Matjaz Ursic, Ph.D, is an Assistant Professor
and Senior Research Associate at the University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Social Sciences. He is a member of the Centre for
Spatial Sociology. His research interests focus on the processes
of socio-cultural transformation of cities and contemporary
urban phenomena in the circumstances of globalisation. Important
research interests also include society development, cultural
geography, analysis of (sub)cultures, urban migration and spatial
systems with particular reference to transformations due to
processes of suburbanisation, deurbanisation and reurbanisation.
He teaches “Revitalisation of Cities”, “Locality, suburbanisation
and socio-cultural transformations” and “Sociology of Architecture”
“Environmental Sociology”, “Sociology of Sustainable Development”
at the Faculty of Social Sciences and “Urban sociology” at the
Faculty of Architecture, Biotechnical Faculty, Faculty of Civil
and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana and Faculty
of Design, University of Primorska. Working experience include
research and lecturing on various international institutes and
universities (Tokyo Metropolitan University, University of Seoul,
Kwangwoon University, Soongsil University, National Cheng Kung
University Taiwan). He is recipient of research grants from
The Japan Foundation (2009), the Japan Society for the Promotion
of Science (2014), The Korea Foundation (2012) and the Taiwan
Fellowship (2017).
As a researcher he participates or took part in various research-developmental
projects with city municipalities and institutions that deal
with revitalisation schemes and the changing role of city centres
(e.g. project “Urban Education Live” - Smart Urban Futures -
ENSUF, JPI Urban Europe, ERA-NET, Horizon 2020 (H2020); project
GETM3 - Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 3 part of MSCA-RISE
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange
(RISE, H2020); project Analysing the implementation of eco-city
paradigm in Northeast Asia and Europe - A comparative study
of cases from Korea, Slovenia, China and Sweden. NRF Joint Research
Program. Soongsil University/University of Ljubljana; project
“SECOND CHANCE – From Industrial Use to Creative Impulse” (Program
co-financed by ERDF – Central Europe); project “SOSTENUTO –
Thinking Culture as a Factor of Economic and Social Innovation”
(co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
and the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance. MED – Europe
in the Mediterranean); project: “REurban Mobil - Mobilising
Reurbanisation on Condition of Demo- graphic Change” (part of
5th EU Framework program - Supported by the European Commission);
project: “Civitas Elan (City – Vitality – Sustainability)” –
part of the “7th EU Framework program: “Mobilising citizens
for vital cities”); project: “Development strategy for an urban-rural
partnership” (ARRS, Ljubljana); project: “Eco-Silver House (EE-
Highrise) – Energy Efficient Demo Multi-residential High Rise
Building”, 7th Framework program of EU (7FP)), etc.
He was also part of the expert team in the city of Celje that
took part in the competition for European Capital of Culture
2012 in Slovenia. He is member of the External Advisory Board
(EAB) for Personalised Travel Planning (PTP) – Cycle (Co-funded
by the Intelligent Energy Europe Program of the European Union
– European Commission) and coordinator of research and teaching
activities in bilateral agreement between Yokohama National
University and Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana.
He is part of editorial boards in scientific journals (e.g.
Urban Challenge; European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and
Mentalities) and is the author of a number of publications from
the field of urban sociology.
Major publications include: “Comparing urban renewal in Barcelona
and Seoul: urban management in conditions of competition among
global cities” (Asia Europe Journal – Springer, 2012); “The
role of traditional marketplaces in the post-industrial city
– A comparative analysis of influences of urban renewal in Korea
and Europe” (Trinity College Dublin, Trauben Turin, 2013); “Subcultures
as a Factor of Urban Regeneration – Managing Cultural Diversity
in the city Center of Ljubljana” (Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag,
Berlin, 2009); The Problem of “Expert Interpretative Vacuum”
in Media Discourses – Discourse Analysis of Texts on Ljubljana
Urbanism (Frank & Timme, Berlin, 2008); Anti-urbanism as
a Way of Life (University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, 2007, co-author
with Marjan Hočevar); Urban Spaces of Consumption (University
of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, 2003); Compact and Spread City – Global
Networks and Local Differences (KulturVerlag Polzer, Salzburg,
Relevant Experience:
Research Associate, Assistant Professor
of Cities
of Architecture
of Sustainable Development
Countryside and Social Change
Sociology (Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana)
research projects:
(2017-2020): Urban Education Live (UEL) - Innovative Urban Education
in Live Settings – Local presence and mapping technology as
tools for urban capacity building and innovation - A model for
collaboration between universities and communities. Cofund Smart
Urban Futures - ENSUF, JPI Urban Europe, ERA-NET, Horizon 2020
(2017- 2020): GETM3 - Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management
3. MSCA-RISE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation
Staff Exchange (RISE). Funded by: H2020-EU.1.3.3. - Stimulating
innovation by means of cross-fertilisation of knowledge.
