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  ENO project                            Uroš Žvan, OS Gorje
The project/Projekt

The place we live
This is our nature
Our culture and nature
Sustainable development
This is our culture


minister Kopač
art winners



Eno song/Eno pesem


uk.gif (7420 bytes)ENO Makes us ONE

A Kite is gliding around the globe
Above our seas and continents.
It's free to fly so why can't I
To join and have a ride?
I see surroundings locally
Together we'll make it globally
In this web community
For the kids in world:
E-N-O makes us O-N-E
Environment globally
Learn together and you will see
How high our kite is rising
E-N- O is for every race
Human beings
Face- to- face
Many places and many ways
To understand environment
The place we live ,the way we live
Our nature and our culture

These are themes we explore

Get answers and much more
All parts of world are taking part
No digital divide
Rich and poor despite religions
We all fly the kite:
E-N-O makes us O-N-E
Environment globally
Learn together and you will see
How high our kite is rising
E-N-O is for every race
Human beings
Face- to- face
Many places and many ways
To understand environment.


Lyrics and music by Mika Vanhanen

© Viljenka Šavli