International Meteor Conference
Pucioasa, Romania
September 21-24, 2000
September 22 >>>
Bucharest, September 21

Traffic on one of the squares in Bucharest

Same square, other direction
Observatory, Bucharest, September 21

The small telesope

Jure, Javor and Jure getting technical

A look towards the top
of the observatory

The old refractor, the big gun of the observatory.
Nice telescope!

A look from inside the observatory

For some participants the IMC was apparently too exhausting...
Parliament, Bucharest, September 21

Jordan, Dutch and Bulgarian participants in front of Romanian parliament

...and a big one it is
Chindia Tower, Targoviste, September 21

Dracula's Tower

Vlad Tepes...

...and us.
Hotel Ceres, Pucioasa, September 21

(from left to right):
Jure: 'I really, really need to take a shower...'
Mihaela: 'Oh yess, we're here, we're here!!'
Jure: 'Is this happy enough or do you want more?'
Javor: 'Damn I'm good!'
Mirko: 'You? Look at me!'
September 22 >>>