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ms Manja Kitek Kuzman

The Development of Wooden Constructions through the Development of Tools

The development of Wooden Constructions through the Development of Tools.
The quality of old wooden constructions in Slovenia should represent the starting point for the creation of modern wooden constructions in the future. Vernacular architecture is the treasure box of experiences, which is why impetus should be sought in national motives that are well expressed in old wooden constructions. The quality of design depends on the carefully chosen construction, the application of local materials and simple forms. Technologies and tools significantly shape man's cultural awareness. In order to achieve quality and long-lasting wooden constructions, three aspects must be considered; tools, a sine qua non for smoothless and excellent construction works, good space and construction concepts, and force-equilibrium, especially in truss joints.
The paper focuses on tools. In order to shape the material available, man needed tools. The development of tools enabled the creation of new wooden connections and constructions as can be inferred from a comparison of the Swiss chalet and the Slovene barn with block walls. The development of wooden constructions has been influenced by factors such as technological discoveries, new building materials, raw materials available and their quality, energy sources, social phenomena, geographical position, the development of transport vehicles and communications, styles and economy. Wood-related design and construction-forms have always been connected with different professions and objects.
Classical wooden construction often function as an achetype of modern ones. These, however, are built with different materials, such as stone, concrete and steel, and technologies.

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