Archeologist (Sorbona), ethnologist and professor of English language. Since 1978 president of CERAV (Centre d'etudes et de recherches sur l'architecture vernaculaire). Editor of the magazine L'architecture vernaculaire, publications in the field of archeology and ethnology. Coordinator and author in Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World (94-98). | |
Arheolog (Sorbona), etnolog in profesor anglešcine. Od leta 1978 je predsednik CERAV (Centre d'etudes et de recherches sur l'architecture vernaculaire). Urednik revije L'architecture vernaculaire, objavlja s podrocij arheologije in etnologije, predvsem s podrocja arhitekture suhega zidu. Koordinator in avtor v: Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World (94-98).
CERAV 11, rue Rene Villerme 75011 PARIS France |
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