Bojana Kunst
Bojana Kunst

Bibliography (selected)

Last updated: 2004
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1. Books 2. Essays, theoretical articles, researches in magasines and books (selected) 3. Conferences and symposiums (selected)
  • Wireless Relationships: Attraction, Emotion, Politics; Lecture at the Conference: Ohne Schnur, Art and Wireless Communication (3-4. April, 2004).
  • "Comprehensible Body: Incomprehensible Flesh", Lecture at the Conference: Vague, Volatile, Incomprehensible, Centar za dramsku umjetnosti, Akademija Dramske umetnosti u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia 7. 11. 2002 - 10. 11. 2002.
  • "Performing the Body: The Problem of Difference", Lecture at the Festival Infant, 25. June, 2002, Novi Sad, Serbia.
  • "Dangerous Links: Strategies of Subjectivity", Lecture in Multimedia Center MAMA, Zagreb, 21. June, Zagreb, Croatia.
  • "Der Anderen Vorstellen", Lecture at the Festival Tanztendenzen, 12. junij 2002, Greifsvald, Germany.
  • "Performing the Body: Performing the Identity, International Conference of The Bulgarian Theatre Association: Cultural Bridges - The Theatre in Conflicting Regions / Situations, 4 - 5. June, Varna, Bolgaria.
  • "Body Art", Lecture in the Academy for Visual Arts, 16. April, 2002, Ljubljana.
  • Dagnerous Links: Body Art, Aesthetics and Ethics, International Colloqium of Slovenian Association of Aesthetics, Ljubljana.
  • "Bodies / Ambients", Lecture in a Seminar Socrates / Erasmus, University of Antwerp, 28 7. February 2002.
  • "I want to share you - what are you doing to me", Lecture at the conference Links / Ligacoes, Museu de Arte Contemporanea de Serralves, Porto Capital Europeia da Cultura, Porto, 1 - 5. 11. 2001.
  • Nevarne povezave / Dangerous Links, Cankarjev dom, Seminar sodobnih scenskih umetnosti / Seminar of Contemporary Performing Arts, 1. 10. 2001 and 15. 10. 2001, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • "Body and My Space: Is There a Space Without the Body", Conference Communication Front 2001, Cyber and My Space - Netizens and the New Geography, 1 - 14. 6. 2001, Plovdiv, Bolgaria.
  • "Energy as the Link between the Body and Machinery: the Last Bond with Nature, the first with the Artificial", Colloqium Aesthetics and Beauty Today, Slovenian Association of Aesthetics, 19 - 20. 4. 2001, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • "Telo in stroj: hibridni prostori umetnosti", Prostori umetnosti, Academy for Visual Arts, 12. 4. 2001, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • "Models of slovenian theatre, Bitef Teatar, CENPI, 24. 02. 2001, Belgrade, Serbia.
  • "Body Between Organic and Technological, The Disappearance of the Borders and New Forms of Knowledge in the Media Arts", symposium KUNST. ZEICHEN. TECHNIK, Institut fur Wissenschaft und Kunst, University of Vienna, 13 - 14th January 2001, Vienna, Austria.
  • "Aesthetics of the Body: Between the Organic and the Technological", 1st Medditeranean Congress of Aesthetics, 6 - 8. 11. 2000, Athens, Grece.
  • "The Presence of the Body between Organic and the Artificial", 4th Europian Conference for Feminist Research, 28. 9 - 1. 10. 2000, Bologna, Italy.
  • "The Autonomous Bodies of Dance", Conference Aesthetics Between Art and Culture, Slovenian Association of Aesthetics, 29 - 30. 3. 2000, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • "The Fragmented Body and the Question of Normativity", Colloqium New Normativity in Aesthetics, Slovenian Association of Aesthetics, 9 - 10. 9. 1999, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • "The Identity of the Body and the Internet", Conference Creativity and Consumption, University of Luton, 29 - 31. 3. 1999, Luton, Great Britain.
  • "What was this about, John?", International Conference on Contemporary Dance, 25 - 26. 7. 1998, Bytom, Poland.
  • "When Cutting The Body, What Are We Watching", referat, XIV. International Congress of Aesthetics, 1 - 5. 9. 1998, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • "Body art, preformance or theatre", Symposium Reality on scene, Eurokaz, 28. 6. 1997, Zagreb, Croatia.
4. Activities (selected)
  • Member of the editorial board of MASKA - magazine for theatre, dance and new technologies in arts; since 1998.
  • Member of the Executive Counsel of The Slovenian Assotiation of Aesthetics; since 1999.
  • Member of the Artistic Counsel of the EXODOS festival, Ljubljana, Slovenia; since 1999.

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Bojana Kunst / 2004