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  ENO project                            Uroš Žvan, OS Gorje
The project/Projekt

The place we live
This is our nature
This is our culture
Sustainable development


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Eno song/Eno pesem


uk.gif (7420 bytes)Ecology

Air is more and more pollution by people, because need of energy is getting bigger and bigger. Harmful gases pullute at combustion of fossil fuels: coal, naphtha and earthly gas. Sulphuretted dioxide (SO2) and nitric oxides are principal pulluters of atmosphere.

Quantity of gases, which keep the heat in the atmosphere, is enlarged every day and  methane and carbonic dioxide (CO2) are the main reason for this phenomena.

Steam power stations transmit SO2 and nitric oxide into  the atmosphere. If the boiler houses are settled badly and without filters, transmittion of smoke and soot are enormous. Those substances irritate eyes and lungs and cause breathing difficulties. They even cause different respiratory sicknesses and cancer.

We must strive for:

  • Clean air
  • Use cleansing and filter plants
  • Use alternative sources of energy
  • Careful management of energy
slo_zastava.gif (892 bytes) Ekologija

Ljudje vse bolj onesnažujemo zrak, ker so se potrebe po energiji povečale. Pri izgorevanju fosilnih goriv premoga, nafte in zemeljskega plina nastaja vedno več škodljivih plinov. Med poglavitnimi onesnaževalci ozračja so žveplov dioksid (SO2) in dušikov oksidi. Povečujemo tudi količino plinov, ki v ozračju zadržujejo toploto. Ta pojav povzročata ogljikov doioksid (CO2), ki nastane ob sežiganju fosilnih goriv in metan.

Termoelektrarne oddajajo v ozračje žveplov dioksid in dušikov oksid. Če so kotlarne slabe urejene in brez filtrov oddajajo tudi velike količine saj in dima. Te snovi dražijo oči in pljuča in otežujejo dihanje. Povzroča različne bolezni dihal in raka.

Poskrbimo za:
- čist zrak
- uporabo čistilnih in filtrirnih naprav
- uporaba alternativnih virov energije
- varčevanje z energijo


C Viljenka Šavli