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Somewhere in a small country there
lives a little pig with his parents and two younger brothers. His name is Piggy.
The family love walking in the forest. Piggy has the best friend Fox. They often
play football in the middle of the forest. Piggy and his friend always play
together. But they don’t always play football. They play it only in the
afternoon. In the evenings they don’t want to play football. There are
big and scary bears playing it. Bears don’t like other animals so much.
It’s almost night. Piggy and Fox are coming home. One of the bear is coming
to them. Piggy is very scared. He wants to run away but the bear is already
next to him. The bear offers Piggy his hand and says, “Hi, I’m Bear.
What’s your name?” Piggy doesn’t say anything. He is too scared.
The fox is brave and he says, “Hi, I’m Fox and this is my friend
Piggy. Why are you asking this?” The bear answers, “I’m very
sad. Everybody is afraid of me.” Piggy says, “Well, we aren’t.
Come with us. We are going home. You can eat dinner with us.”
The bear goes home with them. They are friends now. Piggy and Fox aren’t
afraid of bears anymore.
Gabrijela Baškovič, 7.b
Mentorica: Katja Satler
foto: http://www.zgs.gov.si
Some animals in danger. Slovene – English Dictionary
pingvini- penguins
sove- owls
kace- snakes
rjavi medvedi- grizzly bears
risi- iynxseverni medvedi- polar bears
tjuljni- seals
tigri- tigers
nosorogi- rhinoceros
sloni- elephants
gorile- gorillas
orel- bald eagle
kiti- whales
delfini- dolphins
vidra- otter
pande- pandas
ptici- kingfishers
severni medvedi-polar bears
Why are some animals in danger?
The owls are in danger because people cut down threes and the forests are theirs homes. By cutting down the trees they loose their home environment.
Penguins and polar bears live in Antarctica. There is a lot of ice and penguins spend a lot of time on ice bergs. Because of the global warning, the ice is melting and they loose their home environment.
Snakes live all over the world and they live in dangler because people hunt them for skin and for profit.
Iynxs live in rainy forests. They are in danger because the poatchers are hunting them for skin and for profit.
Seals are in danger because poatchers hunt them for skin and for profit. They live in cold seas.
Tigers live in Savana. They are in danger because the poatchers are killing them for skin and fur and also for profit.
The rhinceros live in Savana. They are in danger because poatchers are killing them for their horn.
Elephants live in Savana, they are in danger because the potchers are hunting them for their tusks.
The gorillas live in the jungle. They are in danger because they are hunted by poachers because they hunt them for profit and tourism.
Bald eagles live in high mountains and they've lost their home environment.
Whales live in the sea, they are in danger because poatchers are killing them. But people kill them also for fat (cosmetics).
Otters live in rivers, they spend a lot of time in rivers. They are in danger because the poatchers are hunting them for fur and for profit.
Pandas live in China, they are fed with bambus. They are in danger because of tourism and the poatchers are hunting them for profit.
Kingfisher live in the woods, they are in danger because people are killing them only for hobbies and sport.
I would like to protect the pandas. They live in China, they are fed with bambus.
I think pandas are wonderful animals. And a lot of them live in a zoos. They
are very unhappy animals.
Tina Lipovšek and Alberta Miftari 9.b,