits of Lena Anderson include Hedgehog, Pig and the Sweet Little Friend, Hedgehog's Secret, Linnea en el Jardin de Monet, and Eugenia in Venice.
On stamp S-2734: Maja’s Alphabet.

             S -2734

ANDERSON Maria 4. 12. 1981 -
Švedska pevka in kitaristka rock skupine Sahara Hotnight. Skupaj z bobnarjem Josephine Forsman pišeta komade za svojo skupino.

A Swedish singer and guitarist of the rock group Sahara Hotnights. Together with drummer Josephine Forsman she writes the group's song material.

S - 2432

ANDERSSON Bibbi 11. 11. 1935 - 14.4.2019
Švedska filmska igralka je začela igrati v gledališču Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern. Ingmar Bergman jo je odkril, ko je 17 letna nastopala v Malmoju. Najprej je igrala v majhni  toda sijajni vlogi v TV filmu
Nasmeh poletne noči (1955). Igrala je v filmih: Sedmi pečat, Divje jagode, Kriki in šepetanje.
Na znamki S-3232 je tudi Liv Ullmann.

Swedish actress Bibi Andersson received her training at the legendary Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, then graduated to the Royal Theatre of Stockholm. While performing in a stage production in Malmo, the 17-year-old Bibi, she was discovered for films by Ingmar Bergman, who tested her in a TV soap commercial before casting her in a small but showy role in Smiles of a Summer Night (1955). Exhibiting a more capricious image than most Bergman heroines, Ms. Andersson played breezily insouciant characters in the otherwise sober-sided The seventh Seal (1957) and Wild Strawberries (1958). Her first important all-dramatic assignment was the neurotic unwed mother-to-be in Bergman's Brink of Life , for which she was honored with a Cannes Film Festival prize. Arguably her finest work under Bergman's guidance was as garrulous nurse Alma in Persona (1966), who gradually exchanges personalities with her near-comatose patient Liv Ullmann. She was also featured in one episode of Bergman's made-for-television Scenes from a Marriage (1973). On the Swedish stage, Bibi has starred in such imports as Arthur Miller's After the Fall and Edward Albee's Who`s Afraid of Virginia Woolf.
On stamp
S-3232 is also Liv Ullmann.

             S - 1902                             S - 3232

ANDERSSON Agneta 25. 4. 1961 -
Švedska športnica - kajakašica je na OI 1984 dobila dve zlati medalji v kajaku enosedu K-1 in dvosedu K-2 z Anno Olsson (na znamki
S-1676) ter srebrno v kajaku K-4. Na OI 1992 je dobila srebrno medaljo v kajaku K-2 z Susanne Gunnarsson in bronasto medaljo v kajaku K-4. Na OI 1996 pa je dobila zlato medaljo v kajaku K-2 z Susanne Gunnarsson.

Swedish sportwoman, winner of two gold medals in 1984 OG for kayak singles K-1 and kayak pairs K-2 with Anna Olsson (also on stamp S-1676) and one silver medal fo kayak K-4. On OG 1992 she won one silver medal (kayak K-2 with Susanne Gunnarsson) and one bronse medal (kayak K-4). On OG 1996 she won gold medal for kayak K-2 also with Susanne Gunnarsson.

              S -1676
ANDERSSON Harriet 14. 1. 1932 -
Švedska gledališka in filmska igralka. Kot plesalka je nastopala v švedskih mjuziklih in filmih. Slavo je dosegla v filmu Ingmarja Bergmana Sawdust and Tinsel
(1953). Igrala je še v Bergmanovih filmih: Through a Glass Darkly (1961), Cries and Whispers (1973) in Fanny and Alexander (1982).

Trained as a dancer, Harriet Andersson worked her way up from the chorus in Swedish musical revues to supporting parts in films. Impressed by her work in a previous picture, director Ingmar Bergman fashioned a vehicle specifically tailored to Harriet's talents, Summer With Monika (1953). Exuding an earthy, sexually insatiable screen image, Harriet gained international fame with her next Bergman project, Sawdust and Tinsel (1953), in which her slatternly character committed many of her worst indiscretions in the nude. Never confined to any one characterization, Harriet proved to be one of the most versatile members of the Bergman stock company: some of her finest work can be seen in Through a Glass Darkly (1961), and, as the dying Agnes, in Cries and Whispers (1973). She remained with Bergman all the way up to his last theatrical feature, Fanny and Alexander (1982), in which she was cast as Justina.

