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Michela DALPRA

krog_gb.gif - 680 Bytes Degree at Trento University, department Environment and Spatial Planning. Currently works on his thesis, entitled 'Protection and Application of Traditional Construction Methods in Wood Constructions'. Studies on vernacular architecture (its application and conservation), participates in the study Open Air Museums.
krog_si.gif - 2517 Bytes Krajinarka. Diploma na Univerzi v Trentu, oddelek za okolje in prostor. V delu je doktorska naloga z naslovom 'Zašcita in uporaba tradicionalnih konstruktivnih tehnik gradnje v lesu'. Razvija raziskave vernakularne arhitekture s podrocij varovanja in uporabe danes ter sodeluje v študiji Muzeji na prostem.

pismo.gif - 131 Bytes Universita degli studi di Trento
Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale
v Mesiano 77
38050 POVO (TN)
afna.gif - 144 Bytes mdalpra@ing.unitn.it
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10th conference
Slovenscina Rekonstrukcija dveh tradicionalnih zgradb v regiji Trentino Show
English The Reconstruction of two traditional Buildings in the Trentino Region Show
Italian Ricostruzione di due edifici rurali della tradizione in Trentino Show
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Slovenscina Tehnoloska in funkcionalna obnova grajene dedišcine za stanovanjske namene in adaptacija novim standardom: primer Trentino
English The Technological and Functional Refurbishment for Residental Purpouses of the Building Heritage and the Adaptation to the new Standards: The Trentino Region Case Study
Deutsch Technische und Funktionelle erneuerung des Bauerbes zur Wohnabsichten und anpassung exsitierenden Standarde: ein Beispiel aus Trentin
Italiano Il recupero tecnologico e funzionale fini residenziali dell'architettura residenzionale e l'adeguamento agli standard normativi: il caso del Trentino

updated: September 2000