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my favorite toys, gamesToys, toys everywhere!

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   -halloween lesson

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  - Japan-SLO
  - Slovenia
  - Belgium



    My favourite toy in classes in Grgar, our branch school - Solkan, Slovenia

Here are photos of the kids and their real toys.

grgar_vsi_s.JPG (16237 bytes)

Učenci 3. in 4. razreda in učiteljica angleščine Vera

Students from class 3 and 4 and their teacher of English Vera
grgar_fantje2_s.JPG (14676 bytes) Fantje in igrače
Boys and their toys
grgar_dekleta_s.JPG (13437 bytes) Dekleta in igrače
Girls and their toys
grgar_fantje1_s.JPG (14026 bytes) Druga skupina fantov z igračami
2nd group of boys with toys
grgar_fantje_s.JPG (15054 bytes) Tretja skupina fantov z igračami
3rd group of boys with toys
grgar_tretji_s.JPG (15481 bytes) Učenci 3. razreda
Students from class 3
grgar_igrace1_s.JPG (13034 bytes) Doma narejene igrače
Home made toys
grgar_kamion_s.JPG (10621 bytes) Kamjin učenca, ki ga na dan slikanja ni bilo v šoli.

The track of the student who was absent when we took photos.


Moderator Viljenka Šavli, Solkan primary School, Slovenia

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© Viljenka Šavli