Curriculum vitae


Curriculum vitae

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English pages English




1999 (14/10/99) - univ. dipl. sociolog, (smer: analitsko-teoretska, usmeritev: prostorsko-ekološka), Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani

2002 (13/06/02) - magister sociologije, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani

2005 (07/07/05) - doktor sociologije, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani




2009 - 2018 - višji znanstveni sodelavec - docent - predavatelj pri predmetih Revitalizacija mest; Sociologija arhitekture; Okoljska scociologija, Sociologija trajsnostnega razvoja; Lokalnost, podeželje in družbene spremembe (FDV) Prostorska sociologija (Fakulteta za Arhitekturo)

2006 - 2014 - sodelovanje v raziskovalni skupini Centra za prostorsko sociologijo, FDV

2001 - 2005 - mladi raziskovalec na Centru za prostorsko sociologijo, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede



2017 National Cheng Kung University, Department of Architecture, Tainan, Taiwan.

2016 Soongsil University, College of Engineering, School of Architecture, Seoul, South Korea.

2012 Kwangwoon University, Department of Architecture, Seoul, South Korea.

2011 University of Seoul, School of Architecture, Seoul, South Korea.



URŠIČ, Matjaž. Urbanisation history of Slovenia in the context of Eastern and South-Eastern European countries. V: VOINEA, Camelia Florela (ur.). The historical heritage of Europe : a challenge for the future of political analysis : proceedings of the European Conference on Political Attitudes and Mentalities - ECPAM '2012, held at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest, on 3-5 September, 2012. Bucureşti: Ars Docenti, cop. 2012, str. 213-226, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 31516509]

URŠIČ, Matjaž. Renovation of industrial buildings for cultural purposes : industrial heritage as a mean of urban revitalisation or gentrification in a city?. V: Our living heritage : industrial buildings and sites of Asia : 8th international conference, 25 August - 27 August 2011. [S. l.: s. n., 2011], str. 195-208, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 30690653]


URŠIČ, Matjaž. New localism in Slovenia - management of cultural diversity or fear of globalisation?. V: EURODIV 5th Conference Dynamics of Diversity in the Globalisation Era, FEEM, Milano, Italy, 22-23/10/09. [S. l.]: SUS.DIV, 2009. [COBISS.SI-ID 29644125]

URŠIČ, Matjaž. Ali "mestni zrak" še osvobaja? : vpliv prometa in potrošnje na spreminjanje vloge odprtih javnih prostorov. V: Mednarodna konferenca Odprt javni prostor: načrtovanje, upravljanje, vzdrževanje, Ljubljana, 10.-11. april 2008. SIMONETI, Maja (ur.), MARINČEK, Polona (ur.). Zbornik predavanj in prispevkov ob mednarodni konferenci. Ljubljana: Društvo krajinskih arhitektov Slovenije: Oddelek za krajinsko arhitekturo, Biotehniška fakulteta, 2008, str. 83-86. [COBISS.SI-ID 27212893]


URŠIČ, Matjaž. Culture as exclusion? : migrants and exclusive spatial demarcation in the city. V: EURODIV Third Conference "Diversity in Cities: Visible and Invisible Walls", London, 11-12 September 2007. [S. l.]: SUS.DIV, 2007, 19 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 27236189]

URŠIČ, Matjaž. "Povej mi, kje bi živel, in povem ti, kdo si!" Odnos Slovencev do življenja v mestu. V: 42. seminar slovenskega jezika, literature in kulture, 26. 6.-14. 7. 2006, Ljubljana. NOVAK-POPOV, Irena (ur.). Mesto in meščani v slovenskem jeziku, literaturi in kulturi : zbornik predavanj. V Ljubljani: Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik pri Oddelku za slovenistiko Filozofske fakultete, 2006, str. 112-123. [COBISS.SI-ID 25363805]

OZAKI, Ritsuko, URŠIČ, Matjaž. What makes "urban" urban and "suburban" suburban? Urbanity and patterns of consumption in everyday life. V: "Rethinking inequalities". Toruń: Institute of sociology Nicolaus Copernicus university, 2005, 17 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 24304221]

URŠIČ, Matjaž. Integration of Slovenian urban system: from dispersed suburbanization to sustainable metropolitan region?. V: Adequate & affordable housing for all : research, policy, practice. Toronto: University of Toronto, 2004, 11 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 24108637]

URŠIČ, Matjaž; TRČEK, Franc. Gift economies and the transformation of regional networking. V: Cultural exchange between east and west : Europe´s rediscovered wealth - what the accession-candidates in Eastern and Central Europe have to offer, (Studien des Instituts für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa, 1). Vienna: Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa: = Institute for the Danube region and Central Europe, jan. 2002, str. 64-72. [COBISS.SI-ID 21229149]