 S - 1172

ANDREASEN Astrid 1948 -
Umetnica na tekstilu iz Faorerskih otokov je zaposlena ja v Zgodovinskem muzeju na Ferskih otokih. Ilustrirala je številke znamke Ferskih otokov.
Na znamki
Faroe-448 je njen plakat: Ribje drevo.

Astrid Andreasen was born in Vestmanna in Faroe and has a broad-based artistic background, having attended Kerteminde school of handicrafts, Ĺrhus Art Academy, Jerlsborg School at Tjarnř and Holbćk Folk High School of art. Today Astrid Andreasen works as an artist at the Faroe Islands Museum of History. She illustrated many Faroese post stamps.
On stamp
Faroe-448 is her poster: Fish Tree.

       Faroe - 448

ANDREASSEN Elisabeth 28. 3. 1958 -
Švedsko norveška pevka je najbolj znana po nastopu na Evrosongu 1985 kjer je skupaj z Hanne Krogh (tudi na znamki
N-1720) nastopila v duetu Bobbysocks. S pesmijo La det swinge sta zmagali. Elisabeth igra kitaro, klavir in kontrabas ter prepeva različne žanre: country, pop, rock, balade in opere.
She is a Swedish-Norwegian singer who has finished both first and second in the Eurovision Song Contest. She is mostly famous from Eurovision Song Contest 1985 when she and Hanne Krogh (also on stamp
N-1720)  participated as Bobbysocks with the song La det swinge, and won. Elisabeth Andreassen is an artist in many genres. She has sung country, pop, rock, ballads and opera. She plays three instruments; guitar, piano and contrabass. She has also been a revue and musical artist.

              N - 1720
ANDRI Zina 1924 - 15. 1. 1980
Albanska gledališka režiserka je bila rojena v Ukrajini. Študirala ja na moskovskem gledališkem institutu Lunaçarski.

Albanian film director was the first woman director of the National Theatre. Her real name was Zinaida Andrejenko. She was born in a Ukrainian famil. She studied at the University of Moscow Theatre Institute Lunaçarski.


                     AL - 2994

ANGELO Carolina Beatriz 16. 4. 1877 - 3. 10. 1911
Prva portugalska kirurginja in prva Portugalka izvoljena v parlament (1911). Bila je članica številnih feminističnih organizacij.

Portuguese doctor (the first female surgeon to operate at the S. José Hospital), was the first Portuguese female voter, in 1911, for the Republican Constitutional Parliament. She argued that she was entitled to do so as she was the head of a household. The law was changed some time later, stating that only male heads of households could vote. In 1931, during the Estado Novo regime, women were allowed to vote for the first time, but only if they had a high school or university degree, while men had only to be able to read and write. She was a member of several feminist organisations and director of the Feminist Propaganda Association.


              P - 3463

Angouleme Marguerite 1492 - 1549
Navarska kraljica (sestra francoskega kralja Fracisa I), pesnica in pisateljica. Poročena je bila z navarskim kraljem Henrikom II in se je zavzemala za protestante. Njen dvor je bil središče renesančnih umetnikov in učenjakov. Njeno glavno delo je Heptameron (1558) zbirka 70 povesti, po strukturi podobni Dekameronu. V njej je hvalila krepost in duhovitost ter satirično orisala hinavstvo in grabežljivost menihov.

Quenn of Navarre, poet and storywriter, was sister of king Francis I of France. Her court at Navarre was full of literary men like Étienne Dolet, Clément Marot, and François Rabelais. She is best known for the Heptaméron (1558), the collection of 72 stories in the manner of Boccaccio. She also wrote plays and poems.

