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International Meteor Conference

Pucioasa, Romania

September 21-24, 2000


Botanic Garden, Bucharest, September 24

Made to make the Red Baron green with envy.
Iva on the left, Irena on the right and... wait a second... two Javors.
Confused? Javor, the observer is in the middle while the other Javor is actually Acer the maple tree, which in slovenian is Javor.

'Sniff' - uhh, yeahh... NO! It's not what you're thinking! As the whole group caught a cold while in Romania, inhaling essential oils was one of the ways of keeping your airways at least partially clear...

' I'm coming!!!!!!! ' - Gabi trying to get into the picture, but not doing too well.

Slovenia - this way, 1734.5 km to go...

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Photos by Casper ter Kuile

IMC 2002 Frombork, Poland

IMC 2001 Cerkno, Slovenia

International Meteor Organization (IMO)