At the moment (December
2001) we are doing the third theme ' This is our culture'. Here is an
example what the students are doing right now:
Contents: 1.The whole group finds examples of forest in culture in the
country and send their descriptions photos and internet links to the Eno materials.
- Slovenian art & forest
- Slovenian literature and forest
- Forest essay
2. Students write a personal essay
or poem on one of subjects:Holly places in forests
around you ( woods, stones, caves etc.)
Fairy tales or figures/gods
from forests in your culture
Poems or tales about forests
Other cultural things linked
to forests ( music, scultpure, plays etc.)
- to learn how and why forest has
always been an inspiration for many artists.
- to find out how forest plays an
important role in tales, religions and folklore in different cultures.
- to research about forests in famous
publication ( book, music, play, painting, sculpture etc.) from the country.
- to understand the aim of certain
cultural work connected to forests.
- to find a link from the Internet to
this publication if possible.
Trenutno je
naša tema (december 2001) To je naša kultura. Oglejmo si, kaj učenci
delajo pri tej temi:
Vsebina:1. Cela skupina poišče primere v kulturnem ustvarjanju, kjer se
pojavlja gozd. Opišejo jih na kratko, poiščejo slike na to temo in morebitna spletna
mesta ter vse skupaj objavijo v ENO - materials.
- slovenski slikarji in
- slovenska književnost in gozd
- gozd - pesem
2. Učenci pišejo spise in pesmi na
- sveta mesta v bližnjih gozdovih
(kamni, jame...)
- pravljice, liki, bogovi, ki izvirajo
iz gozda v naši kulturi
- pesmi in pripovedke o gozdovih
- druga kulturna dela povezana z gozdovi
(glasba, skulpture, gledališke igre...)
- spoznati kako in zakaj so mnogi
umetniki upodabljali gozdove v svojih delih
- odkriti, kakšno vlogo so gozdovi
igrali v pripovedkah, religiji, folklori v različnih kulturah
- raziskovati, kje vse se pojavljajo
gozdovi v znanih publikacijah (knjigah, glasbi, gledaliških igrah, skulpturah)
- razumeti pomen nekega kulturnega dela
povezanega z gozdom
- ugotoviti ali obstaja spletno mesto o
tej publikaciji ali umetnosti