          F - 2891
ANNEKE Mathilde Franziska 3. 4. 1817 -  25. 11. 1884
Nemška pisateljica, borka za ženske pravice. Ker ni bila bogata se je poročila z bogatim moškim od katerega pa se je po treh letih ločila. Začela je pisati, da je preživljala sebe in hčerko. Drugič se je poročila s politično aktivnim Fritzom Annekem. Leta 1847 je izdala pamflet v podporo borki za ženske pravice Louisi Aston. Po porazu Baden-Palatinatskega upora se je preselila v ZDA. Tam jo je mož zapustil, sama pa je živela z mlajšo ameriško Indijanko. Leta 1960 sta se preselili v Švico, kjer je bil center nemško govorečih lezbijk. Ko je partnerka umrla, se je Anneke vrnila v ZDA z novo partnerico Cacilie Kapp. Tu sta v Milwaukeeju ustanovili dekliško šolo.

German-American woman's rights advocate, author, and educator, was born in Prussia. Her family was not financially secure, so she married a wealthy man. Three years later she divorced. To earn a living for herself and her daughter, she began to work as a writer. She married second time in 1847 with the politically active Fritz Anneke and in the same year she published a pamphlet in defence of the women's rights activist Louise Aston. In 1849, after the defeat of the Baden-Palatinate uprising, the couple fled to US. In 1859 Fritz returned to Europe and Mathilde, after ten years of marriage and five children, established a love relationship with Mary Booth, a younger woman of American Indian parentage. In 1860 they moved to Switzerland, a country that was soon to become a centre for German-speaking lesbians and emancipated women. After Booth's death in 1865, Anneke returned to the US with her new partner, Cäcilie Kapp. The two women founded a girls' school in Milwaukee.

D - 1392           Berlin - 827

APPLEGATE Jessice-Jane 22. 8. 1996 -
Britanska paraolimpijska plavalka je na paraolimpijskih igrah 2012 v Londonu osvojila v kategoriji S14 na 200 m prosto zlato medaljo.

She is a British Paralympic swimmer. Applegate competes in S14 events mainly freestyle and backstroke preferring shorter distances. She qualified for the 2012 Summer Paralympics and in the S14 200m freestyle, Applegate won the gold medal setting a Paralympic record.

                              GB - 3339

d`AQUITAINE Aliénor  1122 - 1. 4. 1204
Francoska in angleška kraljica, vojvodinja Aquitainie je bila ena najbogatejših in vplivnih žensk evropskega srednjega veka. Bila je pokroviteljica literatov Wace, Benoît de Sainte-More in Chretien de Troyes. Ko je nasledila svojega očeta in postala vojvodinja Aquitnaska in grofica Poitersa je postala najbolj zaželena nevesta Evrope.

Queen of England (1154-1189), Queen of France, Duchess of Aquitaine (from 1137) (in French: Aliénor d’Aquitaine, Éléonore de Guyenne) was one of the wealthiest and most powerful women in Western Europe during the High Middle Ages. As well as being Duchess of Aquitaine in her own right, she was queen consort of France 1137-1152 and queen consort of England 1154-1189. She was the patroness of such literary figures as Wace, Benoît de Sainte-More, and Chrétien de Troyes. Eleanor succeeded her father as suo jure Duchess of Aquitaine and Countess of Poitiers at the age of fifteen, and thus became the most eligible bride in Europe.

        F- 3784                                 F - 5826
ARAGON Agustina de 1786 - 1857
Španska junakinja vojne za neodvisnost
. Med Napoleonovim napadom na mesto Saragosa leta 1808 je bila med branitelji mesta. Ko so bili vsi branitelji pri mestnih vratih Portillo mrtvi, je vzela vžigalnik mrtvemu branitelju in sprožila top. S tem je za nekaj časa rešila obrambo na tem mestu. 

Spanish heroine of the War for Independence, She lived in the town of Saragossa located in the providence of Aragon, Spain, became an unlikely heroine when Napoleon’s army besieged the city in 1808. During the attack of Napoleon`s soilders when at one moment every man of the defenders at the gate called Portillo lay dead, she caught the match from the hand of a dead gunner and fired his twenty-six-pounder. She saved in that critical moment the Portillo for that time.

