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Manja Kitek Kuzman

gb Architect, assistant. 1995 degree on Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana, 2000 M.A. study on École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne- IBOIS, prof. Naterrer, Switzerland, and on FA Ljubljana. She is working on Biotechnical faculty, as assistant for 'Design and Constructions'. Research work on wooden constructions and housing in wood.
si Arhitektka, asistentka. 1995 Diplomirala na Fakulteti za arhitekturo, 2000 podiplomski študij na École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne- IBOIS, prof. Naterrer, Švica. Magistrski študij na FA. Dela na Biotehniški fakulteti, Oddelek za lesarstvo kot asistentka pri predmetu Oblikovanje in konstruiranje. Raziskuje področje lesnih konstrukcij in lesene stanovanjske gradnje.

pismo.gif - 131 Bytes Univerza v Ljubljani
Biotehniška fakulteta
Oddelek za lesarstvo
Rožna dolina c. VIII/34
afna.gif - 144 Bytes manja.kuzman@uni-lj.si
www.gif - 284 Bytes

11th conference
Slovenscina Razvoj obrti tesarskih lesenih zvez / celoten referat
English The Development of Carpenter-Made Wooden Joints
10th conference
Slovenscina Razvoj lesene konstrukcije z razvojem orodja / celotno besedilo Show
English The development of Wooden Constructions through the Development of Tools Show

updated: October 2001