Born in 1955 in Nantong, China. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts at the College of Education in Nanking in 1982. At the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana she finished her postgraduate studies in graphic arts (1986, prof. Zvest Apollonij) and she was taking a postgraduate course in painting (prof. Emerik Bernard). In 1991 she attended an exchange program at Minerva Academy in Groeningen, Holland (prof. M. Tissing, W. Junkmann). She has lived and worked in Ljubljana since 1983.
Exhibitions (selection):
1987: Galerija ZDSLU, Ljubljana, Slovenija (SI) / XVI. mednarodni grafični bienale, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenija (SI) 1993: I. internat. Grafiek bieenale, Global Graphics, Maastricht Exhibition Congress Center, Nemčija (D) 1994: Jiangsu Art Gallery, Nanking, Japonska (J) / Gallery XXOY, Bruselj, Belgija (B) 1995: Forma Eterna, Bologna, Italija (I) / XXI. mednarodni grafični bienale, Galerija MGLC, Ljubljana, Slovenija (SI) 1997: Galerija Instituta Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenija (SI)