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International Meteor Organization analysis

Detailed IMO Leonid 2000 studies including 614.22 hours teff from 230 observers from around the world show three distinct maxima in ZHR. The first peak is at lambda=235.28 +/- 0.01, that is Nov 17, 8:07UT, about 15 minutes after the predicted passage time of the 1932 dust trail. ZHR reached 130 +/- 20.

The second peak is very broad, a 1-hour plateau of activity with a peak centered at lambda 236.09 +/-0.01, Nov 18, 3:24UT. Rates peaked at 290 +/- 20 per hour. The enhancement was caused by the passage of the 1733 dust trail.

The third peak takes place near lambda 236.25 +/- 0.01 with top ZHR of 480 +/- 20 occuring 40 minutes before the predicted time, at 7:12UT.

IMO ZHR graph.

Detailed IMO results at www.imo.net

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Leonid meteor storm observations in 2002

Leonid meteor storm observations in 2001

Murphy's Laws of meteor astronomy

International Meteor Organization (IMO)

Unione Astrofili Italiani - sezione meteore (Italy)

Dutch Meteor Society (DMS) (Netherlands)

North American Meteor Network (NAMN) (U.S.A.)

American Meteor Society (AMS) (U.S.A.)

Comets and meteor showers page (Gary W. Kronk) (U.S.A.)

Meteorobs (U.S.A.)