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my favorite toys, gamesToys, toys everywhere!

About the project
Project objectives
   -halloween lesson

Teachers' articles
Schools involved
  - Japan-SLO
  - Slovenia
  - Belgium
  - Italy
  - Denmark



    My favourite toy in classes in Grgar, our branch school - Solkan, Slovenia

Here is also a short description (in SLO and English) of the project procedure and photos of the kids and their real toys.

slo_zastava.gif (892 bytes)Tudi na podružnični šoli v Grgarju se učenci 3. in 4. razreda učijo angleščino. V tem šolskem letu je v tretjem. razredu pet učencev, v četrtem pa 12.

Projekt My Favourite Toy me je kot njihovo učiteljico angleščine pritegnil že v lanskem šolskem letu, v tem šolskem letu pa smo se vanj vključili.

Že decembra smo se ob obravnavani temi “Christmas and New Year Time” pogovarjali o igračah, jih poimenovali v angleščini, se naučili nekaj pridevnikov in jih nato opisali. Pisali so tudi pismo Miklavžu.

Učenci so svojo najljubšo igračo narisali ali prinesli fotografijo.

Ob risbah in fotografijah smo se o njih pogovarjali, nato pa so nestrpno čakali, da so si svoje izdelke lahko ogledali tudi na spletni strani; seveda pa so radovedni, kako so njihovi vrstniki na drugih šolah predstavili svoje najljubše igrače.

S projektom bomo nadaljevali in ga dopolnjevali.

Naša skupina se s svojimi najljubšimi igračami predstavlja tudi na fotografijah.

uk.gif (7420 bytes)In our branch school students learn English in the third and fourth grade. There are five students in the third grade and twelve students in the fourth grade this school year.

As their teacher of English I found the project “My Favourite Toy” interesting as soon as it appeared on the web pages.

We decided to join it in September. In December we discussed the theme “Christmas and New Year Time”, so students drew their favourite toys or they brought photographs of them to school. We named them in English, learned some adjectives to describe them. They also wrote letters to Santa and asked for them.

We talked a lot about them. After that they were waiting eagerly to see their masterpieces on the web pages. Of course they are curious to know how students from other schools present their favourite toys.

We are going to continue with this project to learn English and have some fun at the same time.

You can see us on photographs, too.

Vera Ikovic Bresan

Oglejte si slike!      Click here for the photos.

Moderator Viljenka Šavli, Solkan primary School, Slovenia

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© Viljenka Šavli