                E - 1751                    E - XXIV

d'ARENY PLANDOLIT Maria Assumpta 15. 9. 1860 - 17. 8. 1982

She was the daughter of Don Guillem of Areny-Plandolit and Carolina de Plandolit i Pelatí. The family was among the most notable of Andorra at the time, with great economic power, based on breeding then on other activities like trade and the iron and steel industry.  In the year 2000 the Andorran historian and writer Joan Peruga made Maria Assumpta the main character of her novel "L'Últim Estiu a Ordino" ("The Last Summer in Ordino"), based on the letters she sent to her brother Joaquim.This historical novel mixes reality and fiction and is situated in one of the most turbulent moments in the history of the family. The family occupied a house on the main street of Ordino, now home to the Areny-Plandolit Museum. The painted portraits of the members of the family decorate the walls, among them the portrait of Maria Assumpta of Areny-Plandolit.


     Andora-F 819
ARHIPOVA Irina 2. 1. 1925 -11. 2. 2010
Ruska operna pevka – mezo-sopranistka. Najprej je pela v Rusiji v Bolšoj teatru in Sverdlovski operi, kasneje pa tudi po Evropi in v ZDA. Najprej je študirala arhitekturo in leta 1948 diplomirala na Arhitekturnem inštitutu v Moskvi , nato pa na moskovskem konservatoriju. Leta 1954 je debirala in postala članica Bolšoj teatra. Leta 1966 je bila imanovana za Ljudskega umetnika Sovjetske zveze.

She was a Russian mezzo-soprano, and later contralto, opera singer. She sang leading roles first in Russia at the Sverdlovsk Opera and the Bolshoi Theater, and then throughout Europe and in the United States. She studied architecture at the Moscow Architectural Institute, graduating in 1948. She then studied at the Moscow Conservatory. In 1954 she debuted in Sverdlovsk, and was made a member of the Bolshoi Theatre in 1956. She became a member of the CPSU in 1963 and was named a People's Artist of the USSR in 1966. Arkhipova was at the height of her career in the 1960s and 1970s, during which time she was an international star, interpreting both Russian and Italian repertoire. Her technique was irreproachable, and she had great expressive power. She has been compared with Christa Ludwig. One of her most celebrated roles is as Marfa in Khovanshchina by Modest Mussorgsky, as recorded with Boris Khaikin in 1972. At the age of 72, Arkhipova finally made a belated Metropolitan debut in March 1997 as Filippyevna in Eugene Onegin.

                       RU -1835
ARENAL Concepcion 31. 1. 1820 - 4. 2. 1893
Španska feministka, socialna reformatorka, pisateljica. Je prva Španka, ki je obiskovala univerzo. Ker je bilo ženskam prepovedano obiskovati univerzo se je oblačila v moške obleke. Je začetnica in ustanoviteljica španskega ženskega gibanja.

Spanish feminist, social reformer, novelist, excelled in literature, and was the first woman ever to go to university in Spain. She dressed masculine clothes, since education on universitas was forbidden for women. She also started and led the Spanish feminist movement.

E - 685      E - 637

ARENDSEE Martha 29. 3. 1885 - 22. 5. 1953
Nemška komunistka, političarka, članica nemške komunistične partije. Leta 1933 je emigrirala v Sovjetsko zvezo, kjer je delala na propagandnem oddelku moskovskega radia. Po vojni je bila v izvršnem komiteju komunistične partije in vodja oddelka za socialno politiko.

German communist, politician. She was member of German communist party and dedicated herself above all to the woman's work and the social politics. She  emigrated to the Soviet Union and worked 1941-1945 on the Muscovite broadcast. 1946-47 worked it in the party executive committee of the SED and were until 1948 chief of the department of social politics of the FDGB.

