The project/Projekt Themes/Teme
The place we
This is our nature
Our culture and nature
Sustainable development
This is our culture
minister Kopač
art winners
song/Eno pesem
ENO Makes us ONE
- A Kite is gliding around the globe
- Above our seas and continents.
- It's free to fly so why can't I
- To join and have a ride?
- I see surroundings locally
- Together we'll make it globally
- In this web community
- For the kids in world:
- E-N-O makes us O-N-E
- Environment globally
- Learn together and you will see
- How high our kite is rising
- E-N- O is for every race
- Human beings
- Face- to- face
- Many places and many ways
- To understand environment
- The place we live ,the way we live
- Our nature and our culture
These are themes we explore
- Get answers and much more
- All parts of world are taking part
- No digital divide
- Rich and poor despite religions
- We all fly the kite:
- E-N-O makes us O-N-E
- Environment globally
- Learn together and you will see
- How high our kite is rising
- E-N-O is for every race
- Human beings
- Face- to- face
- Many places and many ways
- To understand environment.
Lyrics and music by Mika Vanhanen