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my favorite toys, gamesToys, toys everywhere!
About the project
Project objectives
   -halloween lesson

Teachers' articles
Schools involved
  - Japan-SLO
  - Slovenia
  - Belgium
  - Italy
  - Denmark
        grade 4 -1
           grade 4 -2




vozicek.gif (3236 bytes)    My favourite toy from Fredensborg skole, Denmark

danska_sola.JPG (10067 bytes) We present you a school from Denmark that joined our project.
It's Fredensborg skole, Denmark .
They prepared excelent presentation of their favourite toys. But that is not all.

Here is their plan for co-operatin.

Some general infomation

About the place

Fredensborg is situated about 40 km north west of Copenhagen. Our school is the oldest in the area, from 1906.
In Fredensborg Queen Margrethe has her summer palace, which means that she and her husband live there from early April till some time in the autumn.
Very often heads of state visiting Denmark are greeted at the palace, so we have seen many famous people in town over the years. Two days ago the German president for example.

About the work in Toy project - Fredensborg skole

Back to our school. Class 4 has 34 pupils, who in some lessons are split up in two groups with a teacher for each group. This happens for example in Maths and English.
The students have English 45 minutes twice a week.

During week 18 (2002) we plan to work solely on the Toys’ project from Monday to Thursday in all lessons. This means that the other teachers are engaged in this project as well.
Along with the project we also wish to run some mini courses in:
- using e-mail,
- scanning and of course
- writing letters in word, besides all the activities in English.

About the teachers

The teachers that will be engaged in the project are:

  • Helene Funk: class teacher and teacher of Danish
  • Christina Rasmussen: class teacher and teacher of Art (Danish)
  • Klara Coello teacher of Math
  • Kirsten M. Anttila teacher of English

Plan for the Toys’ project week

  • The students write their first letters of introduction on Monday and Tuesday and we plan to send the letters during Wednesday.
  • The drawings, the scanning and descriptions of the toys will take place also from Tuesday to Thursday and plan to send the descriptions on Thursday. Hopefully.
  • Along with these activities I wish to let the students read and put (3) questions to your students’ lovely descriptions.

Knowing you are on holidays we don’t return to the toys topic until Monday the 13th where I have the kids all morning for answering questions or commenting answers from you.

We don’t go on holidays until June 20th but that whole week from the 17th will probably be some kind of break up, and will not give much time for this type of work. So it’s from May 13th to June 13th it seems as if there should be a little time for answering and putting questions to each other.

I’ll let the students’ work in pairs, but their personal descriptions may very well be sent individually. Hope this works? I’ll let them save under their individual initials.

We’ll be using the class e-mail address.

We’re all looking forward to this collaboration.



Moderator Viljenka Šavli, Solkan primary School, Slovenia

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