          GDR - 2012

ARENDT Hannah 14. 10. 1906 - 4. 12. 1975
Nemška učiteljica, pisateljica, politična filozofinja. Študirala je na univerzah v Marburgu in Heidelbergu. Pred nacisti je 1933 zbežala v Francijo in 1941 v ZDA. Tu je najprej delala pri judovskih organizacijah, nato pa se je posvetila izključno pisanju in poučevanju na univerzah. Njene knjige pesimistično opisujejo položaj človeka in so povzročile močne polemike, kjerkoli so se pojavile. Nekatera njena dela: The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951), The Human Condition (1958), Eichmann in Jerusalem (1963), On Revolution (1963), On Violence (1970), Crises of the Republic (1972), in The Life of the Mind (1977).

Hannah Arendt was a teacher, writer, and political philosopher. Educated at the universities of Marburg, Freiburg, and Heidelberg, she left Germany in 1933 for France. In 1941, fleeing the Nazis, she went to the United States. She worked for Jewish relief agencies until 1952, then devoted herself primarily to university teaching and writing. She held professorial positions at Princeton, the University of Chicago, and the New School for Social Research. Her books, which viewed the human condition pessimistically, generated extensive controversy when they appeared. They included The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951), The Human Condition (1958), Eichmann in Jerusalem (1963), On Revolution (1963), On Violence (1970), Crises of the Republic (1972), and The Life of the Mind (1977).

D -2566                          D - 1391         Berlin - 826

Moldavska slikarka: Otrok.

Moldavian painter: Child.


               MD - 785
Eskimka z Greenlanda, članica 5. polarne ekspedicije, ki jo je vodil Knud Rasmundsen in je raziskovala Grenland.

Eskimo woman from Greenland, member of 5th Thule expedition (with her husband) of Knud Rasmussen through Geenland in 1923 and 1924. Expedition based on Eskimo travel and hunting techniques. Rasmundssen produced detailed ethnographic monographs on the Netsilik and Cooper Eskimos. All eskimos except her died. She retun to Thule in 1925.

        Greenland - 293

ARMIN Bettina von 4. 4. 1785 - 20. 1. 1859
Žena Ludvika Joachima von Armin, nemškega romantičnega pesnika in pisatelja. Zbral in izdal je skupaj s svojim svakom zbirko nemških narodnih pesmi. Bettina pa je znana po svoji korespondenci z Goethejem, ki je bila leta 1837 izdana v knjižni obliki. V času nemške romantike je bila je najodličnejša ženska intelektualka. Zavzemala se je za emancipacijo žensk, s sočutjem je pisala o preprostih ljudeh in njihovih težavah, ukvarjala se je tudi z glasbo in kiparstvom. Za njeno delo je značilna ostra kritika pruske države in zavzemanje za brezpravne družbene plasti. Opozarja na bedo ljudstva, upor šlezijskih tkalcev 4. - 6.6. 1844.

She was wife of Ludwig Joachim von Arnim a German romantic poet and novelist whose fame rests on the volume of German folk poetry he collected and edited with his brother-in-law Clemens Brentano, is best known for her correspondence with Goethe, published in 1835 Goethe's Correspondence with a Child. She was foremost among the intellectually emancipated women of the romantic period in Germany.

         Berlin - 730

ARONI Mary 1914 - 16. 7. 1992
Grška igralka igrati je začela leta 1935. Igrala je v glavnem v gledališču pa tudi v štirih filmih.

She was a famous Greek actress. She first appeared in theatre in 1935 and she mainly acted in theatre. She made only four cinema appearances in her acting life. She played in cinema together with Dionysis Papagiannopoulos and Lambros Konstantaras.

GR - 2644

ASANAVIČIUTE Loreta 22. 4. 1967 - 13. 1. 1991
Ena od protestnikov, 16-tih žrtev, ki jih je vojska Sovjetske Zveze pretepla in povozila z vojaškimi vozili (na privesku so imena vseh žrtev).

She is one of 16 victims of the Armed Forces of the USSR. On 11 and 13 January 1991 units of the Soviet Army occupied the buildings of the Press Building, the Radio and Television Committee and TV Tower in Vilnus, Litva. Unarmed people wanted to protect the free press and the free word, were gathered at these buildings. Soviet soldiers beat the people with rifle butts and crushed them under the wheels of armored carriers and tank treads. (on label are names of victims).