(2013-2019): Sociological Aspects of Sustainable Socio-spatial
and Human Resource Development of Slovenia in Europe. Research
Program, National Research Agency - ARRS, Ljubljana.
Analysing the implementation of eco-city paradigm in Northeast
Asia and Europe - A comparative study of cases from Korea, Slovenia,
China and Sweden. NRF Joint Research Program. Soongsil University
(Seoul, South Korea), University of Ljubljana (Ljubljana, Slovenia).
Eco-Silver House (EE- Highrise) – Energy Efficient Demo Multi-residential
High Rise Building. 7th Framework program of EU (7FP): Demonstration
of low energy new buildings.
CIVITAS Elan - 7th Framework programme of EU (7FP): “Mobilising
citizens for vital cities”. Measure leader in Civitas plus (City
– Vitality – Sustainability), part of SUSTAINABLE SURFACE TRANSPORT
– FP7.
Project: “Potentials of Creative Urban regeneration”. Funded
by the European Union, EU - European Regional Development Fund,
Central Europe, Project Creative Cities, RRA-LUR, IPOP, Ljubljana.
Utilization Concepts Draft of Rog Centre for Contemporary Arts
– Analysis of Focus Groups. Findings and Recommendations. Project
SECOND CHANCE, European Regional Development Fund within the
Central Europe programme, Central Europe, City of Ljubljana
– Department for Culture Ljubljana, June 2011.
Project: “Quality of Life in Ljubljana”. Funded by the City
Municipality of Ljubljana. University of Ljubljana, Faculty
of Social Sciences, Centre for Spatial Sociology.
2012): SOSTENUTO - Thinking culture as a factor of economic
and social innovation, (ERDF) European Regional Development
Fund. Forming of the Cultural Quarter Tabor – Analysis of Focus
Groups. Project. Ljubljana: Zavod Bunker, 2010
2008): Dehierarchisation of the spatial system of the Republic
of Slovenia: from a centrality of localities to a network of
localities. Centre for Spatial Sociology, Faculty of Social
Sciences, University of Ljubljana.
– 2007): Managing Diversity in the Centre of Ljubljana: Services,
Products, Information, People, Urban Locales. Ljubljana: City
Municipality of Ljubljana (MOL).
– 2007): Measures to Improve the Quality of Life in Cities and
other Settlements – Research project Competitive position of
Slovenia 2001 – 2006. Ljubljana, Urbanistic Institute of Slovenia.
INTERREG III B CADSES: Project R.A.V.E Space : project final
report : raising awareness of values of space through the process
of education. Ljubljana, LUZ, The Ministry of the Environment
and Spatial Planning of Slovenia, (2007).
Values of Space and Place. Ljubljana, Centre for Spatial Sociology,
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana.
Preparation of scenarios of regional development – analyses
of longitudinal projections of movement of inhabitants and employed.
Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences,
Centre for Spatial Sociology.
URSIC Matjaz. Critical reconsideration of social and cultural
elements that constitute the creative ecosystem of a city :
examples from Slovenia and Japan. Traditiones. ISSN 0352-0447,
vol. 46, no. 1/2, pp. 149-170, doi: 10.3986/Traditio2017460203.
URŠIČ, Matjaž, PAVLIN, Samo, MEDVED, Primož. Occupational Development
in the Field of Sustainable Urbanism– The Case of Sustainable
Neighbourhoods. Theory and Praxis. ISSN 0040-3598, sep.-okt.
2017, vol. 54, n. 5, pp. 885-903. SCOPUS, MBP.
URŠIČ, Matjaž. Presentation of developments in the field of
Slovene urban sociology. Japan Consortium for Sociological Societies
newsletter, spring 2017, issue 10, pp. 10-13.
URSIC Matjaz. Characteristics of spatial distribution of creative
industries in Ljubljana and the Ljubljana region. Acta Geographica
Slovenica. Print version: ISSN: 1581-6613, digital version:
ISSN: 1581-8314. Vol. 56, No: 1, 2016. Indexed in: SCIE, SCOPUS,
Web of Science. DOI: 10.3986/AGS.
