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si Profesor na Birzeit University - Palestina od 1980, kjer je vodil predmete od gradbenih vešcin do teorije oblikovanja in tradicionalne palestinske arhitekture. Doktorat na Univerzi za gradbeništvo, geodezijo in arhitekturo v Sofiji, Bolgarija. Delal je kot višji arhitekt v Alžiriji (74-76), bil je predsednik firme MRM v Ammanu/Jordanija. Od leta 1980 je profesor na Birzeit University, od 83.87 tudi dekan fakultete. Od leta 1987 je vodil Razvojni team programa arhitekture in je bil predsedujoci akademskega programa od samega zacetka. Raziskovalno delo osredotoca na probleme regionalnosti v arhitekturi, v stanovanjski gradnji v Palestini.
gb Professor at Birzeit University - Palestine since 1980, and has taught various courses in Engineering Skills, Building Constructions, Architectural Theory and Design, and Local Palestinian Architecture. Ph.D. in Higher Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Sofia / Bulgaria. He worked in Algeria as senior architect (1974 - 1976), in 1979 - 1980 chairman of Firm MRM in Amman / Jordan. From 1980, he is Teaching professor at Birzeit University / Palestine, from 1983 to 1987 as the Dean. Since 1987 he has been the leader of the Development Team of the Architectural Engineering Program, and has been the Chairman of this academic program since its launched in 1989 up to 1997. His research activities are focused on issues of problems of Regionality in Architecture, Engineering Education in Palestine and Housing.

pismo.gif - 131 Bytes Birzeit University
Faculty of Engineering
Birzeit, POBox 14
West Bank and Palestine.
afna.gif - 144 Bytes sghadban@palnet.com
www.gif - 284 Bytes

11th conference
Slovenscina Narava etnične tradicije in njihova vloga v arhitekturnem oblikovanju
English Content and Role of National Traditions and Values in the Architectural Formation / complete paper
10th conference
Slovenscina Tipologija in kompozicija tradicionalne palestinske hiše Show
English Typology and Composition of the traditional Palestinian House / full text Show

updated: October 2001