LT - 750

ASARANKA Viktorija 31. 7. 1989 -
Ruska profesionalna tenisačica je v letih 2012 in 2013 zmagala na Avstralskem open turnirju med posameznicami. Na OI 2012 je osvojila zlato medaljo v mešanih parih z Maxom Mirny in bronasto med posameznicami.

She is a Belarusian professional tennis player. She won two Australian Open singles titles (2012, 2013). At the 2012 Summer Olympics in London she won bronze medal in single and gold medal in mixed doubles with Max Mirny.

              BY - 967

ASILIAN Dimitra 10. 7. 1972 -
Grška športnica članica grške ženske vaterpolo ekipe, ki je na OI 2004 v Atenah osvojila srebrno medaljo.

She was member of greek water polo team that won silver medal OG 2004 Athene.

GR - 2255
ASLAN Ana 22. 5. 1897 - 8. 5. 1988
Romunska zdravnica, iznajditeljica geriatričnega preparata Gerovital-GH3. Ustanovila in vodila je Državni inštitut za proučevanje starostnih bolezni. Vse svoje življenje je posvetila raziskovanju propadanja celic zaradi starosti. S preparatom Gerovital-GH3 je odkrila način kako upočasniti in celo  preusmeriti propadanje celic zaradi staranja.

Romanian doctor. She was General Director of the State Institute for Geriatric Research and Geriatric Medicine in Bucharest, Romania, which she founded. It is the oldest institute of its kind worldwide. Dr. and scientist Ana Aslan dedicated her life to the research of the decaying cells, which we call “old age”. After several decades of research, it was in this institute that Dr. Aslan discovered the method that slows down and sometime reverse the premature decay and aging process. She called it the Gerovital Gh3 Treatment.

RO - 5174

AUBRAC Lucie 29. 6. 1914 - 10. 4. 2012
Francoska učiteljica zgodovine in članica francoskega odporniškega gibanja med drugo svetovno vojno. Ona in njen mož Raymond sta leta 1941 ustanovila francoski odporniško gibanje v Libération-Sudu.

She was a French history teacher and member of the French Resistance during World War II. She and her husband Raymond founded in 1941 French Resistance in Libération-Sud.

               F - 7016
AUGUST Pernilla 13. 2. 1958 -
Švedska igralka, režiserka in scenaristka. Kot ena izmed vodilnih igralk na Švedskem in dolgoletna sodelavka z režiserjem Ingmarjem Bergmanom je na filmskem festivalu v Cannesu leta 1992 prejela nagrado za najboljšo igralko za vlogo v filmu "Najboljše namere". Najbolj je znana po upodobitvi Shmi Skywalker v Vojnah zvezd: Epizoda I - Fantomska grožnja in Vojne zvezd: Epizoda II - Napad klonov. Igrala je tudi pomembne vloge pod Bergmanovo režijo v Kraljevem dramskem gledališču, vključno z glavno vlogo v Mariji Stuart (S-3233).

Pernilla August is a Swedish actress, director and screenwriter. Being one of Sweden's leading actresses and a longtime collaborator with director Ingmar Bergman, she won the Best Actress Award at the 1992 Cannes Film Festival for her role in his The Best Intentions. She is best known for portraying Shmi Skywalker in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace and Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones.
She has also played important roles under Bergman's direction at the Royal Dramatic Theatre, including the lead in Maria Stuart (

           S - 3233

AUNG SAN SUU KYI 19. 6. 1945 -
Hči umorjenega burmanskega politika in bojevnika za neodvisnost Burme. Med protesti proti diktatorju Ne Vinu leta 1988 se je začela zavzemati za človekove pravice in demokratizacijo države. Na volitvah 1990 je s stranko Narodna zveza za demokracijo dobila 80 odstotkov glasov, vendar vojaški režim teh rezultatov ni priznal. Obsodil jo je na hišni pripor do 1995. Leta 1991 je prejela nagrado A. Saharova za zavzemanje za človekove pravice in Nobelovo nagrado za mir.

