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krog_gb.gif - 680 Bytes Architect. Director of monuments, finished his studies of architecture at the University of Munich in 1961 and started his work int he 'Bayerische Landesamt fuer Denkmalpflege' in 1974, where he, since then, has taken care of the eastern part of upper Bavaria. In this area, he has had a lot of success concerning the conservation of vernacular architecture.
He is specialist of the sepulchral culture, religious technology and eschatology. He has published about 450 scientific essays and 21 books of scientific and alpinistic contents.
krog_si.gif - 2517 Bytes Arhitekt. Direktor na 'Bayerische Landesamt fuer Denkmalpflege' v Muenchnu. Diploma na Univerzi v Muenchnu. Na deželnem Zavodu za dedišcino skrbi za vzhodni del zgornje Bavarske. Na podrocju vernakularne arhitekture ima mnogo uspešnih realizacij pri njeni zašciti. Je specialist za grobno arhitekturo, religiozno tehnologijo.
Objavil je 450 znanstvenih clankov in 21 knjig znanstvene in alpinisticne vsebine.

pismo.gif - 131 Bytes Bayer.Landesamt fuer Denkmalpflege
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11th conference
Slovenscina Zgodovinske ograje v ljudski arhitekturi
English Historic Hedges in Vernacular Architecture
10th conference
Slovenscina O zgodovini gradnje oken
English History of the oldest Vernacular Windows
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Slovenscina Kamniti zidovi pokopalisc
English Cemeteries Stone Walls in Bavaria
Deutsch Die steinigen Friedhofmauer
Italiano Le mura in pietra dei cimiteri
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Slovenscina Pomembnost pokopalisc in pokopaliskih zidov v nasih vaseh
English The Importance of Graveyards and Cementry Walls in our Villages
Deutsch Zur Enstehung, Entwicklung und Typologie Landlicher Friedhofsmauern im ostlichen Oberbayern
Italiano Origine, sviluppo e tiplologia di cotruzione delle mura del cimitero di campagna della Baviera orientale
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Deutsch Anmerkungen zur Verburgerlichung der bauerlichen Baukultur. Ueberlegungen zur Altersstruktur des bauerlichen Denkmalerbestaendes
Slovenscina Pomescanjenje kmecke gradbene kulture na zgornjem Bavarskem v 19. Stoletju pod vplivom historicizma
English Urbanisation of rustic architectural Culture in Upper Bavaria under the Influence of Historicity in the 19th Century
Italiano Urbanizzazione della cultura edilizia contadina in Baviera superiore nell’otocento sotto l’influsso dello storicismo
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Deutsch Zum Motiv der Arma-Kreuzen und zum Wesen der Flurdenkmale
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Deutsch Vom Marterl bis zum Gipfelkreuz

updated: October 2001