URŠIČ, Matjaž. Transformation of Slovenian urban system : from dispersed suburbanisation to integration and revitalisation of cities?. V: Përmbledhje abstraktesh. Tiranë: Universiteti i Tiranës, Fakulteti i shkencave sociale, Departamenti i sociologjisë, 2012, str. 4-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 31265629]

URŠIČ, Matjaž. Urbanisation history of Slovenia in the context of Eastern and South-Eastern European Countries. V: VOINEA, Camelia Florela (ur.). Old theoretical foundations - new experimental and prediction challenges : proceedings of the Eastern European Exploratory Workshop on Political Attitudes and Mentalities, EEEW-PAM'2012, held at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest, on 2-4 September, 2012. Bucureşti: Ars Docenti: Universitatea din Bucureşti, 2012, str. 75-76. [COBISS.SI-ID 31503453]

KOS, Drago, HOČEVAR, Marjan, TRČEK, Franc, URŠIČ, Matjaž. Vključevanje državljanov v prometne in mobilnostne politike : mednarodni projekt CIVITAS-ELAN. V: BERNIK, Ivan (ur.). Tri desetletja spreminjanja slovenske družbe : zbornik povzetkov. Ljubljana: Slovensko sociološko društvo, 2011, str. 40. [COBISS.SI-ID 30882909]

URŠIČ, Matjaž, KRIŽNIK, Blaž. Comparing urban renewal in Barcelona and Seoul - urban management in circumstances of global competitiveness of cities. V: Urban management for an urban future : international workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15-16 October 2010. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, 2010, brez pag. [COBISS.SI-ID 30146653]

URŠIČ, Matjaž. Migration and the transformation of urban space optimizing - optimising [!] the quality of life in the city. V: EUROFOR Marie Curie Conference and PHARE Seminar, Mellieha (Malta), 8-11 December 2005. Conference reader for the fourth Marie Curie Conference within the series "From immigration politics to migration management - changes in migration governance" on International organisations and the settlement and integration of migrants and refugees and the Phare Small Scale Seminar on New governance of immigration, refugee protection and minority politics in a new Europe: the EU enlargement as a challenge to the European Union migration regime. Berlin: Berlin Institute for Comparative Research, [2005], str. 56. [COBISS.SI-ID 25821533]

OZAKI, Ritsuko, URŠIČ, Matjaž. What makes "urban" urban and "suburban" suburban? Urbanity and patterns of consumption in everyday life. V: KWIECIŃSKA-ZDRENKA, Monika (ur.). "Rethinking inequalities" : abstracts. Toruń: Institute of sociology Nicolaus Copernicus university, 2005, str. 92. [COBISS.SI-ID 24293213]

URŠIČ, Matjaž. "Očiščeni prostori" - vpliv nakupovalnih središč na zmanjševanje/ohranjanje raznovrstnosti v mestu. V: KRPIČ, Tomaž (ur.). "Varnost in tveganja v sodobni slovenski družbi". Ljubljana: Slovensko sociološko društvo, 2005. [COBISS.SI-ID 24442717]

URŠIČ, Matjaž. Slovenci in strah pred 'urbanostjo' - ohranjanje bivanjske kakovosti ali degradacija prostorskega sistema. V: KRPIČ, Tomaž (ur.). "Varnost in tveganja v sodobni slovenski družbi". Ljubljana: Slovensko sociološko društvo, 2005. [COBISS.SI-ID 24441693]

URŠIČ, Matjaž. Integration of the Slovenian urban system: from dispersed suburbanization to sustainable metropolitan region. V: HULCHANSKI, John David (ur.), MURDIE, Robert A. (ur.), CAMPSIE, Philippa (ur.). Adequate and affordable housing for all : research, policy, practice : research abstracts from the International Housing Research Conference, University of Toronto, 2004. Toronto: CUCS Press, Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto, cop. 2004, str. 201-202. [COBISS.SI-ID 24107101]

URŠIČ, Matjaž. Extending the city borders - suburbanization or metapolisation?. V: Ageing societies, new sociology : book of the abstracts. Murcia: European Sociological Association: Universidad de Murcia, 2003, str. 530. [COBISS.SI-ID 24106589]

URŠIČ, Matjaž. Urbanism of digital city. V: Living in digital city = Življenje v elektronskem mestu = Nova Gorica, 12.-13. march 2003, Congress center HIT Hotel Perla. Nova Gorica: Cubist, Inštitut za kreativne študije, 2003. [COBISS.SI-ID 22071901]

URŠIČ, Matjaž. Compact and spead city: global networks and local differences. V: Newsletter. [s. l.]: [s. n.], 2002, str. 14. [COBISS.SI-ID 25122397]





tekoče – angleško, francosko, italijansko, srbohrvaško

pasivno – špansko, nemško


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