She is Burmese political leader. Her father was general Aung San, father of Burmese independence.  In 1991 she awarded for Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.

             N - 1399

AUNLI Berit 9. 6. 1956 -
Norveška smučarska tekačica. Leta 1982 je na svetovnem prvenstvu osvojila tri zlate medalje: v teku na 5 km, na 10 km in v štafeti. Tega leta je zmagala tudi v svetovnem pokalu v klasičnih disciplinah. Na OI 1984 je zmagala v štafeti 4 x 5 km. Na 5 km teku pa je bila druga. Na znamki
N-1030 je zmagovalna ekipa iz OI 1984: Aunli Berit, Britt Pettersen, Inger Helene Nybraten in Anne Jahren.

Norwegian cross country skier. She won three gold medals in 1982 World Shampionship for 5 km, 10 km and relay. She also won the World Cup this year. In 1984 OG she won a gold medal in 4 x 5 km relay (the complete team is on stamp N-1030: Aunli Berit, Britt Pettersen, Inger Helene Nybraten and Anne Jahren) and silver in 5 km.

                N - 1030

AURDAL Synove Anker 18. 12. 1908 - 2. 4. 2000
Norveška slikarka ustvarja v tekstilu. Razvila je svoj monumentalni stil. V svojih delih, ki jih navdihuje stara norveška tradicija tkanja uporablja najlon, žico in kovinske bisere. Njena dela najdemo v številnih uradnih in poslovnih stavbah po celi Norveški.
Na znamki N-2288 je njena slika: Red Moon.

Norwegian textile artist, After first creating traditional tapestries she has developed her own monumental style using materials as nylon, wire and pearls of metal. Her works are mainly inspired by old Norwegian weaving but always made in a contemporary style of our time. The tapestries of Aurdal is present in a big number of official and commercial buildings all over Norway. In addition to the decoration in Haakonshallen in Bergen her main work is Space and words (2 x 7 m), a gift from Norway to the 11th centenary celebration of the Icelandic nation.
On stamp
N-2288 is her painting: Red Moon.

               N - 2288

AURIOL Jacqueline 5. 11. 1917 - 11. 2. 2000
Francoska pilotka je v 50. letih dosegla več letalskih rekordov. Leta 1951 je postala najhitrejša ženska na svetu, dosegla je povprečno hitrost 818 kilometrov na uro. S tem je premagala rekord Američanke Jacqueline Cochran iz leta 1947. Hitrostne rekorde je dosegala tudi leta 1962 in 1963 z mirage III R jetom. Leta 1953 je z Mirage IV kot prva ženska prebila zvočni zid. Pri 30 letih se je hudo ponesrečila, nesreča jo je iznakazila. Po številnih plastičnih operacijah je pilotirala še vse do začetka 70. let. Za svoje dosežke je prijela številna priznanja: trikrat ameriško nagrado harmon za najodmevnejši letalski dosežek v letu, sprejeli so jo v legijo časti.

She was a French aviatrix who set several world speed records. In 1938, she married Paul Auriol, son of Vincent Auriol who later became President of France. During World War II, Jacqueline Auriol, worked against the German occupation of France by helping the French Resistance. She earned a military pilot license in 1950 then qualified as one of the first female test pilots. She was among the first women to break the sound barrier and set five world speed records. She was one of the first pilots to fly the supersonic Concorde.

                          F - 3720  

AUSSEN Cilly 4. 1. 1909 - 22. 3. 1963
Nemška teniška igralka je leta 1931 med ženskami posamezno zmagala dvakrat na velikih slam turnirjih: v Parizu in Wimbeldonu nakar je zaradi bolezni prenehala z aktivnim igranjem tenisa.

German tennis player, won two Grand Slams: 1931 French Open Womens Singles and 1931 Wimbeldon Womens Singles then retired from tennis due to illness.

