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Denis de LUCCA

si Arhitekt, profesor, dekan Oddelka za arhitekturo in urbanizem na Univerzi na Malti. Je tudi direktor International Institute for Baroque Studies (Mednarodni inštitut za študij baročne arhitekture) ter predsedujoči Mdina Rehabilitation Committee (Uprava za kulturno dediščino Mdine) pri Ministrstvu za okolje malteške vlade. Prof De Lucca je avtor več knjig in publikacij o baročni arhitekturi in je koordinator novega podiplomskega študija 'Baročna arhitektura' na malteški univerzi.
gb Architect, head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Design at the University of Malta. He is also director of the International Institute for Baroque Studies and the chairman of the Mdina Rehabilitation Committee in the Ministry of Environment of the Government of Malta. Prof De Lucca is author of several books and publications on baroque art and architecture and the coordinator of a new M.A. in Baroque Studies course at the University of Malta.

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11th conference
Slovenscina Kamnita arhitektura srednjeveškega mesta Mdina na Malti
English Stone Buildings in Medieval Mdina, Malta
10th conference
Slovenscina Nekateri neraziskani baročni vplivi v malteškem vaškem okolju
English Some unexplored Baroque Vernacular Interactions in Maltese village environments / full text

updated: October 2001