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krog_gb.gif - 680 Bytes PhD, architect, professor. Born in 1947 in Klis. Degree at Sveucilište in Zagreb in 1970, master´s degree in 1982, doctor´s degree in 1990. Apart from teaching he is engaged in projecting (smaller part of his projects is carried out), scientific resarch, from time to time he publishes articles in architectural magazines.
krog_si.gif - 2517 Bytes Doktor znanosti, arhitekt, profesor. Rojen je 1947 v Klisu (nedalec od Dioklecijanove palace). Diplomiral je na zagrebškem Sveucilištu 1970, magistriral 1982 in doktoriral 1990. Razen s pedagoškim delom se ukvarja s projektiranjem (manjši del je realiziran), z znanstvenim raziskovanjem, obcasno pa objavlja tudi v arhitektskih revijah.

pismo.gif - 131 Bytes Sveucilište u Zagrebu
Arhitektonski fakultet
Kaciceva 26
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11th conference
Slovenscina Kratke slike neke nove-stare kuće / celoten referat
English Short Cuts of one new-old House / complete paper
10th conference
Slovenscina Roman(t)ički luk na obiteljskoj kući
English The Roman(tic) Arch and the Family House
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Slovenscina Struktura in arhitektura druzinskih his
English Texture & Architecture of the Family House
Deutsch Die Struktur und Arhitektur der Einfamilienhauser
Italiano La struttura e l'architettura delle case famigliari
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Hrvatsko Konflikti tradicije (postojeceg) i promjene (novog) / kompletan tekst Show
English Conflicts between Tradition and Changes (Existent and New) Show
Deutsch Konflikte zwischen der Tradition (dem bestehenden) und der Veranderung (des neuen) Show
Italiano Conflitti della tradizione (dell'esistente) e i cambiamenti (del nuovo) Show
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Hrvatsko Tragovi vernakularnog u suvremenoj Hrvatskoj arhitekturi obiteljskih kuca
English Vernacular Traces in the Contemporary Croatian Architecture of Family Houses
Slovenscina Sledovi vernakularnega v sodobni hrvaski arhitekturi druzinskih his
Deutsch Die Spuren des volksstuemlichen in der modernen Architektur der Familienhaeuser in Kroatien
Italiano Tracce del vernacolare nell’architettura contemporanea di case famigliari in Croazia
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Slovenscina Obiteljska kuca u odnosu na suvremeno i tradicijsko energetsko okruzenje

updated: October 2001