 D - 1365         Berlin - 811
AUSTEN Jane 16. 12. 1775 - 18. 7. 1817
Ena največjih britanskih romanopiscev je močno vplivala na razvoj angleškega romana. Njenih šest romanov, ki jih je napisala v obdobju romantike in predstavljajo tematsko enoto, so eden največjih dosežkov angleške literature. Med njena najbolj popularna dela spadajo: Pride and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park, Emma.

Jane Austen  one of the greatest of British fiction writers, had a major impact on the development of the English novel. Her six  novels, written during the romantic period, combine 18th- and  19th-century concerns and modes of fiction and together have a  thematic unity and a consistent excellence that make them one of the supreme achievements of English literature. Among her most popular novels are: Pride and Prejudice,  Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park, Emma.

                                                                    GB - 688-691                                             

                                                             GB - 3407-3412    

AVELLANEDA Gertrudis Gomez de 23. 3. 1814 - 2. 2. 1873
Španska pisateljica se je rodila na Kubi in se leta 1936 preselila v Španijo. Njeni strastni in grenki verzi odražajo nesrečno ljubezensko
razmerje. Spada med vodilne španske romantične pesnike. Pisala je tudi romane: El Mulato Sab, s proti suženjsko tematiko, drame in verska dela. Pisala je pod psevdonimom La peregrina.

Spanish dramatist and poet, was born in Cuba and removed to Spain in 1836. Her passionate and poignant verses reflecting an unhappy love affair won her a high place among Spanish romantic poets. She also wrote problem novels, such as the antislavery El Mulato Sab (1841), and dramas on historical and religious subjects, including Alfonso Munio (1844), SaUl (1849), and Baltasar (1858). Her pseudonym was La peregrina.

          E - 2329

AVERINA Tatyana 25. 6. 1950 - 22. 8. 2001
Ruska hitrostna drsalka je na OI v Insbrucku leta 1976 osvojila dve zlati in dve srebrni medalji.

She was a Soviet Russian speed skater. In the 1976 Winter Olympics in Innsbruck she won two gold and two bronze.

           RU - 2007

AYHAN Sureyya 6. 9. 1978 -
Turška atletinja, tekačica na srednjih progah. Tek je začela trenirati pod vodstvom svojega očeta, ki je amaterski atlet. Tekmovati je začela 1992. Povedala je: "Odkril me je moj sedanji trener, ko sem tekmovala na lokalnem prvenstvu. Rada tečem že od otroških let. Tek je zame izziv". Je prva Turkinja, ki je kdajkoli prišla do polfinala na OI. To se je zgodilo on OI 2000 v Sydneyu. Naslednje leto pa je kot prva Turkinja nastopila v finalu svetovnega prvenstva. V leti 2002 in 2003 je bila najboljša evropska atletinja v teku na 1500 metrov. Je turška rekorderka na 800 m in 1500m.

Sureyya Ayhan (turkish full name: Süreyya Ayhan Kop) is a Turkish middle distance track runner and was an European record holder. Her father is a former amateur athlete, a local cross-country champion of her hometown Çankırı. He was both a role model and supporter for young Süreyya when she started athletics. In 1992 she started running competitively at the Athletics Training Center in Çankırı. "It was during a local championship and there my present coach Yücel Kop discovered me. I loved running since I was a little girl. I think it is the only activity that evolves and I still do" she said once. She already holds Turkish records in 800m (2:00:64) and 1500m (3:55:33). She became the first Turkish woman ever to reach an Olympic semifinal during her participation in the OG 2000 in Sydney.  The next year, she became the first Turkish woman to reach a World Championship final. She was the best European woman athlete running 1500m in two consecutive years 2002 and 2003.

        CY(tur) - 571

AZZOPARDI Clare 5. 7. 1977 -
Malteška pisateljica piše za otroke. Študirala ja na Univerzi na Malti, Sedaj živi v Aberdeenu. Leta 2006 je prejela mednarodno malteško nagrado za leposlovje.

She is a Maltese prose writer, writer for children. She studied at the Faculty of Education at the University of Malta and read for a Masters degree in Literacy at the University of Sheffield. She now lives in Aberdeen. In 2006 shewon the Maltese National Book Award for fiction. 

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