2017 URSIC Matjaz. Critical reconsideration of social
and cultural elements that constitute the creative ecosystem of
a city : examples from Slovenia and Japan. Traditiones. ISSN 0352-0447,
vol. 46, no. 1/2, pp. 149-170, doi: 10.3986/Traditio2017460203.
2017 URŠIČ, Matjaž, PAVLIN, Samo, MEDVED, Primož. Occupational
Development in the Field of Sustainable Urbanism– The Case of
Sustainable Neighbourhoods. Theory and Praxis. ISSN 0040-3598,
sep.-okt. 2017, vol. 54, n. 5, pp. 885-903.
2017 URŠIČ, Matjaž. Presentation of developments in the field
of Slovene urban sociology. Japan Consortium for Sociological
Societies newsletter, spring 2017, issue 10, pp. 10-13.
2016 URSIC Matjaz. Characteristics of spatial distribution of
creative industries in Ljubljana and the Ljubljana region. Acta
Geographica Slovenica. Print version: ISSN: 1581-6613, digital
version: ISSN: 1581-8314. Vol. 56, No: 1, 2016. DOI: 10.3986/AGS.
2016 URSIC Matjaz. Declarative or active corporate environmental
responsibility? : overlaying of corporate environmental responsibility
standards with socio-cultural values related to sustainable
development. In: Corporate social responsibility. Rado Bohinc
(ed.).Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, pp. 83-114.
2016 URŠIČ, Matjaž. Online news media and local stakeholders
in the urban development process : the case of renovating the
Bežigrad Stadium in Ljubljana. Teorija in praksa, ISSN 0040-3598,
Sep.- Okt. 2016, Vol. 53, No. 5, pp. 1191-1212.
2015 URSIC, Matjaz, MAKSUTI, Alem, DEŽELAN, Tomaž. The salience
of local urban development in the political party arena : a
longitudinal analysis of Slovenian parliamentary party programmes.
In: Lex localis - Journal of Local Self Government. ISSN 1581-5374,
Vol. 13, no. 3, July 2015. Maribor: Institute for Local Self-Government
and Public Procurement, 2015, pp. 615-638, DOI: 10.4335/13.3.639-638(2015).
2015 URSIC, Matjaz. Hidden touch of the countryside? Classes
and 'urbanity' in the case of Ljubljana and Maribor (Skriti
pridih podeželja?: razrednost in urbanost v primeru Ljubljane
in Maribora). Teorija in praksa, ISSN 0040-3598, jan.-apr. 2015,
letn. 52, št. 1/2, str. 236-252, 308-309.
2014 URŠIČ, Matjaž, DEKKER, Karien, FILIPOVIČ HRAST, Maša.
Spatial organization and youth participation : case of the University
of Ljubljana and Tokyo Metropolitan University. Annales, Series
historia et sociologia, ISSN 1408-5348, 2014, Vol. 24, Issue.
3, pp. 433-450.
2014 DEŽELAN, Tomaž, MAKSUTI, Alem, URŠIČ, Matjaž. Capacity
of Local Development Planning in Slovenia: Strengths and Weaknesses
of Local Sustainable Development Strategies. Lex localis - Journal
of Local Self-government, Vol. 12, Issue 3, July 2014. DOI:
2014 URSIC, Matjaz. The role of traditional marketplaces in
the post-industrial city – A comparative analysis of influences
of urban renewal in Korea and Europe. In: Quaderni di Cultura,
EUROKOREA 2013: European Perspectives of Korea. Trinity College
Dublin, TCD and Trauben, Turin.
2014 DEŽELAN, Tomaž, MAKSUTI, Alem, URŠIČ, Matjaž. The potentials
of normative sustainability : an analysis of sustainable development
strategies on global, supranational and national levels. European
quarterly on political attitudes and mentalities, ISSN 2285-4916,
Apr. 2014, vol. 3, iss. 2, pp. 34-49.
2013 URŠIČ, Matjaž. Preservation or degradation of local cultural
assets in central Tokyo - the case of the plans to relocate
the Tsukiji fish market. Innovative issues and approaches in
social sciences, Jan. 2013, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 35-63.
Tadej (avtor, fotograf), PETERLIN, Marko, URŠIČ, Matjaž, OČKERL,
Petra, MARN, Tatjana. Kreativna
urbana regeneracija : priložnosti v Ljubljanski urbani regiji
= Creative urban regeneration : potentials in the Ljubljana
Urban Region. Ljubljana: IPoP,
Inštitut za politike prostora, 2012. 123 str., ilustr. ISBN
978-961-92936-6-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 72063233]
URŠIČ, Matjaž, HOČEVAR, Marjan. Protiurbanost
kot način življenja, (Knjižna zbirka Ost, 02). 1. natis.
Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, 2007. 128 str., ilustr.
ISBN 978-961-235-310-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 236570880]
URŠIČ, Matjaž. Urbani prostori potrošnje,
(Knjižna zbirka Teorija in praksa). Ljubljana: Fakulteta za
družbene vede, 2003. 133 str., ilustr., tabele. ISBN 961-235-144-9.
[COBISS.SI-ID 128174848]
URŠIČ, Matjaž. Public perception
of changes in Ljubljana's transport and mobility system : identifying
key themes, barriers and relevant stakeholders. V: TRČEK, Franc
(ur.), KOS, Drago (ur.). Rethinking
everyday mobility : results and lessons learned from the CIVITAS-ELAN
project. Ljubljana: Založba
FDV: = The Publishing House of the Faculty of Social Sciences:
CIVITAS ELAN, 2012, str. 65-87, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 31635293]
URŠIČ, Matjaž. The importance of culture in urban regeneration
practices. V: FISCHER, Katrin. Revitalisation through arts
and culture : new developments for 5 European industrial complexes.
Nürnberg: Second Chance, cop. 2012, str. 29-37, fotogr. [COBISS.SI-ID
URŠIČ, Matjaž. Cultural diversity in the transnational city
: fear of globalisation and exclusive spatial demarcation of
immigrants. V: BOUCHER, Gerard W. (ur.). Transnationalism
in the global city, (Maior series, vol. 6). Bilbao: University
of Deusto, 2012, str. 27-43, graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 31156317]
URŠIČ, Matjaž. Tako blizu, pa tako daleč - bivanje med kraji
in nekraji Marca Augéja. V: MURNIK, Maja (ur.), AUGÉ, Marc.
Nekraji : uvod v antropologijo nadmodernosti, (Zbirka
Mediakcije, knj. št. 9). Ljubljana: Maska, 2011, str. 131-159.
[COBISS.SI-ID 30887773]
KRIŽNIK, Blaž, URŠIČ, Matjaž. Urbana preobrazba Ljubljane
: naraščanje potrošnje, monumentalizacija in pomanjkljiva infrastruktura
= Urban change of Ljubljana : growing consumption, monumentalization
and deficient infrastructure. V: BUGARIČ, Boštjan (ur.). Urbanost
: 20 let kasneje = Urbanity : 20 years later. Koper: Univerza
na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Univerzitetna
založba Annales: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko, 2010,
str. 19-26, 27-30. [COBISS.SI-ID 30233437]
URŠIČ, Matjaž. Managing cultural diversity in the city : exclusion/inclusion
of (sub)cultures as a factor for urban regeneration. V: ECKARDT,
Frank (ur.). Culture and the city, (Future urban research
in Europe, vol. 3). Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, cop.
2009, str. 85-102, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 29153117]
URŠIČ, Matjaž. The problem of "expert interpretative vacuum"
in media discourses - discourse analysis of texts on Ljubljana
urbanism. V: ECKARDT, Frank (ur.). Media and urban space
: understanding, investigating and approaching mediacity.
Berlin: Frank & Timme, cop. 2008, str. 145-166, ilustr.
[COBISS.SI-ID 27061341]
HOČEVAR, Marjan, URŠIČ, Matjaž, KOS, Drago, TRČEK, Franc. Changing
of the Slovene urban system: specific socio-spatial trends and
antiurban public values / attitudes. V: ECKARDT, Frank (ur.).
Paths of urban transformation, (The European city in
transition, vol. 5). Frankfurt am Main [etc.]: P. Lang, 2005,
str. 281-300, graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 25013597]
URŠIČ, Matjaž. Compact and spread city - global networks and
local differences. V: HOČEVAR, Marjan (ur.), TRČEK, Franc (ur.).
Glocal localities. Salzburg: Kulturverlag Polzer, 2002,
str. 169-175, graf. prik. [COBISS.SI-ID 21845341]
URŠIČ, Matjaž. Veliko mesto malih nakupov - "To je moje mesto".
V: KOS, Drago (ur.). Sociološke podobe Ljubljane, (Knjižna
zbirka Teorija in praksa). Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene
vede, 2002, str. 61-79, fotogr. [COBISS.SI-ID 21875293]
URŠIČ, Matjaž. Tekoča moderna - v iskanju pozitivne svobode.
