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  ENO project                            Uroš Žvan, OS Gorje
The project/Projekt

The place we live
This is our nature  
This is our culture
Sustainable development


minister Kopač
art winners



Eno song/Eno pesem


 gozd.jpg (3060 bytes)

Forest - Forestry

Species of wood

   - coniferous trees
   - deciduous trees

The use of wood through time

Wood working

Lesko is the logo of the project.


logo for the forest

From old days to present moment human beings and forests have been closely connected.

Forests were human’s sanctuary in all periods of time; wood represented many-sided and life important materials. From biological point of view a forest is a life association of different types of trees, other plants and animal species that colonise fixed life place (biotop) where biological balance is of the utmost importance.

We decided to present in English a part of a Slovenian Project about wood - the original project in Sloveneian language is called 'Projekt -Les' and is an electronic material for craft.

We hope it would be usefull for us all . Most of the work (translation and collecting materials) was done by Peter, Matej and Sanja.

© Viljenka Šavli