Photographic observations were carried out by two observers - Javor Kac and Davorin Zaloznik. The exposures were done with an all-sky camera and an array of lenses with focal lengths from 28 to 58 mm. In all, 5.24 hours worth of exposures were taken containing about 40 Leonid trails. 28 of the trails were recorded good enough to make coordinate measurements from photographs. AstroRecord software was used to calculate the coordinates.
Leonid radiant position
The Leonid radiant was calculated using 18 of the measured trains with the RADIANT software.
It is at a = 154.3° d = +22.0° (l¤ = 236°), which agrees well with the positions calculated for the 1998 photographic (a = 153.4° d = +21.3°) [Spika 7:10: 447] and 1999 video radiants (a = 154.4° d = 21.8°) of this shower [Proceedings of the IMC Pucioasa 2000: 55-64] as well as with the double station Leonid radiants derived by Shigeno et al [WGN 28:2/3: 78-81].

The Leonid radiant position derived from 18 photographic meteor trains.

-3 Leonid fireball shooting through Coma Berenices at 2:27:57 UT. The same meteor was
also caught on the all-sky exposure.

0 magnitude Leonid in Leo at 3:01:15 UT.

-1 magnitude Leonid in Cepheus at 3:45:20 UT.

-1 magnitude Leonid in Draco at 4:32:18 UT.

-2 and -5 magnitude Leonids caught on all-sky exposure at 2:07:42 UT and 2:14:15 UT.
Leonids 2000 global analysis