Carnivorous plants growing in Slovenia

Marshy ecosystems are endangered in Slovenia the same way as in all of Europe. Raised bogs are situated in the mountain zone of Julian Alps and Pohorje and well protected. Lowland raised bogs are almost all destructed except several small areas in Central Slovenia.
Transitional bogs and fens are more endangered. They are surrounded by meadows, other agricultural land or urbanized industrial zones.
Nowadays several projects of protection of bogs of all kinds are running.

Most carnivorous plants are relatively rare and listed as threatened in "The Red List" (of endangered species of plants) by  Wraber & Skoberne, 1989.

bulletDrosera rotundifolia - Pohorje, Pokljuka, Zelenci, Ljubljansko barje, Logatec, near Domžale, Vojsko.
bulletDrosera intermedia - Ljubljansko barje, Near Domžale, Cerkniško jezero.
bulletDrosera anglica -  Logatec, Zelenci, near Ljubljana, Vojsko.
bulletDrosera  x obovata
bulletPinguicula alpina - Alps, prealps
bullet Pinguicula alpina cv 'Deep Purple'
bullet Pinguicula alpina f. macrophylla
bulletPinguicula vulgaris -  Sava river basin till Bled, Logatec, Pohorje, Vojsko.
bullet Pinguicula vulgaris subsp. carniolica
bulletUtricularia vulgaris - rare.
bulletUtricularia minor - Pokljuka, Logatec, Bloke, Prekmurje.
bulletUtricularia intermedia - Cerkniško jezero, Bloke.
bulletUtricularia australis -many places in Slovenia.
bulletUtricularia bremii - extinct, sometimes grew on Ljubljansko barje. Maybe refound in 2012. Or it is new species!


I am proud I'm author of a book about carnivorous plants

Mesojede rastline, lepotice in zveri
(Carnivorous plants, beauties and beasts)

It has 176 pages with many photographies.

Many people helped me: 
Andreas Wistuba, Andreas Fleischmann, David Švarc, Gert Hoogenstrijd, Giovani Astuti, Gi-Won Jang, Jan Flisek, Jan Schlauer, Juerg Steiger, Kamil Pasek, Lubomir Adamec, Mike King...
And friends on habitats: Beni Zwittnig, Branko Dolinar, dr. Branko Vreš, Iztok Mulej, dr. Jože Bavcon, Martin Meznarič, Miha Kocjan, prof. dr. Nejc Jogan, Sava Osole in že preminuli Boris Gabršček, Franci Pretnar in prof. dr. Tone Wraber.

So far you can buy the book only at Založba Narava  21 €.


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