V: BAUMAN, Zygmunt. Tekoča moderna, (Rdeča zbirka). Ljubljana:
Založba /*cf., 2002, str. 273-292. [COBISS.SI-ID 21528669]
trenutnih/preteklih raziskav:
V POTEKU (2017-2020): Urban Education Live (UEL) - Innovative
Urban Education in Live Settings – Local presence and mapping
technology as tools for urban capacity building and innovation
- A model for collaboration between universities and communities.
Cofund Smart Urban Futures - ENSUF, JPI Urban Europe, ERA-NET,
Horizon 2020 (H2020).
V POTEKU (2017- 2020): GETM3 - Global Entrepreneurial Talent
Management 3. MSCA-RISE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and
Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE). Funded by: H2020-EU.1.3.3.
- Stimulating innovation by means of cross-fertilisation of
knowledge, Slovenia).
V POTEKU (2013-2019): Sociological Aspects of Sustainable Socio-spatial
and Human Resource Development of Slovenia in Europe. Research
Program, National Research Agency - ARRS, Ljubljana.(2014-2016):
Analysing the implementation of eco-city paradigm in Northeast
Asia and Europ - A comparative study of cases from Korea, Slovenia,
China and Sweden. NRF Joint Research Program. Soongsil University
(Seoul, South Korea), University of Ljubljana (Ljubljana, Slovenia).
(2013-2016): Eco-Silver House (EE- Highrise) – Energy Efficient
Demo Multi-residential High Rise Building. 7th Framework program
of EU (7FP): Demonstration of low energy new buildings.
(2008-2012): CIVITAS Elan - 7th Framework programme of EU (7FP):
“Mobilising citizens for vital cities”. Measure leader in Civitas
plus (City – Vitality – Sustainability), part of SUSTAINABLE
(2011-2012): Project: “Potentials of Creative Urban regeneration”.
Funded by the European Union, EU - European Regional Development
Fund, Central Europe, Project Creative Cities, RRA-LUR, IPOP,
(2011): Utilization Concepts Draft of Rog Centre for Contemporary
Arts – Analysis of Focus Groups. Findings and Recommendations.
Project SECOND CHANCE, European Regional Development Fund within
the Central Europe programme, Central Europe, City of Ljubljana
– Department for Culture Ljubljana, June 2011.
?(2010): Project: “Quality of Life in Ljubljana”. Funded by
the City Municipality of Ljubljana. University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Social Sciences, Centre for Spatial Sociology.
(2009- 2012): SOSTENUTO - Thinking culture as a factor of economic
and social innovation, (ERDF) European Regional Development
Fund. Forming of the Cultural Quarter Tabor – Analysis of Focus
Groups. Project. Ljubljana: Zavod Bunker, 2010.
(2004- 2008): Dehierarchisation of the spatial system of the
Republic of Slovenia: from a centrality of localities to a network
of localities. Centre for Spatial Sociology, Faculty of Social
Sciences, University of Ljubljana.
(2006 – 2007): Managing Diversity in the Centre of Ljubljana:
Services, Products, Information, People, Urban Locales. Ljubljana:
City Municipality of Ljubljana (MOL).
(2001 – 2007): Measures to Improve the Quality of Life in Cities
and other Settlements – Research project Competitive position
of Slovenia 2001 – 2006. Ljubljana, Urbanistic Institute of
(2007) INTERREG III B CADSES: Project R.A.V.E Space : project
final report : raising awareness of values of space through
the process of education. Ljubljana, LUZ, The Ministry of the
Environment and Spatial Planning of Slovenia, (2007).
(2005): Values of Space and Place. Ljubljana, Centre for Spatial
Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana.
(2005) Preparation of scenarios of regional development – analyses
of longitudinal projections of movement of inhabitants and employed.
Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences,
Centre for Spatial Sociology.
(2004) Renovation of housing areas in Ljubljana – Savsko settlement:
Sociological research project (final report). Ljubljana: University
of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Studies, Centre for Spatial
Sociology, June 2004.
(2004) Research project RE-URBAN MOBIL "Reurbanisation
of inner city residential areas on condition of demographic
change". Ljubljana: City Municipality of Ljubljana (MOL);
Leipzig: Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), EU 5th Framework
(2004) Research study - Housing capacity in municipality of
Izola. Ljubljana, Urbanistic Institute of Slovenia.
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