URSIC Matjaz. Declarative or active corporate environmental
responsibility? : overlaying of corporate environmental responsibility
standards with socio-cultural values related to sustainable
development. In: Corporate social responsibility. Rado Bohinc
(ed.).Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, pp. 83-114.
URŠIČ, Matjaž. Online news media and local stakeholders in the
urban development process : the case of renovating the Bežigrad
Stadium in Ljubljana. Teorija in praksa, ISSN 0040-3598, Sep.-
Okt. 2016, Vol. 53, No. 5, pp. 1191-1212. Indexed in: MBP, SCOPUS,
Web of Science.
URSIC, Matjaz, MAKSUTI, Alem, DEŽELAN, Tomaž. The salience of
local urban development in the political party arena : a longitudinal
analysis of Slovenian parliamentary party programmes. In: Lex
localis - Journal of Local Self Government. ISSN 1581-5374,
Vol. 13, no. 3, July 2015. Maribor: Institute for Local Self-Government
and Public Procurement, 2015, pp. 615-638, DOI: 10.4335/13.3.639-638(2015).
Indexed in: SSCI, MBP, SCOPUS, Web of Science.
URSIC, Matjaz. Hidden touch of the countryside? Classes and
'urbanity' in the case of Ljubljana and Maribor (Skriti pridih
podeželja?: razrednost in urbanost v primeru Ljubljane in Maribora).
Teorija in praksa, ISSN 0040-3598, jan.-apr. 2015, letn. 52,
št. 1/2, str. 236-252, 308-309. Indexed in: MBP, SCOPUS, Web
of Science.
URŠIČ, Matjaž, DEKKER, Karien, FILIPOVIČ HRAST, Maša. Spatial
organization and youth participation : case of the University
of Ljubljana and Tokyo Metropolitan University. Annales, Series
historia et sociologia, ISSN 1408-5348, 2014, Vol. 24, Issue.
3, pp. 433-450, ilustr. Indexed in: AHCI, ERIHC, MBP, SCOPUS.
DEŽELAN, Tomaž, MAKSUTI, Alem, URŠIČ, Matjaž. Capacity of Local
Development Planning in Slovenia: Strengths and Weaknesses of
Local Sustainable Development Strategies. Lex localis - Journal
of Local Self-government, Vol. 12, Issue 3, July 2014. DOI:
10.4335/12.3.547-573(2014). Indexed in: SSCI, MBP, Web of Science.
URSIC, Matjaz. The role of traditional marketplaces in the post-industrial
city – A comparative analysis of influences of urban renewal
in Korea and Europe. In: Quaderni di Cultura, EUROKOREA 2013:
European Perspectives of Korea. Trinity College Dublin, TCD
and Trauben, Turin.
DEŽELAN, Tomaž, MAKSUTI, Alem, URŠIČ, Matjaž. The potentials
of normative sustainability : an analysis of sustainable development
strategies on global, supranational and national levels. European
quarterly on political attitudes and mentalities, ISSN 2285-4916,
Apr. 2014, vol. 3, iss. 2, pp. 34-49. Indexed in: EBSCO, SSOAR,
ProQuest, and Index Copernicus.
URŠIČ, Matjaž. Preservation or degradation of local cultural
assets in central Tokyo - the case of the plans to relocate
the Tsukiji fish market. Innovative issues and approaches in
social sciences, Jan. 2013, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 35-63. MBP.
PAVLIN, Samo, URŠIČ, Matjaž, HOČEVAR, Marjan. Changing the context
of researchers work in academia. Annales, Series historia et
sociologia, ISSN 1408-5348, 2013, vol. 23, n. 2, pp. 365-376.
Indexed in: AHCI, ERIHC, MBP, SCOPUS, Web of Science.
URŠIČ, Matjaž, KRIŽNIK, Blaž. Comparing urban renewal in Barcelona
and Seoul : urban management in conditions of competition among
global cities. Asia Europe journal (Springer), 2012, vol. 10,
no. 1, pp. 21-39. DOI 10.1007/s10308-012-0319-1. Indexed in:
URŠIČ, Matjaž. The importance of culture in urban regeneration
practices. In: FISCHER, Katrin. Revitalisation through arts
and culture : new developments for 5 European industrial complexes.
Nürnberg: Second Chance, cop. 2012, pp. 29-37.
URŠIČ, Matjaž. Automobilisation and the changing of urban consumption
spaces on the Slovenian coast: from “walkable city” to “city
of automobile consumers”. Annales – Ser. Hist. Sociologica,
vol 22, no. 1, pp. 261-276. Indexed in: AHCI, ERIHC, MBP, SCOPUS,
Web of Science.
URŠIČ, Matjaž. Urban cultural revitalisation from the ‘top-down’
– Hidden cultural assets in the renovation of former Rog factory
(Revitalizaçao cultural urbana "de cima para baixo"
- Bens culturais escondidos a reabilitaçao da antiga Fábrica
Rog). Revista crítica de ciencias sociais, ISSN 0254-1106, Dec.
2012, n. 99, pp. 141-166. Indexed in: SCOPUS, MBP, Web of Science.
URŠIČ, Matjaž. Cultural diversity in the transnational city
: fear of globalisation and exclusive spatial demarcation of
immigrants. V: BOUCHER, Gerard W. (ed.). Transnationalism in
the global city, (Maior series, vol. 6). Bilbao: University
of Deusto, 2012, pp. 27-43.
URŠIČ, Matjaž (monography co-author). Creative urban regeneration
: potentials in the Ljubljana Urban Region. Ljubljana: IPoP,
Institute for Policies of Space, 2012.
URŠIČ, Matjaž. Between declarativity and activism: public opinion
and implementation of new traffic arrangement in Ljubljana,
2012, IB review, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 71-80.
Urbanisation history of Slovenia in the context of Eastern and
South-Eastern European Countries. European quarterly on political
attitudes and mentalities, ISSN 2285-4916, Sep. 2012, vol. 1,
iss. 1, pp. 38-47. EBSCO, SSOAR, ProQuest, and Index Copernicus.
URŠIČ, Matjaž. The diminished importance of cultural sustainability
in spatial planning: the case of Slovenia. Culture and local
governance, 2011, vol. 3, no. 1/2, pp. 101-116.
URŠIČ, Matjaž. Globalisation with local flavour? : transformation
of spatial values and new localism trend in Slovenia. Sociologie
Romaneasca, 2011, vol. 9, nr. 3, pp. 7-19
URSIC, Matjaz. “Gentryfing Art” – Using Subcultural Art Communities
as a Means for a City’s Urban and Economic Revitalisation. The
Journal of Art Theory and Practice, pp. 159-182, Seoul, 2010.
Indexed in: ART INDEX, Web of Science.
grants and fellowships
- 2012-2013 Research
Fellowship from the Korea Foundation. Field
Research Fellowship. Working as a
visiting researcher at the University of Seoul (UOS).
- 2010 EU Grant
for visiting professors for Intensive Programme
"Transnationalism in the Global City", Odense, Denmark, 27th
June- 9th July 2010: funded by the European Commission.
- 2009
Research Fellowship from the Japan Foundation - Fellowship for
Intellectual Exchange. Working as a visiting researcher at Tokyo
Metropolitan University (TMU).
- 2009
for attending the EURODIV 5th
Workshop Dynamics of Diversity in the Globalisation Era, FEEM, Milano,
Italy, 22-23/10/09. [S. l.]: SUS.DIV, 2009.
- 2008
Grant for attendting the international summit: “Globalisation of Culture”
in Dubrovnik, October 17-18, 2008: (Međunarodni znanstveni skup
"Globalizacija kulture").
- 2008,
Grant for Intensive course: “Future Urban Research in Europe” and workshop
“Culture and the City”, Karlskorna, Sweden, June 2007, October, 2008.
- 2007
Grant for participation at EURODIV
Third Conference "Diversity in Cities: Visible and Invisible
Walls", UCL (university College London), London, 11-12 September 2007.
[S. l.]: SUS.DIV, 2007.
- 2007
Grant for workshop Media and
urban space : understanding, investigating and approaching mediacity.
BAUHAUS, Weimar, 2007.
- 2005
Grant for PHARE Seminar and EUROFOR Marie Curie Conference in Mellieha
(Malta), 8-11 December 2005. "From
immigration politics to migration management - changes in migration
governance" on International organisations and the settlement and
integration of migrants and refugees and the Phare Small Scale Seminar on
New governance of immigration, refugee protection and minority politics in
a new Europe: the EU enlargement as a challenge to the European Union
migration regime. Berlin: Berlin Institute for Comparative
Research, [2005].
- 2003
Grant for attending the conference in Weimar: Third Euro Conference The
European City in Transition - the City and the Region. Bauhaus-Universität
Weimar, November 14th-15th, 2003.
- 2002
Grant for attending the workshop: Cultural
exchange between east and west : Europe´s rediscovered wealth - what the
accession-candidates in Eastern and Central Europe have to offer,
(Studien des Instituts für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa, 1). Vienna:
Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa: = Institute for the Danube
region and Central Europe, jan. 2002.
- 2002
Fellowship for high summer school, intensive porgramme and high level
conference of the European doctoral programme in migration, diversity and
identities. Funded by European Union (EU), University of Bradford, West
Yorkshire, England.
- 2001
Fellowship for Summer School, Intensive Programme in: “Migration,
Diversity and Identity”. Funded by European Union (EU), Bilbao, Spain,
University of Deusto, September 2001.
Major conferences and participation in networks,
2013 URŠIČ, Matjaž. The role of traditional marketplaces in post-industrial
city – A comparative analysis of influences of urban regeneration in Korea and
Europe. EurKorea conference
2013, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland / November 7-9, 2013.
2013 Active participation
in Art network - platform: “Balkan Express”, financed by ECF – European
Cultural Foundation, Lecture: Cultural Sustainability in Spatial Planning:
2013 Partner in art and
innovation platform “Roglab” (part of Second Chance programme) -
. Partner Center for Spatial Sociology (Center za prostorsko sociologijo).
Active participation in Roglab with lectures and workshops - e.g. lecture Embedded revitalisation:
2012 URŠIČ, Matjaž.
Urbanisation history of Slovenia in the context of Eastern and South-Eastern
European countries. In: VOINEA, Camelia Florela (ed.). The historical heritage
of Europe : a challenge for the future of political analysis : proceedings of
the European Conference on Political Attitudes and Mentalities - ECPAM '2012,
held at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest, on 3-5
September, 2012. Bucureşti: Ars Docenti, cop. 2012, pp. 213-226
2011 URŠIČ, Matjaž.
Renovation of industrial buildings for cultural purposes : industrial heritage
as a mean of urban revitalisation or gentrification in a city?. In: Our living
heritage : industrial buildings and sites of Asia : 8th international
conference, 25 August - 27 August 2011. [S. l.: s. n., 2011], pp. 195-208.
2009 URŠIČ, Matjaž.
New localism in Slovenia - management of cultural diversity or fear of
globalisation?. V: EURODIV 5th Conference Dynamics of Diversity in the
Globalisation Era, FEEM, Milano, Italy, 22-23/10/09. [S. l.]: SUS.DIV, 2009.
2008 URŠIČ, Matjaž.
Anti-urbanity as a way of life - subcultural spaces in (pre)modern societies :
[Workshop Struggles for Urban Space, Ljubljana, 19 April 2008]. Ljubljana,
2008 URŠIČ, Matjaž.
Branding urban spaces of consumption - a critical perspective : [panel
discussion City marketing and urban branding: the impact on urban development,
Villach, July 7, 2008]. Villach, 2008.
2008 URŠIČ, Matjaž. The
emergence of "New localism" in Slovenia - values changes as a defence
against globalisation or a sign of glocalisation?. Dubrovnik, Oct. 17-18 2008: Conference:
"Globalisation of Culture”.
2007 URŠIČ, Matjaž.
Culture as exclusion? : migrants and exclusive spatial demarcation in the city.
In: EURODIV Third Conference "Diversity in Cities: Visible and Invisible
Walls", London, 11-12 September 2007. [S. l.]: SUS.DIV, 2007.
For a more detailed bibliography
and iformation about research work of Matjaž Uršič, please see COBISS (Virtual
Library of Slovenia) – Co-operative Online Bibliographic System and Services:
Fluent: English, French, Italian and Serbo-Croat
Passive: Spanish, German
Link to relevant site
Matjaž Uršič Ph.D.
Kardeljeva ploščad 5,
1000 Ljubljana
Telephone: +386 1 5805-349
Room: A 207
Urban sociology
East Asian urban development
Cultural and creative urban regeneration
Smart cities
Cultural geography
Cultural consumption
Revitalization of cities
Spatial planning
Sociology of migration
Kardeljeva ploščad 5,
1000 Ljubljana,
Tel: +386 1 5805-349
Fax: +386 1 5805-10